Title Ix Essays (Examples)

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Title IX Impact on Collegiate Athletics
Pages: 4 Words: 1147

Title IX and its Impact on Collegiate Athletics
Among the more influential pieces of federal legislation to spring forth from the heady days of America's civil rights movements is Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments. This critical provision, officially found under Section 20 of the United States Code, states unequivocally that "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" (Title 20 U.S.C. Sections 1681-1688) and in essence paves the way for the inclusion of women into collegiate athletic programs. Originally enacted as an amendment to Title IX the 1964 Civil ights Act, which delegitimized systemic discrimination on the basis of race, religion and national origin, the 1972 version sought to address the issue of rampant gender inequality afflicting academia and the…...



Lukas, C. (2011, October 9). High schools don't need athletic quotas. Arkansas Democrat Gazette. Retrieved from  http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2011/oct/09/high-schools-dont-need-athletic-quotas-20111009/ 

Parker-Pope, T. (2010, February 15). As girls become women, sports pay dividends. The New York Times. Retrieved from  http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/15/as-girls-become-women-sports-pay-dividends/ 

Roberson, D. (2011, October 10). Georgia state moves fueled by title ix. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Retrieved from  http://www.ajc.com/sports/georgia-state/georgia-state-moves-fueled-1198197.html 

Shook, S.M. The Title IX Tug-of-War and Intercollegiate Athletics in the 1990's: Nonrevenue Men's Teams

Title IX and Wrestling Mention
Pages: 6 Words: 1839

The Social issue

Even if all colleges and universities correctly apply Title IX to give men and women equal opportunities, which may not be sufficient to meet Title IX's proportionality requirements. Title IX has only been in effect about 35 years; not sufficient to effect a cultural change for women and sports. Therefore, it is to be expected that women may not seek to participate in sports at the same level as men. Female participation in sports declines with age; in addition, a greater number of women than men seek post-graduate educational opportunities, which may suggest a greater emphasis on education than on athletics. Title IX does not give colleges or universities the ability to assess cultural relevance to determine whether proportionality is an appropriate goal.


While it is an over-simplification to say that Title IX has caused a decline in men's minor sports, such as wrestling, the reality is that the…...



Bentley, E. (2004). Title IX: the Technical knockout for men's non-revenue sports. Journal of Law and Education, 33, 140-166.

Breese, J. (2008). Varsity wrestling opportunities cut/dropped since 1972. Retrieved

September 28, 2008 from Intermat

Web site:  http://www.intermatwrestle.com/college/dropped.aspx

Title IX and Its Impact
Pages: 9 Words: 2582

S. Congress went ahead and passed the Civil ights estoration Act of 1988, furthermore recognized as the Grove City Bill, over a rejection by President onald eagan (Priest, 2003). That rule abolished Grove City College v. Bell and then made the bill plainly obvious that if any part of a school makes the decision to accept federal aid, then every part of the school will then be subject to Title IX guidelines (Walton, 2003).
Contemporary Importance of Title IX

esearch shows that the Title IX is one of the well-known civil rights achievement stories in all of education, and it really does owe a lot to the determined funding of politicians like Vice President Biden. Previously to the Title IX, in 1972, there was something like fewer than 30,000 female students that were actually participating in recreational and sports programs at NCAA member organizations. That amount has risen approximately six-fold even since…...



Pauline, G. (2012). Celebrating 40 years of title IX: How far have we really come? Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(8), 4-5,56.

Priest, L. (2003). The whole IX yards: The impact of title IX: The good, the bad and the ugly. Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, 12(2), 27-27.

Reisch, J.T. (2005). Compliance with title IX at kingston state university: A case study on cost allocation and ethical decision making. Issues in Accounting Education, 20(1), 81-97.

Staurowsky, E.J. (2007). Travelers on the title IX compliance highway: How are ohio's colleges and universities faring? Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal, 16(2), 46-82.

