19th c. Post-ar American Industrialization
It is a truism that large-scale warfare tends to increase industrial production and innovation, and that societies benefit from this industrialization after the war is over. In America, the Civil ar was followed by the economic prosperity of the Gilded Age -- I would like to argue that the chief effect of this prosperity was to cause new conflicts in American society, which had to be settled by reform rather than Civil ar.
This paper will focus on three separate aspects of industrialization: (A) Child labor and other exploitative economic practices / (B) Economic instability / (C) Economic inequality. Aspect (A) will include discussions of child labor in the time period covered, and also discussions of the role played by economics in post-war racial issues (Jim Crow), the radicalization of various populations…...
mlaWorks Cited
Hofstadter, Richard. The American Political Tradition. New York: Vintage, 1989. Print.
Oshinsky, David. Worse Than Slavery: Parchman Farm and the Ordeal of Jim Crow Justice. New York: Free Press, 1997. Print.
White, William Allan. "What's the Matter with Kansas?" Emporia Gazette, 15 August 1896. Web. Accessed 2 February 2014 at: http://projects.vassar.edu/1896/whatsthematter.html
The added bonus is that now you, the writer, are familiar with all of the material in the essay.
This familiarity will help you with the next two steps. You need to write the introduction and the conclusion. The introduction usually is written first, but you can reverse these if you prefer. The introduction should grab the reader, perhaps with a story or something in the current news that relates to the subject. The most important thing is that you must remember the thesis statement. It can come at the beginning, or at the end, but should not be buried in the middle.
The final part of the writing is the conclusion. The conclusion ties the entire paper together. The main objective is to reinforce the arguments you have already made. You should not add too much to the conclusion that has not already been stated. The conclusion instead should focus…...
Flight Denzel Washington
Theses Statement
Flight Denzel Washington's canon for the way it represents race and/or gender
This report is compiled to critically analyze film 'Flight' directed by obert Zemeckis casting Denzel Washington as a lead role. The report analyses how gender and race are discussed in the movie and what are gender and racial lessons communicated in the movie.
The movie Flight is directed and launched in 2012. The movie is of action genre and is a drama film. The main character in the movie is Denzel Washington with his distinguishing voice that is a symbol of deep emotions and sentiments. The movie is first attempt of obert Zemeckis to make an action movie after he made Cast Away and What Lies Beneath a decade ago. The movie got nominated for a couple of Academy Awards for Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay (Bradshaw, 2013).
The story of Flight revolves around an airline captain…...
Bradshaw, P., (2013), "Flight -- review," Retrieved from:
Tookey, C., (2013), "Denzel, your Flight is a fright! Even an Oscar worthy turn from its star can't get this cliched tale off the ground," Retrieved from:
Even with the fact that it is difficult to determine the exact purpose of Luther's writing, it is only safe to assume that it stands as a basis for the Reformation movement. It is very probable that Luther did not actually intend this text to be an attack on the pope, as he actually wanted to question particular matters regarding the Catholic Church. One of his main concerns is obviously that of condemning indulgences, given that it was virtually impossible for a moral individual to understand them. In wanting to have local theologians actively engaged in discussing his topics, Luther went against the Church and led to one of the most important revolutions in the history of Christianity.
Luther did not want to relate to God in his theses, considering that most of the subjects he discusses involve people and their inability to observe the injustices committed by the Church…...
Financial Statements
Importance of Financial Statements
The Importance of Accurate Financial Statements to Outside Business Interests
The four financial statements are the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flow, and statement of owner's equity. All of these statements are interactive even though they each serve a unique purpose. They are intended to assess the health of a business and their accuracy is vitally important to investors, creditors and other outside interests. The income statement, statement of cash flow, and statement of owner equity, close out at the end of each year. The balance sheet amounts are carried over from year to year (Kurtz, 2010).
Both internal and external entities use these statements in order to inform the decision making process. These documents provide pertinent information on the financial position (balance sheet), profitability (income statement), and operating, investing, and financing activities (statement of cash flow and statement of owners equity) of a company.…...
