Time Capsule Essays (Examples)

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Capsule Virtual Time Capsule Hi Twenty-Second Century
Pages: 4 Words: 1401


Hi twenty-second century humans! Let me explain what life in the twenty-first century is like. I am 22 years old and I study at university for my Bachelors degree. I also work part time to support myself financially because I still live with my parents and I do not want to be a burden on them. I plan to become a chartered accountant in the next ten years so that I can buy a good house for myself in the suburbs since life in the city is quite stressful and noisy. I hope that some time in the future we will learn to act more responsibly towards the environment and be less wasteful. Sometimes I am also concerned about things having changed drastically since I was a kid which is something my parents did not feel at my age. I also hope to marry after I get…...



Hinde, R.A. (2009). Bending the Rules: The Flexibility of Absolutes in Modern Life. Oxford University Press.

McCuen, R.H., Exxell, E.Z., & Wong, M.K. (2011). Fundamentals of Civil Engineering. Taylor & Francis.

Wood, J.B. (2010). Bending the Law: The Search for Justice and Moral Purpose. In M.J. Meyer (Ed.). Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird: New Essays. Scarecrow Press.

Virtual Time Capsule A Time Capsule a
Pages: 2 Words: 648

virtual time capsule. A time capsule a grouping items future discovery. For purposes, imagine
Time Capsules

My daily life is based on routine and a deliberate forsaking of routine in which life can be lived. The routine -- brushing my teeth, cooking my food, praying when I awake -- serves to create the foundation for which I can operate at maximum capacity throughout the day. I believe that in terms of popular culture, 2012 is essentially the nadir of all the decades of popular culture that preceded it. Furthermore, I hope to provide a strong influence in the future in which I can change this, by producing works of popular culture that are truly worthy of the name. These works will be based in literature as well as in music.

Determining whether or not one should cheat on an examination issued in school is an example of a moral, decision making issue.…...



Dumas, A. (1956). The Count of Monte Cristo. New York: Bantam Classic.

Ginsburg, A. (1955). "Howl." Poets.org. Retrieved from  http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15308 

Head in the Clouds. Dir. John Duigan. Perf. Charlize Theron, Stuart Townsend, Penelope Cruz. Sony Pictures Classics. 2004. Film

1960's Time Capsule
Pages: 5 Words: 1670

Capsule from the 1960's
Peers, colleagues, and supporters: this is one of what will presumably become several reports about this time capsule from the 1960s, nearly four centuries ago. I am honored and deeply intrigued by the items found within this time capsule. Hopefully, those of us who are aware of the time capsule will gain a deeper understanding of where humanity comes from, in which directions it might be heading, and the areas of our strengths & weaknesses.

There are many numerous items, yet the items seemed to be organized into collections of five distinct groups. The first collection of items is an assortment of items from the various student movements around the world during this period. Students in many countries organized and publically protested in a variety of ways, the perceived injustices of their societies. There are a lot of posters and flyers advertising student groups, meetings for student…...



BBC News. (2013). The 1960s -- World Events. BBC, Web, Available from:   2013 February 12.http://news.bbc.co.uk/dna/place-lancashire/plain/A3768537 .

Dikkers, S. (1999). The Onion Presents: Our Dumb Century -- 100 Years of Headlines from America's Finest News Source. New York, NY: Three Rivers Press.

Kurlansky, M. (2005). 1968: The Year that Rocked the World. New York, NY: Random House Trade Paperbacks.

Walsh, K.T. (2010). The 1960s: Polarization, Cynicism, and the Youth Rebellion. U.S. News & World Report, Web, Available from: 2013 February 05.http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2010/03/12/the-1960s-polarization-cynicism-and-the-youth-rebellionredirect.

Art and Humanities From the Time Capsule
Pages: 4 Words: 1454

Art and Humanities
From the time capsule containing art from the enaissance, it would seem the capsule must contain two representations of some of the very best of the art of the enaissance. enaissance art is still some of the most well-known and appreciated art in the world, and enaissance art is characterized by a great attention to detail, especially in the human form. Think of Michelangelo's "David" and Mantegna's "Adoration of the Magi" and you see great detail in the faces and bodies of the subjects, as well as in the background and implements in the painting. This is quite common in enaissance art -- the artists were interested in depicting their subjects as accurately as possible, and as ornately as possible, because much of enaissance art was commissioned by wealthy patrons for use in churches and/or religious ceremonies. Most of the themes were religious, but portraits were also popular,…...



Cole, B. (1987). Italian Art, 1250-1550: The relation of Renaissance art to life and society (1st ed.). New York: Harper & Row.

Martin, J.R. (1977). Baroque. New York: Icon.

