The long-term implications are even more dramatic, as it will force a drastic reduction in price of servers, storage, even to the media and platter level of the disk drives themselves. There are also the long-term reductions of a reduced use of on-premises storage is the ability to free up services and support staff to become more trained in programming and advanced concepts, acquiring skill sets that would be otherwise expensive to obtain outside the company. The continued focus long-term on cost reduction of servers, their infrastructure, and headcount requirements could eventually lead to the balance of power shifting from the it staff to the line-of-business users and strategists, many of whom are accustomed to using hosted services for the majority of their online application needs from both a personal and professional perspective already.
Mossberg (2006) - These Services Make Backing Up Your Files Safe and Inexpensive, December 14, 2006. Accessed…...
Mossberg (2006) - These Services Make Backing Up Your Files Safe and Inexpensive, December 14, 2006. Accessed from the Internet on February 5th, 2007 from location:
Conversely, Paris and Rome were inspiring both aesthetically and spiritually. As a result, Adams spent many summers in Paris. Chiefly, London was the stimulus that shaped Adams' education and his historical viewpoints. Ironically, Adams shared his negative English stereotypes, starting in Chapter 12. "The English mind was one-sided, eccentric, systematically unsystematic and logically illogical. The less one knew of it the better."7 Surprisingly, Adams carried residue of a family resentment for the English from the American Revolution. During the American Civil ar, the resentment was further intensified by social and political conditions in London. Nevertheless, his heritage and his concepts of legal justice were fundamentally British. For Adams, London represented a repository of diverse values. ith Adams' love for complexity, London was the perfect for him to explore the perplexities of Christianity and technology, maturing into an educated man indeed.
Adams gained a deeper appreciation, but he never fully understood…...
mlaWorks Cited
Adams, H. (1918). The Education of Henry Adams. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Science/Technology Impact on the North American Society
The latest advancement in science has led to a shift of ways of operations and developments in almost all the quarters in the globe, the North American Society not exempted movement not exempted.
This paper will briefly look into the benefits that the development in technology has brought to the North American society and the youth and women of the region in particular.
Technology and women's movement
The growth of ICT has enabled women in North America to have access to information about development projects and opportunities as well as sources of funding for the projects involving women. Further to this, the various organizations that involve women participation have been able to link with each other through technology in form of emails, teleconferencing and video conferences.
The continued use of technology among women has also enabled the women's movement to bridge the gender gap that there before existed.…...
mlaReference, (2011). What is Social Media. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
Psych Central, (2011). Media Can Damage Self-Image. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
Science Ray, (2011). The Effects and Influences of Technology on Society and Human Kind.
Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
obotic Technology on Business / obotic Technology: Impact on Business
According to ShahinFarshchi, in his work the 'Five Myths and Facts About obotics Technology Today', the increase in the use of robots today has been enabled by seamless connectivity, three dimensional printing, widely available open source code, less expensive sensors and even faster processors. Some concerned parties are even expressing fears that there is increasingly less human to human interaction, and others are warning of job losses with robots being deployed to do tasks that some are saying shouldn't be done by machines (Farshchi, 2014).
obots taking over jobs, can work for longer without getting tired and don't need to get paid every month. Other commentators are even arguing that for the manufacturing industry to survive, it must adopt the use of robots and the same is also being argued for the logistics industry, even though machines currently being used in…...
Enterprise Center. (2015). Impact of Robotics on Business. Blog. Retrieved from / on 10th November, 2015.
Farshchi, S. (2015).Five Myths and Facts About Robotics Technology Today. IEEE Spectrum. Retrieved from on 10th November, 2015.
Worx, R.(2015). Advantages and Disadvantages of Automating with Industrial Robots. Blog. Retrieved from on 10th November, 2015
Pittsburgh, S. (2015).The Truth About Robotics: Impact of Robotics on Employment. Plastic Business. Retrieved from on 10th November, 2015.
