In a descriptive syllabus for a graduate seminar in AI professor Donald gives insight into the form that AI research is taking and the bottom line is that internal brain functioning, switching, neurotransmissions, and patterns are being dissected to give the student a greater sense of the workings of the human mind so these same students may go forwards and attempt to recreate, decidedly small scale (likely single or minimally multiple) functions of human thought to create action. It is therefore not difficult to imagine that these same students will be a part of the future with regard to the development of life-like interactive toys or tools. (Donald NP) the point being made is that research developed to recreate a person in an artificial form is being done on real human science and characteristics. Science is attempting to map and dissect the whole of human physical and mental potential…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cohen, Eric. "Conservative Bioethics & the Search for Wisdom." The Hastings Center Report 36.1 (2006): 44.
Cranford, Ronald E. "The Persistent Vegetative State: The Medical Reality." The Hastings Center Report 18.1 (1988): 27.
Donald, Bruce R. "Graduate Seminar in Artificial Intelligence: Fall 2005." April 16, 2008 from:
Edsinger, Aaron, O'Reilly, Una-May, Scassellati, Brian, Scarpino, Chris and Breazeal, Cynthia "Current Research:the Lazlo Face Project" ND, April, 18, 2008 from:
The Significance of Computer Technology in American Society:
Until the beginning of the last century of the 20th century, professional businesses, high-levels of government, and research institutions accounted for the vast majority of computer use in the U.S. Within less than a decade, computer technology had become common in the American home and virtually every conceivable modern business relied on computer technology for basic business functions and communications (Evans 2004).
y the turn of the 21st century, the continued reduction in the size of computers and their simultaneous increase in processing power had fundamentally changed the way Americans communicate, as well as the way we receive news about the world. The Internet provided a means of instantaneous, real-time communication that completely changed the way that Americans socialize, as well as the way we shop, monitor our bank accounts, and perform academic research; and global positioning satellite (GPS) systems are on the verge…...
Evans, H. (2004) They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine - Two Centuries of Innovators. New York: Little Brown & Co.
Kaku, M. (1997) Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century. New York: Doubleday
Nevins, J., Commager, H.S. (1992) a Pocket History of the United States.
New York: Pocket Books
The cryptic messages many software uses and codes that must be looked up slow down the learning process. I have also observed that there is a lack of standards for nursing software and systems, including a wide variation in the use of informatics standards across systems. This made learning these systems difficult as each system had a drastically different logic workflow. The use of analytics within informatics systems and platforms continues to be a rapidly evolving trend as metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used for further customizing patient treatment plans (Sensmeier, 2010). These barriers of usability and lack of standards across advanced systems slow down learning significantly.
Current Skills
The most critical skills for mastering nursing technologies center on understanding the nature of how diagnostic and health monitoring software works, and how the patient monitoring aspects of these systems are critical to their performance. Second the current skills…...
Bartholomew, K., & Curtis, K. (2004). High-tech, high-touch: Why wait? Nursing Management, 35(9), 48-54.
Hardy, J.C., & Douglas, M. (1990). High-tech workstations on nursing units. Nursing Management, 21(7), 62-62.
Harlow, K.C., & Sportsman, S. (2007). An economic analysis of patient simulators for clinical training in nursing education. Nursing Economics, 25(1), 24-9, 3.
Porter-O'Grady, T. (1999). Technology demands quick-change nursing roles. Nursing Management, 30(5), 7-7.
Part One
Ms. Figueroa is facing an issue that is being framed as resistance to technological change, but seems more resistance to cultural change. She was hired to bring innovative technologies to ASD, but started to do so without first establishing her personal credibility as a change agent. Part of this is that her supervisor wanted a demonstration early in her tenure, before she had proven anything, but there are several other cultural issues at play as well. Yet, adoption of new technologies is clearly not something that ASD has done well in the past, despite its reputation as an innovative school, so there may be some cultural issues specifically surrounding new technologies. The case takes place in 2006, so right before smartphones, which makes it an interesting case – what did the teachers and supervisors at ASD do when smartphones entirely revolutionized learning for deaf students?
Adoption of new technologies often…...
