Parental Involvement and Student Success: Article Review
Although parental involvement is usually encouraged by schools, its precise effects upon student achievement remains controversial. In the article, “A New Framework for Understanding Parental Involvement: Setting the Stage for Academic Success,” published in the RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, Harris and Robinson (2016) offer a new framework for understanding parental involvement to permit greater systematization in comparisons of studies; their framework is called stage setting, based upon the premise that, “Stage-setters create a life space—the parameters within which the actor’s performance occurs—that corresponds with the intended action” (Harris and Robinson, 2016, p.189). This article reflects the focus of the journal, which is to solicit peer-reviewed articles from academics from fields across multiple disciplines in the social sciences. According to the journal’s published guidelines, all academics within all fields can submit research, and multidisciplinary studies which incorporate multiple fields…...
This paper is mainly a narrative report of the model whereby we evaluate and contrast the evaluation instruction and also review the principals’ function in endorsing efficient schooling by concentrating on two elements: leadership practice and student success.
Both of these elements hold a number of essential components that frequently appear as independent factors in other evaluation models. For instance, whilst some techniques leave out stakeholder suggestions, one can perceive it as being proof of leadership practice. Similarly, the learner outcomes component includes numerous measures as well (New Leaders, 2012).
Whilst there's substantial debate concerning the “right” weights for the two elements (and modest research-centered proof to aid a specific group of weights), one can assume that outcomes and practice are equally essential and that success ought to be according to advancement and efficiency in the two fields. So, one can suggest a well-balanced strategy (New Leaders, 2012).
Leadership Practice
Leadership practice includes the…...
Explaining the way structure organization works will help shape them in their adult lives. Through allowing student participation in major decision making, many students feel empowered. They gain a position of power in their own lives when they help make decisions concerning academic matters, which are essentially the most important in their young lives.
Another benefit of open discussion of the learning process is the trust which the student places in the hands administrators and parents. Authority figures are not daunting and do not act secretly, rather they are trusted figures which help guide the students decisions. This opens up opportunities to better suit the true needs of the student in question. With more student honesty comes better attention to that students actual needs within their current academic environment.
It is essential that students are involved with at least some part of the learning process they go through on a daily…...
The next three categories deal with the lack of information: 4) lack of information about the career decision-making process, itself; 5) lack of information about one's own capabilities, personal traits or interests; 6) lack of information about occupations and what work is involved and the type of work available; and 7) lack of information about ways of obtaining career information. The final three categories deal with the inconsistent information that students receive that make decision-making difficult: 8) inconsistent information due to unreliable sources;
9) inconsistent information due to internal conflicts, such personal identity and 10) insistent information due to external conflicts with significant others.
Once students have had a an opportunity to learn more about their personal traits in relationship to careers and the type of positions available, they want to actually have an opportunity to learn more right from the source. However, even at community schools, only two percent of…...
Many of the students at the school are intelligent, but they do not know how to put that intelligence to good use, because no one has ever taught them that they are capable of doing many things that they may want to do. Since this is the case, the teachers at the school must be given tools that are practical and can be easily incorporated into what they already do, which will help to stimulate the minds of the students that they work with when it comes to teaching them language literacy. While not an easy task, it is a worthwhile one that should be considered. Children are the future of this country and it seems wrong to neglect any of them, regardless of their race, ethnicity, background, language ability, or mental capabilities.
Those that can be educated should be educated, and ways must be found to ensure that this takes…...
students transitioning from one school to another, the current research examines the subjective impressions of students as well as their academic performance outcomes. Student achievement is measured not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively, in terms of social performance and psychological well-being. This research takes into account academic performance, but also includes a small sample of students from a New Zealand public school who had recently transitioned.
easons for student transitions may be due to the family being in the military, family job shifts, or immigration. The stressors that moving entails can place psychological strains upon the student, thereby impacting well-being as well as academic performance. In particular, research shows that transitioning can lead to social vulnerability and reduced self-esteem. Because psychological and social well-being have been proven vital to student success, it is important to study the elements that make for a successful student transition. Schools aware of what creates…...
eview of LiteratureIntroductionTeachers are responsible for students success and achievement. A student who passes well in school has a chance of acquiring numerous opportunities in the global market. However, students who fail in school are likely to fall into poverty or be dependent on others. Hence, teachers are tasked with ensuring that the needs of all students are met. Fortunately, there has been lots of evidence to prove that esponse to Intervention (TI) is an approach that can help us give every student academic support required to effectively learn (Burns, Appleton, & Stehouwer, 2005). TIs fundamental principle is that learning institutions should not wait for students to lag in class for the student to be eligible for special education and offer them the help they need. Instead, learning institutions should offer directed and orderly interventions to all learners as soon as they determine the need.The theoretical framework of esponse to…...
