Teen Suicide Essays (Examples)

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Teen Suicide
Pages: 8 Words: 2274

Teen Suicide and Schools
The recent spate of school shootings has focused attention on violent behavior among teenagers. However, little attention has been given to another insidious and more common form of violence among young people -- the rise in teenagers committing suicide.

This paper looks at the silent epidemic of teen suicide and the role schools could play in addressing this issue. The first part of the paper is an overview of teen suicide, looking at the scope of the problem and main causes of suicide among young people. In the second part, the paper looks at the changing role schools have played in preventing suicide and examines the current suicide prevention programs in place. Finally, the last part studies the barriers that stand in the way of such programs and suggests solutions to the problems.

Teen Suicide: An Overview

The suicide rate among teenagers has risen steadily over the last few decades.…...


Works Cited

Atkins, Kimberly. "High School Sharpens Focus on Suicide." Boston Globe. 17 March 2002: 6.

Brooke, James. "2 Students in Colorado School Said to Gun Down as Many as 23 and Kill Themselves in a Siege" The New York Times. 21 April 1999: A1, A17.

King, Keith A. "Developing a Comprehensive School Suicide Prevention Program." The Journal of School Health. April 2001: 132-137.

Milsom, Amy. "Suicide prevention in schools: Court cases and implications for principals." NASSP Bulletin. March 2002: 24-33.

Teen Suicide Among Teenagers Is One of
Pages: 2 Words: 575

Teen Suicide
Suicide among teenagers is one of the great tragedies of our world today. It affects families, schools, and the community (Bostik and Everall, 2007). Interestingly, many teenagers who go through suicidal feelings overcome them, if not with ease, then at last in time. This could be an important factor in devising prevention and intervention strategies, especially for high-risk cases where the teens in question may not overcome their feelings. Currently, not much is known about how adolescents overcome suicidal feelings. Hence, Bostik and Everall (2007) conducted their study around this phenomenon to determine how intervention strategies could be devised around preventing suicide in teenagers by helping them to overcome such feelings.

In general, studies on suicide have focused on identifying risk factors for suicide in teens, with emphasis on variables such as demographics and psychiatry. The authors point out that little evidence exists to suggest that these studies have been…...

Teen Suicides My Relationship With
Pages: 12 Words: 4223

As far as I am concerned, the issue of whether or not a state can legislate marriage based on its own definition of social mores was settled in Loving v. Virginia, when the Supreme Court declared that it was an Equal Protection violation to have anti-miscegenation statutes. Sex is clearly as much of an immutable characteristic as race, and it seems illogical to prevent people from entering into a legal relationship, such as marriage, on the basis of an immutable characteristic. However, attitudes about homosexuality very rarely seem rational. Instead, they seem to come from another, irrational place, where homosexuality stands as a symbol for some type of greater evil.
For example, opponents of same-sex marriage often talk about the traditional definition of marriage. They discuss the fact that marriage has traditionally been limited to pairs of one-male and one-female. However, these arguments ignore much of human history. First, marriage,…...

Meta-Analysis on Teen Suicide One of the
Pages: 2 Words: 636

Meta-Analysis on Teen Suicide
One of the leading treatments for depression are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSI's, however their effectiveness seems to be age related. In a recent study titled "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of suicide: A systematic review of observational studies," the authors assert that the effectiveness of these drugs is dependent upon the age of the patient. Young patients aged 25 or younger, had an increased risk of suicide or suicide attempt while patients aged 65 or older had a reduced risk. The risk for those aged between 25 and 65 was found to be neutral.

This study was a quantitative study because it used data from other studies to calculate the statistics involved in the relationship between the use of SSI's and suicide. One of the major aspects of a quantitative study is the use of statistics to present evidence in the form of mathematics. In…...



