Succession Plan Essays (Examples)

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Knowledge Management Succession Plan Strategy KBR Australia
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

Knowledge Management Succession Plan Strategy
KB Australia Knowledge Management Succession Plan Strategy

Kellogg, Brown oot (KB) is an international company founded by Brown and oot in 1960 as Kinhill Engineers, and has gone through various changes over the years. A significant chapter in its history occurred in 2007, when it was split from Halliburton, to become a fully independent company. KB's Australian division has offices in Melbourne, Adelaide, Canberra, Sydney, Brisane, Perth, Gold Coast and various project offices. This network of offices is served by 2,000 employees, with over 370 active contractors and employees. The company is a major engineering service and construction company, which offers support to energy, hydrocarbon, government and civil infrastructure sectors (Halliburton Corporate Sustainability eport, 2006). Table 1, in Appendix I, shows a breakdown of the different organization and operations level, while Table 2, shows the breakdown of the different staffing levels for the Brisbane branch. The focus…...



Bagorogoza, J. & Waal, A de (2010). The Role of Knowledge Management in Creating and Sustaining High Performance Organizations: The Case of Financial Institutions in Uganda. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 6(4), 307-324.

Banham, H.C., McDonald, J. And Wisner, R., (2007). Australian Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs): A Study of High Performance Management Practices. Journal of Management and Organization, 13(3), 227-248.

Halliburton Corporate Sustainability Report, (2006). Corporate Sustainability Report 2006. Halliburton Corporate Sustainability Report. Retrieved 2nd Oct, 2012 from 

Vaibhav, G. (2010). The Process of Human Resource Planning, Munich, GRIN Publishing GmbH.

Creating a Succession Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1456

When it comes to creating a succession plan, Miles and Bennett (2007), Cook (2014), and Gale (2013) all offer different approaches on how that planning process should be conducted.  By comparing and contrasting their respective approaches and identifying which aligns most accurately with the course text, a better understanding of how to plan for succession can be achieved.
Miles and Bennett (2007) identify four steps that must be taken in order to produce an effective succession plan.  The four steps include:  1) analysis, 2) development, 3) selection and 4) transition.  The first step in the process of planning succession, according to Miles and Bennett (2007), is to analyze the “most significant challenges the company and its industry are likely to face over the next four to six years” and use this information to determine what skills and experiences are needed by the company’s next leaders to guide the firm in the…...



Cook, I.  (2014).  Succession planning success:  The golden rules for future-proofing your business.  Retrieved from

Gale, S.  (2013).  Succession planning roadmap.  Retrieved from

Miles, S. & Bennett, N.  (2007).  Best practices in succession planning.  Retrieved from

Succession Planning for Multi-Faceted Enterprises and Organizations
Pages: 30 Words: 9765

Succession Planning for Multi-Faceted Enterprises and Organizations
La Russa Enterprises

Thunder ay, Ontario

Nadia La Russa

The journey to this point in my academic career has been a long one, and challenging, however I am successful. A number of people have effortlessly contributed to my success, and I take this opportunity to thank them. First, it is with great honor that I thank my academic adviser he/she took on the obligation of advising me in my post coursework and exam completion, while I was in the university. his/her xxxxxxxxx unrelenting encouragement, mentorship and support were the ultimate motivators. Without her firm, yet caring guidance, I would not have completed this research study.

To my friends xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, I owe my gratitude. The incalculable lunches, coffee breaks and emails of support helped me work through the writer's block, despair at lack of improvement and eventually gave me the strength to know that I could end the long…...



Academy of Management Journal, 36, 763-793. And Participation, Fall 2005, 4-6.

Anderson, M.J. (2010). Making the future possible: Succession as a component of strategy. OfCounsel, 29:5, May 2010, p. 13-17.

Appelbaum, S., Benyo, C., Gunkel, H., Ramadan, S., Sakkal, F. And Wolff, D. 2012. Transferring corporate knowledge via succession planning: analysis and solutions - Part 1. Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(5), pp. 281-289.

