Steroids Essays (Examples)

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Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose Uses
Pages: 11 Words: 3029

Steroids -- an Introduction to Purpose, Uses and Abuses








Steroids are used for many purposes. This paper highlights the introduction of steroids i.e. its basic function. It also explains the multiple uses of steroids by people from different fields of profession. Normal perception of people is that it is used by athletes and sportsmen as a drug but there are other uses discussed in the paper as well. Advantages and disadvantages are also stated in the essay.

Steroids are short for corticosteroid drugs. It is a substance which is used to reduce swelling and inflammation quickly. These drugs are a close copy of cortisol and aldosterone i.e. A hormone produced on adrenal gland, it is also secreted by ovaries and testes. Steroids belong to the class of…...



Bahrke, M.S., Yesalis-III, C.E., & Wright, J.E. (1990). Psychological and Behavioural Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids Among Males: A Review. Retrieved Feb 11, 2013, from MESO-Rx: 

Clayton, L. (1998). Steroids. New York, USA: The Rosen Publishing Group.

Coleman, D.L., & Coleman, J.E. (2008, April ). The Problem of Doping. Duke Law Journal, 57 (6), 1743.

Columbia Encyclopedia Editors. (2012). Steroids. The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th . The Columbia University Press.

Steroids the Main Reason for
Pages: 5 Words: 1898

They have serious psychological effects as players begin to be dependant on steroids and begin to feel that the player needs steroids to maintain their performance. This becomes very apparent when players stop using steroids as then the positive effects is slowly lost and the players feel that they are no longer competitive. This leads to serious depression. (Effects of Steroids on the Human Body) the health risks that special types of steroids are not always known. The medical authorities insist that players must remain free of performance enhancing drugs or supplements and also criticize the using of steroids by the players. There is a very important role that players can play in this regard as also their parents and coaches. None of them should tolerate the use of any type of steroids. (Steroids threaten health of Players and integrity of sports performance)
To conclude, the authorities concerned have been…...


Works Cited

Jackson, John. Steroid use still in the shadows. 6 April, 2005. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 May, 2005

Meschino, James. Playing Steroid Roulette: Is Mark McGwire Putting Himself at Risk? Retrieved at on 3 May, 2005

Mortenson, Chris. Walker says Castillo was steroid-free in college. 14 April, 2005. Retrieved at   on 3 May, 2005 

Steroid Drug Test. Retrieved at Accessed on 3 May, 2005

Steroids the Term Steroids Can
Pages: 2 Words: 688

org). omen do not take steroids as often as men, but they also experience the full range of effects, from growing body and facial hair to increased aggression, as well as the same long-term health effects (
The long-term effects of high levels of steroid use are largely unknown (Drug Some of the effects, however, are an enlarged liver and liver tumors, jaundice, permanent changes to secondary sex characteristics (such as voice pitch, body hair, and the size/appearance of breasts and testicles) (DEA). There is enough evidence to suggest that taking steroids causes significant health problems that limit longevity, and taking too many at a time can kill.

Steroids are popular almost exclusively among athletes and body builders (DEA). Statistics show that less than two percent of high school students use steroids, while the perceived risk of steroid use has risen dramatically in recent years (ONDCP). Steroids are available on the…...


Works Cited

DEA. "Anabolic Steroids." U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Official Website. Accessed 10 March 2009. 

Drug "Steroids." The Partnership for a Drug Free America Official Website. Accessed 10 March 2009.

ONDCP. "Steroids." Office of National Drug Control Policy Official Website. Accessed 10 March 2009. Accessed 10 March 2009.

Steroids Should Not Be Banned a Steroid
Pages: 2 Words: 723

Steroids Should Not Be Banned
A steroid is an organic compound that occurs in plants and animals. They have many functions, including respiration, tissue building, and the production of sex hormones. Anabolic steroids are drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone on the body, increasing protein synthesis within cells. This causes cellular tissues to build up in muscles, the ability for those muscles to work harder under stress, and of course, masculine characteristics (body hair, etc.). Anabolic steroids were synthesized in the 1930s and have been used since to stimulate bone growth and appetite, treat certain immune conditions, and reduce inflammation in certain areas. In fact the American College of Sports Medicine says that individuals who have an adequate of high protein diet can increase their body weight and increase muscular strength through high-intensity exercise and steroid use (ACSM, 2010).

With proper and safe monitoring, though, steroid use should be allowed and…...



ACSM. (2010). Anabolic Steroids. Retrieved from:

Ashby, A. (October 20, 2010). Why Steroids Have No Place in Sports. Marquette University

Law School. Retrieved from: 

Hoffman, J.R. And Ratamess, N. (2006). Medical Issues Associated With Anabolic Steroids.

