Stakeholder Analysis Essays (Examples)

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Stakeholder Analysis Practice Problem
Pages: 3 Words: 1035

DNP Project Stakeholder AnalysisProject ManagerStakeholder Role ProfileThese questions will encourage the project team to consider a wide variety of stakeholders. Use these questions to identify as many stakeholders as possible. After generating the list, you may decide some of the stakeholders are represented by other stakeholders or will have so little involvement in the project that you dont need to consider them and you may remove them from your list.This list is a starting pointAdd questions to this list that fit your project environment. If you miss an important stakeholder on one project, add a question to this list that will cause the next project team to identify that stakeholder.For each of the questions below answer the question: Who?QuestionAll stakeholders that apply. Use peoples names whenever possible.1.Approves funding for this project?DNP Program Director2.Approves functional requirements?Project faculty advisor, academic program coordinator, research coordinator, DNP program director3.Approves technical requirements?Organizational leader4.Approves design decisions?Project…...



The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management  Filename: Stakeholder Analysis 1 of 3

Stakeholder Analysis Ford Motor Company Key Stakeholders
Pages: 3 Words: 1001

Stakeholder Analysis Ford Motor Company
Key Stakeholders Ranked by Level of importance

Internal Stakeholders

External Stakeholders

Corporate officers -- Responsible for establishing the goals and mission of the company and ensuring that managers and employees at all levels are properly carrying out the strategy of the company. (Luca, 2007)

Customers/Car owners -- customers make an investment when purchasing a vehicle and they expect the vehicle to be safe and reliable. Customers depend on their vehicles for work, school and general transportation. As such they have an interest in Ford's ability to develop good dependable vehicles.

Managers -- Managers carry the information received from corporate officers to employees and make certain that the goals established are realized.

The General Public -- Everyday people are killed or injured in car accidents. Because Ford cars are popular and a mainstay on roads throughout the world, the general public is interested in knowing the Ford vehicles are safe.

3. Employees -- Employees…...


Works Cited

Ford and World Safety Leaders Work to Launch Intelligent Vehicles Quicker, More Affordably.

Luca, Anastasia. 2007. Organizational Stakeholders

MSNBC (2007). "Home Depot CEO Nardelli quits"

McNamara, Carter (2008). Boards of Directors

Stakeholder Map and Stakeholder Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

This is coupled by the high unemployment rate and the current recession in the private industry. This means that jobs in the Criminal Intelligence Bureau will still be attractive. This leads to an increase in quality recruitment (Tita, Troshynski & Graves, 2007).
Threats: terrorism has become a permanent and global disaster. This has taken a huge chunk of quality human resource within the Criminal Intelligence Bureau.

The organizational strategy

The Criminal Intelligence Bureau has a strategic plan founded on four pillars. The criminal intelligence personnel form the first pillar. From this pillar, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau intends to heighten the national criminal intelligence through devoting resources to cultivate intelligence expertise and equipment to pull talent in the intelligence industry through the Criminal Intelligence Bureau hiring policies (Fijnaut, 2011).

Secondly, the Criminal Intelligence Bureau aims at providing support to intelligence personnel via directions given by the leadership of the organization. The organization achieves this…...



Fijnaut, C. (2011). Organized crime and its containment: A transatlantic initiative. Deventer u.a: Kluwer Law and Taxation.

Levinson, D. (2012). Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Tita, G., Troshynski, E. & Graves, M. (2007). Strategies for reducing gun violence: The role of gangs, drugs, and firearm accessibility. Ottawa, Ont: National Crime Prevention Centre.

Todd, P. & Jonathan, B. (2008). Global Intelligence: The World's Secret Services Today. Dhaka: University

New Services Stakeholder Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 992

Stakeholder Analysis: Starbucks Frappuccino
The Starbucks Corporation initially originated as an attempt to bring European-style cafe culture to the United States. However, in a drive to remain profitable and relevant as well as to honor its initial mission and vision, Starbucks has had to make some concessions to local tastes. One of these has been the development of the Frappuccino, a sweet, blended coffee beverage that is half-milkshake, half-iced coffee: it is both a unique product and also a unique service given that the blend is exclusively available at Starbucks' stores. Starbucks has continued to develop and reconfigure the Frappuccino to suit the evolving palates of its international consumer base. This has ensured that the company has enjoyed a strong bottom line, despite cheaper copycats from its rivals. The company recently released several innovative new flavors for the Frappuccino as well as new sizes to drive interest in its product. "The…...



