Strategic Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Strategic Analysis of Virgin Australia Airlines Following
Pages: 7 Words: 2422

Strategic Analysis of Virgin Australia Airlines:
Following its merger with Pacific Blue, Virgin Australia that was previously known as V Australia rebranded to Virgin Australia Airlines. In addition to being the newest international airline owned by ichard Branson, Virgin Australia is headquartered in Sydney Airport. The airline company has developed an airline experience that is based on a simple idea in which flying is considered to something great. Virgin Australia Airline has brought back style into travel through its attentive in-flight service, unique mood lighting, gourmet meals, top class in-flight entertainment, boutique bars, and generous legroom ("Virgin Australia Flights," n.d.). The merger with other airlines firms has enabled Virgin Australia to fly into several regions like Australia, the Pacific Islands, Thailand, New Zealand, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea.

Internal Analysis of the Firm:

Virgin Australia Airlines holds a strong market position in the region's airline industry because of its internal factors that have…...



Centre for Aviation (2012), Australian Aviation Market Shows Signs of Slowdown Just as

Airlines Were Enjoying Yield Premiums, Centre for Aviation, viewed 10 April 2012,

Centre for Aviation (2010), Virgin Blue -- has its 'New World Carrier' Experiment Been a Success? Centre for Aviation, viewed 10 April 2012,

Dayal, S (n.d.), Second Draft for "Virgin Blue" Case Study, Animal Pages, viewed 10 April

Strategic Analysis of Coca-Cola This Report Provides
Pages: 3 Words: 913

Strategic Analysis of Coca-Cola

This report provides information for Coca-Cola's Board of Directors and CEO on how well the company's mission, vision and value statements are communicated in two vehicles, the Company website and 2010 annual report. This report analyzes key components of the Company's strategic planning using management concepts identified by Michael Porter. Between the website and annual report, the Company's vision, values and goals are effectively articulated, while the mission statement needs improvement. This report recommends a better defined mission statement on the Company's webpage.

This report evaluates the Coca-Cola Company's published mission, vision, values and goals for the purpose of identifying areas for improvement. This analysis reviews the company's website and annual report for information on its mission and vision statements, as well as values and goals. The report also uses strategies developed by Michael Porter to gauge the effectiveness of Coca-Cola's mission, vision, values and goals in promoting…...


Works Cited

The Coca-Cola Company. (2011). Mission, vision & values. Retrieved January 22, 2012 from: 

The Coca-Cola Company. (2011). 2010 Annual Review. Retrieved January 22, 2012 from:

Strategic Analysis Fire Department
Pages: 10 Words: 2783

Strategic Analysis -- Fire & Emergency Services in Collinsville Township
Strategic Analysis -- Fire Department

The department conducted a study on the current and forecast performance of the fire and emergency services community response and coverage. The response and coverage data indicates that the some recalibration of the provision of service is needed. In addition, the data strongly indicate the need for a substation in the new development are just outside Collinsville. Three strategic goals were identified:

Build a new fire and emergency services substation on the donated parcel.

Apply for grant funding to fill the staffing and equipment gaps until alternate funding is obtained.

Establish a program of total quality improvement in the operations of the fire and emergency services departments.

The effectiveness of these strategic changes to the provision of fire and emergency services in and around the township of Collinsville will be evaluated on a defined schedule. The focus of the evaluation will…...



American Quality Society (2012). Retrieved 

Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG). (2012)..FEMA. Retrieved 

Cossan, M.M. And Bapuji, H.B. (2010). Examining the link between knowledge management, organizational learning, and performance. [Paper presented at the Organizational Learning and Knowledge 5th International Conference, May 30 -- June 2, 2003]. Retrieved   / paper10.pdf 

Crossan, M.M., Fry, Joseph N., and Killing, J.P. (2004). Strategic Analysis and Action (6th ed.) New York, NY: Prentice Hall

