Surgery Essays (Examples)

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Preventing Infections During Surgery
Pages: 2 Words: 1057

Surgery Infections
When it comes to medical issues that can arise, one of the nastier things that can arise is an infection. Whether it be regular staph, MSA or others, infections are things that can hurt, kill, maim or at least prolong suffering and recovery. One source of infections that becomes an issue entirely too often would be those that occur because of and during surgery. While it is normal for great pains to be taken to sanitize both the people and instruments involved in a surgery, it is entirely too common for people to come down with infections during the course of surgery. As such, it can and should be the focus of a fully described clinical practice guideline. While accidents and bad things do happen in surgery, infections should be one of those things that should never happen, at least not due to improper practice on the part of…...



Lopez, J., Prifogle, E., Nyame, T. T., Milton, J., & May, J. J. (2014). The impact of conflicts of interest in plastic surgery: an analysis of acellular dermal matrix, implant-based breast reconstruction. Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery, 133(6), 1328-1334.


Rhee, C., Huang, S. S., Berrios-Torres, S. I., Kaganov, R., Bruce, C., Lankiewicz, J., & ...

Yokoe, D. S. (2015). Surgical Site Infection Surveillance Following Ambulatory

History of Surgery
Pages: 23 Words: 6608

History of Surgery had been started from the prehistoric time with its appropriate technique and tools applicable during the age. There was no sophisticated care of hygiene and anatomic knowledge in the early days; the basic research was started using trial and error on every case and it had set a very strong basic which still makes sense and counts into modern practice.
The following summary of history of surgery is compiled from various sources based on the timeline set in dr. Schell's lecture: The History of Surgery.

The Ancient Medicine (Prehistoric Time)

People had strong magic beliefs and connection to multiple gods during the prehistoric time, so that any cases of illness were also believed as the punishments from angry gods for community's or one's moral failure. Some common cases recorded were respiratory and digestive problems, infections, and gynecologic disorders. Life expectancy low, then 28-35 years was a successful range of…...



13.3 Trephination, An Ancient Surgery. March24, 2002.

Anaesthesia History. The Surgery Door Pain Centre by Neurofen. March26, 2002.

Anesthesia: A Brief History. Feb 13, 2001. Simon Fraser Health Region.   March26, 2002. .

Bune, Matt and Gregor, Pam. Ancient Egyptian Surgery ed. Majno, Guido. The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1982. pp. 86-121.   March26, 2002. .

Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Orthognathic Surgery
Pages: 4 Words: 1100

Orthognathic Surgery is a procedure used for patients that have jaws that do not meet properly, which often coincides with teeth that do not seem to fit correctly with their jaws. This procedure is often used in conjunction with orthodontics, which straighten the teeth in preparation for the jaw surgery. People who require orthognathic surgery often have incorrectly positioned jaws, or an improper bite. Often the upper and lower jaws grow at different rates, which can lead to problems that affect speech, chewing, long-term oral health, as well as appearance. Also, jaw alignment can also be influenced by injury to the jaw and birth defects. Orthognathic surgery basically repositions the jaw (Center for Oral and Facial Surgery of Chattanooga, 2000). This type of surgery is also used for patients that require jaw repositioning in order to allow for the reconstruction of the dentition using implants (Jones, 2002).
More specifically, orthognathic surgery…...



Center for Oral and Facial Surgery of Chattanooga. Orthognathic Surgery (2000): .

Jones, R. "Orthognathic surgery and implants." Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons 16 (2002): 105-.

Motegi, E., Hatch, J., Rugh, J., Yamaguchi, H. "Health-related quality of life and psychosocial function 5 years after orthognathic surgery." American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 124.2 (2003): 138-43.

Office-Based Surgery Practices
Pages: 5 Words: 1580

Office-Based Sugey Pactices
Impact of Human Resouces on Office-Based Sugey Pactices

Office-based sugey is defined within the legislation as that in which any sugical o invasive pocedue is pefomed outside of a hospital o diagnostic and teatment cente, in which modeate to deep sedation o geneal anaesthesia is used (Patel et al., 2008). The use of office-based sugey is cuently inceasing, due to the ecognized benefits with which it is associated, fo example shote waiting times, geate convenience and lowe costs (Dalton et al., 2006). The ole of human esouces in office-based sugey is an impotant concen as it may have a significant impact in many aeas of the pactice, including citical aspects such as patient and staff safety. This essay examines the impact of human esouces on office-based sugey, including acceditation issues, the impact on patient and staff safety, and employee and labo elations.