Harris, J. (2015). Cupcake, anyone? LA Times. Retrieved from: 

Nanos, J. (2012). The story of the Frappuccino. Boston Daily. Retrieved from:

Dilmah Tea Stakeholder Analysis Customer Segments There
Pages: 9 Words: 2604

Dilmah Tea
Stakeholder Analysis

Customer Segments

There are two ways of looking at Dilmah's customers. The buyers -- to whom Dilmah sells -- are the supermarkets and wholesalers that carry the tea. The other customer group is the end user. Tea is a mass market product that is consumed by a broad swath of the population, and to the extent that there is a definable "typical" demographic for tea consumption, this will vary by market. Initially, the company experienced difficulty in attracting interest from supermarket chains, which would then have had to utilize a push strategy to convince consumers to buy the tea. Over time, however, Dilmah was able to build its brand, making it more attractive to both supermarkets and consumers.

The global hot beverages market is worth $69.77 billion and the two major segments (coffee and tea) are both growing (PR eb, 2011). The growing demand, combined with constrained consumption, means that…...


Works Cited:

Bajaj, V. (2010) . A Sri Lankan underdog battles global tea giants. New York Times. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Datamonitor. (2010). Hot drinks in Australia to 2013. Datamonitor. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Dilmah Tea website. (2012). Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Ellis, E. (2007). A cup of tea like a fine wine. Fortune Magazine. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from

Bia Stakeholder Analysis Business Impact Assessment and
Pages: 4 Words: 1292

Stakeholder Analysis

Business Impact Assessment and disaster management

A business impact assessment (BIA) is designed to evaluate the impact of a disaster upon the functioning of the organization and ideally, determine ways for the organization to remain operational, even during the stressors of a full-blown attack on its informational systems or a widespread catastrophe like a national disaster. "BIA report quantifies the importance of business components and suggests appropriate fund allocation for measures to protect them. The possibilities of failures are likely to be assessed in terms of their impacts on safety, finances, marketing, legal compliance, and quality assurance. Where possible, impact is expressed monetarily for purposes of comparison. For example, a business may spend three times as much on marketing in the wake of a disaster to rebuild customer confidence" than it did before the catastrophe (BIA, 2013, Search Storage). Another definition of a BIA is "to identify the organization's mandate…...



Business Impact Analysis (BIA). (2013). FEMA. Retrieved: 

Business Impact Analysis (BIA). (2013). Search Storage. Retrieved:

Stakeholder Map Mdpd High-Priority Stakeholders Must Meet
Pages: 2 Words: 462

Stakeholder Map: Mdpd
High-priority stakeholders (Must meet their needs and please):

Public (residents and tourists)

Community public advocacy groups (victim's rights groups and anti-crime groups)

Community interest groups such as schools Community safety personnel such as firefighters

Businesses which benefit from community security

Key players (must meet needs, less of a need to please):

Local government interests

Federal and state law enforcement agencies

Public defender's office

Local hospitals and other agencies

Corrections system

Least need to please, least important:

esidents outside of the immediate area of jurisdiction

Interests of larger businesses

Nation-wide community advocacy groups

Some need to please, less important:

State and local media

National law enforcement / legal interest programs such as DAE and MADD


It is said that "once you have mapped your stakeholders you can focus your efforts on the highest priority groups while providing sufficient information to keep the less powerful groups happy" (Morphy 2011). This is a critical component of analyzing the stakeholders of the Miami-Dade Police Department. As with all local police…...