Steroids in Sports
Pages: 9 Words: 2536

Athletes may take simulants, narcotic analgesics, anabolic steroids, beta blockers, diuretics, peptide hormones, or engage in blood doping, a technique to increase packed cell volume by re-infusing previously drawn blood. Drug testing is not standardized enough and is too widespread to identify drugs reliably, therefore failing to serve as a valid deterrent. (Doping in sports, p. 211).
But Canseco also may not be the best of messenger-ex-athletic stars, since he remains, going on three years after Juiced was first published, a pariah among current players, and, therefore, (however unfairly) a less-than-ideal proponent of good clean (without help from steroids, that is) athletic competition, in baseball and (therefore) generally. To be fair, also, despite Canseco's sworn Congressional testimony (and published testimonials) to the contrary, baseball greats like McGwire, Sosa, and others obviously spend countless hours, year-round, keeping fit, strong, and ready to play their very best.

Perhaps, then, with help from today's…...



Barnard, M. (Sept 25, 1998). Drugs and Darwin fuel athletes. New Statesman, 24 (127) [HIDDEN] Retrieved March 03, 2007, at   / 


A21201256&source=gale&userGroupName=uphoenix&version=1.0 lineAbstract:0par.html.

Canseco, Jose. (2006). Juiced: Wild times, rampant 'roids [sic], smash hits & how baseball got big. New York: Regan Books

Steroids and Sports
Pages: 4 Words: 1413

steroids are being used by many athletes, some of who will eventually admit that they used them, and more young boys (teenagers, primarily) are using steroids because there is pressure to be better, stronger, and faster even at a younger age. When the Mitchell Report came out, many big names in sports, such as Mark McGwire, were named as steroid users. McGwire was one of the athletes who came forward and admitted his mistake, in an effort to be honest with his fans and the people who had supported him as an athlete. He felt conflicted about what he had done, and wanted to come clean. This can happen with athletes, although many of them do not feel any remorse for the problems that they have caused through the use of steroids. They do not realize the ways that the steroids have affected them and those around them. The…...

Steroids in Sports The Author
Pages: 8 Words: 2317

As long as children and adults are being conditioned that winning at all costs is acceptable steroid use is going to be an issue in sports.

In an interview with the Kansas City Star, Jeremy Giambi became the first active baseball player with significant major-league experience to publicly admit that he knowingly used steroids (Passan, 2005). "

Statements from professional athletes can be a first effective step in stopping the use of steroids in sports. Professional athletes that use steroids and come forward to make statements can tell the world about the side affects they have experienced. They can also explain how they got started and why they began, which in turn will provide answers that can help in developing preventative programs.

Giambi declined to get into specifics of his steroid use, but this much is certain: He went from a decent major-league outfielder to a journeyman starving for what could be one…...



____. Fighting steroid use takes attitude change; it won't be enough for schools to penalize users, the way sports is approached should change. Portland Press Herald (Maine); 4/6/2000

Jackson, Harry. "Out of bounds Illegal steroid use holds serious health risks for kids,"

St. Louis Post-Dispatch; 3/28/2005; of the Post-Dispatch

McGowan, Joe." Sports and Steroids." Time for Kids; 4/1/2005;

Steroids Lupica M 2009 For
Pages: 2 Words: 656

The Lupica article is insightful for identifying an inconsistency in our response that suggests baseball is still uncertain of how to address its crisis.
To the Editor:

I was pleased to read Mike Lupica's thoughtful sentiment on the recent hiring of Mark McGwire out of retirement. Appropriately, Lupica's focus is not the set of misdeeds that we already know were committed by some of the best players to ever step on the field. Instead, he focuses on the inconsistency and hypocrisy of the league and its commissioner, Bud Selig.

Selig, who oversaw the era of steroids with blatant inaction, today presides over the witch-hunt which holds individual players responsible for an epidemic that permeated the whole of the sport. Today, though testing policies are becoming stricter, it remains uncertain exactly how to address the issue of past steroid use. With prominent players such as Alex Rodriguez and Manny Ramirez continuing to play…...

Steroids in Professional Sports How Many People
Pages: 2 Words: 631

Steroids in Professional Sports
How many people here believe that adults should be allowed to risk their lives and health by participating in dangerous sports if they want to? How many people here believe that adult professional athletes should be allowed to lift weights to improve their strength? How many people here believe that adult professional athletes should be allowed to force-feed themselves to maintain body mass or to starve themselves to lose weight if necessary? How many people here believe that the outcome of professional sporting events does not matter outside of professional sports leagues? How many people here believe that professional athletes are appropriate role models for children?


