Strategic Staffing Handbook
A definition of strategic staffing that supports the requirements of the organization.
The basic definition of strategic staffing is finding the right people, who can be placed in positions where they will utilize their skills to benefit the organization itself. There are a number of different variables that are a part of any kind of strategic staffing solution to include:
Locating those personnel who can help the organization to grow.
Effectively filling vacancies with those individuals who: can allow the company to achieve it objectives.
Having strong interpersonal skills to reach out to various individuals.
Actively recruiting talent who can bring special skills to the organization.
Ensuring that you have a competitive compensation program to: help retain those staff members that are most valuable to their organization.
These different elements are important, because they are showing how our definition of strategic staffing strategy is addressing the specific requirements of a corporation. Once this takes place,…...
Strategic Staffing. (2009). ACI. Retrieved from:
Bechet, T. (n.d.) Developing Staffing Strategies that Work. UNPAN. Retrieved from:
Jackson, J. (2008). Human Resource Management. Mason, OH: Southwestern.
Strategic Staffing Plan to Human esources
Today there is a high need for recruitment of staff for nuclear power plants. It is not that new plants are being built, and there are now laws against building new nuclear power plants, but, the nuclear electrical energy is now facing a great challenge for the future. This is further realized from a new survey done by the Nuclear Energy Institute and that reinforces the compulsion for these efforts as there some 26,000 workers in the industry who will leave their jobs and of them 16,000 will leave due to retirement and another 10,000 will be just lost to other industries. (Staffing Up: Industry Addresses Challenges to Build Future WorkForce) The recruitment that we are talking about is a person with knowledge about nuclear engineering is thus a person in demand now.
Thesis: The viewpoint for an organization can be from different angles and two…...
"Entergy Corporation" Retrieved from / Accessed 23 October, 2005
"Staffing Up: Industry Addresses Challenges to Build Future WorkForce" Retrieved from Accessed 23 October, 2005
"Vice Presidents Moved to Fill Vacancies at Entergy Nuclear" Retrieved from RC=corp& List=Region Accessed 23 October, 2005 ;
"Career Profiles: Nuclear Engineer" Retrieved from
Because of this connection it would be ideal for sales managers to be developed and promoted internally so that this cultural notion is maintained.
Staffing Strategy
There are several key things that Chern's has to address when developing a successful staffing strategy.
Do we want a core or flexible workforce?
Chern's needs to have a core workforce as its primary staffing model in order to maintain its goal of excellent customer service. Because customer service is key to their business strategy having a core workforce will help to maintain consistency in the delivery of customer service.
Do we prefer to hire internally or externally?
When it comes to management opportunities Chern's should hire internally. This will allow them to develop individuals into the company's culture and way of doing things. Particularly for the position of sales manger hiring internally would allow a person who already knows the companies culture to begin to provide the support…...
Phillips, S.M & Gully, S.M. (2012).Strategic Staffing (second addition). Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Strategy of Strategic Staffing
Human esources
The Strategy of Strategic Staffing: Assessment, Efficacy, & Utility
The Strategy of Strategic Staffing: Assessment, Efficacy, & Utility
The professional landscape of the 21st century requires flexibility and innovation with regard to human resources, and that new methods such as strategic staffing, in alignment with an organizational strategy demonstrates efficacy and utility to the organization. The issue of the strategy of strategic planning is an issue that is an amalgamation of a few issues including the many failures of organizations to create alignment of staffing strategy with organizational strategy, the obstacles and tools for managing the flexible workforce; and taking a moment of deliberation to refine the careers & the industries of the 21st century and implications for staffing strategies. The world has changed a great deal in a plethora of ways over the past two decades, and specifically within the 21st century. Companies that want to keep…...
Bechet, T.P. (nd). Developing Staffing Strategies That Work: Implementing Pragmatic, Nontraditional Approaches. The Walker Group: Tempe, AZ, Available from: 2012 July 25.
Bechet, T.P. (2002). Strategic Staffing -- A Practical Toolkit for Workforce Planning. AMACOM: NY, NY.
