Thailand Essays (Examples)

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Thailand Scenario Force Capabilities Vignettes Package 2008 and Applying Theories of Operational Art
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Thailand Scenario Force Capabilities Vignettes Package 2008
Probably the best example of recent Thai and U.S. Force vignettes is illustrated in the 30 th annual Cobra Gold war games in early 2011. Specifically, based upon these historical experiences, this author suggests that the United States support the Thais by means of capability deployments to include communications, intelligence and language support. Also, material support such as ground force fires and reinforcements will also be required. Based upon past experiences, the capabilities are primarily sea as well as air mobile and airborne forces. Certainly, it is the best rational example of what a force multi-mission capable force projection from CONUS will likely look like, whether it is deployed to protect against Khmer, Tatmadaw, or Burmese insurgents operating across the Thai borders.

The U.S. Forces would be limited by their thin deployment due to the War on Terror. The deployment will be handled in friendly…...

Thailand Agriculture Rice Thailand Agriculture
Pages: 2 Words: 734

It is important to note that the above mentioned sources would only constitute the backbone of the research project and that, as the research project advances, new materials and information of interest could be identified and integrated.

4. Methodology

The research methodology would be a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. With the aid of qualitative research method, the situation of rice cultivation in Thailand would be assessed. The qualitative observation supposes the integration within the community and its observation with the scope of comprehending the mechanisms behind its functioning. The methodology has a limitation however, and this materializes in the inability to extrapolate the findings to the greater community.

elative to the quantitative analysis, this is based on proven facts and numerically measured components of the industry. This research methodology implies more complex and tedious work, but it reveals the advantage of generalization (Walliman and Walliman, 2006). The combination of the two…...



Heong, K.L., 2005, Rice is life: scientific perspectives for the 21st century, Int. Rice Res. Inst.

Huke, R.E., Huke, E.H., 1990, A brief history of rice, Guide to Thailand,   last accessed on July 23, 2010 

Kealhofer, L., 2003, Looking into the Gap: Land Use and the Tropical Forests of Southern Thailand, Asian Perspectives: the Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific, Vol. 42, No. 1

Mekhora, T., McCann, L.M.J., 2003, Rice vs. Shrimp Production in Thailand: Is There Really a Conflict? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 35, No. 1

Thailand Memo to the Minister of Economic
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Memo to the minister of economic development of Thailand:

In recent years, Thailand has come far in rehabilitating its public image. Thailand was one of the East Asian nations that experienced the quickest recovery from the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis, unlike Japan, which has lingered in the economic doldrums since. Unlike the rapidly aging employable population of Japan, Thailand's young and invigorated population is booming. Our nation's economy was listed as one of East Asia's best performers in 2002 and 2003. "Increased consumption and investment spending and strong export growth pushed GDP growth up to 6.3% in 2003 despite a sluggish global economy." (Government Guide, 2004)

No longer a mere tourist hub in the eyes of the est, for foreigners desirous of engaging in perverse fantasies, Thailand's complex Buddhist culture and the profundity of its social infrastructure has come to the forefront for both professional estern scholars of the philosophy and eager…...


Works Cited

Bradsher, Keith. (October 2, 2004) "Bird Flu Spreads. "The New York Times. Retrieved on October 9, 2004 at 

Government urged to Clarify Current status." (October 2004) Retrieved on October 9, 2004 at Bangkok Post Web site:

Government Guide. (2004) "Thailand: Economics." Retrieved on October 9, 2004 at   / *Main&URL=http%3A/

Reuters (October 8, 2004) "S.E. Asia sets up task force to tackle bird flu." Retrieved on October 9, 2004 at Retrieved on October 9, 2004 at News.

Thailand -- Bias in Resource
Pages: 2 Words: 706

(Pate 2004) Such projects do not only improve the quality of life of residents, they also generate jobs in urban but not rural areas, and better sanitation encourages more people to live in the cities and flee the countryside, causing a population imbalance common in Asia.
The massive road and telecommunications systems that have been constructed in the capital have not made their way to country, which is shocking and inexcusable, given the smaller size of Thailand, as opposed to China, another nation afflicted by a similar imbalance of regional resources. (Asia Hub, 2004) of course, it has been alleged that given the greater education of the population and potential for urban expansion, this is out of necessity for the commercial interests currently concentrated in the capital. But this, with no pun intended, and no mean to raise the sensitive subject of the 'bird flu' raises the old 'chicken and…...