Appelbaum, S., Benyo, C., Gunkel, H., Ramadan, S., Sakkal, F. And Wolff, D. 2012b. Transferring corporate knowledge via succession planning: analysis and solutions - Part 2. Industrial and Commercial Training, 44(7), pp. 379-388.

Succession Planning at HP Analysis of the
Pages: 3 Words: 916

Succession Planning at HP: Analysis of the role of Carly Fiorina
In July, 1999 Hewlett-Packard appointed Carly Fiorina their CEO after and extensive search that included 100 potential applicants, carefully screened by the board of directors (Anders, 2003). What the HP board was after was a new CEO who would keep the passion for innovation alive in the company and unify its core businesses of printers, scientific instrumentation and computing equipment (Burrows, 2005). Carly Fiorina was an outsider who impressed the screening committee with her brash, direct communications style and her track record at AT&T for taking on difficult projects and turning them around (Burrows, 2005). The following is an analysis of how the succession was handled, what Carly Fiorina chose to concentrate on during her years with the company, and the lessons learned by HP from the experience.

Analysis of the Carly Fiorina Succession at HP

Carly Fiorina came into HP when…...



George Anders. (2003, February). The Carly chronicles. Fast Company,(67), 66-76.

Peter Burrows in Palo Alto, Calif.. (2005, September). HP Says Goodbye To Drama. Business Week,(3950), 83-86.

Miller, Danny. (1993). Some organizational consequences of CEO succession. Academy of Management Journal, 36(3), 644.

Richtermeyer, S.. (2011). Successful Succession Planning. Strategic Finance, 92(12), 6,19.

SME Succession Planning in Canada
Pages: 45 Words: 12312

Succession Planning

Succession Plan for Nadia La Russa

est Practices

Survey Results

When it comes to corporations and businesses of any size, succession planning is something that can and should be planned out in advance. As cited pervasively throughout the rest of the report, the following can all be asserted and proven. The need for succession planning is needed in all countries including Canada, the United States and in any other developed country in the world. Succession planning has different meanings and takes on many forms depending on what country the business is located in, how large the business is, who runs the business, who owns the business and what the long-term plans for this business happen to be. Indeed, most large firms have entrenched and very specific succession plans in place that center on promoting the best and the brightest in the firm so as to continue the pathways and positivity that the…...



Amit, Raphael, and Christoph Zott. 2012. "Creating Value Through Business Model

Innovation." MIT Sloan Management Review 53, no. 3: 41-49. Business Source

Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed February 12, 2015).

Bruce, Doug, and Derek Picard. 2006. "Making Succession a Success: Perspectives

Belfast Study Reconciling Safety and Succession Planning
Pages: 8 Words: 3112

Belfast Study
econciling Safety and Succession Planning

iSummary Prospectus

Hermeneutics Worldview

Company background

The Experts, their composition and grounds of expertise.

The epistemology of the experts.

Decision makers.

The epistemology of the decision makers.

The Belfast Board

The petroleum experts

Current state of knowledge

Discuss the problem

Discuss the source of the problem

Analyze the problem.


Derived insights

Summary Prospectus

Belfast is a petroleum company with core competences in oil and gas exploration, development, and production located in Calgary. Its experts are petroleum engineers many of whom have substantial years in the petroleum sector. The company's decision makers are its Board of Directors. Belfast Company's decision makers and experts disagree about the experience level of engineers that the company needs to supervise sensitive oilfield operations. Whereas the Board believes that newer engineers should become exposed to a broader range of activities in the field, the experts disagree and hold the opinion that risking public safety into the hands of fresh engineers just out of school is unprofessional.…...



Agbons, P. (1975). A historical evolution of the petroleum engineering profession. Ibadan,

Oyo: University Press.

Barrel of Oil Equivalent (BOE). Investopedia. Retrieved investopedia. com/terms/b/barrelofoilequivalent. asp#ixzz1UlxCgNhrhttp://www.

