Strategic Plan- Sweet eads
Since its inception, Sweet eads has supported a vision of providing excellence in service from exceptional employees. Sweet ead is committed to:
esponding to consumers' needs efficiently and exceeding their expectations,
Providing competitive pricing, and III. Providing the highest level of on-the-job training to the staff
This will earn Sweet ead a reputation of consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Since its formation, the company has worked tirelessly to differentiate itself and adapt to the fast-paced market dynamics. Its adaptation of the balanced scorecard has made it what it is now. Through concentrating on key areas of the scorecard, Sweet eads will continue to build and improve its vision, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction, internal business operations and its financial position.
With its operations in the fast foods and books industry, Sweet eads has a challenge of differentiating itself from other contenders. This is its biggest barrier in its business strategy. Competitors like Taco…...
Blokdijk, G. (2008). Balanced scorecard 100 success secrets. S.l.: Gerard Blokdijk.
Biazzo, S., & Garengo, P. (2011). Performance measurement with the balanced scorecard: A practical approach to implementation within SMEs. Heidelberg: Springer.
Eichler, R. (2010). The Interdependency of Brand Value within the Balanced Scorecard: Why do not all Enterprises try to shape their Brands? Mu-nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
Tonchia, S., & Quagini, L. (2010). Performance measurement: Linking balanced scorecard to business intelligence. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
In order to measure the success of customer perspective aspects like returned orders, number of new customers, number of complaints, market share, customer satisfaction index among others will be assessed.
Process or Internal Operations Perspective
Currently, Tiffany Event Management Company is performing well but needs to improve in the future with the changing world. The internal operation ought to increase by 9% by the end of the predetermined time in order to achieve the company's targets. These are to be achieved by improving the main company proficiency in its operations of designing and coming up with unique jewelry. The technology use is also to be improved in order to provide customers with modern fashions of jewelry such as rings, chains, bungles, and many others. In terms of manufacturing and the firm will improve its excellence to develop high quality goods and performance (McLoughlin & Aaker, 2010).
Financial accounting and management will be…...
McLoughlin, D. & Aaker, D.A. (2010). Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives.
New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons
Michman, R.D. & Mazze, E.M. (2006). The Affluent Consumer: Marketing and Selling the Luxury Lifestyle. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Greenwood Publishing Group
Strategic Plans for Different Age Groups
Mission statement for the company
Our mission will be to create innovation and inspiration to each athlete on the planet. Looking at this mission statement, we seek to be an organization that surpasses all others in the athletic business. We will uphold our position by furnishing quality footwear, equipment and apparel to foundations and distinctive customers of all ages and lifestyles (Thompson, 2013). We promise to make our items easily accessible worldwide through the utilization of retail outlets, mail request and our organization site. We accept that our victory lies in the hands of our fellow team members, clients, shareholders, and groups in which we work. We pledge to take this into consideration in the execution of all decisions within the business.
The target performance objectives for Years 11 &
The prospects for enduring development in the sale of athletic footwear are brilliant for years 11 and 12.…...
Thompson, A. (2013). The Business Strategy Game: Competing In A Global Marketplace, 2013 Edition. The University of Alabama; McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Strategic Plan in an Organization:
This discussion entails an implementation for the Office of Payroll Administration's Strategic Plan for the three years, starting 2010 to 2012. The report covers issues of payment and compensations for employees and other programs in addition to processes of tax holding within the organization. With respect to these roles, the discussion aims to provide a clear picture of the implementation process of these strategies together with the aims the process is supposed to support (Madison & Potter, 2012). Information concerning functional tactics of the plan together with the action items required to successfully meet the objectives is also presented. Schedule of the implementation process as regarding the allocation of time and tasks together with the milestones to deadline are also addressed. In addition, the necessary change management strategies and the plan's success factors and the risk management plan are also mentioned in the report.
Implementation Plan
The strategic…...
Bradford, R et al. (2000) Simplified Strategic Planning: A No-Nonsense Guide for Busy People Who Want Results Fast! Massachusetts, Chandler House Press
Madison, N & Potter, S.Z (2012) What is Payroll Administration, Conjecture Corporation, Retrieved From:
Office of Payroll and Administration, Retrieved From:
Strategic Plan
With any shift in strategy, there are barriers that need to be overcome. There are a number of potential sources of change resistance and business literature has studied these for a long time. These can be poor communication of the strategy, self-interest, feelings of exclusion, lack of trust in leadership, and a lack of skills or training to implement the changes (Brookins, 2013). Within the organization, it is the workers and managers who must interpret and implement any change strategy. When these stakeholders do not understand the change, they may become resistant to it. Thus, the strategic change needs to be communicated with utmost clarity. Self-interest also becomes a source of resistance, where perhaps some people within the organization feel that the change will harm them, so they resist the change to protect their own interests. Such resistance can be much more difficult to overcome, because the root cause…...
