Success Essays (Examples)

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Success Classroom
Pages: 3 Words: 838

Describe your most meaningful accomplishment in the classroom that positively impacted students. What key strategies contributed to your success? How did you track your progress to ensure that you were successful?

I have had many meaningful moments in the classroom, but my most meaningful accomplishment in the classroom was when I was able to help a student with a learning disability. I have worked with children with various disabilities on many occasions. I have learned that creating an inclusive classroom environment is the most important step that teachers can take, and that simple steps such as how to arrange the chairs makes a big difference. However, this occasion was particularly challenging. A student who had a mild case of autism suddenly started to exhibit aggressive behavior. Something in the lesson triggered an emotional outburst, and he would not take comfort in anything any other student was saying. He finally slapped a…...

Success a Discussion on Defining and Attaining
Pages: 2 Words: 542

A Discussion on Defining and Attaining Success

The dictionary defines the word 'success' as "the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted."

Yet despite this seemingly clear definition success is different for each person. In fact, the things that some want most, such as money, may not signify successful and happy lives for others, such as those who look for immaterial things to achieve success and happiness. The following paper will thus focus on answering what, exactly, success signifies and how one may know he or she is successful.

Success, to me, is defined as being satisfied with three things: family life, career and hobbies. or instance, if one's family life is harmonious, and if one's loved ones are happy, that is a successful endeavor. Despite the fact that one may not be able to control this arena of life very much, it is still important for an individual to function harmoniously and…...


Five ways to define success. 2011. TechJournal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2012].

How Do You Define Success? Six Factors to Consider. 2012. The Wisdom Journal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2012].

Commitment to the Journey: The Top 10 Ways to Be Successful Both in Business and in Life. 2012. Business Know How. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 January 2012].

Success Means Achieving Something Unique Through the
Pages: 3 Words: 846

Success means achieving something unique through the efforts of an individual -- even in the face of adversity. Success isn't measured by heights attained, but by obstacles overcome. I understand this sort of success as the very essence of individualism. Failure in these terms means conforming to the dictates of convention and never attempting to do anything that is independent or unique. Therefore success is not necessarily defined by the applause of society, but rather by the intrinsic worth of that success when it meets the highest standards of individual striving. As is often the case, achieving true success sometimes means going against conventions and in forgoing societal or egotistical rewards. In order to attain success one has to sometimes sacrifice immediate gratification.
Experience has taught me that a positive attitude is a matter of personal choice and a vital ingredient to achieving success. Who and what we are today is…...



Review on Fountainhead. June 24, 2004. Web site:

Rand, A. Introducing Objectivism. The Ayn Rand Org, Accessed June 25, 2004.

Web site:

Success One Obvious Difference in
Pages: 2 Words: 859

Without the best people, innovation and remaining a market leader is impossible.
Yet although the Intel website is not disingenuous, it seems less explicit about its corporate culture than Google's website. Google paints a picture of a workplace in which employees eat lunch side-by-side with executives and have a key role in defining and shaping their 'pet' projects. Intel's website has more unsubstantiated mission statements about innovation than Google's. egarding diversity issues, the profiles of all of the individuals featured on the 'Life at Intel' section of the website ( are Caucasian, which does not necessarily imply the company is discriminatory, although given the size of Intel it is worth questioning why a more balanced demographic sampling was not used.

Q4. The most obvious 'culture change' manifested in the business media is that of General Motors, which was forced by the federal government to divest a number of its core brands,…...



"Credit Crisis." (2009). Special feature. The New York Times. Last updated September 22, 2009.

Retrieved December 9, 2009 at 

Segal, David. (2009, November 8). At Ruby Tuesday, Casual dining dons a blazer.

The New York Times. Last updated September 22, 2009. Retrieved December 9, 2009 at

Success vs Personal Life Success
Pages: 4 Words: 1288

He may be even too tired from work to spend quality time for his personal life. As a consequence, his career may be a success but his personal life is not.
As with balance, Pucci also considers harmony in work and life to be important. It is where elements must agree with each other to achieve success. For instance, balancing work and life does not necessarily guarantee success. It may happen that 8 hours a day at work is not enough to complete one's work responsibilities, thus his success in his career may not happen. In work and life harmony, aspects such as the ability of an individual to make 8 hours a day enough for work must be in harmony with the 8 hours set in his time. Pucci suggests that an effective employee will encounter more flexibilityto accomodate his professional and personal life.

