Talent Management Strategy
The objective of this study is to determine which performance management process will be employed to measure employee talent and analyze the key concepts related to the talent pool and the talent review process. This study will develop appropriate talent management objectives to measure functional expertise and assess the key elements of global talent management as they apply to the organization. Finally, this study will recommend a process that optimizes a sustainable talent management process.
From the View of Senior Executives
It is the claim of senior managers that people serve to drive business value. In a recent survey the Economist Intelligence Unit for Oracle reports that "senior executives at corporations worldwide judge the ability to attract and retain people as one of the most critical enablers of growth." (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2007, p.4) Employee skills and knowledge ensure that they are in demand and provide value to their employers…...
Acquiring Skilled Employees (2013) Profiles Research Institute. Retrieved from: http://www.profilesinternational.com/solutions/strategic-talent-management/acquiring-skilled-employees.php
Blakely, A. (2012) Top Ten Talent Management Strategies for 2012. On Balance. Jan/Feb. 2012. Retrieved from: http://www.wicpa.org/Content/Files/PDF/On%20Balance/JanFeb12/Top10.pdf
Why Smart Employees Underperform (2009) Expert Insights. Profiles Research Institute. Retrieved from: http://info.profilesinternational.com/Portals/63683/docs/report-14-why-smart-employees-underperform.pdf
TALENT Management AT BofA
BofA Talent Management
Bank of America's talent management program led to success for the company
Bank of America's executive performance and retention strategy breaks down into the objectives set out in Figure 2.1 (Fisher and Congel, 2009, p. 22), 'attract, retain and develop great leaders.' This process occurs in distinct phases over the first 36 months of executive promotion but begins even before the new hire, if 'attracting great leaders' requires adequate compensation, with "clear and calibrated" (Fisher and Congel, p. 25) criteria screened by recruitment specialists. This includes more than business skill, extending to integration into the existing executive team as well as the total human resource silo the executive will ultimately oversee. This overall fit is assessed in order to prevent "derailment" (Fisher and Congel, 2009, p. 24) through conflict or loss of credibility at the head of a changing and challenging culture. Thus job development takes…...
Bank of America (2011). 2010 Annual report. Charlotte, North Carolina: Bank of America
Corporation. Retrieved from: http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=71595&p=irol-reportsannual
Bingham, T. And Galagan, P. (2011). Success at SUNTRUST begins and ends with talent. T + D,
Nov. 2011, 38-42. Retrieved from www.astd.org > T+D > At-C-Level
Talent Management
Discuss how the economic environment has influenced the need for talent management practices.
The current economic environment is one that is knowledge-based rather than agrarian or industrial (Friedman, 2005); talent management agents working in modern society have to recognize that even now while they focus on knowledge they must shift their attention to conceptual ideas; wider audiences must be targeted. Friedman suggests than talent managers must focus on a "post-knowledge, worker economic stage" where horizontal relationships will be critical to the success of organizations (Friedman, 2009; 2005). The economic environment of old did not require specialized talent. Almost anyone could find a job, because work was not specialized. ote memorization could get someone a job. Today, creative thinking is in high demand. Technology has allowed a global market to boom, and in this market, creativity is highly valued. Entrepreneurs are highly sought after for their creative talent. For this reason,…...
Friedman, Barry A. (2009). "Human resource management role: Implications for corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, Vol. 12: 3, Retrieved August 13, http://www.palgrave-journals.com/crr/
Friedman, T. (2005). The world is flat: A brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Mathis, R.L, & Jackson, J.H. (2008). Human Resource Management, 12th Edn. Thomson South
Western, Australia.
Talent Management Strategy: Talent Company X
The purpose of any successful talent agency is to find employment for actors, authors, film directors, musicians, models, producers, professional athletes, and the like. As such, it is essential for every successful talent agency to employ a staff that is both proficient enough and large enough to handle a steady influx of clients in many different areas of the entertainment business. At hand is the fictional talent company, Talent Company X, which employs a workforce of 200 individuals, with 20 of these individuals identified as leaders who are capable of heading divisions of the company and/or projects and initiatives. In understanding the size of the company at hand as well as the many different areas of talent with which these individuals will deal, it is essential that Talent Company X derives a management strategy that is able to encompass the entire talent requirements of the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Capelli, P. "Talent Management and the Twenty-First Century." The Harvard
Business Review, 2008. pp. 98-105. Accessed on 11 May 2012. Retrieved
from: http://www.technologyevaluation.com/login.aspx?returnURL=http%3a%2f
Build a strong achievement ethic throughout the business
Create exciting, challenging jobs in which people can excel.
Select and develop outstanding leaders.
Make talent management a critical corporate priority
Foster a talent management mindset.
Develop managers who can coach, mentor, empower and sponsor talent -- and deploy it to best advantage.