Title IX Gender Bias Abstract
Pages: 10 Words: 3379

To that extent, an attempt is made to get a balanced legal perspective by employing at least two bodies of legal expertise.
Ann Weatherall, like Harrimon, will be utilized to gain a supporting and, or, contrasting social, environment, political and relationship perspective on gender equity. Weatherall approaches the issues by looking at several different facets of information than does Hariman. In this way, we get an expanded view of those areas not covered by Hariman, but nonetheless of social, political, academic and personal significance in the relationship between men and women.

Madeline Arnot (2002) contributes a collection of essays on educational theory and feminist politics. Arnot explains the usefulness of her work this way:

This book charts my contribution over the last twenty-five years to the emerging field of gender scholarship in education. This is a field which comprises some of the most sophisticated research in education. It engages with diverse theoretical…...




Anderson, D.J., Cheslock, J.J., & Ehrenberg, R.G. (2006). Gender Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics: Determinants of Title IX Compliance. Journal of Higher Education, 77(2), 225+. Retrieved March 5, 2008, from Questia database:

Title IX as Ancient as Egypt
Pages: 8 Words: 2797

Ancient as Egypt
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C.S. § 1681-1688 law established in 1972 was a groundbreaking law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in much of education. 20 U.S.C.S. § 1681(a) states that "no person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." Many may wonder how such a "new age" law could be relevant to ancient history. Taking a look back into the time of the Ancient Egyptians, one will see how women's rights were put into existence as early as 3100 B.C.E. In many cultures, women were not respected and did not play important roles in society. Egypt was the first group to develop a respect for women and even have them as pharaohs. Because of the high…...


Works Cited

20 U.S.C.S. § 1681(a).

Bagnall, Roger and Raffaella Cribiore. Women's Letters from Ancient Egypt: 300 BC- AD800.

Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006.

Deurer, Richard. Creation mythology. Egypt Art. 2010. Web. 18 Jul. 2012.

Title IX of the 1972
Pages: 2 Words: 549

Awareness of legal considerations and implications can help educators follow what the law requires and avoid legal entanglements (Imber & Van Geel, 2004).
4. How are legal issues and financial issues related in education?

Legal issues are related to financial issues in education because if the school gets sued for a legal infraction committed by a staff member, then the school could end up in serious financial trouble. Schools have very limited budgets as it is, and teachers who break laws by crossing inappropriate lines with students, or any other type of transgression, can result in a civil suit that can be extremely damaging to the school's financial status, as well as its reputation. Under the current funding structure there are numerous problems that need to be resolved, and just as many potential solutions, all with their own sets of pros and cons. Currently, "The local school districts, then, are 'creatures…...



Cooper, B.S., Fusarelli, L.D., & Randall, E.V. (2004). Better policies, better schools: theories and application. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Imber, M. & Van Geel, T. (2004) A teacher's guide to education law, Mahwahm NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

McCarthy, M.M. & Cambron-McCabe, N.H. (1992). Public school law: teachers' and students' rights. Boston: Allyn and Bacon

Yell, M. & Drasgow, E. (2008) What every teacher should know about No Child Left Behind: A guide for professionals. (2nd ed). Prentice Hall.

A Comparison of Title IX at Uh Manoa and the Mountain West Conference
Pages: 5 Words: 1702

college athletic programs in America are out of control. The excessive budgets of athletic programs make many large state universities appear like sports teams with a few tenured professors hanging around irrelevantly. The demands of athletic programs are so excessive that if they were professional, they would violate labor laws, and student athletes at Northwestern University have engaged in an abortive effort to unionize. There is very little procedurally that holds back these excesses, but one of the few things that does try to guarantee some sense of moderation and equity is the government's Title IX mandate. Title IX applies only to state-funded schools, because it is part of a governmental education mandate, but in practice this includes almost all schools in America because of the way that federal funding is disbursed even at institutions where the government is not the primary funder -- in all of these institutions…...



