Syria Essays (Examples)

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Syria I Believe That the United States
Pages: 3 Words: 986

I believe that the United States should not get involved militarily in Syria. There are too many risks involved, and no real reward for the U.S. Involvement in that country's civil war would endanger U.S. interests in the region significantly, put U.S. lives on the line and would accomplish nothing with respect to the country's strategic objectives in the region.

For the past several years, Syria has been embroiled in a civil war that pits the established government of Bashar al-Assad against an inchoate group of rebels, each with its own interests in the conflict. It is with this opposition that much of the decision to avoid intervention lies. What started as a conflict similar to many other Arab Spring uprisings against the country's brutal totalitarian regime has become a flashpoint for sectarian conflict. Today's rebels are not revolutionaries so much as they are mercenaries. If the U.S. were to become…...



Dziadosz, A. (2013). Poll finds Westerners opposed to military intervention in Syria. Reuters. Retrieved November 28, 2013 from 

George, M. (2013). Iran Revolutionary Guard commander killed in Syria. Reuters. Retrieved November 28, 2013 from 

Sinjab, L. (2013). Al-Qaeda's brutal tactics in Syria force out moderates. BBC. Retrieved November 28, 2013 from  

Syria an Analysis of the
Pages: 15 Words: 4874

As this paper has already implied, U.S. policy concerning Syria is only the tip of an iceberg -- as Syrian leader ashar al-Assad has intimated, and as the PNAC papers and President G.W. ush himself have blatantly revealed. Yet, the ush Administration continually relied on scare tactics, bogus intelligence, and empty nationalistic slogans to offer to the American public a justification for its opposition to Syria.
Conflict Theory is also the most logical perspective from which to perform this analysis, since one of the founders of modern Conflict Theory, C. Wright Mills was himself a critic of the military-industrial complex, which is certainly a dominant player in today's geo-politics: as Peter Hazard Knapp observes, "Mills had argued that power was becoming concentrated in the hands of the giant corporations and the Pentagon."

Again, Conflict Theory allows this paper to posit the hypothesis that the ush Administration's conflict with Syria is part…...



Associated Press, "Russia sees 2 problems of 'crucial importance' with Syria resolution," 4 Feb 2012,   / (accessed July 15, 2012). 

Bhadrakumar, M.K., "The Importance of Syria," Asia Times 7 Feb 2012,

(accessed July 15, 2012).

Syria I Am Osmane Arslanian Ambassador of
Pages: 10 Words: 4000

I am Osmane Arslanian, Ambassador of the Syrian Arab epublic to the United Nations Organization, and I am deeply privileged to speak about my country and its people.

Syria first referred to the land of Aram East of the Mediterranean Sea between Egypt and Arabia to the south and Cilicia to the north, crossing inland, including Mesopotamia (Wikipedia 2004) and from west to east Commagene, Sophene and Adiabene, or what was known as Assyria. This was the larger Syria, which consisted of smaller regions, such as Palestine in the southwest, Phoenicia along the coast, Coele-Syria north of the Eleutheris iver, and Mesopotamia. Palestine, later known as Israel, is now composed of the states of Israel and Jordan

My country, Syria, is considered the center of one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, rooted in particular on the origin of the language of Ebla in Northern Syria, credited by scholars as…...



Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs. Profile: Syria. U.S. Department of State, Aug 2004. 

Central Intelligence Agency. Syria. The World Fact Book, 2004. 

Council on Foreign Relations. Syria. Terrorism Answers, 2004.

Federation of American Scientists. Syria - Special Weapons. WMD Around the World, 2000.

Syria edu Educational Development in
Pages: 5 Words: 1485

In Chapter 1 of this report, the authors pose several important questions -- first, "How much have MENA countries invested in human capital through education?" within the past forty years, and second, "What has been the impact of this investment on the level, quality and distribution of human capital?" (the Road Not Traveled, 9). In order to answer these questions, we must consult a number of tables in the MENA report which sheds much light on Syria's past and current educational system and how it is linked to the country's economy.
First of all, in Table 1.1., the Average of Public Expenditure in Education as a Percentage of GDP, between 1965 and 1974, the percentage stood at 3.3; between 1975 and 1984, 5.4; between 1985 and 1994, 4.3, and between 1995 and 2003, 3.2 which indicates that Syria's expenditures on education rose between 1975 and 1984 and then dropped to…...



