Technological Advancement Essays (Examples)

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Technological Advancement the Evolution of the United
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

echnological Advancement
he Evolution of the United States:

echnological Advancement since 1865

he modern age has enabled American citizens to broaden their horizons at an accelerated rate. At any given moment, an American can speak with someone from China, hailand, or India, through the Internet, and can interact with individuals and with customs that have never before been so accessible to anyone, anywhere. he technological age has opened our eyes in many ways, leading many Americans to become more educated, more aware in the world-at-large and most importantly less isolated. he United States territory, as a whole, covers over three million miles. his is an immense size, with which many other countries cannot compete. Furthermore, like all large countries, the U.S. has few neighbors and is surrounded by water. hough these elements are impenetrable defenses, in an age where conquest is no longer the norm, the U.S. could, without technology, find itself isolated,…...


This next section concerns another very important invention without which our world today would be drastically different. This is, thus, the beginning of the era of mass production of the automobile. Prior to Henry Ford and his mass production methods in 1913, automobiles were only for the elite, but on Ford entered the figurative picture, even the working class could afford the Model T's and Model A's. This was the most revolutionary development in transportation during the whole of the 20th Century, bar the airplane, and truly ended the isolation of rural areas of the country -- which had been Ford's intention (Gref, 2010, p. 81). In the 1930s, ether there were 200 cars and trucks for every 1,000 Americans, far more than in any other country, and the sheer numbers of motor vehicles it America could produce overwhelmed Germany and Japan in World War II.

The era between the First and Second Wars was very important because of cars, and perhaps they brought on the Second War, but it was also important because of other technologies. For example, weaponry became much more sophisticated. Not only had the U.S. proven it could successfully intervene to stop a war, but it began also to have a role (though it would minimize this role in the betwee-wars period) in foreign policy in Europe. The United States, with its inventions during this era proved that, Aabove all else, it was thisit was an "economic and military power the United States[and] was able to project [this fact] on a global scale that was so […] devastating to its industrial rivals" (Adas, p. 226).

During this period, the moving image and the radio also had a very important role in the development of

Technological Advancements and Technology
Pages: 2 Words: 562

But without the ability to identify these trends and organize the resulting information in a way so that the customer, and not the company, reaps the benefits of such prudence, a CRM solution and its vaunted technological capabilities are virtually useless.
Although the particular use of technology and the relevance of its applications varies from enterprise to enterprise, one of the most valued employments of a CRM system is its ability to link various departments within a company in order to maximize the overall company's input. For example, in larger, enterprise-scaled organizations, there is not always a proper exchange of information from the sales department to the marketing team. In an ideal setting, sales and marketing should enjoy a symbiotic relationship in which the best qualities of each department inspire and spur the same sort of exemplary efforts in the other to increase the productivity of each respective segment. A…...

Technological Advancement on the Civil War the
Pages: 7 Words: 1858

Technological Advancement on the Civil War
The Civil War in the United States coincides with the Industrial Revolution in this country. Because of the many advances made possible by the use of the machine, this war marks a turning point in armed conflict. Several areas of warfare were thus enhanced and improved as a result. Specifically, artillery, transport and communication technology enjoyed much development during the nineteenth century.


At the beginning of the Civil War there was a substantial discrepancy between the North and the South in terms of the amount of arms possessed by each. The North was more oriented towards the Industrial Revolution and machinery, while the South relied on more primitive ways of conducting their affairs. The South thus experienced a substantial shortage not only of arms, but also of weapon producing facilities. Tennessee for example had no cannon foundries, but improvised by using machine shops for the…...

Technological Advancement and Globalization the Demand of
Pages: 7 Words: 2030

technological advancement and globalization, the demand of travelling across the borders has drastically increased. It is common among people around the world to travel from one city to another or from one country to another for leisure, business, diplomatic purposes, pilgrimage, education and meeting friends and family etc. For this reason the demand for various modes of travel has also increased over a period of time.
Travellers today are very picky and choosy about their mode of travel based on various factors that include speed, luxury, amenities, comfort safety and security and cost. Air travel is beyond doubt the most preferred mode of travel by most travellers. For this reason development of airlines and airports has been one of the important issues of concern for most governments. Provision of adequate level of aviation services of high standard quality does not only help in attracting tourism but also generating more revenue…...

