The Solar System Essays (Examples)

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Formation of the Solar System
Pages: 2 Words: 483

Solar System
Formation of the Solar System

Many scientists believed that the solar system was formed when in space a cloud of gas and dust was disturbed, by the explosion of a close by star known as a supernova. This explosion made waves in space which compressed the cloud of gas and dust. The cloud starts to collapse after getting pressed, as gravity together pulled the gas and dust, and formed a solar nebula. Thus, the cloud began to spin as it collapsed (UCAR).

Picture of Solar System

Finally, as the cloud grew more hot and dense in the center, surrounded by a disk of gas and dust, which was hot in the center and cooler at the edges. And as the disk became thinner and thinner, particles started to stick together and form clumps, where few clumps got bigger, forming particles while, small clumps stuck to them, ultimately forming planets or moons (UCAR).



Works Cited

Solar System. Encyclopedia Title: The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Publisher:

Columbia University Press. New York. 2004.

Solar System Formation: UCAR.

N. Booth, Exploring the Solar System (1996);

Galileo Was Punished by the Church for His Vision and Understanding of the Solar System
Pages: 5 Words: 1860

Copernicus & Galileo
hat did Copernicus discover about the universe?

Copernicus refuted earlier theories that the earth was the center of the universe and became the stepping stone Galileo later used to fine-tune the theory and Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. These early scientists faced punishment from the Catholic Church but in the secular future they opened the door to truth and knowledge.

Nicolaus Copernicus was born on February 19, 1473, in Poland, but he was fortunate to have traveled to Italy at the young age of 18, to go to university and begin preparing himself for his career, which he thought at that time would be a career in the Roman Catholic Church. He became acquainted with the cosmos when, at the University of Bologna in Italy, he took an astrology class -- trying to read the stars in order to predict events that may come in the…...


Works Cited

Hellman, Hal. "Galileo vs. the Pope." Washington Post. Retrieved October 17, 2015, from   1998 .

Henry, John. "Scientific Revolution." Encyclopedia of the Early Modern

World. Retrieved October 17, 2015, from   2004. .

Kuhn, Thomas. "Scientific Revolution." Retrieved October 17, 2015, from 2007

Solar System and Biography
Pages: 3 Words: 1090

ackground and Education

Astronomer from Poland, Nicolaus Copernicus, was most famous for his following thesis: the sun, rather than our planet, forms the universe's center.[footnoteRef:1] orn on 19th February, 1473 in West Prussian city, Torun, to arbara Watzenrode and Nicolaus Copernicus Senior, a wealthy copper merchant, he was the youngest of four siblings. To be precise, Copernicus hailed from Germany, considering his birthplace at the time and his first language -- German. However, a few historians claim Copernicus knew the Polish language too. Sometime after he turned ten, Nicolaus lost his father. Lucas Watzenrode, the Varmian ishop and his mother's brother, raised him then on. In the year 1491, Copernicus joined the Cracow University to learn mathematics and painting. It was here that he began to show interest in cosmos studies, and began collecting works on this subject.[footnoteRef:2] [1: C. "History - Copernicus." July 15, 2011. Accessed November 8, 2016.]…...



BBC. "History - Copernicus." July 15, 2011. Accessed November 8, 2016. .

Encyclopedia Britannica, 2016. s.v Nicolaus Copernicus - Facts, Accomplishments, & Theory. Accessed November 8, 2016. .

"Nicolaus Copernicus Biography." 2016. Accessed November 8, 2016. .

Taylor, Nola. "Nicolaus Copernicus Biography: Facts and Discoveries." 2013. Accessed November 8, 2016.  

Solar Flares What Causes Solar Storms Why
Pages: 5 Words: 1665

Solar Flares
What causes solar storms? Why should people nearly a hundred million miles away on Earth care so much about them? Massive explosions of electrified plasma from the sun are identified as Solar Storms but often they just cause a beautiful light show in the farthest points of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The reason why human beings need to understand and care about solar storms is that they have the potential to cause devastating effects on the planet Earth. Those effects include problems that may affect daily life such as knocking out satellites, blacking out power grids, and completely altering the atmosphere and climate. Scientists have gathered plenty of information over the years to explain Solar storms and have even built a system to protect the Earth's energy. However, the earth is still vulnerable to solar activity, much of which remains a mystery to science. Scientists are also uncertain…...

Solar Thermal Systems According to
Pages: 15 Words: 4790

In this regard, some exceptions have been given to the insurance companies while the other companies should follow these principles.
In the year 2005, the commercial sector of the United Kingdom spent $16,500 million for fossil fuels of 350,000 GWh. On the other hand, researchers have reported that a decline of energy consumption has been observed in the tertiary sector of the United Kingdom (Probst & oecker, 2011, pg 109-124).