Barbui, C., Esposito, E., and Cipriani, A.. (2009). "Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and risk of suicide: A systematic review of observational studies." CMAJ 180(3),

291-297. Retrieved from  http://www.cmaj.ca/content/180/3/291.full 

"Meta-analysis shows teen suicide risk nearly double for SSRIs." (May 2009). The Brown

University Psychopharmacology Update 20(5). Print.

Teen Suicide Suicidal Behaviors Among Teenagers Remain
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

een Suicide
Suicidal behaviors among teenagers remain a national menace. It has been found from large scale national survey data that about 20.5% teens harbored suicide thoughts within 12 months while about 7.7% attempted suicide at least once within this period (Centers for Disease Control, 1998a), suggesting that a large number of youths stand the risks of being prone to suicide. his is most applicable for young boys. A good example is the 1995 data which showed that the number of boys that committed suicide whose ages fell between 15 and 19 were about five times more the number of girls who committed suicide (Kramer Gould, 2001)

Researches carried out on American high school students showed that the total number of teens having suicide thoughts and considering suicide as a solution to their depressions reduced significantly between 1991 and 1997, but a notable increase was recorded on students who attempted suicide during…...


This study was guided by the primary hypotheses. (1) Feeling socially isolated as an adolescent exposes youths to psychological imbalances such as symptoms of depression, low self-esteem, and behaviors that suggest suicide thoughts. (2) Protective factors like family ties, school ties, and academic accomplishments have the tendency of increasing the relationship between social isolation and risks of psychological ill health.

School-Oriented Support and Intervention programs for Youths

According to (Cooper $Clements, 2001), their studies and reviews on extant literature have shown that social scientists and educators have adopted the high school-based preventive measures for a very long time and still use it today to fight this problem. However, studies that prove observed effectiveness of this method are rare. High school-based preventive

Teenage Substance Abuse Substance Abuse
Pages: 12 Words: 5378

Help her to realize that having a child may interfere with her future career, but that many mothers have successful home and job lives. There are an infinite number of options, and a determined teenager can find a way to success. Do not skirt around the issues of danger, however, as teenagers are more likely to miscarry or have other complications with their pregnancy such as premature labor and low birth weight of the child. Teenage mothers are more likely to need bedrest during the late stages of pregnancy, and a cesarian section during birthing, and the child is at greater risk for any number of complications.
Of course, while supporting a pregnant teen is vital, the key to solving the problems faced by teenagers dealing with pregnancy is to stop it before it happens.

Provide accurate and unashamed information about sex and pregnancy to children and teenagers, and encourage other…...



Adolescent Anger and Aggression." Psychiatric Institute of Washington. 2001.  http://www.psychinstitute.com/mental_illness/adol_anger.html 

Combat Teenage Sexual Abuse." NSPCC. 2001.  http://www.nspcc.org.uk/html/home/informationresources/combatteenagesexualabuse.htm 

Getting a Sexually Transmitted Disease." Frequently Asked Questions. American Social Health Association. http://www.iwannaknow.org/faqs/getting.html

Lamprecht, Catherine. "Talking to your Child about STDs." KidsHealth. Nemours Foundation. 2001.  http://kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?dn=KidsHealth&lic=1&ps=107&cat_id=171&article_set=23006

Suicide Is a Unique Topic
Pages: 2 Words: 462

Furthermore Search volumes for the terms "suicide" and "depression" were highly correlated with each other, as were "teen suicide" and "depression." McCarthy eventually concluded that "a connection between suicide and internet search activity has been supported, suggesting internet searches for suicide-related terms may predict actual self-injury and death."
This is very important for forensic psychologists who are looking for more predictive behaviors to deter suicide. Google, as a predictive tool, can now be used to understand cycles and trends within the high-risk groups that may be contemplating suicide. This article suggested that many demographic relationships can also be spotted using Google Trends. This is by no means a panacea for forensic psychologist, but this method can be used to hone in on more specific variables such as location or age, and use them to help pinpoint a more specific trend.

Although seemingly very simple, Google can really help provide quick data…...