Technological Advancement Has Participated in
Pages: 3 Words: 821

Before, such data are considered as evidence the rules of evidence are checked and the legal process.
However, with electronically stored information (e.g. email messages, digital images, network log files, etc.) can be found on computer hard drives, servers and other digital storage media (e.g. computers, thumb drives, DVD, CD-OM, mobile phones). It includes any device that has a digital brain to store information. The computer forensics is used to create a digital picture of the ESI; therefore the examiner can later look for digital evidence on the acquired media and attempt to re-create a time-line of how the data was used in relation to the matter under investigation.

Computer forensics is a specialized service that provides and documents digital evidence for possible use in litigation. A computer forensic investigation is highly disciplined and the results can be repeated and proven to be accurate, which is crucial for any digital evidence…...



Scott Charney, Kent Alexander (2009). Computer Crime Research Center

Jim Corbett (2007)Forensic Computer Analyst

Prevailing Era of Technological Advancements and Teenage
Pages: 6 Words: 1813

prevailing era of technological advancements and teenage independence is posing serious challenges in maintaining the ethical and moral concerns of the teenagers. The level of independence exercised by the youth today at one hand is empowering them but on the other hand it is proving to be a curse. The health issues and the ailments detected among teenagers are a serious question on the stability of their lives and future. The alarming number of increasing teenage pregnancies is boiling the morals and the health issues in the contemporary societies. An adequate sex education and precaution is likely to control the increasing teenage pregnancies. The following paper presents an argument to increase the sex education in schools to control teenage pregnancies followed by a counter argument that increasing sex education may not impact the teenage pregnancies.
Importance of Sex Education in Schools

The fact cannot be subjugated that the proper and adequate…...


Work cited

Berne, Linda & Barbara Huberman, eds. (1999). European Approaches to Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Responsibility. Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth. [Online].   / european.pdf. 

Blake, Susan M., et al. (2001). "Preventing Sexual Risk Behaviors among Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Adolescents: The Benefits of Gay-Sensitive HIV Instruction in Schools." American Journal of Public Health, 91(6), 940-946.

Blake, Susan M., et al. (2003). "Condom availability programs in Massachusetts high schools; relationships with condom use and sexual behavior -- 2003." American Journal of Public Health, 9(6), 955 -- 962.

Bleakley, Amy, et al. (2006). "Public Opinion on Sex Education in U.S. Schools." Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 160, 1151 -- 6.

Global Technological Advancements on the
Pages: 23 Words: 6670

However, they remind us of the author Lall (2000), who declares that before companies or farms can use and derive the benefits of the technology, they need to learn and develop new skills. Beyond the capacity of adopting new techniques, developing countries also need the capacity to invent and adapt new technologies. Poor countries need to foster their own creativity to use both local and global knowledge and science to find technological solutions to their development problems.
In most cases studies of ICTs and development, the studies do not openly acknowledge failures. Most are disguised under the cover of the phrase, 'lessons learnt'. O'Farrell (2001) believes that before one can advocate for the development of ICTs among the poor, they must understand the existing information systems of the poor, how they interact with formal information and the best way to strengthen them before intervening with new information sources and means…...

Rapid Technological Advancement and High Competition it
Pages: 11 Words: 3576

rapid technological advancement and high competition it has become a challenge for businesses to manage their operations effectively and efficiently. It has become mandatory for businesses to find ways and methods which are not only cost effective for them but also deliver the required and needed value to the customers (Beamon, 2008).
Apart from this ongoing changes and technological advancements the element of globalization and internationalization has also resulted in imposing serious and worth considering impacts and influences on the decisions of the organizations and companies related to their day-to-day operations and also to their long-term strategies and plans. Organizations now also have to consider international and global environment and factors which have direct or indirect impact on the business and operations of the company (Fisher, 1997).