Develop the necessary skills to lead and manage talent.
Make managers accountable for managing talent.
Create the means to identify and select outstanding talent
Be clear about what talent is needed for the business.
More scarce than ability is the ability to recognize ability.
Be able to recognize it when it is demonstrated.
Be aggressive in securing the services of identified talent.
Engage talent fully -- manage it and continue to develop it.
Promote talented people early and often.
Today's high-performers need to be both valued and fully involved.
Give feedback, coach and mentor.
Confront -- and deal with -- retention issues.
Source: Based on graphic in Williams, 2005 at p. 97
Notwithstanding the fact that Continental operates…...
Berger, L., & Berger, D. (2003). The talent management handbook. New York: McGraw Hill.
Burke, R.J. & Cooper, C.L. (2005). Reinventing human resources management: Challenges and new directions. London: Routledge.
CO facts: A quarterly digest of states & facts. (2010, 2nd quarter). Continental Airlines. Retrieved from http://www.continental.com/web/en-U.S./content/company/profile/continental
Others -- other components of job specification are recurrent from the previous sections and may include the title of the position, ordinary and extraordinary characteristics required from the occupant of the position, the main tasks of the job, or the expertise required from the candidate
4. Job Design
Introduction to Job Design
A major part in conducting a proper process of talent management is that of creating an adequate environment in which the organizational staff members feel free to professionally express themselves. It is crucial to set the basis of an environment which fosters creativity, originality, hard work, collaboration and even competition. A working medium in which the employees are encouraged to express their views, opinions, satisfactions and dissatisfactions related to the job they are performing or the workplace is often promoted as an organizational incentive. Modern day companies forward the idea of a pleasant working environment as a means of attracting more…...
Talent Management
Discuss what factors emerged at Whirlpool that impacted its talent needs.
There are several different factors which had an impact on Whirlpool and its talent needs. To include: the growth of the business, consumer demand for new innovations and the necessity to attract / retain the best talent. As far as the growth of the business is concerned, the company was focused on expanding into a number of different markets and acquiring competitors that could help to them improve their business model. This created a need for the firm to seek out new talent in areas that would help the organization to maintain and increase their momentum in different segments. Consumer demand for innovative products meant, that Whirlpool had to find the best executives and engineers that could incorporate the use of the latest technology as part of their strategy. This had an impact on their talent needs, as it…...
Goldsmith, M. (2010). The Best Practices in Talent Management. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.
Hunt, M. (2006). The Coaching Organization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
Johnson, J. (2003). Global Marketing. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Kluyver, C. (2010). Fundamentals of Global Strategy. New York, NY: Business Experts Press.
talent management is and why it is a considerations addressed by a growing number of employers.
"Talent management is an organization's commitment to recruit, retain, and develop the most talented and superior employees available in the job market" (Heathfield 2012). In an increasingly competitive workplace, service is one of the best ways a company can distinguish itself against its competitors. America has become less of a nation that 'makes things,' versus a service labor-based nation that 'does things.' Furthermore, some of the most successful companies in the marketplace today, such as Apple and Google, have succeeded primarily because of the talent of their workforce: new technology is ultimately generated by creative technological minds. That is why Google allows its engineers time to pursue their own projects, to further stimulate growth and new ideas. Google states: "we offer our engineers '20-percent time' so that they're free to work on what they're…...
10 secrets to an effective performance review. (2012). Business management daily.
Engineer's Life. (2012). Google. Retrieved:
Talent Management on Productivity
Increasing productivity is considered a vital goal in a business environment. Unfortunately, in most instances the activity is rarely accepted by many H professionals as a genuine mandate. Even though, many professionals admit that their job involves establishing strategies, procedures, and initiatives governing management of individuals, few try to associate such elements to increasing the output of the employees. Bonus packages are typically endorsed to keep total compensation in accordance with the trends in the market. This is regardless of the work value warranting inducement compensation.
Training tools are frequently secured using the lowest-cost earner method, taking into consideration minimal consideration given to the provider that would be highly effective. ecruiting practices are mostly managed with the aim of minimizing cost and not taking into consideration business capability (Geddes 2012). Nevertheless, the function of the H is focused on executing transactions instead of offering productivity solutions. High-performing…...
Geddes, E.L., & Gill, C. (January 01, 2012). Annual performance appraisal: one organization's process and retrospective analysis of outcomes. Healthcare Quarterly (toronto, Ont.), 15,
1, 59-63.
Schoessler, M.T., Aneshansley, P., Baffaro, C., Castellano, T., Goins, L., Largaespada, E.,
Payne, R., ... Stinson, D. (January 01, 2008). The performance appraisal as a developmental tool. Journal for Nurses in Staff Development: Jnsd: Official Journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization, 24, 3.)