Landis, Joshua M. "Islamic Education in Syria: Undoing Secularism." 2008. Internet.

Retrieved October 22, 2008 at .

Raphaeli, Nimrod. "Syria's Fragile Economy." MERIA -- Middle Eastern Review of International Affairs. Vol. 11 no. 2 (June 2007): 245-50. Available online at .

Syrian Education." Country Studies. 2008. Library of Congress. Internet. Retrieved October 22, 2008 at .

Syria Compared to Egypt Over Time
Pages: 5 Words: 1802

Syria vs. Egypt -- Compare & Contrast
hile Egypt and Syria are both very prominent and on the front page of the news all the time around the world, the countries are quite different overall and this includes the path they took when it comes to their history and developments over the years. This paper will compare and contrast how they countries are different right now and how they have changed over time. The important factors and facets that will be focused on will include their geography, religion, ethnicity, governmental structures and how all of these have changed over time. The majority and minority populations in both countries will be covered as well. hile Egypt and Syria have both been melting pots of change and evolution in recent years, they have done so in very different ways.


The author of this report will cover Egypt first. About ninety-five percent of Egypt is…...


Works Cited

Cleveland, William L and Martin P Bunton. A History Of The Modern Middle East. 5th ed. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2012. Print.

Dooley, Brian. "Ending Sectarianism In Syria." Foreign Affairs. N.p., 2016. Web. 1 July 2016.

Gellar, R. "Syria/Egypt." 2016. Presentation.

Soliman, Mohamed. "Renewing The Alliance." Foreign Affairs. N.p., 2016. Web. 1 July 2016.

al-Assad family has ruled Syria
Pages: 20 Words: 6564

These events have been repeated time and again across the country where ordinary Syrian citizens have been forced to take to the streets to make their demands known, while Assad remained cloistered away. For instance, Corbin (2011) reports that, "The recent wave of domestic revolts moving east from the Maghreb to engulf the Levant and the Arab peninsula in the past few months is sparing few Arab states. The long-standing Ba'thist regime of the al-Assad family in Syria is no exception. As the initially isolated protests in the southern town of Dara'a spread throughout the country within weeks, the al-Assad regime faces the most significant challenge to its rule since the 1980s."

In the past, though, the Assads have historically proven up to the task of meeting such significant challenges to their rule and this latest round of challenges is certainly no exception.

During the past two years or so, there has…...



Alvarez-Ossorio, I. (2012, Spring). "Syria's Struggling Civil Society." Middle East Quarterly,

19(2), 23-29.

"Chronology - Syria." (2012, Spring). The Middle East Journal, 66(2), 347-352.

Clawson, P. (2012, February 15). "Post-Asad Syria: Opportunity or Quagmire?" Strategic Forum,

Russian-u S Relations Surrounding Syria Today
Pages: 4 Words: 1439

On the other hand, competition brings about order, whereby the consequences of a particular behavior determine its selection and the most successful becomes the leader of the group (Dunne, 2007, p.49).
5. What does it mean to say that a theory is useful? How should one approach the question of determining the relevance and value of a theory (theory-testing), according to Waltz?

Waltz emphasizes that a useful theory must have the capacity to be disproved. According to Waltz, a theory must be based on observable facts. The best theory must be close to reality and must be proved through measurements. Waltz believed that measurements were to be tested and predicted (Dunne, 2007, p.12). Waltz advances that the relevance and value of a theory is determined by the distinction between the measurement and the predictions. This implies that, if the distinction between the prediction and the measurement are too far apart, then…...



Dunne, T. (2007). International relations theories: Discipline and diversity. Oxford: Oxford

Univ. Press Keohane, R.O. (2001). Neorealism and Its Critics. Coulmbia: Columbia University Press.

