Teaching Plan for the Torack Family
Framing in the Media
Framing in the media is simply the relationship between the media journalists and their audiences by deciding what the media is going to say to the public where they use it as an "agenda setting" which is a conventional way to approach framing. It is deemed as obscure and an opinionated procedure that can be inconsistent and viable that is dependent on (a) participating accesses on strategic schemas, (b) the capacity to manipulate sets of exploitations, (c) arrangement and outlook of the solutions of lawmakers, (d) inclinations of inner factions and policy makers ("Policy analysis and," 2007). In addition, framing has its own specific preferences in the way the media develops news that the public can understand where the spectators detain the quintessence of a concern or problem. Furthermore, there is a thorough procedure by supplying how these issues the media should…...
Anissimov, M. (n.d.). What are heuristics and biases? Wisegeek. Retrieved May 26, 2011 from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-heuristics-and-biases.htm
Davis, P. (2009). How the media frames "open access." The journal of electronic publishing. 12(1), Retrieved from doi: 10.3998/3336451.0012.101http://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jep/3335451.0012.101?rgn=main;view=fulltext
Heuristics & biases. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www2.gsu.edu/-dscthw/x130/Heuristics-biases.html
Policy anaylsis and decision making. (2007, October 15-17). Retrieved from http://www.paho.org/english/ad/dpc/nc/cmn-po-bar-7-4-pol-agenda.pdf
Diabetic Teaching Plan
Teaching Plan
Teaching plan: Patients with diabetes
Although all patients with type I diabetes manifest the same basic biology in terms of the manifestation of the illness, patients of different ages and genders will have different emotional, social, and environmental needs. This can be seen in a comparison of two patients, 'Sarah' and 'David.'
Patient 1: 'Sarah'
Sarah is a ten-year-old Caucasian daughter of a single mother. Sarah has been recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Engaging in dietary modification has been a challenge for Sarah. Sarah has expressed frustration with the fact she cannot eat 'just the same' as her friends and this has been a source of friction between herself and her mother, who says she frequently feels overwhelmed with the demands of managing Sarah's condition.
Developmental learning needs
Sarah must need to understand how to manage her illness. The nurse must communicate this in an age-appropriate fashion. The first step of…...
Fact sheets: Type 1 diabetes facts. (2012). Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF).
Manzella, Debra. (2012). Five basics of diabetes management for kids with type 1. About. com.
Retrieved: http://diabetes.about.com/od/childrenanddiabetes/a/type1kidsmanagement.htm
Diabetes Type 1: A Case Study and Teaching Plan
Patients need sometimes to be educated in their disease, especially if their disease is chronic and progressive. When patients lack basic knowledge on their disease, further complications may arise due to improper self-care and bad lifestyle choices. Nursing theories such as the oy Adaptation Model, allow for better understanding of the specific needs of the patient and how to carry that out into an effective teaching plan. Case studies also help in determining proper treatment for specific situations.
A 16-year-old female with a history of type 1 diabetes was brought to the emergency section of her local hospital by her mother. Her name is Elsa. Her mother witnesses an episode of syncope. The symptoms present in the patient were flu-like accompanied by a productive cough that lasted 6 days prior to her arrival to the hospital. Furthermore, patient has been drinking and eating…...
AIPPG (2012). Roy's Adaptation Model. Retrieved from http://currentnursing.com/nursing_theory/Roy_adaptation_model.html
IANNOTTI, R.J., SCHNEIDER, S., NANSEL, T.R., HAYNIE, D.L., PLOTNICK, L.P., CLARK, L.M. . . . SIMONS-MORTON, B. (2006). Self-Efficacy, Outcome Expectations, and Diabetes Self-Management in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 27(2), 98-105. doi:10.1097/00004703-200604000-00003
Mensing, C., Boucher, J., Cypress, M., Weinger, K., Mulcahy, K., Barta, P. . . . Adams, C. (2000). National standards for diabetes self-management education. Task Force to Review and Revise the National Standards for Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs. Diabetes Care, 34(1), S89-S96. doi:10.2337/diacare.23.5.682
WHO (2013). WHO | Diabetes. Retrieved from http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs312/en/
Teaching Plan for the Torack Family
Plan for the Trosack's Family
As the nursing case manager for maternal parent 43-year-old ita and the 46-year-old paternal parent Patrick Trosack, I have been appointed to advise these parents about the results of their Chorionic villus samping (CVS) administered through Dr. Zimmerly Gynecology & Associates on 7 July 2008 signified that the Trosack fetus was positive for Tay-Sachs disease, counseling of genetic birth defects. A more in depth evaluation of both the mother and father at the Genetic Counseling Medical Center should be discussed for the parents to find out more about their background, genetic make-up, and the risks of passing the disease to their children. Further diagnosis is an optional service we can provide and requires test results from both the mother and father in order to provide detailed results. Our team recommends the family immediately request to complete a physical evaluations, background questionnaire…...