"Cash vs. accrual accounting." (2000). Inc. Nolo.com Inc. Retrieved September 27, 2012, from http://www.inc.com/articles/2000/04/19194.html
Horngren, C.T., Harrison W.T., & Oliver, M.S. (2012). Accounting (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kurtz, D.L. (2010). Contemporary business, 13th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Lasher, W.R. (2008). Practical financial management (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
Internal Decision-Making
Despite the highly purposeful construction of the annual report, however, there are no inaccuracies or deliberate attempts to mislead investors immediately apparent in MD's assessment of its financial situation, and indeed the annual report provides an excellent roadmap for the company's decision-making process during the year. Its divestment of certain operations was a direct response to the reduced capital -- through heightened repayment obligations and the loss in sales -- that the company experienced and continues to predict for the immediate future (MD 2009). Other company decisions were likewise based on appropriate and immediate recognition of and response to financial data.
t the same time, some of the financial figures that MD presents in its annual report show operating losses extending back several years before the onset of the recession, in some departments (MD 2009, pp. 60). The company's responsiveness to this issue seems to have been slower than the…...
mlaAt the same time, some of the financial figures that AMD presents in its annual report show operating losses extending back several years before the onset of the recession, in some departments (AMD 2009, pp. 60). The company's responsiveness to this issue seems to have been slower than the annual report indicates; though the organization was spurred into restructuring and divesting itself of some of its less profitable operations by the recession, some of these problems existed previously. The new partnerships that the company formed during the year also seem to be the result of analysis of rising operating costs, especially when paired to the reduced sales and income that the company experienced during 2008. Most of AMD's decision-making appears to come form an analysis of projected (and real) costs and income; it was not until the recession severely hurt income levels that the extra costs the company was accruing became a significant problem.
Many of the major decisions made by AMD in 2008 were, of course, the result of complex and long-term analyses that are beyond the scope of the current paper. Even a brief analysis of the 2008 annual report, however, demonstrates the company's reliance on and utilization of financial data and analyses. It is only with accurate and complete information that responsible and effective decisions can be made, by both investors and the company itself, and AMD definitely strives to provide that in its annual report. This does not prevent the company from presenting the information in such a way that puts it in an advantageous light, however.
If on the other hand, the individual asks his friend to return the money, he can place it in an investment with a 15% interest rate and, by the end of the year, the $10 will be worth $11.5. In this order of ideas, we come to the realization that having money now is more valuable than having it in the future as, through time, money has the ability to multiply, if wisely invested.
Q11 -- Cash Budgeting
Cash budgeting is a complex process, with a simple definition however. It sees that organizational managers conduct an analysis and estimation of the cash which is expected to enter and leave the organization. The process refers to "an estimation of the cash inflows and outflows for a business or individual for a specific period of time. Cash budgets are often used to assess whether the entity has sufficient cash to fulfill regular operations…...
Moffatt, M., 2009, Recession? Depression? What is the Difference? About, last accessed on August 27, 2009http://economics.about.com/cs/businesscycles/a/depressions.htm
2009, Cash Budget, Investopedia, last accessed on August 27, 2009http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cashbudget.asp
Likewise, I would consider allowing students to propose a legitimate video-based documentary on a topic ordinarily presented through traditional textbook and lecture presentation about Cold War geopolitics could substitute a qualifying video documentary in preparation for objective tests. Other students may wish to explore the prospect of learning the same material from audio tapes where such material exists.
In my opinion, the benefits of such an approach within the learning-centered environment is twofold: (1) it stimulates exploration capable of revealing greater academic potential than achievable for particular students through the more limited traditional approach, and (2) it could conceivably help students whose mediocre academic performance belies their raw intelligence, as measured by diagnostic intelligence testing. In my humble opinion, the near-exclusive focus of traditional education on textbook-based learning allows a substantial number of students with considerable intellectual potential to fall through the proverbial cracks of the modern educational system. In many…...
League for Innovation in the Community College Homepage. Retrieved October 6, 2008 from www.league.org/league/projects/lcp/index.htm
Most importantly, I want to return to my father at least a fraction of what he has given to me in education and encouragement. If it were not for his decision to home school me, I would not have been where I am today, and most likely I would have set less ambitious longer-term goals.
A graduated my home schooling career with honors, earned extra credits, and achieved all the goals I set for myself. I did this entirely by self-directed scholarship, and on the basis of what I received from my parents. This in turn enabled me to enter college at the unusually early age of sixteen years old. At seventeen, I have no completed almost two years of college. This, in my view, gives me an advantage over many other people at my age. Through home schooling I have matured to a level where can pursue my studies…...
"Howl" and "Guernica" Outline
The paper demonstrates the ways in which both pieces of art contemplate and express multiple themes, including those of religion, morality, happiness, life-affirmation, and freedom.
"Howl" is a poem that is both a mourning and a celebration of life.
