Tax Revenue Essays (Examples)

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Tax Revenues the Author of This Report
Pages: 2 Words: 713

Tax evenues
The author of this report is tasked with describing how to compensate and direct the tax collectors of Elbonia to increase tax collections in a way that is effective and compensates the tax collectors commensurate with the work they are performing and the dollars that they are bringing in. The author of this report will offer a few options that will probably help a lot and a lot of them have little to do with what the collectors are doing wrong and more to do with why the tax collections are paltry in the first place.


First, it should be ascertained the real reason why the tax collections are fledgling. A lot of the reasons that tax revenues falter would have to be fixed through policy maneuvers at the governmental level or even just a bit of patience because getting blood from a turnip is just not possible. If the…...



Myers, L., & Mears, C.A. (2013, August 13). Businesses claim Obamacare has forced them to cut employee hours - Investigations. Investigations. Retrieved September 17, 2013, from 


Reilly, P. (2013, August 25). S Corporation SE Avoidance Still A Solid Strategy

Forbes. Information for the World's Business Leaders - Retrieved September 17, 2013, from

Tax Advise Table of Contents Optional Louise
Pages: 7 Words: 2764

Tax Advise
Table of Contents (optional)

Louise is aged 50 and single. Since 1994 she has carried on a retail business as a sole trader. Her trading profits as adjusted for tax purposes and after capital allowances, for the year ended 30th April 2009 were $150,000.

The business is carried out from a number of valuable retail outlets, all of which are owned by Louise personally. These units have been acquired over a number of years since 1994 and their market values have increased considerably in recent years.

Apart from her single personal allowance tax credit, Louise is entitled to income tax relief in respect of $10,000, which she pays annually to a evenue approved pension scheme.

Louise's personal living expenses and other financial commitments total $50,000 per annum (including the contribution of $10,000 to the evenue approved pension scheme referred to above).

Louise is considering transferring her business to a limited company and has asked…...



Maertin, James CPA. U.S. Tax Preparation Worldwide. [ %5D

  "HM Revenue and Customs: About Us." Crown Copyright. 2005-04-18. 

Tax System of One Country With That
Pages: 15 Words: 4394

tax system of one country with that of another is an exercise fraught with dificulties and ultimately doomed to failure . tax system will never be much more than a reflection of strongly national cultures and forces. discuss this statement in the light of your knowledge of comparative tax system in developing and/or developed countries i
Tax Systems

The following pages focus on analyzing the factors of influence on different countries' taxation systems. The paper begins with an introductory section that allows readers understand the point-of-view used in this paper. The following section refers to describing the taxes pand taxation systems used by most countries and their objectives, in order to understand the similarities and differences between these taxation systems. The paper continues with the analysis of several factors that influence countries' tax system design, like cultural factors, technological developments, and natural resources. In order to exemplify this, the taxation systems…...


Reference list:

1. Pasekova, M. et al. (2011). Comparative Analysis of Tax Systems: Some Evidence from CEE Countries. World Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology. Retrieved February 27, 2012.

2. Greenhouse, S. (2011). Tiny Tax on Financial Trades Gains Advocates. The New York Times. Retrieved February 28, 2012 from .

3. Ross, M. (2004). Does Taxation lead to Representation? Cambridge University Press. Retrieved February 28, 2012.

4. Seto, T. (2008). Four Core Principles of Tax Design System: Introduced and Applied to the Taxation of Multinationals. Loyola Law School. Retrieved February 28, 2012.

Tax Expenditure Budgets An Interstate
Pages: 1 Words: 371

Pennsylvania, on the other hand, does not create its budget using this framework; though there are certainly credits, deductions, etc., that are similar to the items listed as tax expenditures in the other states' budgets, this is not the perspective the State of Pennsylvania applies to its budget (Pennsylvania Office of the Budget, 2012). This is perhaps reflective of the increasing criticism the tax expenditure framework or model has received from primarily conservative policy makers and analysts, that see the practice as less straightforward in its appraisal of revenues and expenditures than could be accomplished (Burman, 2003).

Connecticut General Assembly. (2010). Connecticut Tax Expenditure eport. Accessed 7 April 2012.

Minnesota Department of evenue. (2012). Tax Expenditure Budget. Accessed 7 April 2012.

Oregon Department of evenue. (2012). A Summary of Oregon Taxes. Accessed 7 April 2012.

Pennsylvania Office of the Budget. (2012). Governor's Executive Budget. Accessed 7 April 2012.