If adults have the right to risk their lives in dangerous sports; if professional athletes have the right to lift weights and to manipulate their diets to gain or lose weight; if the outcome of professional sporting events does not matter…...

Cops and Steroids Steroid Use
Pages: 4 Words: 1077

Further probing revealed that the accused cops were regular steroid users. This harsh reality has prompted the oston police commissioner Mr. Edward F. Davis to be proactive and intorduce a system of regular steroid testing for all oston law enforcement officials. As Mr. Davis puts it, "It really does revolve around the issues of steroids causing aggression in people and the concern around that problem." [Maria Cramer]
More recently, in the last year and a half, the NYPD has experienced a strange medical condition affecting 29 of their young police officers. Hypogonadism, as it is known, refers to a condition where the testosterone levels are very low. The treatment for the condition is administration of steroids. It is easy to see how easily cops obtain prescriptions for steroids. One of the officers was found to have bought steroids worth $25,000 in a single year, which clearly exceeds therapeutic dosage levels.…...



Philip J. Sweitzer, 'Drugs and Law Enforcement in Crisis: Cops on Steroids', Accessed Nov 3rd 2008, Available Online at,,%20Issue%202/Sweitzer%20Cops%20On%20Steroids.pdf

2) Peter J. Kraska, Playing War: Masculinity, Militarism and Their Real-World


THE CHANGING ROLES of the ARMED FORCES and the POLICE, 141-147 (Peter B. Kraska, ed., 2001).

Horse Racing and Enhancers Steroids
Pages: 8 Words: 2663

Horse Racing
One of the most pressing issues facing the sports world today is the question of where the line can be drawn between intense training and actual abuse. This is particularly true of horse racing, which depends upon animals who cannot give their consent or input, and thus rely on their owners and trainers to look out for their well-being. For example, just as steroid use has become an increasing problem in the world of professional sports, so too has the horse racing world been forced to deal with steroid use, except in the latter case, the horses themselves can be subjected to drug abuse by any of the multiple people responsible for their care. As a result of steroids and other health and safety issues, the horse racing industry has taken to regulating itself, with mixed results (Smeltz 215). A more balanced approach that takes the numerous different stakeholders…...


Works Cited

Buti, Tony, and Saul Fridman. "Drug Testing in Sport: Legal Challenges & Issues." University

of Queensland Law Journal 20.2 (1999): 153-85.

Dugan, Edward. "Anabolic Steroids." LC GC North America (2002): 10-.

Smeltz, Wayne J. "Industry Self-Regulation vs. Organizational Well-being: Strategies

If Steroids Are Cheating Why Isn't Lasik
Pages: 3 Words: 883

Lasik Cheating
A Summary of William Saletan's "The Beam in Your Eye: If steroids are cheating, why isn't LASIK?"

William Saletan's essay "The Beam in Your Eye: If steroids are cheating, why isn't LASIK?" addresses the issue of the steroid scandal in baseball and compares it to LASIK eye surgery, which has been used by many athletes in different sports to improve their visions and thus improve their athletic ability. The central claim he makes is that steroids and performance enhancing drugs have been unfairly singled out as a method of artificially enhancing athletic performance, and that there are other sources as well. Saletan feels it is especially unfair to come down so hard on steroids as a substance that causes cheating when other medical enhancements -- specifically the LASIK procedure -- allow for better-than-average and better-than-normal performance. Though some people actually have worse-than-average vision and are helped by the eye surgery,…...

Ethical Use of Steroids in Baseball
Pages: 2 Words: 677

Ethics -- Kant, Aristotle, and Plato on Steroid use in Professional Baseball
In the popular press, one of the common defenses of the ethics of steroid use in professional baseball is that it does no harm, other than harm the body of the professional player who willingly undertakes the risk for his vocation and a high salary. Professional sports, the argument goes, are a risky endeavor as it is, so is this really such a terrible thing? Perhaps, the defender might concede, anabolic steroid use also gives the user a slight edge over his fellow competitors. But how different is this edge from benefiting from superior training techniques, better coaching, or simply being a part of a better team? In such a view, steroids are merely another powerful pill to give already extraordinarily endowed sporting individual an extra edge on the playing field, as they pursue short-term fame, fortune, and…...

