Child Abuse and Canada World Youth Action Plan -- 2017 - 2021
Expand Canada World Youth's (CWY) indigenous youth programs and partnerships throughout North America.
As noted previously, one of the strategies that can be used to implement this strategic goal include identifying potential partners in the United tates to administer the indigenous youth programs. The action plan for implementing the first strategies will include contacting U.. youth organizations such as the Center for Native American Youth (focused on Native American youths) (About the Center for Native American Youth, 2017), Break the Cycle (headquartered in Washington, D.C., this organization is ending violence among indigenous American youths) (About us, 2017), and Do omething (one of the largest youth organizations in the U.. with a mission comparable to CWY's) (Join something bigger, 2017). As also noted previously, a second strategy that can be used to implement this strategic goal is conducting a public…...
mlaStieda, L. (2011, Summer). The Tlama Project: Canadian leaders supporting education. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 77(4), 28-31.
The Rising Foundation program. (2017). The Rising Foundation. Retrieved from .
Who we are. (2017). UN Youth Australia. Retrieved from .
Intel's Strategic Goals And Objectives
Intel's goals and objectives are organized into three distinct strategic areas including energy-efficient performance, connectivity and security. Within each of these areas, Intel's business, technology and strategic planners collaborate to define product and services roadmaps three to five-year ahead (Tennenhouse, 2004). Intel is known for being able to define strategic goals and objectives that over time galvanize the company together based on industry consolidation and sever price erosion in more nature areas of the markets they compete in (Meen, Keough, 1992).
Intel's Goals and Objectives
At the annual investor's meetings held every May at the Intel Worldwide Headquarters in Santa Clara, California, Intel's senior management defines their goals and objectives, product strategies and updates the status of existing and new initiatives. There is a page on their website dedicated to the event:
From the latest Intel Investor Meeting held, here are the strategic goals and objectives of Intel…...
Meen, D.E., & Keough, M. (1992). Creating the learning organization: An interview with peter. The McKinsey Quarterly, 1992(1), 58-58.
Tennenhouse, D. (2004). Intel's open collaborative model of industry-university research. Research Technology Management, 47(4), 19-26.
SC Implementation
The strategic goals of maintaining the highest trained employees, improving customer satisfaction, and improving financial performance and growth are important for any organization to maintain market share in exceptionally competitive markets. Recruiting and providing continual training to employees equips them to listen to customers and help customers meet their goals and achievements. Improving customer satisfaction is a must to retain customers and build a customer base for growth. Improving financial performance and growth helps to maintain the market share of an organization and stay ahead of competitors.
The objectives of creating a customer liaison office, identifying customer needs, and aligning the organizational culture with customer needs work together and support each other because they are all about identifying and meeting the needs of the customer to improve customer satisfaction. The balance of resources does work with those objectives because it takes some resources to meet these objectives without taking away…...
Balanced Scorecard Method. (n.d.). Retrieved from Value-based Management:
Greenhalgh, C. (2004). Building a Strategic Balanced Scorecard: Saatchi & Saatchi Complementary Case Study. Retrieved from Business Intelligence Company:
Silverthorne, S. (2008). Executing Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard. Retrieved from
health organisation's vision, mission, strategic goals/objectives organisational structure (As attached). Using documents literature analyse followings:- - type organisational structure adopted relates vision, mission goals organisation - advantages limitations type structure health care delivery.
Structure of a health care organisation
The health care organisations of today are no longer only requested to provide quality medical services, but they have to ensure this medical act within a growingly complex and demanding context. For instance, the ageing of the baby boomers puts additional strains on the health care institutions as the demand and the level of pretensions increases. Then, the cost of the medical act is also a stringent issue, specifically in the context of the internationalised economic crisis, but also the ongoing dispute over health care provision and coverage by the state and the private institutions.
Furthermore, the health care providers must also respond to the advancement of technology by integrating the latest innovations…...