Bon Secours. (no date) About us. Bon Secours. Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
Bregman, P. (2009). How to counter resistance to change. Harvard Business Review Blog Network. Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
Brookins, M. (2013). What causes resistance to change in organizations? Houston Chronicle. Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
Ford, J. & Ford, L. (2009). Decoding resistance to change. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved September 25, 2013 from
Strategic Plan for Non-Profit: Human ights Campaign (hrc)
The Organization
The Human ights Campaign (HC) describes itself as the civil rights movement that is largest of all and that is striving to realize equality for individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans. The Human ights Campaign was founded in 1980 and is reported to act as advocate for LGBT Americans through mobilization of actions in local communities and through strategic investment toward the election of individuals who are equitable minded into public office.
Organizational Mandates
The Human ights Campaign has specific mandates set for the organization. Three of those mandates are reported as follows:
(1) The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act - "This bill would provide domestic partnership benefits to all federal civilian employees on the same basis as spousal benefits. These benefits, available for both same- and opposite-sex domestic partners of federal employees, would include participation in applicable retirement programs, compensation…...
Davis, Jerome. (2013). HRC apologizes: Can we get back to winning now? The Bilerico Project. Web. Retrieved from: logizes_can_we_get_back_to_winning_now.php
The HRC Story (2014) Human Rights Campaign. Retrieved from:
Human Rights Campaign - HRC. (2014). The HRC Story: About Us. Retrieved from
HRC. (2014). About us. Human Rights Campaign. Retrieved January 9, 2014 from
Strategic Plan
Individual Strategic Plan
This analysis focuses on the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends that face Berry's Bug Blasters as the company seeks to thrive in a difficult marketplace. The internal analysis targets the how the company operates and how it can be competitive due to the structure of the company itself. The external examination focuses more on the competition that the company will see in the marketplace and how the company is equipped to deal with it.
Legal and egulatory
The industry has had to endure a stronger regulations in the past couple of decades due to the potential danger that can come from the chemicals used to combat pests. Berry's Bug Blasters is strong in this area because they have made a commitment to only use products that have been certified as "green" by the industry which will keep them within federal guidelines. However, since the trend…...
Dawkins, J. (2007). How to foster self-initiative in the workplace. Retrieved from Workplace&id=744540 -
Stelter, N. (2010). Definition of workplace culture. Retrieved from
Strategic Plan for AOL
What is the meaning of progress? In general it means that the group of individuals or organization is being able to keep pace with the changes that keep coming in with time. AOL was a very large and important unit in the Internet services before the broadband access concepts came in. Today, their technology is backdated and they are trying to come in with new technology. At the same time, in a race it is very difficult to make up once you have fallen back. That is the problem, and it is unlikely that they will ever become a leader of Internet any more. Just as they had absorbed a number of other organizations earlier -- Netscape, Compuserve, ICQ, Digital City and Moviefone -- they will also be absorbed by another organization as they still have a relatively large number of subscribers. They had gone into a…...
"America Online, Inc. Announces Acquisition of Xdrive, Inc." (4 August, 2005) Retrieved from,20812,1090142,00.html
Accessed 24 August, 2005
"America Online Inc. Launches" (16 August, 2005) Retrieved from,20812,1094856,00.html
Accessed 24 August, 2005
Strategic Plan Tiffany Functions Inc.
Tiffany Functions Inc.
Tiffany Functions is an event management organization located in Johannesburg, South Africa. In last decade, special attention has been paid to this particular area of management. Many new concerns emerge everyday in the pursuit of becoming the market leader however in order to be fairly successful, every organization needs to exploit the opportunities it has and build up its strengths. On the same time, minimizing threats and eliminating weaknesses, is also another way of surviving the competition. Tiffany Functions is also no different than any other organizations; it has its own set of opportunities, threats, strengths and weakness however in order to excel in their respective field, Tiffany needs to act smartly.
In order to have a clear understanding of the environment in which Tiffany is operating, the external and internal determinants are required to be considered. The external factors entail the opportunities that Tiffany…...
