Telehealth Essays (Examples)

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Telehealth and Home Monitoring Equipment
Pages: 6 Words: 1863

Telehealth and Home Monitoring Equipment
This is a paper that outlines the features of telehealth products and how effective they are for the consultants and users. It has 15 sources.

In contrast to the past when people could not e treated in time to prevent loss of life present-day planning has greatly influenced the fate of those in need and modifications have occurred in the way that health care is administered. Currently though, the jo is far from complete, as there are yet more efforts eing made in order to further ameliorate healthcare services in the country.

According to geographical oundaries, there appears to e a need for extension of healthcare in order to reach those who might consume valuale time traveling to healthcare centers in case of emergency. Especially in case of individuals suffering with CHF, a remedy for such patients would e most welcomed.


Presently, Telehealth is eing implemented to aid those…...



WorkForce Development: Nursing Profession (2002)

Telehealth and the Treatment of Depression
Pages: 2 Words: 676

TelehealthTelehealth has provided an innovative solution that helps healthcare professionals and patients overcome obstacles of time and space. From lowering costs to opening doors for more immediate care, telehealth is changing the way healthcare is received. Moreover this trend is only expected to continue and rise as more healthcare facilities around the world implement telehealth approaches. The reason for this trend is simple, and this paper will show what that reason is: healthcare professionals and patients benefit from Telehealth because it improves the quality of care and its delivery.The first reason telehealth helps in healthcare is that it can lower follow-up costs for many individuals who struggle to pay for in-office visits. For instance, telehealth provides patients with fast and sufficient service via telephone: an automated telephone follow-up system that calls, identifies, and interviews clients is an alternative method for monitoring patients that may be both reliable and cost-effective (Alemi,…...



Alemi, F., Stephens, R., Parran, T., Llorens, S., Bhatt, P., Ghadiri, A., & Eisenstein, E. (1994). Automated monitoring of outcomes: application to treatment of drug abuse. Medical Decision Making, 14(2), 180-187. 

American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). (2017). Telemedicine Toolkit. Retrieved from 

Baer, L., Jacobs, D. G., Cukor, P., O\\\\\\'Laughlen, J., Coyle, J. T., & Magruder, K. M. (1995). Automated telephone screening survey for depression. JAMA, 273(24), 1943-1944.

Bashshur, R. L., Puskin, D., & Silva, J. (1995). Second Invitational Consensus Conference on Telemedicine and the National Information Infrastructure: Augusta, Georgia, May 2-4, 1995. Telemedicine Journal, 1(4), 321-375.

Telehealth and Solving the Problem of Nursing Turnover
Pages: 45 Words: 12696

educing Nursing Turnover by Implementing Innovative E-Health: A New Strategy for Incentivizing Nurses and Improving Organizational Culture
Problem Identification:

Nursing turnover rates are a serious issue for hospitals: they are costly and result in lost time and energy in continuously training new staff (Twibell, 2012). Identifying the main reasons for nursing turnover and addressing them can lead to better nurse retention (Trivellas, Gerogiannis, Svarna, 2013).

The problem of nurse retention has been identified by academic scholars in journals like the Journal of Nursing Administration, which has estimated the cost of replacing a single nurse to be approximately $82,000 (Twibell, 2012). As Twibell (2012) reports, job satisfaction is the main reason new nurses leave and the poor sense of job satisfaction is related to too heavy workloads and the lack of their ability to guarantee patient safety. While Twibell goes on to suggest that these issues can be addressed by implementing pre-screening strategies when…...



Barret, D., Wallis, A. (2013). Nurses' attitudes towards telehealth: the Royal College of Nursing eHealth survey. International Journal of Integrated Care, 13: 1-2.

Bhattacharya, I., Ramachandran, A. (2015). A path analysis study of retention of healthcare professionals in urban India using health information technology. Human Resources for Health, 13: 65-78.

Darkins, A. (2012). Patient safety considerations in developing large telehealth networks. Clinical Risk, 18(3): 90-94.