McCarthy, M. (2010). Internet Monitoring of Suicide Risk in the Population. Journal of Affected Disorders, 2010 May, 122(3): 277-279. Retrieved from  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2847052/

Teenage Drinking the Dangers of Teenage Drinking
Pages: 2 Words: 646

Teenage Drinking
The Dangers of Teenage Drinking:

The Possibility of Losing Life in Less than One Minute

There is no greater danger today than the juxtaposition of human force against machine. When this duality comes into play, there is no escape, and its clash can only lead to a violent end. One could envisage such a metaphor for any kind of accident, but especially for the automotive kind. Indeed, of any accident, car accidents are perhaps the most dangerous, with 39 million deaths a year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Of these accidents a good number are due to drinking, and especially to teenage drinking, of which one hears stories in newspapers almost daily. The following paragraphs will thus shed light on teenage drinking and why it is so incredibly dangerous, not only when it comes to cars and driving, but also when drinking socially, and drinking too much. [1: "Motor Vehicle…...

Teenage Abortion Lindsey A Story
Pages: 2 Words: 781

Skylar, unfortunately, was a handful, and Gladys was already well into middle age. Gladys assumed that since Danielle had abdicated parental responsibility that Lindsey would do the same. She did not feel that she would be able to care for a second baby.
The abortion went through as scheduled, and Lindsey returned to school soon afterwards. For Lindsey, though, things didn't return to normal. The girls at school called her a baby-killer and started making threats against her. She sank into a deep depression. She had deeply wanted the baby and she thought she would have made a good mother. Lindsey was always a quiet person and not one to share her innermost thoughts, so it was a surprise and a blow to everyone when Gladys came home from work early to find Lindsey unconscious in her bedroom, with a suicide note on the dresser and an empty bottle of…...

Teen Abuse Recognizing the Signs
Pages: 6 Words: 1717

& Naugle, A. (2008). Intimate partner violence theoretical considerations: Moving towards a contextual framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(7), 1096-1107.
Eckhardt, C.; Jamison, T.R. & atts, K. (2002). Anger Experience and Expression Among Male Dating Violence Perpetrators During Anger Arousal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17(10), 1102-1114.

Eckhardt, C.; Samper, R. & Murphy, C. (2008). Anger disturbances among perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of court-mandated treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(11), 1600-1617.

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2010). Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner Violence: Response to Commentators. Sex Roles, 62(3-4), 221-225.

Palo Alto Medical Facilities (PAMF). (2010). Abusive Romantic Relationships. PAMF.org.

Smith, M. & Segal, J.…...


Works Cited:

Bell, K. & Naugle, A. (2008). Intimate partner violence theoretical considerations: Moving towards a contextual framework. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(7), 1096-1107.

Eckhardt, C.; Jamison, T.R. & Watts, K. (2002). Anger Experience and Expression Among Male Dating Violence Perpetrators During Anger Arousal. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17(10), 1102-1114.

Eckhardt, C.; Samper, R. & Murphy, C. (2008). Anger disturbances among perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Clinical characteristics and outcomes of court-mandated treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 23(11), 1600-1617.

Langhinrichsen-Rohling, J. (2010). Controversies Involving Gender and Intimate Partner Violence: Response to Commentators. Sex Roles, 62(3-4), 221-225.

Teenage Bullying Chink Spic Terrorist Whore Nerd
Pages: 2 Words: 728

Teenage Bullying
Chink, Spic, Terrorist, Whore, Nerd. These words seem to be just the beginning sparks of what most people characterize as bullying. The words and phrases are familiar enough; high school students across the country hear these insults being thrown out just as commonly as a larger student with his gang picking on a smaller and weaker student. The essence of teenage bullying has not changed; rather, with the amount of digital media and social platforms created today, there seems to be more reason to expect bullying -- both at school and online.