Your Career in Meeting Your Needs…...



Navigating the Quarterlife Crisis to Career and Personal Success: Five Strategies for Fulfilling Your Dreams. 

Moses, Barbara. Does Your Career Meet Your Personal Needs? 

Fenshin, Suzanne. Magical Aspirations.

Success for One Person IT's Based on
Pages: 1 Words: 343

For one person it's based on earnings and corporate connections; for another it's gambling wins; for another it's curing AIDS. Whatever the definition of success, everyone wants it. Success might be defined differently by different people but no person on Earth isn't driven to do something, to fulfill some personal goal however small or mundane. The farmer hopes to be successful in his fields; the child hopes to be successful in completing their jigsaw puzzle; the speaker at a convention hopes to succeed in persuading his or her listeners. For the most part, success is the great motivating factor of human nature. We want success so that we can feel confident, good about ourselves, satisfied, and happy; on the other hand, success can often be mistaken for meaningless needs and wants that bring only fleeting satisfaction.

For example, many people equate success with money. Large amounts of money can be a…...

Success What Exactly Is Success What Does
Pages: 2 Words: 655

What exactly is success? What does being successful mean? In the past, various definitions have been offered all in an attempt to define the term success. While some view success as having money (and lots of it), others are convinced that success is the accomplishment of important goals. It is thus clear that the term "success" means different things to different people. This text offers three concise definitions to the term "success."

What is Success?

In seeking to define the term success, it would be prudent to first take into consideration the dictionary meaning of the term. Some of the definitions of success according to the Webster's Dictionary (as cited in Briggs, 2003) are:

Favorable or desired outcome

The attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence

According to the above definitions, if an individual does not attain a certain pre-specified outcome, that individual cannot be regarded successful. In this case, it would help to also…...



Briggs, T.E. (2003). Christian Success Principles: For the Sales Professional. Enumclaw, WA: WinePress Publishing.

Brott, R. (2008). Biblical Principles for Achieving Personal Success: 8 Critical Insights you Must Discover. New York, NY: ABC Book Publishing.

Tressel, J. (2008). The Winners Manual: For the Game of Life. Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Success How I Define Success Is Accomplishment
Pages: 2 Words: 673

How I Define Success

Success is accomplishment of a goal as defined by one's motivation. For me, success means achieving my personal and professional goals which includes acquiring my bachelor's degree, becoming a skilled professional and having a happy life that actively includes my family and friends. I believe that these are things will bring me the most happiness and joy at this phase of my life.

On a professional level this includes obtaining my Series 6.63. If I am dedicated to my studies and professional development, I believe I can reach this career objective. Attending college was a first step. As I continue my academic journey I plan to further develop the skills and abilities to become a qualified professional and make a valuable contribution to employers in the future. To be successful in this area, I will work to maintain a high level of organization, stay focused and be…...

Success Through Franchising In Today's Volatile Economy
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Success Through Franchising?
In today's volatile economy, many are wondering how small businesses can survive. Big retail fast food companies want to make you believe that the spirit of small business entrepreneurship is still alive in the easier and more successful path of franchising. However, examining the evidence clearly shows that franchising is not as easily met with success that one would assume, illustrating that there is a higher chance of failure than success when opening a franchise.

There are many who believe in the power of franchises, and how they can empower the individual to embody the spirit of self-employment and small business ownership. Schlosser presents the opposition's argument very thoroughly in Chapter 4 of his work Fast Food Nation. "Success" illustrates the argument that franchising has long been thought to allow a greater path of success for many Americans. Essentially, larger fast food chains reach out to would-be entrepreneurs…...


Works Cited

Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2012.

