Tactical Planning Essays (Examples)

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Strategic and Tactical Planning
Pages: 15 Words: 5147

Strategic and Tactical Planning- Definition
Strategic Planning - Through the Years

The Eight Maxims of Strategy

enefits and Costs Associated with Strategic Planning

The Need for Strategic Planning

Successful Implementation of Strategies

The Effects of Strategic Planning - Literature Review

Strategic and Tactical Planning - A Case Study of the Early 1990s

Strategic Planning - The Present Scenario

The Conclusions, Recommendations and Areas of Future Research


A paper on the Strategic and Tactical Planning. The paper defines strategic planning and the basic premises of the concept of planning, presents a review of the literature in the area to study the effect of strategic planning in organizations and poses certain question in the area of effectiveness of strategic planning that need to be addressed by future researchers in the field.

Thesis Statement: Strategic and tactical planning increasingly assuming significance, yet ineffective planning leads to failure of planning in companies.


Though the concept of planning is generally known to all and…...



Boeker, W. (1989), Strategic Change: The Effects of Founding and History. Academy of Management Journal 32

Business Week. (1992) Managing Change. Business Week 1992 Special Bonus Issue: Reinventing America

Business Week. (1996) Strategic Planning, Cover Story, Issue, 8/26/1996

Calingo, L.M.R. (1989): Environmental Determinants of Generic Competitive Strategies, (1983-1984). Human Relations, 42.

America Vietnam Tactical Planning According
Pages: 2 Words: 655

Being able to trust certain responsibilities to the skills and virtues of others is an essential part of seeing a tactical plan to its successful execution. Moreover, it is essential that one who identifies his or herself as a tactical planner be capable of recognizing the areas of strength that make personnel so valuable and inherently different from one another. Delegation according to these strengths tends to strengthen the outcome of any tactical plan.
Certainly, evidence drawn from our research appears to suggest these are fundamentally valuable conditions in the military context as well. Here, the tactical planner must know that the soldiers who surround him have been availed by the training and the emotional fortitude to meet planned expectations. This inclines me to reflect on some of the key shortcomings in military strategy imposed by the complex scenario which placed the United States in Vietnam. Here, one of the…...

Tactical Leadership and Teamwork
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Vietnam War
By your own orientation to cooperative work in a mission-driven organization like the armed forces, do you consider yourself a strategic thinker, a tactical planner, or a logistician? How do you determine that, and how does your own daily life and works to demonstrate that?

Military tactics are essential during warfare. Tactical planning enables the military to meet overall military and political goals. I am a strategic planner because I tend to apply strategies by short-term choices on the activities of soldiers and employment of weapons on the field of war. I use tactics in guiding my troops in battlefields. This has helped the military win various wars (Boje & Dennehy, 2010).

As a tactical planner, I always think about what needs to be achieved now. My tactical mind-set concentrates on the activities needed to move the military forward directly toward the big perspective. My tactical plans are intended to be…...



Boje, D.M., & Dennehy, R.F. (2010). Managing in the postmodern world: America's revolution against exploitation. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co.

Parker, G.M. (2008). Team players and team work: New strategies for developing successful collaboration. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Planning Strategies in an Organization Planning Strategy
Pages: 2 Words: 961

Planning Strategies in an Organization
Planning Strategy in an Organization

Strategic planning in a corporate organization is the process by which the latter defines its schemes, flow of work or organizational functionality and its decision making process. This is done by allocating necessary resources to quest after in the strategy. A planning strategy is enhanced by various components that include comprehension of the organization. They include the organization's vision, mission, values and strategies. A deeper and participatory planning strategic process connects the tactical vision to execution of organizations' strategies (Sinofsky & Iansiti 2009). This context majorly discusses the implications of having a mission statement and objectives in strategic planning processes.

Mission Statement

A mission statement is a concise description of an organization's elementary purpose. It mainly answers the question "why are we established?" It enunciates a company's purpose for its members and for the entire targeted public. A notable organization that addresses its mission…...



Singh, S. P & Singh, V.K. 2011. Three-level AHP-based heuristic approach for a multi-objective facility layout problem. International Journal of Production Research. Vol 49, Issue 4. Pg 1105-1125.

Epstein, M.J. 2008. Making Sustainability Work: Best Practices in Managing and measuring Corporate Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts. New York: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Seker, Y. 2007. The Role of Mission and its Position within the Strategic Management Process. New York: GRIN Verlag.

