Thief Essays (Examples)

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Orchid Thief An Exercise in Narrative and
Pages: 3 Words: 1102

Orchid Thief: An Exercise in Narrative and Non-Narrative Subversion
According conventional genre expectations of fiction and non-fiction, most readers assume that nonfiction provides factual information regarding historical events in a documentary and provable fashion, without recourse to constructed dramas in the form of dialogue or long character descriptions. In contrast, the same reader might turn to a work of fiction, although fiction might not be technically accurate, to learn as well. Through the use of dialogue and flights of fantasy in narration, fiction provides insight into the human character.

The non-fiction work by Susan Orlean, entitled The Orchid Thief, however, provides ample examples of the use of non-narrative and narrative exposition. The work thus has both the expository quality of non-fiction combined with the character-driven psychological drama of fiction. Orlean is writing about an event that actually happened, thus she writes in the tones of non-fiction, in an expository fashion. But this…...


Works Cited

Orlean, Susan. The Orchid Thief. New York: Ballantine, 2000.

Italian Cinema Bicycle Thief Questionnaire
Pages: 2 Words: 577

bicycle represent for Antonio Ricci and his family?
For the impoverished Antonio Ricci, the bicycle represents everything: he has hocked his wedding sheets (with the consent of his wife Maria) to buy a bicycle to get work. The bicycle represents his virility and being able to provide for his family. It also represents his ability to be a good role model for his son Bruno, particularly after the bike is stolen and he and Bruno engage in a game of cat-and-mouse to find the bicycle.

Why do the Riccis visit "la Santona"?

For the poor, life is uncertain, and the seer's (la Santona's) advice provides the family with stability in an unstable world. The seer tells them that Antonio will find work, which comforts him and also tells Antonio that he will find the lost bike soon "or not at all," which obviously is a wonderful example of ambivalent speech (the seer…...

Satyajit Ray's Pather Panchali the
Pages: 15 Words: 3990

Ray also believed that Hollywood presented a world that was completely foreign and at odds with the reality of life in India. hy, then, had so many previous Indian filmmakers attempted to copy the Hollywood style? The result could only be failure. It was for this reason that Ray decided to turn his back on the Hollywood aesthetic altogether - and the result was Pather Panchali. Rather than the stylistic gloss that Hollywood coats its product with, Ray allowed a significant degree of "dirt" in to his film as a way of arguing with the dominant aesthetic.

In doing so, Ray purposefully chose a "rambling" novel to adapt for his first film. "The script," he later explained, "had to retain some of the rambling quality of the novel because that in itself contained a clue to the feel of authenticity: life in a poor Bengali village does ramble" (Ray 33). Indeed,…...


Works Cited

Ray, Satyajit Ray. 1976. Our Films, Their Films. Calcutta: Orient Longman Limited.

Technology Terrorism and Crime Apa Technology Terrorism
Pages: 4 Words: 1436

Technology, Terrorism, and Crime (APA).
Technology, Terrorism, and Crime

One of the most heinous terrorist groups currently operating in the U.S. In called the "Aryan Nations." This group openly states on their website that they have been "Fighting Jewish Takeover for over 35 years." ( This group of domestic terrorists post articles on their website with grammatically incorrect titles like "The menace of Multiculturalism," and "Jews that control Hollywood: Meet the filthy Kikes are behind that industry." ( There is no doubt that his group is one that is dedicated to ideals of Adolph Hitler and the supremacy of the Aryan race. This group has also used the latest technology to spread their message of hate.

The Aryan Nations is a far right white supremacist religious organization based on the teachings of Wesley Swift, who founded a church based on anti-Semitism in California in the 1940's. In the 1970's, ichard Girnt Butler founded…...



"Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian." Extremism in America. Retrieved from 

Church of Jesus Christ Christian: Aryan Nations. Retrieved from 

"Identity Theft." (2006, Jan. 5) Retrieved from 

Squires, Jennifer, (2009, March 5). Aptos 'neighbors from hell' sentenced in massive ID theft case. Santa Cruz Sentinel. Retrieved from

Hum 105 World Mythology Contemporary Hero's Quest Presentation
Pages: 2 Words: 628

HUM/105 World Mythology Contemporary Hero's Quest Presentation (Robin Hood Prince Thieves 1991 Starring Kevin Costner) Pick a contemporary story form a, movie, video game inspired a mythological epic journey a hero's quest.
The character of Robin of Locksley in Kevin Reynolds' film Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves goes through a complex set of events as he tries to discover his personal identity. In his journey he realizes that it is essential for him to get actively involved in taking on a hero-like attitude in order to save numerous individuals from falling victims to an oppressive system. As a nobleman, one would expect Robin to react differently in the face of danger, taking into account that it was characteristic for people during the era to put across attitudes that had nothing to do with the general public's well-being.

