Theme Parks Essays (Examples)

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Segways Compromise of Safety in Disney Theme Parks
Pages: 7 Words: 2309

Segways: A compromise of safety in Disney Theme Parks

The use Segways as personal mobility devices in theme parks, opposing argument

Segway is an electronic transporter based on two-wheels. The device can carry one rider to travel in different terrains and allows the rider to balance on two wheels. The scooter uses network control mechanism, propulsion, sensors and mechanical assembly. The scooter has a stabilization technology, and the device uses software to adjust according to terrain and the rider. The device was invented by Dean Kamen but has been recalled several times owing to the product malfunctions and defects (Weiss, 2013).

The Department of Justice (DOJ) 2010 ADA Title III regulations has stirred controversy as DOJ requires that public accommodations must make reasonable modifications for giving permission for using Personal mobility devices (PMDs) in their premises. DOJ specifies two PMDs. One is the wheelchair and other is power-driven PMDs. Segway is amongst…...



Burgin, J. (2011, Feb). DOJ: WDW Must Permit Segways in Theme Parks. DIS Unplugged. Retrieved from: 

Caulifield, B. (2010, Sep). Steve Jobs Explains Why We're Not All Riding a Segway. Forbes. Retrieved from: 

Leagle. (2012). 

Matcalfe, J. (2012). BRIAN C. HOWARD, M.D., and SUZANNE HOWARD, Plaintiffs,

Thorpe Park the Author Will
Pages: 11 Words: 3218 2012). These issues can negatively affect the economic impact of the parks operations.
- Visitor Experience and Quality

As noted above, variability can have a huge impact on economics. However, the intangibles of visitor experience and quality have been affected as well. Visitor perceptions have a lot of relationship to the visitor experience and its quality. This is what the attractions sell and it is much more abstract and harder to qualify which is why this critical feature of management is often ignored (Week 8: Visitor Experience 2012). The performance of the attraction itself will have a direct impact upon user experience and satisfaction (ibid). Swarbroke notes "Visitor attractions are at the heart of the tourism industry, they are motivators that make people want to take a trip in the first place (Swarbroke, 2002)."

This author visited the park on March 21th, 2012 and had a chance to play the Swarm, which…...


References (2012). Thorpe Park Rollercoaster Swarm Stops, Leaving People Stuck. Available:   Last accessed 1 April 2012. .

Barkham, P. (2012). M25 is UK's newest tourist attraction. Available:   Last accessed 2 April 2012. .

Belohlavek, P. (2008). Unicist Marketing Mix . New York: Unicist Research Institute. p. 13.

Bose. (2012). The Tussauds Group - Success Story. Available: Last accessed 1 April 2012.

Disney Parks Disney's International Theme
Pages: 2 Words: 768

(ikipedia, 1) Disney was emboldened in this strategy by the prototype in Japan, though we may now suggest that this effort was significantly aided by the greater interest of the Japanese in estern culture than many in estern Europe. Indeed, the Tokyo site would face few legal barriers, and would succeed momentously with little alteration of its American models required. Here, evidence of a closeness between Japan and the U.S. In terms of modern political and consumer norms suggests little legal obstruction or ethical concern from the Japanese public.
Hong Kong, by contrast, represents a mixed outlook where externalities are concerned. Particularly, the site seems in one regard be designed according to lessons learned from the initial failures in Paris. Namely, the cultural presentation of Hong Kong's Disneyland park and resorts is intended to reflect philosophical, cultural and aesthetic leanings of Hong Kong, rather than of America. This demonstrates the…...


Works Cited:

DLP. (2004). Finding a Spot in the Old World. Disney Land Park Info. Online at .

Plowright. (2006). Disneyland Paris (Euro Disney). About Travel With the Kids. Online at .

Wikipedia. (2010). Disneyland Resort Paris. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc. Online at .

Wikipedia1. (2010). Hong Kong Disneyland. Wikimedia, Ltd. Inc. Online at

Disney Parks Why Do You Think That
Pages: 2 Words: 637

Disney Parks
Why do you think that the world's largest theme park operator, Walt Disney Company, was motivated to establish parks in Tokyo, Paris, and Hong Kong?

