student population is changing, not simply demographically but also in terms of the skill sets students bring to the classroom. Teachers must change their approach to using technology, to engage student interest and to prepare students for the new workplace, which is technologically 'connected.' Often, faculty members may be less technologically aware than their students. Faculty members' levels of comfort with technology must be raised, and they must learn how to alter longstanding teaching practices to suit the new environment.
Formally training faculty members in how to use new technology and integrate it into the classroom is one approach to making education more relevant for students. But simply measuring increased use of technology in the classroom is not effective as a gauge of professional education programs. Some faculty members may simply replace their off-line materials with online materials, such as putting course notes on the website, or links to pdf…...
As for the higher-order intellectual achievements, mastery will be displayed when the students can evaluate the reasons behind the decisions made by these historical figures, and then to assess whether they were good or bad decisions, effective or ineffective. For example, the students will have met this objectives when they can answer a series of questions such as: "How would you describe the way Kennedy presents his call for equality in public places to the American people? as it a good strategy? hy or why not?" Students should be able to engage with the material and form their own opinions as to right and wrong -- not empty opinions but informed ones. Finally, the teacher will have achieved his or her goals if the students are able to go beyond simply repeating the statements of the historians in the secondary sources and assess the biases and viewpoints of these authors.
mlaWorks Cited
Bloom, B.S., Engelhart, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwhol, D.R. (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals, handbook I: Cognitive domain. New York: Longmans.
Gagne, R. (1985). The conditions of learning (4th edition). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Peterson, P.L., Clark, C.M., & Dickson, W.P. (1990). Educational psychology as a foundation in teacher education: Reforming an old notion. Teachers College Record, 91(3), 322-346.
This research will fill in a gap that was discovered in the literature review. There have been many, even in an academic setting, that have made comments regarding the effects of email on the student environment. However, there have been no significant studies to substantiate these claims. This study will fill in the existing gap in research and will examine the actual importance of email to the academic setting.
Chapter 2: Literature eview
The importance of technology in the academic setting was an accepted fact from the inception of the internet. However, there have been few academic studies that have attempted to quantify its impact on student lives and success. In order to understand the importance of email and its impact on students lives, one must examine several areas of academic research on the topic. It has been implied that self-esteem and a feeling of satisfaction play an important role in…...
Beffa-Negrini, P., Miller, B., and Cohen, N. (2002). Factors related to success and satisfaction in online learning. Academic Exchange Quarterly. September 2002.
Borowitz S., & Wyatt J. (1998) the origin, content, and workload of e-mail consultations. JAMA 280: 1321-4. (2003). Firm can e-mail at work. September 19, 2003. CNN.Com Retrieved October 29, 2007 at
Ferguson T. (1996). A guided tour of self-help cyberspace. [monograph on the Internet]. Rockville (MD): Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office of Public Health and Science, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1996 Retrieved November 3, 2007 at
Student Affairs as Both A Field of Study and a Profession
What is Student Affairs?
Tyrell (2014) believes student affairs professionals have a continually expanding and evolving role in community colleges, with recognition of increasingly complex student experiences and with broadening of community colleges' role in the way students are engaged outside of and within formal, institutional settings.
The student affairs domain is an extensive and complex part of college campus operations, covering several departments and involving professionals hailing from a broad range of academic backgrounds. Student learning does not occur only in classrooms; rather, it is interwoven all through students' experiences in college, right from their freshmen days to the time they leave its doors after earning their college diploma. College students are molded by these experiences, conflict management lessons learnt from sharing dorms with fellow students, critical thinking skills perfected through challenging coursework, leadership skills attained through leadership positions in student…...
Hoffman, J. L., & Bresciani, M. (2012). Identifying What Student Affairs Professionals Value: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Professional Competencies Listed in Job Descriptions. Research & Practice In Assessment, Vol 7, 26-40. Retrieved from
Long, D. (2012). The Foundations of Student Affairs: A Guide to the Profession. In L. J. Wong, Environments for student growth and development: Librarians and student affairs in collaboration (pp. 1-39). Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries. Retrieved from
Long, D. (2012). Theories and Models of Student Development. In L. J. Wong, Environments for student growth and development: Librarians and student affairs in collaboration (pp. 41-55). Chicago: Association of College & Research Libraries. Retrieved from
The study used student projects as the main vehicle for integrating active learning methods into the lecture. The study took place during a 10-week class, with four projects being assigned to groups of size four to six. Projects centered on (1) statistical tests of goodness-of-fit; (2) design of a simple experiment and analysis of variance using two factors; (3) factorial design experiment and analysis; and (4) regression analysis. In each project, there was emphasis placed on the purposefulness of the experiment, the design, and the ensuing collection of data. Each project lasted about two weeks, including around 90 minutes of in-class work used for project instruction, questions, and discussion. A primary weakness of the research was insufficient time in which to conduct classroom presentations by the students themselves concerning their projects and the learning processes that took place.
