Therapeutic Recreation Essays (Examples)

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Therapeutic Recreation Relies on the Principles That
Pages: 4 Words: 1461

Therapeutic ecreation relies on the principles that people, mainly children can learn better through recreational environments and activities. In the therapeutic setting therapeutic recreation relates to the use of a recreational activity to allow children the opportunity to learn skills and abilities they might not be able to learn by other means, as in the therapeutic recreational setting learning is done in a natural and low pressure way and in this setting children especially have limited pressures to perform. Unlike more structured forms of therapy the environment and activity offers a sense of freedom that allows learning to come naturally when the individual is in a relaxed state and in theory and practice when they are more able to apply and retain lessons learned as a process of desire to achieve greater skills at the recreational task and possibly to apply them to other environments. Therapeutic recreation can serve as…...



Association for Play Therapy of the U.S. Website. (2010) Retrieved December 1, 2010 from:

Bloomquist, M. (2003) Animal Assisted Therapy. Feature Article Retrieved December 1, 2010 from: .

Chandler, C.K. (2005) Animal assisted therapy in counseling. New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Group.

Lundberg, A. (1998) The environment and mental health: a guide for clinicians. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum and Associates.

Therapeutic Recreation or TR Is
Pages: 8 Words: 2144

The problem is aggravated by the student's need for physical activity and exercise. This is the gap and the solution filled in by TR programs. They have the knowledge about disabilities and provide alternatives for specific needs not included in the curriculum. ut they have to be as knowledgeable about legal obligations and risks related to their programs as they are about the programs. The failure to recognize such risks or observe pertinent legal obligations not only exposes them to legal threats. It also substantially slows down the progress of the practice in schools. Updated knowledge on legal obligations and risks should then be incorporated into their guidelines so as to reduce exposure to liability suits (Taniguchi et al.).
TR for Older Adults with Dementia and ehavioral Symptoms

Most of health care deals with disturbing behaviors by administering medications, such as Thorazine and Haldol (uettner et al. 2006). These medications are…...



Asenjo, Bill. Recreation Therapy. Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health: CBS

Interactive, Inc., 2005. Retrieved on March 28, 2009 at;col1 

Bent, Leah M.; Johnson, Kristen; Klaas, Sarah; Rathsam, Shannon; and Schottler,

Jennifer an Upward Slope. Parks & Recreation: National Recreation and Park

Motivation to Become a Physician
Pages: 1 Words: 307

Currently, I am working as a surgical technologist in two hospitals in Arkansas - Arkansas Children Hospital and the VA Hospital. I do surgical scrub on various cases of all surgical services, general, orthopedics, vascular, ENT, neurology, urology, and burns. To update and enhance my skills, I attended different medical training courses.
Since my youth, I had been in the scene of medicine. At the age of seventeen I was diagnosed with diabetes. Hence, in y sophomore years in college, I did a presentation on diabetes where I provided information on the symptoms, complications, and how to cope with diabetes. During my Junior year, I had family members that were diagnosed with breast cancer, glaucoma, heart attacks and thyroid problems.

Such experiences are my motivations in becoming a Physician Assistant. The feeling that I get from providing medical services is unfathomable and cannot be measured by anything....

Integrating Children With Autism Into a Physical
Pages: 8 Words: 2281

Integrating Children with Autism into a Physical Activity and ecreation Setting
The purpose of this study was to examine the patterns of behavior of children who were severely handicapped and autistic as they were integrated into a physical education and exercise program (Schleien, et al., 1987). The desire was to determine whether the social and behavioral skills of these children were improved after they had been exposed to an exercise and physical education program, or whether there was no difference seen. The way that the handicapped children were treated by the other children in the program - who were not handicapped - was also examined, in an effort to draw conclusions about how individuals treat those who are different and whether those differences cause children to shun others or accept them. Only two handicapped children were used for the study, and they were eight and eleven years old (Schleien, et…...



Schleien, S., Krotee, M., Mustonen, T., Kelterborn, B., & Schermer, A. (1987). The effect of integrating children with autism into a physical activity and recreation setting. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 21(4): 52-62.