Strategic Analysis of Some Geographical
Pages: 7 Words: 2120

Instead he had run into a trap, and had faced a triple defeat -- in Kharkov, in the Crimea, and in Leningrad -- that allowed the Germans to attack again, this time across the great plains of southern Russia" (115).
Following the defeat of the Germans at the hands of the Russians, though, the Soviet army planned its counterattack but the same enormous land mass that adversely affected Hitler's ability to successfully prosecute a long war against Soviet Russia also affected the Russians' efforts to invade Germany because of the enormous land mass involved in the process. As Beevor emphasizes, "Even as the German army was clearly on the run, the Soviets feared it. German soldiers remained formidable to the end, and as the Ardennes offensive had shown, they were quite capable of pulling surprises" (114).

Indeed, there was legitimate cause for concern on the part of the Russians because the…...


Works Cited

Beevor, Antony. Fall of Berlin 1945. The Atlantic Monthly 289(6): 114-18.

Carter, Steven. 1999. "Alexander's Bitter Tears." Journal of European Studies 29(4): 343.

Markham, Felix. Napoleon. New York: New American Library, 1963.

Pauley, Bruce F. Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini: Totalitarianism in the Twentieth Century. Wheeling, IL: Harlan Davidson.

Strategic Analysis of Southwest Airlines the Mission
Pages: 4 Words: 1167

Strategic Analysis of Southwest Airlines
The mission, vision, values, and goals of Southwest Airlines, as provided on the company's Website and in its Annual eport, are analyzed in this paper with regard to inclusion of stakeholder interests and goodness of fit to classic management strategies. In particular, the paper makes this assessment against the background of Michael Porter's comments in an interview for Fast Company, in which his comments hint preference for an approach not unlike Blue Ocean Strategy. The book, Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make Competition Irrelevant, was not published until four years after this interview. As usual, Porter was ahead of this times..


The purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the mission, values, and goals of Southwest Airlines. The analysis includes identifying which values and goals pertain particularly to certain stakeholder groups, and to make recommendations about any improvements that could be…...



About Southwest, Southwest Airlines. (2011). [Web]. Retrieved   / html/about-southwest/index.html 

Arena, C. (2006). The high-purpose company. New York, NY: Harper-Collins

Hammonds, K. (2007). Michael Porter's Big ideas, Fast Company, (44). [Web]. Retrieved 

Kim, W.C. And Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue Ocean Strategy. [Web]. Retrieved

Strategic Case Study Woolworths Supermarkets Strategic Analysis
Pages: 12 Words: 3909

Strategic Case Study
Woolworths Supermarkets

Strategic analysis

External analysis

Turbulence model

Porters' five forces

6O/Ts evident

Competitive strengths

Competitive position in the market

Weakness evident

Mission statement


Strategic objectives

Ethics matrix

Stakeholder theory analysis

Key broad business-level and international strategies

Strategic implementation: General perspective

Key strategic implementation issues

Strategic evaluation

Current and future prospects and recommendations

Woolworths Supermarkets

Woolworths Supermarkets is one of the largest supermarkets in Australia. The Woolworths Supermarkets has been in service for the last decade and has done a lot of production and growth in the country. Woolworths Supermarkets is concerned with manufacture and trading of supermarket and grocery products throughout the country and within the nearby countries. The Woolworths Supermarkets has benefited from the advanced need and demand from clients who are mostly of the Australian origin. The social structures and functionalities of the supermarket are found within the notion of benefiting the society while growing its advances in the market. Many other organizations and supermarkets have tried to be in line with competition with…...


Reference list

(2008). Plunketts food industry almanac 2008. [S.l.], Plunketts Research.

Burch, D., & Lawrence, G. (2007). Supermarkets and agri-food supply chains:

transformations in the production and consumption of foods. Cheltenham, UK,

Edward Elgar.