Ainsworth, S. (2011). Tay-sachs disease -- a triump from disaster. Practice nurse, 41(3), Retrieved from http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=b09e79c-1d92-4686-bfdd-ec551924c67d%40sessionmgr113&vid=1&hid=107&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBIPWIwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGIkPXM40DU2oDk3JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3Q%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=59288986doi.
National Organization for Rare Disorders. (2011). Nord's patient assistance programs. Retrieved from http://www.rarediseases.org/patients-and-families/patient-assistance
US National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health. (2008). Tay-sachs disease Washington, DC: Government Health. Retrieved from http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/tay-sachs-disease
Lesson Plan for Professional Development
Teaching Plan/Objective: Service Learning Plan for Elder Services (Professional Development Module)
Elders as Resources programs address a number of the social, psychological and cognitive needs of students in five major areas of development:
Realistic Portrayal of Adults- Students understand that older adults have as varied a background as they do -- different personalities, ethnic heritage, culture, etc. By providing direct experience with older adults, stereotypes are avoided that overly glamorize or denigrate old age.
Development of a positive attitude towards aging- Students understand that humans age and realize that some decisions made in youth carry over into adulthood. Direct experience with older adults in controlled settings are more effective in helping to change attitudes than rote learning or discussions without relative examples.
Understanding of life-decisions -- Stories from elders help students understand that at each point in life different decisions are made that impact the course of their life --…...
mlaWorks Cited
American Library Association. (2007). Countering Negative Stereotypes of the Elderly. ALA Booklinks, 16(4).
Bage, G. (1999). Narrative Matters: Teaching and Learning History Through Story. New York: Routledge.
Newman, S., & Brummel, S. (Eds.). (1989). Intergenerational Programs: Imperatives, Strategies, Impacts and Trends. Binghampton, NY: Hawthorne Press.
Tyndale, J. (2005, May). Respect for the Elderly. Retrieved April 2011, from The Wall Street Journal Classroom Edition: http://wsjclassroom.com/archive/05may/related_05may_teacher_elderly.htm
These drugs help to control blood glucose levels and have fewer side effects and are not likely to interact of be contraindicated with other medication Kasper & Giovannucci, 2006()
6. To be able monitor the disease on their own
It is crucial for the client to be able to track their condition. Therefore, they must be trained on how to monitor their blood glucose levels to be able to discover potential problems quite early Kasper & Giovannucci, 2006()
Teaching method
This teaching plan will be carried out through the issuance of brochures to the patient to teach them on the topic. They will also have scheduled visual aid lessons to help them to understand the various aspects of the disease. It will also be taught using demonstrations and role playing in order to lighten up the teaching session.
Criteria & Means for Evaluation
This teaching plan will be evaluated using three methods of evaluation. First…...
Kasper, J.S., & Giovannucci, E. (2006). A Meta-analysis of Diabetes Mellitus and the Risk of Prostate Cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 15(11), 2056 -- 2062.
Rodriguez, C., Patel, a.V., Mondul, a.M., Jacobs, E.J., Thun, M.J., & Calle, E.E. (2005). Diabetes and Risk of Prostate Cancer in a Prospective Cohort of U.S. Men. American Journal of Epidemiology, 161(2), 147-152.
201). This degree of media coverage, in fact, would likely provide a worthwhile goal for all responsible journalism; to this end, operational framing would provide a comprehensive and balanced analysis of the event without resorting to rhetoric or base appeals to emotion (Peterson, 2001). Therefore, throughout this exercise, this term will refer to completely objective news reporting that is absent of any discernible contextual framing efforts as defined above on the part of the reviewer.
Materials equired
Computers with Internet access (one for every three students); free online survey accounts for each team.