Acceditation Issues

Amid concens fo patient safety which aose,…...


references, satisfaction, and resource use in office evacuation of early pregnancy failure. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 108(1): 103-110.

Galati, M. (2006). Practice management issues in office-based anesthesiology. Seminars in Anesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain, 25(1): 32-39.

Hancox, J.G., Venkat, A.P., Coldiron, B., Feldman, S.R. & Williford, P.M. (2004). The safety of office-based surgery: Review of recent literature from several disciplines. Archives of Dermatology, 140(11): 1379-1382.

Harley, DH & Collins, D.R. (2008). Patient satisfaction after blepharoplasty performed as office surgery using oral medication with the patient under local anesthesia. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 32(1): 77-81.

Horton, J.B., Reece, E.M., Broughton, G., Janis, J.E., Thornton J.F. & Rohrich, R.J. (2006). Patient safety in the office-based setting. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 117(4): 61e-80e.

Cardiovascular Surgery
Pages: 2 Words: 645

Cardiovascular surgery includes operations on the heart and blood vessels of the body to repair structural defects of the cardiovascular system. If a patient's heart condition poses a significant risk to their health and livelihood, surgery is the preferred treatment option. There are more than a half million heart surgeries performed in the U.S. each year for heart problems. Heart surgery may be performed on both children and adults. Heart surgery can reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, and increase lifespan (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute).
There are many different types of heart surgery. Surgeries are performed to:

Repair or replace valves controlling the direction of blood flow through the heart's chambers

Bypass or widen blocked or narrowed arteries to the heart

Destroy small amounts of tissue that disturb electrical flow through the heart

Repair damaged or abnormal structures of the heart

Implant medical devices that are used to control the heartbeat or support heart…...


Works Cited

Medline Plus. Heart Surgery. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Oct. 2011. Web. January 2012.

National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. What is heart surgery? Apr 1, 2011. Web. January 2012. < >

Schools in the Cardiovascular Surgeon. 2003-2012. Web. January 2012.

Lasik Surgery Imagine Being Able
Pages: 2 Words: 580

What is it?

LASIK is the acronym for "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis" (Goldstein 2010). LASIK surgery is a type of surgery conducted on the human eye to correct deficiencies in vision. The human eye is not unlike a camera: "The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina" (LASIK, 2011, FA). The cornea or lens is often imperfect in shape and contains refractive errors, causing vision problems such as "myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism" or combinations of these conditions (LASIK, 2011, FA). Until the development of LASIK, glasses or contact lenses were the only ways to compensate for the eye's imperfections. But through LASIK surgery, the "precise and controlled removal of corneal tissue by a special laser reshapes the cornea, changing its focusing power" (LASIK, 2011, FA).

uring the surgery, "first, a micro thin flap is created on the front surface of the…...


During the surgery, "first, a micro thin flap is created on the front surface of the eye (cornea) that is then lifted back and preserved. Next, a cool beam excimer laser sculpts the underlying cornea into a new shape to correct the refractive error. The flap is then repositioned and adheres on its own without sutures after only a few minutes" (Vision correction, 2011, LASIK Australia).

Supposedly, the surgery is supposed to be painless and to have no complications -- if conducted on appropriate subjects. The fact that the surgery can and is most often performed at out-patient facilities specifically devoted to LASIK surgery caused a rapid increase in its use, as well as how the surgery is administered -- requiring no extensive hospital stay (Vision correction, 2011, LASIK Australia)

The surgery was immediately popular with athletes and

Split Brain Surgery History and
Pages: 4 Words: 1334

The figure is somewhat lower for left handers, approximately 70%" (Hemisphere specialization, 2010, Macalester University).
The fact that some people's right hemispheres do possess the ability to 'speak' enabled further illuminating results to be generated by studying split brain patients: in the case of one split brain operation patient 'Paul,' for example, Paul's right hemisphere was able to express itself alone: "Paul's right hemisphere stated that he wanted to be an automobile racer while his left hemisphere wanted to be a draftsman" (Behavior, 2010, Macalester University). It was as if Paul's different hemispheres had different personalities, even different political opinions. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the individual's body and the right side controls the left hand. Paul wrote with his right-dominated left hand that he wanted to be a presumably exciting occupation -- and that he hated ichard Nixon. The left side, using the…...