Works Cited

Asia Trade Hub. (2004) "Thailand Infrastructure: Roads."   on October 15, 2004 at Pate Engineers. (2004) "Wastewater Systems." Official Website. Retrieved on October 15, 2004 at 

World bank report. (1999) "Thailand Social Monitor." Retrieved on October 15, 2004 at

Thailand History of Their Cuisine
Pages: 6 Words: 1808

Thailand History Of Their Cuisine
History of Thailand cuisine

Thailand is nation situated in the mainland of south Asia. The country measures approximately 514000 square kilometers. Its position geographically has influenced various aspects of the nation. Its cultures and customs changed to certain degrees. The country connects various nations for, example, people from Singapore and Malaysia can meet through the route it creates. The people of Thailand have their native culture, mode of socializing as well as cuisine. Therefore, this means that people of Thailand have their own cuisine and the way of cooking. The country has a tropical monsoon climate favorable for rice cultivation. The people call it, Thai cuisine, with pride as it is their national cuisine. Borrowing from other aspects of the southeastern cooking traditions, cooking places and home kitchen emphasize on lightly prepared dishes with very strong aromatic tastes. Spicing of food in Thailand is their tradition. Thailand…...


Works Cited

Civitello, Linda. Cuisine and culture: A history of food and people.Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons. 2011. Print

Mishra, Patit Paban. The history of Thailand. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood. 2010. Print.

Isaacs, Bronwyn, et al. "Competition, adaptation and mutation Fresh market and supermarket conventions in Thailand." Journal of Sociology 46.4 (2010): 413-436. Print

Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. A History of Food. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print

Thailand During the 1930s and 1960s and
Pages: 7 Words: 1965

Thailand during the 1930s and 1960s and compares its current day exchange policies. It has 9 sources in MLA format.
The Thai economy, one of the fastest growing in the world through 1995, where trade is elevating and education is stabilizing. Despite of the measures taken up by the government of current Thai Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai to secure the economy and raise it, GDP suffered contractions of 1.8% and 10% in 1997 and 1998 respectively. Since the value of baht (Thai currency) depreciated the Thai government took up the assistance of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in August 1997 and assembled a package worth $17.2 billion to provide balance of payments relief and begin re-establishing the Thai economy and resume the trade and financial sector. The objective was to manage the external sector in response to changing world trading systems with the assistance of policies like technology and intellectual…...



Phongpaichit, Pasuk and Baker, Chris. Thailand: Economy And Politics. Revised edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, p. 58

Author not available, Thailand needs high spending to back recovery-IMF, Reuters; 02-10-2000.

Author not available, IMF says Thai economic recovery fragile., Reuters Business Report, 08-16-2001.

Author not available, Exports To Limit Thailand's Economy Growth: Expert., Xinhua News Agency, 04-04-2002.

Thailand Dilemma
Pages: 3 Words: 864

inflation has a direct impact on exchange rates because it has a direct impact on the purchasing power of both (or all) currencies involved in a comparison of inflation rates. That is, inflation by definition reduces the purchasing power of a currency, and thus if two currencies have different rates of inflation (as they almost always will, on some level or another) they will have different rates of purchasing power reduction. These differing rates of purchasing power reduction lead to different and constantly changing exchange rates, and in fact are a major driver of fluctuations in exchange rates. For example, if the inflation rate is higher in country A than in country B, country A's currency is experiencing a faster reduction in its purchasing power than is country B. This means that the currency in country B. can buy more than the currency in country A, unit for unit…...