Sinofsky, S & Iansiti, M. 2009. One Strategy: Organization, Planning and Decision Making. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Tactical and Sustainment 1 8 Abct Operations
Pages: 7 Words: 2599

Sustainment and Tactical 1/8 ACT Operations
The objective of this military operation is to use the decisive force to defeat the enemy on our northern flank in order to protect our division's main body. The intent of the operation is to dedicate our forces to seize the OJ RAVO, a city situated 80 kilometers west of RIDGEPORT. The important decisive operation of our division is to liberate and protect the II Corps by seizing the OJ RAVO.

Analysis and Development of Doctrinal Solutions to OJ Tactical Problems

Mission Statement

Our core mission is to use fire as well as using the maneuvering tactic to repel the attack and destroy the enemy's forces. We will also develop our force using a unified action plan. We will exercise the authority and direction for our unified land operation, and integrate all the military functions for our mission accomplishment. Our effective approach is to use orderly, precise and…...



Demsey, Richard, and Chavous, Jonathan. Commander's Intent and Concept of Operations. Military Review. 936. (2012). 58-66.

Department of Army. Mission Command. Army Doctrine Reference Publication. 2012.

Department of Army .FM 3-90-1 Offense and Defense Volume 1. Field Manual No. 201. (2013). 3-90 Volume.

Department of Army. ATP 4-90 Brigade Support Battalion. Army Techniques Publication (2014). No. 4-90.

tactical alternatives and risk management
Pages: 1 Words: 375

RisksBuying a new fleet of trucks is risky because the customer could still leave. If you tell them youre getting a new fleet that might alleviate their concerns, but ultimately the risk is that you have a brand new fleet of trucks and still lose your best customer. Subcontracting is even riskier, because there is less oversight with subcontractors than there is keeping the trucking function in-house.The risk of losing the best customer is low, if you communicate with them effectively. The risk associated with a subcontractor is higher, mainly because you have less oversight. Subcontractors still have financial motivation to perform, but that motivation is not existential and oversight isnt coming from the C-suite of the same company so the consequences of failure are typically lower.The severity of losing the customer is massive, especially when coupled with buying a new fleet. Leasing the fleet lessens the blow, but the…...

1 8 Abct Tactical and Sustainment Operations
Pages: 8 Words: 2380

Tactical and Sustainment 1/8 ABCT Operations
Development and Analysis of Doctrinal Solutions to Tactical Problems

Mission Statement

As an 1/8 ABCT Commander, Our core mission is to use the maneuver and fire to destroy the enemy forces and repel their attacks by close combat, fire, and counterattacks. Our mission statement is to defeat the enemy based on the northern flank in order to protect the main body of the division. Moreover, we should dedicate in seizing the OBJ BAVO, which is a city 80 Kilometers from the west of BIDGEPOT. As an important division of a decisive operation, our mission is to seize the OBJ BAVO to protect the II Corps. The 1/8 ABCT's decisive operation is to seize the OBJ BAVO to protect the main effort of the II Corps. The 1/8 ABCT will also advance as a division to achieve a decisive operation. Our mission is to exercise authority to achieve…...


Reference Publication.

Richard, D. & Jonathan, C. M. (2013). Commander's Intent and Concept of Operations

Military Review. 93(6): 58-66.

William, M. (2009).The Air Force Commander: The Power of Interaction and Vision. Air & Space Power Journal. 23(2): 42-50.

Strategic Planning for Business the Objective of
Pages: 5 Words: 1261

Strategic Planning for usiness
The objective of this study is to examine the importance of strategic planning for business. Toward this end, this study will conduct a review of the literature in this area of inquiry.

Zuckerman (nd) writes that the concept of strategy 'has roots in both political and military history, from Sun Tzu to Homer and Euripides. The word 'strategy' comes from the Greek 'stratego', which means to 'plan the destruction of one's enemies through effective use of resources'." (p.5) Many of the terms that are associated with strategic planning including "objective, mission strength and weakness' are reported as having been developed by or used in the military." (Zuckerman, nd, p.5)

The work of Swayne, Duncan, and Ginter (2008) state that "strategic planning defines where the organization is going, sometimes where it is not going, and provide focus. The plan sets direction for the organization and -- through a common…...



Lawler, JE (nd) The Importance of Strategic Planning. Practical Decisions. Retrieved from:  http://www.practicaldecisions.com/strategic-planning.pdf 

Business Planning Papers: Developing a Strategic Plan (2012) Planware.org. Retrieved from:  http://www.planware.org/strategicplan.htm 

Zuckerman (nd) Is Strategic Planning Still Relevant? Chapter 1. Retrieved from:  http://www.ache.org/pubs/Zuckerman_Ch1.pdf

Managing Uncertainty in Production Planning
Pages: 10 Words: 3299

esearch Objectives and Scope

The main objective of the research then relates closely to the research problem. It is to research the problem of uncertainty as it manifests in the global business environment. Specific issues to be investigated include supply chain management and its related uncertainties, the production process itself and uncertainties related to it, as well as the post-production phase and market uncertainties that are related to it.

