Career Technical Education (CTE) has certainly changed in a plethora of ways over the past 40 years. During that time, CTE has encountered significant funding issues. Public education in general has also encountered funding issues, but CTE and other job-skills related programs seem to be the first ones that have their budgets reduced. Less funding means that there are less CTE programs, and less that they can do to prepare students for skills that they will need in the employment market. Additionally, another eminent change related to CTE in the past several decades pertains to technology. It is vital to teach students basic computer skills to assist them in competing in today's job market. Even the most remedial of jobs frequently requires individuals to utilize computers for the application process and for other aspects of those jobs. Therefore, the curriculum of CTE programs has expanded to account for developments…...
It is headed in the right direction and will surly prosper in the many years to come.
(c)Why were you able to accomplish what you did when you did?
We have been able to accomplish what we have because of the Land Grant College Act of 1862. In early 1848, Congressman Justin Smith Morrill of Vermont suggested that American colleges might steer away from the portion of the studies that had been established so many years ago and think about moving in a direction of having studies with more practical values. In 1857, he introduced a bill that incorporated leading reform notions in regards to technical education. He proposed that institutions should promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in areas that relate to the professions that people were doing (udolph, 1990, p. 149).
This act provided for the support in every state of at least one college. Each…...
Andrew Dickson White. (2009). Retrieved June 15, 2009, from Cornell University Web site:
Rudolph, Frederick. (1990). The American College and University. Athens: The University of Georgia Press.
Connecting Education and Careers feature articles concentrating on the advocacy issue as it regards Career Technical Education (CTE) and its funding. Intriguing aspects of how important CTE is to the educational community and why fully funding CTE is so important was discussed at length and in detail. Stating the importance of funding CTE's, one article espouses the fact that "if we want CTE and funding for it to stay in the forefront of lawmakers' minds, we can't be too busy to advocate" (Knue, 2014, p. 26) while another expert writes "we know that CTE programs play a huge role in the success of students at every educational level, but the decision makers for our programs are not always so knowledgeable" (Desetti, 2014, p. 17).
It has long been held that CTE's are conducive to students learning through 'hands-on' types of experiences through partnerships with employers and that such experiences truly…...
mlaWorks Cited
Desetti, B.; (2014) Advocacy: A dedicated task, Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Vol. 89, Issue 3, pp. 16-20
Jackson, N.M.; (2014) Joining hands: CTE programs partner with employers for success, Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Vol. 89, Issue 1, pp. 16-19
Knue, T.; (2014) Advocacy saves the day, Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Vol. 89, Issue 3, pp. 24-27
Langevin, J.; (2014) Actions inspired by words, Techniques: Connecting Education and Careers, Vol, 89, Issue 3, pp. 22-23
Technical Support
Dell and the Failed Hard Drive in a New Laptop
During the December, 2010 sales at BestBuy, the deals on the Dell laptops were just too good to pass up. I bought one on impulse, reasoning my laptop running Windows 3.1 was a dinosaur and would not be able to keep up with the applications I was going to need to run doing this semester. For the first two weeks, the system ran perfectly, and then on the eleventh day, it died. Just quit working, the hard drive had crashed, right after I had loaded all my application on it. Incredulous, I had to pull myself from continually rebooting it until the realization set in": it was completely dead.
Analysis of Technical Support
Having saved the materials from the package, I immediately went online on my parents' laptop and typed in my serial number, reporting the system broken. Dell had done an…...
Fox, S.. (2009, September). Tech Support by Forum, Phone, and Replicant. PC World, 27(9), 5.
Mies, G.. (2009, January). ON YOUR SIDE. PC World, 27(1), 34.
Erik Rhey. (2007, August). Q & A Secrets of the Call Center Guy; Abby David, a technical support expert at Dell's call center in Hyderabad, India, discusses the ins and outs of helping Americans fix their computers. PC Magazine, 26(15), 20.
It is important to recognize the many different areas within adult education, and what type of students these areas attract. Ultimately, for the adult education department to be successful, it must attract a wide variety of students, and keep at least some of those students coming back to continue their education in order to be successful. Adult education serves a vital role in the upper education system, and it serves a diverse amount of people, but in most institutions it also has to support itself if not turn a profit, and that is an important aspect to take into consideration. Therefore, classes must be viable to the institution, but to the student, as well, to keep attracting a wide variety of students into the program.
In addition, diverse students could form a major foundation of the program, and so, it pays to understand these diverse learners so administrators and teaching…...
Education for Economy Theory as it elates to Adult Education
In an economy motivated by improvement and information, in marketplaces betrothed in powerful opposition and steady regeneration, in a world of incredible chances and risks, in a culture facing multifaceted business, political, scientific, technological, health and environmental challenges, and in diverse workplaces and neighborhoods that center on mutual associations and social networking, the cleverness, nimbleness and skills of the American people are vital to U.S. competitiveness (21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness, 2008).
Education economics is the study of economic matters as they relate to education, comprising the demand for education and the funding and condition of education. The leading model of the demand for education is founded on human capital theory. The main idea is that undertaking education is an investment in the attainment of skills and information which will augment earnings, or offer long-range benefits such as an admiration of…...