Disney Strategic Planning was able to find the optimal mix of income, family composition by key demographics, and favorability of national government to their expansion in each region (Data Monitor, 2004). The one area they had the most trouble with from a cultural and media relations standpoint was Euro-Disney in Paris (Forman, 1998). Disney pressed on however as the potential to attract millions of visitors from the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and throughout western Europe galvanized their commitment to this market (Kepler, 2005). Tokyo was a completely different experience, with many Disney fans asking for a park to be built there and the per capita income and demographic factors aligning with Disney's most loyal customer bases (Kepler, 2005). Hong Kong is one of the most…...



Data Monitor (2004) -- EuroDisney Profile. Reference Code 16537. Publication Date November 2004. New York, NY

Forman, Janis. 1998. "Corporate Image and the Establishment of EuroDisney: Mickey Mouse and the French Press" Technical Communication Quarterly. Summer 1998, Volume 7, Number 3 (Pages 247-258)

Geoffrey A. Fowler and Merissa Marr. 2006. Disney and the Great Wall; Hong Kong's Magic Kingdom Struggles to Attract Chinese Who 'Don't Understand' Park. Wall Street Journal, February 9, Eastern Edition.

Kepler Equities (2005) - EuroDisney Investment Brief. April 6, 2005. Kepler Equities. Catherine Rolland. New York, NY.

Jurassic Park
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Jurassic Park
The famous 1991 novel, Jurassic Park, is based on the subject of a wildlife preserve for dinosaurs. The renowned writer of this novel, Michael Crichton, hoisted the conventional phantom of the revivification of species that have been wiped out from the face of the earth by using conserving DNA samples ("Jurassic Park' 20 Years" C10). The uncontrolled genetic engineering produced outcomes that were not the concern of just the scientists in the novel but are the concern of the whole human civilization (Sharp 507).

Crichton was able to craft a vibrantly dramatic action-adventure story with the Jurassic Park that revolved around the ideas of gluttony and crookedness of science. In this vivid tale of Crichton, an affluent investor builds a theme park that was located on an island off the coast of Costa ica. The peculiar part of the tale is that the investor hires a scientist to clone real…...



Fisher, B. & Magid, R. "Jurassic Park: When Dinosaurs Rule the Box Office." American Cinematographer June 1993: 37+. Questia. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. .

"Jurassic Park' 20 Years Later: How Close? Film Trilogy about Resurrected Dinosaurs Debuts on Blu-Ray." The Washington Times (Washington, DC) 25 Oct. 2011: C10. Questia. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. .

Sharp, Michael D., ed. Popular Contemporary Writers. Vol. 4. New York: Marshall Cavendish Reference, 2006. Questia. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. .

Trembley, Elizabeth A. Michael Crichton: A Critical Companion. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996. Questia. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. .

Central Park Is a Good
Pages: 2 Words: 887

Take the case of skating, for instance. Int the 18th and 18th century, skating was seen as a romantic pursuit where the timorous girl skated whilst leaning on the shoulder of her assistant male. Initially, a separate pond was planned for women and unwelcome men were banned. Park officers maintained 'perfect order' and this included exclusion of all public flirting. How different the park has become today! Not only would the so-called flirtation of then not be considered so now, but contemporary displays of overt love including 'necking' may well have caused their perpetrators to be jailed or penalized in some way.
Even the entire official way in which the park was originally organized with paramilitary salutes totally contradicts contemporary protocol. Today, manners are a relaxed as can be with all demarcation broken down between class and culture and the park being more of a public than a private space.


Battery Park City
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Battery Park City
Battery Park: Faux apple

Battery Park City, according to author and New York City resident Phillip Lopate, is internationally celebrated as a success, as "a model of waterfront development (Lopate 29). However, it has also been called "a broken promise" (Rogers 2005). "The broken promise to use excess Battery Park City revenues for affordable housing was made in 1989 and has been a bone of contention ever since" (Rogers 2012). Initially, the design of the area was supposed to encompass a residential, business, and industrial complex, but this was scrapped during New York City's fiscal crisis of the 1970s. The new, more aesthetically ambitious design is intended to be an 'anti-urban' creation of beauty that eschews conventional cliches of how to design city buildings (Lopate 30).

The exterior of the final product was striking in its recreation of a prewar New York City ambiance. But what was a delight to…...


Works Cited

Lopate, Phillip. Waterfront. New York: Anchor, 2005.