Fouad, H. (2014). Implementation of Remote Health Monitoring in Medical Rural

Health Care and Telehealth
Pages: 10 Words: 3205

Telehealth / Telemedicine
The concept of telehealth holds that there are a range of medical services that can be delivered remotely. Some early telehealth might have been conducted over the phone, perhaps a patient calling to get an opinion of whether he/she needed to travel to the nearest medical facility or not. For people living in remote areas, this was important. Countries like Australia and Canada, almost by necessity, helped pioneer telehealth and the United States has similarly utilized the technique.

The concept of telehealth is like an umbrella, with many different things encompassed within its definition. These include online support groups, online health information, communication with health care providers, remote monitoring, and video or online doctor visits (Mayo Clinic, 2016).

Modern telecommunications have only accelerated the use of telehealth, but they have also broadened the scope of what can be accomplished using telehealth technology. For example, the use of cameras is now…...



DelliFraine, J. & Dansky, K. (2007). Home-based telehealth: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. Vol. 14 (2008) 62-66.

Finkelstein, S., Speedie, S. & Pothoff, S. (2006). Home telehealth improves clinical outcomes at lower cost for home healthcare. Telemedicine and e-Health. Vol. 12 (2) 128-136.

Henderson, C., et al. (2013) Cost effectiveness of telehealth for patients with long-term conditions. British Medical Journal. Vol. 346 (22 March 2013) 1035.

Mayo Clinic (20126). Telehealth: When technology meets health care. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved October 13, 2016 from

E Medicine and Telehealth Recommendations for Implementation
Pages: 3 Words: 971

Telehealth ecommendation
E-medicine and Telehealth are ways of sharing medical information pertaining to patients through the use of electronic/digital communication portals. Various technologies enable health care providers to use these means -- from smart phones to email to virtual connections, Telehealth is bringing the 21st century to paient-provider relationships and helping more adequately and efficiently to facilitate the provider in meeting the individual needs of the patient (MayoClinic, 2015).

One way to meet these needs is through providing home care services that allow providers to support an alternative (more traditional) approach to health care via home visit services. Telehealth makes this possible as medical information can be accessed by the practitioner on the go and records virtually taken with one wherever one goes so that the patient does not have to be troubled to visit the clinic.

For this reason alone, investing in Telehealth can be worth it. The statistical research indicates that…...



Benefits of EHRs. (n.d.). Retrieved from   eVisit. (2016). 36 TELEMEDICINE STATISTICS YOU SHOULD KNOW. eVisit. 

Retrieved from 

Homecare Homebase. (n.d.). Homecare Solution. HCHB. Retrieve from

MayoClinic. (2015). Telemedicine benefits patients and staff with remote diagnosis and treatment for rehabilitation. MayoClinic. Retrieved from

Rural School Based Telehealth Clinics
Pages: 3 Words: 925

Telehealth innovations facilitate the capability of providing healthcare through telecommunications technology. These are implements that can be employed to address as well as enhance the health status of children in schools. In the contemporary, rural areas within the United States are expanses that are still lacking proper and adequate healthcare. To address and transform this, school-based telehealth care has been unveiled and instituted as means of rendering care to children. In particular, school-based health clinics make the most of telemedicine technology to provide children with the accessibility to primary healthcare services (Kim, 2013). The purpose of this essay is to delineate the manner in which rural school-centered telehealth clinics can be employed in the nursing field to deliver suitable healthcare to children.


The topic argued, discussed and deliberated in the essay encompasses the establishment and efficacy of rural school-based telehealth clinics. The statement of focus in the article by Reynolds and…...


References Kim, J. (2013). 12 Telemedicine Innovations That Will Shape Healthcare\\'s Future. CIO. Retrieved from:   Gifford, V., Niles, B., Rivkin, I., Koverola, C., & Polaha, J. (2012). Continuing education training focused on the development of behavioral telehealth competencies in behavioral healthcare providers. Rural Remote Health, 12(2108), 1-15 Reynolds, C. A., & Maughan, E. D. (2015). Telehealth in the school setting: An integrative review. The Journal of School Nursing, 31(1), 44-53. Practice Hours Completion Statement DNP-805 I, , verify that I have completed clock hours in association with the goals and objectives for this assignment. I have also tracked said practice hours in the Typhon Student Tracking System for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor. Appendix Mind Map The following is a mind map that delineates and illustrates the manner in which the identified telehealth technology, rural school-based telehealth clinics, can be used in nursing. 