Suggested Procedure.
Opening. Students' interest will be gained by describing a current event that affects their lives as well such as the incidence of cell phone or Internet usage among young Chinese people today, drug use, or the profound environmental issues facing emerging nations that threaten everyone through global warming or otherwise, for example. In this lesson, students will learn…...
Gitlin T. (1980). The whole world is watching: Mass media in the making and unmaking of the New Left. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Nelson, R.A. (1996). A chronology and glossary of propaganda in the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Peterson, M.A. (October 2001). Getting to the story: Unwriteable discourse and interpretive practice in American journalism. Anthropological Quarterly, 74(4), 201.
My teaching plan for Mr. M would begin with a simple introduction of myself and the purpose of the lesson that I would be teaching him that day. I would use a printed out sheet with pictures rather than many words that help to explain the process for each of his four medications; these highly-visual and easy to follow sheets can be used to explain his medications, how to take them, when to take them, how much to take, and when he should call for help. As Cowan (2004) points out, it is important for patients who have low literacy to still have a way to understand their medication processes in clear and certain terms. These sheets would serve as teaching guides as I move along in the teaching plan for Mr. M. The following steps in the process would Step 1: Make Sure the Patient Knows Why He is Taking…...
Cowan, C. F. (2004). Teaching patients with low literacy skills. Fuszard’s innovative teaching strategies in nursing, 278.Makaryus, A. N., & Friedman, E. A. (2005, August). Patients\\\\' understanding of their treatment plans and diagnosis at discharge. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 991-994). Elsevier.
Teaching Plan: eflection and Evaluation
Summary of teaching plan
The topic of the presentation and instruction is heatstroke and other heat related causes of death. The teaching presentation was provided to staff at a Parks and ecreation department in the community, and plans are being made to conduct the teaching presentation at church communities in preparation for their vacation Bible school activities, at adult / child care centers that often plan outings for their program participants, and at health centers at Universities who are in a position to encounter university students who are suffering from a heat-related threats to their health.
The heat wave that occurred in western Europe in the summer of 2003 is a case study in the relation of social structure and cultural practices and the impact of a natural disaster on public health (Kopp, et al., 2015). Heat waves are more lethal to the poor who do not…...
Atherton, J.S. (2013). Learning and Teaching; Constructivism in learning. Retrieved from http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/constructivism.htm
Kopp, R., Buzan, J., and Huber, M. (2015, June 6). The deadly combination of heat and humidity. Sunday Review: Opinion. The New York Times.
What are three rewards and three challenges that you will face as a teacher?
As a rabid student of popular culture, I have been interested in the so-called "achievement gap" in education, popularized in the media, the political spectrum, and even within contemporary business culture. There is clearly a demonstrable gap in educational relevancy; second, there are basic skills that are absolutely vital in order to participate in the modern global village that are not universal with the U.. educational environment. cholarship also points out that the earlier the attention to this "gap," the earlier the attention to potential reading disabilities, and the earlier the intervention towards socialization issues, the higher rate of success and inclusion. This, too, engenders challenges within the profession. For instance, today's classrooms are more diverse than ever, they are multi-dimensional as well. To help fill the gap, teachers need to be able to jump into different…...
Kauchak, D. And Eggen, P. (2011). Introduction to Teaching, Becoming a Professional,
4th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
As I began to realize that I was expecting less than they were capable of I realized that some of my preconceived notions about the teaching profession were coloring my viewpoint.
One example was the day a preschool student from the regular education class came to me and handed me a book that she wanted to read to me. I was surprised but let her open the book and begin reading. It reminded me not to assume the level of ability of any student as each student is an individual and develops at individual rates.
In observing the classrooms I found that problems can be dealt with by remaining flexible and keeping an open mind (Safer, 2003).
An example of this philosophy occurred when an autistic preschool student was included in the inclusion setting. "Tommy" did not respond to verbal cues nor was he a verbal child. The teacher made up several index…...
Teaching Strategy for Special Ed
Special Education Standard
Direct instruction is the most widely-used teaching strategy, although it has become controversial in recent years. Critics argue that it limits the creativity of good teachers and provides a crutch for poor ones (What is direct instruction? 2011). It is a teacher-centered approach that relies on structured lesson plans, offering little or no variation and no opportunity for discussion or active participation. The effectiveness of direct instruction has been demonstrated widely but it can be a poor choice for students with disabilities who would benefit from another approach.