Belfast Petroleum, Inc., BloomsbergBusinessWeek. Retrieved businessweek. com/research/stocks/private/snapshot. asp-privcapIdhttp://investing.

Components of a Succession Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1501


Axelrod, N.R. (2002). Chief executive succession planning: The board's role in securing your organization's future. Washington, DC: oardSource.

erger, L.A. & erger, D.R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Collins, M.E. (May/June, 2007). Next! How to plan for and ensure a smooth transition when your organization's leader departs. Advancing Philanthropy, 14:3.

Developing your leadership pipeline. (December, 2003). Harvard usiness Review, 81:12.

Feather, J. (February, 2005). Smooth move. Association Management, 57:2.

Growing talent as if your business depended on it. (October, 2005). Harvard usiness Review, 83:10.

Hall, H. (2006). Smooth transitions: Experts offer tips on hiring new leaders. Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Manage for today, mentor for tomorrow: Here's how to keep succession planning on the front burner. (September-October, 2005). Nonprofit World, 23:5.

Rothwell, W.J. (2005). Effective succession planning: Ensuring leadership continuity and building talent from within. New York: AMACOM.

Seconds-in-command as logical heir apparents. (March/April, 2005).…...



Axelrod, N.R. (2002). Chief executive succession planning: The board's role in securing your organization's future. Washington, DC: BoardSource.

Berger, L.A. & Berger, D.R. (2004). The talent management handbook: Creating organizational excellence by identifying, developing, and promoting your best people. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Collins, M.E. (May/June, 2007). Next! How to plan for and ensure a smooth transition when your organization's leader departs. Advancing Philanthropy, 14:3.

Developing your leadership pipeline. (December, 2003). Harvard Business Review, 81:12.

Succession Battles at Viacom From
Pages: 3 Words: 803

Less tangible are the intellectual properties that Viacom controls, such as the broadcast rights for motion pictures and television programs, licensing of trademarks, etc.
The Major Problem Facing Viacom

Aside from the complexities and challenges of the industry itself, Viacom faces an additional major problem in the form of a succession dispute. More precisely, a power struggle for the role of COO of Viacom emerged when longtime COO Mel Karmazin vacated the post in 2004, leaving a vacancy that needed to be filled, and several people vying for the post. Because of this struggle, the organization found itself faced with several succession planning options.

Possible, and Recommended Succession Options

Because of the need to develop an effective succession plan at Viacom, several possible options emerge: the organization could be divided into several entities, giving all of the COO contenders an opportunity to apply their talents for organizational benefit or remain as one and…...

Exit Plan for a New Business Consists
Pages: 2 Words: 659

exit plan for a new business consists of two components. hile the exit plan tends to be overlooked, there should be one for two scenarios -- failure and success. No business plan likes to talk about business failure, but in the event that the business does not succeed, the proprietor needs to know how to exit the business gracefully. The main assets of the food truck business are the truck and equipment, and these can be sold on the secondary market. Since the truck does not plan on having too much debt, the proceeds from these asset sales should cover the debt. The downside equity of the business has been protected by the LLC business form. So much of the downside risk financially has been covered by the way that the business has been structured in the first place. Unwinding the operations is as simple as laying off the…...


Works Cited:

Robbins, S. (2013). Exit strategies for your business. Entrepreneur. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from (2013). Getting out. Small Business Administration. Retrieved March 25, 2013 from

Succession Planning as a Challenge in Healthcare
Pages: 3 Words: 823

Challenges in Healthcare: Succession Planning Beverly, F. & Rose, S. (2017). Best Practices for Nurse Leaders: Succession Planning. Professional Case Management, 22(2), 88-94.
The authors term succession planning in healthcare a critical need. It should, however, be noted that even in planning for the next generation of leaders in healthcare, we ought to be aware of the fact that the world is changing fast and that the skills of yesterday might not be as effective today. This is one of the messages that the authors of the present article attempt to push through. For this reason, this will be a great resource as I seek to explore the competencies that our future leaders in healthcare need to be equipped with.
Brian, C., Melanie, M., Greta, C. & Chris, N. (2009). Healthcare Succession Planning: An Integrative Review. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(12), 548-555.
According to the authors, nursing shortages continue to bedevil the…...