In contrast to how most would expect, Robin takes on a rebellious nature and practically…...



Dir. Kevin Reynolds. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Warner Bros., 1991.

Buhle, Paul, "Robin Hood: People's Outlaw and Forest Hero: A Graphic Guide," (PM Press, 01.01.2012)

Thomas, Leitch, "Adaptations without Sources: The Adventures of Robin Hood," Literature/Film Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 1.

False Identification and Lineup Instructions Biased Unbiased There
Pages: 7 Words: 2470

False Identification and Lineup Instructions Biased/Unbiased
There are many instances where people have been wrongly accused only because they were falsely identified or either because there was not enough evidence present that would prove them guilty. George Allen Jr. was convicted in 1983 on the charges of capital murder, rape, sodomy and first degree burglary. It has been noted that the reason for his false conviction was false confession, invalid or improper forensic evidence and government misconduct (, 2013). Another case is of Barry Gibbs who was charged with second degree murder in the year 1988. He was wrongly charged due to eyewitness misidentification and government misconduct. It was noted that Barry Gibbs served 17.5 years of jail time before he was exonerated in the year 2005. (, 2013)

These cases therefore give an idea that eyewitness misidentification is a very important cause of wrongful convictions all over the country and the…...



Brandon, R. & Davies, C. (1973). Wrongful imprisonment. [Hamden, Conn.]: Archon Books.

Buckhout, R. & Others (1974). Determinants of eyewitness performance on a lineup.. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 4 (3), 191-192.

Christianson, S. (1992). Emotional stress and eyewitness memory: a critical review. Psychological bulletin, 112 (2), 284.

Grether, W.F., & Baker, C.A. (1972). Visual presentation of information. In H.P. Van Cott & R.G. Kinkade (Eds.), Human engineering guide to equipment design (pp. 41-121). Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research

Inception Explanation Some Movies Are Based on
Pages: 3 Words: 937


Some movies are based on philosophical themes that run through the whole movie and imply meaning other than those being visibly represented. Inception was also one such movie, directed and co-produced by Christopher Nolan, the famed director of Insomnia. The director's favorite theme to make movies has been dreams and we see the same in this movie 'Inception'. The director has taken dreams to represent the power of human perception and how it can influence the subconscious of man. The two main philosophical aspects that Nolan has tried to discover are "On being awake or asleep and dreaming" and 'reality vs. unreality'. The different characters of the movie shared dream space and once shaken in the dreams, the person got up from the deep sleep. Persons having dreams were only made to wake up either when they died in the dream and by kicking them in the dream. The thesis…...


Works Cited

Balter, Leon. "Nested ideation and the problem of reality: Dreams and works of art in works of art." The Psychoanalytic quarterly 75.2 (2006): 405-445.

Fisher, Mark. "The Lost Unconscious: Delusions and Dreams in Inception." Film Quarterly 64.3 (2011): 37-45.

Rivera, Heather. "Inception." Philosophy Now 88 (2012): 46-47.

Yu-rong, Z.H.E.N.G. A Narrative Analysis of the Movie Inception. Journal of Changchun University, 11, (2011). 037.

Iran Persia Children Heaven
Pages: 2 Words: 627

Children of Heaven
One of the defining elements of Children of Heaven is the bond between siblings. Ali and Zahara are close enough in age to form a strong relationship that allows them to address the multifaceted problem of the missing shoes. The problem is multifaceted because they know their parents cannot afford new shoes, and to lose her shoes would hurt the parents' pride. Zahara and Ali work together, rather than fighting each other, which is remarkable aspect of their young personalities. Many siblings never would have worked together in this way. Instead of telling the parents what happened, Zahara works with Ali because she trusts him. Ultimately, they succeed in hiding the truth from their parents even if it makes their lives at school difficult. The missing shoes motivate both Ali and Zahara to think creatively throughout the film. First they decide to share the same pair of shoes,…...


2. Zahara's first reaction to the missing shoes is touching. She could have immediately told on Ali, and she even threatens to do so unless Ali can come up with a creative solution. As they pass notes together on the floor, the father looks on suspiciously. The children create their own pact, separate from their parents. Using the clever method of note writing, they conspire to share shoes. Zahara is not completely happy with the solution, but she trusts her brother. Ali feels terrible that he lost the shoes and is willing to do what it takes to make up for the error. They understand together that it would not solve anything to tell their parents. The shoes are already lost, and they need to come up with a solution that will prevent them from getting into more trouble. This scene has an emotional impact on me in the tender way the brother and sister learn to bond in a time of need.