What is Direct Instruction?
"Direct instruction is a theory of education which posits that the most effective way to teach is by explicit, guided instructions" (What is direct instruction? 2011). Although it is the oldest form of instruction, it gained attention in the 1980s when implemented in the schools of inner-city Baltimore. Instruction was scripted, with prepared lesson…...
Adams, G., and Carnine, D. (2003). Direct instruction. National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities. Retrieved from http://nichcy.org/research/summaries/abstract1
National Institute for Direct Instruction. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.nifdi.org/15/
What is direct instruction? (2011). Teach-nology. Retrieved from http://www.teach-
Teaching Special Education Students
In the classroom, teachers are primarily responsible for ensuring that special education students are provided with equal opportunities for education. While instructors should not lower academic standards in the classroom, they should make every effort to make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. y making simple adjustments, such as allowing students to record lectures or changing the format of a test, teachers can make sure that special education students do not have academic or social disadvantages.
Setting up the Classroom
In the classroom, simple changes can make a great difference for special education students. For example, by arranging desks in a manner where each student has his own personal space, as opposed to sitting in groups, special education students have less chances of being distracted.
There should be various centers in the class that provide a space for students to go when they are finished with their individual work. This…...
Klinger, J., & Vaughn, S. (1999). Students' perceptions of instruction in inclusion classrooms: Implications for students with learning disabilities. Exceptional Children.
Polloway, E., Bursuck, W., Jayanthi, M., Epstein, M., & Nelson, J. (1996). Treatment acceptability: Determining appropriate interventions within inclusive classrooms. Intervention In School and Clinic.
Brattlan, Lee. (2002) Brief Reference of Student Disabilities:...with Strategies for the Classroom.
Teaching Diversity in the Classroom
In recent decades it has become increasingly important that educators understand the importance of multicultural education. Given that society has become more pluralistic and diverse, there is a need for a curriculum that focuses on diversity. This research proposal recognizes that diversity can and should be taught, and proposes a methodology for doing so.
This project reviews the literature on teaching diversity. Achieving diversity in higher education involves a wide range of approaches. Teaching diversity includes the need to recruit and maintain a diverse student body, as well as faculty, and to provide instruction to a diverse group of students, provide an inclusive curriculum that reflects the contributions of non-Western and minority groups, and to teach so as to critically examine the humanities and the professions from perspectives of groups that have been marginalized.
The Center for Instructional Diversity in Research divides strategies for diversity in teaching into…...
Banks, J.A., Cookson, P., Gay, G., Hawley, W.D., Irvine, J.J., Nieto, S…Stephan, W.G. (2001). Diversity within unity: Essential principles for teaching and learning in a multicultural society. The Phi Delta Kappan, 83(3), 196-198, 200-203. Retrieved from: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20440100
Center for Instructional Diversity in Research. (2008). Inclusive teaching. University of Washington. Retrieved November 9, 2011 from: http://depts.washington.edu/cidrweb/inclusive/diversify.html
Center for Teaching. (2011). Diversity & inclusive teaching. Vanderbilt University. Retrieved November 9, 2011 from: http://cft.vanderbilt.edu/teaching-guides/interactions/diversity/
Davis, B.G. (1993). Tools for teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Teaching Disaster and Emergency Management
The whole world has turned into a place where people encounter experiences with diverse forms of disaster. Most of the disasters are usually extremely complicated and strike unexpectedly in any region causing massive damages and loss of lives. The complexities accompanying the catastrophes require the existence of well-trained personnel oftentimes ready to deal with disasters as they occur before causing irreparable harm to people and property. In some regions, many people have lost lives and properties destroyed because of the slow response by the people dependable for handling the emergencies. This calls for the training of new and many people who provide quick and efficient response to the disasters whilst saving lives. Various regions and countries have taken up the initiative of training people expected to play a critical role in the management of disasters. There has been an argument whether teachers handling disaster management programs…...
Alexander, D. (2000) "Scenario Methodology for Teaching Principles of Emergency
Management," Disaster Prevention and Management, vol. 9(2): 89 -- 97
Neal, D.M. (2000). Developing Degree Programs in Disaster Management: Some Reflections
and Observations. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters 18(3): 417-
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