Theoretical Foundation Essays (Examples)

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Tabula Rasa vs Innate Ideas
Pages: 4 Words: 1305

10 Strategic Points TemplateArticle CitationWigton (n.d.)PointDescriptionLocation(Page #)Broad Topic AreaThe efficacy of 19znf based on quantitative methods of measurementp. 1-2Lit ReviewThe literature review explores the background and history of the problem, discusses theoretical foundations and conceptual frameworks, and reviews relevant NF models. It identifies a need for an expanded theoretical/conceptual sectionpp. 24+Problem StatementIt is not known, by way of statistical evaluation of either clinical assessments or QEEG z-scores, if 19ZNF is an effective NF technique.p. 62Research QuestionsR1a. Does 19ZNF improve attention as measured by the IVA assessment?R1b. Does 19ZNF improve behavior as measured by the DSMD assessment?R1c. Does 19ZNF improve executive function as measured by the BRIEF assessment?R2. Does 19ZNF improve electrocortical function as measured by QEEG zscores such that the post z-scores are closer to the mean than pre z-scores?p. 63Sample21 participants: cases which met the inclusion criteria of being a 19ZNF case, having both a pre and post QEEG…...

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Nursing Can Be
Pages: 10 Words: 4161

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing:
Nursing can be described as a science and practice that enlarges adaptive capabilities and improves the transformation of an individual and the environment. This profession focuses on promoting health, improving the quality of life, and facilitating dying with dignity. The nursing profession has certain theoretical foundations that govern the nurses in promoting adaptation for individuals and groups. These theoretical foundations include theories, theory integration, reflection, research and practice, and assimilation.

Grand Nursing Theory:

There are several grand nursing theories that were developed by various theorists including the Science of Unitary Human Beings by Martha ogers, Sister Callista oy's Adaptation Model, and Systems Model by Betty Neuman. Sister Callista oy's Adaptation Model is based on the consideration of the human being as an open system. She argues that the system reacts to environmental stimuli via cognator and regulator coping techniques for individuals. On the other hand, the stabilizer and innovator…...



American Sentinel (2012). 5 Steps for Nurses to Stay Updated with Health Care Changes.

Retrieved September 4, 2013, from 

Andershed, B. & Olsson, K. (2009). Review of Research Related to Kristen Swanson's Middle-range Theory of Caring. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 23, 598-610.

"Application of Theory in Nursing Process." (2012, January 28). Nursing Theories: A

Theoretical Foundation Explored Within This Article Is
Pages: 3 Words: 879

Theoretical foundation explored within this article is that there is a real relationship that exists between psychotherapists and clients, and that this relationship profoundly affects the outcome of the sessions (Gelso et al., 2012, p. 495). This relationship is couched with other working relationships between the therapist and the client. Moreover, the real relationship can be analyzed from the perspective of both the client and the therapist, so that it exists within a "dyad" (Gelso et al., 20102, p. 496.
One of the weaknesses of the literature review in the study completed by Gelso et al., "The unfolding of the real relationship and the outcome of brief psychotherapy" is that it is not distinguished within its own section. It is intertwined with the introduction of this document, and even extends into the hypothesis section. Additionally, the vast majority of the literature cited was conducted by the principal researcher in this study.…...



Gelso, Ch.J., Kivligham, D.M., Busa-Knepp, J., Spiegel, E.B. (2012). The unfolding of the real relationship and the outcome of brief psychotherapy. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 59 (4), 495-506.

Theoretical Foundations and Management
Pages: 3 Words: 932

leading and managing together, or mixing them into a "super-person" profile?
According to Hewitt (2015), there is a delicate balance between management and politics, and that the two are intertwined to succeed. The author points out that management and leadership must be intertwined and balanced if there is to be hope for success, innovation, opportunity and growth. There are various approaches to the issues relating to management and leadership. According to Hewitt, there is a fresh working world in which competition; changing landscape and innovation are the order of the day; there is a need to change strategy and a different way of acting.

