Strategic Human Resource Management Essays (Examples)

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Strategic Human Resource Management An
Pages: 2 Words: 774

SH is transformational, consultatively oriented, and views the organization in terms of the big picture. SH is concerned with the contributions H strategies make to organizational effectiveness, and how these contributions are accomplished. SH involves designing and implementing a set of internally consistent policies and practices to ensure that an organization's human capital, that is their employees' collective knowledge, skills, and abilities, contributes to overall business objectives.

These three articles, from three different decades, are premised on the supposition that the primary role of HM is to assist the organization in achieving its objectives. Though the role the H department plays in attaining these goals is described in the context of the decade in which the article was written, they all assert the H must play a more active role in strategic planning. The fact is that strategy is rarely developed without the consideration of human capital. Perhaps more importantly,…...



Baird, L. & Meshoulam, I. (1984, January). Resourse management: Implications for training humann resourse professionals. Training and development journal, Vol. 38. Issue 1, 76-79. Retrieved January 23, 2012, from

Becton, J.B., & Schrader, M. (2009, January). Strategic human resources management. Journal for quality & participatio, Vol. 31, Issue 4, 11-18. Retrieved January 23, 2011, from 

Briggs, S. & Keogh, W. (1999, July). Integrating human resource strategy and srategic planning to achieve business success. Total Quality Management, Vol. 10, Issue 4/5, 447-453. Retrieved January 23, 2011, from 

Lippitt, M. (2007, August). Fix the disconnect between. T+D, Vol. 61, Issue 8, 54-57. Retrieved January 23, 2011, from

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 2 Words: 537

Strategic Human Resource Management
The focus of this work in writing is to answer the questions of what aspects of SHRM have made the writer of this work a stronger candidate to enter the business world and to discuss how this course affected the professional development of the writer as a student and as a person.

No matter what the pursuit 'aligning with the mission' is critical to success.


Strategic Human Resource Management or 'SHRM' has alignment with the mission of the organization central to management of human resources in the organization. Alignment is reported in the work of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management Office of Merit Systems Oversight and Effectiveness entitled "Strategic Human Resources Management: Aligning with the Mission" to mean integration of "decisions about people with decisions about the results an organization is trying to obtain." (1999, p.i) Through integration of human resources management in the organizational planning process the…...



The Strategic Human Resource Management Model: Part I (date unknown) McGraw-Hill Publishers. Online retrieved from: 

Strategic Human Resources Management: Aligning with the Mission (1999) U.S. Office of Personnel Management Office of Merit Systems Oversight and Effectiveness. Sept 1999. Online Retrieved from:

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Strategic Human esource Management
In general, human resource management has adhered to one of two major models in the workplace; the "best fit" and "best practice" model. To determine which of these is best, companies should carefully examine the advantages and challenges of each. For each company, the outcome should adhere to the needs and culture of the personnel base involved.

Morris and Maloney (2) offer an overview of both models. The best fit model, for example, aims to match human resources strategy with the existing strategy of the corporation. In other words, the strategy of the corporation remains static, while human resources strategy is modified to obtain a good fit. This is then assumed to improve organizational effectiveness.

According to Armstrong (2008: 40), the best practice approach, on the other hand, assumes that there is a set of HM practices that will inevitably lead to superior organizational performance. This model is the…...



Armstrong, M. 2008. Strategic Human Resource Management: A Guide to Action. London and Philadelphia

Elliott, H.G.H. SHRM Best-Practices & Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View. The Graduate Management Review.

Morris, D. And Maloney, M. Strategic Reward Systems: Understanding the Difference between 'Best Fit' and 'Best Practice'.

Strategic Human Resource Management in
Pages: 2 Words: 608

Aside from the features which differentiate it from human resource management, strategic HM is also noteworthy in terms of the basic traits which characterize it. In this order of ideas, Michael Armstrong and Angela Baron (2002) identify three specific features, namely the organizational level, the focus and the framework. In terms of the organizational level, it is noteworthy that SHM is implemented at the wider organizational setting, since all of its goals, policies and resources reflect the business strategy of the economic agent. Then, it terms of the focus of strategic human resource management, this reflects the commitment of SHM to use the people in a manner in which this generates advantages for the overall company.