Rogers, Josh. "Renewing the Battery Park City Promise." The Villager, 17. 48 (2005).

Television Shows Parks and Recreation and the
Pages: 2 Words: 749

television shows Parks and ecreation and the American version of the Office deal with similar themes regarding the nature of the modern workplace and the relationships which populate it, but although both shows are shot in the same single-camera, mockumentary style, they end up saying very different things about their shared subject. This is ultimately a result of each particular show's setting; in The Office, the story follows the employees of a small paper company, but in Parks and ecreation, the story is about the public employees of the parks department in a small town. This difference is ultimately responsible for the different interpretations of similar themes seen both shows, and examining the ramifications of this distinction will serve to explicate the particular meaning of either show.
For much of its history The Office focuses on the ineptitude of management and the failure of the commercialized masculine ideal, implicitly critiquing…...



Aronstein, A. (2011, May 05). The personal politics of parks and rec. Retrieved from 

Griffin, J. (2008). The americanization of the office: A comparison of the offbeat NBC sitcom and its british predecessor. Journal of Popular Film & Television, 35(4), 154-163.

Environmental Themes
Pages: 20 Words: 5447

Environmental Themes in Grapes of rath
This essay reviews environmental themes from the following five books: Dust Bowl by Donald orster, The Grapes of rath by John Steinbeck, Everglades: River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Killing Mr. atson by Peter Matthiessen, and River of Lakes by Bill Belleville. This paper discusses the role that culture has played in environmental issues during the past century. Five sources used. MLA format.

Environmental Themes

Humans from the very beginning of their existence have had an impact, for better or worse, on the environment. Man has for the most part tried to control the environment to suit his needs or tastes of the era. Over-grazing, over hunting, ignoring the importance crop rotations, dam building, and toxic dumping, are but a few of the ways man tries to control. Few societies have ever considered any of the above when it comes to the environment. There are a…...


Works Cited

Belleville, Bill. River of Lakes. University of Georgia

Press. 2001.

Douglas, Marjory Stoneman. The Everglades River of Grass.

Pineapple Press. 50th Anniversary Edition. 1997.

Proposal on a Water Park
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Building a Water Park
Statement of Work Project- Project Description and Project Product

The project will be to develop a water park. It is both an indoor and outdoor facility. The basic idea is to offer consumers with an assortment of rides throughout the year. We intend to do this, by purchasing a 500 acre property and developing two parts of it. The basic idea is to have enough room to address the current needs and expand in the future. The steps that will be taken include: buying the land, constructing the park, building a following of customers and continuously expanding to meet their needs. The final product will have a heated indoor wave pool. It offers over 30 different slides everyone can enjoy. In the summer, this will be connected with the outdoor pools and slides. (Mill, 2007)

Project Deliverables

The tangible outputs are the access to the rides, the food / beverages,…...



Mill, R. (2007). Resorts: Management and Operations. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Music of Linkin Park Over
Pages: 6 Words: 2180

Even the lyrics, which nonetheless maintain the same kind of bubblegum-angst present in nearly any widely successful "alternative" band, manage to surprise simply by the fact that the band seems to have gained a wider vocabulary, both in terms of individual words and the metaphors used. Put another way, burning "like the fire of a thousand suns" is simply a more enjoyable image than "one step closer to the edge / and I'm about to break," even if both convey generally the same theme within either song.
Following the release of A Thousand Suns, Linkin Park has, as it did previously, focused on charity work alongside the writing of the next album a promotional tour. Most recently, the band has played benefit concerts for victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear fallout which hit Japan earlier this year, with the first being in Los Angeles alongside the band B'z,…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. "Linkin Park Awards."AceShowBiz., 2011. Web. 23 Sep 2011.


Anonymous. "B'z, Linkin Park rock fans in Los Angeles to aid disaster-hit Japan." Mainichi

Daily News 01 Sep 2011. Web.

Statement of Generative Theme
Pages: 12 Words: 3233

Teaching Young Americans What it Means to be a Good Citizen
Citizenship education, to give it a name, does not simply belong to the social studies teacher. -- Peter S. Hlebowitsh, Daniel Tanner and William G. Wraga, 2000

Statement of Generative Theme.

