Team Management
Creating a State-of-the-Art Microsoft Windows-Based Software Application
Through Leadership and Teamwork
Developing new enterprise software applications that are built on the Microsoft Windows operating system requires an intensive level of commitment, communication, collaboration and shared task ownership across all team members today. Every member of the group today has a unique role to play in creating the best possible enterprise software application running on the Microsoft Windows platform. In order for this ambitious project of creating a state-of-the-art enterprise application to succeed however, the team needs to concentrate on making each of their unique strengths deliver value daily to the fulfillment of this ambitious objective. This plan defines how to create greater levels of team motivation, satisfaction and performance, while also addressing the differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities and values. All of these factors taken together are a strong catalyst for the accomplishment of challenging, complex goals leading to the Windows-based…...
Ammeter, A.P., & Dukerich, J.M. (2002). Leadership, team building, and team member characteristics in high performance project teams. Engineering Management Journal, 14(4), 3-10.
De Meuse, K.,P., & Liebowitz, S.J. (1981). An empirical analysis of team-building research. Group & Organization Studies, 6(3), 357-357.
Ramsey, R.D., EdD. (2010). Are You Missing out on the power of Purpose? SuperVision, 71(10), 19-21.
Swanson, J.W. (1997). Building a successful team through collaboration. Nursing Management, 28(5), 71-3.
Team Management
Understanding the nature of teams and team management, what can you learn from sports teams?
Being insightful of the nature of teams and team management, it is possible to learn from team sports. Some of the key lessons to learn from team sports encompass aspects such as competitiveness and team spirit. At all times, teams in sports strive to remain competitive. This is not only internally amongst the players trying to play in different positions, but also externally against other rival teams. This indicates that employees within the organization should always endeavor to be at their best, learn, grow and develop. This not only enables them to develop into higher ranked positions, but is also beneficial for the organization at large. The team spirit element is another lesson that we can learn from teams. For a team to win, it necessitates a team effort, right from the first minute of…...
Brown, M., & Heywood, J. S. (2005). Performance appraisal systems: determinants and change. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43(4), 659-6.
Davenport, T. H. (2014). What Businesses Can Learn from Sports Analytics. MIT Sloan Review. Retrieved from:
Furnham, A. (2005). Performance appraisal systems. In the People Business (pp. 127-129). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Keidel, R. W. (1984). Baseball, football, and basketball: Models for business. Organizational Dynamics, 12(3), 5-18.
I would also allow team members to take on leadership roles at appropriate times. For example, if a certain task of the team is linked to a team member's primary skill, I would allow them to lead the team during that task. This will help build team chemistry by allowing all members to see the value of the other members. It will also help build leadership within the team and will help the team members leading to see that they have value to the team. This strategy will also help with motivation, since employees are likely to be motivated by the opportunity to utilize their key skills and be recognized for them.
For techniques of persuasion, I would focus on the objectives of the team and the team members' roles in achieving the objectives. The objective would be not on forcing team members to take certain actions, but instead helping…...
mlaWorks Cited
Daft, R.L. Management. Fort Worth, TX: The Dryden Press, 1997.
Goleman, D. The New Leaders: Transforming the Art of Leadership Into the Science of Results. London: Time Warner Books, 2002.
Schermerhorn, J.R. Management for Productivity. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
If things are especially stormy, having clear, short-term deadlines and objectives, and procedures for meetings that are fair and strictly observed can keep unhealthy interpersonal conflicts to a minimum. If any conflicts ensue, they should be about the task, not the person.
The 'norming' phase is when members begin to have a feeling of belonging to something larger and more important than their immediate selves. A sense of cohesiveness develops, and the team can afford to be slightly informal. Team members may become more flexible about roles and more creative in their responses to challenges. "Finally, the group attains the fourth and final stage in which interpersonal structure becomes the tool of task activities. Roles become flexible and functional, and group energy is channeled into the task. Structural issues have been resolved, and structure can now become supportive of task performance" (Smith 2005).
Of course, not all teams proceed so smoothly…...
mlaWorks Cited
Smith, M.K. (2005). Bruce W. Tuckman - forming, storming, norming and performing in Groups. The encyclopedia of informal education. Retrieved March 7, 2009 at
Social loafing. (2009). Changing Minds. Retrieved March 7, 2009 at
Defining teams
This is invaluable across a software development organization this enterprise content and code management system becomes the system of record serving all projects over time.