Strategic Analysis of Dell Strategic Management Is
Pages: 6 Words: 1754

Strategic Analysis of Dell
Strategic management is a combination of continual dynamic processes. These include: strategic alternatives and recommended strategies, the implementation of strategies, and continuous ongoing evaluation and control. Each phase must include: environmental analysis, implementing an organizational course of action, creating organizational strategies, applying those strategies, and evaluating and modifying them as needed. The construction of a strategic analysis includes factors which are internal and external to the company, are weighted and scored. Strategic management is a critical tool to insure the organization's continued existence. (Wheelen & Hunger, 2007) This is a strategic analysis of Dell

Strategic Analysis of Dell

Dell Company History:

Michael Dell founded the company in Austin, Texas in 1984 with an innovative sales plan. Dell implemented direct sales to customers, taking orders and delivering custom computing solutions to individuals and companies with no brick and mortar stores. 5.4 million customers interact with Dell daily via phone, in person,…...



Hunger, J., & Wheelen, Thomas (2007). Essentials of Strategic Management, Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, N.J., 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Dell (2010) History. Retrieved from

Dell (2010) Retrieved from

Strategic Analysis Introduction to Company 'Bug Extinguishers'
Pages: 7 Words: 2269

Strategic Analysis
Introduction to Company ('ug Extinguishers')


Guiding Principles, Values, and Ethics

Competitive Advantage





Individual Strategic Plan

Legal and Regulatory











alanced scorecard

Shareholder value perspective

Customer value perspective

Learning and growth perspective

Communication Plan


Control Measures

Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory issues with reference to corporate leadership

Introduction to Company ('ug Extinguishers')

'ug Extinguishers' is an international extermination company that produces an array of products that cater to killing pests, bugs and all kinds of insects The company has its headquarters in USA and its multi-story stores cum service centers all over the country as well as in Eastern Europe and some parts of Asia. The company has a market share of about 9% in this category and its revenues have been continually rising since its launch in 2009. In only a period of less than 3 years, the company has achieved a lot of recognition and positive appreciation from many stakeholder groups including customers, employees as well as competitors who believe that 'ug Extinguishers'…...



Hill, C.W., & Jones, G.R. (2012). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. USA: Cengage Learning.

Strategic Plan Page 6

Strategic Analysis the Situation Facing Matt Is
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Strategic Analysis
The situation facing Matt is one that often faces entrepreneurs as they contemplate new ventures. It seems as if Matt has decided that creating a regional (and then national) running magazine is a good idea, and now he has to sell his wife on the concept.

The concept is a simple one; provide a relatively inexpensive alternative marketing plan to race event promotors. The magazine's customers are the event promotors, as well as race sponsors and suppliers. The magazine's market are runners interested in running races; initially in specific regions and later across the country.

The company's core competency is that it is filling a need that is currently unfilled. The drawback is that the need can also be filled quite easily by other firms; but it can only be effectively filled by only one company. This competency gives the company a leg up in the first market, however, the company…...

Strategic Analysis of Network Designs
Pages: 11 Words: 2921

This is not to say that collusion is taking place in this process, of course, but it is to say that it is much easier for companies such as Network Design with substantive bidding experience and the credentials to match to secure government contracts than it is for an up-and-comer with little or no relevant experience in either area. The use of the Capability Maturity Model is clearly congruent with federal government policies for software development and design, a point that has not been lost on the corporate leaders at Network Design.
Potential misalignments. Unexpected innovations have been known to introduce misalignments between existing business practices and processes, with typewriters, adding machines and buggy whips representing just some of the fading remnants of the past. It is possible that the company's concentration of keeping their resources and expertise so finely tuned to the federal government's existing needs that they may…...



Barnes, F. (2000). Good business sense is the key to confronting ISO 9000. Review of Business, 21(1), 11.

Dabbah, R. (1999). Total R&D management: Strategies and tactics for 21st century healthcare manufacturers. Buffalo Grove, IL: Interpharm Press.

Fact Sheet. (2007). Network Designs, Inc. (2007). [Online]. Available:

Fisher, W.A., & Williams, L.G. (2001). Balancing procurement reform and small business advocacy. The Public Manager, 30(1), 17.