Goodwyn, M., Gittell, J.H. (2011). Sociology of organisations: structures and relationships. Pine Forge Press
Hill, C.W., Jones, G.R. (2012). Strategic management theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning
Jelinek, S. (2010). The impact of management practices and organisational structure on firm performance: a cross country empirical approach. GRIN Verlag
About us. Duke Medicine.
Strategic Goals:
Expand the indigenous youth programs and partnerships throughout North America.
Two strategies that can be used to implement this strategic goal include: (1) identifying potential partners in the United States to administer the indigenous youth programs and (2) conducting a public awareness campaign concerning the need for these types of programs in the U.S.
Develop a program model-based CWY's model that can be readily implemented in the countries of Oceania where it currently lacks a presence.
Two strategies that can be used to implement this strategic goal include: (1) partnering with youth organizations in Australia and New Zealand and (2) dispatching a team from CWY to organize and implement a model program which can be used an example for additional programs in this region.
Develop a training program for mentors participating in its mentorship program
Finally, two strategies that can be used to implement this strategic goal include: (1) apply the "Effective Strategies…...
Davison, J. (2007, December). Generations and globalization: Youth, age, and family in the new world economy. African Studies Review, 50(3), 156-160.
Garringer, M. & Potter, E. C. (2007, September). Training new mentors. The Hamilton Fish Institute on School and Community Violence & The National Mentoring Center at Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory. Retrieved from
Lloyd, P. J. & Hyun, H. O. (2002). Frontiers of research in intra-industry trade. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Organizational Structure
The healthcare organization that this paper will focus on is Carolinas Healthcare System. In particular, this is one of the top healthcare organizations in the Southeast region and one of the most wide-ranging, non-profit healthcare organizations in the United States.
Governing Structure
The governing structure of Carolinas Healthcare System is led by the Board of Commissioners. These people are a set of individuals who have shown awareness and interest in the health and well-being of the public. In addition, the organization has a Board of Advisors, whose members are selected by the Chairman of the Board (Carolinas Healthcare System, 2016).
Mission, Vision, and Key Values
Carolinas Healthcare System's mission is the formation of an all-encompassing system to provide comprehensive healthcare associated services, in addition to educational and research prospects, for the benefit of the consumers. Secondly, the vision of the organization is to be nationally acknowledged as a leader in transforming the delivery…...
Arnwine, D. L. (2002). Effective governance: the roles and responsibilities of board members. Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 15(1), 19.
Bonn, I., & Fisher, J. (2005). Corporate governance and business ethics: Insights from the strategic planning experience. Corporate governance: An international review, 13(6), 730-738.
Carolinas Healthcare System. (2016). About Carolinas Healthcare System. Retrieved 4 August 2016 from:
Carolinas Healthcare System. (2016). Carolinas Healthcare System Governing Boards. Retrieved 4 August 2016 from:
This is challenging, as it will require Whole Foods to continue to adapt in order to make themselves stand out. Prices can have a negative impact on the firm's bottom line results. This is occurring through increasing costs on the wholesale level and tremendous amounts of discounting. Over the course of time, these factors can hurt the company's earnings and ability to maintain their competitive position. ("Global Food etailing Industry," 2013) (Burch, 2007) ("Annual Stakeholders eports," 2012)
Clearly, ABC should integrate with Whole Foods. This will allow the company to maintain its market share and augment the products they are selling into the firm's strategy. At the same time, the management team could help Whole Foods to more effectively address the challenges they are facing from: increased competition and pricing. This will enable both firms to take advantage of each other's cost structure and create a unique atmosphere which is…...
2011 Supermarket Trends. (2011). Seeking Alpha. Retrieved from:
Annual Stakeholders Reports. (2012). Whole Foods Market. Retrieved from:
Company Info. (2013). Whole Foods Market. Retrieved from:
Global Food Retailing Industry. (2013). Reporter Link. Retrieved from:
Strategic Management
Mission and Vision
Brocade Communications systems "provides innovative network solutions that helps the world's leading organizations transition smoothly to a virtualized world where applications and information can reside anywhere" (, 2013). The company notes that "these solution deliver the unique capabilities for a more flexible IT infrastructure with unmatched simplicity, non-stop networking, application optimization, and investment protection" (Ibid).