Invariably when there is a relatively large group of subordinates all working on a project, and the pressure and stress to excel reaches a high level, morale at times can supper and hidden agendas emerge. This aspect of hidden agendas is particularly evident in highly visible, highly stressful projects (Bowen, Wyrley-Birch, 1995). The best possible strategies for managing hidden agendas is to be open, honest and show trust to the subordinates who are the most closed and tend to be the most distant on stressful projects. To be trusted, a leader needs to show they trust their subordinates (Hui-Ling, Yu-Hsuan, 2011). Often hidden agendas proliferate when a subordinate doesn't see they have a voice in the process. In this situation it is best for a…...
Bowen, P.A., & Wyrley-Birch, M. (1995). The effectiveness of project management as a design team organizational structure. Transactions of AACE International,, HROT31-HROT35.
Hui-Ling, T., & Yu-Hsuan, C. (2011). Effects of empowering leadership on performance in management team. Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, 2(1), 43-60.
Manager of Information Technology
Software Designers and User Interface Specialists
HM and Team Management
The notion by Vernon that AAA should not expand out of their core business and Bud that AAA is not strong enough to compete with existing companies that service the nonperishable foods market in the Midwest confirms a fact that people normally have a built-in anti-change immune system. This kind of mindset creates a powerful inclination to resist change (Duffy, 2009). Unlocking and subsequent modification of immune system can make an organization's employees' to release new energy on behalf of new ways of thinking, believing, and doing. The internal anti-change immune systems are powered by entropy, negentropy, and dynamic equilibrium. This paper discusses and defines mental models and mindsets and how they affect an organization's employees in this case AAA Transportation an interstate trucking company that specializes in transporting wholesale produce in refrigerated trailers in the Midwest. The paper identifies four steps to changing mental models and…...
mlaReferences List
Byrne, R.M.J. (2005). The Rational Imagination: How People Create Counterfactual
Alternatives to Reality. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
Byrne, R.M.J. & Johnson-Laird, P.N. (2009). If and the problems of conditional reasoning.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 13, 282-287
Leadership and Development Team
It is with great leadership that great teams are established in organizations. Leaders, if not all, run many organizations. Leadership has become a great virtue in every activity involving human beings. A leader is perceived as a figure of direction, responsibility, accountability, and direction to an organization. Leadership has transformed today with the way in which management and human interactions happen between people. It is with equitable updated leadership that performance is achieved in management today. Thus, it is with leadership that an organization, together with as many segments as it can have, have managed to achieve the set targets and objectives within timeframes established (Lum, 2011). Team management and leadership are a multifaceted happening today. It is hard for workers to experience a situation where they are told everything they are supposed to do (Ferrell et al. 2013). Thus, the kind of leadership…...
Drucker, P. (2004). The Effective Executive. Harper Business
Lussier, K. & Achua C. (2013). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development 5e. Southwestern Cengage Learning.
Duetsch, M., Coleman, P. T., Marcus, E. C. (2006). The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, 2nd Ed. "Theory and Practice," Jossey-Bass, New York.
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, J., Ferrell, L., (2013). Business Ethics, Ethical Decision Making and Cases, Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning, 10th Edition
Applying Organisational Consulting Strategies
Consulting fundamentals can be of great value to an organization. This paper explores the application of consulting strategies to functional areas within an organisation, notably leadership, organisational conflict, organisational communication, organisational ethics, as well as employee motivation and team management. Attention is specifically paid to the importance of each area, the information and metrics that may be used to assess each area, and the consulting strategy that would be most effective in addressing each area.
The importance of effective leadership -- both at the executive and middle management levels -- in any organisation cannot be overemphasised. Effective leadership is important for influencing a group of people to work toward achieving a defined goal or objective (Sperry, 2002). Any organisation strives to achieve a certain goal or objective. It is the role of leadership to initiate the action necessary to achieve the goal or objective as well as incentivise…...
Block, P. (2011). Flawless consulting. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.
Flynn, G. (2008). Leadership and business ethics. New York: Springer.