Talent Management and Culture
Part I
1. A strategically aligned talent management (TM) system impacts overall business strategy and integrates multiple people processes (recruiting, performance management, talent review and development, compensation, etc.), but sometimes TM systems are not transparent
a. Describe the talent management system within the United States Air Force
The talent management system within the United States Air Force can be deemed stringent as it adheres to set components. The USAF has set out an incessant, well-delineated set of expectations, benchmarks, and opportunities for growth for all Airmen, irrespective of their different specialties. The USAF achieves this by means of the enlisted structure of the entity, and force development construct that is dependent on a mutual language, and competencies for the institution. Imperatively, these competencies comprise of management, leadership and warrior ethos qualities necessitated by all Airmen (Department of the Air force, 2012).
b. How should a senior manager be engaged in TM?…...
Department of the Air Force. (1997). UNITED STATES AIR FORCE CORE VALUES. Retrieved from: Department of the Airforce. (2013). The Enlisted Force Structure. Air Force Instruction, 36-2618.Effron, M., Ort, M. (2010). Talent Management: Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value. Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press.Gleeson, G. (2018). 5 Powerful Steps To Improve Employee Engagement. Forbes. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2017/10/15/5-powerful-steps-to-improve-employee-engagement/#2d1d72cb341dhttps://www.uc.edu/afrotc/future-cadets/media/jcr%3Acontent/MainContent/download_19/file.res/USAF%20Core%20Values.pdf
The Wolf of Wall Street 1. Identify and briefly describe 5 concepts or ideas related to talent management (min 500 words).With any Wall Street firm, employees must possess certain characteristics, behaviors and values that will allow them to be successful in highly competitive environment. As it relates to talent management, the firm must be able to evaluate these characteristics within individuals and determine if these skills can aid the overall business operations of the franchise. The first concept displayed in the firm is talent acquisition and retention. This talent management concept is directly related to the ability of Jordan Belfort to find and acquire like-minded individuals. In his case, these individuals must be very competitive and have an insatiable spirit for financial gain. These two concepts where reinforced by retention activities designed to keep employees engaged. This concept included very large sales bonuses to brokers who could get their clients to…...
1. Allen, D. G., Bryant, P. C., & Vardaman, J. M. (2010). Retaining Talent: Replacing Misconceptions With Evidence-Based Strategies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(2), 48–64. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25682398
2. Blake, J., Fenton, M., & Loye, J. (1990). Wall Street. Teaching History, 61, 35–37. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43259712
3. Huselid, M. A., Jackson, S. E., & Schuler, R. S. (1997). Technical and Strategic Human Resource Management Effectiveness as Determinants of Firm Performance. The Academy of Management Journal, 40(1), 171–188. https://doi.org/10.2307/257025
Talent Management Strategy
Talent Management System
Talent management is a major requirement for company success within a competitive market environment. By definition, talent management refers to the application of integrated techniques tailored to enhance productivity of the workplace via coming up with enhanced procedures for attracting, developing, maintaining, as well as using individuals who possess the needed expertise and abilities to satisfy the present and future business requirements. According to current research, 85% of human resource managers mention that the one major difficulty in workplace management is the establishment or sustenance of their organization's ability to compete for talent (AberdeenGroup Inc., 2005). Currently, efficient talent management, without a doubt, offers one of the vital points of tactical leverage.
Formulate a talent management strategy to encompass the entire talent requirements of the organization.
Human resource (H) assumes several positions being a major owner of talent management; that of the driver of the talent as a…...
AberdeenGroup Inc. Human Capital Institute. (2005). Retaining talent Retention and succession in the corporate workforce. Boston: Author.
Alma'aitah, M.A., Al-Shalabi, F.S. & Aljamal, W.H. (2013).Talent Management and Competitive Advantage: The Moderating Effect of Knowledge Integration. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 -- 8887) Vol. 66, No.11.
Burke, M.E. (2005, March). 2005 reward programs and incentive compensation survey report. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management.
Dell, D., & Hickey, J. (2002). Sustaining the talent quest. New York: The Conference Board.
All in all, talent management refers to the totality of actions and decisions made in relation to the staff members. Talent management commences with the identification of the organizational staffing needs and the assessment of the skills required from the future candidate. It then continues with the selection and recruiting of those candidates who meet the desired conditions. The next step is that of hiring the individuals who meet the initially stipulated conditions and which also reveal an increased ability to become integrated within the working climate and the institution's culture. Throughout the employment contract, talent management continues with a series of motivational, stimulation, reward and retention strategies which ensure that the most talented staff members continue to generate organizational value (Bnet).
4. Talent management practices and talent retention
As early on motivational theory has shown, each individual -- or at least each specific and homogenous group of individuals -- is driven…...