Health Care and Telehealth
Pages: 2 Words: 1857

telehealth in nursing and the ability to provide quality care has received much attention of late and there are several studies that examine the role of telehealth in supporting patients and helping nurses provide quality care.
The study by Geennhalgh, herton, Sugarhood, Hinder, Procter et al. (2013) conducts a qualitative phenomenological study on how telehealth and telecare help elderly persons with their assisted living needs. The study finds that these tools are helpful to varying degrees depending on the patients' needs and the nurses' role in providing care.

Gorst, Coates and Armitage (2016) conduct a qualitative study on how patients' beliefs and personal feelings regarding telehealth impact their quality of care. The study employed interviews with 8 patients to find out how patients feel about this type of care: most liked it but most also valued face-to-face time with care givers.

Brewster et al. (2014) use both qualitative and quantitative data (a…...


Wilson, R. (2016). Can telehealth help to deliver sustainable and equitable paediatric

services in Northern Scotland? Rural and Remote Health, 16: 4118.

Abstract: Northern Scotland needs more equitable and sustainable paediatric unscheduled care. Rural hospital emergency departments are primarily staffed by GPs or junior doctors outside normal working hours. Achieving equitable access to paediatric specialist advice is challenging. The Paediatric Unscheduled Care (Puc) Pilot Service was driven primarily by the Scottish Centre for Telehealth and Telecare. The Centre for Rural Health undertook an evaluation of the activity during the first six months. We evaluated the experience of consultations, rates of patient transfers to specialist centres, consultant views, satisfaction with videoconferencing technology and quality of care. The Puc Telehealth Service pilot attempted to provide a single point of consultant led paediatric contact for Rural General or Community hospitals across northern Scotland, by providing non-specialist physicians and families with fast and appropriate access to specialist assessment and support via video conferencing. This pilot aimed to use telehealth as a contribution to integrated care and embed Puc into existing working practice within the rural hospitals. We assessed the progress of the pilot against its objectives, using mixed methods during the evaluation including both quantitative and qualitative data collection, an economic analysis and literature review. Although the Puc model was popular with families and junior physicians, it proved expensive and concerns emerged about where clinical responsibility lay. Recommendations for sustaining equitable paediatric unscheduled care will be made.

Policy Brief on Telehealth Parity Policy
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

Executive summary The American federal government has declared its decision to promote and incorporate telehealth services into healthcare coverage for its citizens. Obamacare adopted this practice only federally, via Medicare, and that too in specific situations. The authority of deciding telehealth services to be provided under Medicaid chiefly continue to be under state government jurisdiction. Major barriers challenge telehealth acceptance and adoption, with the overall country and individual states unable to fully appreciate telehealth’s cost-effectiveness. The proposed Telehealth Parity Act (TPA) will revolutionize Medicare telehealth reimbursement, besides expanding Medicare recipients’ coverage. States will perhaps slowly do away with their respective parity-related regulatory restrictions which constrain professionals and organizations, shifting their emphasis to telehealth integration into routine healthcare coverage.
Telehealth tools will aid practitioners in providing superior-quality, economical healthcare, which is crucial to the growing value-based imbursement trend. All things considered, telehealth boasts significant advantages if the healthcare system expends more efforts that…...



Dorsey, E. R., & Topol, E. J. (2016). State of telehealth. New England Journal of Medicine, 375(2), 154-161.

“Health Policy Brief: Telehealth Parity Laws,” Health Affairs, August 15, 2016

Neufeld, J. D., Doarn, C. R., & Aly, R. (2016). State policies influence medicare telemedicine utilization. Telemedicine and e-Health, 22(1), 70-74.