The overall business industry and environment has turned into a highly competitive landscape and companies are facing increasing pressure of creating competitive edge and…...


Maloni, M, & Benton, W. (1997). Supply chain partnerships: opportunities for operations research. European Journal of Operational Research, 101(3), 419-429.

Min, H, & Zhou, G. (2002). Supply chain modeling: past, present and future. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 43(1-2), 231-249.

Pisano, G, & Adams, P. (2009). VF Brands: Global Supply Chain Strategy. Harvard Business School:

Skills Technological Advancement Constantly Reshapes How We
Pages: 3 Words: 816

Technological advancement constantly reshapes how we think about work. A few decades ago, it was impossible to think that people could communicate across seas so easily and many did not even think about the possibility of the internet, of video chatting, and of all the other inventions that have made life so much easier today.

ue to the facts mentioned above, work skills must also constantly be improved. According to a report,

"Global connectivity, smart machines, and new media are just some of the drivers reshaping how we think about work, what constitutes work, and the skills we will need to be productive contributors in the future."

From the above statement it is clear that not only must our work skills constantly innovate to keep up with technology, but it is also important that one tailors work skills based on the area in which he or she works.

Personally, it is important to…...


Davies, A., Fidler, D, and Gorbis, M. (2011). Future Work Skills 2020. Institute for the Future for the University of Phoenix Research institute. Retrieved November 7, from .

Hansen, S.H. And Hansen, K. (2011). What do Employers Really Want? Quintessential Careers. Retrieved November 7, from .

About my Job. (2011). Retrieved November 7, from .

Technology and'society
Pages: 6 Words: 1792

Technology and Society Introduction
The relationship between technology and society is pivotal in the development of the modern era: so much of the world has been shaped by advancements in technology over the past 500 years that today’s society resembles little of what the world was like prior to when the printing press or gunpowder were invented. This paper will look at two inventions—the printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440, and the air pump, invented by Otto von Guericke in 1650—and show how these two inventions impacted the social, political and intellectual order of the day as well as how they interacted with other historical changes. Specifically, it will look at the role of the printing press in the spread of the Protestant Reformation and the role of the air pump in the expansion of technological and mechanical knowledge, which helped pave the way for flight.
The Printing Press
Prior to the…...



Holsti, K. (1991). Peace and Conflict: Armed Conflicts and International Order 1648-1989. NY: Cambridge University Press.

Shapiro, S. & Schaffer, S. (1985). Leviathan and the Air-pump. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Technological Advancements and Copyright
Pages: 2 Words: 685

The United States Copyright Office was established in 1897 to protect the work of designers and artists. The office administers the U.S. Copyright Act 1976 and other laws and regulations governing copyrighted work (U.S. Copyright Office). According to the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA 78), a professional association involved in airing and protecting the interests of artists and designers, copyright safeguards the ownership of work originally created by a designer. ith copyright protection, the designer exclusively controls whether the work can be copied or not. The designer maintains exclusive rights to reproduce, display, perform and license the work. Accordingly, the owner of a copyright can sue for damages in the event of copyright infringement. Nonetheless, even with legal mechanisms as well as AIGA and other professional associations such as the Graphic Artists Guild, copyright protection remains a challenge.

The challenge of copyright protection has even been greater in today's digital…...


Works Cited

American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA). Design business and ethics. New York: Richard Crefe, 2009. Web site terms., n.d. Web. 22 December 2016. Your access to and use of the services., n.d. Web. 22 December 2016.

Graphic Artists Guild. About. Graphic Artists Guild, n.d. Web. 22 December 2016.