Mochal, T. (2003). Develop a staffing strategy when making hiring decisions. The Tech Republic, Available from: 2012 July 24. .
Morfield, C. (2002). Workforce Planning: The Strategy Behind "Strategic Staffing." Available from: 2012 July 24. .
The Chern’s Case Study
Chern’s is an upscale departmental store that was founded more than 20 years ago by Ryan and Ann Chern as a shoe and handbag retailer. Since its inception, the company has experienced tremendous growth to an extent that it’s a successful national chain that specializes in men’s and women’s apparel. The rapid success and growth of this company can be attributable to various factors including its provision of high-quality merchandise to customers and outstanding team of workers. The other factors that have contributed to its success and growth include utilizing a highly trained professional sales team and using an up-to-date inventory and customer service management software. However, the company is experiencing tremendous challenges in its staffing strategies given an average of 20% and 15% turnover in its full-time and part time employees respectively. As a result, the company needs to identify a suitable solution to its staffing…...
Daley, J. (2014, December 5). Cherns Case Study. Retrieved September 22, 2017, from Half, R. (2017, April 25). The Many Benefits of a Flexible Staffing Strategy. Retrieved September 22, 2017, from Phillips, J. & Gully, S.M. (2015). Strategic staffing, global edition (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc.Walkley, K. (2016, February 29). Chern’s Consultation Case. Retrieved September 22, 2017, from
It gives a fair opportunity to all applicants in the recruitment process
Gives the company a chance to source workers from different parts of the world. This is accelerated by the use of technologies such as the internet.
Application forms
All application forms must be sent to the company headquarters. They must be reviewed by the H panel who are actively involved in the interviewing process.
Screening of employees
Employees are screen prior to being accepted into the firm for:
Educational background
Drug use
Previous employment
Health status
Criminal records
Credit checks
Criminal background
Elements that should be included
The recruitment process should include IQ testing, family size and area of residence.
Bridge Connections (2010).Employee handbook
Schuler, S (1987): Personnel and Human esource Management, Third Edition.
Job Title
Class Title
Supervisor's Name
Prepared by Superior's Name
Hours Worked
(am/pm) to (am/pm)
What is your job's general purpose?
What did you last job entail?
What would you expect to be promoted to ?
Do you regularly supervise others? Please list them by their name…...
Bridge Connections (2010).Employee handbook
Schuler, RS (1987): Personnel and Human Resource Management, Third Edition.
Staffing Handbook, not an Employee Handbook
emember that no more than 10% of the completed Handbook can be from borrowed material (so plan accordingly on any borrowed material used in the draft). The majority of the Handbook must be original -- meaning written by the student. ALL sources used (textbook, Internet, etc.) must be cited via proper APA citations (both in-text with quotation marks and a eferences section). This includes any forms or samples in the Handbook. Everything in the Handbook will count towards the "no more than 10% borrowed" requirement, including forms. It is advisable if you create these yourself.
See the Course Project tab for lengthier descriptions of each section. The specifics of the requirements of each section are NOT included here.
Text font can be no larger than 12.
You do not need to include a table of contents.
Be sure to insert your fictitious company name, where needed, in the…...
Braddy, P.W., Thompson, L.F., Wuensch, K.L., & Grossnickle, W.F. (2003). Internet Recruiting. Social Science Computer Review, 21 (3), 374-385.
Breaugh, J.A., & Starke, M. (2000). Research on Employee Recruitment: So Many Studies, So Many Remaining Questions. Journal of Management, 26 (3), 405-434.
CNET. (2011). Graphic Design Software. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from
Heathfield, S.M. (2011, January 1). Ask Right to Hire Right: Effective Interview Questions. Retrieved July 22, 2011, from Human Resources:
Staffing Organizations- Part I
Staffing Organizations
Type of employment relationship between the coffee shop and employees from a legal perspective
The success of any organization depends on the relationship it has with its employees. A cordial relationship where employees feel that they are respected by the management is a recipe for success. I will put this aspect into consideration when establishing a relationship with my employees in the coffee shop. While striving for success, I will ensure that employees are aware of their rights and those, which must be upheld at all times. Employees performing beyond the expectations of the management will also be rewarded accordingly. All actions relating to employee appraisal and rewards must be done in accordance with the law. It is important to keep in mind that some actions may be considered as bribes, yet they might be bonuses or rewards to employees for exemplary work. This may spark some…...