Bullying itself comes in many forms and sizes. It can be one hulking, leader-like personality with the aim at a Machiavellian increase in status in the school's social standing (Hamarus). Another can be the result of a racial slur and the violent actions taken against a differently ethnic individual -- perhaps even using an entire gang to beat…...



Hamarus, Paivi, and Pauli Kaikkonen. "School bullying as a creator of pupil peer pressure." Educational Research 50.4 (2008): 333-345. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Feb. 2011.

Kennedy, Helen. "Phoebe Prince, South Hadley High School's 'new Girl,' Driven to Suicide by Teenage Cyber Bullies." NY Daily News. 29 Mar. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2011. .

Pierce, Tamora. "Don't Let Bullies Win." Dare to Be Stupid. 30 Mar. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2011. .

Rivero, Victor. "The Politicization of Bullying." District Administration 47.1 (2011): 54. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web. 26 Feb. 2011.

Teenage Girls Abuse in Teen Dating Relationships
Pages: 6 Words: 1959

Teenage Girls Involved in Abusive Dating elationships
Aggression in teenage dating leading to physical, emotional and psychological damage is a social problem not only because of its effects on the teenagers but also because of its prevalence.

Howard and Qi Wang (2003) report figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showing that overall the prevalence of non-sexual courtship violence ranges from 9% to 65%, depending on the definitions and research methods used. Howard and Qi Wang's study reported "almost one in ten of the 9th- through 12th-grade females who participated in the 1999 Youth isk Behavior Survey reported being a victim of physical dating violence (i.e., had been hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose) within the past year." Further studies and figures report that about one in five of adolescent girls has experienced dating violence. Some of the physically abusive behaviors perpetrated in dating include being scratched, slapped, slammed…...



Bush, Vanessa. (2002). A thin line between love and hate: dating violence strikes one in every five teenage girls. Essence November 2002. Retrieved November 7th,2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m1264/7_33/96384286/print.jhtml.

Gillies-Bradley & Wagner Tammy L. (2003). When love hurts. Briarpatch, 32(2), 18-19.

Howard, Donna E. & Qi Wang, Min. (2003). Risk profiles of adolescent girls who were victims of dating violence. Adolescence Spring 2003. Retrieved November 7th,2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m2248/149_38/103381757/print.jhtml.

James, William H., West, Carolyn, Deters, Karla Ezrre, Amigo, Eduardo. (2000). Youth dating violence. Adolescence Fall 2000. Retrieved November 7th, 2003, from www.findarticles.com/cf_0/m2248/139_35/68535843/print.jhtml

Social Media and Suicide Social Media Internet
Pages: 8 Words: 2737

Social Media and Suicide
Social Media

Internet has become a gadget of everyday use for people of 21st century. As it is offering many benefits to the users in terms of information communcaition, interaction, entertainment, socialization and earning livelihhod, there are certain dark factors related to it. The dark factors are as severe as forcing people to commit suicide. It is no exaggeration to mention that Intenet is used as a medium to harass people and get undue benefits from them.

Social media today is playing major role in enabling people and organizations to communicate and share ideas, views and knowledge with other people. The traditional methods of communication have been modified through social media platforms like chat rooms, social networking sites (Facebook, My-Space, Twitter, Google+ etc.), video sites (YouTube), discussion forums, video chat, text messages, blogs etc. (Lexton et al., 2012). The most well-known social networking website Facebook had almost million users…...



Biddle, L., Donovan, J., Hawton, K., Kapur, N., Gunnell, D., 2008. Suicide and the Internet. British Medical Journal, 336, 800-802.