mlaReferencesAspiranti, K., Hilton-Prillhart, A., Bebech, A., & Dula, M. E. (2019). Response to Intervention (RtI) and the Impact on School Psychologist Roles: Perceptions and Acceptance of Systems Change. Contemporary School Psychology, 23(3), 327-337.Barrio, B. L., & Combes, B. H. (2015). General education pre-service teachers’ levels of concern on response to intervention (RTI) implementation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(2), 121-137.Batsche, G. M., Kavale, K. A. & Kovaleski, J. F. (2006). Competing views: A dialogue on response to intervention. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32, 6-20.Burns, M. K., Appleton, J. J., & Stehouwer, J. D. (2005). Meta-analytic review of responsiveness-to-intervention research: Examining field-based and research-implemented models. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 23(4), 381-394.Castillo, J., Wang, J., Shum, K. Z., & Daye, J. Professional Development and RtI: Does PD improve implementation?.Cutler, M. (2009). Response to intervention: A study of practices, beliefs, and procedural changes in one school district. Roosevelt University.Duffy, H. (2007). Meeting the Needs of Significantly Struggling Learners in High School: A Look at Approaches to Tiered Intervention. National High School Center.Fuchs, D., Mock, D., Morgan, P. L., & Young, C. L. (2003). Responsiveness?to?intervention: Definitions, evidence, and implications for the learning disabilities construct. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18(3), 157-171.Fuchs, L. S., Fuchs, D., & Zumeta, R. O. (2008). Response to intervention. Educating Individuals with Disabilities: IDEIA 2004 and Beyond, 115.Gravois, T. A., & Rosenfield, S. A. (2006). Impact of instructional consultation teams on the disproportionate referral and placement of minority students in special education. Remedial and special education, 27(1), 42-52.Gresham, F. M. (2007). Response to intervention and emotional and behavioral disorders: Best practices in assessment for intervention. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 32(4), 214-222.Johnson, E. S., Smith, L., & Harris, M. L. (2009). How RTI works in secondary schools. Corwin Press.Kratochwill, T. R., & Shernoff, E. S. (2004). Evidence-based practice: Promoting evidence-based interventions in school psychology. School psychology review, 33(1), 34-48.Lipka, O., Lesaux, N. K., & Siegel, L. S. (2006). Retrospective analyses of the reading development of grade 4 students with reading disabilities: Risk status and profiles over 5 years. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39(4), 364-378.Little, T. D., & Rhemtulla, M. (2013). Planned missing data designs for developmental researchers. Child Development Perspectives, 7(4), 199-204.M. K. Lose (2008). Principal Magazine, 87(3), 20–23McIntosh, K., Goodman, S., & Bohanon, H. (2010). Toward True Integration of Academic and Behavior Response to Intervention Systems: Part One--Tier 1 Support. Communiqué, 39(2), 1-14.National Research Council Report: Minority overrepresentation in special education. (2002). Retrieved July 10, 2008, from K., Hagans, K., & Busse, R. T. (2008). School psychologists as instructional consultants in a response-to-intervention model. The California School Psychologist, 13(1), 41-53.Rafoth, M. A., & Foriska, T. (2006). Administrator participation in promoting effective problem-solving teams. Remedial and Special Education, 27(3), 130-135.Reschly, D. J., & Ysseldyke, J. E. (2002). Paradigm shift: The past is not the future.Smith, T. E. (2005). IDEA 2004: Another round in the re-authorization process. Remedial and Special Education, 26(6), 314-319.Sugai, G., & Horner, R. H. (2009). Responsiveness-to-intervention and school-wide positive behavior supports: Integration of multi-tiered system approaches. Exceptionality, 17(4), 223-237.Vaughn, S., Fletcher, J. M., Francis, D. J., Denton, C. A., Wanzek, J., Wexler, J., ... & Romain, M. A. (2008). Response to intervention with older students with reading difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 18(3), 338-345.,
driven) instruction?
DDI is a systematic and precise method designed to enhance learning by students. The cycle of inquiry for data driven instruction entails assessment, analysis of the student performance and action. It is a central causal factor for the realization of student success. The student tasks indicate to us what our learners are capable of doing and what they know. They also indicate points of weakness in their learning activities. The central question is how to make use of such data to close the gaps in the learning process. Experts in the education sector cite the use of data driven instruction and inquiry as an important tool in improving student performance (Data Driven Instruction, 2016).
What did you learn in the program you are now completing, including in student teaching, about the use of data-supported instruction?
The data that shows student achievement is highly valuable in helping education managers to make…...
Barbara Means, Lawrence Gallagher, & Christine Padilla. (2007). Teachers' Use of Student Data Systems to Improve Instruction. Jessup: U.S. Department of Education.