Connecticut General Assembly. (2010). Connecticut Tax Expenditure Report. Accessed 7 April 2012. 

Minnesota Department of Revenue. (2012). Tax Expenditure Budget. Accessed 7 April 2012.

Oregon Department of Revenue. (2012). A Summary of Oregon Taxes. Accessed 7 April 2012. 

Pennsylvania Office of the Budget. (2012). Governor's Executive Budget. Accessed 7 April 2012.

Tax Federal 'Sin Taxes ' to
Pages: 3 Words: 1079

Sugary sodas contain corn syrup, but the American Agricultural Department subsidizes American farmers for growing corn, and this is one of the reasons that high-fructose corn syrup is so ubiquitous in the food supply. e are taxing corn syrup and subsidizing it at the same time, in other words. "The bigger issue, which the industry neither can nor particularly cares to rebut, is that the product [corn syrup] exists at all. e pump absurd quantities of cash into subsidizing corn (we also have a huge tariff on Brazilian sugar cane, incidentally). Over the past 10 years alone, Congress has appropriated more than $50 billion to encourage farmers to grow the stuff. But people don't want to eat $50 billion in subsidized corn. And if the cobs just sat around developing mold, Congress would cut off the spigot. Enter high fructose corn syrup, which sucks up the subsidies and created…...


Works Cited

Adamy, Jane. "Soda Tax Weighed to Pay for Health Care." The Wall Street Journal. May 12,


Klein, Ezra. "The Problem with Corn Syrup. The American Prospect. 2008.

Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco The Alcohol
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco:
The alcohol industry is increasingly being considered for an increase in taxes in attempts to help in providing health care insurance to all people. As heath care insurance continues to be a major issue in the United States, policy makers are looking for effective measures to provide health insurance coverage for all. Currently, senators and other policy makers are focusing on the ways to provide health care coverage in order to extend insurance for approximately 50 million uninsured Americans that could total to $1.5 trillion over a decade. Furthermore, these policymakers are examining various ways to lessen expenses and increase taxes including increasing alcohol and tobacco tax to help cater for the expansion. The main reason for the proposed increase in taxes of alcohol and tobacco is that they are among the main contributors to the increasing medical costs. With these proposals and measures, the main…...



Gravelle, J.G. & Zimmerman, D. (1994, March 8). Cigarette Taxes to Fund Health Care

Reform: An Economic Analysis. Retrieved October 28, 2012, from U. 

"Higher Taxes on Alcohol Being Considered." (n.d.). Promises Treatment Centers. Retrieved October 28, 2012, from

Tax Memo Pension Payments Mr Jones From
Pages: 2 Words: 466

Tax Memo: Pension Payments
Mr. Jones

From, Tax Accountant, CPA

You are the president of a corporation owned by yourself and other family members. Your salary from this corporation during the year in question was $48,000. During this same year, $12,000 was also contributed by the corporation to a pension plan held on your behalf. You believe that this contribution should not be considered a part of your taxable income for the year in question. The IRS agent conducting an audit of the year in question believes the pension plan amount should be considered when making a determination of reasonable compensation.

The issues in this case are (1) whether it is proper to include the pension plan in a determination of compensation, and (2) if such inclusion would affect the determination of the compensation amount of any tax liabilities for the corporation or Mr. Jones during the year in question.


Allowance for retirement benefits, received…...

Tax Service Profession Is Both
Pages: 5 Words: 1502

If the decision is made to remain affiliated with the taxpayer, the member should ensure that the error is neither repeated nor perpetuated.

The rules and regulations implemented for tax service providers and other officials working with taxpayer clients are established in order to ensure the stability and ethical values of the position. Taxpayers are very important, as they uphold the economics and financial health of their community and their country. In this regard, it is the obligation of the tax service official to respect both the system and the client by upholding a high level of ethics.

In turn, the taxpayer should assist the preparer in the mission to provide accurate information that is free of errors. In the case of errors, it is important to emphasize that the system does provide for human error. If either the tax preparer or the taxpayer can be shown not to be in…...

Tax Expenditures One Typical Characteristic
Pages: 2 Words: 580

In the meantime, you have a normal, functioning economy. Keynes's theory impelled a host of interventionist economic policies during the Great Depression and formed the essence of Roosevelt's New Deal which influenced Britain and other countries in dealing with their own related depressions. The Great Depression in all countries had compelled people to hoard their money causing the economy to stop at a standstill. Keynes's theory urged governments to step in and to encourage public spending, which the government did by both increasing the money supply and buy buying things itself. In this way, government spending is more effective than taxes since raise in taxes will only serve to dissuade people from buying. An attitude which leads to reduced consumerism, more businesses closing, less employment, firing of current workers, and reluctance to engage in discretionary spending.
2. Division of Government Functions

Our federal system divides responsibilities between the various levels of…...