Syrian-Lebanese Conflict Syria and the
Pages: 3 Words: 1183

In early 2007, UN esolution 1701 called for a cease-fire after 34 days of fighting. This resolution called for several actions from Syria, one of which was to stop arms shipments from Hezbollah guerrillas. It called for the unconditional release of two Israeli soldiers captured by militants, which was the key event that triggered this round of fighting. Information that Syria was not in compliance with the terms of the resolution came in the form of Lebanese photos of arms being smuggled by Syria.

Syria's track record for compliance with the UN resolutions has not been reliable. They have continually violated the resolutions in secret. Lebanon's evidence that Syria has not complied with the terms of the resolution is compelling and tends to cast the blame for continuing disquiet in the area on Syria. The latest in the actions between Lebanon and Syria came on December 12, 2007 when a car…...



Aita, J. (2005). Security Council Demand Syria Cooperate in Hariri Investigation. October 31, 2005. Global   Internet: Accessed December 22, 2007. .

Associated Press. "U.N. Chief Warns Arms Smugglers From Syrian Could Threaten Lebanon Cease-Fire." Saturday, March 31, 2007. Fox News.   Internet: Accessed December 22, 2007.,2933,263031,00.html .

Brown, D. 2007. "Bush warns Syria after Lebanon officer's death." Dec. 13, 2007. MSNBC>

  Accessed December 22, 2007. :

War in Syria
Pages: 2 Words: 851

Civil War in Syria
Syria is an example of a failed state because the regime of Bashar al-Assad has failed to uphold the fundamental duty of every government: to protect its citizens from harm. The loss of basic services, including electricity, internet, and other necessities, has become prevalent throughout Syria's most populated regions. The Syrian army has resorted to shelling its own cities, inflicting massive casualties on its civilian population. With Syria now wholly divided along ideological lines, with the rebel forces of the Syrian Free Army waging a guerilla revolution against the Assad regime, the civil war currently raging means Syria has devolved into a failed state. Only when the tyrannical government is overthrown and normalcy returns to Syria will the nation regain its status as a functioning member of the global community.***

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria, caused by the merciless drive towards civil war by dictator Bashar al-Assad…...



Goldstein, Joshua S., and Jon C. Pevehouse. International Relations. Brief 6th. New York, NY: Pearson Higher Education, 2011. Print.

Kurth, James. "Humanitarian Intervention After Iraq: Legal Ideals vs. Military Realities." Orbis. Winter. (2005): 87-101. Print.

Obama, Barack. United States. The White House Office of the Press Secretary. Remarks by the President in Address to the Nation on Libya. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 2011. Web. .

Worth, Robert F., and Helene Cooper. "Mideast Unrest Intensifies Debate on U.S. Intervention in Syria." New York Times 16 Sep 2012, A8. Web. 28 Nov. 2012. .

UN Resolution Syria Effective Please Fully Supported
Pages: 4 Words: 1202

UN resolution Syria effective. Please fully supported argument address consequences position, provide a counter argument. Instruction: Please provide outline paper.
United Nations Security Council proposed esolution on Syria

Current situation

Situation on the ground

Political views

Proposed course of action

Chapter 7 action

Proposed resolution

Supporters 3. Proposed resolution on Syria







Current situation

Situation on the ground

The Syrian humanitarian crisis in particular has kept the headlines in the last years in terms of the massive casualties that the Syrian civilians have registered since 2011 since the civil war brought out in the country. eports from international organizations and in particular the United Nations that has monitored the situation put the number of victims among children to 6,000 and a total of around 100,000 victims (Black, 2013). The civil war that has broken out in 2011, as part of the Arab Spring Movement, against president Bashar al Assad, however, has reached new heights after the alleged use of chemical weapons…...