Time is also an important factor. Some industries require a long-term time frame in their planning process, which exacerbate uncertainties. The time factor should also be an important consideration in terms of creating a model that can effectively help businesses achieve their manufacturing and revenue goals.

To achieve these aims, the main objective of the research will then be to research industries and companies that operate on a global scale. They will be investigated for the models they have implemented to mitigate risk and…...



Alonso-Ayuso, A., Escudero, L.F., Garin, A., Ortuno, M.T. And Perez, G. An Approach for Strategic Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainty based on Stochastic 0-1 Programming. Journal of Global Optimization, No. 26, 2003. Retrieved from http://chentserver.uwaterloo.ca/aelkamel/che720/che720-methods-of-optimization-pse/stochastic_optimization/05100412180122714.pdf

Eppler, Martin J., Platts, Ken, and Kazancioglu, Emre. Visual Strategizing: the Systematic Use of Visualization in the Strategy Process. Institute for Corporate Communication, Dec. 2006. Retrieved from  http://doc.rero.ch/lm.php?url=1000,42,6,20061207091432-KB/wpca0607.pdf 

Gupta, Anshuman and Maranas, Costas D. Managing demand uncertainty in supply chain planning. Computers and Chemical Engineering, No. 27, 7 Feb. 2003. Retrieved from www.sciencedirect.com.

Kazaz, Burak, Dada, Maqbool and Moskowitz, Herbert. Global Production Planning Under Exchange-Rate Uncertainty. Management Science, Vol. 51, No. 7. July 2005. Retrieved from http://myweb.whitman.syr.edu/bkazaz/kazaz-MS-2005.pdf

Information Technology IT Planning Processes
Pages: 2 Words: 785

IT Planning Processes
Efficient IT technology planning is an involved process. It requires a dedication of time and resources ranging from senior managers to other employees. To arrive at proper decisions, an organization requires comprehending important facets of technology. However through technology planning, organizations are able to make important benefits to the organization. Better management of technology results in enhanced output, higher morale among employees, and superior service to customers through functional devices, networks which give access to information, and applications, which are suitable for the mission of the organization. Information can change organizations by way of handing over to them instruments to appreciate the settings in which they are performing, to gauge the efficacy of their actions and to counter contrasting information from other groups and policy makers. (What's involved in Technology Planning?)

In IT planning process there are seven phases: (i) Forming leadership and support: Forming a technology team and…...



"An Introduction to Strategic Planning" Farrell & Associates Pty. Limited

Retrieved from Accessed on 24 January 2005http://www.farrell-associates.com.au/Papers/Intro%20to%20Strategic%20Planning.pdf#search='Strategic,%20tactical,%20and%20operational%20levels%20in%20Information%20Technology%20planning%20at%20the

"What's involved in Technology Planning" (April 29, 2000) Retrieved from   topicid=11& CFID=468040& CFTOKEN=80761241 Accessed on 24 January 2005http://www.techsoup.org/howto/articlepage.cfm?articleid=33& ;

Action Planning Situational Background- Stevens
Pages: 7 Words: 1993

Similarly, there is no way to ensure 100% job satisfaction with every employee all the time. One can only cross-train, communicate, work on a job extension and stretch plan, and use every potential resource available to allow the employee to self-actualize. Change is frightening to some, but with perserverance, tenacity, and commitment, our organization will be stronger because of it. Further, effectiveness within an organization is a measure of how effective the organization is in achieving the outcomes or goals it has for itself. An organization's effectiveness is also interdependent upon its set of morals, ethics, and ability to community appropriately. Effectiveness is important in different ways for different organizations because of the criteria used to judge (e.g. A non-profit aid group might have a different benchmark than a new accounting firm). It is sometimes difficult for an organization to be effective due to external factors, lack of clear definition…...



Bloom, B. (2006, January). Bloom's Theory and Constructivism. Geoconstructivism.com. Retrieved from:  http://goconstructivism.blogspot.com/2006/08/blooms-taxonomy.html .

Choi, T. (1995). Conceptualizaing Continuous Improvement: Implications for Organizational Change. Omega, 23(6), 607-24.

Culp, C. (2001). The Risk Management Process: Business Strategy and Tactics. New York: Wiley.

Huber, D. (2006). Leadership and Nursing Care Management. Trenton, NJ: Elsevier.

