Structure Essays (Examples)

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Structure Constrains Growth Bounded Rational
Pages: 8 Words: 2848

404). They found that complexity especially in hierarchical organizations strongly determines success of design choice outcomes, especially when endogenous adaptation in different modules delivers "local performance improvement" (Ethiraj and Levinthal, 2004, p. 404). This is based on H.A. Simon's 1962 model of organizations, products and technology as complex, evolving systems where some choices constrain decision-making in the lowest levels, and also "near-decomposability" (Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004, p. 404), the argument that intermodular interaction becomes clustered over time between "isolated subsets of interactions" (Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004, p. 404). Specific units interact more than others, i.e. partnering is not uniform across all departments.
Thus arise multiple, unique interactions within the complex firm that allows for complex evolution (Simon, 1962, ctd. In Ethiraj & Levinthal, 2004, p. 404). This becomes problematic to predict, as an empirical phenomenon that develops organically. Numerous researchers had described possible designs of various complexity, but choosing which…...


Predictions from transaction cost, resource-based, and real options theories. Journal of Management 29(6), 937 -- 961. doi:10.1016/S0149-2063(03)00085-0

Nickerson, J.A. And Zenger, T.R. (2002). Being efficiently fickle: A dynamic theory of organizational choice. Saint Louis: John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University, 1-40. Retrieved from 

Rajan, R.G. And Zingales, L. (2001). The firm as a dedicated hierarchy: A theory of the origins and growth of firms. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Aug. 2001. Retrieved from

Structured Data Types the Analyzing
Pages: 2 Words: 573

The separation of these aspects of programming in turn to lead higher level of data independence between applications and data sets. This separation of data sets and programming logic allows for more efficient management of individualized programming events as well.
Graphical User Interfaces

The essence of a graphical user interface is the organizing of applications throughout the visual workspace of an operating system or application. The concept of being able to managing multiple workflows and processes throughout this visual workspace is highly dependent on the level of ergonomics completed prior to their design (Grudin, 2006). The continued development of tactile-based user interfaces used on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) and cell phones provide an excellent example of how graphical interfaces have transformed from the initial Microsoft Windows editions to the use of interfaces on the Apple iTouch, iPod and iPhone series of models (Ishii, 2008). Graphical user interfaces have been heavily influenced…...



Jens Dietrich, Nathan Jones, Jevon Wright. (2008). Using social networking and semantic web technology in software engineering - Use cases, patterns, and a case study. The Journal of Systems and Software, 81(12), 2183

Jonathan Grudin. (2006). The GUI shock: computer graphics and human-computer interaction. Interactions, 13(2), 46-47.

Hiroshi Ishii. (2008) The Tangible User Interface and Its Evolution. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 51(6), 32.

Nicolas Serrano, Juan Pablo Aroztegi. (2007). Ajax Frameworks in Interactive Web Apps. IEEE Software, 24(5), 12-14.

Structure and Function of a Military Model
Pages: 3 Words: 908

Structure and Function of a Military Model and the Sociological Aspect of the Military
The objective of this work is to describe and discuss the structure and function of one of the six military models and analyze the military as a social institution explaining the relationship impact of social institutions.

The military model that will be reviewed in this work in writing is the Institution/Occupation Model reported to be the model, proposed first in 1977 by Charles C. Moskos. This model involves the identification of "a set of polarized empirical indicators…ranging from an Institutional to an Occupational format of military organization." (Caforio, 2006) In the first proposal of Moskos, there are two "ideal types of armed forces & #8230;defined that can be considered mutually exclusive to some extent." (Caforio, 2006) The original proposal or Moskos was revised and such that made the provision of a "new interpretation that considered the possibility of…...