Asperger's Syndrome Mentally Capable Socially
Pages: 9 Words: 2608

Educators and other professionals in related fields have responded to the increasing prevalence of the condition by developing and implementing appropriate strategies and interventions even without sufficient understanding of the disorder. Teachers, counselors, school psychologists and others who render related services are encouraged to be familiar with the DSMIV-TR. They are also advised to acquire a working knowledge of the school-related characteristics of students with as so that they can deal with these students' learning needs. These children or learners exhibit typical social, behavioral or emotional, intellectual or cognitive, academic, sensory and motor characteristics. Many teachers remain incognizant of the special academic needs of as learners because these learners give the false impression that they comprehend the lesson. Their repetitive learning style and high-level of comprehension cover the deficits, which will otherwise reveal the disorder (Myles and Simpson).
These interventions and strategies are social and behavioral supports, academic planning and…...



Atwood, T. (2006). Asperger's Syndrome. 12 pages. Tizard Learning Disability Review: Pavilion Publishing (Brighton) Ltd.

Bower, B. (2006). Outside Looking in: Researchers Open New Windows on Asperger's Syndrome and Related Disorders. 6 pages. Science News: Science Service, Inc.

Frey, R. (2003). Asperger's Syndrome. 2 pages. Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders: Gale Group

Huffman, G.B. (2001). Autism: Detection, Evaluation and Interventions. 2 pages. American Family Physician: American Academy of Family Physicians

Senior Fitness
Pages: 10 Words: 3628

Senio Fitness
Descibe the effect of execise on blood suga levels. How will this effect you execise ecommendations fo both insulin dependent and non-dependent clients food intake?

Execise cetainly helps to monito and assue healthy blood suga levels. It can help to decease cuent glucose levels in the blood as well as buning stoed blood suga, which is a leading facto in helping individuals lose weight. Moeove, execise can incease muscle mass and cadiovascula enduance. The addition of muscle can futhe help in egulating blood suga levels and glucose usage duing execise sessions.

When making ecommendations fo execise schedules fo clients with diabetes and othe insulin elated disodes, I would cetainly begin with a solid examination of the individual's specific backgound. While I would cetainly be inteested to know about any potential poblems even with non-diabetic clients, I would like to know about the seveity and specificity of the diabetic individual's medical histoy.…...


references - Each client has a preferential learning style involving a dominant sensory channel. The trainer should take an active approach to learning style of each participant.

29) Give an example of each rule of professional conduct for teachers of older adults.

1. Professionalism -- Trainers should do their best to maintain the utmost levels of professionalism during sessions. An example of a commonly made mistake would be perhaps taking a cell phone call during a session.

2. Punctuality -- Knowing that many older adults are chronically early, it is critical for trainers to be on time and ready to begin their sessions.

3. Appropriate Language and Terminology -- Being that many older clients will not likely recognize most modern fitness terminology, it is important for trainers to convey their messages in a clear and understandable way. Failure to do so could potentially result in injury.

Healthcare Discrimination Against Minorities and Corporate Issues
Pages: 10 Words: 5615

healthcare services, many people could encounter some form of discrimination on the basis of their race, gender, or even sexual orientation. Discrimination in healthcare may seem like it is not something that is a major issue. However, it absolutely does come up in many situations, states and environments. hether based on gender, religion, race or sexuality, discrimination happens at overt or implied levels all of the time. In other situations, there are huge disparities in healthcare outcomes from one group to another and many experts say that this can only come from systemic or sporadic instance of racism from the healthcare sphere, from society in general or a combination of the two. hile most people get very good care, there are situations where the healthcare and/or government sectors fall short. It is important to note that although people are not always aware of this; there are various laws that…...


Works Cited

Cornell Law School. (n.d.). 11 U.S. Code Section 507 - Priorities. Retrieved from 

Cornell Law School. (n.d.). 18 U.S. Code Section 152 - Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery. Retrieved from (2002). Access Now, Inc. v. Southwest Airlines Co. Retrieved from 

State of California. (n.d.). California Corporations Code. Retrieved from

Sledge Hockey
Pages: 10 Words: 2960

Sledge Hockey is a terrific sport that individuals with physical disabilities can participate in. This sport was developed in the 1960s at a Swedish rehabilitation center. By modifying a metal sled (aka sledge) to fit two ice hockey skate blades under the sledge (so that a hockey puck could pass under it, the Swedes allowed themselves to be able to slide around the ice without inhibiting the movement of the hockey puck. They used round poles that had bicycle handles as sticks with which the propelled themselves across the ice—much like skiers use sticks when they are skiing long distance. Their game required no goaltenders, but other than that it was very similar in spirit to regular ice hockey: the goal was to get the puck into the goal—and instead of skating, the players sledged or sledded across the ice in the customized sledges that allowed the puck to pass…...