Behavior of split brain patients. (2010). Macalester University. Retrieved April 5,

2010 at 

A brief history of split brain experiments. (2010). Macalester University. Retrieved April 5,

2010 at

Ghost Surgery the Routine Practice
Pages: 2 Words: 589

It is the same as the patient not knowing that they had a ghost surgery conducted on them. The patient has the right to know that someone else will be performing the surgery in case they want to decline from having the surgery. The patient may not want a student to be cutting on them. Furthermore, it is wrong for the patient not to know everything before signing the release, which includes the procedures of ghost surgery.
However, in cases like Shorter v. Drury in 1985 where the patient knew the consequences of her procedure, which was major blood loss and she would need blood transfusions in order to recover. She refused to give the physician permission to give her blood if she needed it. Unfortunately, she died because the physician could not give her blood. In this sense, the patient knew what was going on and knew the consequence…...



Quinbee. (1963). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Tunkl v. Regents of the University of California: 

Quinbee. (1985). Retrieved April 21, 2012, from Shorter v. Drury:

Lasik Eye Surgery Development Lasik
Pages: 3 Words: 893


First observation of corneal flattening as a result of traumatic injury by Tsutomu Sato. Conceives of principle of principles of transverse and radial keratotomy but first attempts produce cloudy tissue due to approach from under the cornea.


First attempt at mechanically repairing corneal tissue by surgical removal, reshaping, and replacement of flap by Jose Barraquer.


adial Keratotomy developed and introduced by Svyatoslav

Fyodorov. Approaches incisions from outside the eye and solves cloudy tissue development problem encountered by Sato.


Development of excimer laser technology.


First surgical application of excimer laser on corneal tissue by Stephen Trokel


First excimer laser surgery on human eye by Theo Seiler


First LASIK procedure by Stephen Brint


Excimer laser for refractive surgery (PK) approved by U.S. FDA

for the correction of myopia with or without astigmatism


First excimer lasers approved for LASIK surgery


Excimer laser for LASIK to correct hyperopia approved by U.S.



Wavefront guided LASIK approved for custom correction


IntraLase receives FDA approval for laser assisted creation of…...



EDUCASE. (2011). 7 Things You Should Know About LASIK Eye Surgery. Retrieved September 23, 2011 at 

Find out more. 2011. FDA. Retrieved September 23, 2011 at 

Goldstein, Bonnie. 2011. Is LASIK eye surgery safe? Politics Daily. Retrieved September 23, 2011 at 

Eye surgery developments. 2011. Your Health Counts. Retrieved September 23, 2011 at

Hospital for Special Surgery Continuing Challenges of
Pages: 2 Words: 541

Hospital for Special Surgery: Continuing Challenges of Growth
Any successful organization must meet the challenges of growing, that is, if it is to continue to be successful. This is true for the organization that we are focusing on for this exercise, the Hospital for Special Surgery. One of the greatest challenges in terms of both expansion and continuation of success is how to balance healthy, well-thought-out expansion against becoming over extending.

The Hospital for Special Surgery, again like other organizations, is subject to both internal and external influences and forces that can either support or disrupt the best-laid plans of managers. Good leaders of an organization try to foresee what forces may be harmful to the organization in the future and put into place defenses against them.

So what are likely to be the most important and potentially damaging forces that the hospital will face in the future. Bearing in mind that only…...

Cardiovascular Surgery and Nursing
Pages: 2 Words: 542

NURSING Nursing: Cardiovascular SurgeryAfter going through sections of the given book and watching a video of cardiovascular surgery, the indications and risk factors for bypass graft, aortic replacement, and valve replacement surgery include age, previous heart surgery, serum creatinine level, peripheral or cerebral vascular disease, left main artery coronary artery stenosis, and left ventricular ejection fraction, etc. (Gardner et al., 2004).The most common diagnoses observed in patients who have undergone cardiovascular surgery are: Coronary artery disease: This disease is triggered by plaque formed around the walls of the arteries responsible for pumping blood to the heart and other body parts (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI): It is a type of heart attack but less harmful than the actual one since the damage caused to the heart is lower than a real heart attack (Baptist Health, n.a.). It is most commonly caused by tobacco…...