This is the company's description of its business, and is not specifically billed as a mission or vision statement, this is precisely what it is. The company is stating what it does, what its vision of its market is, and how it seeks to deliver value to its customers. There are all good elements of a mission statement, so in that sense this description of the business can be evaluated as a business statement. The company's focuses on data centers, Ethernet, storage and converged network solutions. The company competes with Juniper Networks and…...
mlaReferences (2013). About Brocade. Retrieved November 30, 2013 from
Brocade Q4 and FY 2013 Report. Retrieved November 30, 2013 from
Caplinger, D. (2013). Can Brocade kick Cisco and Juniper while they're down? Motley Fool. Retrieved November 30, 2013 from
MSN Moneycentral: Brocade (2013). Retrieved November 30, 2013 from
Strategic Management Facebook
Strategic Management
Mission and Vision Statement against Organizational Performance
Evaluation of Strategic Goals
Financial Performance of the Organization
Competitive and Market Analysis
Corporate Strategy to Maximize eturn to Shareholders
Mergers or Acquisitions as a Viable Strategy
Employee Motivational Techniques
Organizational Existing Strategies' Support to Business Ethics
The world of commerce in the twenty fist century has changed, indeed revolutionized in terms of doing business and making money. The technological innovations and advancement has left an indelible imprint on the ways of operating business functions. Strategic management, in this regard, is one of the approaches that are put into effect by the organizations top management in order to analyze their vital initiatives and performance in the external environment (Thompson, Cram101 Textbook eviews, Strickland & Gamble, 2006).
Strategic management is an enduring phenomenon that serves as a roadmap to the organization, where it usually evaluates and controls the overall performance of the enterprise periodically to determine the overall success of…...
Facebook. (2012). Facebook -- About (Mission Statement). Retrieved from Facebook website:
Facebook. (2012). Facebook -- Investor Relations (Code of Business Conduct and Ethics). Retrieved from Facebook website:
Facebook. (2012). Facebook -- Investor Relations (Facebook Reports Third Quarter 2012 Results). Retrieved from Facebook website:
Fowler, G.A. (2012). Facebook: One Billion and Counting. Retrieved from The Wall Street Journal website:
What Sony needs to do is concentrate on creating a mobile Web-enabled series of devices, supporting services, and segmented digital content in both music-based and video content. In short, Sony needs to create an economic ecosystem that rivals the Apple ecosystem as shown in Figure 2, Apple Digital Content Ecosystem:
Figure 2: Apple Digital Content Ecosystem
Source: (Apple Investor elations, 2009)
The most critical objective for the three-year planning horizon for Sony is to emulate the model shown in Figure 2 and apply entirely new series of metrics to how they evaluate integration and cross-model compatibility of their entire product line. The strategic objective for the coming three years has to be centered on creating a scalable ecosystem that can deliver a continual stream of revenues through the licensing of digital music and video content in addition to the introduction of entirely new devices into this ecosystem that have not yet been…...
Apple, Investor Relations (2009). Investor Relations. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from Apple Investor Relations and Filings with the SEC Web site:
Kemal Altinkemer, Wendi Shen. (2008). A Multigeneration Diffusion Model for it-Intensive Game Consoles*. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 9(8), 442-461.
Steven Cherry. (2008). Blu-ray's Empty Victory. IEEE Spectrum, 45(3), 16. ).
Lee G. Cooper. (2000). Strategic marketing planning for radically new products. Journal of Marketing, 64(1), 1-16.
The flat structure is also valued greatly by working in teams.
The SHM is supported by flexible work, structure and people and is integrated into the larger participative change business strategy.
2. The report above described the evolution of the business strategy for Macquarie Bank. By emphasizing the continuous adaptation to the environment and adjusting the internal structure to meet expected outcomes, the Bank adopts a prospective business strategy. According to Miles and Snow's model (1984) (cited in Ahmed, Ullah & Uddin, 2006), who investigated the competitive strategies of several hundred companies in widely different industries, three basic strategies exist termed as the Defender, Prospector, and Analyzer. The Defender is also called 'Type a', characterized by such product-market strategies: limited, stable product line; predictable market; growth through market penetration; and emphasis: 'deep'. The Prospector also known as 'Type B', is defined by product-market strategies that are broad, changing product line; changing…...