Andersen, M.L. And Taylor, H.F. (2007) Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society. Cengage Learning, 2007. Retrieved from: 

Alpass, F. et al. (1999) Moskos Institution-Occupation Model: Effects on Individual Work Related Perceptions and Experiences in the Military. BNET. Retrieved from: 

Caforio, G. (2006) Handbook of the Sociology of the Military. Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research. Springer, 2006. Retrieved from:

Structure and Texture in Ford's
Pages: 40 Words: 10629

Ford's most accomplished novel, the Good Soldier, was published when he was forty-two. This famous work features a first person narrative and tells the story of two couples, the English Ashburnhams and the American Dowells. John Dowell is the narrator, through whom we learn of Florence and Edward Ashburnham's affair, which culminates in the suicide of the former, John's wife (Edward is the "good soldier" of the title.) it is through the rambling, textured narration of John that the author attempts to forge a literary corollary to actual thought - quite similar, actually, to the Impressionist painters' experiments with capturing nature on their canvases:

You may well ask why I write. And yet my reasons are quite many. For it is not unusual in human beings who have witnessed for the sack of a city or the falling to pieces of a people to desire to set down what they have…...



Armstrong, Paul B. The Challenge of Bewilderment: Understanding and Representation in James, Conrad, and Ford. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1987.

Beckett, Samuel. Molloy. New York: Grove Press, 1994.

Bender, Todd K. Literary Impressionism in Jean Rhys, Ford Madox Ford, Joseph Conrad, and Charlotte Bronte. New York: Garland, 1997.

Brettell, Richard. Modern Art 1851-1929: Capitalism and Representation. Oxford:

Structure of Higher Education Why
Pages: 1 Words: 488

Question: How might current models of academic organization and governance better adapt to these voices?

Today, universities around the nation have omen's Studies and African-American studies programs and departments, and Latino and Gay Studies departments in some institutions of learning as well. Undergraduate and graduate organizations advocate for these interest groups. Yet one critical shortfall remains that has a seismic, often silent impact upon the representational nature of the university -- financial aid. ere more scholarships available, the diversity of most colleges would increase exponentially. Yet except for a few select, well-endowed institutions such as Harvard that can offer children from families with incomes of less than $40,000 full scholarships, schools often can extend little financial support than access to the increasingly dry well of credit (Harvard announces new initiative aimed at economic barriers to college, 2004, Harvard Gazette). Students from poorer backgrounds may fear burdening themselves with debt when they…...


Works Cited

Harvard announces new initiative aimed at economic barriers to college. (2004).

Harvard Gazette. Retrieved March 20, 2009 at

Structure of the Universe From
Pages: 3 Words: 958

Edmond Halley solved the case of comets which kept appearing on the sky at an approximately 76-year interval. After having analyzed the situation, Halley came up with the idea that there was only one comet which kept orbiting the earth. Consequently, the comet did appear at the approximate time that he predicted that it would show again and it is now called the Halley Comet.

Due to the fact that people did not always posses the proper equipment to learn more about earth and the universe, there had been several mistakes when regarding the appropriate measurement of distances. One of the most notable cases in which man wrongfully calculated distances is the case of Columbus, with the Genovese explorer failing from reaching Asia, which he assumed had been much closer than it actually was.

ith the coming of the 20th century, astronomy had been more popular than ever and people now had…...


Works Cited

People in Astronomy." Windows to the Universe. 2000. 25 November, 2008.

The Age and Composition of the Universe." Infoplease All the knowledge you need. 2007. 25 November, 2008. 

The Structure of the Universe." INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova. 25 November. 2008.

Structured Encounters With the Discursive
Pages: 3 Words: 1055

After the horseplay, he and his companion Mooney are left bereft of joy and "the sun went in behind some clouds and left us to our jaded thoughts and the crumbs of our provisions." (4) The boys soon encounter another man, who, like Father Butler, is learned, but whom takes a liberal view of sexuality and promotes the value of a diverse array of reading materials. The protagonist feels dimly awakened by this encounter with an individual, and more importantly experiences a refreshing attitude he has never encountered before, and is not likely to encounter again in his daily, routine existence. He is offered another path between that of Catholicism and the wild boisterous and occasionally cruel play of Mooney, and the order that he returns to is infused with a new, more positive consciousness and sense of his place in the world.
"Araby," likewise takes an orderly protagonist into…...