Schiemann, W.A., 2009, Reinventing talent management: how to maximize performance in the new marketplace, John Wiley and Sons
Talent management, Bnet, last accessed on August 5, 2010http://www.bnet.com/topics/Talent+Management
2010, The world factbook, Central Intelligence Agency, / last accessed on August 5, 2010https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook
2009, 2009: economic crisis or opportunity, HR Malaysia, / last accessed on August 5, 2010http://hrmy.wordpress.com/2009/02/19/2009-economic-crisis-or-opportunity
Discuss the importance of aligning human resource processes with business strategy.
H strategy has to align with business strategy in order to enable the growth of a business. This in turn allows employee performance to improve, lowering the overall cost of doing business. When employee performance is decreased, this may cost the organization more in turnover, absenteeism, and other expenses associated with dissatisfaction or inefficient operations. H strategy is not just about employee satisfaction however; it is also about aligning employee goals with organizational goals so the employees can feel they are supporting the organization as much as the organization supports them. Aligning H strategy and business strategy is a complex process that involves communication, collaboration and planning. One of the ways of doing this is by benchmarking, surveying and assessing employee needs, organizational needs, and the needs of the customers, internal and external, that the organization services. Measuring past performance…...
Boxwell, Robert J. Jr. (1994). Benchmarking for competitive advantage. New York: McGraw-
Charan, R. Drotter, S, & Noel, J. (2001). The leadership pipeline: How to build the leadership-
powered company. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bank of America
The author of this report has been asked to analyze and answer to a case study that covers the Bank of America. There will be an outline of the talent management system used at the Bank of America. Further, there will be an assessment of the strengths of the program and how they have led to goal accomplishment. Next, there will be a description of the opportunities for improvement that exist within the broader talent management process. Finally, there will be a creation and naming of at least two more effective approaches to meet the talent management challenges that will surely exist in the future. While Bank of America has stumbled a bit in recent years in terms of corporate image and profits, they do seem to be on solid footing overall and their talent management frameworks and systems would seem to support that being the case.
In looking…...
Garavan, T.N. (2012). Global talent management in science-based firms: an exploratory investigation of the pharmaceutical industry during the global downturn. International Journal Of Human Resource Management, 23(12), 2428-2449.
Goldsmith, M., & Carter L. (2010). Best practices in talent management: How the world's leading corporations manage, develop, and retain top talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer.
Kim, Y., Williams, R., Rothwell, W.J., & Penaloza, P. (2013). A Strategic Model for Technical
Key Findings from Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Infosys Investments
1. Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Infosys faces geopolitical risks associated with its global operations, particularly in politically unstable regions.
Economic downturns and currency fluctuations can impact its revenue and profitability.
2. Competition and Market Risks
Intense competition from both domestic and international IT service providers poses a threat to Infosys's market share.
Emergence of new technologies and disruptive business models can disrupt its traditional offerings.
3. Operational Risks
System failures, data breaches, and project delays can lead to reputational damage and financial losses.
Dependence on a narrow range of clients and industries....
## Key Challenges Faced by Companies with Employees Working Overseas
Managing a globally distributed workforce presents unique challenges for organizations. As companies expand their operations across borders, they must navigate cultural differences, legal complexities, and technological hurdles. Here are some of the key challenges faced by companies with employees working overseas:
### Communication and Collaboration Barriers
Effective communication is crucial for seamless collaboration within a team. However, language barriers, time zone differences, and cultural nuances can hinder communication. Misunderstandings and delays can occur when employees from different cultural backgrounds interpret information differently.
### Cultural Differences
Employees from diverse cultural backgrounds bring unique perspectives and work....
Formulating Proposals for Strategic Leadership Resource Development
Developing a strong strategic leadership resource is essential for organizations to navigate complex and dynamic business environments. This resource encompasses the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that enable leaders to effectively define and execute strategic initiatives, drive organizational change, and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. To formulate effective proposals for developing this resource, a comprehensive approach is required.
Needs Assessment
Conduct a thorough analysis of the existing strategic leadership capabilities within the organization.
Identify gaps and areas for improvement through interviews, surveys, and data analysis.
Assess the current and future strategic challenges facing the organization to determine....
Addressing the Recruiting and Retention Problem: A Comprehensive Strategy
In today's highly competitive job market, companies face a significant challenge in attracting and retaining top talent. The scarcity of skilled candidates and the rising expectations of job seekers have created a recruiting and retention crisis that can hamper business growth and innovation. To overcome this challenge, companies need to adopt a comprehensive strategy that addresses both the recruitment and retention aspects of talent management.
Recruitment Strategies
1. Employer Branding: Build a Strong Company Image
Candidates are attracted to companies with a positive brand image, a strong mission, and a culture that aligns with their....
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