"Guernica" is an expression of pain and war.
oth works of art have many themes and many of the same themes.
Ginserb, the 1950s, and "Howl"
He composed the poem in the middle of the 1950s, one of the greatest decades in history for mainstream America.
He is heavily influenced by previous poets and by his own lived experiences.
Howl" shows readers how they can be connected to spirituality, religion, and what is sarcred or holy with, and without the use of the formal church.
Poetry is another form of storytelling that is best when read/performed aloud.
Howling, Expression, and Jazz
A. If we are howling, either out of pain or out of pleasure, we are alive and…...
1. Raento, P., & Watson, C.J. "Gernika, Guernica, Guernica?: Contested meanings of a Basque place." Political Geography, Vol. 19, Pgs 707 -- 736, 2000.
The authors discuss the many ways to interpret "Guernica." The authors focus upon why and how Picasso created such a dense work of art. The authorts furthermore explore and offer various ways for readers to interpret the painting from a historical and contemporary perspective.
2. Ginsberg, Allen. Howl. City Lights Books: San Francisco. 1956. Print.
This is the entirety of the poem. There is a foreword, preface, and afterword. The majority of the book consists of the poem "Howl," although there are other poems. Some of the other poems in the book are directly related to "Howl" in subject and style, and some are more obtusely related to the title poem.
The mission statement for Toyota should be much more meaningful than the generic, bland "make better cars and contribute to society." Such a pointless mission statement is a waste of everybody's time. This mission statement might sound better in Japanese, but in English it is awful. It also seems like that was the mission when the company was founded. As Radtke (1998) points out, the mission statement may need to be updated as the business evolves over time. The worthlessness of this mission statement would be excusable if the rest of the "Right ay Forward" had any meaning, but it does not. The phrases are all vague, empty cliches: "putting the customer first," "high-quality vehicle at an affordable price," "the…industry has faced a difficult operating environment," "major changes are anticipated," "we will continue [to overcome challenges] in the future." None of these statements would be informative or visionary to a…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Radtke, J. (1998). How to write a mission statement. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=good%20mission%20statement&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tgci.com%2Fmagazine%2FHow%2520to%2520Write%2520a%2520Mission%2520Statement.pdf&ei=jlu8TrLeNYnkiAKdn9W3Aw&usg=AFQjCNEPjoIb6vuhd4MyzeByL-bbbjebyg&cad=rja
"The Right Way Forward" Toyota. Retrieved November 10, 2011 from http://www.toyota-global.com/investors/ir_library/
MICOSOFT: No terrorist is going to try to blow up Microsoft; no oil products are needed to run computer hardware and software; computers run the world of commerce; and Bill Gates owns a huge percentage of all things computer software-related, so the Microsoft steamroller is a great investment and not as vulnerable to world conditions as are the first two companies reviewed in this section.
One final conclusion: for EXXONMOBIL, albeit their fortunes can change because of the war and oil's vulnerability to war, their earnings for the 4th quarter of 2004 were their highest ever ($8,420 million), and they have friends in the White House in Bush and Cheney, so their financial picture remains very bright; for FOD, they experienced a $5 billion pre-tax profit from their "financial services" (auto loans) division, which is very impressive; moreover, car sales are booming and Ford will, in the near future, realize additional…...
AllBusiness (2005). What Are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles? Retrieved February 8, 2005, at http://www.allbusiness.com/articles/content/17954.asp .
Anderson, Curt. (2005). Microsoft Reports Record Revenue and Earnings. Retrieved February 9, 2005 from Microsoft Investor Relations Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/msft .
Bruebaker, Gary H. (1999). A Question of Value. Government Finance Review, 15(3),
Ensman, Richard G. (1999). Accrual Basis vs. Cash Basis Accounting. Doors and Hardware, 63(10), 20-22.
eligious Group's Statement
William James' passage at the top of Gordon D. Kaufman's essay, "eligious Diversity and eligious Truth"
is both profound and poignant (187). Kaufman quotes James as saying "... The whole notion of the truth is an abstraction from the fact of truths in the plural ... " James also writes that "Truth grafts itself on previous truth, modifying it in the process
In the case of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), also known as the Mormon Church, their "truth" has most certainly been "grafted" on previous truth, and the various "truths" that they build their religion upon -- plus, the "new truths" they seek to promote all over the globe -- make an interesting study for purposes of this paper.
The thesis of the paper is as follows: the doctrines, beliefs, basis of origin / foundation -- and the social strategies of the LDS church…...