Advancements in medical research and technologies usually do not reach the world's most far-flung places, let alone those with poor economic development and no infrastructure. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere, bereft from most of the amenities that might be available even in its neighboring Caribbean islands. As a result, Haitians do not have access to the quality of care many others can afford. What countries like Haiti need is more than just doctors and healthcare administrators, but also the tools and technologies whereby Haiti can build its own healthcare infrastructure. 3D printing, like many other technologies, proves tremendously empowering because it allows Haitians to create materials they can then use rather than borrow or receive donations. With a 3D printer, Haiti can manufacture its own medical supplies in an incredibly simple, straightforward, and cost-effective way that does not require massive investments in infrastructure or…...
Horn, L. (2013). An aid group is 3D printing medical supplies in Haiti. Gizmodo. Retrieved online:
Martin, R. (2013). Helping Haiti, in 3D. NPR. Retrieved online:
Matthews, D. (2015). Disaster relief in three dimensions. 3D Print. Retrieved online:
Perretty, D. (n.d.). 3D printing medical tools in Haiti and beyond. Core77. Retrieved online:
technology impact changes in warfare from the end of the Napoleonic Wars/French evolution to the start of the U.S. Civil War of 1815 -- 1861?
Attention Sentence: Improvements in warfare played a significant role in the modern state's development.
Armed forces' sizes were determined by individual nations' capacity of borrowing and raising taxes, a factor that was, at times, facilitated by war, weapon production, and army professionalization.
Major Points Supporting the Thesis: Scholarly discussion on warfare's transformation in the Napoleonic and revolutionary eras revolves around the following three related controversies, namely a revolution's timing and meaning in terms of conducting war, a 'total' war's existence during or subsequent to the year 1792, and most German states' decision to continue cabinet warfare, with responses themselves suggesting a transformation driven by more lethal and mobile mass militaries in an apparently endless succession of wars, making military conflicts heavily impact the lives of civilians (Mark…...
Mark Hewitson. (2013). Princes' Wars, Wars of the People, or Total War?. Sage Publications, 452-490.
Massimiliano Gaetano Onorato, Kenneth Scheve, & David Stasavage. (2013). Technology and the Era of the Mass Army. Institution for Social and Policy Studies.
Patrick Karl O'Brien. (2011). The Contributions of Warfare with Revolutionary and Napoleonic France to the Consolidation and Progress of the British Industrial Revolution. Working Paper - London School of Economics.
This is necessary to provide a seamless platform on which health solutions can be effectively integrated and deployed. Without using such a platform, the development of electronic health care facilities will be more difficult to deploy. In other words, Tele-health is part of the overall healthcare ICT (Information Communications Technology) solutions that enables healthcare to be pushed out to the edge, for local delivery, and to be more evenly, efficiently and effectively distributed.
Broadband communication is the underlying technology of choice when discussing electronic applications. It is certainly important for inter-healthcare provider communications delivering sufficient bandwidth capacity between sites. The delivery of home care electronic should not rely on the broadband technology is not universally accessible, particularly in rural and remote areas, and it can also be prohibitively expensive. Some broadband technologies can be delivered to remote locations, such as satellite-based technology, but this is impractical and too costly to…...
Goldberg, a. (2002, April 29). Internal Report: Telehealth, Privacy, & Health Care: Review, Expectations & Proposals. Goulston & Storrs, Boston, MA.
Lovata, F. (2000, May 21-24). Telemedicine via the Internet: Successful Program Strategies. American Telemedicine Association Conference,
Puskin, D., Mintzer, C., & Wasem, C. (1997). Chapter 14, Telemedicine: Building Rural Systems for Today and Tomorrow. In P. Brennan, S. Schneider, & E. Tornquist (Eds.), Information Networks for Community Health. (p. 276). Computers in Health Care Series. Springer-Verlag.
Telecommunications: Protecting the Forgotten Frontier. (2001, August). SC Magazine-Info Security News, 12 (8), 36-40.