Morphy, T. (2011). Stakeholder Map. Retrieved:

Stakeholder Area of Interest Attitude or
Pages: 2 Words: 675

Area of Interest

Attitude (+ or -)

Power (+ or _)

Interest (+ or -)

Stakeholder Type

CEO Overall profitability + + - Sleeping Giant

VP, Ops Overall performance + + - Sleeping Giant

egional Director egional perf. + + + Savior

Other managers How the project + / - + - Irritants affects them.

Employees How the project - + + Saboteurs

affects them

Suppliers Their revenue - / + -- Irritants

VP, Compliance - + + Saboteur?

Finance Dept Funding good projects - + + Savior or Saboteur

Stakeholder analysis should be conducted in order to better understand how the different stakeholders will respond to a new project proposal. There are many interests within an organization, and they can play different roles with any new project, usually related to the impact that the project will have on their interests. By identifying stakeholders, the organization can allow those planning the project to anticipate problems, to gather support for the project, and to line…...



Elias, A., Cavana, R. & Jackson, L. (2002). Stakeholder analysis for R&D project management. R&D Management. Retrieved April 26, 2015 from 

Olander, S. (2007). Stakeholder impact analysis in construction project management. Construction Management and Economics Vol. 25 (3) 277-287.

Schmeer, K. (2015) Stakeholder analysis guidelines. Eestum Management. Retrieved April 26, 2015 from

Stakeholders Research Project
Pages: 4 Words: 1483

Stakeholders Research Project Introduction
Preliminary stakeholder identification around any natural resource proves vital to carrying out meaningful trans- disciplinary researches with regard to managing that particular resource. Stakeholders may be defined as all players capable of impacting, or being impacted by, any action or decision (after Freeman 1984). Natural resource management research scholars (e.g. Grimble and Wellard 1997; Dougill et al. 2006; Ravnborg and Westermann 2002) constantly report that the inclusion of stakeholders in finding solutions facilitates mutual learning and negotiation, improves stakeholder buy- in and support of actions and decisions, and decreases conflict. Trans- disciplinary study strategies build on this rationale through assimilating stakeholders and integrating the diverse kinds of ideas and knowledge they bring with them to the table in socially- sound, solution- focused studies (Lang et al. 2012; Bracken et al. 2014; Hurni and Wiesmann 2014).
Quite frequently, project reports and scholarly papers’ descriptions pertaining to stakeholder identification are vague.…...

Stakeholder Identification and Communication
Pages: 3 Words: 824

Stakeholder Analysis
Identification of Stakeholders

Stakeholder Communication

Identification of Stakeholders

Stakeholders are defined as those groups of people or individuals who have the potential to exert influence on an organization. They are the individuals or groups that help businesses and organizations to be successful.

Stakeholders have certain expectations from the company in a very similar manner as an organization needs support from the stakeholders and hence the assessment of the degree to which these expectations are managed to be satisfied by the organization in a balanced fashion is a value that indicates the current and future performance of the organization.

There are two essential groups of stakeholders in relation to any company -- internal and external. The stakeholders who normally are not in the pay role of an organization and who are not directly associated with the company are termed as external stakeholders. One the other hand the people directly connected to an organization are known…...



Kloppenborg, T. (2012). Contemporary project management. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Marks, L., Cave, S. And Hunter, D. (2010). Public health governance: views of key stakeholders. Public Health, 124(1), pp.55-59.

Stakeholder Identification and Communication
Pages: 2 Words: 598

Health Care Project
Identifying Stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement is an important component to managing a project. Human beings are complex and it can be difficult to effectively communicate with many individuals and groups. However, it is often the case that a project's success depends on effective communication with those involved. Project managers need to identify the stakeholders to in order to develop a communication plan. Stakeholders can be thought of as anyone that has a "stake" in the project. This can include everyone from investors, to employees, subcontractors, the end users or the operations team, and many more. Furthermore, the specific set of stakeholders can vary from project to project; both internally and externally to the project. Therefore, it is necessary to officially identify the unique set of stakeholders that can influence the project.

The stakeholder analysis is defined as "systematically gathering and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine whose interests should be…...



Kloppenborg, T. (2013). Contemporary Project Management.