OPE Cutting Tool. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education, 2015.  http://ope.ed.gov/athletics 

Richmond Times-Dispatch. "Title IX: The Three-Prong Test." June 23, 2012. http://www.richmond.com/sports/article_be3ede40-9561-53ff-bdbb-6c426b1e6286.html

"Title IX at 40." 2015. http://www.titleix.info

Women's Sports Foundation. "Guide to Title IX." East Meadow, NY: 2009.  https://laulima.hawaii.edu/access/content/user/trina/WS%20240/Readings/GuidetoTitleIX.pdf

Save Title Xi When the
Pages: 3 Words: 1024

Critics of Title XI argue that by requiring institutions of higher learning to provide equal funding and equal opportunities for men and women is not valid, because there is less public interest, amongst both men and women, in collegiate sports. But such thinking shows how Title IX "threatens the privileged male culture of athletics by challenging assumptions that activities, money, and fame belong to men. Through Title IX, many women have concluded that they have the right to expect equal treatment in athletics. Assumptions of equality -- when they challenge a privileged world -- inevitably create angst and anger. Universities where discrimination against women athletes is substantially greater...find it exceedingly difficult to state that women athletes are as important as men...To the big athletic schools. Title IX can seem like a challenge to bowl games, March Madness, and alumni enthusiasm." (Lazerson, Marvin & Ursula agener, 1996, p.8)

It may indeed be…...


Works Cited

Conniff, Ruth. "A new day for women's sports - favorable TV images of the Atlanta

Olympics." The Progressive. Sept 1996. [23 Oct 2006]  http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1295/is_n9_v60/ai_18610910 

Lazerson, Marvin & Ursula Wagener. "Missed opportunities: lessons from the Title IX case at Brown - suit by women athletes against Brown University." July-August

1996. Change. [23 Oct 2006]  http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1254/is_n4_v28/ai_18603196

Boost for Women's Athletics but
Pages: 10 Words: 3098

Secondly, the report alluded to by CSC asserts that in "gender symmetric" sports there are "far more scholarships available for women (32,656) than for men (20,206)." The third bullet point in the CSC press release points out that men's volleyball is the "by far the most difficult" scholarship at the Division I level; there are reportedly 489 high school athletes for every full ride NCAA scholarship.

The "underlying" data that CSC used to put together their press release comes from two NCAA reports: "1981-82-2006-07 NCAA Sports Sponsorship and Participation Rate Report" and "2006-07 NCAA Division I Manual." Also factored into the report is data from the national Federation of State High School Associations. And so what is the College Sports Council calling on the federal government -- and the Department of Education (DOE) -- to do? The press release says that "women are accorded far more opportunities to compete and ear…...


Works Cited

American Association of University Women. "Report Card on Gender Equity." Retrieved

June 28, 2009, from   (2004).http://www.aauw.org .

Brake, Deborah. "Revisiting Title IX's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond the Three-

Part Test." Journal of Gender, Social Policy & The Law, 12(3), 453-473. (2004).

Rio Linda Dist Recruiting &
Pages: 5 Words: 1630

A principal, for instance, will advertise on Ed Join for, say, a third grade, second grade or whatever opening he or she has, screen and hire the candidates, and then notify Personnel.
At the io Linda Union School District, job candidates still bring in their applications in person. They bring portfolios to interviews. Not nearly as much is done online, in the screening and hiring processes, as it is at within other districts nowadays. The io Linda Union School District's still-centralized hiring, according to Barker, allows for greater consistency in hiring. Barker also added, however, that unlike in the past, she now considers it best for principals to select their own new hires from a pool of recently hired candidates, in order to best meet the needs of, and have the best fit with, that principal's own school. This, Barker said, is because unlike in the past, schools today must…...



Barker, B. (October 17, 2005). Interview. Rio Linda Union School District Office,


Certificated Personnel BP 4112.2 CERTIFICATION. (October 30, 2005).

California school boards association. Retrieved October 30, 2005, at http://www.gamutonline.net/indexframes40.html.