Called a constraint engine, the approach these software applications use is to concentrate on a unique set of customer inputs, typically gained over a website, to provide a solution set for the customer. Cisco has created a guided selling system that will configure an entire network, and American Power Conversion has also created one that can configure an entire raised floor it installation. The use of guided selling systems and configurators for the strengthening of customer relationships has been a very successful strategy on the part of the companies mentioned in addition to many others, as this technological approach saves salespersons' time while also providing customers what they need when they need it, as is the case with commodity products for example.
Lager, M (2006). Pointing to Profits. Customer elationship Management, 10(5), 24-28,30. etrieved March 13, 2008, from ABI/INFOM Global database. (Document ID: 1033819151).
Ong, K, Lin, Q., Nee, AY (2006).…...
Lager, M (2006). Pointing to Profits. Customer Relationship Management, 10(5), 24-28,30. Retrieved March 13, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1033819151).
Ong, K, Lin, Q., Nee, AY (2006). Web-based configuration design system for product customization. International Journal of Production Research, 44(2), 351-382. Retrieved March 12, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 943906011).
Technology in Training of Employees
In what ways has technology impacted the way(s) we train employees?
The changing nature of the workplace environment brings with it a vast field of challenges in the organization. The aspect of the change being rapid makes the situation require adverse and quick reaction from organizations to ensure they remain on course towards their objectives. Thus, rapid change in the workplace brings with it the necessity for skilled and knowledgeable workforce, encompassing employees who are adaptive, flexible and focused on the future of their careers and the organization (Wentland, 2007). Among the most, significant duties of the manager in the workplace are the development of the staff. The manager has the mandate to facilitate employee growth and development if the organization is to achieve maximum gains from its ventures and transactions.
The concept of learning management incorporates the management of employee training. Traditional approach to administration entailed on-site…...
Jehanzeb, K., Rasheed, A., & Rasheed, M.F. (2013). Organizational commitment and turnover intentions: Impact of employee's training in private sector of saudi arabia. International Journal of Business and Management, 8(8), 79-90. Retrieved from
Noe, R.A., & Winkler, C. (2009). Employee training and development: For Australia and New
Zealand. North Ryde, N.S.W: McGraw-Hill.
Noe, R.A. (2010). Employee training and development. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Technology in Edu
Technology has changed the ways schools operate, the ways teachers communicate, and the ways students learn. At every level of education, from kindergarten until graduate school, technology is being used as a means to develop and deliver course material. Technology is also being used in administrative offices, and also in the home as students have greater access to educational technologies. In traditional classroom environments, technology is being used not just in the most obvious ways such as computer terminals with Internet and library database access. While traditional technological tools such as computers have become indispensable, revolutionary changes to the learning environment itself are technology-dependent. For example, technology can be used to alter lighting and sounds in the classroom in ways that promote learning, cooperation, and concentration. With technology in education comes a great responsibility to monitor usage, upgrade systems, and remain continually mindful of issues such as privacy…...
Anderson, T., Poellhuber, B., & McKerlich, R. (2010). Self-paced Learners Meet Social Software: An Exploration of Learners' Attitudes, Expectations and Experience. Retrieved online:
Economist Intelligence Unit. The Future of Higher Education: How Technology Will Shape Learning." The Economist. 2008. Retrieved online on GoogleDocs:
Gray, L., Thomas, N., Lewis, L., & Tice, P. (2010). Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009. National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC.
Huett, J.B., Huett, K.C., & Bennett, E. (2010). The Way of the Wiki: Using a Wiki as a Management Tool for Online Programs. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, Volume XIII, Number III, Fall 2010. Retrieved online:
Technology has certainly had an impact on the history of man. Not only have the devices and processes that have emerged from advancements in technology had their effect so has the relationship of technology to politics, economics, science, and the arts. Technology has affected how man interacts with man and as history is a record of man's interactions with each other technology has affected history.
Not surprisingly, historians have adopted different approaches to examining the effect that technology has on history. Essentially, two approaches have emerged to dominate the field: technological determinism and social constructionism.