Hot water consumption

Probst (2011) stated that hot water is consumed around three percent in industries and fifteen percent I the fossil energy. This shows that a total of 22,000GWh of hot water is consumed each year.

The high and low temperature hot water from the hot water boilers is used in a number of things such as apace heating, washing and in some industrial processes. The direct and straight use of hot water is in washing. Modern hot water boilers are coming…...



Abbasi, T., & a., a.S. (2011). Renewable Energy Sources . New Delhi: PHI.

Council, E.R. (2004). Renewable Energy in Europe: Building Markets and Capacity. London: James & James.

DeWinter, F. (1990). Solar Collectors, Energy Storage, and Materials. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: MIT Press.

Herring, H., Hardcastle, R., Phillipson, R., & Energy, G.B. (1988). Energy use and energy efficiency in UK commercial and public buildings up to the year 2000. London: HMSO.

Solar Flares and How They Go on
Pages: 10 Words: 3284

solar flares and how they go on to cause global warming. Global warming has been an ongoing phenomenon and there are many reasons it has occurred. Apart from the green house effect, global warming could have been due to the solar flares that have occurred. Different researches and theories regarding this matter are discussed in the paper.
Solar Flare

Global warming is a phenomenon that has amazed and frightened everyone ever since it came into being. The consequences and end results of global warming is what goes on to alarm and frighten everyone on earth. If looked at it literally, global warming is basically in increase in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. This change and elevation has been occurring ever since the 19th century and is known to increase even more. The change in the global temperature is dangerous because it goes onto increase the sea levels and alterations precipitation,…...


Works cited

Lu, Jian et al. "Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warming." Geophysical Research Letters, 34. 6 (2007): 1-10. Print.

Deforest, Craig. "Solar Storms." The World and I 2004: Print.

Hansen, J et al. "Climate forcings in Goddard Institute for Space Studies." J. Geophys Res, 107. D18 (2002): 4347. Print.

Herring, David. "ClimateWatch Magazine -- Climate Change: Incoming Sunlight." n.d.. Web. 14 Apr 2013. .

Solar Still Sustainable Development and
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

( Manion, 2002). The ethics of sustainable development in the sciences also includes the "precautionary principle." This refers to the view that, "When an activity raises threats of harm to human health and the environment, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically" (Manion, 2002).
In the light of the above brief overview of way that ethics and social responsibility have become part of the ethos of the contemporary scientific world, it becomes clear that a focus on technologies such as solar still production is one way in which engineers can enact their ethical and social responsibilities in this age. This project also takes into account the social and cultural needs and context of the people of the region, especially in areas where there is a lack of resources.

From an ethical perspective, professional engineering organizations have made an important contribution and…...



'AMREF Canada. Water and Sanitation Lesson Plan -- Science Experiment and Activity', viewed 9 September, 2010,

'ASCE Code of Ethics', viewed 7 September, 2010,

'DEFINING SUSTAINABILITY', viewed 6 September, 2010,

Solar Stills Limitations of Solar
Pages: 1 Words: 371

A light insulation causes a reduction of 14.5% in the efficiency obtained with full insulation. The wind effect is much more limited. The increase of wind velocity from zero to 3.6 mph yielded a slight reduction (2%) in the still performance.
Repeated tests have shown that the higher the operating temperature of the still, assuming insulation is equal, correlates with higher efficiency. For example, with each 6 degrees Celsius increase in ambient temperature, a still's output increases 7-8%. The application of this finding means that a still operating in a hot desert climate will produce typically as much as one-third more water than the same unit would produce in a cooler climate.

Production of distilled water is also associated with the thermal efficiency of the still itself. Efficiency may range from 30 to 60%, depending on the construction of the still, the amount and type of insulation used, ambient temperatures, wind…...

English System of Measurement Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1433

Assignment 2-1 -- a- Radiation may be considered information from space; different types of information from different sources. These are: 1) Light as a wave and particle, 2) Electromagnetism, 3) Cosmic Rays and 4) Ultraviolet radiation.

Part 2-1-B- Light may be measured by telescopes; other space radiation by radio waves; x-ray machines may absorb cosmic and x-ray energy.

Part 2-1-C- Stars and Planets emit electromagnetic; Sun emits UV, Electromagnetic and light; light intensity, etc. Measuring radiation from objects tells us numerous things; age of object, comparative data between object, distance, intensity, level of danger, potential changes within object over time.

Part 2-1-D- Spectrographs, radio frequency detectors, x-ray machines.

Part 2-2-a -- an atom is the smallest unit of matter; ions are types of atoms in which the protons and electrons (parts of the atomic structure) are not equal. Ions can exist independently in solution, while atoms may or may not be able…...