There need to constantly balance leadership and is illustrated best in a scenario where managers run administration while leaders innovate. The manager is meant to maintain as the leader keeps their eye and focus on people. While the manger looks to control matters, the leader is interested…...



Hewitt, F. (2015). Leading and managing -- the constant balance. NZ Business, (11). 20.

Reuther, D., & Jetton, S. (2013). Stop Managing Projects and Start Leading with Story. Design Management Review, 28.

Spoehr, T. (2016). Leading and managing high-performing army organizations. Military Review, (4). 8.

Theoretical Foundations of Nursing First Half
Pages: 5 Words: 2037

diverse population nurses must attend to, the concept of 'transcultural' nursing is important to understand. Instead of viewing health as a universal concept, transcultural nursing attempts to understand the conceptual building blocks of the nursing profession as cultural products that are socially-constructed. It strives to understand the similarities and differences between different health attitudes and practices (Leininger 1991). First developed by Madeline Leininger, transcultural nursing is founded upon the idea that the "health care providers need to be flexible in the design of programs, policies, and services to meet the needs and concerns of the culturally diverse population, groups that are likely to be encountered" (Transcultural nursing, 2012, Current Nursing).
Nurses must be culturally astute and adapt their practices to patient's cultural needs as well as to physical needs. This concept has been somewhat controversial within the nursing profession given that Western medicine's emphasis on preserving life and optimizing treatment…...



Adult obesity facts. (2013).CDC. Retrieved: 

Dorothea Orem's self-care deficit theory. (2012). Nursing Theories. Retrieved: 

Milligan, F. (2008) Child obesity 2: recommended strategies and interventions. Nursing Times;

Foundation Problems in Clay Soils
Pages: 10 Words: 2845

Clay and materials similar are more readily subject to the environmental and atmospheric meteorological conditions that can impact the sustainability of a clay-based foundation.
Another problem that can cause problems for a foundation subject to weak soil characteristics is "subsidence" (Shabha, Kuhwald, 1995). According to Shabha & Kuhwald (1995), "Subsidence can be defined as a downward movement or a soil on which buildings stand from causes unconnected with loading from the building. Examples are underground mining, clay shrinkage (especially due to the action of tree roots) and erosion due to water passing through the subsoil, but excluding the compaction of made-up ground or infill

." (Shabha, Kuhwald, 1995)

Subsidence is in part a natural process but yet is also in part a man-made process. Throughout millennia, the process of water creating soil erosion has changed the landscape of particles that comprise the rocky granular landscape, such as silica and including clay. The…...



Bombardieri, M. 1999, Charles May Require Soil Surveys to Curb Cracking Foundations: [FINAL Edition], Washington, DC, United States.

Drazga, B. 1998, "Homeowners fight swelling soil Multimillion-dollar problem endangers foundations of Colorado homes," The Denver Business Journal, vol. 49, no. 34, pp. 33.B-33.B.

Gallagher, K., Brown, R. & Johnson, C. 1998, "Fission track analysis and it's applications to geological problems," Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, vol. 26, pp. 519-519.

Haywood, P. 2005, Cracks appear in village building, McClatchy - Tribune Information Services.

Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and Learning
Pages: 9 Words: 2539

Learning & Teaching
Identify a behavior in the healthcare setting that you would like to change that involves extinguishing an undesirable behavior and replacing it with a healthier behavior (e.g., getting cardiac patients to reduce their high-fat diet and eat healthier foods; getting patients with low back pain to minimize their pain and become more independent in their activities). Describe how the behavior could be changed using the principles of a particular learning theory. Then describe how the same behavior could be changed using a different theory. Depending on the behavior to be changed and replaced, you might also discuss why one plan might work better for men than women, or for younger people than older people.

To start with the last sentence first, it is clear that the younger a person is, they are generally more pliable and "changeable" than with older and/or more mature people that are more set in…...



Behlol, M., & Dad, H. (2010). Concept of Learning. International Journal Of

Psychological Studies, 2(2), 231-239.