Event Organizer Network Event. (2012). Tiffany Functions-Decor Sponsors. Retrieved on 22 August, 2012 from
Wedding Pages. (2012). Tiffany's Profile. Retrieved on 22 August, 2012 from
SWOT Analysis-Tiffany Functions Page 2
("Addressing Regulatory Compliance in Health Care," 2006)
Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation
To advance the implementation of this strategy, two different management principals must be embraced to include: the process orientated and people centered approaches. The process orientated approach is when you are examining an organization's procedures for: delivering the final product and services to customers. The people centered approach is when you looking at: how the attitudes, ideas and behavior of the staff will have an impact upon the company. These two elements are important, because they will help to improve the strategy by: addressing how the current policies and the action of the staff have created compliance issues. ("Types of Organizational Change," 2011)
Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart
The success factors for the strategy will depend upon meeting certain goals to include: ensuring that everyone is following different procedures,…...
Addressing Regulatory Compliance in Health Care. (2006). Net IQ. Retrieved from:
Aetna. (2011). Yahoo Finance. Retrieved from:
Aetna Expects CMS Sanctions on Medicare. (2010). Senior Market Sales. Retrieved from:
Types of Organizational Change. (2011). Cliffs Notes. Retrieved from:,articleId-8885.html
This situation determined important problems, like supply shortages, leading to the restaurant's inability of satisfying some of its customers' requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to expand the supplier base.
Location capacity -- the restaurants do not have the capacity of serving a high number of customers. There are situations where numerous customers must wait until they can be seated to their tables. Some of these customers find such situations unacceptable. Therefore, they prefer to go to other restaurants with a greater serving capacity. This leads to increased efforts from the company in improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Expanding the number of restaurants -- this is a good idea in order to increase profits. However, this strategy requires significant investments. The company must analyze the market and determine whether this investment can be supported. It is important to determine the size of the market, the possibilities of customers, and the financial resources…...
mla14. Promotional Strategies (2011). PromoSales. Retrieved September 30, 2011 from
15. The Economic Environment (2010). FAO. Retrieved September 26, 2011 from
16. Webster, F. (1991). Industrial Marketing Strategy. Retrieved September 30, 2011 from .
Royal Solar Lightning Company Limited Strategic Plan (2018/2019 - 2013/2014)
Royal Solar is one of the best renewable energy companies, owing to its spectacular set of values and goals. We mainly supply developing countries with clean sustainable energy. With the current fierce competition, we are experiencing, it behooves us to get back to the drawing board and restructure our organization, in preparation for the new innovative products we plan to introduce so as to keep our business profitable. Below is a detailed account of our strategy that will see us remain at the top of competition. (Abe 2011)
Vision statement
To provide at least 70 % of the poor and mid-level households in developing countries with clean affordable energy. (Aissou 2015)
Mission statement
With our expertise, passion, excellent teamwork, and customer satisfaction and sustainability being our leading principles, we provide clean energy solutions to the remotest household in the developing countries.
Our values
Royal Solar…...
Abe, R., Taoka, H., & McQuilkin, D. (2011). Digital grid: Communicative electrical grids of the future. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2(2), 399-410.Aissou, S., Rekioua, D., Mezzai, N., Rekioua, T., & Bacha, S. (2015). Modeling and control of hybrid photo-voltaic wind power system with battery storage. Energy Conversion and Management, 89, 615-625.Liu, F., Duan, S., Liu, F., Liu, B., & Kang, Y. (2008). A variable step size INC MPPT method for PV systems. IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, 55(7), 2622-2628.Lumsden, J. L. (2002). U.S. Patent No. 6,351,400. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.Xiao, W., Elnosh, A., Khadkikar, V., & Zeineldin, H. (2011, November). Overview of maximum power point tracking technologies for photo-voltaic power systems. In IECON 2011-37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (pp. 3900-3905). IEEE.
Did the organization involve its key stakeholders in the plans development?St. Judes Hospital recently released its six-year strategic plan, affirming its commitment to science, its employees, and also the individuals that receive its healthcare services. Components of the strategic plan include the inclusion of 1,400 additional jobs and a promise to spend $1.9 billion on construction and new scientific research (Strategic Plan, 2021). Unlike a for-profit institution, St. Judes explicitly identifies its stakeholders as part of a global community of individuals, and uses its plan to confirm its commitment not only to researching and treating cancers, but all infectious diseases. The strategic plan also includes new partnerships with research-based organizations and a commitment to reduce the side effects and toxicity of cancer therapies, as well as earlier detection. As well as a new chair of its Department of Infectious Diseases, St. Judes also will create a new Center for Pediatric…...