People Help Themselves An Interdisciplinary
Pages: 47 Words: 12988

The study will also be important to those in the future, because scientists have not yet found ways to cure these chronic illnesses or correct some of these problems that are seen today, and therefore it stands to reason that there will be more people in the future who will have to face the same problems as those with chronic illnesses and traumatic injuries today.
Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is relatively large, simply because there has been a great deal written about chronic illness and injuries from the perspective of the physician and from the perspective of the patient. Both sides are important, although the focus here will remain largely on the patient perspective. Because there are so many people today that suffer from a chronic illness or traumatic injury, much study has been done about these individuals. Despite these studies, however, not a lot of…...



Anderson, B.L. (2002). Biobehavioral Outcomes Following Psychological Interventions for Cancer Patients. Journal of Counsulting and Clinical Psychology, 70(3), 590-610.

Brannon, L., & Fiest, J. (2004). Health Psychology: Vol.. An Introduction to Behavior and Health (Fifth ed.) Belmont CA: Thompson/Wadsworth.

DiMatteo, M. (2004). Social Support and Patient Adherence to Medical treatment: A Meta- analysis. Health Psychology, 23(2), 207-218.

Eitel, P., Hatchett, L., Friend, R., Griffin, K.W., & Wadhwa, N.K. (1995). Burden of Self-Care in Seriously Ill Patients Impact on Adjustment. Health Psychology, 14(5), 457-463.

Methods and Materials Used in Teaching Music Art and Physical ED in the Self-Contained Classroom
Pages: 6 Words: 1640

Teaching in the Self-Contained Classroom
Music, Art and Phys. Ed. In Self-contained classroom

In 1996, the United States Department of Education mandated laws that required school districts to create inclusive programs to integrate students with various disabilities into the general school population.

However, a study conducted by the National Council on disabilities in 2000 showed that most school districts have not transitioned into full mainstream classes. Instead, an estimated 20% of children with disabilities continue to spend their schooldays in self-contained classrooms, apart from the general school population (right and right).

Proponents of the self-contained classroom, however, believe that such settings can be advantageous, particularly for students with hearing impairments, mental retardation and those with physical or learning disabilities.

This paper examines how students in total or semi-self-contained classrooms can benefit from instruction in art, music and physical education. It looks at the challenges of teaching such classes and how educators have adapted techniques from…...


Works Cited

Boyer, Lynn and Christine Lee. "Converting Challenge to Success: Supporting a New Teacher of Students with Autism." The Journal of Special Education, 35(2). Summer 2001. Wilson Database.

MacDonald, Victoria and Deborah L. Speece. "Making Time: A teacher's Report on Her First Year of Teaching Children with Emotional Disabilities." The Journal of Special Education, 35(2). Summer 2001. ProQuest Database.

Shapiro, Deborah R. And L. Kristi Sayers. "Who Does What on the Interdisciplinary Team: Regarding Physical Education for Students With Disabilities?" Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(6). July/August 2003. Wilson Database.

Wexler, Alice. "Painting their Way Out: Profiles of Adolescent Art Practice at the Harlem Hospital Art Studio." Studies in Art Education, 43(4). Summer 2002. ProQuest Databse.

Jewish Child and Family Services
Pages: 5 Words: 1527

Love and non-judgmental acceptance may be the most important things. Yes, money can help a person find a niche in life, but money is insufficient to get a person off the street. Following up later with some of the residents, I discovered that many would have returned to the streets a long time ago, despite their opportunity of free accommodation and food, were it not for the friends and care that they felt in these homes. Many of them, over and again, reiterated the bonds that they had formed one with another and, sometimes, with the staff members themselves. Some, through the staff members, had found support in the external community.
This presence of support was particularly evident in the foster home. There the 'foster parents' seemed to have a reputation for providing unconditional love, and I was greatly struck with the way that some of the residents, particularly the…...

The Palm Gardens Center for
Pages: 5 Words: 1379

All these professionals work together in order to establish a
rehabilitation plan that works best for each individual. The component
members of the team are subject to change in accordance with each
individual's needs and requirements. Also, the center holds
interdisciplinary conferences.
The Palm Gardens Center does not use volunteers in its activity. The
reason behind this choice relies on the fact that this center is a for
profit organization. All the individuals employed here are paid. Most of
them work full time, but there are also part time employees.
In management's opinion, it is not a good idea to use volunteers,
because people that are not financially motivated tend to not perform their
tasks as good as they are supposed to. Basically, if one wants something
done properly, the activity in cause must be remunerated in accordance.
The Palm Gardens Center is very involved in the life of the community
in which it activates. The center is not oriented only towards increasing
profits or…...