Murray, P., & Murray, L. (1963). The art of the Renaissance. New York: Praeger.

Discovery of a Time Capsule
Pages: 5 Words: 1961

That indicates fewer tasks for their individuals. Globalization has actually brought about exploitation of labour. Detainees and under-age employees are utilized to work in inhumane conditions. Security requirements are overlooked to produce inexpensive items. There is job insecurity. Previously, individuals had steady, long-term tasks. Now individuals reside in continuous dread of losing their tasks to competitors. Enhanced job competitors have actually resulted in decrease in earnings and subsequently lower standard of lives. Further, terrorists have access to advanced tools improving their capacity to cause damages. Terrorists utilize the Net for interacting amongst themselves. In addition, businesses have actually established sectors triggering pollution in nations with inadequate policy of pollution. Finally, fast food chains like McDonalds and KFC are spreading out in the establishing world. Individuals are consuming more unhealthy food from these areas which has a damaging effect on their wellness (Pillai, 2011).
Generally, the tradition of the 1960's has…...



Bradley, B. & Goodwin, S. (2010). American cultureal history. Retrieved January 14, 2011 from http://kclibrary.lonestar.edu/decade60.html

Carter, T (2010). Legacy of the 1960s in America. Retrieved January 14, 2010 from http://www.suite101.com/content/the-legacy-of-the-1960s-in-america

"Decades of change," (2008). The rise of cultural and ethnic pluralism. Retrieved January 14, 2011 from  http://www.america.gov/st/educ-english/2008/April/20080407123655eaifas0.7868769.html 

Dye, T. & Harrison, B. (2008). Power and society. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Legacy Chest Time Capsule
Pages: 4 Words: 1172

Legacy Chest
My name is Murakachi Shukitu. I lived in the Heian Kyo period which dominated from 794-1185 (McCullough, 1990). I live amongst poets and scholars, at what is considered the second level of court aristocracy. In my society, a woman has a duty to be married. My husband has several wives. I have selected six items which I hope best demonstrate the role of women in this society, as well as those that express my desire for a better life for my female heirs.

As a poet I have a great love of learning, yet as is common among women living during my time I never pursued a formal education. ather I live a life much like that of a recluse, spending many hours hidden behind a screen so that I might remain faithful and pious. For the Legacy Chest, I would like to leave the following six items for future…...



McCullough, Helen C. "Classical Japanese Prose: An Anthology." Stanford University Press, 1990.

Capsule a Letter of Introduction to Tell
Pages: 5 Words: 1566

A letter of introduction to tell someone in the future about your day-to-day life. What is your daily experience? Tell this person about your habits, your customs, and your feelings about our present time, and your dreams for the future.

hope that this letter finds you in the best of your health. f you have opened this time capsule in the future then you will see that times have surely changed. Hence, am writing this letter with the intention of telling you some significant things about this century that will help you see few things about this society and will give you brief introduction about the life in this century.

At present, am a happily married woman who is a devoted wife and mother of a baby boy who is 18 months of age. My day-to-day life is very busy and includes taking care of my baby and…...


I find James Cameron's Titanic (1997) one of the greatest movies of our generation. This film is the mystical representation of the human experience through time. The story of Jack and Rose depicts something significant than the simple love story. Through Rose, this movie represents the struggle for freedom that woman of that time wanted to acquire. Similarly, Jack shows the freedom to run wild that we all yearn for. Hence, this movie is the most beloved movie of the 21st century as it has depicted the legendary story for generations that can even stir the souls of the people in the future.

8. A significant item from popular culture (a toy, gadget, fad, etc.)

One technological invention of the 21st century that has created great hype is the iPAD. iPAD has revolutionized the technical gadgets of all the times. Through iPAD, all the functions such as reading books, watching movies, listening to songs, playing games, surfing the internet and drawing the ideas have become very portable. Hence, with the introduction of an iPAD, we have now stepped into new exciting globalized world.

Capsule Military Life Today if
Pages: 1 Words: 347

I would include a DVD with a clip from the first debate between President Barak Obama and Senator John McCain, in which McCain told a story of how a woman with a son serving in Iraq begged him to keep American troops in that land, so her son would not die in vain. Obama responded that he also wore a bracelet given to him by a woman whose child had died in the fight, a woman who begged him to bring the troops home so no other mother would have to suffer as she had suffered. The quality of this level of debate about a questionable military enterprise would stand as testimony to our democracy.

Finally, I would include a biography of Colin Powell, a man who has served his nation proudly in combat, and most recently as Secretary of State, despite the prejudice he faced in…...