Bongiorno, D. (2011). Student Assessment. Virginia: U.S. Department of Education.
Data Driven Instruction. (2016, October 9). Retrieved from Engage:
Jerry L. Johns. (2002). What is Evidence-based reading instruction? Newark: International Reading Association.
This helps them deal with administrative tasks such as applying for grants, reporting their progress, appeasing parents, etc. In addition, teacher-based methods of assessment have at least one positive implication for students. According to Flood et al., teacher-based assessments allow teachers to enter the process of scaffolding with significant foreknowledge. Flood et al. (2003). suggests that all good assessment includes a component in which a teacher plans and sets goals, and then collecting data and interpreting it. This can be done in the classroom or at the macro level -- applicable to either the school itself or the state. Teachers can use the data gleaned from teacher-centered assessment as a means by which to identify areas of weakness and address them (Kearns, 2009). Standardized testing and teacher-based testing in classrooms allows teachers to determine where most students are having problems and use scaffolding techniques to intervene on the student's…...
Chall, J.S. & Adams, M.J. (2002). The Academic Achievement Challenge: What Really
Works in the Classroom. New York: Guilford.
Flood, J. et al. (2003). The Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language
Arts 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Student Success
Learning, at whatever stage of life is predominantly dependent on the level of self-determination and motivation. The individual may posses al the characteristics of a student or learner but if they are not motivated then it would be absolutely impossible to forge ahead with their education. One cannot force another to succeed in school. In the given case studies, the student who is likely to forge ahead and succeed in education is Javier. This is bearing the fact that he is an adult learner, he is self-motivated and draws from his past experience to forge ahead and pursue his education. The fact that he left school at 16 years to mind the family business and still has managed to get back to school at the advanced age to pursue his passion on finance and accenting is motivation enough to ensure that he succeeds in whatever he does. The other…...
Student Affairs Professionals
What, in your view, should the purpose of higher education entail?
Degree-granting institutes are expected to make sure that college-goers develop both generic dispositions (e.g., beliefs, attitudes, curiosity, etc.) and skills (communication, oral, written, compassion, tolerance, etc.), and discipline-specific abilities (e.g., knowledge, skills, attribute, responsibility, etc.) on completing their college degree. Existing research indicates that receiving higher education doesn't only entail acquiring discipline-specific education or applied competences. ather, affective and socio-emotional skills (non-cognitive factors), which make a graduate an effective citizen, also constitute valuable outcomes for career readiness and college success (Chan, Brown, Ludlow, & Noguera, 2015).
I believe that higher education's chief purpose is, and ought to be, the development of prepared young minds. Higher education, specifically, and education, in general, have numerous purposes, of which one among the most crucial is promotion of citizenship. By surveying the present-day political scene, I feel that the presence of good and…...
Astin, A. (1968). The college environment. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.
Chan, R. Y., Brown, G. T., Ludlow, L. H., & Noguera, J. J. (2015, August 7). The Public and Civic Purpose of Higher Education: Exploring the "Non-Economic" Benefits for Completeing a College Degree. Retrieved from Academia:
Delaney, J. T. (2013, October 20). The Ideal Student. Retrieved February 28, 2016, from
Dungy, G. J. (2009). Re-inventing Student Affairs: The Search for Mission in Changing Times. Journal of College and Character, 10(5).
There are three types of goals to focus one: short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals.
In a study environment, short-term goals would refer to attending classes, handing in assignments and studying for tests and other assessments. The study schedule plays the most important role in this type of goal. Furthermore helping to achieve this goal is the sections relating to academic honesty, as well as research and studying skills. Each goal can then be integrated with the time schedule in order to keep it in mind while adhering to the study schedule.
The medium-term goal would be to achieve success in the overall Axia study program.
Medium-term goals are generally fulfilled by a number of short-term goals that are completed successfully.
Long-term goals are the driving force for current action. In the long-term, for example, the Axia student may wish to stand within a specific profession. Success in the short- and medium-term goals is…...
mlaChilimo, W.L., Emmanuel, G. And Lwoga, T.E. (2006) Developing online research strategies. Sokoine University of Agriculture. .
Kizlik, Bob (2006, July 20). How to Study and Make th eMost of Your Time.
Sherry, L. (1996). Issues in Distance Learning. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, 1 (4), 337-365.
Teachers of fourth and fifth graders must re-insert a nurturing component into their classrooms, creative lessons that allow for student self-expression should be incorporated into the curriculum, and fostering a love of learning in students should be one of the goals established by fourth and fifth grade teachers. First, the snuggle up and read program's success made it clear that nurturing is an important component in any classroom. Coming to this issue with a constructivist approach, teachers should understand that the home life and school are deeply connected when it comes to nurturing, as well as academics. Thus, it is important that teacher-parent conferences take place in which the adults can decide on the most appropriate method of nurturing the students in the classroom. Second, the implementation of creative lessons in the fourth and fifth grade classroom is necessary, in that these lessons allow students to make choices that…...