21st Century Skills, Education & Competitiveness. (2008). Retrieved from
Bouchard, P. (n.d.). Human Capital and the Knowledge Economy. Retreived from
Checchi, Daniele. (2006). The Economics of Education: Human Capital, Family Background
Part of that includes instilling in students an intellectual curiosity, receptivity to learning through genuine understanding, and definitions of professional success that are motivated by positive aspirations rather than by overcompensation impulses triggered by negative assumptions, messages, or early experiences. In addition to ensuring basic literacy and computational skills required by adults in society, modern primary education must dedicate itself to producing graduates who have discovered their greatest intellectual abilities and developed a genuine interest in a specific academic and/or vocational application of those aptitudes and interests in a manner most conducive to their long-term fulfillment and (ideally) to their optimal benefit to their families and communities in adulthood.
Toward that end, modern education must adapt to the wealth of empirical evidence that traditional methodologies (such as passive lecture and rote memorization, in particular) are comparatively ineffective at achieving the highest goals of education in society. Specifically, as society becomes…...
" (Chan, East, Ali and Neophytou, 2002; p.6)
The work entitled: "Doing Comparative Education: Three Decades of Collaboration" relates the fact that the post-World War II world in England "left a series of emergencies for which immediate answers had to be found. There were shortages of staff, equipment and building..." (Eckstein, 1960) Eckstein additionally states: "Post-war legislation has generally been characterized by radical thinking and optimism. However, the euphoria brought by the end of a war is so often soon dissipated in the exhausting battle of the peace. At such a time, the ambitiously optimistic spirit of reconstruction may also be lessened. A more cautious planned expansion replaces the scheme for extensive reconstruction, ideas of reform have once again to vie with practices which are entrenched in the typical ways of thinking of a people. The educational legislation of the last five years or so has been characterized…...
Chan, Sui-Mee; East, Pat, Ali, Sabia; and Neophytou, Maria (2002) Primary and Secondary Education in England and Wales: From 1944 to the Present Day - 8th Edition. August 2002.
Lopez-Muniz, Jose Luis Martinez; De Groof, Jan; and Lauwers, Gracienne (2006) Religious Education and Collective Worship in State Schools: England and Wales" published in the Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law - Yearbook of the Association for Education and Policy (2006)
M.A. Eckstein, "Present Trends in Public Secondary Education in Western Europe," the High School Journal, 44 (October, 1960): 8-19. Reprinted by permission of the University of North Carolina Press.
Riddell S. & Salisbury J., (2000) ' Introductions: educational reforms and equal opportunities programmes', in Salisbury J & Riddell S., (eds.) Gender, Policy & Educational Change: shifting agendas in the UK and Europe, London, Routledge
Finding out about other peoples and cultures, through technology, will be an essential part of education in the years to come.
Numerous aspects of the current educational system will need to be improved in future years. The focus must be on children's individual needs and abilities. Today, standardized tests and general requirements frequently restrict students' opportunities to learn. Many youngsters do not get the attention they need, or the enrichment they deserve. Teachers often lack the necessary resources to prepare children for the real world, or to deal with children's real world problems. "Teaching to the test" creates its own difficulties for the educator, leaving many unprepared for atypical classroom situations. Young people have difficulties at home, or in their personal lives, and educators do not have the training to deal with these potentially serious problems. Disruptive and violent behavior can lead to tragedy. Children do not receive sufficient ethical…...
Education today has become more interesting and challenging than it has ever been before. This is particularly the case with the teaching and learning of English as a second language. Immigrants to the United States and other English speaking countries, for example, are faced with the challenge of not only learning a new language sufficiently to be able to communicate in their new environment, but also of fitting in with a lifestyle and culture that is more often than not completely foreign to them. These challenges can have both a motivating and demotivating effect on EFL and ESL learners. Teachers who are aware of these effects can then more effectively plan their lessons and work with such students to help them obtain optimal results. Hence, a myriad of research articles have seen the light regarding the challenges faced by this sector of learners. "EFL learners moving to an ESL context:…...
Adriaensens, D. (2011). Further Destruction of Iraq's Higher Education: Blazing Fires, Forged Degrees And Silencer Guns. Retrieved from:
Bao, D., Abdilah, H., and Chowdhury, R. (2012, Jan.). EFL learners moving to an ESL context: Motivating and demotivating factors in English language learning among Iraqis. The New English Teacher, Vol. 6.1
Griffiths, M. (2010). A Situational Analysis of Girls Education in Iraq. UNICEF. Retrieved from:
McTaggart, R. (1996). 'Appraising reports of enquiry', in Social Science Methodology for Educational Inquiry: A Conceptual Overview, eds D. Caulley. H. Moore & J. Orton. Beijing Teachers College Press. Beijing.
Education is the central component in forming a society that is affluent in every way. Educators make education an obtainable goal. The purpose if this discussion is to explore the personal philosophy of an educator. We will investigate; how the educator believes children learn, how his beliefs are demonstrated through hid teaching and classroom concepts, and how his teaching techniques are based on the philosophies are based on the research of various theorists.