Strategic Analysis The Coca-Cola Company This Paper
Pages: 4 Words: 1771

Strategic Analysis: The Coca-Cola Company
This paper examines the Coca Cola Company, and whether its mission, vision, and values statements reflect the company's actual approach to business. While the paper concludes that, taken individually, the mission, vision, and values statements are insufficient to apprise stakeholders of Coca Cola's future goals; taken together they form a strong picture of where Coca Cola is and where it wants to be in the future. Moreover, Coca Cola's overall strategy, that of sustainable, long-term growth, can be seen in its mission, vision, and values statements.

Coca Cola is a huge international business, which sells soft drinks and other products in countries around the world. However, as large as Coca Cola is, it has made its reputation not simply because of its namesake soft drink, but also because the company has managed to capture a feeling. Drinking a coke is not simply an act of hydration, but…...



The Coca Cola Company. (2010). 2010 Annual Report on form 10-K. Retrieved on October

27, 2011 from: 

The Coca Cola Company. (2011). Mission, vision, & values. Retrieved on October 27, 2011


Strategic Analysis of GE What
Pages: 5 Words: 1459

This shift in organizational structure also required the entire corporation to shift from centralized to decentralized decision making. The approaches GE took to ensure the shift in structure and decision making would work included putting output and behavioral controls into place for each business unit. The output and behavioral controls were specifically designed to ensure each independently operating business unit shared accountability for corporate results yet also had the accountability to define their own unique business plans and strategies. In using output controls and behavioral controls, GE was able to successfully transition to a decentralized organizational structure.
Often when organizations choose to deploy a decentralized structure, there is an uneven, politically unbalanced and highly competitive approach each business unit takes to getting resources. It is assured that there is never a perfect, utilitarian-based approach to the distribution of resources throughout any decentralized organization. Even GE with its excellent management and…...

Strategic Analysis of Best Buy
Pages: 17 Words: 4662

Strategic Analysis of Best Buy

Current situation

A- Current performance

B- Strategic posture

Corporate Governance

A- Board of directors

B- Top management

External Environment: Opportunities and threats

A- Natural physical environment

B- Societal Environment

C- Task Environment

D- Summary of external environment

Internal Environment: Strengths and Weakness

A- Corporate Structure

B- Corporate Culture

C- Corporate resources

D- Summary of internal environment

Analysis of Strategic Factors (SWOT)

A- Situational Analysis

Strategic Alternatives and ecommended Strategy

A- Strategic Alternatives

ecommended Strategy


Evaluations and control

Part II

Functional and Business strategies of Best Buy

Operations and Logistics


Current operational objectives, strategies and objectives

Consistency in corporation's mission, objectives, strategies, and policies 13

Operational capabilities 14

Transportation 15

Services and Subcontracting Manufacturer 15

Logistics and shipment operations 15

Types of shipments and integration of customers and shipments

isks 16

Machines and Human Mix 16

Cost Leadership 16

Information Technology (IT) 17

IT objective, strategies, polices, and programs

Decision making Support 18

Marketing 18

Human esources 18

esearch and Development 19

Emerging Trends and Future Growth 19

eferences 20


Best Buy Co. Inc. is the U.S. based multi-channel consumer Electronics Company based at ichfield,…...



Best Buy. (2011). Form 10-k: Best Buy Co. Inc. United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Retrieved from; [ ]

Best Buy. (2012). Form 10-K: BEST BUY CO., INC. United States Securities & Exchange Commission. Retrieved from: [ ]

Best Buy. (n.d.). About best buy. Retrieved from:[]

Cotrill, k. (2006, January 23). Best buy's supply chain transformation. Harvard Business School. Working knowledge for business leaders. Retrieved from [ ]