Bradshaw, M.J. (2013). Innovative teaching strategies in nursing and related health professions (6th ed.). New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett.

DeYoung, P.A. (2003). Relational psychotherapy: a primer. New York: Brunner-

Theoretical Characteristics for Leadership as
Pages: 2 Words: 643

(Clark, 1) This is an approach which is given foundation by such theories as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which dictates that personnel will perform according to the manner in which certain ranked needs are met by leadership.
The Political Framework which is offered "suggests some characteristics linked to the concept of political leadership: (1) an interactive process, (2) the emphasis on individual political behavior, (3) the collective purpose, and (4) the non-routine influence over the political process." (Peral, 68) These are instructive in promoting such theoretical characteristics as coalition building which garners real support and dedication from members of the organization at every level and which balances the use of persuasion, negotiation and coercion as various instrumental ways to achieve intended organizational outcomes. (Clark, 1)

The fourth leadership framework is the Symbolic Framework, which relies upon the leader as a symbol through whom certain organizational characteristics and cultural conceits are reflected.…...


Works Cited:

Clark, D. (1998). Bolman and Deal's Four Framework Approach. NWLink. Online at 

Meyer, K. (2006). The Structural Framework. University of Memphis. Online at 

Peral, N. (1998). Political Leadership: A Tentative Framework. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 4(3), 68-83.

Theoretical Summation in the 21st Century Great
Pages: 2 Words: 797

Theoretical Summation
In the 21st century, great strides have been made that have decreased poverty, increased income and quality of life in the developing world, and brought the world closer together in a spirit of cooperation. However, there remains an evolving water crisis -- actually three separate paradigms that form a serious global crisis: decreased freshwater, problems with access to potable water globally, and large corporations' control over access to water. Too, climate change has, in many areas of the globe, resulted in a diminishing supply of potable water. This trend has occurred so much that it is becoming a measurement of national wealth and comparison between nations -- private interests or public/private interest dominant in terms of available water supplies. This is particularly serious from a human biological perspective -- water is required for survival, agriculture and industry. Without access to water, or with limited access, the gulf between…...



Atlas of a Thirsty Planet. (2011). Nature. Retrieved from:   / focus/water/map.html 

Global Water Crisis. (2003). Nature Publishing Group. Cited in:

Theoretical Perspective and Counseling
Pages: 2 Words: 743

Transtheoretical Model of Change

"Process your thoughts about the stages of change and the processes associated with each stage. How might this information impact your work with clients? How might this information assist you with treatment planning? Do you think it is usual with all clients or only particular populations? "

One thing that immediately stood out in the article, was the assumption that all major counseling theories may be viewed as having two basic similarities; they draw attention to their respective processes of change and their respective interventions (Petroceli, 2002). hen people enter into any kind of counseling program they are intending to change some behavior that has become problematic for one reason or another. There are a variety of different methods that a practitioner could use to attempt to modify behaviors and it is reasonable to assume that in different circumstances, some types of interventions may work better than…...


Works Cited

Petroceli, J. (2002). Processes and stages of change: Counseling with the transtheoretical model of change. Journal of Couseling and Development, 22-31.

Foundations and Components of Psychoanalysis
Pages: 6 Words: 2004

Psychoanalytic Model
Discusses the foundations and components of psychoanalysis

People today are familiar with psychoanalysis after its wide rejection as well as adulation for years. Paradoxically, the success realized in the 5th decade, particularly in Europe, divorced it from its core principles. It spread widely but not because of the attention drawn for its therapy methods. It can be said that therapy was duly overshadowed due to its application in other fields. Psychoanalysis is used in sociology, literature, anthropology, mythology, religion and ethnology. Psychoanalysis is applied jointly in three areas: as a way of investigating the mind, particularly the unconscious mind; a neurosis therapy that is inspired by the method above; as an independent discipline which is based on knowledge gotten from the application of investigative methods as well as clinical experiences. Psychoanalytical science is highlighted by Freud in his study Totem and Taboo where he dives into anthropological and social analysis…...