Children born today will probably never know a day and age when mankind does not have a permanent presence in outer space, and the world is becoming a much smaller place as the result of innovations in telecommunications, international commerce and transportation. In this changing environment, it becomes increasingly important for young Americans to understand what it means to be a good citizen, and what their responsibilities and obligations are to their local communities and their country. To this end, this paper provides an educational approach for promoting improved citizenship awareness at the community level through a small group approach to learning.

The small group format is particularly appropriate for helping young…...



Beckerman, Marvin, Simon Kim and B. Sue Parks, "Effects of Participatory Learning Programs

in Middle And High School Civic Education," Social Studies, 87 (1996): 171.

Black's Law Dictionary, (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1990).

Hlebowitsh, Peter S., Daniel Tanner and William G. Wraga, Research Review for School

South Park and PC Culture
Pages: 7 Words: 2197

South Park and Communication Theory: Symbolic Interactionism Introduction
In the first episode (“Stunning and Brave”) of the 19th season of South Park, a new principal has come to the town of South Park named PC Principal. PC Principal’s primary objective is to clean up the town of its bigotry, sexism and hateful speech. Halfway through the episode, other PC characters show up in a bar where the tired residents of South Park are attempting to relax away from all the stress of having to be PC all the time. PC Principal realizes there are others like him and they decide to “hang out” and start a PC frat house. The scene in the bar in which the PC characters come to meet one another is full of gestures and words that can be analyzed using the theory of Symbolic Interactionism.
The scene contains relevance as PC culture and social justice are very popular…...

South Park and Mormon
Pages: 4 Words: 1382

theater and particularly its musical performances, have changed dramatically over the years. Their tone and style have reflected historical and cultural changes as well as shifts in attitudes toward musical theater. Recent productions like Book of Mormon and Hamilton would have been inconceivable just a generation ago. Broadway musicals are unique in that they straddle the line between popular and high culture. They have popular culture appeal, packed within the fine art of theater. In some ways, musical theater is a popular culture version of the opera. Broadway theater has matured and expanded its repertoire considerably, moving from the relatively limited domain of Steven Sondheim and Andrew Lloyd eber productions towards a more diverse and creative one. As Lewis points out, "How sadly limiting that was; it surely took some kind of toll on alternative voices trying to break free of cliche expectations," (2). Broadway has broken free, finally,…...


Works Cited

Lewis, David H. Broadway Musicals. Mcfarland, 2002.

Perpetua, Matthew. "The Book of Mormon,' Triumphs at the Tony Awards." Rolling Stone. Retrieved online: 

Schutte, Harm K. and Donald G. Miller. "Belting and Pop, Nonclassical Approaches to the Female middle voice: Some preliminary considerations." Journal of Voice, Vol 7, No. 2, 1993, pp. 142-150.

Stone, Matt and Parker, Trey. Book of Mormon.

Flags Unfortunately for Six Flags it Looked
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Unfortunately for Six Flags, it looked like the heavy debt burden and the challenges of running a seasonal business, would more than likely sink the company. While many positive changes had occurred that indicated a positive future, it is unlikely that Six Flag was going to have any lasting success immediately. It's true that in 2006 more families were returning to parks and spending more money and that the guest approval rating had reached a five-year high, with employees accomplishing a tremendous amount in what was a very transitional year for the company. Heavy discounts for tickets were eliminated and more aggressive sales techniques were adopted as well. Even though there was an increase in guest spending, something which appeared to continue at a strong pace, and the elimination of deep discounts was there to help re-establish the integrity of the brand and to stop teenagers who don't boost…...



Ryan, P.A. (2006). The 2006 Business Turn Around: Six Flags. Internet Mini Case #15

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on History of the Ferris Wheel?
Words: 260

1. The Evolution of the Ferris Wheel: From Invention to Icon

2. Riding High: A Look at the History of the Ferris Wheel

3. Wheels of Wonder: Tracing the Origins of the Ferris Wheel

4. Spinning Through Time: A Historical Overview of the Ferris Wheel

5. The Ferris Wheel Phenomenon: A Journey Through its History

6. Turning Point: The Story Behind the Invention of the Ferris Wheel

7. From Chicago to the World: The Global Impact of the Ferris Wheel

8. A Circular History: Exploring the Development of the Ferris Wheel

9. The Thrill of the Ride: An Exploration of the Ferris Wheel's History

10. Revolutionizing Entertainment: How the....

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