Capsule Imagine if You Could
Pages: 3 Words: 1013

However, the life she found with her Native American captives was much more appealing to her. There were less religious restrictions, and as a woman, she had much more freedom in Iroquois culture. She was not doomed to become a submissive wife within the framework of Puritan colonialism, but instead she found her freedom through her adoptive Native American family. ith this in mind, one object in particular would help represent her struggle at a very early stage in American history. In the time capsule, I would place a recent 2009 article describing the voting demographics of women in the most recent presidential election. Eunice chose a life of relative freedom, sticking up for herself and basically paving a path of feminist rights in the earliest stages of American history. Thus, she would be proud to see how far this nation has come from its Puritan roots, giving women…...


Works Cited

Demos, John Putnam. The Unredeemed Captive: a Family Story from Early America. Vintage Books. 1995.

Martin, James K. Ordinary Courage: The Revolutionary War Adventures of Private Joseph Plumb Martin. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 1999.

Tme Capsule
Pages: 4 Words: 979

Virtual Time Capsule of 2012
Letter of Introduction

Dear Citizens of 3012: Greetings from the Good People of 2012! Congratulations -- You Made It!

A thousand years is a long time in the scope of humanity and we hope this message finds someone to read it in the future. If you are reading this, you have discovered the virtual time capsule that was created in 2012 to help capture some of the more salient and poignant aspects of life today in ways that may help you better understand us and perhaps forgive us for the damage we wrought on the planet you inherited from us. This is not to say we were naive (many of us are smart and some of us are clever here in 2012), but we had other priorities and we always assumed you would be able to take care of anything we did, no matter how terrible (good…...



Wallman, S. (1992). Contemporary futures: Perspectives from social anthropology. New York:


Analysis of The Times of Harvey Milk
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

Harvey Milk 1974 by ob Epstein
One among the foremost feature documentaries that revolve around American gay life, ob Epstein's The Times of Harvey Milk, is a creation of advocacy, taking Harvey's message of equality and hope to a larger audience. The documentary was envisioned to be an emotional narrative, which straight as well as homosexual viewers could access. The production technique of the film was extremely collaborative; moviemakers, advocates, and journalists hailing from diverse communities contributed their voice and stories, in addition to archival footage, feedback, and financial backing (Esther, 2009).

While The Times of Harvey Milk wasn't a hit at the box office, its theatrical release propelled the movie, with critical validation and awards, on a non-theatrical run that lasted long. Despite being one among the most renowned of documentaries to be released in recent decades, The Times Of Harvey Milk was received more often as a political event…...



Bailey, J. (2011, March 14). The Times of Harvey Milk: The Criterion Collection (Blu-ray). Retrieved from DVD Talk:  http://www.dvdtalk.com/reviews/47235/times-of-harvey-milk-the/ 

Esther, J. (2009). The Times of Rob Epstein, Filmmaker. The Gay & Lesbian Review, 16(4), 45.

Heath, G. (2011, March 25). The Times of Harvey Milk. Retrieved from Slant Magazine:  http://www.slantmagazine.com/dvd/review/the-times-of-harvey-milk-1965 

New York Times. (1984, October 27). Film: 'The Times Of Harvey Milk,' A Documentary. Retrieved from The New York Times:  http://www.nytimes.com/1984/10/27/arts/film-the-times-of-harvey-milk-a-documentary.html

Searching for Lost Time When
Pages: 2 Words: 739

I don't know what we expected to find. Inside the box, there was a piece of yellowed paper with careful cursive writing, a small statute of a horse covered in dirt, and oddly shaped papers, some of which I realized were paper dolls. There were also some faded labels: for pear soap, a Hershey's candy bar, and a box of Cracker Jacks, the front page of a newspaper.
I felt excited holding these things, but confused. "What is that?" said my brother, grabbing it away from me for a closer look. He threw down the box with disgust. I suppose he was hoping we had found some sort of buried treasure of coins and jewels. History did not interest him -- he liked to find dead mice, crushed bugs, or strange-looking weeds. But I was fascinated. I resisted the impulse to bury it and keep it for myself, a secret,…...

Capsule Stress Management Techniques Outline
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Prioritize. Try not to schedule too many things at once. In the words of one article by the health center at Colorado University entitled "10 Great Stress Reducers," learn to say 'no.' Also, learn to live within your budget. In other words, don't sweat the small stuff, and don't make yourself crazy by overcommitting yourself and leaving everything to the last minute. Ask yourself, do I need this? Do I have to do this?
Of course, no one can completely avoid stress in their life, and in fact, some forms of stress can be good. Lots of people like the positive, controlled stress of exercise or performing. There is a different 'perfect' balance of stress and relaxation for every person. But everyone can benefit from learning some ways to counteract the physical strains of being under stress. Stretching -- and stretching often, even simply rolling down your spine, touching your…...