Barriers Female Educators Experience With Regard to Promotion Positions in Management and Leadership
Pages: 3 Words: 1474

arriers Female Educators Experience With Regard to Promotion Positions in Management and Leadership
Gender-ased Employment iases in Educational Fields:

An Examination of the arriers Experienced by Female Educators with Regard to Promotion and Management Positions in Education

While the plight for gender-equitable workplace has long been thought to have a potential solve within the halls of academia, the disparate employment equation between men and women has long been under-observed. The feminist's battle cry for equality rallied the forces around professional gender streamlining, and in the face of affirmative action for races, the professional inequality across genders gained widespread attention in the second half of the last century. Much of the increased discourse was cemented by the Title IX legislation, passed in 1972 and cementing the importance of gender balance in academic fields.

Title IX most notably prohibited sexual discrimination in education for students, but its legal boundaries included educators and pedagogues directly in the…...



American Educational Research Association. 2005 Annual Meeting: Demography and Democracy in the Era of Accountability. Washington, D.C.: AERA, 2005.

American Educational Research Association. Complementary Methods for Research Education. Second Ed. Washington, D.C.: AERA, 2005.

American Educational Research Association. From Research Findings to Policy Advice: A Guide for AERA Members. Second Ed. Washington, D.C.: AERA, 2001.

Bailey and Campbell, S.M. And P.B. "Gender Equity: The Unexamined Basic of School Reform." Stanford Law and Policy Review. Volume 5. (Winter, 1992.) p. 73-86.

What Is the Number One Reason Parents Home School Their Children
Pages: 22 Words: 6151

Homeschooling Quality of Education
The Need for and the Purpose of the Project

The Subproblems

Definitions and Abbreviations of Terms


Methodology for investigating problems identified as subproblems

Note on the Anti-Homeschooling Debate

Specific data by subproblem

Conclusion by subproblem

Subproblem one

Subproblem two

Subproblem three

Sources Cited

Growth in Homeschooling, 1978-1999

NCES Reasons for Homeschooling

The Need for and the Purpose of the Project

Homeschooling is providing a child's main educational program at home. (ebster) Homeschooling takes the place of full-time school attendance, whether at public or private schools, and should meet all the state requirements for each grade and for graduation from high school and the interim graduations, such as middle-school and so on.

Homeschooling is not a new idea, but rather one that has returned to the forefront of educational discussion in the past generation.

Until public education became widely available in the United States during the late nineteenth century, most children were educated at home. The children of the wealthy had tutors, who often…...


Works Cited

Fact Sheet IC." 2001. National Home Education Research Institute. 14 July 2003.  http://www.nheri.org/ content.php?menu=1002&page_id=24.

Fact Sheet II b. 2000. National Home Education Research Institute. 13 July 2003.

College Sports and Recreational Activities Are Traditionally
Pages: 5 Words: 1433

College sports and recreational activities are traditionally dominated by men. Although there have been dramatic increases in women's involvement in sports at the college level, men continue to make up the majority of the participants and spectators of events and activities. The availability of high-quality recreational facilities for athletic training as well as general fitness and maintenance is necessary and integral to sports programs in colleges. It may be assumed that these types of facilities are mostly utilized by men due to their predominant participation in sports and recreation activities.
Even though participation in campus sports and recreational activities still involves men more than women, this doesn't necessarily mean that men value the importance of sports and recreation in college more than women. Milton (1998) was interested in this concept and investigated beliefs among men and women in college as to whether the development of new, high-quality sports and recreation facilities…...



Milton, P. (1998). Female and male prioritization of the availability of campus recreational facilities. National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association Journal, 22(2), 30-1.

Sport as a Vehicle for Change
Pages: 15 Words: 4806

Social Change Through omen's Sports
Promoting Social Change Through omen's Sports Leadership

The problems that cry out for social change solutions

No one who is intelligent, literate, and who is paying attention could avoid the fact that much of the world today is in need of fresh and creative ways to resolve cultural and social conflicts and to build better communities where families feel safe and futures seem secure. ar, bloodshed, racial rage, and mindless military carnage -- in addition to the disturbing, ongoing violence against women -- make up too much of the front pages of daily newspapers. Dramatic social changes are desperately needed, and the plans for those changes have yet to be drawn up by present political leadership in the United States and elsewhere.