Strategic Analysis Project Dart Transit Company
Pages: 11 Words: 3334

Strategic Analysis Project for Dart Transit CompanyBackground InformationThe project under the strategic analysis is Dart Transit Company, a trucking company. It came from the Great Depression in America in 1934 when many businesses went bankrupt. Although it was hard, Earl Oren launched this business, later referred to as Dart Transit Company (Obeng & Ugboro, 2008). The industry began with a single trailer and a truck, and Oren began small-scale operations right from his room. He kept these operations through determination, and his son, Don, brought in new energy when he started working there, and new doors opened. In 1975, the company grew into a national carrier and served forty-eight states. In 1979, Don became the company's second president (Dart Transit Company). His sons continued with this tradition, and significant expansion was experienced, which and its network was a chain service like warehousing, logistics, storage, portable and intermodal services. Even today,…...



(n.d.). Dart Transit Company. 

Obeng, K., & Ugboro, I. (2008). Effective strategic planning in public transit systems. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 44(3), 420-439.

Papoutsis, K., Gogas, M., & Nathanail, E. (2012). Urban distribution concepts: SWOT analysis on best practices of urban logistics solutions. In 2nd International Conference on Supply Chains, October.

Walmart Strategic Analysis
Pages: 14 Words: 4379

Brief History and Background Sam Walton founded Wal-Mart and quickly grew the company by offering goods at the lowest prices. The stores were originally smaller than the stores of today, and focused in rural areas of the South that were otherwise underserved by retail stores. The current Wal-Mart model emerged by the 1980s as a large format store selling a wide range of consumer goods. The company would later extend its product lines with groceries, pharmaceuticals and online retailing. Wal-Mart has also successfully expanded internationally, into Mexico, China, Canada and other large markets around the world. Today, Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer, and one of the world’s largest companies. Its fiscal year revenues for 2016 were $485.9 billion, with operating cash flows of $31.5 billion, and 2.3 million employees (Wal-Mart 2016 Annual Report).
Ethics System
Wal-Mart’s ethics system revolves around its core competencies, which lie in the area of efficiency. The company’s…...



Bose, N. (2017) Wal-Mart shuffles US leadership teams in food, merchandising. Reuters. Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Donlon, J. (2013) How Walmart trains better leaders. Chief Executive. Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Hauss, D. (2017) Walmat to cut 20% of leadership staff. Retail Touch Points Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Holman, J. (2017) Wal-Mart female employees try again for sex-based discrimination. Bloomberg. Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Jawad, S. (2017). A literature analysis of Walmart’s supply chain excellent in terms of integration, distribution and operations. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Lutz, A. (2013) The biggest myth about Wal-Mart. Business Insider. Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Reuters (2017). Walmart plans to cut hundreds of jobs before the end of the month. Business Insider Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Reuters (2017) Walmart’s leadership expands executive roles in online push. Fortune Retrieved November 15, 2017 from

Can you help me with an essay outline on due diligence related to deal making?
Words: 474

Due diligence refers to the process of doing a proper investigation into something before taking an action.  Due diligence can have applications in a number of different contexts, but is most often discussed in the context of some type of business deal, when a person or organization has to make a decision about whether or not to enter into some type of business relationship (usually an investment relationship) with another type of person or organization.  Due diligence can be as simple as studying publicly available information to determine whether or not to purchase a stock....

Could you provide some suggestions for titles for my essay on company analysis?
Words: 219

1. An In-depth Analysis of Apple Inc: A Leading Technology Company

2. Examining the Success Factors of Amazon: A Retail and Technology Giant

3. Company Analysis: The Business Strategy of Coca-Cola

4. A Comprehensive Review of Tesla Motors: Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry

5. Analyzing the Growth Strategies of Google: A Dominant Player in the Tech Industry

6. Uncovering the Success Story of Walmart: A Retail Giant's Business Model

7. Company Analysis: Understanding the Marketing Strategies of Nike

8. Exploring the Financial Performance of Microsoft Corporation

9. Case Study on Starbucks Corporation: A Coffee Company's Global Expansion

10. The Evolution of McDonald's Corporation: A Fast Food Empire's Business....

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