SMES in Thailand
Pages: 10 Words: 3000

Thailand Small and Medium Enterprises
The Industrial Sector and Its Regulators. The industrial sector has contributed the most to the economic growth of Thailand, with manufacturing as its most important sub-sector, followed by construction, mining and quarrying. Manufacturing, accounting for approximately 25% of each addition to the incremental Gross Domestic Product, has relied heavily on agricultural products, such as rubber, textile, food processing, beverages and tobacco. Employment in the manufacturing sector has constituted more than 25% of the labor force

Thailand's most important exports have been processed food, leather, wood, rubber and basic metals. The industrial sector is under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance, the oard of Investments, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Industry, the Industrial Finance Corporation, the ank of Thailand and the National Economic and Social Development. The Ministry of Finance administers taxes and duties and provides refunds on exports and has a decisive role on…...



1. Asia Realty Estate. Thailand Income Tax and Laws for Foreigners. 2001. internet online. Available from   [October 27, 2004] 

2. Bangkok Services. Your Legal Rights. Legal Issues. Bangkok, 2001. internet-online. Available from [27 October 2004]

3. Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership Clearinghouse on Entrepreneurship Education: Making Businesses Work. Constraints on the Private Sector in Developing Countries. Thailand Economy and Laws. Internet online. Available from   [October 27, 2004] 

4. Country Commerce. E-Commerce Commands Only Tiny Share of Business. The Economist Intelligence Unit, 2004. internet online. Available from   doc_id3843& title=Thailand%3A+ [27 October 2004] ;

Rubber SAP Middleman in Thailand
Pages: 15 Words: 4519

This implies that the proposed business will have a good market to source its sap. Secondly, Thailand's market also offers a good platform for the proposed business model. Farmers have previously had to get less money from rubber farming: they have been forced to sell their sap quickly at a lower price because they cannot store the product. This business model promotes the growth of the business.
B. Target Customers in Thailand

The target customers in Thailand are the commercial businesses purchasing sap for industrial use. The business will supply sap to these ventures at a cost when the market allows the business to make some profits. The business will also be supplying the sap to other private companies that may demand the sap. The competitions that the business will face include the dominant companies, which have previously engaged in the sap industry.

V. Marketing and Sales Plan

A. Marketing Strategy

The success of…...



Burke, a. & Presser, B. (2010). Thailand's Islands & Beaches. London: Lonely Planet

Hopkins, J. (2005). Thailand Confidential. New York: Tuttle Publishing

Kaplan, J. & Warren, a. (2009). Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, 3rd Edition. New Jersey: Wiley

Newman, J. (2009). Thailand Rubber Farming. New York: Booksmango

Cultural Study of Thailand and Hong Kong
Pages: 11 Words: 2822

Cultural Study of Thailand and Hong Kong
Culture has a major impact over ones personality. The way a person communicates and behave, depends upon its culture. Since, culture controls a person's acts invisibly therefore it is not easier for the person to get over with his developed cultural habits and that's what makes him different from others. (Hall, 1983)

Since, it is an age of globalization where people from different cultures need to work together. Diverse teams, no doubt increase the chances profit and success for an organization. Since, there are more sources of innovations and ideas. Improvement in creativity and decision making are some of the prominent features of diverse workforce. ut one cannot neglect the importance of language. Since, it is the language that could lead to miscommunication and thus create big problems.

Inter-culture communication is basic and the foremost criteria. Whether it is international transport, immigration patterns, modern communicating technologies…...



Brett, J.M., & Crotty, S. (2007). Culture and Negotitaion. Management and Organizations.

Clyne, M. (1994). Inter-Cultural Communication at Work: Cultural Values in Discourse. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Coverdell, P.D. (n.d.). Styles of Communication: Direct and Indirect. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from Culture Matters: 

Geert Hofstede. (2011). Hong Kong. Retrieved April 14, 2012, from Geert-Hofstede:

Thailand History as Defined in
Pages: 4 Words: 1513

In Thailand, the people take everything with a smile, and even when they make blunders and mishaps, and the same is pointed out to them, they tae it with a smile. People from the West feel that they are being laughed at, as they are probably less accustomed to being shouted at. (Social Customs) This is a peculiar institution and is seen in some cultures and probably these are the cultures who feel that they are superior to the other cultures surrounding them, or who have come into their country. This is also probably the reason why the Thais have never changed their culture due to influences of other countries.