Reference list:

1. Mission (2005). The Palm Gardens Center. Retrieved March 25,

2009 from  

2. Staffing Information (2009). UCompareHealthCare. Retrieved

March 25, 2009 from


3. Palm Gardens Nursing Home, Brooklyn, NY (2009). Hospital Data,

Hospitals and Nursing Homes Profiles. Retrieved March 25, 2009 .

Juvenile Injustice How the Juvenile
Pages: 5 Words: 1841

, 2009). While there are schools in the juvenile system, some of these Hispanic children may come in so behind in their educations that they will requires special services to bring them current in their educations. Therefore, educational and mental health concerns are highlighted for Hispanic youth entering into the juvenile justice system.

The juvenile justice system in the United States is out-of-control. While Fairfax County, Virginia's juvenile justice system is not experiencing the same problems as other areas, it would be erroneous to assume that its system is still the best way of dealing with juvenile offenders. Fairfax County has a large Hispanic population, and Hispanic youth are overrepresented in its juvenile justice system. One must assume that a lack of cultural sensitivity has helped contribute to this problem. Ensuring that Hispanic youth and their families have access to the same quality of non-penal services as other youth would help…...



Chambers, B. (2009, June 11). Latino youth in the juvenile justice system -- key facts.

Retrieved October 11, 2011 from Reclaiming Futures website: 

County of Fairfax Virginia. (2011). Delinquency (juvenile criminal cases). Retrieved


Lit Review of Elderly Dementia
Pages: 16 Words: 4779

Cognitive Disorder in Elderly
Cognitive Disorders in Elderly

Sachiko Furuya

Cognitive Assessment & Lab

Kris Thomas, PhD

The research of this study is related to cognitive, dementia, Alzheimer disease, and depression issues with the elderly populations of the United States and in the world in general. Societies with a large number of elderly people such as the U.S.A. are increasingly focusing their efforts on improving the life standards of these people based on the types of services given to them. The well-being of those on palliative and hospice care is as important as the well-being of the family members of these patients. Although many health issues present themselves during the elder years of any patient, there is a lot of attention paid to cognitive and mood issues in this age group. The disorders and maladies that are relevant to this population include, among others, depression, dementia, mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and milder cases of Alzheimer's.…...



American Psycholgical Association (APA) (2010). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. American Psychologists Association.

Abby C. (2010). Physical Activity for an Aging Population. Public Health Reviews, Vol. 32. Retrieved from: 

Aklin, W. M., & Turner, S. M. (2006). Toward understanding ethnic and cultural factors in the interviewing process. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 43(1), 50-64.


Timesharing in Resorts Holiday and
Pages: 35 Words: 9737

National corporations own many chains, even though several others are independently owned but affiliated with a chain through a franchise agreement.
Types of Hotels

The U.S. Department of Labour (2004) denotes five basic types of hotels:

Commercial - These hotels operate year round and are primarily located in cities or suburban places. The larger properties offer an assortment of services for their guests, such as coffee shops, restaurants, cocktail lounges, gift shops, newsstands, theatre, health spas, swimming pools, etc.. Even larger hotels offer banquet rooms, ballrooms to accommodate wedding receptions; business meetings. Convention and business meetings provide major sources of revenue for larger hotels

esort - These hotels are primarily located in vacation destinations near mountains, the seashore, or other attractions. Nowadays, some resorts provide additional convention and conference facilities to stimulate their customers to combine business with pleasure. (U.S. Department of Labour, 2004)

esidential - These establishments provide a living quarter for permanent…...



Anderson, K. (2003, March). Time Out: Getting the Best Deal on a Vacation Time-Share. Black Enterprise, 33, 115.

Anderson, A. (1996). Timesharing- enviable growth lures major hospitality companies into industry. Hotel online. (Online). Available from URL:   30 October 2005).q ,(accessed

Brit Couple Killed as Timeshare Turf War Erupts in Tenerife; HUSBAND AND WIFE WORKED FOR MIDLAND CONMAN. (2006, January 15). Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England), p. 3.

Crimes of Persuasion (2000). Deceptive Timeshare, Campground and Travel Club Sales. (Online). Available from URL:   3 November 2005). ,(accessed

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