Extent to Which Findings Can Be Generalized to Student Population. While the…...
Heron, Alison H. (2003). A Study of Agency: Multiple Constructions of Choice and Decision
Making in an Inquiry-Based Summer School Program for Struggling Readers. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 46(7), 568.
Kvam, P.H. (2000). The Effect of Active Learning Methods on Student Retention in Engineering Statistics. The American Statistician, 54(2), 136.
Lewis, V.K. & Shaha, S.H. (Spring 2003). Maximizing learning and attitudinal gains through integrated curricula. Education, 123(3), 537.
Systems and Success of Students
American higher education is unique in its construction of student body as it is highly diverse today with students from various ethnic, social and racial backgrounds forming an integral part of the college environment. But apart from ethnicity and race, what makes higher education student body even more diverse is the presence of older students, students with disabilities and greater participation of women in educational pursuit. This has given a unique flavor and color to student body in American higher education institutions and hence also rendered it a complex mix of challenges, opportunities and excitement. This complexity also spurred the growth of support units on college campuses that would help students make an easy transition to the college life. With the passage of time, a new department of student affairs or student services emerged to handle all problems, opportunities and challenges related to a student's…...
Biscaro, M. (2004, December). Self-efficacy, alcohol expectancy and problem solving appraisal as predictors of alcohol use in college students. College Student Journal, 38 (4), 541 -- 551.
Fisher, S. (1992). From margin to mainstream: the social progress of Black Americans (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowan & Littlefield.
Luquis, R.R., Garcia, E., & Ashford, D. (2003, Spring/Summer). A qualitative assessment of college students' perceptions of health behaviors. American Journal of Health Studies, 18 (2/3), 156 -- 164.
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. (1989).
population for my proposed research will be college students ages 17-22 at three different educational institutions. The purpose of the cross-sectional study will be to survey the study habits of college students and the effect of those study habits on student's grades. Students will be asked to identify themselves on the questionnaire in terms of their age, gender, ethnicity, college major, whether they are the first member of their family to attend college full-time and their GPA. They will then be surveyed upon a variety of study habits, such as what time of day they study, where, how frequently, if they study alone or in a group, if they study with music playing and for how long.
All of the categories will be narrowed down in the final statistical analysis, for ease and clarity (such as noting if their major is in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences). GPAs…...
Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
The Effect of Keratoconus Disease on the Education Levels among Students at Different Ages to Determine the Locations of Their Spread in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keratoconus disease is a disorder in the curvature of the eyes. Keratoconus occurs when the cornea becomes thin and bulges like a cone, altering the focus of light rays, blurring and distorting the person’s vision, and making it difficult to do daily tasks such as reading. The disease is believed to be genetic and typical onset begins in the teens or early 20s and gradually worsens over a period of 10 to 20 years.
Purpose of the Study
As keratoconus is thought to be hereditary, the study of its prevalence in among endogamous marriage groups could be beneficial in developing a better understanding of how this disease is spread. Among certain regions and groups in Saudi Arabia as well as throughout the Middle East, endogamy and…...
students of all ages and backgrounds have enrolled in distance learning degrees through the Internet. The two forms of college education, the traditional on-campus degree and this new distributed learning approach, differ in a number of ways. Yet they both offer specific advantages.
The composition of the student population has changed significantly since the 1980s. A large number of today's college students are older and more heterogeneous. They also demonstrate varying levels of academic preparation. Many would-be students graduated high school a number of years ago and, due to various family and employment commitments, no longer have the flexibility of attending a traditional university setting. Further, some individuals live in remote geographical areas or do not have appropriate transportation opportunities. Distance learning offers them a much more expedient way to further their education.