Abend, S.M. (1979), Unconscious fantasy and theories of cure. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 27:579-596.

Arlow, J.A. (198 1), Theories of pathogenesis. Psychoanal. Quart., 50:488-514.

Grossman, W.I. (1986). Freud and Horney: A Study of Psychoanalytic Models via the Analysis of a Controversy[. The Analytic Press. Retrieved from: 

(2008). Psychoanalysis in Theory and Practice. Retrieved from:

Foundations of Leadership
Pages: 5 Words: 1385

As the world becomes more populous, busy, and interconnected, the need for good leadership will grow. Furthermore, this leadership will be needed in a number of different social and cultural contexts. (Gibson & McDaniel, 2010, 451-452). Fortunately, we are undergoing a renaissance in the study of leadership and our notions of leadership are becoming more diverse and, at the same time, more fundamental.

Leaders are produced by their environment, which includes their personality, their experiences, and their organizations. Leaders tend to grow out of organizations in which they embody the core values and ambitions shared by the organization.

The Traditional Models of Leadership

The traditional view of a leader is someone who is dominant, competitive, and authoritarian. (Medina, et. al., 2008, p.249). Although most leaders do exhibit these qualities, that does not mean that a leader must have such qualities. The reason these types of leaders are prevalent is because of the types…...



Bell, A.H., & Smith, D.M. (2010). Developing leadership abilities. Boston: Pearson.

Cheung, M.F.Y., & Wong, C.-S. (September 28, 2011). Transformational leadership, leader support, and employee creativity. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 32, 7, 656-672

Medina, F., Munduate, L., & Guerra, J. (January 01, 2008). Power and conflict in cooperative and competitive contexts. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 17, 3, 349-362.

Gibson, C., & McDaniel, D. (January 01, 2010). Moving Beyond Conventional Wisdom: Advancements in Cross-Cultural Theories of Leadership, Conflict, and Teams.Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 4, 450-462.

Employment Discrimination at Wal-Mart Foundation of the
Pages: 15 Words: 5383

Employment Discrimination at Wal-Mart
Foundation of the Study

This study examines the legislative and judicial climate that enables corporations like Wal-Mart to engage in practices that violate workers' rights. The popular consensus is that Wal-Mart, the largest retail store in the United States, displays an inordinate disregard for the human dignity and morale of its employees and, despite continual litigation, continues to blatantly violate the legal rights of its employees. Wal-Mart faces charges of violating The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (2011) by asking management to adjust time sheets so that overtime will not need to be paid, and so that all employees will work under the hourly limit required by the union in order to obtain membership. Employees were insured, without their knowledge, against their death by Wal-Mart. The company was named beneficiary; following death of an employee, the entire benefit amount was retained by the corporation. Not a single cent…...



Business Day, Companies. (2011) The New York Times. Retrieved 


Byrne, T.P. (2009). False profits: Reviving the corporation's public purpose. Discourse, 57 UCLA L. Rev. Disc. 25, UCLA School of Law, UC Berkeley, (Associate, Chadbourne & Parke, LLP). Retrieved 

Clifford, S. (2011, March 29). Where Wal-Mart failed, Aldi succeeds. The New York Times. Retrieved

Nursing Concepts and Theory Conceptual-Theoretical Structure Paper
Pages: 5 Words: 1674

Nursing Concepts and Theory
Conceptual-Theoretical Structure paper

Personal belief about nursing theory and knowledge development process for nursing practice

All nursing theories play an important role in defining nursing and giving the roles that nurses need to play. Originally, the role of nurses was simply to carry out activities as instructed by doctors, however, over the years, this role has been changed to include more responsibilities as the nursing world has evolved. Nursing theories describe, predict and explain the various phenomena in nursing practice and thus create foundations for nursing practice. They also help to generate knowledge in the field of nursing and to point the direction which the field should develop in future. This view is supported by Carper (1978)

who states that nursing theories elaborate nursing practice and create professional boundaries for the profession. Nursing knowledge comes from research that has been conducted on nursing which forms scientific knowledge and experience gained…...