C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital. (2020, August 31). Coronary artery bypass graft surgery: Self-care for recovery. 

Gardner, S.C., Grunwald, G.K., Rumsfeld, Cleveland, J.C., Schooley, L.M., Gao, D., J.S., Grover, F.L., McDonald, G.O. & Shroyer, A.L. (2004). Comparison of short-term mortality risk factors for valve replacement versus coronary artery bypass graft surgery. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 77(2), 549-556. 

Melanson, P. (2001, May). Management of post-op cardiac surgery patients. Critical Care Medicine.

Pedatric Surgery
Pages: 7 Words: 1930

Pediatric Surgery: Providing Care for Our Youngest Patients
Pediatric surgery is a specialized branch of medicine that focuses on providing surgical care to infants, children, and adolescents. This field of medicine addresses a wide range of conditions that require surgical intervention, such as congenital anomalies, traumatic injuries, and acute or chronic illnesses. Pediatric surgeons are trained to provide comprehensive care to their young patients, ensuring that they receive the best possible outcomes.

One of the key principles of pediatric surgery is the importance of specialized care for children. Unlike adults, children have unique anatomical and physiological differences that require a different approach to surgical treatment. Pediatric surgeons are specially trained to address these differences and provide age-appropriate care that takes into account the physical and emotional needs of their young patients.
Pediatric surgery encompasses a variety of procedures, ranging from routine surgeries like appendectomies and tonsillectomies…...




1. Coran, Arnold G., et al. \"Pediatric Surgery.\" 7th ed., Elsevier Saunders, 2012.

2. Potts, W. J., and Maria Z. Matuszczak. \"Anesthesia and analgesia in neonates and children: a practical approach.\" Pediatric Clinics of North America, vol. 33, no. 3, 1986, pp. 573-590.

3. Stylianos, S., et al. \"Consensus statement for the prevention and management of pain in the newborn.\" Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, vol. 155, no. 2, 2001, pp.173-180.

How Greg Acquired MRSA
Pages: 2 Words: 650

How Greg Acquired MRSA Greg had always been an active person, and while playing soccer with some of his friends in the spring of 2016, he tore his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in his right knee. Greg got into contact with one of the players, which resulted in him making sidestepping maneuvers because of the pain he was experiencing. Upon admission, it was noted that Greg was experiencing pain and swelling and the knee felt unstable (Castro, Smith, & Daccarett, 2016). The doctors recommended that Greg undergoes surgery in order to repair the torn ACL. The surgery went well without any issues and Greg was recuperating quite well. Three weeks after he was released from the hospital, Greg's recuperation had been progressing so well that the family felt they could go on a weekend getaway.
Greg is married and they have three children aged seven, five, and two years old. The family…...



Carpenter, P. S., & Kendall, K. A. (2017). MRSA chronic bacterial laryngitis: A growing problem. The Laryngoscope.

Castro, C., Smith, P., & Daccarett, M. (2016). Candida Glabrata Septic Arthritis Involving the Right Knee After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft Placement. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol, 4(4), 00147.

Pages: 8 Words: 2314

Essay Topic Examples 1. The Evolution of Surgical Techniques:
Explore the history of surgical practices from ancient times to the modern era, emphasizing how technological advancements and medical research have transformed the risks and outcomes of surgical procedures.

2. Ethical Considerations in Elective Surgery:
Examine the moral dilemmas faced by patients and surgeons in the context of elective surgeries, such as cosmetic procedures, where the risks, benefits, and societal pressures must be carefully weighed.

3. The Impact of Robotics on Surgery:
Discuss the integration of robotic systems into surgical operations, assessing how robotic assistance has improved precision and recovery times while considering the potential ramifications for surgical training and employment.

4. Surgery in Low-Resource Settings:
Investigate the challenges and strategies for conducting surgeries in impoverished or remote areas, including the logistical hurdles, scarcity of trained personnel, and the innovations aimed at improving surgical care in underserved populations.

5. Anesthesia and atient Safety During Surgery:
Analyze the critical role of anesthesia…...


Primary Sources

Halsted, William S. \"The Training of the Surgeon.\" Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp, vol. 18, 1907, pp. 267-275.

Meara, John G., et al. \"Global Surgery 2030: Evidence and Solutions for Achieving Health, Welfare, and Economic Development.\" The Lancet, vol. 386, no. 9993, 2015, pp. 569-624.