Distance learning offers such students the opportunity to learn online through their computers. Distributed learning programs are designed…...
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) governs how the U.S. states offer special education services to children with disabilities. It addresses the educational needs of the children with disabilities from birth to age 21, and involves more than a dozen specific categories of disability. Congress has reauthorized and amended IDEA several times, most recently in December 2004. Although historically, students with disabilities have not had the same access to the general education curriculum as their peers, IDEA has changed the access and accountability requirements for special education students immeasurably (NCTM, 2011).
The challenges for meeting the needs of students with disabilities and ensuring their mathematical proficiency, confront teachers of mathematics every day. Teachers must use the results of all assessments, formative and summative, to identify the students whose learning problems have gone unrecognized, and monitor the progress of all students. Regardless of the level or method of assessment used, teachers…...
mlaGavigann, K., & Kurtts, S. (2010). Together We Can: Collaborating to Meet the Needs of At-Risk Students. Library Media Connection, 29(3), 10-12.
King, C. (2011, March). Adults Learning. Retrieved from
Sellman, E. (Ed.). (2011). Creative Teaching/Creative Schools Bundle: Creative Learning for Inclusion: Creative. Port Melbourne: Routledge.
representation has become a very contentious issue of late. Typically, overrepresentation is characterized with race or socio-economic status. Society often wants to an equal distribution and equal opportunity for all. This concept on the surface should be applauded. However, although it is well intentioned, it should not apply to all facets of life. In some instances, particularly with special education, overrepresentation is welcomed. According to studies, it is estimated that about twelve percent of the American student population experiences some type of disability in regards to physical activity, mental activity, or overall health. Whenever a disproportionate number of students are identified from specific populations of students as having disabilities, this group is considered "over-represented." One would believe that students with disabilities would be roughly equal to the overall demographics of an area. However in some instances, it is not. Overall however, I believe over representation should not be welcomed.
1) Birsh, Judith R., & Wolf, B., eds. (2011). Multisensory Teaching of Basic Language Skills, Third Edition. Baltimore: Brookes.
2) Wilmshurst, L., & Brue, A. W. (2010). The complete guide to special education (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
3) Snell, M. E. & Brown, F. (1987, 2011). Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities. (7th edition). Seoul: Pearson.
student motivation in the learning environment and what motivates students to study. The evaluation begins with a theoretical background on the issue of student motivation based on existing literature and studies on the issue. This is followed by a literature review of 10 studies that have been carried out on the student motivation in various classroom settings and learning environments. Through this review the author has identified various factors that motivate students to study including creation of a supportive learning environment, use of suitable teaching practices, and use of multi-level strategies. The article also includes a discussion regarding the significance of student motivation in the learning process.
One of the most important goals of an educational environment is to motivate students toward environmentally friendly behavior change. The need for student motivation in the high school setting is attributed to the fact that motivation creates positive experience, which helps in improving…...
Daniels, E. (2011, November). Creating Motivating Learning Environments: Teachers Matter.
Middle School Journal, 32-37.
Darner, R. (2012, August). An Empirical Test of Self-determination Theory As A Guide to Fostering Environmental Motivation. Environmental Education Research 18(4), 463-472.
Hardre, P.L. (2012). Standing in the Gap: Research that Informs Strategies for Motivating and Retaining Rural High School Students. Rural Educator, 12-18.
Students with ADHD
Education 518, Section B13
Dr. Carolyn McCreight
Qualitative article review: Students with ADHD
Homeschooling is one of the controversial approaches to educate children with 'special needs'. Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are preferred to be taught at home by their parents. Instructors for homeschooling are also arranged for this purpose. However, there has been widespread criticism on this method of teaching attention-deficit students. The main purpose of this paper is to review a qualitative study conducted on the topic of providing homeschooling to attention-deficit students. Duvall, Delquadri and Ward (2004) conducted a study to investigate the appropriateness of homeschooling environment for instructing basic skills to children with special needs. The main purpose of this qualitative study was to ascertain whether or not parents of children having attention-deficit as well as hyperactivity disorder could provide their children with instructional environmental that was conducive for facilitating acquisition of basic skills by their…...
Duvall, S.F., Delquadri, J.C., & Ward, D.L. (2004). A Preliminary Investigation of the Effectiveness of Home-school Instructional Environments for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. School Psychology Review, 33(1), 140-158.