Slowey, K. (2021). St. Jude’s readies $19b construction project amid flurry of big hospital
projects. Construction Dive. Retrieved from:
St. Jude strategic plan. (2021). St. Jude’s Hospital. Retrieved from:
What Sony needs to do is concentrate on creating a mobile Web-enabled series of devices, supporting services, and segmented digital content in both music-based and video content. In short, Sony needs to create an economic ecosystem that rivals the Apple ecosystem as shown in Figure 2, Apple Digital Content Ecosystem:
Figure 2: Apple Digital Content Ecosystem
Source: (Apple Investor elations, 2009)
The most critical objective for the three-year planning horizon for Sony is to emulate the model shown in Figure 2 and apply entirely new series of metrics to how they evaluate integration and cross-model compatibility of their entire product line. The strategic objective for the coming three years has to be centered on creating a scalable ecosystem that can deliver a continual stream of revenues through the licensing of digital music and video content in addition to the introduction of entirely new devices into this ecosystem that have not yet been…...
Apple, Investor Relations (2009). Investor Relations. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Apple Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site:
Kemal Altinkemer, Wendi Shen. (2008). A Multigeneration Diffusion Model for it-Intensive Game Consoles*. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9(8), 442-461.
Steven Cherry. (2008). Blu-ray's Empty Victory. IEEE Spectrum, 45(3), 16. ).
Lee G. Cooper. (2000). Strategic marketing planning for radically new products. Journal of Marketing, 64(1), 1-16.
Strategic Plan
Mr Myers:
I am writing today to impress upon you the value of conducting an analysis of the industry environment when developing a strategic plan, and offering a recommendation for a methodology that can make the strategic planning process simpler.
Environmental scanning is the second step of the strategic planning process (QuickMBA, 2010). The first step, as you know, is setting the organization's mission and objectives. Before the company can proceed from there with formulating and implementing a strategy, the organization will benefit from having a sense of the industry and macroenvironment in which the company operates. This is what is known as environmental scanning. This scanning includes an analysis of areas such as the political environment, technology, the economy, and other broad frameworks such as international trade. The competitive environment is also subject to considerable analysis during this process. It is important, if we are to outperform our competitors, that…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Business Link. (2012). Strategic planning. Business Retrieved October 14, 2012 from
Porter, M. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 14, 2012 from
QuickMBA. (2010). The strategic planning process. Retrieved October 14, 2012 from
The most common ethical issues facing health care managers are balancing profits with patients, avoiding conflicts of interest, making sure people get equally fair treatment (as opposed to better treatment for rich people, etc.), addressing the concerns of nurses who may feel they are not providing care with enough of a benefit, and managing patients who do not have the capacity to make decisions, such as pediatric and geriatric patients. These issues can be addressed in the strategic plan through clearly spelling out specific policies that have to be followed. That helps to avoid the issue as one of ethics,....
As a behavioral health entrepreneur, it is crucial to utilize various methods of analysis to determine which strategies are the best for your business. These analysis methods can help you make informed decisions, understand your target audience, and drive effective outcomes. Here are some key methods to consider:
1. SWOT Analysis: Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This analysis will provide insights into your competitive advantage, internal challenges, market potential, and potential risks.
2. Market Research: Gather data and insights about your target audience, competitors, market trends, and customer preferences. This analysis will enable you to....
1. The importance of ethics in business decision making
2. The impact of technology on modern business practices
3. The role of corporate social responsibility in business operations
4. The benefits and challenges of globalization in the business world
5. The influence of culture on international business practices
6. The significance of leadership and management in successful business operations
7. The effects of digital marketing on consumer behavior and business success
8. The role of innovation in driving business growth and competitiveness
9. The importance of sustainability in business practices
10. The impact of financial management on business success
11. The role of entrepreneurship in driving economic growth and innovation
Principles of Business Essay Topics
Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Importance of Ethical Decision-Making in Business
Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility: Balancing Profits and Planetary Health
The Role of Business in Addressing Social Issues
Whistleblower Protection and the Ethical Obligations of Employees
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The Role of Innovation in Driving Business Growth
The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Characteristics and Erfolgsfaktoren
Creating an Innovative Work Environment
The Impact of Technology on Business Innovation
Leadership and Management
Effective Leadership Styles: Authoritarian, Democratic, and Laissez-faire
Motivating Employees: Theories and Best Practices
The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Management
Managing Organizational Change: Challenges and....
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