Due to the nation having such extremely low wage production costs, it is actually cheaper for China to produce old goods with older and possibly more outdated technologies because they have a greater labor source at much less expensive costs than workers in more developed nations. What the country is lacking, however, is free capital from investors to structure strategies for producing future innovation. Investing in innovation creates the need to pay more skilled workers and tie up capital in projects that will not produce immediate results. This currently goes against China's basic export model, which is to produce cheap goods in massive quantities in order to flood the market as soon as possible. Thus, "China can produce old goods, but cannot as easily innovate and produce new goods" (Bloom, 2012). China itself benefits more from relying on older technologies to produce well in a cheaper fashion; however, this…...
Bloom, N., M. Draca and J. Van Reenen (2011): Trade induced technical change? The impact of Chinese imports on innovation, IT and productivity. NBER Working Paper no. 16717.
Coe, David T. (2007). Globalization and Labor Markets: Implications of the Emergence of China and India. IMF. Web.
Gorodnichenko, Y., J. Svejnar & K. Terrell (2010): Globalization and Innovation in Emerging Markets. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2(2), pp. 194-226 (also available as NBER Working Paper no. 14481).
Lee, Eddy & Vivarelli, Marco. (2006). The Social Impact of Globalization in the Developing Counties. IZA. Web.
Gender and Sex after World War I
We usually assume that great changes in American sexual behavior began just after World War I; however, Maurer (1976) argues that there was foreshadowing as far back as the 19th century. The woman's rights movement, a tendency to violate sexual taboos (called free love), and a preoccupation with blander forms of Marxism dramatically came together in the United States at the end of the war. When The Great War was over and the men came home, they found a different world in the making. For one thing, women finally got the vote after a nearly 100-year struggle. Social change was everywhere, not the least of which were modified sexual mores and new ideas about sex.
The 1920s were a time of great optimism. There was a general belief that sociology and psychology were going to the make the world a better place. Now that the…...
Devices and Desires web site. A history of contraceptives in America:
Doan, L. (1998). Passing fashions: Reading female masculinities in the 1920s. Feminist Studies, 24 (3), 663-700.
Grant, J. (2004). A "real boy" and not a sissy: Gender, childhood, and masculinity, 1890-1940. Journal of Social History, 37 (4) 829-851.
Haag, P.S. (1992). In search of 'the real thing': Ideologies of love, modern romance, and women's sexual subjectivity in the United States, 1920-40. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 2 (4), 547-577.
Modern technologies are both exhilarating and frightening, bringing problems along with great promise. (Daphne Taras, James ennett)
What effect has technology had on your workplace?
The high tech revolution has definitely affected all aspects of how real estate is bought and sold: The Multiple Listing system on personal computer or blackberry, infra-red electronic home entry keys remotely updated, and contracts completed online, emailed and signed. Faster, more efficient, more effective, but the downside is less personal contact and loss of rapport with both customer and other agents. This could have future negative effects on referral business.
Daphne Taras, James ennett. "Technological Change and Industrial Relations." Journal of Labor Research (2002).
Marlene urkhardt, Daniel rass. "Patterns of Change: The Effects of a Change in Technology on Social Network and Power." Administrative Science Quarterly (1990).
Timothy resnahan, Erik rynjolfsson, Lorin M. Hitt. Information Technology and Recent
Changes in Work.
Daphne Taras, James Bennett. "Technological Change and Industrial Relations." Journal of Labor Research (2002).
Marlene Burkhardt, Daniel Brass. "Patterns of Change: The Effects of a Change in Technology on Social Network and Power." Administrative Science Quarterly (1990).
Timothy Bresnahan, Erik Brynjolfsson, Lorin M. Hitt. Information Technology and Recent
Changes in Work.
Change Project
A variety of technical and management issues arise during the implementation and operation of any change process. Change management in technology projects is essential to implement and monitor mechanisms to support and control users, business, and technology (Yarberry, 2007). There are different change project modules used at any stage of a project development. These include the change curve, Lewin's change management model, and Beckhard and Harris change model used in the understanding phase. The project-planning phase uses the impact analysis, Burke-Litwin, McKinsey 7s framework, Leavitt's diamond, organization design, and SIPOC diagrams. The implementation stage uses Kotter's 8-step change model, training needs assessment, while the communication change uses stakeholder analysis, stakeholder management, mission statement, and vision statements. In this analysis, the Leavitt's Diamond, the Kotter's 8-step change model, and Leavitt's model for organizational change is concerned with the interdependence of four main factors, including structure, people, technology, and task. The…...