3. There are several elements that make it possible to compare Children of Heaven to The Bicycle Thief. For one, a bicycle features at the end of Children of Heaven as it carries a pair of pink shoes. This could even be a deliberate and conscious allusion to 1948 The Bicycle Thief on the part of the filmmakers given the movies share much in common. Elements that the two films share in common include featuring a poor family at the center of the story; the use of creative thinking to solve real world problems; and the theme of personal pride especially as it relates to masculinity. Both Antonio and Ali share in common a desire to redeem their poverty as a matter of personal pride. They understand the need to break some social rules and norms in order to help those they love.

4. Children of Heaven is unique in that it offers insight into the daily lives of Iranians. The pacing of the film is good, and aesthetically, the film presents Tehran in a way that focuses on its people. Two children are the protagonists of the film, but the film is written for everyone. Likewise, the movie takes place in Iran but the themes are universal in scope. Ali and Zahara work together; they do not want to hurt their parents who cannot afford new shoes. The film is heartfelt, heartwarming, and touching. Scenes that reveal the tender bond between two young siblings show how emotional ties transcend the petty problems that poverty presents. Anyone curious about Persian society should watch Children of Heaven. However, the film does transcend its cultural and historical context because it shows how people work together to collaborate creatively on common goals.

Oppel Kenneth Silverwing New York
Pages: 5 Words: 1323

The title character is a foster girl living in Munich during the time of World War II, who lives largely by stealing, and begins adding books to her store of illicit goods and takings when she is taught to read by her foster father. She and the cast of characters she shares her treasured books with find them a welcome escape from the fearful and hungry lives they lead. The slice of history that is presented in the book along with the fiction of the story itself makes this as much an educational novel as it is a coming of age story, and the plot touches on many other deeper and more universal themes, as well. Narrated by Death, it is known that doom eventually comes to each of the characters, but the mechanisms by which this occurs and the poignancy of the tale maintains both suspense and enjoyment of…...

Thoreau Says Government Is at
Pages: 5 Words: 2152

What does this have to do with the rest of paragraph 27?
The individual and the institution of the state cannot flourish when their interests are in competition: one of the 'seeds' must die.

33. In this paragraph, Thoreau talks about how he sees his neighbors in a new light after his night in jail.

After suffering the loss of his liberty, he sees how little his neighbors are willing to risk of their own security to see justice done.

Paraphrase each of these observations:

a. "I saw to what extent the people among whom I lived could be trusted as good neighbors and friends;"

I saw that the people amongst whom I lived were good in name only -- they spoke about the value of justice, but would not lift a finger to do promote justice.

b. "that their friendship was for summer weather only;"

They did good deeds only when it was convenient for them…...

E-Communities' Impact the Impact of
Pages: 18 Words: 4918

Twelve ESL learners who participated subsequently found that participating in text-based online chat rooms promoted a noticeable difference in their face-to-face conversations, particularly in noticing their own linguistic mistakes.
Psychologists stress little if any learning occurs without attention. "Text-based online chat, a particular form of synchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) involving written oral-like conversation, has the great potential of increasing noticing for two reasons:

1. Compared to face-to-face conversations, CMC allows conversations to flow at slower speeds than face-to-face; consequently permitting "speakers" to have longer times to process receiving and producing the target language.

2. CMC can save texts (previous messages) in format that users may later access. (Lai and Zhao)

The following copy of "ESL Online Talk Community" illustrates concept Lai and Zhao present.

Practice makes perfect, but many ESL students do not have opportunities to practice speaking English. This Website is trying to establish an online community to enable learners to practice their…...

Chorus in Oedipus Rex the
Pages: 2 Words: 743

King Claudius says this about the title character of "Hamlet." He says this to Laertes, to explain why he has not physically punished Hamlet yet, for the killing of Laertes' father Polonius. Thus, the two must conspire to punish Hamlet via a duel with a poisoned sword, says Claudius, because he cannot offend the queen. This quote shows the king's lying nature, as the king cares less for Polonius than eliminating the son Hamlet, who knows how he came to the throne, and his fears of raising suspicions in the court about his complicity in old Hamlet's death.

2) "You-here? You have the gall to show your face before the palace gates? You, plotting to kill me, kill the king-I see it all, the marauding thief himself scheming to steal my crown and power!"

As his fate closes around him, the king of Thebes "Oedipus" raves in horror at the sight of…...

Who Is Responsible
Pages: 2 Words: 731

on should have locked his car doors. However, whoever took the new slacks he left in his car knew or should have known that it is wrong to steal, even if it is easy to do so. on should have the right to live his life without his property being stolen, and being careless (leaving the door unlocked) does not give someone else a right to take his things. While he should have been more careful, he really does not have any official responsibility for the theft. The thief bears 100% of the responsibility for the theft of the slacks, since he (or she) made the conscious choice to steal something that did not belong to him (or her). Even if a person leaves something valuable just sitting out, no one should take that item (Wallace, 2004). One could argue that on should "know better" or that he was…...