Thai history before the Sukhothai kingdom. etrieved from Accessed on 30 April, 2005

Thailand: Economic Policy Analysis. McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis. etrieved at Accessed on 30 April, 2005

Thailand Culture. etrieved at Accessed on 30 April, 2005




Thai history before the Sukhothai kingdom. Retrieved from Accessed on 30 April, 2005

Thailand: Economic Policy Analysis. McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis. Retrieved at   Accessed on 30 April, 2005 .

Thailand Culture. Retrieved at   Accessed on 30 April, 2005 .

Thailand has a tropical climate with three seasons. Retrieved at Accessed on 30 April, 2005

Effect of Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarket in Bangkok Thailand
Pages: 30 Words: 10094

Grocery Store by Entrance of Hypermarkets in Bangkok Thailand
Small grocery store owners in Thailand are faced with the ever growing threat of foreign -- owned hypermarkets. Hypermarkets are part of a global trend that threatens to destroy the small grocery store. If this trend continues the traditional market structure of Thailand might become obsolete in the future. This research explores strategies that small grocery store owners can employ to remain profitable and to survive into the future.

The Tesco Effect

Are There Any Advantages to Being a Small etailer?

Benefits and Pitfalls of Tesco to the Economy

Thai Government and Economic Theory

ecommendations for Survival





Commodities are one of the most stable opportunities for retailers. They are considered to be a profitable opportunity and can be started with a relatively low investment. In areas where people have high purchasing power, the local grocery or convenient store is a lucrative business venture. High traffic areas increase…...



Carter, W. 2011. Supply Chain Value and Small Business. The Charleston Post.8 September 2011. Available at:   12 October 2011]. [Accessed

CNN Money. 2009. 20 Best Countries for Startups. [online] Available at:   [Accessed 12 October 2011]. 

Corporate Watch. 2004. Tesco. September 2004. [onine] Available at:   12 October 2011]. [Accessed

Crispin, S. 2008. What's eating Thai Tesco. Asia Times. May 3.

Tourism in Thailand Tourism Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1364

In fact, local businesses closest to the protests sites were hit hardest, with very little occupancy rates during the period of tension. Even worse, the research reports that "more than 70 charter flights hauling tourists from China" were canceled (Horn 2010).
Yet, more recent political stability has once again begun to calm the nerves of potential visitors. Thus reports are claiming that "If Thailand can maintain political stability, the tourism industry will be one of the major sources of income for the country for the next three years," (Karnjanatawe 2011). The recent stability has corresponded with a continual growth in Thai tourism seen within the 2011-year. Despite even the setbacks of the SAS crisis and the Iraq war in 2003, visitor arrivals had rebounded by 2004 and have continued to remain strong (APEC, 2004). Additionally, global economic trends, mainly the recession much of the world has been experiencing, had kept…...



Department of Tourism. (2011). Tourist arrivals in Thailand. Statistics. Web.

ETN. (2011). Double-digit tourism growth for Asia and Pacific in 2010. Tourism Statistics. Global Travel Industry News. Web. 

Horn, Robert. (2010). Thailand tourism devastated by political unrest. Time Magazine. Web.,8599,1982555,00.html 

Karnjanatawe, Karnjana. (2011). Record number of arrivals expected. Bangkok Post. Web.

Singha Heineken-thailand Exploring the Impact of
Pages: 6 Words: 1712

At any rate, this approach would be highly congruent with Heineken's existing approach to branding given its current repertoire of 170 international brands and strategic partnering with local beer manufacturers. Such a partnership might be the best way for Singha to avoid being acquired outright by Heineken in the future as it continues to juggernaut-like march to global domination of the beer market.
Finally, because it is well established that bright sunlight can harm the taste of beer, it would appear reasonable to conclude that the brown-glassed Singha bottles protect their contents better than the clearer green glass used by Heineken. For tropical markets such as Thailand where product can be exposed to the harsh rays of the sun during transport or otherwise, the marketers at Heineken would be well advised to either darken the color of their glass containers or incorporate some ultraviolet protection in their bottles to avoid…...



Andrews, T.G., Chompusri, N., & Obe, B.B. (2003). The changing face of multinationals in Southeast Asia. New York: Routledge.