Armstrong, M. (2006), a Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, Kogan Page, 10th edition.
Guest, D. E., Michie, J., Sheehan M. & Conway, N. (2000). Employment relations, HRM and business Performance: An analysis of the 1998 Workplace Employee Relations Survey. London: Institute of Personnel and Development.
Ahmed F., Ullah M. S, Uddin M.K. (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management: Linking HR Practices with the Business Strategy, the Cost and Management, Vol. 34 No. 3 May-June, pp. 15-30
Wade D.M. (2006) Business strategy types and innovative practices. Journal of Managerial Issues June
Each employee takes responsibility for his or her continuous improvement in terms of the skill set, behavior and contributions needed for optimal work performance.
Expectations are shared in a clear and concise manner, rather than being obscured in business language that does little more than inflate the ego of the manager. In this way, managers and individuals enter into a sharing relationship rather than a strictly autocratic employee/employer relationship. In addition to managers who clarify their expectations to individuals and teams, the latter also clarify to managers how they expect to be managed and helped towards optimal performance so that collective company goals can be reached.
The focus of strategic human resource management is therefore the complexity of interrelationships between management and employees in order to optimize performance. These interrelationships refer not only to the one between management and employees, but also between members of groups and teams, as well as…...
mlaRelationship management is then integrated with performance management. While this makes the process much more complicated than the traditional business model, where the autocratic manager would give orders and expect to be obeyed without question, it is also a more effective way of managing performance. Effective relationship management results in a more pleasant work environment, which in turn is conducive to a higher level of performance. Such an integration of strategic human resource management with performance management systems, if handled correctly, can therefore be highly profitable for a business and result in goals being reached within the optimal time frame.
CIPD. "Performance Management: an overview." August, 2004.
Strategic eview
Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis formed Skype in 2003. The two produced VoIP software based on P2P architecture that revolutionized the field of communication. The software provided its users with high quality and free voice calls, as firewalls did not affect this software. The company rapidly grew due to the free quality voice calls reaching its critical user mass in a short time. The company later started premium Skype products to corporate users, which increased the revenue generated. VoIP technology used by Skype means that the company relies on the internet or IP-based networks to transmit the signal. The information transferred through the software requires protection from hackers and for privacy thus encrypted.
Microsoft acquired the company in 2011 for a record 8.5 billion U.S. dollars. This is considers one of Microsoft's most expensive acquisitions as the company grows to become the number one software company in the globe. Strategic…...
Capon, N., & Hulbert, J.M. (2007). Managing marketing in the 21st century: Developing and implementing the market strategy. Bronxville, N.Y: Wessex Inc.
Cronin, M.J. (2010). Smart products, smarter services: Strategies for embedded control. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Hill, C.W.L., & Jones, G.R. (2012). Strategic management theory. Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D., & Hoskisson, R.E. (2012). Strategic management: Competitiveness & globalization. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Strategic isk and Exposure
Strategic exposure refers to the risk that makes the foreign exchange rate movements unfavorable and will influence the present value of firm's future cash flows. This is also known as long-term transaction exposures in terms of financial jargon. (Operating / Strategic Exposure) A close watch on the financial statement i.e. The main source of financial information of a firm reveals a picture of the exposure of the company to the strategic risks. The magnitude to which the value of the company is responsive to the changes in the interest, exchange and commodity prices indicates its exposure to the financial risk. The variation in its profit and loss account; the expansion or erosion of the core business in terms of annual variation in net sales, stock turnover, variation in costs comparatively to the income in terms of gross profit margin, selling and administrative costs, general costs depict the…...