Works Cited

10 Great Stress Reducers." (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at  http://www.colorado.edu/studentgroups/wellness/NewSite/StressHelpfulTips10Great.htm 

How to survive finals with less stress. (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at  http://www.colorado.edu/studentgroups/wellness/NewSite/StressHelpfulTipsFinals.html 

Stressed Out?" (Jan 2007). The National Institute of Health. NIH. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at  http://newsinhealth.nih.gov/pdf/NIHNiH%20January07.pdf 

Stretch Often." (2008). Colorado University. Retrieved 24 Feb 2008 at  http://www.colorado.edu/studentgroups/wellness/NewSite/StressHelpfulTipsStretch.html

Humanities Study Means Human In 10 Weeks
Pages: 5 Words: 1539

humanities study means human. In 10 weeks, thought critically concepts myths narratives, morality decision making, freedom, happiness, specific subjects literature, art, music, film, popular culture.
(1) I am a human being who lives in the 21st century. In my time, being human is a complex process. As a race, we exist on a series of predetermined conditions which serve to shape our daily experience into a habitual cycle of living. These general patterns converge to define the meaning of living in a modern era. As a rule, one person from my time undergoes a carefully structured education from birth to adulthood.

A day in the life of a typical modern adult person starts with waking up amidst family and getting ready for work. Jobs are required to ensure continuous survival for a family and occupy an average of eight hours out of an adult's day span. At times, adults disrupt this…...



Janaro, R. And Altshuler, T. The Art of Being Human: The Humanities as a Technique for Living. (2011) New York: Longman

Plagens, P. (2002, July 8). What Andy Saw: Warhol Wasn't Just the Godfather of Pop. He Was a Clairvoyant Whose Ideas on Celebrity, Cinema and Even Supersizing Made Him the Most Influential Artist since Picasso. Newsweek Raw, L. The Cherry Orchard. (2000) Theatre Journal vol. 52, 409

Ten Items That Reflect Life in 2015
Pages: 2 Words: 775

Exemplifying Life in 2015 in a Small Time Capsule
One of the fundamental aspects of the human condition is the desire to leave future generations with some indication concerning how people lived, worked and recreated during their lifetimes, and many individuals, groups and communities have used time capsules of varying sizes for this purpose (Hart & ollins, 2011). Given the dynamism of the early 21st century, though, accurately reflecting what life is like in 2015 is a challenging enterprise, particularly when faced with a 3-foot cubic space limitation when some time capsules are as large as living rooms (Smith, 2008). Therefore, the selection of representative items and articles to include in such a time capsule requires careful consideration and a variety of opinions in order to accurately reflect the most salient aspects of American culture and lifestyles.

To this end, this paper proposes 10 items that can be placed in a time…...



Hart, R. & Rollins, J. (2011). Therapeutic activities for children and teens coping with health issues. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Smith, B. (2008, September 26). Keeping time capsules preserve today's culture for tomorrow's historians. St. Louis Post-Dispatch (MO), 1C.

Thompson, C. N. & Brommer, D. M. (2012, Fall). Pet ownership and the spatial and temporal dimensions of evacuation decisions. Southeastern Geographer, 52(3), 253-255.

How does the title of a historical event differ between modern and contemporary history?
Words: 299

1. The Evolution of Modern and Contemporary History: Examining their Distinct Characteristics and Overlaps

2. Unearthing the Contrasts and Connections: A Comparative Analysis of Modern and Contemporary History

3. Modern vs. Contemporary History: A Journey through Parallel and Divergent Narratives

4. Exploring the Intersections: Similarities and Differences between Modern and Contemporary Historical Paradigms

5. A Comprehensive Study of Modern and Contemporary History: Unveiling the Commonalities and Disparities

6. From Modernity to the Present: Understanding the Continuum of History

7. A Tale of Two Eras: An Investigation into Modern and Contemporary History

8. Modern and Contemporary: An Insightful Exploration of the....

\"What treasures lie within your Memory Box? Unveil the forgotten memories.\"
Words: 261

1. Remembering the Past: Exploring the Significance of Memory Boxes
2. Unpacking Memories: Reflections on the Contents of a Memory Box
3. The Art of Preserving Memories: Understanding the Purpose of a Memory Box
4. Hidden Treasures: The Stories Behind the Objects in a Memory Box
5. Nostalgia in a Box: An Analysis of the Emotional Impact of Memory Boxes
6. Time Capsules of the Heart: The Role of Memory Boxes in Preserving Personal History
7. A Journey Through Memories: Examining the Connections Between Objects in a Memory Box
8. Telling Our Stories: The Importance of Personal Narrative in Memory Boxes
9. Reviving the Past: How Memory Boxes....

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