"Cyberbullying Does Not 'Cause' Teen Suicide," 2012. Retrieved from  http://www.science20.com/news_articles/cyberbullying_does_not_cause_teen_suicide-95444 

"Facebook Statistics," 2011. Retrieved from  http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics 

"Facebook statistics by country," n.d. Retrieved from http://www.socialbakers.com/facebook-statistics

School Response to Student Suicide
Pages: 10 Words: 3279

School esponse to Student Suicide: Postvention
The emotional impact on family and friends following an adolescent suicide - and the school's response to a suicide - has not been the subject of the same level of intense research as have: a) the causes of suicides; and b) programs to prevent suicides. However, there is now an emerging body of solid research on what protocol a school can put into place, to be more prepared in the unfortunate circumstance of a teen suicide. Indeed, on the subject of tragedy, in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many schools and communities re-tooled their crisis/response plans for dealing with such threats. And yet, in many ways, the sudden, inexplicable death of a student can cause serious psychological ramifications to fellow students on a part with the shockwaves following an attack by terrorists. And hence, this paper analyzes literature that is…...



American Association of Suicidology (2003). Remembering Our Children:

Parents of Suicides, A Memorial to Our Precious Sons & Daughters.  http://www.angelfire.com/mi2/parentsofsuicide/page1.html 

Bratter, Thomas Edward (2003). Surviving Suicide: Treatment Challenges for Gifted, Angry, Drug Dependent Adolescents. International Journal of Reality

Therapy, XXII, 32-36.

Teenage Sexuality
Pages: 5 Words: 1347

teenage sexuality. The writer links research and theory to a practical problem and discusses how they are similar. The writer also discusses teenage sexuality in the context of education. There were six sources used to complete this paper.
Americans have adjusted a lot of their thinking when it comes to teenage sexuality during recent years. There was a time when a pregnant teen would have been removed from the school and sent to a school for unwed mothers. There was a time when a sexually active female was labeled a slut, or said to be loose. Those days are on the retreat as Americans accept teenage sexuality more than ever before. With that acceptance comes the question of when and how to teach sex education. Schools are at a crossroad because they are dealing with pregnant teens but many parents are opposed to the sex education of their children within…...



Mallet, Pascal; Apostolidis, Themistoklis; Paty, Benjamin (1997). The development of gender schemata about heterosexual and homosexual others during adolescence.. Vol. 124, The Journal of General Psychology, pp 91(14).

Feigenbaum, Rhona-Weinstein, Estelle-et al.,(1995). College students' sexual attitudes and behaviors: Implications for sexuality education.. Vol. 44, Journal of American College Health, pp 112.

Brody, Stuart; Rau, Harald; Fuhrer, Niklas; Hillebrand, Heiko; Rudiger, Daniela; Braun, Manuel (1996). Traditional ideology as an inhibitor of sexual behavior.. Vol. 130, The Journal of Psychology, pp 615(12).

National Poll Shows Parents Overwhelmingly Support Comprehensive Sex Education Over Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage by 5 to 1 Margin (Accessed 10-23-2002)  http://www.siecus.org/media/press/press0028.html

I need help with a topic sentence for my research paper on how would monitoring teens and their social media / device used decrease the rate and prevent teen suicide?
Words: 391

Teen suicide is a one of the biggest health threats to teens.  This may be due to many factors, such as the fact that teenage brains are not fully developed, hormone changes from puberty, teen vulnerability to child abuse or dating violence, or the fact that many mental illnesses begin to emerge in the teenage or young adult years.  Reducing the suicide rate among teens is a consistent public health goal, though there is no guaranteed intervention that will always lead to success.  With social media usage among teens changing the way that teens socialize, there is little....

How can a strong conclusion in an essay effectively address adolescent mental health?
Words: 522

Mental Health in Adolescent Minds: The Power of a Strong Conclusion Mental health is a critical issue affecting adolescents. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10-20% of adolescents experience mental health problems, with depression and anxiety being the most common (WHO, 2018). These issues can have a profound impact on their academic performance, social relationships, and overall well-being. A strong conclusion in an essay on adolescent mental health is essential for several reasons: - It provides closure: A strong conclusion ties together the main points of the essay, restating the thesis and summarizing the key evidence presented. It leaves the reader with....

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