Weinstein, R. S., Lopez, A. M., Joseph, B. A., Erps, K. A., Holcomb, M., Barker, G. P., & Krupinski, E. A. (2014). Telemedicine, telehealth, and mobile health applications that work: opportunities and barriers. The American journal of medicine, 127(3), 183-187.


Ethical Consideration and Telehealth
Pages: 4 Words: 1337

Telehealth Technology
Chronic obstructive pulmonary (COP) is one of the serious diseases in the United States that places a great burden on patients as well as healthcare systems based on its associated high rate of hospitalization, outpatients visit and readmissions. (Sarah et al. 2016). Over the years, the COP has become a major public health issue globally with more than 65 million cases. (Sarah et al. 2016). In 2010, the United States recorded a direct cost of $32.1 billion based on the prevalence of the COP disease. In the UK, 1.6% of the population is suffering from the COP contributing to the burden of over £800 million per annum with the direct medical costs of approximately £625 million annually. (Sarah et al. 2016). Despite its associated direct costs burden, the prevalence of the COP is likely to increase because of a rise in aging population.(Sarah et al. 2016).

The telehealth has…...



Brewster, L. Mountain, G. Wessels, B. et al. (2013). Factors affecting frontline staff acceptance of telehealth technologies: a mixed-method systematic review. J Adv Nurs. 70(1):21-33. doi: 10.1111/jan.12196.

Greenhalgh, T., Wherton, J., Sugarhood, P., Hinder, S., et al. (2013). What matters to older people with assisted living needs? A phenomenological analysis of the use and non-use of telehealth and telecare. Social Science & Medicine, 93: 86-94.

Gorst, S. L., Armitage, C. J., Brownsell, S., & Hawley, M. S. (2014). Home telehealth uptake and continued use among heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: a systematic review. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 48(3):323-36. doi: 10.1007/s12160-014-9607-x.

Sarah, G.L. Armitage, C.L. Christopher, J. (2016). "It's sort of a lifeline": Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients' experiences of home telehealth. Health Psychology. 35 (1): 60-68.

Impact of Telehealth
Pages: 8 Words: 2142

The Impact of Telehealth
With the advent of telehealth, the landscape of healthcare delivery has undergone a transformative shift. Defined as the use of digital information and communication technologies, such as computers and mobile devices, for accessing health care services remotely and managing one's health care (American Telemedicine Association, 2012), telehealth has shown a significant impact on both patients and healthcare systems worldwide. These technological advancements have paved the way for improved access to care, cost savings, and enhanced patient engagement, shaping the trajectory of modern healthcare services in numerous ways.

One of the most consequential impacts of telehealth is the democratization of access to healthcare services. Traditionally, individuals living in rural or remote areas have had limited access to healthcare due to geographic barriers and a shortage of practitioners (Smith, 2017). Telehealth mitigates these barriers by enabling remote consultations and monitoring, thus broadening the reach of healthcare services to these underserved…...



American Telemedicine Association. (2012). Definitions. American Telemedicine Association. ,

Adler-Milstein, J., Kvedar, J., & Bates, D. W. (2016). Telehealth among US hospitals: Several factors, including state reimbursement and licensure policies, influence adoption. Health Affairs, 35(2), 340-347.,

AlDossary, S., Martin-Khan, M. G., Bradford, N. K., Armfield, N. R., & Smith, A. C. (2017). The development of a telemedicine planning framework based on needs assessment. Journal of Medical Systems, 41(12), 190.,

Bashshur, R. L., Shannon, G. W., Smith, B. R., & Alverson, D. C. (2016). The empirical evidence for telemedicine interventions in mental disorders. Telemedicine and e-Health, 22(2), 87-113.,

Disadvantages and Advantages of Telehealth
Pages: 4 Words: 1298

Telenursing: Is it for Me?
Fifty years ago, the kind of technology depicted in science-fiction films may have seemed like an unattainable fantasy. Today, it is a reality. Advancements in technology in every sector of life have made it so that human beings now have more communicative power than ever before: information can be conveyed digitally and electronically faster than the blink of an eye. This technology is now being instituted in the health care industry in the form of telehealth. Telehealth is a form of medicine that utilizes telecommunications technologies and electronic storage to make long-distance clinical care a real and effective practice in today's world (Hebda, 2013). This paper will provide an assessment of one area of telehealth, which is telenursing and include a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages for the patient as well as legal and ethical principles for the nurse using telenursing.