The essence of technological determinism is that it is the introduction of new technology changes society and that these changes are often unexpected. For example, proponents of technology determinism would argue that the introduction of printing changed society from one driven by oral communication into a society driven by writing and literacy or that the introduction of…...
mlaCritics of technological determinism have gained recognition in recent years. Their chief argument is that such approach is far too simplistic and ignores the interrelationship between society and technology. In response to these criticisms has emerged the social constructionism approach. Social constructionism views technology as developing in response to societal needs but it cautions the observer to take a critical stance toward how one understands or view the world. It warns that one should be suspicious of assumptions and how the world appears. In applying such theory to history, social constructionists see that how matters develop during a specific period are dependent on the social and economic circumstances in existence during such period. In understanding history, therefore, it is important to understand the factors affecting society at any given moment in time and that it is a combination of relative factors that determine how history develops as opposed to the simple introduction of new technology as the technological determinists would argue.
Which approach provides a clearer and more accurate understanding as to how technology impacts history is difficult to assess. As with all theories, there are compelling arguments on both sides but as one examines how rapidly society has changed in the past two centuries it is difficult to argue that technological determinism does not have the stronger position. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution and the multitude of ways that such technology changed society and affected how individuals interacted with one another and continuing through the various major technological changes that have occurred since technology has seemingly been the driving force behind societal changes. As society changes, so does its history. How different would the world be today without electricity; atomic power; computers; or the internet? As technology has changed so has society. Those living in early 20th Century America would hardly recognize life in 2012 America and the basis for this change has to be attributed to technology. It would appear that the technological determinists have it right.
History Technology
Development of technology has also improved the management of global logistics by encouraging firms to implement the EP systems. The global logistics planning as well as execution processes are still behind mostly when it comes to logistic management and supply chain. Therefore, creating a web-based system (EP) will create interactions with people around the world when purchasing goods and services online. The system created will also help the firms in managing the global transportation carriers, rates and execution in an environment.
Technology has improved the management of global logistics by impacting on the supply chain processes. The customers are now digitally connected by allowing the firms to have their personal portals updated again and again with the tracking numbers put in place.
Technology has also contributed to transparency in a supply chain, improving the links in the firms' chain, a trend that should be replicated among al big logistics companies or companies…...
Albright Brian, (2002). New technology reads 'hidden' bar codes. Frontline Solutions,3(12):47-49.
McCarthy, Jack, 2002, the wireless road taken. InfoWorld, 24(47): 38-40.
Compare Business Products, (2009). Technology impact on supply chain. Retrieved September 26, 2012, from
Both Kelly (2008) and Seabrook (2008) talk about the ways technology has radically transformed the ways people communicate and perceive the world. "We are headed towards screen ubiquity," claims Kelly (2008) in "Becoming Screen Literate." Screens are everywhere in our lives: from ATMs to personal video screens on airplanes. In "Hello, Hal," Seabrook (2008) discusses the phenomenon of interactive voice response systems (IVs), which companies are investing in to save money. IVs represent humans talking to computers, something that once seemed only within the realm of science fiction. Although they focus on different aspects of how technology impacts communication, both Kelly (2008) and Seabrook (2008) highlight some of the most important ways our world is changing thanks to technology. Human beings are interacting with technology on an unprecedented level, which is leading to fundamental changes in society and human interactions.
Kelly (2008) discusses the change that technology has had on human…...
Kelly, K. (2008). Becoming screen literate. The New York Times Magazine. Nov 21, 2008. Retrieved online:
Seabrook, J. (2008). Hello, Hal. The New Yorker. June 23, 2008. Retrieved online:
technology are often widespread and have the possibility to change the way humankind operates within itself. Technology paves the way for new technology creating a system of seemingly eternal growth and unlimited potential. It is therefore important and worthwhile to investigate and highlight certain aspects of the ways technology impacts different environments. Customers of technological products, at the end of the supply chain, are the ultimate decision-makers and cast the most powerful vote if whether or not a technology will survive in market conditions. The new relationships and logistical requirements when a company introduces a new piece of technology often complicates and distorts its original essence. The purpose of this essay is to investigate technology to analyze and compare and contrast the different aspects that technology impacts upon different segments of a society and in market situations.