Bechet, T.P. (2008). Strategic staffing: A comprehensive system for effective workforce planning. New York: American Management Association.
Caruth, D.L., Caruth, G.D., & Pane, S.S. (2009). Staffing the contemporary organization: A
guide to planning, recruiting, and selecting for human resource professionals.
Westport, Conn: Praeger Publishers.
This would be used in determining whether the prevailing employee abilities are related with their prevailing job performance based on the measurements of the criterion scores. In case of a high correlation, it concludes that there is a high validity of the concurrent criterion. This suggests that the identified abilities have measured the performance abilities on tasks that require the decision makers to measure.
For the content validity to be interpreted, a job analysis must be done, and the requirement matrix to be developed. Then interpreting the content validity would then become a judgmental procedure where organizational or external experts. These experts must be thoroughly informed and knowledgeable about the nature of the focal job tasks and job. They then deliver a judgment on whether the abilities displayed by the test results are a true reflection of the organization's identified job analysis. Assessment of content validity tests tends to be…...
Bechet, T.P. (2008). Strategic staffing: A comprehensive system for effective workforce planning. New York: American Management Association
Heneman, H.G., Judge, T.A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J.D. (2012). Staffing organizations (7th ed.). Middleton, WI: Mendota House.
Furthermore, those experts who will be successful in directing their organizations into the future are the ones who comprehend corporate culture, tactics and policies, distinguish future difficulties and work solutions. Additionally, they should be able to deal handle all kinds of people, can communicate excellently orally and in writing and can identify, employ and train future managers. Those human resource executives with an organizational growth orientation have acquired power as organizations tries to change workforce associations from individual to mutual (Beer and Walton, 2002).
As organizations persist to move close to joint systems and collective monetary resources for managing human capital, more and more organizations are liable to merge both Human esource and Organizational Development. A time has reached to relinquish discussing Organizational Development participation in human resource systems and look for the current chances of displaying the skills of Organizational Development in constructing organizational capacity and having in place…...
Beer, M., & Walton, a. (2002). Strategic Staffing: A Practical Toolkit for Workforce Planning.
New York: American Management Association.
Dunn, J. (1987). Organizational Change and Development. Annual Review of Psychology, 38(1),
Staffing Strategy
For a company like Widget-Maker, what should be the staffing strategy?
Staffing Trends
A business will need to produce a labour demand forecast and for that it adds up the past average turnover rate per annum, the estimated retiring labour, the skills which may become obsolete and any new jobs that may be introduced. Then subtract from it the present number of employees that may fill the vacancies through training etc. and the result you get is known as gap analysis. With the help of this figure, a business can derive a staffing strategy through a proactive approach.
Succession Planning
In order to fill sudden vacancies in the staff, the best solution is to have employees who'd be capable of learning the new skills and taking the new job. This is the quickest method and is better than having to recruit someone from outside the business.
When you recruit externally, there are chances that…...
Ingram, D. (2012, September 7). Why Strategic Staffing Plans are Important. Retrieved from Sales Journal:
Peterson, J. (2016). How to Develop Staffing Strategies That Work. Retrieved from Your Business:
Speizer, I. (2011, September 26). Successful Staffing Strategies. Retrieved from Workforce:
Strategic Plan & Analysis of New Commercial Endeavor
Mission statement
Louisville Community Development Bank was set up in the year 1997 as a consequence of a scheme by Louisville mayor Jerry Abramson and a team of business, community and religious leaders to ensure betterment of the Louisville inner city. The Bank's mission is to inspire economic growth with the West End and the Smoke town, Shelby Park and Phoenix Hill localities of Louisville, Kentucky, by offering a range of financial and development resources. (Louisville Community Development Bank from a Home Business to a Million-Dollar Plaza)
Why you have selected the business or department
As the sphere of Banking comes aptly well within my domain knowledge, I would choose for a current venture as that of a local community development bank. Louisville Community Development Bank (LCDB) is a profit oriented, FDIC guaranteed, commercial bank that focuses its functions in the 12 distressed inner city localities…...