One of the biggest concerns…...



Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2013). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Kamei, T. et al. (2013). Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies involving telehome monitoring-based telenursing for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 10(2); 180-192.

Odeh, B. (2014). Implementing a telehealth service: nurses' perceptions and experiences. British Journal Of Nursing, 23(21): 1133-1137.

Ramelet, A. et al. (2014). Impact of a Telenursing service on satisfaction and health outcomes of children with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and their families: a crossover randomized trial study protocol. BMC Pediatrics, 14: 151.

How Telehealth Applies to Nursing
Pages: 5 Words: 1517

Health Problem SolutionPart 1To address the challenges faced by individuals with quadriplegia and co-morbidities who are medically fragile, the following intervention can be implemented:Leadership1. Establish a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, and rehabilitation specialists, to provide coordinated and comprehensive care to these patients (Stoop et al., 2019).2. Encourage team members to collaborate and communicate effectively, and provide leadership training to promote effective decision-making and conflict resolution.Collaboration1. Involve the patients and their families in the care planning process, and provide education about their condition and self-management strategies.2. Collaborate with community resources, such as home care agencies, to ensure that the patients have access to necessary resources and support.Communication1. Implement electronic medical record systems to improve communication and coordination among the care team and other stakeholders, such as primary care physicians and specialists (Kneck et al., 2019).2. Provide education to the patients and…...



Cutillo, C. M., Sharma, K. R., Foschini, L., Kundu, S., Mackintosh, M., & Mandl, K. D.

(2020). Machine intelligence in healthcare—perspectives on trustworthiness, explainability, usability, and transparency. NPJ digital medicine, 3(1), 1-5.

Gast, A., & Mathes, T. (2019). Medication adherence influencing factors—an (updated)

Medical Telehealth Approaches Pros and Cons
Pages: 6 Words: 1845

The Issue of Medication NonadherenceIntroductionThe article by Gliadkovskaya (2023) highlights the limitations of the current healthcare system in effectively tracking medication adherence, a shortcoming that the CEO of Assure Health, Jeffrey Nadel, describes as "flying blind" when it comes to making sure patients are doing what they are supposed to be doing (Gliadkovskaya, 2023). However, the emergence of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM), which is a mechanism that uses medical devices to monitor patient responses to treatment through non-physiological data, suggests that a possible solution is at handRTM provides actionable insights that can enhance diagnostic accuracy and targeted interventions, thereby improving patient outcomes and reducing costs (Axelrad et al., 2022). Yet, in spite of a potential embrace of this new technology by the healthcare industry, the shift towards home-based care also brings its challenges, such as the risk of medication nonadherence. Thus, this subject is of considerable importance. In Gliadkovskayas article…...



Axelrad, J., Long, M., Horst, S., Afzali, A., Sapir, T., Fajardo, K., ... & Cross, R. (2022). A Novel Remote Patient and Medication Monitoring Solution to Improve Adherence and Persistence With Inflammatory Bowel Disease Therapy (ASSIST Study): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(12), e40382. 

Gliadkovskaya, A. (2023). Healthcare \\\\\\'flying blind\\\\\\': Medication nonadherence and how remote therapeutic monitoring can help. Retrieved from 

Mosnaim, G. S., Greiwe, J., Jariwala, S. P., Pleasants, R., & Merchant, R. (2022). Digital inhalers and remote patient monitoring for asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 10(10), 2525-2533.