Technological Advancements and Security
Pages: 3 Words: 970

Kaspersky Lab
Technology and Product eview for Endpoint Protection Solutions: Kasperksy Lab

Whereas technological advancements have presented important advantages for business organisations, they have increased security concerns. Viruses, worms, hacking, identity theft, and other cyber threats have been on the rise, with cyber criminals advancing in skill, expertise, and shrewdness. These threats, which are increasingly targeted at the point of the end user, can result in the loss of critical and confidential information such as customer data and business secrets, consequently leading to dire consequences on an organisation, such as reduced customer confidence, loss of revenue, and expensive lawsuits. To avoid this risk, it is important for ed Clay enovations to have a strong endpoint protection platform. This is particularly crucial given the widespread usage of intermittent cellular devices by employees to access the internet and the organisation's network while in the field. Endpoint protection platforms provide endpoints with defence against security…...



Consumer Affairs (2016). Consumer complaints and reviews. Retrieved from: 

Kaspersky Lab (n.d.). Company overview. Retrieved from: 

Rouse, M. (2015). Endpoint security management. Retrieved from: 

Rubenking, N. (2016). Kaspersky antivirus. Retrieved from:,2817,2460689,00.asp

Advancements in Retail Technology Retail
Pages: 10 Words: 2872

Therefore, such companies must either increase their efforts into finding the resources that are required by investing in technological developments, or not address them and risk reduce their customer base.
Innovation is influenced by a series of factors. Such factors include: level of financial, technical, and human resources, government's incentives, the general innovation orientation of the country, talent pools, the collaboration between companies and universities. But there are also several implications of the innovation process that must be taken into consideration. Such implications refer to education, the partnership between the public and the private sector, immigration, culture, and the business process.

It has been observed that large companies are significantly more capable of developing successful innovation research processes in comparison with smaller firms. The financial resources that large companies benefit from allow them to make important investments in innovation, while small companies must allocate their resources in other areas. The growth…...


Reference list:

1. Graham, S. (2011). Latest Wave in Retail Technology Will Redefine your Shopping Experience. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from .

2. How Do Size and Experience Affect Innovation? (2009). Leavey School of Business. Retrieved June 14, 2013 from .

3. Technology Advances in Retail: Improving Margins Using Wireless Networks (2012). Aruba Networks. Retrieved June 14, 2013 from .

4. Finnegan, M. (2013). Marks & Spencer Creates Digital Lab to Speed Retail Tech Development. TechWorld. Retrieved June 14, 2013 from

Technological Standards for Teachers and
Pages: 2 Words: 536

lassroom chat sessions and emails through rudimentary programs could be used to promote proper digital etiquette, just as letter-writing basics (which are now essentially obsolete in many cases) used to be taught. Other programs exist for assistance in mathematics at all levels, and the ability to have interactive visual representations of abstract concepts is priceless.
The transfer of knowledge from existing to newer technologies (3a) will probably be one of the most difficult recommendations to uphold in the classroom on a regular basis (NETS 2008). This would require the instructor to maintain a current knowledge of technological availability and advancement to a higher degree than would be possible while also maintaining traditional learning goals, lesson plan development, etc. While it is important for instructors to remain generally abreast of technological advancements, especially as they become available at the specific institution where the instructor teaches, this should not and cannot become…...


Computers can be used to achieve both of these ends and much more in first grade education. Utilizing computer drawing programs for some projects has the purely pragmatic benefits of saving on materials costs, and also allows the student a great deal of freedom in the design and execution of the project. At the same time, these programs help to build fine motor coordination and introduce students to the tasks of reading icons and navigating through a basic computer program that demands constant user input. Classroom chat sessions and emails through rudimentary programs could be used to promote proper digital etiquette, just as letter-writing basics (which are now essentially obsolete in many cases) used to be taught. Other programs exist for assistance in mathematics at all levels, and the ability to have interactive visual representations of abstract concepts is priceless.

The transfer of knowledge from existing to newer technologies (3a) will probably be one of the most difficult recommendations to uphold in the classroom on a regular basis (NETS 2008). This would require the instructor to maintain a current knowledge of technological availability and advancement to a higher degree than would be possible while also maintaining traditional learning goals, lesson plan development, etc. While it is important for instructors to remain generally abreast of technological advancements, especially as they become available at the specific institution where the instructor teaches, this should not and cannot become the primary task of teachers. Especially in the lower grade levels, simple knowledge of software interfaces should be sufficient for instructors and students.