"Strategies are business-driven and focus on organizational effectiveness; in this perspective people are thus viewed primarily as resources to be managed toward the achievement of strategic business goals" (Armstrong and Baron, 2002).

Finally, the last feature…...



Armstrong, M., 2000, Strategic human resource management: a guide to action, 2nd edition, Kogan Page Publishers

Armstrong, M., Baron, a., 2002, Strategic HRM: the key to improved business performance, CIPD Publishing

Pravin, D., Human resource management, Pearson Education India

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 2 Words: 524

Strategic Human Resource Management
There are a multitude of definitions to describe the term strategic human resource management, the vast majority of which revolve around the conception that the term refers to a specific application of personnel to further the proficiency and productivity of a particular enterprise. There are two primary theories associated with strategic human resource management which conflict in ideology on one fairly important point: mutability. The first such theory, the best practice approach, virtually excludes mutability in its process and conceptualization of what produces effective human resource management. The other theory, the best-fit approach, hinges upon flexibility and change to further its notion of how strategic human resource management can maximize the output of a particular enterprise.

The best-practice approach sacrifices individuality and autonomy in its methodology for the sake of universality. This theory is based upon the fact that there exists a set, finite group of procedures for…...

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 8 Words: 2413

Strategic Human esource Management:
Business Strategy

Every business requires human resources that require substantial attention when cultivating and maintaining a successful business strategy. A successful business strategy is grounded in the ability to predict the future or at least win the argument about what the future will look like (Kearns, 2010). For business leaders it needs to be about creating value, namely the greatest possible value, from all capital resources at their disposal, and this includes the crucial component of human capital (Aston, 2010; Becton & Schraeder, 2009; Gross, 2004; Leopold, 2010; Kearns, 2010; McKinsey, 2011; Odden, 2011).

On this very subject, Ohmae (1982) considers the crux of any business strategy to be competitive advantage because without competition there is no need for business strategy; thus, within the development of a business strategy, the need to maximize one's strengths to be more effective than competitors is implied. From this logic, Kearns (2010) suggests…...



Aston, L. (2010). Helping workers help themselves. Occupational Health, 62(11), 29-32. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Becton, B.J., & Schraeder, M. (2009). Strategic Human Resources Management. Journal for Quality & Participation, 31(4), 11-18. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Gross, S.E., & Friedman, H.M. (2004). Creating an Effective Total Reward Strategy: Holistic Approach Better Supports Business Success. Benefits Quarterly, 20(3), 7-12. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Leopold, R.S. (2010). A Fresh Perspective: Employee Benefits as a Strategic Business Investment. Benefits Quarterly, 26(4), 21-24. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Strategic Human Resource Management Shrm Strategic Human
Pages: 11 Words: 3097

Strategic Human esource Management (SHM)
Strategic human resource management is a discipline of managerial ethics that deals with the alignment of inventive human functions to the objectivity of a business. It is the core of organizational achievement through a well-organized business structural culture. There exists a conceptual relationship between SHM practices, tools of managing capital and in the performance of firm resources. The arbitration of the role of an organizational culture is also depicted under studies affirming SHM. Strategic human resource management enhances categorization of practical evaluations of financial business performance (Ismail et al., 2010, pg 395).

Summation of Chapter 1

a) Introduction to SHM

According to Pynes, strategic human resource management concerns the effectuation and adoption of changes in business agencies. These agencies require realistic info in accordance to the talent and capability of the managing staff (Pynes, 2009, pg 31). It denotes to the implementation of resourceful activities of staff members of…...



Florkowski, G. W and Nath, R. (2000). MNC responses to the legal environment of international human resource management. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol 4, Issue 2. Pg 305-324.