Photovoltaic Power System
Pages: 7 Words: 2861

Photovoltaic power system is a type of renewable energy that converts solar energy into solar photovoltaic electricity. Photovoltaic (PV) technology converts energy from the sunlight into the electricity. One of the advantages of the PV technology is that it is pollution free, and it is applicable with little maintenance.
(EPIA 2008). Since sunlight is available free of charge, there has been an increase in the research and development (&D) to make the Photovoltaic energy available to all households and industry in the future. With the advantages derived from the PV energy systems, varieties of research have been launched at national and international laboratories focusing on the mass production of solar power at possible lower costs. (Dahl, 2005). In German, there are varieties of efforts in the development of PV technology. There has been an increase in the collaboration of government, university and the industry consortia in the development of Photovoltaic power…...



Dahl, T ( 2005). Photovoltaic Power Systems. Technology White Paper

El-Beyrouty, K. Meimanaliev, A. Petrosyan, L. et al. (2009). Germany's Photovoltaic Cluster. Competitiveness of Microeconomics: Clusters, Firms and Economic Development.

EPIA (2008). Photovoltaic Energy: Electricity from the Su

EPIA, (2011). Who is EPIA? Retrieved 25 October 2011 from

BP Solar Ever-Increasing Technological Advances
Pages: 6 Words: 1982

It is yet to be seen whether alternative energy will eventually replace petroleum products or whether they will simply enhance the efficiency, cost effectiveness, and availability of energy in the future. BP's move into alternative energy will help it to position itself as a leader regardless of which direction the market decides to go. BP's move makes sense from many perspectives. It makes sense for a marketing perspective because it will help to improve BP's image to one that is more environmentally friendly and in line with current public consciousness. It will help it to make better use of natural resources from production to end use of all of its product lines.

One advantage that BP has over many of the other companies entering into the alternative energy field is that it has experience in providing the needs of mass consumers. It understands the technical difficulties of supplying energy to millions…...


Works Cited

BP Solar International Inc. BP Solar has over 30 years experience in the solar industry: a legacy of quality, service, performance and innovation all around the world. 2006. .

Accessed October 29, 2006.


Open and Closed System Models in Criminal
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

open and closed system models in criminal justice. Specifically it will define open and closed system models of organizations and explain why it is important that the criminal justice professional should know the differences between these models. It will also provide a specific organizational example of each type of organization, one for open systems and one for closed systems, and describe how these organizations meet the criteria of either the open or closed system perspective. There are vast differences in management and outcome between open and closed system models in organizations, and these differences are especially important to the criminal justice system. An open system allows for change and growth, while a closed system is less flexible and far more bureaucratic.
The open and closed ideas of system models in organizations were originated by organizational experts obert L. Kahn and Daniel Katz in the 1960s. There are three basic system…...



Ciarkowski, Arthur A. "8 Influencing Structure: From Hierarchy to Chaos." How Public Organizations Work: Learning from Experience. Ed. Bellavita, Christopher. New York: Praeger, 1990. 111-122.

Hartmann, Francis and Charles Wellford. "Panel III Changing Nature of Criminal Justice System Responses and Its Professions." U.S. Department of Justice. 1998. 10 June 2005.


Roeckelein, Jon E. Dictionary of Theories, Laws, and Concepts in Psychology. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.

Delimitations Today Modern Business Systems
Pages: 75 Words: 20751

A favorite target for conspiracists today as well as in the past, a group of European intellectuals created the Order of the Illuminati in May 1776, in Bavaria, Germany, under the leadership of Adam Weishaupt (Atkins, 2002). In this regard, Stewart (2002) reports that, "The 'great' conspiracy organized in the last half of the eighteenth century through the efforts of a number of secret societies that were striving for a 'new order' of civilization to be governed by a small group of 'all-powerful rulers.' The most important of these societies, and the one to which all subsequent conspiracies could be traced, is the Illuminati founded in Bavaria on May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt" (p. 424). According to Atkins, it was Weishaupt's fundamental and overriding goal to form a secret organization of elite members of Europe's leading citizens who could then strive to achieve the Enlightenment version of revolutionary…...



American Psychological Association. (2002). Publication manual of the American Psychological

Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Anderson, J. (1981, 1723). The charges of a Free-Mason extracted from the ancient records of lodges beyond the sea, and of those in England, Scotland, and Ireland, for the use of the lodges in London: To be read at the making of new brethren, or when the master shall order it. Reprinted in The Radical Enlightenment: Pantheists, Freemasons, and Republicans, by M.C. Jacob, 279-285. London and Boston: Allen & Unwin in Harland-

Jacobs at p. 237.