That being said, I believe first graders are not as prepared for reading as they perhaps should be in the computer age. Making decisions in even the most basic computer programs demands a grasp of symbolic language, and usually of written text. Recognizing words as well as computer icons are important skills for children at this grade level that they may be deficient in.

Technological Progress Ever Overcome Scarcity
Pages: 9 Words: 3016

Levine also notes that the result of the government patchwork of funding is that private firms jump into the technological progress market, with even worse economic results. "Private firms focus their research efforts according to short-term, market-driven priorities, motives which often contradict long-term sustainable development and economic growth" (Levine 1998 675). Result=inequality/scarcity.

Further, Levine (1998 675) notes that large academic institutions that are more likely to consider long-term concerns are put in the position of directing national innovation systems; please see above for the problems inherent in that (turf wars).

Despite all that, Levine does still believe technological progress is the answer to scarcity, at least in environmental arenas. Levine notes that "As far back as 1911, Joseph A. Schumpeter integrated innovation into economic development theory by showing a positive correlation between involvement in a commercial transaction and the generation of new products, devices or systems" (1998 675). But in the past…...


Works Cited

Bakker, Karen J. "Privatizing Water, Producing Scarcity: The Yorkshire Drought of 1995" Economic Geography 76.1 (2000): 4. Questia. 3 Dec. 2004 .

Caselli, Francesco. 'Technological Revolutions." American Economic Review 89.1 (1999): 78-102.

Clark, Charles M.A. 'Wealth and Poverty: On the Social Creation of Scarcity." Journal of Economic Issues 36.2 (2002): 415+. Questia. 3 Dec. 2004 .

Dosi, Cesare, and K. William Easter. "Market Failure and Role of Markets and Privatization in Alleviating Water Scarcity." International Journal of Public Administration 26.3 (2003): 265+. Questia. 3 Dec. 2004 .

how do firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning innovation ecosystem?
Words: 430

Firms can effectively meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystem. Here is a step-by-step guide with proper spacing and format:

1. Assess the current innovation ecosystem: Start by analyzing the existing innovation ecosystem within the firm. Understand the strengths, weaknesses, and bottlenecks that hinder technological change adoption. This evaluation will provide insights into the areas that need redesigning.

2. Identify emerging technologies: Keep a close eye on emerging technologies in the industry. Understand their potential impact on the market and how they can disrupt existing business models. This step will help firms stay ahead of the curve and....

help me write a paper?
Words: 408

Title: The Impact of Technology on Modern Society

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, significantly transforming various aspects of modern society. In this paper, we will explore the profound impact technology has had on areas such as communication, education, and healthcare. By examining both the positive and negative effects, we aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of how technology has shaped our lives.

I. Communication:
The advancements in technology have revolutionized the way people communicate with each other.
A. Improved connectivity:
1. The emergence of smartphones and social media platforms has allowed individuals to stay connected 24/7.

why the us is the best country in the world?
Words: 496

Title: Reasons Why the US is the Best Country in the World

The United States of America is widely regarded as one of the most powerful and influential countries globally. As an epitome of democracy, economic strength, innovation, and cultural diversity, several reasons make the US the best country in the world today.

1. Political Stability:
The US boasts a stable political system that upholds the principles of democracy and individual liberties. Its robust system of checks and balances ensures accountability and prevents the concentration of power, making it an attractive destination for both citizens and immigrants.

2. Economic Powerhouse:
The United States possesses the....

how can government help schools in the rural?
Words: 1012

The government can play a crucial role in supporting schools in rural areas by implementing various measures. Here are some ways in which the government can help:

1. Infrastructure development: The government can provide funds for the construction and renovation of school buildings, classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other essential facilities. This will ensure that rural schools have adequate physical infrastructure to provide quality education.

2. Technology integration: The government can facilitate the integration of technology in rural schools by providing funds for the purchase of computers, projectors, internet connectivity, and other necessary equipment. This will enhance the teaching and learning experience for....

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