Boeing Organization Planning Function the
Pages: 3 Words: 987

This will include the capacity to respond to press questions and the ability to negotiate with the government and obtain fee reductions.
The customers' negotiating power is the first important factor that affects the organization's strategic, tactical or operational planning process. Indeed, this is a particularity of the industry where oeing is competing. This is characterized by very expensive and price that can reach tens of millions for one aircraft. The customers are generally governments or other large organizations that have a high negotiating power. A negotiation for a set of planes can reach several million of the bill.

From this perspective, oeing needs to have a negotiating margin and to be able to take the right decisions when it comes to completing a deal or not. If this a long - term collaboration, the company can let the deal go for less of the initial price. All this is, however,…...



1. Erven, Bernard. Planning. On the Internet at   retrieved on August 13, 2007http://extension.osu.edu/~mgtexcel/Planning.html.Last 

2. Boeing to Take Charges in Second Quarter for Airborne Surveillance Program and Previously Disclosed Tentative Legal Settlement. On the Internet at retrieved on August 13, 2007http://www.boeing.com/news/releases/2006/q2/060629b_nr.html.Last

3. Supplier Environmental Management. October 2003. On the Internet at   retrieved on August 13, 2007http://www.bsr.org/CSRResources/IssueBriefDetail.cfm?DocumentID=49622.Last 

4. Mandel, Jenny. Lawmakers question Boeing's ethical commitments. Government Executive. August 2006. On the Internet at   retrieved on August 13, 2007http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0806/080206m1.htm.Last 

Operation Ethelred Introduction-Tactical Problem the
Pages: 3 Words: 919

Planning and Preparing to Achieve Information Superiority
will be of paramount importance, using as much of friendly forces' technological superiority as possible to jam or impede the C3I of the enemy if it comes to a fight ("FM 3-0 Operations" 11-2-11-23). This will allow the town to be taken with a minimum of casualties, hopefully at night when the population is asleep and when superior U.S. night vision equipment and technology will give us the advantage, minimizing casualties. This will hopefully convince loyalists that U.S. forces were doing all in their power to minimize casualties and damage to property.

Since FM 3-90 provides specific guidance as to offensive encircling, FM 5-0 will be used because of its reference to a river crossing and crowd control procedures as part of an offensive operation. In the hours leading up to the movement to contact, it would be necessary for units unfamiliar with crowd…...



United States. Department of the Army. FM 3-0 Operations. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army, 2001. Print.

United States. Department of the Army. FM 5-0 the Operations Process. Washington, D.C.:

Department of the Army, 2001. Print.

United States. Department of the Army. FM 3-90 Tactics. Washington, D.C.: Department of the Army,

Boeing Planning Function of Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1537

The Large Cargo Freighter (Dreamlifter) delivered major assemblies in the first half of 2007, and the company expects final assembly of the first 787 later in the second quarter of 2007. Boeing also expects to fly 787 engines on an airplane test bed sometime in the first quarter of 2007.
In summary, the three dominant factors of commercial aircraft demand, business jet demand, and supply chain planning, forecasting, and manufacturing fulfillment are central to Boeings' strategic and contingency planning. In addition to all of these significant new opportunities, the role of the Internal Governance Officer to provide a higher level of oversight and ethical guidance is making the audits from the Justice Department less intrusive on daily work in the company. The governance office now has 90 employees full-time working on ethics programs and preventative action plans to keep the company out of the ethical problems faced in the past,…...



Ameet Sachdev (2006). Making Boeing fly right: Bonnie Soodik, who leads the internal governance office at the aircraft maker, oversees compliance with all ethics rules. May 20, 2006. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, 1. Retrieved October 12, 2007, from ABI/INFORM Dateline database. (Document ID: 1039557211).

Atkins (2006) - Boeing and Toyota Beef Up Training in Response to Recent Scandals. August 4, 2006. Shanti Atkins. Accessed from the Internet on October 12, 2007 from location:


Boeing Market Forecasts (2006) - Based on Boeing Internal Market Research. Accessed from the Internet on October 12, 2007 at http://blog.nam.org/Boeing%20Export%2006j.pdf

Global Strategic Planning Process
Pages: 1 Words: 351

Global Strategic Planning Process Eestjohn


Following are detailed steps for the global strategic planning process:

Analyze the company's external environments: Examine the political, economic and cultural environments of the proposed country for strategic investment. Ensure these are compatible with the company's proposed international direction (portability and conversion of earnings, conducive to foreign investment).

Analyze the company's internal environment: Make sure that the internal environment supports global expansion through applicable human resources policies (selection, training, relocation and repatriation of expatriates), appropriate legal and financial support and a corporate culture that functions within foreign cultures.

Define the company's business and mission: Company direction must be clearly articulated, to ensure that the desired results for globalization are understood by shareholders, management, employees and relevant host country parties.

Set corporate objectives: Financial performance and strategic performance objectives must be established within the global context in which the company will…...

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