An Overview of risk Management-Lecture 2 Treasury Management. Retrieved from Accessed 1 November, 2005
Enterprise Risk Management -- Integrated Framework. September, 2004. Retrieved from Accessed 1 November, 2005
Operating / Strategic Exposure. Retrieved from iArticleID=1753& definition=operating_/_strategic_exposure Accessed 1 November, 2005 ;
Summary of ecommendations
1. Goals of the recommendations to the Board of Directors for AM esearch:
a. Seek to stabilize the firm during turbulent economic conditions
b. Capitalize on the growth potential of Web 2.0 technologies and social networking.
2. Starting with competitiveness
a. AM needs to create greater levels of process-based expertise that is relevant to enterprise accounts
b. Transform this expertise and use it in the context of assessing and evaluating vendor clients' strategies.
3. Learning and Knowledge Management Strategic Initiatives
a. Need for creating the role of a Chief Learning Officer
i. Duties include concentrating on unifying all the disparate sources of knowledge in the company into a single version of the truth, a single repository of knowledge that could easily be queried for unstructured content.
4. Managing employees to greater levels of creativity and innovation.
a. Creating more opportunities for individual growth
i. Use personal growth plans which would also support the strategies mentioned in this analysis for…...
David R. Firth, E Burton Swanson. (2005). How useful are IT research and analysis services? Business Horizons, 48(2), 151-159.
Robert P. Garrett, Jeffrey G. Covin, Dennis P. Slevin. (2009). Market responsiveness, top management risk taking, and the role of strategic learning as determinants of market pioneering. Journal of Business Research, 62(8), 782.
Larry Greenemeier, Paul McDougall. (2006, February). Credibility Of Analysts. InformationWeek,(1075), 32-36,38-39.
Maryfran Johnson. (2003, October). Ethics and influence. Computerworld,
## Captivating Essay Topics on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a pivotal concept in contemporary business practices, shaping the relationship between organizations and their stakeholders. The following essay topics explore diverse aspects of CSR, inviting students to critically examine its implications, challenges, and opportunities:
### 1. CSR as a Strategic Competitive Advantage
How can companies leverage CSR as a competitive differentiator in the marketplace?
Analyze the financial benefits and reputational enhancements associated with strong CSR performance.
Discuss the role of CSR in attracting and retaining top talent and building customer loyalty.
### 2. The Ethics of CSR:....
Overview of Interview Discussion
The interview commenced with an exploration of the candidate's professional background and skillset. The candidate highlighted their extensive experience in project management, particularly in the healthcare industry. They elaborated on their expertise in coordinating complex projects, managing budgets, and overseeing teams.
Moving forward, the discussion delved into the candidate's understanding of the healthcare industry. They demonstrated a comprehensive grasp of industry dynamics, regulations, and best practices. They emphasized their familiarity with healthcare information systems and their ability to leverage technology to enhance patient care.
The interview progressed to a deeper examination of the candidate's leadership and interpersonal skills. The....
Management by Objectives and Organizational Success
Management by Objectives (MBO) is a management approach that links individual and organizational goals to improve performance and productivity. By clearly defining objectives, setting performance targets, and providing feedback, MBO empowers employees and enhances organizational success. This paper examines how implementing MBO contributes to organizational success in Thesis.
Goal Alignment
MBO aligns individual objectives with the overall strategic goals of the organization. By cascading goals from the top down, employees understand how their roles contribute to the overarching mission. This alignment ensures that everyone is working towards a common purpose, reducing silos and promoting collaboration.
Improved Performance
MBO encourages....
Formulating Proposals for Strategic Leadership Resource Development
Developing a strong strategic leadership resource is essential for organizations to navigate complex and dynamic business environments. This resource encompasses the knowledge, skills, and capabilities that enable leaders to effectively define and execute strategic initiatives, drive organizational change, and achieve sustainable competitive advantage. To formulate effective proposals for developing this resource, a comprehensive approach is required.
Needs Assessment
Conduct a thorough analysis of the existing strategic leadership capabilities within the organization.
Identify gaps and areas for improvement through interviews, surveys, and data analysis.
Assess the current and future strategic challenges facing the organization to determine....
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