Fombrun, C.J., Tichy, N. M and Devanna, M.A. ( 2000). Strategic Human Resource Management. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons.

Lewin, D. (2004). The Dual Theory of Human Resource Management and Business Performance: Lessons for HR Executives. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Northouse, P.G. (2009). Leadership: Theory and Practice. New York: SAGE.

Strategic Human Resource Management Ethical Stewardship Strategic
Pages: 5 Words: 1481

Strategic Human esource Management Ethical Stewardship
Strategic Human esource Management as Ethical Stewardship

Over the past few decades, the most controversial debate between the professional economic research institutions (practitioners) and the academic institutions (scholars) has been on the strategic human resource management and the adoption of ethical stewardship framework. Currently, most of the economic and business studies and research on the strategic human resource management (SHM) elicit that human resource professionals possess the greatest opportunity of playing greater roles. These roles and obligations may contribute to organizational achievements and success in developing policies, as well as systems that aim at improving the organization's values, mission and goals (Mohrman & Lawler, 2000). Human resource professionals owe their organizations explicit ethical duties, which are geared towards raising the standards of organizational performance and modern economic demands, which are environmentally competitive. For this reason, it is quite recommendable for the human resource professionals to adopt…...



Huselid, A.M. & Becker, E.B. (2006). Strategic human resource management: Where do we go from here? Journal of Management, 33(5), 614-692.

Mohrman, A.S. & Lawler, E.E. (2000). What makes human resource effective? Human

Resource Management and Planning, 23(5), 12-19.

Schein, H.E. (2005). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco, CA; Jessey-Bars.

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 3 Words: 1023

The concept of strategic human resource management is rooted in the idea that human resources makes a critical contribution to the ability of the company to achieve its strategic objectives. Getting the right people is a combination of recruitment, selection, training and promotion. One of the issues that comes up in the recruitment and promotion area is the balance between internal and external candidates. There are merits to both approaches. An article in H Magazine, published by the Society for Human esource Management, discusses this issue (Krell, 2015).

The article makes the point that the debate between internal and external hiring is obsolete in the 21st century. Strategic human resources management, the author proposes, demands that companies do both. The more important decision is knowing when, how and for what a company should hire internally or externally. The article then covers some of the pros and cons of each technique.…...



Krell, E. (2015). Weighing internal vs. external hires. HR Magazine. Vol. 60 (1). Retrieved November 11, 2015 from

Strategic Human Resource Management With the Spa
Pages: 5 Words: 2405

strategic human resource management with the spa industry to improve overall employee retention, benefits and loyalty in a highly competitive atmosphere. The paper starts off with a description of the chosen industry -- spa industry, and follows it with the primary issues or concerns that plague the industry in the modern era. The paper then discusses aspects that can help in overcoming these issues like using remunerations, incentives, job opportunities, intangible motivations, awards, amongst other that can help in confirming the loyalty of the employees.
Description of the Industry

Intelligent Spas (2011) have recently published their annual regional report citing significant growth and development in their industry. They summarize their findings as, "There are over 3,500 spas currently operating in the Asia Pacific region. These spas collectively generate approximately U.S.$2 billion in revenue per annum. The Asia Pacific spa industry employs over 50,000 people. Over 60% of countries are considered emerging…...



Cohen, M and Bodeker, G. (2008). Understanding the Global SPA industry: SPA Management. Elsevier Ltd.