Dutton, D.G. (2006). Rethinking domestic violence. Vancouver, BC, Canada: UBC Press.

Wallace, H. (2004). Family violence: Legal, medical, and social perspectives. NY: Allyn & Bacon.

Methods Identity Theft Takes Place
Pages: 2 Words: 696

Identity theft is a kind of theft that involves someone stealing the identity of someone else by assuming that person's identity (Lai, Li, & Hsieh, 2012). This is usually a method of gaining access to the person's resources like credit cards and other things in the person's name. This is considered a white-collar crime and it has gained popularity amongst criminals. Identity theft does not involve any physical theft. Therefore, the victim might not realize the theft until significant damage has occurred. Identity thieves make use of a variety of methods, and not all of them are computer based. Thieves can go through the person's trash or mail searching for bank and credit card information, statements, and tax information. The information stolen can then be used to commit crimes like accessing credit under the person's name and using their details. Another method used to steal information is stealing the person's…...



Lai, F., Li, D., & Hsieh, C.-T. (2012). Fighting identity theft: The coping perspective. Decision Support Systems, 52(2), 353-363.

Tajpour, A., Ibrahim, S., & Zamani, M. (2013). Identity Theft Methods and Fraud Types. International Journal of Information Processing & Management, 4(7).

Today's Russian Mafia
Pages: 10 Words: 3585

communism," "vodka," may be "Vladimir Putin." But everyone who would be asked about Russia would also say "Russian mafia" who are very cruel and dangerous gangs from Russia and who wouldn't stop behind anything in achieving their dirty plans.
The term and the phenomenon of Russian mafia are pretty young if compared to well-known mafia of Sicily, Italy, Latin American cartels. The first news and rumors about Russian mafia in the United stated appeared in 1980 ies, when a massive immigration of predominantly Russian Jews started from the Soviet Union. Russian mafia had penetrated into the infrastructure of the main business centers of the U.S.A.: New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Boston. They spread their influence over the successful immigrants from Russia, who have to pay for their "protection" or who have to allow mafia representatives participate in running businesses.

If to look on the nature of relations of Russian immigrants…...


3. Hoffmann, D. "Fragile Foundation," The Washington Post, December 26, 1996

4. Mafia invades New York, Article BBC NEWS available on web: 

5. Khonanikhin, A. Mafiocracy in Russia, Article available on web:

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about inflation?
Words: 210

The Economic Plague: Unraveling the Perils of Persistent Inflation

The Contagion of Inflation: Its Causes, Consequences, and Cures

Inflation: A Pandemic for the Economy, a Remedy for the Debtors

The Silent Thief: Inflation's Insidious Impact on Households and Societies

Unveiling the Enigma of Inflation: A Multifaceted Exploration of Causes and Effects

The Inflation Crisis: A Symptom of Deeper Economic Malaise

Hyperinflation: The Monetary Abyss, Historical Precedents, and Lessons Learned

Inflation: A Catalyst for Social Unrest, Political Instability, and Economic Collapse

Taming the Inflationary Beast: Central Banks, Monetary Policy, and the Fight Against Price Spirals

The Dilemma of Inflation: Its Short-Term Benefits and Long-Term Detriments

Inflation, a Global Scourge: Tracing Its....

What impact does the title of a piece of literature have on the portrayal of abortion?
Words: 505

The Title's Influence on Abortion Portrayal in Literature

The title of a literary work serves as a potent gateway into its thematic landscape, setting the tone and shaping readers' expectations. When the subject matter involves the sensitive and polarizing topic of abortion, the title's influence becomes particularly profound.

Signalling the Taboo

The mere mention of "abortion" in a title can trigger instant reactions, evoking strong emotions and preconceived notions. It can instantly convey the novel's controversial nature, signaling to readers that the work will grapple with complex ethical dilemmas and societal divides. Titles such as "The Abortion" (Ann Oakley), "Abortion: A Woman's Right....

What is the importance of a title in defining the content of a work?
Words: 660

The Significance of Titles in Defining Literary Content

In the realm of literature, a title serves as the captivating gateway to a world of words, a beacon that guides readers toward the essence of a work. Beyond its immediate function of identifying a piece, a title plays a pivotal role in shaping reader expectations, providing insights into the narrative's themes, and offering a glimpse into the author's creative intentions.

Setting the Stage for Reader Expectations

Titles possess an almost magical ability to evoke anticipation and set the stage for reader expectations. By crafting carefully chosen words, authors can instill within readers a sense....

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