Ramos, F.V. (2006, March 19). RP and Thailand a[euro]: Different systems, different outcomes? Manila Bulletin, 3.

Sale, C. (2006, July 20). Vijay hopes he can still throw it away. The Daily Mail (London, England), 91.

Thailand. (2008). U.S. Government: CIA world factbook. [Online]. Available: .

International Investment in Thailand Recent
Pages: 2 Words: 902

However, the Thai government's guidance on growth has been conservative; if we take the orld Bank's pre-crisis estimate of 6.2% (Thailand Business News) and factor in Chatikavanij's warning, Thailand's near-term growth potential comes in at a healthy 4.2%.
From a pure value perspective, Thai stocks are already trading at relatively cheap levels (Reuters). The SET is valued at roughly 12 times estimated 2010 earnings, which makes it the second-cheapest market in Asia (behind Pakistan) and significantly undervalued compared to Indonesia (14 times 2010 earnings) or Malaysia (15.7 times 2010 earnings). hile it may be time to reconsider our sector weightings in order to take advantage of bargains in Bangkok (and dump stocks that are looking rich or in danger of deteriorating further as the political crisis continues), it would probably not be prudent to move money away from the market entirely.

The idea of reallocating some or all of the portfolio's…...


Works Cited

Peck, Grant. "Emergency Declared in Thailand Protests." The Associated Press. 7 Apr. 2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2010.

Plessis, Prieur de. "Mobius Sees Value in Thailand." Daily Markets. 26 Apr. 2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2010.

I\'m searching for essay topics on nonverbal communication in different cultures. Do you have any recommendations?
Words: 579

Nonverbal Communication: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Nonverbal communication, often referred to as body language, is a form of expression that conveys messages without the use of words. It includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye contact. Nonverbal communication plays a vital role in human interaction, conveying emotions, attitudes, and intentions. However, its significance and interpretation can vary widely across different cultures. This essay delves into the intricacies of nonverbal communication in various cultures, exploring how cultural factors influence the way people communicate nonverbally and the implications for cross-cultural communication.

1. Greetings:
Greetings set the tone for any interaction and often involve nonverbal cues.....

Could you guide me in selecting essay topics that cover east asia modernity women\'s roles?
Words: 552

Certainly! Here are some essay topics that cover East Asia modernity and women's roles:

1. The impact of modernization on women's roles in East Asian societies: a comparative analysis of Japan, China, and South Korea.
2. Gender equality and empowerment of women in East Asia: challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.
3. The role of women in shaping modern East Asian economies: a case study of female entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
4. Traditional vs. modern gender roles in East Asian cultures: exploring the evolution of women's status in Confucian societies.
5. The portrayal of modern East Asian women in media and popular....

What are the key challenges and best practices in offer management and order processing?
Words: 614

Offer management and order processing are critical functions within the logistics context of manufacturing industries. Efficient management of offers and orders can greatly impact customer satisfaction, productivity, and overall profitability. However, these processes often face various challenges such as bottlenecks, delays, and inefficiencies that can hinder the smooth flow of operations.
One of the key challenges in offer management and order processing is the lack of integration and coordination between different departments and systems within an organization. According to a study by Van Hoek et al. (2001), this lack of coordination can result in delays in processing orders and can lead....

How does the ARIMAX-ANN hybrid model compare to ARIMAX and ANN in rice yield forecasting?
Words: 472

Comparison of ARIMAX-ANN Hybrid Model to ARIMAX and ANN in Rice Yield Forecasting
Machine learning techniques have demonstrated promising capabilities in agricultural yield forecasting. Among these techniques, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with Exogenous Variables (ARIMAX) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) have been widely employed. ARIMAX is a statistical model that incorporates explanatory variables, while ANN is a non-linear supervised learning model.
ARIMAX-ANN Hybrid Model
The ARIMAX-ANN hybrid model combines the strengths of both ARIMAX and ANN. It involves using ARIMAX to identify a linear trend and seasonal patterns in the rice yield data, while ANN captures the non-linear relationships and complex interactions between....

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