Sports - Steroids in Sports
Pages: 8 Words: 2132

This is especially true if, as has been suggested (Staudohar 2005), that despite stricter testing procedures, professional athletes still use anabolic steroids and human growth hormone in large numbers that greatly exceed those acknowledged or caught by their respective league governing bodies.
By process of elimination, it would appear that the primary impetus for anti- steroid regulations in professional sports is public perception, and that favorable public relations and maintenance of the highest revenue from sponsors is more of a factor than concern for the health of the athlete or honest competition. If anything, steroid use contributes to the highest level of play by the fastest, largest, and strongest athletes who hit balls further and throw them harder than their non-pharmaceutically enhanced counterparts.


On first glance, pharmaceutical performance enhancement in professional sports may seem to be unfair competition. However, when one considers the evolution of modern sports training and the degree…...



Bahrke, M.S., Yesalis III, C.E., Wright, J. (1990) Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Endogenous Testosterone Levels and Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids among Males. Sports Medicine 10(5) 303-337. Retrieved June 18, 2008, at 

Bettman, G., Commissioner, C., & League, N. (n.d.). Steroid Use in Professional Sports. FDCH Congressional Testimony, Retrieved June 17, 2008, from MasterFILE Premier database.

Green, T. (1996) the Dark Side of the Game: My Life in the NFL. New York: Warner

Jacobson, R. ed. (2006) Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education, Controversy. Detroit, MI: Thomson Gale. Retrieved June 16, 2008, from Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library.

Steroid Use Controversies of the
Pages: 17 Words: 5176

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about the participants included their degree of urbanization, parental socioeconomic status and the region to which they belonged.
Analyses of the study's results show that the prevalence of steroid use among Norwegian youth was lower (lifetime use was 0.8% and 12 months prevalence was 0.3%) than in several other Western societies such as the U.S. (2.5% to 7%) and in Australia, Canada, Sweden and South Africa (2% to 3.5%). It also showed that AAS use was first and foremost associated with problem behavior (i.e., drug [marijuana] involvement and aggressive-type conduct problems). Its relation with power sports and appearance came in at second and third place respectively.

The study is, therefore, significant in highlighting the hitherto largely ignored area of problem behavior in steroid use.…...



Admissions before BALCO grand jury detailed." (2004, December). Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Anabolic Steroid Abuse." (2000, April). National Institute on Drug Abuse: Research Report Series. Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Langone, J. (1995). Tough Choices A Book about Substance Abuse. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Miller, R.W. (1987, November). Athletes and Steroids: Playing a Deadly Game. FDA Consumer, 21, 16+.

How do I write an essay on upper respiratory tract infection?
Words: 585

To begin writing an essay about upper respiratory tract infections, you want to think about the approach you want to take.  Do you want to describe upper respiratory tract infections, discuss causes of these infections, focus on symptoms, or look at different treatment methods?  Perhaps you want to do a combination of those things and write a comprehensive essay on the topic.  Next, you want to consider your audience.  Are you writing a generic essay for a lower-level course in a non-scientific discipline or is your essay for an audience that is....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to steroid laws?
Words: 266

1. The history and evolution of steroid laws in the United States
2. The impact of steroid laws on the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
3. The controversy surrounding the legality and ethics of steroid use
4. The role of government regulation in preventing steroid abuse
5. The influence of media and public perception on steroid laws
6. The debate over criminalizing steroid possession and distribution
7. The effectiveness of drug testing and enforcement measures in deterring steroid use
8. The implications of international differences in steroid laws
9. The potential benefits and drawbacks of legalizing steroids for personal use
10. The intersection of gender, race, and socio-economic....

Could you suggest some essay topics related to steroid laws?
Words: 505

Title: The Impact of Steroid Laws on Public Health and Safety

Steroid laws have been implemented worldwide to regulate the use and distribution of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS). These laws aim to protect public health and safety by preventing the misuse of steroids, which can lead to severe health consequences. This essay explores the impact of steroid laws on public health and safety, examining both the positive and negative implications of these regulations.


1. Prevention of Health Risks:
Steroid laws effectively reduce the accessibility of AAS, making it more challenging for individuals to obtain and use them. This restriction helps prevent the serious health....

Can you provide a brief outline of the main contributing factors to childhood obesity in developed countries?
Words: 425

1. Physical Inactivity

- Sedentary lifestyles, with increased screen time replacing physical activities
- Lack of accessible and safe places for physical activity
- Insufficient emphasis on physical education in schools

2. Unhealthy Diet

- High consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats
- Limited access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income areas
- Aggressive marketing of unhealthy foods to children

3. Genetics and Biology

- Genetic predisposition to obesity
- Hormonal imbalances or medical conditions that contribute to weight gain

4. Socioeconomic Factors

- Low income and poverty: Limited access to healthy food options, safe environments for physical activity
- Food insecurity: Inconsistent access to nutritious meals
- Educational disparities:....

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