The basic idea is to provide these individuals with technology that they can use to help them effectively deal with the issues that they are facing. A few of the most notable solutions that we will be using include: the Braille / Braille Embosser, FM radio systems, Hear It devises, tape recorders, victor reader waves for audio books, victor reader streams for audio books, Handi Cassette II (talking book), MP 3 Players, Neo-Alpha Smart Note Pad, TTY Communication, Digital Voice Statistical Calculators, Speaking Dictionaries and Cannon Scanner for text books. At the same time, we will use different programs to support these various solutions that are being introduced to include: JAWS, Kurzweil, open book, and zoom text. Once this occurs, this will help to address the needs that are facing a wide variety of individuals who suffering from various disabilities. As, these tools can be used to help them…...
Students and Learning
The learner-based outcome that I've chosen for this paper involves all students being able to successfully complete a physical education curriculum designed to enhance overall physical strength, improve dexterity and increase stamina. For this learner-based outcome, it is important to create a rubric so that students understand the criteria involved for measuring success. Toward this endeavor, it is important to include concrete, attainable and measurable goals for all students.
Such a physical education curriculum involving learner based outcomes is justified given the importance of physical activity for children. Childhood obesity is a serious social problem in America. The effects of obesity in childhood are well documented in both the social science literature and medical journals. During the last 30 years, the percentage of obese children between the ages of 6 and 11 has risen 200% while the percentage of obese children between 12 and 19 has tripled (CDC, Preventing…...
Golder, G. (2003). Inclusive education: Making the most of what's available. The British Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 34(2), 2327.
McCaughtry, N., & Rovegno, I. (2003). Development of pedagogical content knowledge: Moving from blaming students to predicting skilfulness, recognizing motor development, and understanding emotion. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 22(4), 355-368.
Rink, J.E. (2001). Investigating the assumptions of pedagogy. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 20(2), 112-128.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010). The Role of Schools in Preventing Childhood Obesity. Retrieved from:
1. The impact of international student enrollment on Canadian universities and colleges
2. The benefits of studying in Canada for international students
3. The role of Canadian institutions in fostering global citizenship through international education
4. The challenges and opportunities of recruiting international students to study in Canada
5. The economic impact of international education on the Canadian economy
6. The importance of diversifying the international student population in Canada
7. The role of language education in internationalizing Canadian higher education
8. The promotion of indigenous knowledge and perspectives in international education programs
9. The impact of international partnerships and collaborations on Canadian higher education institutions
10. The influence....
Of course! Here are some potential essay topics that cover WGU:
1. The impact of competency-based education on student success at WGU
2. The effectiveness of WGU's personalized learning approach in comparison to traditional higher education models
3. The role of technology in supporting student learning at WGU
4. A critical analysis of WGU's accreditation and its implications for students and the institution
5. The benefits and challenges of online learning at WGU
6. The role of mentorship in student success at WGU
7. An analysis of WGU's unique tuition model and its affordability compared to traditional universities
8. The diversity and inclusivity initiatives at WGU and their....
The Evolving Landscape of Lesson Planning: Navigating the Intersection of Technology, Data, and Student-Centered Learning
In the ever-evolving educational landscape, lesson planning has emerged as a pivotal element in shaping effective and engaging learning experiences. Recent news headlines highlight the impact of technology, data analytics, and student-centered approaches on the way lesson plans are conceptualized and implemented. This essay explores the transformative trends in lesson planning and their profound implications for teaching and learning.
Technology and Lesson Planning:
Technology has become an indispensable tool in lesson planning, offering educators a wide range of possibilities to enhance student engagement and deepen understanding. Interactive online....
Benefits and Challenges of Distance Learning
The Effectiveness and Impact of Distance Learning on Student Outcomes
Comparing Distance Learning to Traditional Face-to-Face Instruction: A Critical Analysis
Exploring the Role of Technology in Enhancing Distance Learning Experiences
The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Collaboration and Communication Tools in Distance Learning
Accessibility and Equity in Distance Learning
Overcoming Barriers to Access in Distance Learning: Innovations and Strategies
Ensuring Equity in Distance Learning: Addressing Disparities in Access and Support
The Impact of Distance Learning on Underrepresented Student Populations: Challenges and Opportunities
Distance Learning as a Catalyst for Increasing Access to Education for Underserved Communities
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