Beverly, F. & Rose, S. (2017). Best Practices for Nurse Leaders: Succession Planning. Professional Case Management, 22(2), 88-94.

Brian, C., Melanie, M., Greta, C. & Chris, N. (2009). Healthcare Succession Planning: An Integrative Review. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(12), 548-555.

Dennis, S. (2006). Challenge: Succession planning. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 37(2), 64.

Griffith, M. (2012). Effective Succession Planning in Nursing: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(7), 900-911.

Scott, B.A., Kathryn, M., Allyson, N., & Bradley, H. (2006). Leading Tomorrow\\\\'s Healthcare Organizations: Strategies and Tactics for Effective Succession Planning. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 36(6), 325-330.

Sittler, L.F. (2019). The Effect on Nursing Leadership Roles with Succession Planning for the Next Generation of Millennial Nurses. OAJBS, 1(3), 38-43.

Emergency Plan
Pages: 5 Words: 1470

Emergency Plan
Business Name: MWV located in Covington VA

Number of Employees 190

Emergency management plan entails a system of managing resources, information analysis and decision making in the event of a tornado hitting the facility (Hubbard, 2009). The emergency management plan acts a guide to the responsible personal, the staff and residents within the facility on the steps to take upon the occurrence of a tornado. The emergency plan gives a description of the role that the pre-appointed Emergency Management Group (EMG) is expected to carry out in the event of a tornado. The Emergency Management group will serve as the overall authority over the activities in the facility relating to the occurrence of a tornado.

The emergency management policy is to ensure the safety of every individual within the facility and bring the facility to normal operations after an accident.

The head of the Emergency Management group is an appointed Incident Commander (IC)…...



Hubbard, C. o. (2009). Emergency Response, Windshield Survey; Hubbard, . City of Hubbard Oregon.

Safety, C. f C.P. (2002). American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Guidelines for Technical Planning for On-Site Emergencies. . New York: CCPS-AICHE.

Business Plan for a Residential and Day Treatment Facility
Pages: 14 Words: 3843

Business Plan Assisted Living Facilities
Residential and Day Treatment Facility

Business Plan

Residay Home and Residential Care provides assisted living solutions for senior adults. Residay Home and Residential Care is dedicated to making the provision of the highest quality care to senior citizens requiring or desiring an assisted living facility. Residay Home and Residential Care is located in the Tennessee Valley Area of North Alabama and is an alternative to the generally larger and less personal senior assisted living facilities specializing in the ability to make provision of a very high level of care in a smaller and more personal environment. Residay Home and Residential Care makes provisions of assistance to seniors in their activities of daily living including assisting with medication, meals, reminders, personal grooming, physical therapy and other such assistance. Further provided by Residay Home and Residential Care are opportunities for companionship, entertainment, and activities, which seniors enjoy and which assists…...


Works Cited

Administration on Aging, Department of Health and Human Services (2005). Fact Sheets: Eldercare Locator.

Administration on Aging. (2004). Report to Congress. Long-term Care Ombudsmen Report, Fiscal Year 2004. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (1996). Medical Expenditure Panel Survey: Nursing Home Component. Retrieved from: .