Black, Ian. "Syria deaths near 100,000, says UN -- and 6,000 are children," The Guardian online edition, 2013, Available at 

Reuters. "France expects U.N. Security Council to agree Syria resolution," 23rd Sept, 2013. Available at 

United Nations Security Council. "Resolution 2042 (2012), Available online at 

United Nations. "Charter of the United Nations," 2013, available online at

President Obama's Proposal to Militarily Intervene in Syria
Pages: 2 Words: 743

action has President Obama proposed to undertake and why?
In 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama drew a "red line" when he stated that the use of chemical weapons by Syria would not be tolerated by the international community in response to an announcement by Syrian officials that acknowledged that they possessed chemical weapons and would use them in the event of "foreign intervention" in Syria's civil war (Grier, 2013). According to Grier (2013), Syria has not ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention that outlaws the production, storage, and use of poison gas [and] is believed to have hundreds of tons of mustard gas, blister agents, and nerve agents, which could include sarin and the agent VX" (p. 37).

In response to a report that chemical weapons had killed 2,000 Syrian civilians, President Obama sought approval from the U.S. Congress to pursue "a limited military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad [but] any…...

Russia S Use of Syria to Outsmart the US
Pages: 4 Words: 1124

ussia Is Outplaying the United States
Countries in the West including the United States have numerous difficulties when dealing with ussia because of confusion regarding ussia's intention. An example of a situation that demonstrates difficulties in dealing with ussia is the Syrian conflict. ussia's intervention in Syria generated a new and multifaceted period in the Syrian civil war given the difficulties in determining its intentions. Since its first intervention measure in the Syrian civil war, ussia has been strategically and chronically lying through public statements, talks, and negotiations. ussia's president, Vladimir Putin, has utilized these strategies in order to hide his country's intentions in the crisis when dealing with West, particularly the United States. Therefore, ussia has utilized the Syrian civil war to outplay and outsmart the United States and other countries in the West.

Causes of ussia's Intervention

The situation in Syrian has generated considerable attention across the world, especially among…...



Cohen, J. (2016, March 15). Why -- and how -- Russia Won in Syria. Reuters. Retrieved April, 19, 2016, from 

Gobry, P. (2015, October 5). How Russia Outplayed America in the Middle East's Great Game. The Week. Retrieved April 19, 2016, from 

Shapiro, J. & Daniels, L. (2015, November 17). The U.S. Plan to Counter Russia in Syria. Retrieved from The Brookings Institution website:

Syrian Conflict
Pages: 4 Words: 1365

Syrian Conflict
The Syrian Civil ar has produced a profound effect on the world at large, especially on the countries that immediately surround this nation. This martial encounter began in earnest in the early part of the present decade, and currently shows no signs of coming to an end. As such, there are a number of refugees and Syrian citizens who have attempted to flee the ravages of war by migrating to other countries. Such a mass exodus -- which continues to this day -- has not only produced a profound effect on Syria itself, but also on the countries in which refugees have attempted to procure shelter in. There are various aspects of this migration that inherently affects the refugees but also the countries in which they have moved to -- and which produce a ripple effect on the various warring parties within Syria as well. On the whole this…...


Works Cited

EuroMed. "Syria: EU Biggest Donor, Leading International Aid Response and Reaching 7 Million People in Need." 2013. Web.,-leading-international-aid-response-and-reaching-7-million-people-in-need 

Jacobs, Harrison. "This Enormous Syrian Refugee Camp is Now Jordan's Fifth Largest." Business Insider. 2013. Web. 

The Local. "Sweden Offers Residency to All Syrian Refugees." 2013. Web. 

UNHCR. "UN Refugee Agency Welcomes Brazil Announcement of Humanitarian Visas for Syrians." Web. 2013.

Syrian Empire
Pages: 4 Words: 1049

Syrian Empire
Syria has often been called the Cradle of Civilization and the Gateway to History (History pp). Archaeological finds proves that Syria was inhabited deep into the Stone Age (Syrian pp). The remains of Ebla discovered a few years ago on Tel Mardikh, south of Aleppo, confirm the fact that a prosperous Kingdom existed in the second half of the third millennium B.C. (Syria pp). The finds at Tel Hariri Marie on the Euphrates River have provided valuable information concerning the ancient history of Syria and her relations with the kingdoms of Mesopotamia (Syria pp). Ancient Syria was the target of more powerful neighboring kingdoms of the time. For example, after defeating the kingdom of Ebla in 2250 B.C., the Akkadians controlled Syria as well as the Egyptians who sought to rule the entire of Syria in the second millennium B.C. (Syria pp). Then during the 12th century B.C., the…...