Intellgient Spas. (2011). Regional Spa Industry Report: Asia Pacific 2011. Taken from:

Pfeffer, J. (1998). Seven practices of successful organizations. California Management Review, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 96-124

Resort Suite, (2004) Spa Compensation Strategies, ResortSuite SPA Management Software: Optimal Tools for Peak Performance, An Enablez White Paper available at:

Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 2 Words: 778

Strategic HR-Version
Steps Before Strategy:

Item 1 -- Specifics to Step 1 -- Step 1 of the strategic implementation process for HR involves removing programs and practices that fail to add sufficient value to the organizations fiscal bottom line. Instead of creating and recreating programs and services that may be been the focal point of Human Resource strategy in the past, do some research and find the programs that actual have relevancy and meaning for the organization, and that can be implemented in a way that has a positive fiscal impact. Specifically, use research like the Watson Wyatt Human Capital Index to establish which human-capital practices have the greatest impact on stakeholder value. Use that data to develop strategies and tactics that will impact overall organizational goals. Instead of hiring people who need training, consider hiring people with more experience who may come in mid- to high salary range, but save the…...

Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Employee Selection and Training in Organizational Performance
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Management and Decision Sciences
Information Systems Management

Self-Designed specialization only:

The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Employee Selection and Training in Organizational Performance

Statement of Your Research Problem or rea of Inquiry:

Strategic human resource comprises of human resource activities which are aligned in such a way that they help the organization to achieve its strategic goals (Wright & McMahan, 1992). Strategic management has a long-term effect on the performance of the organization. Therefore, it is very important to align the human resource activities of the organization with the strategic management (Bratton, 2003). Wei (2006) concludes in the research that effective strategic human resource management (SHRM) leads to quality of human capital of the company as well as the financial performance of the organization. Employee training is an investment through which the performance of employees and also the overall organizational performance are improved (Carl & Inagmar, 2000). Most researches focus on the…...


A quantitative research design will be used to study and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the independent variable strategic human resource management. Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is a strategic approach to manage human resource, and all organizational activities, which affect the behavior of individuals in an effort to formulate and implement planned strategies to help an organization achieve business objectives (Gomez-Mejia, Balking, & Cardy, 1995). Quantitative data will be gathered from the companies. This data will consist of the performance of employees in the form of sales, commission or KPIs. Attendance and training need assessment will also be used to measure the performance of sample population.

Your Research Population and How You Will Draw Upon This Population for Your Research Inquiry:

The quantitative research will be carried out on members of major financial, as well as retail industries. This group of respondents will be comprised of full-time HR employees, as well as members of other departments such as Information Technology, accounting, and management. The best range for this study group will be an indiscriminate one that extends across a variety of departments and duties to accurately measure performance levels (Van Iddekinge et al., 2009). The targeted population will come from companies with 1000 employees familiar with the implementation of Strategic Human Resource Management. A simple random sample will be used. According to Singleton and Straits (2010) every possible combination of cases in simple random sample has an equal chance of being selected in the sample in order to avoid bias in the

Role of Shrm Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 3 Words: 730

Role of SHRM
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) plays a vital role in organizational strategies and goals. Once organizational strategies and goals are determined, the human resource strategies and goals must align with organizational before financial performance and outcomes can be achieved. Research identified best practices based on business differentiation (Wright, 2008). Whether a company uses a commitment strategy or a control strategy depends on the organizational strategy the business uses.

HRM Strategy vs. Organizational Strategy

Strategic Human Resource Management links the human resource function with the organizational strategies to improve the organizational performance (ratton). The strategic management model consists of steps of missions and goals, environmental analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation. Strategy implementation involves human resources because the implementation requires staff members to implement the strategy. Therefore, human resource management strategy is based on the organizational strategies.

Role of Human Resource Management

The role of human resource management strategies is to…...



Bratton, J. (n.d.). Strategic humna resource management. Retrieved from

Wright, P. (2008). Human Resource Strategy: Adapting the Age of Globalization. Retrieved from

HRM Strategic Human Resource Management
Pages: 9 Words: 2943

This characteristic is pivotal in today's business environment, in which more and more companies offer services, rather than material products. Within the United States for instance, 79.6 per cent of all national income is generated by the services sector, which also employs 76.8 per cent of the overall labor force (Official Website of the Central Intelligence Agency, 2009). Given this context, it becomes more impending to stimulate the employees in order for them to be able to satisfy the customers and as such sustain organizational revenues.
More and more modern day business leaders implement training programs with the stated intent of increasing the professional skills of their staff members. Training was historically offered on the job, to the novice employee, by a more specialized staff member. Today however, as the needs of the society evolve, training programs are offered by specialized organizations and the practice is gaining the status of…...