Tax Deductions for Default
Pages: 3 Words: 1187

Tax Deductions: Are Unpaid Loans Tax Deductible?
John loaned his friend Jack $1,000. Jack did not repay the debt and left town. John wants to know if he can claim any tax deduction, and, if so, what is the character of the deduction? However, to answer John's question, one must first find out more information about the nature of the loan. This is critical because there are two broad types of loans and debts: business loans and personal loans. Furthermore, under the correct circumstances, it is possible for people to take tax deductions for certain types of business loans and personal loans. Knowing whether John made Jack a loan from his personal money or from his business money is the crucial first step in determining which, if any, Internal evenue Service (IS) regulations or tax laws will permit John to deduct the unpaid debt.

If John is a business owner and made…...



Bailey, A.C. (2014). Unpaid personal loans can reduce your tax bill. Retrieved April 12, 2014

from MyTaxHQ website: 

Fishman, S. (2013, June 7). Bad loans to friends and family may be tax deductible. Retrieved April 11, 2014 from Inman News website: 

Internal Revenue Service. (2013, December 12). Topic 453- Bad debt deduction. Retrieved April 12, 2014 from IRS website:

Tax Cuts Do Tax Cuts
Pages: 1 Words: 369

eaton also adds that low and moderate income people tend to spend money on goods and services that are more likely to result directly in jobs and incomes in the community (the spending continues multiplying on a secondary or tertiary basis). Higher income people spend in a way that contributes to "leakage" to their local economy by taking trips to buying non-local goods and services.
The implication of eaton's article is that tax cuts should be directed at low and moderate income people to stimulate the economy. Perhaps, from a strictly MPC point-of-view, this is correct. but, high income people also invest which stimulates the economy and this should have been explored as well.


51% Say Cut Everybody's Taxes to Stimulate the Economy (2009, June 11). Rasmussen Reports.

eaton, R. (2003) the Idolatry of ideology Alternatives Magazine.



51% Say Cut Everybody's Taxes to Stimulate the Economy (2009, June 11). Rasmussen Reports. 

Beaton, R. (2003) the Idolatry of ideology Alternatives Magazine.

Tax Returns for Partnerships and C Corporation
Pages: 4 Words: 595

Tax Returns for C Corporation and Partnerships
Tasty Treats and Beverages is a registered company in the United States. The company was incorporated in 2004, and operates under the C Corporation for the tax purpose. A C-corporation refers as a business entity subject to the federal income tax. A company operating under the C Corporation can enjoy host of tax credit that can assist it to enjoy a tax reduction that the company has to pay to the federal government. This paper uses the excerpt from the Tasty Treats & Beverages, Inc. annual income statement to prepare the tax return for the company.(See Appendix 1).

Tasty Treats & Beverages, Inc.

Income Statement ($)

For year ended December 31, 2013

Revenue from sales


Total Expenses


Income before taxes


Federal income tax expense


Net income after taxes


As being revealed in the company statement of income data, the income before tax was $284,450 and federal income tax expenses was $96,713. The paper…...

Taxing Polluters an Easy Target
Pages: 4 Words: 1141

ill ignoring any pollution problem be beneficial to the community? Most businessmen would probably answer that question with a negative, but does that mean they feel compelled to do anything about the problem, even if their corporation was the one that caused it. Currently the answer would be no, but if they were going to be penalized for not doing so, and that penalty was coupled with an incentive for accomplishing the objective, then it would probably be a no-brainer, even based on the businessman's viewpoint.
Peter Coy states; "A few polluters that cannot easily reduce emissions will pay a substantial cost, but those with the technology to cut emissions cheaply will have a far greater incentive to do so than they would have under traditional regulation." The same technology used to accomplish a cleanup, can also be used for other reasons, which is an additional benefit to the corporations.