Aladwani, A.M. (2001). Change Management Strategies for Successful ERP Implementation. Business Process Management Journal 7, 266.
Bruckman, J.C. (2008) Overcoming Resistance to change: Casual Factors, Interventions, and Critical Values. The Psychologist-Manager Journal, Psychology Press 11, 211-219.
Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2012). Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page
Davison, R. (2002) Cultural Complications of ERP. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM 45, 109.
Human psychological responses to technology vary. Some persons are instinctively receptive to technology and technological change, while others are resistant to the prospect of innovation. Initially, a technological change is usually viewed solely in terms of its physical components, as if it will be perfectly adopted. However, unless persons can be convinced of its improving aspects upon their daily lives, the full realization of the benefits of the change will be impossible. Additionally, if the technological change is enforced, for example, if a company must adopt a new technology because everyone else in its industry must do so, even if its organizational leadership and management as well as its employees are not eager change their ways, additional time, training, and motivation must be included in the change plan. Thus, it is necessary to 'audit' the human implications of a change in the form of a Human Implications of Technological change…...
As they will fully engage in the learning experience through immersion, children learn to link goals and roles.
Technology-Based Learning Techniques
DGBL's interactive learning techniques range from an general memorization to complicated, sophisticated problem. Common benefits include, but are not limited to:
Through repetition, along with feedback, students receive valuable practice.
Students learn by doing.
Students learn from their mistakes. Sometimes, when a student makes an error, he/she must return to the start and begin again.
Students experience goal-oriented learning, which in turn, motivates them to attempt to conquer their challenges.
Students engage in discovery learning and "guided discovery," along with solving problems.
Students complete task-based learning as they solve a series of increasingly, more difficult problems or challenges.
Students are offered guidance and modeling to help them learn and improve their skills.
Students reason during question-led learning sessions.
Students engage in and role-playing activities, and reflect upon actions, a vital component of learning.
Students learn to consider options.
Students are coached…...
There is no acknowledgement that leaders may indeed be flexible according to the situation and followers that they are dealing with. Even though women, for example, may favor a more laissez-faire type of leadership style than men (Eagly, Johannesen-chmidt & Van Engen), this does not mean that they will do so in all circumstances, or indeed that all female leaders will have this tendency.
The Path-Goal Theory
The path-goal theory is one of the most flexible and popular models used in the changing business world today. It allows for an integration of various styles, personalities and situations. The components inherent in this theory is the particular path that employees are expected to follow in order to reach a certain desired goal. The position of the leader in this model is to provide followers with desirability in terms of goals and the removal of obstacles along the way towards obtaining the goals.
Eagly, A.H., Johannesen-Schmidt, M.C., & van Engen, M.L. (2003, July). Transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership styles: A meta-analysis comparing women and men. Psychological Bulletin, 129(4), 569-591.
Hughes, Richard L., Ginnett, Robert C. & Curphy, Gordon J. (2002). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (4th ed). New York: McGraw Hill.
Kuriger, Craig C. (2006, July/August) Workplace change and worker fears: when new technology enters the workplace. Army Logistician
Parker, Dennis R. (2002, January/February). Create opportunities, not fear, through change. Leadership.
He knew that war was taking a horrible toll and that his side was losing and was bound to be defeated inevitably.
He had the practical first-hand knowledge of combat to make the correct, wise decision that saved countless thousands of lives. Would the same be possible today? It is highly unlikely. War, today, is highly theoretical: blips on a computer screen rather than blood on a knife, or at least visible detonations from a low-flying bomber.
Today's "captains of war" are so disconnected from the destruction they cause, one cannot help but wonder if the entire nature and principles of war have not changed forever.
Of course, nuclear weaponry has done its part in the shift. Today, man has the power to destroy his own planet hundreds of times over; until a few decades ago, man had immense destructive power, but it was limited in geography. For instance, America felt safe…...
Lind, William S. "The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation." Marine Corps Gazette. October 1989.
Hallion, Richard. "Air Power and the Changing Nature of Warfare." JFQ. Autumn/Winter 1997/1998.
Changing Nature of Warfare." National Intelligence Council Report: May 25, 2004.
Accounting Information System. You knowledge subject answer assignment questions, answers related context quotes. I've uploaded documents answer questions. Here assignment questions: "The Internet cited a powerful technological revolution affects aspects business.