Bartels, G., Nelissen, W., 2002, Marketing for Sustainability: Towards Transactional Policy-Making, IOS Press

Bruce, A., 2002, How to Motivate Every Employee: 24 Proven Tactics to Spark Productivity in the Workplace, McGraw-Hill Professiona, ISBN 0071413332

Clark, J., 1993, Human Resource Management, SAGE, ISBN 0803987870

Gauzente, C., Ranchhoh, A., 2001, Ethical Marketing for Competitive Advantage on the Internet, Academy or Marketing Review, No. 10

Walmart Human Resources
Pages: 6 Words: 1929

Human Resource Management Background
Wal-Mart is one of the largest employers in the world. It has 2.3 million employees globally, most of which are in the United States (Yahoo, 2017). The company gains its competitive advantage in a number of ways. It is able to offer low prices, and competes on that basis (Favaro, 2015). This has two major implications for the company. First, it needs to hire a lot of unskilled and low-skilled labor. Most Wal-Mart stores are constantly hiring, because this labor, especially when paid poorly, tends to turn over a lot. Second, with this sort of turnover, the company wants to find strategies to train workers quickly, and to find workers who are more likely to stay with the company. The entire recruiting process for a lot of the store employees needs to be streamlined, efficient and process-driven.
The other major implication of Wal-Mart's strategy is that in order to…...



Boyle, M. (2017). Wal-Mart wants to break into the Ivy League recruiting circuit. Bloomberg. Retrieved October 10, 2017 from 

Ellison, S. (no date). How retail giant Wal-Mart remade its global network of e-commerce labs. Innovation Leader. Retrieved October 10, 2017 from 

Favaro, K. (2015). Why Wal-Mart needs strategic innovation to become a great investment again. Forbes. Retrieved October 10, 2017 from 

Fortune (2017). Most admired companies. Fortune Magazine. Retrieved October 10, 2017 from

What are four implications for the Strategic Human Resource Management Practitioner?
Words: 332

Strategic human resource management refers to a specific approach that must human resource (HR) practitioners take to handling a company’s employees (human resources).  Strategic human resource management is a philosophy of management, not a defined approach, so it is possible for different HR professionals to take varied approaches and still fit under the umbrella of strategic human resource management.  In fact, it is not only possible, but probably necessary, given that HR needs do differ according to the type of profession, the working environment, the size of an organization, and the demographics of the workforce.  Generally, strategic....

What are the key findings on strategic HR practices in Indian gig economy?
Words: 339

Key Findings on Strategic HR Practices in Indian Gig Economy
1. Adoption of Flexible Work Arrangements:
Gig workers in India highly value flexibility and autonomy in their work arrangements. Strategic HR practices prioritize implementing flexible scheduling, remote work options, and performance evaluation based on output rather than hours worked. (Bhatnagar, 2021)
2. Skill Development and Training:
With the rapidly evolving nature of gig work, HR teams recognize the importance of providing continuous skill development opportunities. Programs focus on upskilling and reskilling gig workers to prepare them for emerging job roles and enhance their employability. (Mehta & Sivakumar, 2021)
3. Employee Engagement and Motivation:
Despite the transient....

Do organization\'s long-term goals align with strategic HR plan for effective outcomes?
Words: 258

Yes, an organizations long-term goals should align with its strategic HR plan in order to achieve effective outcomes. The HR plan should support the overall vision and mission of the organization, as well as address the specific needs and goals of the workforce. By aligning long-term goals with the HR plan, the organization can ensure that it has the necessary talent, resources, and processes in place to drive success and achieve its objectives. This alignment also helps to create a cohesive and aligned approach to talent management, development, and retention, ultimately leading to improved performance and outcomes.


  • Strategic....

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