Success Is Possible for Anyone
Pages: 1 Words: 446

(7) the salesperson behind a counter in an obscure city that is hard to find even on the map can be successful at what he or she does.(8) Success means to make an art of what you do and make people happy. (9)Being a teacher, my father worked with generations of children who are grownups know.(10) He loved what he did and although Math is not an easy class for anyone, he made it easy for them to understand and learn.(11) He is retired now, but many of his former students are still sending him Christmas cards, or invitations to their weddings or news about their children and sometimes about their grandchildren. (12) He was successful and left a mark in the lives of those he touched. (13)
Introductory paragraph

The lifestyles of the elderly in the United States and Cuba are worlds apart in almost any field of their lives. While…...

Success Dual-Degree MIS MBA Program Master Science Management
Pages: 2 Words: 789

success dual-degree MIS/MBA program (Master Science Management Information Systems/MBA - Concentration isk Management).
Accomplishment Essay

I am an international student living in the United States. Previously I resided in Ivory Coast before I came to the United States. As a former Ivory Coast citizen, I know how hard it is to thrive in such a developing country. It takes a lot dedication and perseverance to rise above the rest. Ivory coast is a third world country where acquiring education is a personal initiative, there is hardly any motivation especially from your peers, there are no people in the society to mentor us, therefore; many young people end up not finishing their studies, and the few who manage to rise above the rest do it in difficulty Ivory Coast, 2011()

As an individual, I learnt the key to success is through education; my education is my treasured possession since I originate from a…...



Business Monitor. (2011). Cote d'Ivoire: Economic Progress Amid Political Challenges. [Article]. Emerging Markets Monitor, 17(15), 22-22.

Ivory Coast. (2011). Ivory Coast (pp. 1-1): Columbia University Press.

Joe Bavier. (2006, 16th August, 2006). "Ivory Coast Opposition, Rebels Say No to Term Extension for President," VOA News.

News, B. (2011). "Country profile: Ivory Coast." BBC News Retrieved 17 May, 2012, 2011, from

Success What Qualities and Characteristics
Pages: 2 Words: 830

Helen Keller believe that to have success you have to "set goals"; she wanted to go to college and because she set that goal, she made it. "Don't let obstacles stop you," she wrote, and "Don't let others tell you what you can't do." She recommends pursuing an education, having a "thirst for knowledge," living a life "of faith" and being unselfish enough to "help others." The other two important steps to success according to Helen Keller are "make your own decisions" and "dare to do the impossible." It was considered an impossible task for a blind woman to go to college when Helen Keller was young, but she dared to do it, and she succeeded.
Another success story that Dr. Kehler writes about in his book and on his eb site is that of Oprah infrey. She is one of the richest women in the world, a very popular…...


Works Cited

Eidelman, Scott; & Biernat, Monica. (2007). Getting More From Success: Standard Raising as Esteem Maintenance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(5), 759-774.

Kehler, Marvin P. (2007). Secrets of Success: Hellen Keller, Oprah Winfrey. Retrieved Nov. 30, 2007 at

Olsen, Mark. (2007, Nov. 29). Anything but typical: For Laura Linney, it's strong characters,

Not star roles, that grab her. Los Angeles Times, p. E1.

Success Strategy Employed by Southwest Airlines
Pages: 10 Words: 3353

Southwest Airlines began as an ambitious company by offering flights from Love Field Airport Dallas to Houston and San Antonio. It began modestly with just three planes and three Texan destinations and currently owns hundreds of planes and flies millions of people to many cities. Even though Southwest was operating in a sector of the economy that was known at that time for its bankruptcies and huge financial losses, the firm reported its 38th straight profitable year in 2010 (The Saylor Foundation, 2014).
The company started its operations in 1971 at Dallas Love Field airport after winning a 4-year court case against two local airlines, Texas International Airlines and raniff, which are now defunct. The two firms argued before a Texas law court that there was insufficient demand to sustain three intrastate airlines. The legal and later bruising pricing battles between Southwest and the two other firms forced it to create…...