Works Cited

Coy, P. (1997) Clean Air in an Era of Cheap Oil, Businessweek, November 3, 1997, pg 144

Hoerner, J.A., (2005) Tax Waste, Not Work,   Accessed Sept 15, 2007 ,

Kripke, G., Dunkiel, B., (1998) Taxing the Environment: Corporate tax Breaks to Promote Environmental Destruction, Multinational Monitor, Vol. 19, Number 9, pp 9-15

Morris, D., (2005) Restructuring Minnesota's Tax System: Taxing Pollution Rather Than Work and Investment, Testimony before the Minnesota House of Representatives Committee on Taxes, February 23, 1995,   Accessed Sept 15, 2007 ,

Penn Tax Memo Tuition Tax
Pages: 2 Words: 565

In addition, the estimation of seventy-seven thousand individuals that would be able to receive an additional refund from the tax credit suggests that it could actually cost the state a substantial amount of money to operate this program. These students would not only pay no taxes, but would actually receive money from the state -- a minimally employed student that owed no income tax to begin with could actually receive a refund of eight hundred dollars (forty percent of two-thousand) or more. Clearly, there would be a major impact o the overall state budget from the cost of this program. Though a billion dollars doesn't go as far as it used to, it is still a substantial portion of the state's total sixty-three billion dollar budget (POB, 2012). Though the money saved or sent out to individual taxpayers through this tax credit would most likely be used to make purchases…...



PASDC. (2012). Quick facts. Pennsylvania State Data Center. Accessed 3 March 2012. 

POB. (2012). Budget in Brief. Pennsylvania Office of the Budget. Accessed 3 March 2012.

Alternative Source for Tax Dollars
Pages: 4 Words: 1266

This means that they should have alternative sales taxes imposed. These small increases will result in school districts receiving more income. As the legislature can avoid making dramatic cuts backs from the general fund and will have another source of revenues. This will improve their ability to provide educators with the resources they need. (Balu, 2011)
A good example of this can be seen with a study that was conducted by Balu (2011). She found that this formula has been successful in helping to ensure that school districts are receiving additional financing. Commenting about these shifts, she concluded that this will prevent sudden decreases by introducing another form of revenues for education with her saying, "Districts in states that shifted their tax base for education toward sales and income taxes, received more than 60% of their revenues from the state. They experienced an increase in revenue stability after finance equalization…...



Balu, R. (2011). Did School Finance Equalization Increase Revenue Instability. SREE. Retrieved from:

Crawford, C. (2010). Property Taxes in New Jersey. Northeast Business and Economic Association.

Goodspeed, T. (n.d.). The Relationship Between State Income Taxes and Local Property Taxes. National Tax Journal, 2 (2), 219 -- 236.

Toutkoushian, R. (2008). The Impacts of School Funding. Journal of Education Finance, 33 (4), 353 -- 379.

For my essay I have to discuss the President’s role in the budgetary process and policy making?
Words: 362

The President plays an important role in both the budgetary process and policymaking, even if the roles are less formal and direct than many people realize.  The President and his Administration help establish the priorities for the nation, which is how a President impacts policymaking.  Likewise, the President submits budget recommendations to Congress, but is not actually responsible for the budget.   The two process are similar, but different, so they will be addressed sequentially. 

The President’s role in developing the nation’s budget is dictated by statute and by precedent.  The Budget and Accounting....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Adventure Tourism?
Words: 534

1. The Evolving Trends in Adventure Tourism:

Explore the emerging trends and innovations shaping adventure tourism worldwide. Discuss how technology, sustainability, and changing consumer preferences are transforming the industry, including topics like virtual reality experiences, eco-friendly practices, and the rise of niche adventure travel.

2. Adventure Tourism and Local Communities:

Examine the impact of adventure tourism on local communities, both positive and negative. Discuss how tourism can empower local economies, promote cultural exchange, and contribute to conservation efforts. Conversely, analyze potential challenges such as environmental degradation, overtourism, and the need for responsible tourism practices.

3. Risk Management and Safety in Adventure Tourism:


Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on crohns disease?
Words: 562

1. The Impact of Crohn's Disease on Quality of Life

Explore the physical, emotional, and social challenges faced by individuals living with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the impact of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss on daily life.
Examine the role of social stigma, isolation, and anxiety in reducing quality of life.

2. The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Crohn's Disease

Describe the dietary and nutritional challenges faced by patients with Crohn's disease.
Discuss the efficacy of elimination diets, low-FODMAP diets, and specific nutrient supplementation in managing symptoms.
Explore the importance of individualized dietary plans and....

Need help generating essay topics related to Alcohol Consumption. Can you help?
Words: 471

1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke

2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior

The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime

3. Alcohol Policy and....

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