Syrian Refugees and the Syrian Civil War
Pages: 3 Words: 1241

Terrorism and acts of terror have grown in frequency in the last few decades. The Middle East and the Western world have all suffered from the senseless acts of radicals and those wishing to take over government. With terrorism becoming a major concern internationally, some of the aftermath of terrorist groups like ISIS have led to some of the biggest problems currently happening throughout the world. The biggest of such problems is the Syrian refugee crisis that has displaced millions of Syrians and forced them to seek asylum and refuge in other countries. Such a move has sparked global controversy as people in Europe have shared horror stories of violence and rape with perpetrators being refugee "children" (Petersen, 2015, p. 83).
These "children" look much older than their perceived ages and are frequently male. As one article mentioned, Police in Germany, Sweden, and Norway have investigated hundreds of cases with some…...



Bertrand, N. (2015). The intense backlash to Syrian refugees 'plays right into' ISIS' hand. Business Insider. Retrieved 21 February 2016, from 

Marshall, J. (2012). The Lebanese connection. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.

Nassar, N. (2013). What caused Syria's civil war?. World Watch Monitor. Retrieved 21 February 2016, from

Petersen, M. (2015). The Syrian Refugee Crisis. Kobenhavn.

What impact has the ongoing war in Syria had on the future of the Middle East?
Words: 390

1) The ongoing crisis in Syria: A multi-faceted examination of the war

2) Understanding the root causes and actors in the Syrian conflict

3) The role of external powers in fueling the war in Syria

4) The impact of the Syrian conflict on regional stability and global security

5) Humanitarian crisis in Syria: Assessing the plight of displaced civilians

6) A legal perspective on the war in Syria: Violations of international law and accountability

7) Fragmented Syria: Examining the rise of non-state actors and their impact on the conflict

8) Rebuilding Syria: Challenges and prospects for post-war reconstruction

9) The role of media in shaping public perception of....

What impact has the ongoing war in Syria had on the future of the Middle East?
Words: 605

The Devastating Impact of the Syrian War on the Middle East's Future

The ongoing war in Syria, which began in 2011, has had a profound and far-reaching impact on the Middle East region. The conflict has caused widespread death, destruction, and displacement, exacerbating existing political, social, and economic challenges, and significantly affecting the stability and future prospects of the region.

Humanitarian Crisis

The Syrian war has resulted in a colossal humanitarian crisis, with millions of people killed, injured, or displaced. According to the United Nations, over 500,000 people have been killed, while millions have been forced to flee their homes, becoming refugees and....

How did the Cold War evolve into the Second Cold War?
Words: 444

1. "The Cold War: Origins, Key Players, and Ideological Clashes"
2. "The Nuclear Arms Race: Fueling Tensions and Escalating the Cold War"
3. "The Proxy Wars: Unveiling the Global Battlefield of the Cold War"
4. "Berlin Wall: Symbol of Division and Catalyst for the Second Cold War"
5. "Superpowers’ Strategies: USSR vs. USA in Shaping the Cold War Era"
6. "The Cuban Missile Crisis: Dangerous Standoff and Precursor to the Second Cold War"
7. "Détente and Dissolution: Brief Thaw and its Limited Impact on the Cold War"
8. "Regional Conflicts and the Second Cold War: Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam"
9. "NATO vs. Warsaw Pact: Military Alliances and the....

How did the Cold War evolve into the Second Cold War?
Words: 554

Evolution of the Cold War into the Second Cold War
The Cold War, a period of geopolitical tension and rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, experienced a resurgence in the 21st century, giving rise to the "Second Cold War." This new phase involves escalating tensions between the United States and the Russian Federation, which succeeded the Soviet Union.
Factors Contributing to the Second Cold War
Russia's Resurgence Under Putin: Vladimir Putin's rise to power in Russia marked the beginning of a more assertive foreign policy, with Russia seeking to regain its status as a global....

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