The philosopher John Dewey said the following of education,
Education is the fundamental method of social progress and reform. All reforms which rest simply upon the law, or the threatening of certain penalties, or upon changes in mechanical or outward arrangements, are transitory and futile.... ut through education society can formulate its own purposes, can organize its own means and resources, and thus shape itself with definiteness and economy in the direction in which it wishes to move.... Education…...
The John Dewey Society..
The Educational Theory of Thomas Jefferson. New Foundations
Howard Gardner.
The Educational Theory of John Dewey (1859-1952). New Foundations
As the population grows older there becomes more of a need for educational attainment to stretch beyond the traditional years in which one would think of it being. Older adults are playing a bigger and bigger role within our society and educating this group will benefit everyone involved. I feel that not only does there need to be a push to make sure that education institutions are offering opportunities to older adults there needs to be a campaign of information geared towards this group so that they know what is out their and available to them. The percentage of people in this age group taking advantage of post secondary education needs to be increased for the good of the overall workforce.
Adult Learning. (2007). etrieved November 24, 2009, from National Center for Education
Statistics Web site:
Framing New Terrain: Older Adults & Higher Education. (2007). etrieved November 24,
2009, from American Council on…...
Adult Learning. (2007). Retrieved November 24, 2009, from National Center for Education
Statistics Web site:
Framing New Terrain: Older Adults & Higher Education. (2007). Retrieved November 24,
2009, from American Council on Education Web site:
Sometimes "book" knowledge is not the only applicable solution to a problem, and real, direct experience is a much better solution in situations such as these. As Foley concludes, "The aim will be to mine the implicit knowledge of practitioners rather than the explicit knowledge of the textbook, through a process of storytelling and the building of communities of practice" (Foley). This seems to take distance education in a full circle from where it started. It began as a way for a more diverse population to experience higher and continuing education, it has moved on to be a major source of higher education at many institutions, and in the future, it may alter yet again to bring vital education to a diverse population that can use it to better their lives.
Foley's view certainly only looks at one aspect of distance education, but it is an important aspect, because it…...
A two-year degree can offer an affordable foundation towards a Bachelor's degree through a community college, however, it is important to have students take courses that can easily transfer to a university when the time comes. Educators and administrators should be mindful of the importance of guiding students to choose courses wisely with a focus on transferring.
What it all Means
The changes are here to stay. Students with Bachelor's degrees are more economically successful than those who do not attain them. esearch concludes that the disparity between incomes of those who are educated and those who are not, is only going to get wider until there is serious class distinction between the two lifestyles.
Educators nationwide can work to bridge that gap at every level of education. Those charged with educating grades kindergarten through high school, need to focus on learning styles, and the importance of teaching students how to succeed…...
Becker, Christine (2004) Panel examines link between jobs, education.
Nation's Cities Weekly "
Bernake, Harold (2007) RPT - Bernanke: Education Will Cut Income Gap
Therefore, instead of requiring non-science majors to enroll in general studies science courses such as biology, chemistry, or "physics for non-majors," the only mandatory science instruction should be courses that relate more directly to useful information. For example, obesity is a virtual epidemic in American society; therefore, a science class in practical nutrition makes mush more sense than the traditional focus of science courses for non-majors. Similarly, computer use classes would be more useful, as would classes emphasizing the logical scientific method rather than substantive science subject matter. Perhaps if mandatory scientific courses related more directly to useful information and to beneficial intellectual processes, American presidential election politics would not feature potential candidates with college (and advanced academic) degrees who still believe that Creationism or "Intelligent Design" are more plausible explanations for the existence of human life than Darwinian evolutionary theory.
As pertains to the study of foreign languages, it is…...
Carter, J. (2001) an Hour Before Daylight: Memories of a Rural Boyhood. New York: Touchstone.
Gardner, H. (1991) the Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach. New York: Basic Books.
Gerrig, R, Zimbardo, P. (2005) Psychology and Life. 17th Edition.
New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Strategies to Accelerate AFCFTA Implementation for Enhancing Trade in Services in Africa
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA) holds immense potential for fostering trade in services across the continent. However, its implementation requires the adoption of targeted strategies to overcome existing barriers and leverage opportunities.
1. Policy Harmonization and Regulatory Alignment:
Harmonizing regulations and standards across borders reduces trade costs and improves market access.
Establishing clear guidelines for cross-border service provision, including licensing, certification, and recognition of qualifications.
Implementing mutual recognition agreements facilitates the seamless movement of professionals and service providers between countries.
2. Infrastructure Development and Connectivity:
Investing in reliable and....
As President of the United States, the responsibility of shaping the future of our nation would be a weighty one. The decisions made, policies implemented, and actions taken during my tenure would have a lasting impact on the country and its citizens. In order to lead the nation towards a brighter future, I would focus on several key areas including economic growth, social equity, environmental sustainability, and global cooperation. By addressing these critical issues, I believe that we can build a stronger, more prosperous, and more inclusive society for all Americans.
One of the primary areas of focus for my administration....
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