Kaufman, Gordon D. Religious Diversity and Religious Truth. In God-Mystery-
Diversity, 172-206. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. 1969. Romanticism. In Attitudes Toward Other Religions:
Some Christian Interpretations, ed. Owen C. Thomas, 49-69. Notre Dame:
"Why? Because of their products. Product development is what interests the consumer" (Blanchard, pg. 7). Perhaps the automakers should take note.
One toy manufacturer does an excellent job of marketing to the consumer. Mattel uses an ongoing tracking program in its efforts to sell more Barbie dolls.
The last decade has seen over 40 differently featured Barbie dolls for sale in approximately 140 countries. ecently Mattel discovered they no longer had to change the features of Barbie (at least in Asian countries) because "market testing led an official from Mattel to proclaim: "Blond Barbie sells just as well in Asia as in the U.S." (Cross, Smits, 2005, pg. 874). Now it is possible for children almost everywhere in the world to be happy with their new Barbie dolls. That is a fine example of consumer-centric activities.
Blanchard, D.; (2006) Are your best practices getting the job done?, Industry Week, Vol. 255, No.…...
Blanchard, D.; (2006) Are your best practices getting the job done?, Industry Week, Vol. 255, No. 12, pg. 7
Cross, G.; Smits, G.; (2005) Japan, the U.S. And the globalization of children's consumer culture, Journal of Social History, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 873-890
Pettit, M.L.; (2008) an analysis of the doctor-patient relationship using Patch Adams, the Journal of School Health, Vol. 78, No. 4, pp 234-238
" here, I worked part-time as a translator and interpreter. It was indeed a magnificent experience to work with members of this demanding theatrical profession. Every day was a constant surprise and a constant challenge to my linguistic abilities. I had to put works of great emotion, the off-stage as well as the on-stage monologues, of these fine actors into comprehensible form, structure, and prose for the delight and edification of others and for audiences of all ages.
his constant, daily, living act of translation also highlighted for me the delicate balance between subjectivity and objectivity in the art of translating another's words and thoughts into another language and cultural system of ideas. Beyond decoding the meaning of the source text or voice, and recoding it into the language and meaning of another text and voice, I learned that in the immediacy of life there is always an element between the…...
mlaThis is even more important for someone in a specific field, as in medical and scientific translation, as often words have a different meaning in the technical lexicon of the profession or a discipline then they do in more colloquial usage. For much as I enjoyed my tenure with the theatrical company, for me, even more gratifying than making the arts understandable is the ability to make the often difficult and frightening world of medicine and science comprehensible. To see my knowledge of a language bring comprehension, the understanding of the 'yes, I see,' or the 'a-ha' in the eyes of another is as satisfying as landing a well-spiked volleyball over the net, another of my favorite leisure time pursuits, or of hearing applause while standing on the stage.
My knowledge of technical subjects and fluency in the language of scientific technology has been honed through my computer knowledge and my proficiency in technical languages. I am fluent in Windows98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. Microsoft Applications such as Word, Excel, Access, Explorer, FrontPage, PowerPoint, Publisher, Photoshop, and I have a good knowledge of HTML programming and the languages involved in web design.
Translation, regardless of the language and the lexicon -- scientific, computer, medical, or artistic -- is about the conveyance of meaning as perfectly as possible into a language and a manner understandable to another person's language and lexicon. To be a translator is to be the human facilitator in the process of creating meaning and bridges between cultures. It is a skill I have performed in the past, and one that I hope to further sharpen and perfect, in school and in my professional life.
To develop a thesis statement, the first thing you'll need to do is determine what kind of paper you're writing. It will be either expository (explain something to the reader), argumentative (make and justify a claim), or analytical (break down and evaluate an issue). The type of paper you're writing will affect the content of your thesis statement, which should be very specific. The main issue you'll cover in your paper should be listed in your statement, and should be backed up with proper evidence. Generally, the statement will appear at the very end of the paper's first paragraph. As....
You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....
Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website ACBJ.com provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....
To argue against animal abuse, you want your thesis to clearly state that you're against it and why. Your opinion should be a part of the thesis statement, but you want to be careful to actually present arguable, logical points, as well. You could say you're against animal abuse for a number of reasons. For example, some common ones are that animals feel both physical and emotional pain (abuse is cruel), that animals can't defend themselves and people should care for them because of their innocent nature, and that animal abuse can lead to further deviant and criminal behavior -....
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