Over the first week in October, for example: suicide bombers killed 19 innocent tourists in Bali; car bomb blasts killed numerous citizens and soldiers in Iraq; 6…...


Works Cited

American Association of University Women. (2004). Report Card on Gender Equity. Retrieved October 5, 2005, from  http://www.aauw.org .

Christofides, Nicola J.; Jewkes, Rachel K.; Webster, Naomi; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Abrahams,

Naeema & Martin, Lorna J. (2005). "Other patients are really in need of medical attention" the quality of health care services for rape survivors in South Africa. Bulletin of the World

Health Organization, 83(7), 495-502.

Male vs Female Is it Harder to
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Male vs. Female
Is it Harder to Grow Up Male or Female in America?

There is strong evidence that indicates it is no longer a man's world. Women now make up the majority of students in America's colleges and universities in addition to making up the majority of those receiving bachelor and master's degrees. Women are now entering business and law schools in record numbers. Michelle Colin reports that in the United States, women earn 57% of all BA's and 58% of all master's degrees. There are 133 woman getting BA's for every 100 men. By the year 2020 it is projected that there will be 156 women per 100 men earning BA degrees. This paper will examine this phenomenon in light of Title IX of the education amendments of 1972, which opened doors of opportunity for women. (Collin)

Title IX

Title IX of the education amendments of 1972 is the landmark legislation that…...

I\'m looking for an essay gender equality in your community or culture that is [description, e.g., research-based, persuasive, historical]. What options do you have?
Words: 545

Gender Equality in Contemporary American Culture: A Historical Perspective

In the tapestry of American culture, gender equality stands as a vibrant thread, woven amidst centuries of societal evolution and sociopolitical struggles. This essay delves into the historical trajectory of gender equality, exploring the shifts, triumphs, and ongoing challenges that have shaped its current status in American society.

Historical Roots:
The seeds of gender equality were sown in the early days of the American republic, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the Constitution (1789). These foundational documents enshrined the principles of liberty and equality, yet they fell short of extending....

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Debate between Oralism vs. Manualism?
Words: 160

Title I: The Dichotomy of Communication: Oralism versus Manualism in Deaf Education

Title II: The Historical Battleground of Deafness: The Clash between Oralism and Manualism

Title III: The Sonic and the Tactile: Unveiling the Epistemological Divide between Oralism and Manualism

Title IV: Communication at the Crossroads: Oralism, Manualism, and the Deaf Community

Title V: The Language of Exclusion: Exploring the Societal Implications of Oralism and Manualism

Title VI: The Legacy of Deaf Education: A Comparative Analysis of Oralism and Manualism

Title VII: Deaf Identity and Communication: The Symbiotic Relationship between Manualism and Deaf Culture

Title VIII: The Pedagogy of Language Acquisition: Oralism versus Manualism and the Impact....

What are the key milestones in the history of the women\'s rights movement?
Words: 560

1. Seneca Falls Convention (1848): Considered the beginning of the women's rights movement in the United States, this convention was the first women's rights convention held in the country. It was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, among others, and issued the Declaration of Sentiments, which called for women's suffrage and other rights.

2. Suffrage Movement (late 19th and early 20th centuries): The fight for women's suffrage was a key milestone in the women's rights movement. Women such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul led the charge for the right to vote. The 19th Amendment,....

What are the key milestones in the history of the women\'s rights movement?
Words: 533

Key Milestones in the History of the Women's Rights Movement

Throughout history, women have fought tirelessly for their rights and equality. The women's rights movement has witnessed significant milestones that have shaped the social, political, and economic landscape for women worldwide. Here are some key milestones:

1848: Seneca Falls Convention
Held in Seneca Falls, New York, it was the first women's rights convention in the United States.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott drafted a Declaration of Sentiments demanding equal rights for women.

1851: The First Women's Rights Convention in Ohio
Organized by Lucy Stone, Frances Dana Gage, and Paulina Wright Davis.

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