Works Cited

Joyce, James. "An Encounter." Dubliners.

Joyce, James. "Araby." Dubliners. Bibliomania.

Structure Organization Choosing Provide Organization Chart Top
Pages: 3 Words: 964

structure organization choosing. Provide organization chart top levels organization Word, Excel, a .pdf format preparing organizational chart. (20 marks). As part evaluation, assess appropriateness method departmentalization (20 marks), implications authority (20 marks) job design (20 marks).
Organizational structure

Wal-Mart is the largest retailer in the United States and it has even increased its presence within the international market place. Throughout the past recent years, when numerous economic agents went bankrupt or were forced to downsize and restructure, Wal-Mart continued to thrive and followed and ascendant path in revenues and profits (Website of the Wal-Mart Stores, 2012).

The success of the corporate retailer is based on a multitude of strategies that form its overall business model, such as the emphasis on cost reduction, on the provision of the lowest price or the generation of scale economies and the adherent advantages. Still, at this level, it is also important to reveal the organization's structure…...



Freeman, R.E. (2010). Strategic management: a stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press

Greenwald. R (2005). Wal-Mart: the high cost of low price. Documentary Hitt, J; (2008). The organizational structure of Starbucks, Unilever and Wal-Mart. Yahoo.   accessed on September 17, 2012 

Wal-Mart. (2012). The Official Board,   accessed on September 17, 2012 

Departmentalization. Syfes.   / accessed on September 17, 2012 

Structure of an Organization Specifically
Pages: 3 Words: 880

The major portion of the organization's it infrastructure is outsourced to EDS, a worldwide it outsourcer who also owns Sabre, Inc., which is one of the major ticketing resources major airlines use to issue tickets to passengers. EDS has had to downsize thousands of jobs after U.S. Airways claimed bankruptcy a second time, because EDS is one of the airline's largest unsecured creditors. This is not to say that U.S. Airways does not have an internal it department with its own infrastructure. The internal it department coordinates workings between EDS and U.S. Airways. The company also maintains an internal Help Desk, and maintains their own it security development and monitoring. The it department is based in the Arlington, Virginia headquarters. Within the it infrastructure, there are code sharing agreements with other airlines that allow passengers to use mutual airport clubs, and participate in simplified ticketing and baggage procedures. The agreements…...

World Order and Citizenship
Pages: 2 Words: 676

The author tries to make the occasionally confusing plot line, back story, and the many characters less so by titling the different chapters by location and when the events are taking place, like "Istanbul, Saturday, September 5th Ten p.m." (Sheldon 1). This also creates a sense of excitement, as things seem to be evolving on a moment-by-moment basis at times, while at other times taking leisurely detours into the past. hen there are more extended scenes these scenes seem to increase in weight and importance, such as the scene in which Elizabeth learns that she has been left the majority of her father's stock in the company.
Although the reader identifies with all of the characters, there is a certain distance as well, that creates a cool tone in this page-turner, because of the third person omniscient point-of-view that Sheldon uses. Sheldon tells a surprising amount about the characters, however,…...


Works Cited

Sheldon, Sidney. Bloodline. New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1998.

Structured Poems Such as William
Pages: 2 Words: 779

" Rather than endlessly musing upon his father's death, like a drumbeat Thomas simply repeats that his father must not "go gentle into that good night." ith every tercet, the repeated lines take on a different nuance. Reading the poem is like hearing a favorite song sung in a different way, again and again -- every time, a different shade of meaning is brought forth in the refrain of the poem. It is all too easy for a free verse poem to say the same thing in different ways: Thomas uses the same words again and again to convey different shades of emotion: good men, wild men, grave men, all for different reasons, he states, have not borne the inevitability of death with meekness.
The reader comes to understand that repeated words are a paradox -- Thomas tells his father, begs his father, to do what is futile -- to resist…...


Works Cited

Briggs, John. Fire in the Belly. Red Wheel 2000.

"Poetic Form: Villanelle." Published by the Academy of American Poets.

February 10, 2010.