- 2 faxed articles (not enough information on articles for ciatation)
This is when the university arranges for: providing educational, healthcare, and counseling services to all the students. The aim is to support wellness practices for the long-term health of everyone.
The establishment of conversations with teaching faculty that has resulted in model community "service learning" projects consistent with the mission of the college or university.
The drug and alcohol program supports coordination among: the students, university administration, and faculty members in different areas. As students are assisted by the faculty members to deal with different learning issues they could face. Where, they are encouraged to discuss their problems with the teaching staff or counselors, in order to receive help on: strategies and skills required to achieve success in the real world. This is significant, because we are creating different student learning projects that are a collaborative effort between: staff members and the students. This is in line with the mission of…...
Effective Strategies to Reduce High Risk Drinking. (2006). Forum On Public Policy. Retrieved from:
Learning Reconsidered: A Campus-Wide Focus on The Student Experience. (2004). Delsuggs. Retrieved from:
Student Affairs 8. (2011). Essaytree. Retrieved from: http://*****/education-theories/student-affairs-8/
DeJong, W.. (2005). A Typology for Campus-Based Alcohol Prevention: Moving toward Environmental Management Strategies. College Drinking Prevention. Retrieved from:
Student of Prague and German Cinema
The Germany film industry revolution
The Film industry in Germany has come a long way and is seen as one of the ancient film industries that gave a portrayal of both the artistic as well as the aesthetic and the economic value of films in Germany in the early 1900s. The paper will hence not only look into the history of the Germany film industry, but also select a relevant film to demonstrate the significance of the film selected to the subject matter it covered, the people and the relevance to the time that it was produced and it depicted. The film that will be used in this demonstration is "The Student of Prague" which would be analyzed to see the kind of contribution that it brought to the film industry in Germany at that given moment in time.
The films of the early 1900s had thematic…...
Brockmann Stephen. (2010). A Critical History of German Film. Retrieved October 28, 2014 from
Kracauer Siegfried (1947). From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the Germany Film. Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press. Retrieved October 28, 2014 from
Paul Wegener, (1913). Der Student von Prag. Retrieved October 28, 2014 from
Pulver A., (2011). New Europe: A history of German cinema in clips. The Guardian. Retrieved October 28, 2014 from
1. The impact of international student enrollment on Canadian universities and colleges
2. The benefits of studying in Canada for international students
3. The role of Canadian institutions in fostering global citizenship through international education
4. The challenges and opportunities of recruiting international students to study in Canada
5. The economic impact of international education on the Canadian economy
6. The importance of diversifying the international student population in Canada
7. The role of language education in internationalizing Canadian higher education
8. The promotion of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in international education programs
9. The impact of international partnerships and collaborations on Canadian higher education institutions
10. The influence....
Title: Addressing the Nuances of Oral Work Correction: A Comprehensive Guide
Oral work, encompassing both speaking and listening skills, plays a crucial role in effective communication. As educators, it is imperative that we provide constructive feedback to students to enhance their oral proficiency. This essay explores various strategies and considerations for correcting oral work, ensuring that students receive meaningful and actionable guidance to improve their communication abilities.
1. Establishing a Positive and Supportive Environment:
- Creating a classroom culture where students feel comfortable making mistakes and taking risks during oral presentations.
- Fostering a supportive atmosphere where peers provide constructive feedback to each other,....
Of course! Here are some potential essay topics that cover WGU:
1. The impact of competency-based education on student success at WGU
2. The effectiveness of WGU's personalized learning approach in comparison to traditional higher education models
3. The role of technology in supporting student learning at WGU
4. A critical analysis of WGU's accreditation and its implications for students and the institution
5. The benefits and challenges of online learning at WGU
6. The role of mentorship in student success at WGU
7. An analysis of WGU's unique tuition model and its affordability compared to traditional universities
8. The diversity and inclusivity initiatives at WGU and their....
1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Education: A Study of Western Governors University (WGU)
Discuss the significant ways in which technology has influenced the teaching and learning process at WGU.
Examine the impact of online learning platforms and tools on student engagement, collaboration, and overall educational experiences.
Evaluate the effectiveness of WGU's competency-based education model in promoting self-paced learning and personalized learning pathways.
Investigate the challenges and opportunities associated with delivering education solely through online means, considering factors such as accessibility, affordability, and equity.
2. The Effectiveness of WGU's Competency-Based Education Model: A Comparative Analysis
Compare and contrast WGU's competency-based....
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