Pros and Cons of Remote Patient Monitoring
Pages: 5 Words: 1371

Evidence-Based Proposal on Remote Patient MonitoringIntroduction to Remote Patient MonitoringThe ever-growing field of medical technology provides new opportunities for patient care, including remote patient monitoring (RPM). RPM is the use of technology to collect and transmit patient data from a distance, allowing for real-time sharing of information between patients and providers. While RPM offers many potential benefits, such as increased access to care and improved health outcomes, it also raises important ethical concerns. These challenges must be carefully considered in order to ensure that RPM is used ethically and in the best interests of patients.There are several potential benefits of RPM. First, it can allow patients to overcome time and space barriers by making it possible for them to receive care from a larger pool of providers, including specialists who may not be available locally. Second, it can improve health outcomes by providing timely information that can enable early intervention.…...



Clarke, M., & Ondiege, B. (2018). Investigating User Identification in Remote Patient Monitoring Devices. Bioengineering,4(4), 76 – 76.

El-Sherif, D. M., Abouzid, M., Elzarif, M. T., Ahmed, A. A., Albakri, A., & Alshehri, M.M. (2022, February). Telehealth and Artificial Intelligence insights into healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 2, p. 385). MDPI.

Gajarawala, S. N., & Pelkowski, J. N. (2021). Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218-221.

Benefits of Telehealth Programs in Mexico and France
Pages: 6 Words: 1946

Community Health Change Proposal Summary eport: Catron County, New MexicoExecutive SummaryToday, the United States is experiencing an unprecedented increase in the percentage of its elderly population, driven largely by the aging of the baby boomer generation (Grinin et al., 2021). In this regard, Ahmed (2023) emphasizes that, More than 55 million people across the USA are aged 65 or older. With an increasing number of baby boomers reaching retirement age and older generations living longer, the US is graying drastically (para. 3). This profound demographic shift has significant implications for health care practitioners in general and nursing professionals in particular, prompting the need for innovative approaches to address the unique healthcare needs and challenges of older adults. To this end, a regional healthcare program in Catron County, New Mexico, which has one of the highest percentages of elderly in the country today at 43.3%, could focus on enhancing primary care…...


ReferencesAllen Watts, K., Malone, E., Dionne?Odom, J. N., McCammon, S., Currie, E., Hicks, J., ... & Bakitas, M. (2021). Can you hear me now?: Improving palliative care access through telehealth. Research in nursing & health, 44(1), 226-237. Anna, Age Eight Institute. (2021). 100% Catron County Survey Report: Identifying Barriers to Vital Services, 2021. Retrieved from  Chang, J. E., Lai, A. Y., Gupta, A., Nguyen, A. M., Berry, C. A., & Shelley, D. R. (2021). Rapid transition to telehealth and the digital divide: implications for primary care access and equity in a post?COVID era. The Milbank Quarterly, 99(2), 340-368. Curtis, M. E., Clingan, S. E., Guo, H., Zhu, Y., Mooney, L. J., & Hser, Y. I. (2022). Disparities in digital access among American rural and urban households and implications for telemedicine?based services. The Journal of Rural Health, 38(3), 512-518. Dos Santos, A. D. F., Pacheco-López, A., Hidalgo, A. C. C., Urteaga, B. I. C., Marcillo, D. C. A., López, E., ... & Rivadeneira, R. G. C. (2023). Telehealth Actions to Address COVID-19 in Latin American Countries. Telemedicine and e-Health, 29(11), 1650-1658. Fjellsa, H. M. H., Husebø, A. M. L., & Storm, M. (2022). eHealth in care coordination for older adults living at home: scoping review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(10), e39584.  Grinin, L., Grinin, A., & Korotayev, A. (2021). Global trends and forecasts of the 21st century. World Futures, 77(5), 335-370., M. M., & Hickey, J. V. (2023). An infrastructure to provide safer, higher-quality, and more equitable telehealth. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 49(4), 213-222.  Kojima, T., Mizokami, F., & Akishita, M. (2020). Geriatric management of older patients with multimorbidity. Geriatrics & gerontology international, 20(12), 1105-1111. New Mexico Aging and Long-Term Services Department. (2023). Retrieved from  Porter Starr, K. N., Miller, M. G., Mitchell, N. S., & Bales, C. W. (2023). Nutrition, Function, and Quality of Life in Older Adults Socially Isolated Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Focus on Telehealth Interventions. In Integrated Science of Global Epidemics (pp. 469-487). Cham: Springer International Publishing.  Talal, A. H., Sofikitou, E. M., Jaanimägi, U., Zeremski, M., Tobin, J. N., & Markatou, M. (2020). A framework for patient-centered telemedicine: Application and lessons learned from vulnerable populations. Journal of biomedical informatics, 112, 103622.  Yaghobian, S., Ohannessian, R., Duong, T. A., Medeiros de Bustos, E., Le Douarin, Y. M., & Moulin, T. (2022). France extends its tele-expertise funding model nationally after COVID-19. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 28(3), 233-235. Zaman, S. B., Khan, R. K., Evans, R. G., Thrift, A. G., Maddison, R., & Islam, S. M. S. (2022). Exploring barriers to and enablers of the adoption of information and communication technology for the care of older adults with chronic diseases: scoping review. JMIR aging, 5(1), e25251.  Zhang, Y., Leuk, J. S. P., & Teo, W. P. (2023). Domains, feasibility, effectiveness, cost, and acceptability of telehealth in aging care: scoping review of systematic reviews. JMIR aging, 6(1), e40460.