Structure Systems Drive Workers Managers Steven Kerr's
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Structure Systems Drive Workers Managers
Steven Kerr's article "On the folly of rewarding A, while hoping for B" is as entertaining as it is insightful. The author's thesis is that far too often, the system of rewards existent in organizations and in basic societal structures are counterintuitive to the results that organizations and those structures claim to want. The author states that most times "the types of behavior rewarded are those which the rewarder is trying to discourage, while the behavior desired is not being rewarded at all." This thesis can play an integral role in how to properly structure systems that drive workers and managers to improve safety performance -- which can logically result if this type of behavior (improving safety performance) is rewarded.

In most instances, however, improving safety performance is not a primary goal of organizations. Usually organizations are focused on making money, which may require successfully marketing…...

Structure and Standardization Stifles Innovation
Pages: 2 Words: 600

The innovative solution to resolving the conflict would have been to create a mixed working team between the two teams, with the common objective of coming up with a solution that would take the best out of the two solutions the teams had proposed. Such a solution to the problem would have had several advantages. First of all, it would have allowed the two teams to interact and communicate in the scope of reaching a coming objective rather than each of them working out separately to obtain the implementation of its own solution.

On the other hand, it would also have likely created the best technological solution out of the two proposed by bringing together more resources to debate the best alternative.

3. What practices of or observations about managing conflict do you find offered by your leader - Carly Fiorina? How would they react to the concept of "healthy tension?"

The fact…...

Structure CS the Advances of
Pages: 3 Words: 1011

There have been numerous attempts to intervene in determining the target groups for such video games by the policy makers. More precisely, legislative acts have been undertaken in several states that would limit the purchase of video games by minors (Thierer, 2003). However, such initiatives are against the First Amendment of the Constitution and were therefore rejected. Despite the fact that such an option may have reduced the number of video games purchased by minors, it may not have had the desired results largely because not all video games are violent. Indeed additional care should be provided to limit violent video games from influencing children and young adults, but the total ban of video game purchasing by minors would not have reached the desired result. Minors could have requested an adult to purchase such video games and it would have only pushed children of thinking of different methods to acquire…...


Works Cited

Gentile, D.A. (2007). Violent Video Games as Exemplary Teachers: A Conceptual Analysis. Institute of Science and Society. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

Rudon, T. (2011). 10 Benefits Of Video Games. Retrieved from 

Thierer, A.D. (2003, Jan 23). Regulating Video Games: Must Government Mind Our Children? Retrieved Sept 4, 2011, from Cato Institute:

Structure and Performance of Operation Toenails of 1943
Pages: 5 Words: 1426

Command and Control Structure and Organization: Operation Toenails
Operation Toenails, also called Operation A and the New Georgia Campaign, was part of Operation Cartwheel, in turn a series of offensives by the Allied forces against the Japanese in the South Pacific during World War II (Miller 1970). This campaign was undertaken in the New Georgia group of islands at the central Solomon Islands from June 20 to August 25, 1943. Its purpose was to isolate Rabaul, a critical Japanese base, to protect Australia and to pave the way for succeeding initiatives (Miller).

The Question of Command

The Army and the Navy were in heated disagreement over a unified leadership in the entire Pacific (Miller 1970). The initial sentiment was for a joint leadership and mutual cooperation between General Douglas MacArthur and Admiral William Halsey. This idea was, however, rejected . The Joint Chiefs came out with a directive on July 2, 1942 that…...



Miller, John Jr. Cartwheel: the Reduction of Rabaul. Paperback. Office of the Chief of Military History: Department of the Army, 1970.

What is a good thesis statement for research paper on airline safety?
Words: 130

Your thesis statement should be bold, but also something you can back up with facts throughout the paper. If you say, for example, that airline travel is becoming more dangerous, you will need statistics to prove that. You might want to focus your thesis on the risks vs. benefits of air travel, instead. You could use a thesis statement like \"despite the recent disasters occurring in the field of air travel, it remains the safest way for people to get from one place to another.\" As for structure, you could have an intro, information about the most recent disasters, what....

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