Anderson, A.M. (2005). Nursing Leadership, Management, and Professional Practice for the LPN/LVN (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 13-23.

Clark, M.J. (2003). Community health nursing: Caring for populations (Fourth ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dayer-Berenson, L. (2010). Cultural Competencies for Nurses: Impact on Health and Illness. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Organizational Values Organizational Foundations Visiting
Pages: 2 Words: 625

It provides health-related advice on its website that all readers can benefit from, not simply those who use its services. As well as reaching out to the wider population of patients, it honors those within its fold who serve the organization with nights such as its "Celebrating Our Talent" ceremony designed to honor organizational members who have shown excellence in their duties (Boyd 2012).
The climate at the organization stresses valuing employees as well as clients, and serving the needs of its employees is included in the organization's statements of its critical functions. This acknowledges the need for caregivers to be cared for as well as patients. There is also a commitment to technological change to facilitate care: the organization was praised in 2003 for completely reconfiguring the way in which it kept track of patient data, switching to an entirely online system, to comply with changes in regulation and…...



Boyd, Tracey. (2012). VNSNY home care agency praises nursing talent. VNSNY. Retrieved:

Mission and vision. (2013). VNSNY. Retrieved:

Need assistance developing essay topics related to Clinical Psychology. Can you offer any guidance?
Words: 532

## Delving into the Realm of Clinical Psychology: A Comprehensive Guide to Essay Topics


Clinical psychology, a multifaceted field rooted in the practice of evidence-based techniques, offers a captivating landscape for scholarly exploration. Its vast scope, encompassing assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders, presents an array of compelling essay topics. This comprehensive guide will navigate you through the intricacies of clinical psychology, providing a wealth of essay topics that resonate with the field's theoretical foundations and practical applications.

Theoretical Perspectives in Clinical Psychology

1. Psychodynamic Theory: Exploring the Unconscious Roots of Psychopathology
2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Unveiling the Interplay of Thoughts, Emotions, and....

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Qualitative Research?
Words: 395

Qualitative Research Essay Topic Ideas

1. The Role of Reflexivity in Qualitative Research

The researcher's positionality and its impact on data collection and analysis
Strategies for enhancing reflexivity and minimizing bias
Ethical considerations in reflexive qualitative research

2. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) in Qualitative Research

Theoretical foundations and methodological approach of IPA
Applications of IPA in various research contexts
Strengths and limitations of IPA as a qualitative research method

3. Grounded Theory in Qualitative Research

Inductive and iterative nature of grounded theory
Techniques for data collection and analysis in grounded theory
The role of theory development and saturation in grounded theory research

4. Ethnography....

I\'m in need of some essay topics on cbt for trauma. Can you provide assistance?
Words: 596

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Trauma

Essay Topic 1: The Efficacy of CBT for Treating Trauma

Discuss the research findings on the effectiveness of CBT in reducing trauma symptoms and improving overall well-being.
Analyze the specific components of CBT that contribute to its efficacy, such as cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy.
Consider the limitations of CBT and identify potential areas for improvement.

Essay Topic 2: The Mechanisms of Action of CBT in Trauma Treatment

Explain the theoretical foundations of CBT and how it addresses the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral consequences of trauma.
Explore the role of cognitive distortions, emotional dysregulation, and avoidance....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding cbt for trauma and ptsd?
Words: 483

Essay Topics on CBT for Trauma and PTSD

1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for PTSD: A Comprehensive Overview

Explore the theoretical foundations of CBT for PTSD
Discuss the key components and techniques used in CBT
Evaluate the effectiveness of CBT in treating PTSD symptoms

2. The Role of Cognitive Restructuring in CBT for PTSD

Examine the cognitive distortions and maladaptive beliefs that contribute to PTSD
Describe how cognitive restructuring helps clients challenge and modify these beliefs
Analyze the impact of cognitive restructuring on symptom reduction

3. Exposure Therapy and Anxiety Management Techniques in CBT for PTSD

Explain the rationale behind exposure therapy and its....

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