Semmelweis, Ignaz P. \"The Etiology, Concept, and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever.\" Translated by K. Codell Carter, University of Wisconsin Press, 1983.

Lister, Joseph. \"On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Surgery.\" The Lancet, vol. 90, no. 2299, 1867, pp. 353-356.

Black, J. M., and D. Hawks. \"Medical-Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes, 8th Edition.\" Saunders Elsevier, 2008.

Pages: 8 Words: 2282

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution of Surgical Techniques:
    Trace the history and development of surgical methods from ancient times to the present, highlighting key innovations and advancements that have significantly improved patient outcomes and revolutionized the field.

2. The Ethical Implications of Cosmetic Surgery:
    Examine the ethical considerations surrounding cosmetic surgery, including the societal pressures for physical appearance, the risks versus benefits, and the moral responsibilities of surgeons in the industry.

3. Robotics and Automation in Surgery:
    Discuss the impact of robotics and automation in surgical procedures, exploring how technology is enhancing precision and efficiency in operations, as well as the potential implications for surgeon training and employment.

4. Anesthesia: The Game Changer in Surgical ractice:
    Delve into the critical role of anesthesia in surgery, detailing the advancements in anesthetic drugs and techniques, and how they have enabled more complex and less painful procedures, ultimately transforming surgical practice.

5. The Role of Surgery in Combatting ublic Health Crises:


Primary Sources

Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern Surgical Practice. 20th ed., edited by Courtney M. Townsend et al., Elsevier, 2016.

Schwartz\'s Principles of Surgery. 11th ed., edited by F. Charles Brunicardi et al., McGraw-Hill Education, 2019.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons. American College of Surgeons, Elsevier, latest issue.

Annals of Surgery. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, latest issue.

World Journal of Surgery. Springer, latest issue.

I need help with a thesis for Hills Like White Elephants?
Words: 413

Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills Like White Elephants” is, in many ways, a traditional Hemingway tale.  What we mean by that is that the story could be read in a somewhat misogynistic manner and one of the protagonists is some version of the great white hunter that plays such a recurring role in Hemingway’s stories. 

To determine a thesis for the essay, it is important to understand the short story.  First, the story is short.  In fact, it is only four pages long.  Second, the interactions in the story only cover a very short....

Would you be able to provide me with ideas for essay topics on crohns disease?
Words: 246

1. The causes and risk factors for Crohn's disease
2. The symptoms and diagnosis of Crohn's disease
3. The impact of Crohn's disease on daily life and quality of life
4. Treatment options for Crohn's disease, including medication, surgery, and lifestyle changes
5. The potential complications and long-term effects of Crohn's disease
6. The role of diet and nutrition in managing Crohn's disease
7. The emotional and psychological effects of living with Crohn's disease
8. The latest research and advancements in the treatment of Crohn's disease
9. The challenges of living with a chronic illness like Crohn's disease
10. Personal stories and experiences of individuals living with Crohn's disease.

How has social media influenced societal norms and behaviors, as explored in thesis research studies?
Words: 519

Social media has had a significant impact on societal norms and behaviors, as shown in various thesis research studies. These studies have explored how social media has influenced everything from body image and self-esteem to political beliefs and social interactions.

One common finding in research is that social media can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, particularly among young people. The constant exposure to idealized images and lifestyles on platforms like Instagram and Facebook can lead individuals to compare themselves unfavorably to others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-worth.

Moreover, social media has been shown to shape societal....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding informative essay of scoliosis?
Words: 385

Topic 1: Scoliosis: An Overview

Definition and prevalence of scoliosis
Types of scoliosis: idiopathic, congenital, neuromuscular
Risk factors and contributing factors
Symptoms and signs of scoliosis

Topic 2: Diagnosis and Treatment of Scoliosis

Diagnostic techniques: physical examination, X-rays, MRI
Non-surgical treatments: bracing, physical therapy, exercise
Surgical treatments: spinal fusion, instrumentation
Management and monitoring of scoliosis progression

Topic 3: The Impact of Scoliosis on Health and Well-being

Physical implications: pain, deformity, impaired mobility
Psychological and social consequences: body image issues, anxiety, depression
Respiratory and cardiovascular complications
Long-term effects of untreated or inadequately treated scoliosis

Topic 4: Advancements in Scoliosis Treatment

Minimally invasive surgical techniques:....

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