French, R., Rayner, C., Rees, G., & Rumbles, S. (2011). Organisational behaviour. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Wiley.
Lewis, L. (2011). Organisational change: creating change through strategic communication. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Giving them the opportunity to participate in the product launch decisions from a marketing standpoint also highlighted an embarrassing point for marketing, and that was engineering often understood the competition and its true functionality better than anyone in marketing. The reason is that the engineers had taken great pride in working on their product features they were responsible for to make them the best in the industry, and it was clear some had taken great pains to make a statement in their work. Creating shared ownership of product outcomes strengthens morale of technical professionals and infuses an entire development team with more accountability (Voss, 1993) and willingness to internalize a strong commitment to the success of the product (Kochanski, Ledford, 2001).
The risk of recommending this strategy would be that the more dominant engineers would overrule marketing and turn the entire marketing strategy into more of a features discussion than…...
David Baccarini, Geoff Salm, & Peter ED Love. (2004). Management of risks in information technology projects. Industrial Management + Data Systems, 104(3/4), 286-295.
Jain, S.. (2008). DECISION SCIENCES: A Story of Excellence at Hewlett-Packard. OR-MS Today, 35(2), 20
James Kochanski & Gerald Ledford. (2001). "How to keep me" -- retaining technical professionals. Research Technology Management, 44(3), 31-38.
Li, Y., & Zhu, K.. (2009). Information acquisition in new product introduction. European Journal of Operational Research, 198(2), 618.
Team Management Approaches Towards Higher Organizational Performance
Ineffective team effort is often occasioned by lack of proper knowledge of the vision of the team and the respective roles that each individual needs to play in order to steer the team towards achieving the collective goal (Bragg T., 1999). These factors result in each individual focusing their efforts in different directions hence achieving little or noting at all without the purposeful vision. In order to curtail the continued ineffective team effort, there is need to have each team leader to make the team members understand the vision and also the mission they have been assigned and eventual roles that each individual needs to play and the people they have to collaborate with in achieving the intended end result.
The main cause of lack of trust within any team is often the closed and dishonest communication among the colleagues and also from the management…...
Brookins M., (2015). Reasons for Poor Communication in the Workplace. Retrieved May 21, 2015 from
Bradberry T., (2014). Emotional Intelligence-EQ. Retrieved May 21, 2015 from
Bragg T., (1999). Turn around an ineffective team. Retrieved May 21, 2015 from
Jones D.C. & Pliskin J., (1988). The Effects of Worker Participation, Employee Ownership and Profit Sharing on Economics Performance: A Partial Review. Retrieved May 21, 2015 from
Managing Individuals
As a team leade o team membe, it is vital to foste communication and undestanding within the team. Teamwok is the key to a successful poject, whethe the team consists of one supeviso and one woke, o if the team is a lage goup assigned to a paticula task. Team membes can use a vaiety of methods to bette undestand communication in the team setting, as well as finding motivation to do the best wok possible.
When developing a team, it is impotant fo the team leade to select membes that will be poductive and pleasant. The team membe selection pocess is among the most impotant duties the team leade will have to pefom as a pat of the team. The team needs to be a positive mix of people with the ight combination of skills that will make the goup successful. Accoding to the BPR Leaning Cente (2001), thee…...
mlareferences in the MBTI system are based on four basic categories, which in theory affect the way the team member will perform tasks. The first subscale is the extroversion vs. introversion, and is a measurement of how outgoing and sociable someone is. Those who are very extroverted will likely interact openly and willingly with other group members, sharing ideas readily. Introverted team members may be more independent and less open socially. The second subscale is the intuition vs. sensing, which measures how much attention someone pays to their imagination vs. reality. Team members that are very sensing are more likely to focus on practicalities. The third subscale is thinking vs. feeling, which measures
Team Experiences
Working in a team is a skill set that everyone must learn. There are many classes and professions that require individual work, and nearly just as many that require teamwork at some point as well. In my experience, I have had successes and failures working in teams. Last semester in a physiology course, I had to work as part of a team for a final presentation. The presentation took place before the class, the department, and faculty members of the departments, so at least I know I felt some pressure to do well. My team prepared for several weeks. The preparation was not entirely smooth. Management of the team proved difficult. Conflicting opinions and tensions ran rampant throughout the group. We disagreed about many aspects of the experiment and the presentation. The disagreements were fierce and proved to be the greatest challenge of the experience.