Accounting Information System
a) Do you agree that all aspects of business processes are impacted on by technological change? Discuss.
All aspects of business processes are definitely impacted by any technological change. This is because technology has revolutionized the way companies are conducting business. The playing field for most companies has been leveled by technology regardless of company size (Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhang, & Ghalsasi, 2011). Automation of back office functions like accounting, record keeping, and payroll has allowed businesses to reduce business costs. Having implemented technological changes in all business processes, any change in technology will surely impact the business, and they is need to adopt the new change. Making use of technology, a business can communicate effectively and cheaply…...
Carroll, M., Van Der Merwe, A., & Kotze, P. (2011). Secure cloud computing: Benefits, risks and controls. Paper presented at the Information Security South Africa (ISSA), 2011.
Erickson, T.J., Magee, J.F., Roussel, P.A., & Saad, K.N. (2012). Managing technology as a business strategy. Image.
Kuyoro, S.O. (2011). Cloud computing security issues and challenges. International Journal of Computer Networks.
Marston, S., Li, Z., Bandyopadhyay, S., Zhang, J., & Ghalsasi, A. (2011). Cloud computing -- The business perspective. Decision Support Systems, 51(1), 176-189.
I have worked in research and DNA analysis in formal laboratory analysis, and believe in the paradigm of lifelong learning.
I am a lifelong student, and each year realize how many wonderful new ideas need exploring; how many exciting and vital places visited through reading; and how much joy I receive simply by having the right set of tools that allow me to read, research, study, analyze, and make decisions based on information. At present, I am studying the physiology of reproduction and assist in laboratory research with Drs. Forrest and Talcott. This technical expertise well qualifies me for the position, although it is my passion for expanding the understanding and synthesis of learning about science that can help BGS expand its membership and relevance for society at large.
The task, then, of a modern leader at any level is to be a good corporate citizen, practicing the very tenants of…...
Technology Changes in Work and Education
With the onset of globalization four decades ago, there have been rapid changes in all the sectors that drive the society in a significant manner. The transportation, politics, human interaction, governance, trade and investment trends all changed significantly. However, in the interest and scope of this paper, the most profound technological change that has been experienced in the education and work environment is the shift in communication trends from the traditional mail system to the online-based communication. The online mode that is currently driving the work and education sectors is the video conferencing, which will form the basis of discussion herein.
Video conferencing is a communication mode that is supported on the internet platform and involves use of various telecommunication technologies to enable two or more different locations in whichever part of the globe to simultaneously communicate through voice and video in a two way manner.…...
BBC, (2014). Changing Work Patterns. Retrieved April 3, 2015 from
Bower J., (2011). 4 Ways Video Conferencing Can Benefit Small Businesses. Retrieved April 3, 2015 from
Bruce Bimber (1990). Karl Marx and the Three faces of Technological Determinism. Retrieved April 3, 2015 from
Policy implementation is the process of bringing a policy to life with the goal of achieving the desired outcomes. In most cases, enacting a policy is not enough to bring about the desired changes. That is because enacting a policy is only the first step to carrying out the policy changes; policy implementation is how the policy is actually brought to life. The four main factors impacting policy implementation are public opinion, economic conditions, interest groups (stakeholders), and technological change.
Public opinion not only impacts whether a policy is implemented, but also how it is implemented. ....
Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:
Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.
Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....
Firms can effectively meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystem. Here is a step-by-step guide with proper spacing and format:
1. Assess the current innovation ecosystem: Start by analyzing the existing innovation ecosystem within the firm. Understand the strengths, weaknesses, and bottlenecks that hinder technological change adoption. This evaluation will provide insights into the areas that need redesigning.
2. Identify emerging technologies: Keep a close eye on emerging technologies in the industry. Understand their potential impact on the market and how they can disrupt existing business models. This step will help firms stay ahead of the curve and....
Topic 1: The Social Exclusion of Marginalized Groups
Essay Title: Unveiling the Hidden Toll: The Profound Impact of Social Exclusion on Marginalized Communities
In contemporary society, the insidious forces of social exclusion continue to cast a long shadow on the lives of marginalized groups. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of social exclusion and its profound impact on these communities, shedding light on the systemic barriers, prejudices, and societal attitudes that perpetuate their marginalization. By exploring the lived experiences of those affected, we aim to unveil the hidden toll of exclusion and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society.
1. Institutional....
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