Alabama State Board of Health, Alabama Department of Public Health, Division of Licensure and Certification Administrative Code. Chapter 420-5-4 Assisted Living Facilities. Retrieved from:

Business and Human Resources Staffing Plan for a Growing Business
Pages: 4 Words: 1341

Business and Human Resources: Staffing Plan for a Growing BusinessStaffing presents the businesses to achieve a certain organizational mission and the set target for the years and future. Effective staffing helps companies gain profitability with less incurring turnover costs. It certainly requires shrewd decision-making on the human resources part, as intelligent recruitment strongly associates with organizational success (Sultana and Razi 81). This paper aims to provide a staffing plan for a given scenario. It highlights important factors like staffing models, EEO, legal issues, the importance of job reviews, and strategies for reducing employee turnover.Two Types of Staffing Models Applied To Scenario 1The two staffing models suitable for staffing in scenario 1 are person-job match and collaborative staffing. The person-job fit would enable the company to match the skilled employees with the job requirements of manufacturing surveillance cameras. Their technical knowledge would be required, even for assembly technicalities or quality control,…...


Works Cited Ali, Zulqarnain and Aqsa Mehreen. “Understanding Succession Planning as Combating Strategy for Turnover.” Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. 16, no. 2, Oct. 2018, pp. 216-233.   Bryan. Development of a Task Assignment Tool to Customize Job Descriptions and Close Person-Job Fit Gap. 2010. Western Michigan University, Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy. Scholar Works at WMU, Chichester Jr, Michael A. and Jaclyn R. Giffen. “Recruiting in the Robot Age: Examining Potential EEO implication in Optimizing Recruiting Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence.” The Computer and Internet Lawyer, vol. 36, no. 10, Oct. 2019, pp. 1-3. Fugiero, Melissa. “Equal Pay Act of 1963.” Britannica, 3 Jun. 2022, .Huang, Wenyuan, et al. “Person-job for innovation behavior: Roles of job involvement and career commitment.” Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 10, May. 2019. Karimi, Abdoullah, et al. “Competency-based recruitment, and managerial succession.” Human Systems Management, vol. 37, no. 4, Jan. 2018, pp. 411-423. Larkin, Mary, et al. “Collaborative staffing model for multiple sites.” Applied Clinical Trials, vol. 20, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 30-35. Merala, Diane K. Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover. 2018. College of Management and Technology, Doctoral Study. Walden University Scholar Works,  Rubenfeld, Stephen A., and Dennis D. Strouble. “Arbitration and EEO issues.” Labour Law Journal, vol. 30, 1979, pp. 489-495. Sultana, Naheed, and Amir Razi. “Is recruitment and staffing decision are crucial to success?” Global Journal of Management and Business Research, vol. 12, no. 20, 2012, pp. 81-85.  “Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” US Equal Employment Commission, . Accessed 9 Nov. 2022.Volk, Christopher H. “From Start-Up to Established Business, These Leadership Strategies will Drive Success.”, 20 Sep. 2022, Booker,

US Army Corps of Engineer Plan Review
Pages: 12 Words: 3820

United States Army Corps of Engineers issued a report in 2012 that was known as the Human Capital Strategic Plan. It was meant to serve as a benchmark and projection for what was to come from 2012 through 2017. Of course, the United States Army Corps of Engineers is a public safety-oriented organization and their plan will be analyzed in terms of resource allocation, budgeting efficacy and overall quality. The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a very competent organization but no organization's plans, especially those organizations whose funding involves taxpayer dollars in whole or in part, is beyond reproach.
Strategic Plan Analysis

The author of this report has been charged with the analyzing the Human Capital Strategic Plan for 2012-2017 as issued by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in April 2012. The report is about fifty pages in length and will be analyzed cover to cover. As…...



CDC. (2015). Products - Vital Statistics of the U.S. - Homepage. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from (2015). FFF: Hispanic Heritage Month 2014: Sept. 15 -- "Oct. 15. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from 

Kessler, G. (2015). Do 10,000 baby boomers retire every day?. Washington Post. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from 

Krumrie, M. (2014). How To Incorporate Diversity Hiring Goals and Strategies. ZipRecruiter. Retrieved 5 June 2015, from

Professional Career Action Plan I Am Student
Pages: 5 Words: 1777

Professional Career Action Plan
I am student majoring in science at the University of Phoenix. Upon my graduation I would like to use my skills to make a different in the communities that I serve and also in my home community. These are the main factors that I will consider during the period of advancing my career. My career development will be guided by several goals each of them will take varying periods to achieve.