I had more than…...
Team Challenges
Addressing Challenges Groups Teams Your Learning Team management staff a contracted customer-service call center Desert Communications Inc., a major wireless telecommunications organization.
This paper aims to address the challenges of groups and teams. Desert communication is making operational changes that will involve car roadside show. The changes will affect the employees. Therefore, the company has to devise a method to communicate these changes. According to Page, there is always resistance to organizational changes. This paper will propose on strategies that will make this transition successful. The paper will focus on training of multiple audiences that will participate in the car roadside services.
Addressing the Challenges of Groups and Teams
The company wants the employees to work in groups. Each manager has ten employees to supervise. The effective implementation of the roadside service provision depends on this team working together. According to Page, formation of groups at work brings about synergy. In…...
Page, S. (2010). The power of business process improvement: 10 simple steps to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability. New York: American Management
Sabri, E.H., Gupta, A.P., & Beitler, M.A. (2007).Purchase order management best practices:
Process, technology, and change management. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: J. Ross Pub.
It is critically important that the team be able to speak to each other and the leader openly. If there is no communication hurt feelings will result and oftentimes unknowingly. When team members are feuding between one another it places a great deal of stress upon the whole team. When the focus is upon individual personality differences precious time is wasted which could be spent towards the achievement of goals for the team. It is important to safeguard the team from this by setting up a system of routine meetings where people have a chance to discuss potential problems. (Jefferies, nd)
The work of Moreira states that there are four phases of team building and states those four phases are as follows: (1) Forming: This is period in which team members are becoming oriented and expect to receive implicit instruction; (2) Storming: During this period the…...
Jack Jeffereries (2nd) Team Dynamics
McNeill, Bellamy & Burrows (2000) Introduction to Engineering Design, 2000-Page G-9
Moreira, Paqula (2003) Building an Effective it Team Step-by-Step Certification Magazine July 2003.
Brownstein, Marty (nd) Resolving Conflicts on the Team: Managing Teams for Dummies.
Team Development
The following will be answers to questions given in instructions.
educing the frequency of official meetings will help the team stay focused on their goal. Don't just schedule meetings because it is what every team does. Just remember: the team's main aim is to keep it collectively engaged in the project at hand. Make sure the team has a very clear focus that interests every member. One way to increase team participation is to give every team member a responsible part to play in the meeting presentation. (Keep Them Interested: How to Increase Participation in Team Meetings, 2014). Making them understand the role each of them has to play in the success of the meeting And establishes the fact that each of the team members has a vested interest in the job. Furthermore, this encourages positive interaction among the members of the team. Even the workers who are likely to…...
Burns, ., Bradley, ., & Weiner, . Shortell and Kaluzny's Health Care Management Organizational Design & Behavior (6 ed.).
(2014). Free Conference Calls made simple - Speek. Keep Them Interested: How to Increase Participation in Team Meetings -. Retrieved April 6, 2016, from
Writer Thoughts
Supervision is crucial to assuring quality, accountability, and professional development in a variety of sectors, including healthcare, education, social work, and management. Its significance can be regarded from numerous perspectives, each highlighting different parts of the supervision process. One prominent technique is the developmental model, which focuses on the supervisee's personal and professional development. In this paradigm, supervision is viewed as a method of mentoring and guiding individuals through the stages of skill acquisition, providing feedback, support, and encouragement as they advance in their jobs. The developmental approach emphasizes the need for offering constructive comments and encouraging self-reflection, allowing the....
Hospitality Management Department at H University: Fostering Success in a Dynamic Industry
The Hospitality Management Department at H University has tailored its curriculum and experiential programs to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and adaptability necessary to thrive in the ever-changing hospitality industry. Here's how the department prepares students for success:
1. Industry-Aligned Curriculum:
Core Hospitality Courses: The curriculum encompasses fundamental principles of hospitality management, including food and beverage operations, hotel management, and event planning.
Specialized Tracks: Students can specialize in areas such as culinary arts, lodging management, or tourism management, tailoring their education to their career aspirations.
Industry Partnerships: The department....
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