Solar Power Sales Pitch for Potential Consumers
Pages: 2 Words: 552

Sales Dialogue1. Prospect Information (Your Customer)A. Company Name: GreenTech Innovations Type of Business: Renewable Energy SolutionsAddress: 500 Solar Way, San Diego, CA 92121, HeadquartersB. Key-Person InformationName: Emily Johnson Job Title: Chief Operations OfficerRole in Purchase Decision: Final decision maker, evaluates operational efficiency and sustainability impactCommunication Style: Direct, prefers concise and data-driven communicationC. Other people involved in the purchase decision:Name: Alex Rivera Job Title: Head of ProcurementRole in Purchase Decision: Evaluates vendors, pricing, and contract termsCommunication Style: Analytical, values detailed product comparisons and ROI calculations2. Customer Value PropositionA. Product/Service that delivers value: High-efficiency solar panels with smart grid integration capabilities.B. Value Proposition Statement: \\\"GreenTech Innovations\\\' solar solutions not only reduce your energy costs by up to 40% but also support your commitment to sustainability by integrating seamlessly with smart grid technology, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing carbon footprint.\\\"3. Competition in the AccountCompetitorProductStrengthWeaknessSolarMaxSolar PanelsHigh brand recognitionHigher cost, less efficientEcoEnergySmart Grid SolutionsAdvanced technologyLimited…...

Solar Flares EMP and Back Doors Into Iphones
Pages: 4 Words: 1435

Persistent Threats
One of the biggest risks that companies face is advanced persistent threats.

Advanced persistent threats can be very harmful to a company and can come in various forms as hackers have a variety of methods in their tool belt; however, on the receiving end, companies should be prepared for cyber attacks -- and yet they often are not, because of carelessness, neglect, lack of oversight, regulation, accountability, transparency, review, and an ability to conduct proper assessment. APTs are happening all the time and can be traced to origin locations all over the world (Norse, 2016). Cyber security should be therefore a number priority for any and all businesses that utilize information systems software and hardware. As the Norse Map shows, countries in both the East and the West are waging cyber war against one another; cyber security is therefore a real going concern for all (Norse, 2016).

Discuss the most…...



Boyens, J., Paulsen, C., Bartol, N., Moorthy, R., Shankles, S. (2012). Notional Supply

Chain Risk Management Practices for Federal Information Systems. Retrieved from 

Earned Value Analysis. (2012). Project Management Guru. Retrieved from 

Fleming, Q., Koppelman, J. (2000). Earned Value Project Management. PA: Project

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of astronomy?
Words: 494

Outlining an Astronomy Essay: A Comprehensive Guide


1. Attention-grabbing hook: Begin with a captivating sentence or question that piques the reader's interest in astronomy.
2. Background information: Provide context about the topic and its relevance.
3. Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or viewpoint of the essay.

Body Paragraph 1: The Vastness of the Cosmos

1. Topic sentence: Discuss the immense scale of the universe, including galaxies, stars, planets, and other celestial objects.
- Provide specific examples and statistics to illustrate the vastness.
2. Evidence: Use scientific data, observations, and theories to support the claims.
- Cite reputable sources and avoid making unsubstantiated statements.
3. Analysis:....

How does environmental exploitation manifest in AT\'s fiction?
Words: 598

I. Introduction
A. Overview of environmental exploitation in fiction
B. Introduction to the theme in Arthur C. Clarke's works
II. Background on Arthur C. Clarke
A. Brief biography
B. Major works related to environmental exploitation
III. Analysis of environmental exploitation in Arthur C. Clarke's fiction
A. Explanation of the concept of environmental exploitation
B. Examples from Clarke's novels and short stories
1. "Rendezvous with Rama"
2. "The City and the Stars"
3. "The Nine Billion Names of God"
IV. Themes and motifs related to environmental exploitation in Clarke's fiction
A. Technology and its impact on the environment
B. Human greed and its consequences

Have our priorities shifted away from ambitious goals like space exploration?
Words: 604

Have Our Priorities Shifted Away from Ambitious Goals like Space Exploration?

In the wake of humanity's profound achievements in space exploration during the 20th century, an inquiry arises: have our priorities shifted away from these ambitious endeavors? While competing global challenges and evolving societal concerns may have tempered our aspirations for space travel, it is crucial to assess the present state of space exploration and consider its future trajectory.

The Zenith of Space Exploration

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union engaged in a fierce rivalry that catalyzed unprecedented advancements in space technology. The launch of Sputnik 1 in....

I\'m not very familiar with science. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 510

Introductory Science Essay Topics for Beginners


The Role of Photosynthesis in the Food Chain: Explore the fundamental process by which plants convert sunlight into energy and its critical importance for all life on Earth.
Evolution and Natural Selection: Examine the theory of evolution, including the mechanisms of genetic variation and how it drives the diversification of species.
The Human Body and Homeostasis: Investigate the complex systems and processes that maintain stability and balance within the human body.


The Structure and Properties of Matter: Describe the basic components of matter (atoms, elements, molecules) and their arrangements in solids, liquids, and gases.

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