"Catholic Health Initiatives Commits $1 Million to Louisville Community Development Bank" Retrieved from Accessed on 26 September, 2004
"Community Development Banks" Retrieved from Accessed on 26 September, 2004
"Directory: Louisville Community Development Bank" Retrieved from Accessed on 26 September, 2004
"Federal tax credit announcement spurs inquiries" (21 May, 2004) Retrieved from
Strategic Management in Business Development
The term "strategic planning" is generally used in the narrow sense, namely the application of management tools to address areas such as, profitability, efficiency, growth and competitive advantage. Ultimately, to address concerns of stakeholders for increase shareholder value and long-term competitiveness.
Business development is at the heart of strategic thinking and needs imagination and innovation. It should be proactive and anticipatory. It involves the creation of a unique configuration of the company's key features, which will match the challenges of its environment and provides strategic advantage. There are two distinct phases:
The option generation phase, where creativity must be allowed to flourish and diverse ideas emerge.
The option selection phase, where the options are narrowed down through a systematic filtering process.
The process is often iterative with multiple cycles occurring through the two phases.
In the first phase the strategic management team works with the company's management team, engaging in the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Aguilar, F. (1967). Scanning the business environment. New York: Macmillan.
Brown, A., & Weiner, E. (1985). Super managing: How to harness change for personal and organizational success. New York: Mentor.
Brown, L.R., Slavin, C., & Postel, S. (1991). Saving the planet: How to shape an environmentally sustainable global economy. New York W.W. Norton and Co.
Coates, J.F., Inc. (1985, July). Issues identification and management: The state of the art of methods and techniques. Research project 2345-28. Palo Alto, CA: Electric Power Research Group.
The flat structure is also valued greatly by working in teams.
The SHM is supported by flexible work, structure and people and is integrated into the larger participative change business strategy.
2. The report above described the evolution of the business strategy for Macquarie Bank. By emphasizing the continuous adaptation to the environment and adjusting the internal structure to meet expected outcomes, the Bank adopts a prospective business strategy. According to Miles and Snow's model (1984) (cited in Ahmed, Ullah & Uddin, 2006), who investigated the competitive strategies of several hundred companies in widely different industries, three basic strategies exist termed as the Defender, Prospector, and Analyzer. The Defender is also called 'Type a', characterized by such product-market strategies: limited, stable product line; predictable market; growth through market penetration; and emphasis: 'deep'. The Prospector also known as 'Type B', is defined by product-market strategies that are broad, changing product line; changing…...
Armstrong, M. (2006), a Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page, 10th edition.
Guest, D. E., Michie, J., Sheehan M. & Conway, N. (2000). Employment relations, HRM and business Performance: An analysis of the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey. London: Institute of Personnel and Development.
Ahmed F., Ullah M. S, Uddin M.K. (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management: Linking HR Practices with the Business Strategy, the Cost and Management, Vol. 34 No. 3 May-June, pp. 15-30
Wade D.M. (2006) Business strategy types and innovative practices. Journal of Managerial Issues June
If the question is left unaddressed, this would result in increasing dissatisfaction among customers and staff, and a possible loss of library patrons.
Another strategic issues is the shift to the central purchasing of books. This policy entailed the decision to move the book buying capability to the Service Center in order to implement the goal of a more in-depth and sophisticated level of collections. This was implemented without consulting with the branch managers, who were directly affected by the decision. From the viewpoint of patrons, this new policy would indeed create a better selection of materials to better serve their needs by means of greater diversity and avoiding duplication. However, this created a large amount of resentment among librarians, who regarded this duty as one of their favorite responsibilities that directly utilized their skills as librarians.
If left unaddressed, this issue could severely impact the job satisfaction of librarians, which could…...
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