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to deinstitutionalization pros and cons?
Words: 296

1. The impact of deinstitutionalization on mental health care access and quality
2. Examining the role of community-based treatment in reducing stigma around mental illness
3. The challenges of transitioning patients from institutional care to community-based services
4. The financial implications of deinstitutionalization on mental health care systems
5. Exploring the ethical considerations of deinstitutionalization and patient autonomy
6. The effectiveness of deinstitutionalization in promoting recovery and rehabilitation for individuals with mental illness
7. The potential risks and benefits of deinstitutionalization for vulnerable populations, such as the homeless or those with severe mental illness
8. The role of family support and....

Can you offer assistance in devising suitable titles for my essay about Healthcare 2020 / 2021?
Words: 188

1. The Evolution and Challenges of Healthcare in 2020

2. Innovative Technologies Shaping Healthcare in 2021

3. The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Systems in 2020

4. Addressing Health Disparities in 2021: A Call for Action

5. Telemedicine: The Future of Healthcare Delivery in 2020 and Beyond

6. Mental Health Awareness in the Era of Healthcare 2021

7. From Crisis to Opportunity: Resilience in Healthcare in 2020

8. The Role of Nurses in 2021: Advancing Healthcare Excellence

9. The Importance of Preventive Care in Healthcare 2020

10. Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare for Better Patient Outcomes in 2021
11. Telehealth Revolution: Expanding Access to Care in 2020/2021
12. Equity in....

Can you assist me in brainstorming catchy titles for my global Advertising of Online therapy sites?
Words: 246

1. The Impact of Online Therapy Site Advertising on Mental Health Treatment

2. Marketing Strategies for Online Therapy Sites: Reaching a Wider Audience

3. Ethical Considerations in Advertising Online Therapy Services

4. The Role of Social Media in Promoting Online Therapy Sites

5. Effective Advertising Techniques for Online Therapy Platforms

6. Analyzing the Success of Online Therapy Site Ad Campaigns

7. The Rise of Telehealth: Advertising Trends in Online Therapy

8. Targeting Specific Demographics: Advertising Online Therapy Services to Different Audiences

9. Branding and Reputation Management for Online Therapy Sites

10. Comparing Traditional Marketing Approaches with Online Advertising for Therapy Platforms
11. Navigating the Digital Landscape: Advertising Strategies for Online....

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 282

1. The impact of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) on access to healthcare in the United States
2. The effectiveness of Medicare and Medicaid in providing affordable healthcare to low-income and elderly populations
3. The future of universal healthcare in the United States
4. The role of pharmaceutical companies in rising healthcare costs
5. The importance of mental health coverage in healthcare policies
6. The debate over the privatization of healthcare services
7. The impact of electronic health records on patient care and privacy
8. The implications of genetic testing and personalized medicine on healthcare policy
9. The role of preventative care and public health initiatives in reducing....

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