The digital video recorder, a relatively recent piece of technology, is the focus…...
mlaWorks Cited
Miller, P. (2008). Commercial skipping to cost $8 billion in TV ads this year? Viewed on April,17 2011. to-cost-8-billion-in-tv-ads-this-year/ -
Stetler, B. (2008). A ruling may pave the way for broader use of DVR. The New York Times.
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Wells, E.K. (December 8, 2010). DVR adoption accelerates-but hope remains for 30-second spot. Retrieved from
Technology and Academic Success
Higher education across the world and the lure of new information technologies has remained uncertain as it is unsettling. While few people doubt information technology has great potential of enhancing teaching and learning there is a wide and general agreement on how technology can and should be used to boost academic productivity or whether this type of increase is on its own a valid goal if its enhancement means that the substitution of technology to take the place of the more traditional and labor intensive forms of higher education. It is not that there is lack of technology in micro scale but there are many examples of new technology applications that abound. Most of the institutions have invested majorly in new technologies, distributing the capacity of computing across most of the campuses creating a link between the faculty and the students as well as with the other…...
Reichstetter, R.(2007). Literature Review: Technology Use and Its Relevance to Academic Achievement. Retrieved March 25, 2014 from
Massy, W. & Zemsky, R.(2009). Using Information Technology to Enhance Academic Productivity . Retrieved March 25, 2014 from
Junco R.(2010). Using Emerging Technologies to Engage Students and Enhance Their Success Retrieved March 25, 2014 from
Brown J., (2011). Does the use of Technology in the Classroom Increase Students' Overall Academic Performance? Retrieved March 25, 2014 from
Technology has become an indispensable part of modern society, but its rapid development raises concerns about its impact on individuals and society at large. This essay will argue that while technology has brought about convenience and efficiency, it also poses risks to privacy, health, and social interactions, thus necessitating a more cautious and balanced approach to its adoption and use. In order to formulate a strong technology thesis statement, it is important to delve deeper into the specific aspects of technology that you aim to explore in your essay. Your thesis statement should clearly outline the main argument or perspective you....
1. The Ethics of Deepfake Technology: What are the moral implications of creating and sharing deepfake videos?
2. The Impact of Deepfake Technology on Privacy: How does the ability to easily create realistic fake videos affect individuals' privacy?
3. The Role of Deepfake Technology in Manipulating Public Opinion: How are deepfake videos being used to spread misinformation and manipulate public perception?
4. Combating Deepfake Technology: What measures can be taken to detect and prevent the spread of deepfake videos?
5. The Future of Deepfake Technology: What are the potential implications and applications of deepfake technology in the near future?
6. Deepfake and National Security: How....
1. The Ethics of Concealing a Superhero Identity: Should superheroes be required to reveal their true identities to the public, or is maintaining secrecy a necessary aspect of their effectiveness?
2. The Psychological Toll of Living a Double Life as a Superhero: How does constantly balancing a normal identity with a superhero persona impact the mental health and well-being of individuals who possess superpowers?
3. The Moral Dilemmas Faced by Superheroes: How do superheroes navigate complex ethical choices and dilemmas, and how does their sense of moral responsibility shape their actions and decisions?
4. The Intersection of Power and Responsibility in Superheroism: How....
Automated welding technology can have a significant impact on the efficiency and quality of pipeline welding projects in the following ways:
1. Improved efficiency: Automated welding technology can greatly increase the speed at which pipelines are welded, reducing the amount of time required to complete a project. This can lead to significant cost savings and enable projects to be completed more quickly.
2. Consistent quality: Automated welding technology ensures that each weld is executed with the same precision and consistency, reducing the risk of errors and defects in the welding process. This can result in higher quality welds and a lower likelihood....
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