However the most important of all is for be to make an impact for humanity over the period that I will be working in the health sector. I have made several consideration and also put in mind that I will first have to start at a particular point and slowly progress through my career to become a highly qualified and successful person in the health care sector will I believe will also be essential for me…...



Rothwell, W.J. (2005). Career planning and succession management: Developing your organization's talent -- for today and tomorrow. Westport, Ct: Praeger Publishers.

Lock, R.D. (1991). Job search. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.

Lock, R.D. (1992). Taking charge of your career direction. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.

Powers, P. (2005). Winning job interviews: Reduce interview anxiety, outprepare the other candidates, land the job you love. Franklin Lakes: Career Press.

Could you provide some essay topic ideas related to Employee Retention ?
Words: 210

1. The Importance of Employee Retention in Maintaining a Successful Business
2. Strategies for Improving Employee Retention Rates in the Workplace
3. The Role of Company Culture in Employee Retention
4. The Impact of Employee Benefits and Incentives on Retention Rates
5. Challenges and Solutions for Retaining Millennial Employees
6. The Connection Between Employee Engagement and Retention
7. Addressing Turnover and Retention Issues in a Remote Work Environment
8. The Financial Costs of Employee Turnover and the Benefits of Retaining Staff
9. The Role of Leadership in Employee Retention Strategies
10. Best Practices for Creating a Positive Work Environment that Encourages Employee Loyalty and Retention.
11. Exploring the Relationship Between....

Need help generating essay topics related to Leadership. Can you help?
Words: 273

Leadership in Modern Organizations

The Evolution of Leadership: From Traditional Approaches to Contemporary Paradigms
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership
Cross-Cultural Leadership: Navigating the Complexities of a Globalized Workforce
Servant Leadership: Balancing Empowerment and Accountability
Leadership in Crisis: Strategies for Navigating Organizational Challenges

The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Outcomes

The Relationship Between Leadership Style and Employee Engagement
The Influence of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Reputation
Transformational Leadership: Driving Innovation and Organizational Success
The Importance of Diversity in Leadership: Enhancing Performance and Inclusivity
Leadership and Organizational Culture: Shaping Values and Beliefs

Leadership Development and Succession Planning

Identifying and Developing Future....

What title does the Mangudadatu family hold in the political landscape of the Philippines?
Words: 264

1. The Rise of the Mangudadatu Clan: A Political Powerhouse in the Philippines

2. Exploring the Influence of the Mangudadatu Family in Provincial Politics

3. The Mangudadatu Dynasty: Examining the Family's Politically Dominant Role in the Provinces

4. Unraveling the Political Dynasty: The Case of the Mangudadatu Family in the Philippines

5. The Impact of the Mangudadatu Clan on the Socio-Political Landscape of the Philippines

6. From Local Politics to National Influence: The Journey of the Mangudadatu Family

7. Assessing the Legacy of the Mangudadatu Political Clan across Provinces in the Philippines

8. The Mangudadatu Family: A Case Study of Nepotism and Power Consolidation in the Philippines


What are the key challenges faced by companies with employees working overseas?
Words: 642

1. Cultural differences: Managing a team of employees from different countries and cultures can be challenging due to potential misunderstandings, conflicts, and communication barriers.

2. Time zone differences: Coordinating meetings, projects, and communication can be difficult when employees are located in different time zones, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

3. Legal and compliance issues: Companies must navigate the complex legal requirements and regulations of each country where their employees are based, including tax laws, employment regulations, and data protection laws.

4. Language barriers: Language differences can create communication challenges and misunderstandings, affecting collaboration and productivity among international teams.

5. Employee engagement and motivation: Keeping....

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