Afshar, A., Saeb, S., Tadros, A., Mehra, P., & Gautam, R.K. (2010, June 3). Southwest Airlines. Retrieved from :

Success Factors of Supply Chain Management SCM
Pages: 20 Words: 6354

Supply Chain Management (scm)
supply chain refers to the network that links the internal and external suppliers with internal and external customers. Supply chain management (SCM) concerns with the management of such networks enabling interchange of materials and information through the network. The primary goal of supply chain management is to link the market, distribution channel, operations process and supplier base effectively at lower costs. (Hill, p.54) It is common practice to view logistics management and SCM as synonymous terms. Performance of the supply chains is done at three levels - the overall performance of the supply chain, relative performance of the supply chain and the performance of individual logistics functions. (Taylor, p.26)

Key benefits of effective supply chain management for the organizations include reduction in total cost of inventory, reduction in number of suppliers, reduction in administrative overheads involved in managing multiple relationships, higher service efficiency, quality improvement, faster responses…...



Accenture Report. Supply Chain Excellence. Available at   18 June, 2004 

American Shipper News. Virtual Shopping, Real Distribution. American Shipper, April 1998

Armistead, C.G; Clark, G.R. Customer Service and Support. London: Financial Times, Pitman, 1992

Berry, A.J; et. al. Management Control: Theories, Issues and Practice. Macmillan Press, Basingstoke, 1995

Success of Merrill Lynch
Pages: 5 Words: 2027

Merrill Lynch is among the planet's biggest financial management and advisory conglomerate with offices in 44 nations and net client assets of nearly $1.8 trillion. Merrill Lynch is an acknowledged frontrunner in financial counseling and management for people and small business based on planning. (Merrill Lynch: To effectively give service and ensure profitability for the clients Merrill Lynch includes speedy access to a huge enormity of information. Through the provision of these ultra-modern facilities, Merrill Lynch has been capable of connecting and creating customer loyalty. Nevertheless, this company experienced a lot of confrontation prior to attaining its present market position. (Merrill Lynch: Catch-up Leader in E-Commerce Technology) During 2004, it raised unit growth prediction to 13% from 11%, which is identical as during 2003 based a respectable consumer performance and a growing business market as stated by (Merrill Lynch: 'iPOD Success Eventually to spill over into Mac Purchases')



E-strategy brief: Merrill Lynch- A reluctant success. 7 June, 2001. Retrieved from The Economist.   Accessed on 16 December, 2004 

Increasing the Odds for Investment Success. Retrieved from fl=LN1& sl=LN1_3& rurl=/content/inst/html/Insight_Invest_Success.htm Accessed on 16 December, 2004

Merrill Lynch: Catch-up Leader in E-Commerce Technology. Retrieved from Accessed on 16 December, 2004

Merrill Lynch: 'iPOD Success Eventually to spill over into Mac Purchases'.

" How to be a successful church in a small city"?
Words: 123

You can find information to create this thesis statement by using several different types of sources. In addition to the standard Google search for websites about the topic, there are online and offline books and magazines that deal with religious subjects. Ministry Magazine is a good source to consider, along with Enrichment Journal and Christian Standard. Liberty University's Digital Commons also provides a lot of good insight into growing small churches. Any church can be successful in a small city, as long as it provides the community with what the people need in order to feel their lives are being....

Was Ghandi Successful - Essay question?
Words: 128

Gandhi's life can be considered a success, not just because of all the peace he brought to others, but because of the peace he had within himself. His ethical and political views were grounded firmly in the spiritual views he held, as evidenced by the calm demeanor he always possessed. He had wise words for nearly every leader in politics about how they should treat others, and he spoke great truth about the world and society even though it was often ignored. The world did not change him when he saw that most people did not subscribe to his calm....

How can the Home Depot reduce Debt?
Words: 110

Home Depot, like most big companies, carries a lot of debt. It can reduce debt by raising prices or paying lower wages, but those aren\'t going to work as long term solutions. To avoid shortchanging customers, which can really cause cash flow problems, Home Depot will need to reduce its spending in a way that doesn\'t affect customers. That can mean restructuring, refinancing, closing stores that are not profitable, lowering the salaries of top executives, and finding related ways to spend less while continuing to keep money coming in. Other stores have done this successfully. You may want to start....

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