Coca Cola Stakeholder Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 646

Company Mission, Vision, And Stakeholders
The Coca-Cola Company is a multinational corporation that manufactures, retails, and markets nonalcoholic beverages and syrups. The company is commonly recognized for its Coca Cola product. Coca Cola refers to a carbonated soft drink that is sold in restaurants and vending machines across the globe. This report endeavors to explain the major vision and vision, objectives and goals of the company and the actions it undertakes to create and sustain competitive advantages. I plan to get this information from the web and reading pamphlets from the company (The Coca Cola Company, 2010).

The key motivation for choosing Coca Cola arises from its multinational nature, serving millions of individuals around the globe. For the company to thrive as a business in the coming years, it must look ahead and understand the forces and trends shaping the business environment. The company must be prepared for the future by create…...



The Coca Cola Company, (2014) "Mission, Vision & Values" http://www.coca-

The Coca Cola Company, (2010) "Coca-Cola's mission, mission values " http://www.coca-

Stakeholder Management Nike Inc NYSE
Pages: 5 Words: 1489

More recent surveys have seen Nike continue to trail the industry average, indicating a long-term trend of only somewhat meeting customer expectations (ASCI, 2009).
holesale and retail channels are a critical external stakeholder because of the role that they play in the company's route to market. ithout support of wholesalers and retailers, Nike could only rely on its own-branded stores to bring its shoes and apparel to consumers. Nike's distribution is strong, and the company's merchandise enjoys relative ubiquity. This implies a general degree of satisfaction on the part of retailers with the support that Nike provides them. By the same token, there is no evidence of superior rates of satisfaction among Nike's wholesalers or retailers relative to other firms in the industry.

Nike has few obligations to competitors. In general, the company has a high degree of rivalry with its competitors. hile the competitors are impacted by the actions that…...


Works Cited:

ACSI. (2009). November 2009 and historical ACSI scores. American Customer Satisfaction Index. Retrieved October 26, 2010 from 

ACSI. (2006). Third quarter 2006. American Customer Satisfaction Index Retrieved October 26, 2010 from 

Back, B. (2002). Nike's salary/bonus packages relatively modest. Portland Business Journal. Retrieved October 26, 2010 from 

Fazl-e-Haider, S. (2007). Nike bounces back in Pakistan. Asia Times. Retrieved October 26, 2010 from

Stakeholder Management Assessment and Summary
Pages: 2 Words: 654

The stakeholders of the most successful projects are the catalyst of the traditional managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading, motivating and defining control measures as well (Karlsen, 2002). The observation is also made that the reliance purely on the mechanics of stakeholder management aren't nearly as valuable as having a more unified, highly integrated platform of trust across all stakeholders. The goal of stakeholder management isn't the defining of the status quo from stakeholder requirements or interruptions; it is the creation and solidifying of a very high level of trust and shared risk and reward mindset across the entire stakeholder team.
To enable this level of cross-stakeholder trust and communication, the author has defined a six-step process that is designed for iterative process definition and development of trust-based relationships. These six processes include initial planning, identification, analysis, communication, action and follow-up (Karlsen, 2002). Based on the attitudinal data captured with…...



Karlsen, J.T. (2002). Project Stakeholder Management. Engineering Management Journal, 14(4), 19-24.

Analysis of an Organizational Vision
Pages: 4 Words: 1302

Analysis of an Organizational Vision Describe the company and its vision statement.
Toyota Motor Corporation, established in 1937, is an automotive company that has grown to become one of the biggest organizations in the world. Toyota designs, manufactures, assembles and retails vehicles in approximately 190 nations and regions across the globe. Toyota Motor Corporation is a multinational corporation with its main center of operations situated in Aichi, Japan. Since its establishment, the corporation had significantly grown and developed to become the largest car manufacturer in the world.
The vision statement of Toyota is:
“Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility, enriching lives around the world with the safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Through our commitment to quality, constant innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be rewarded with a smile. We will meet our challenging goals by engaging the talent and passion of…...

What are key findings from literature review on risk analysis of Infosys investments?
Words: 358

Key Findings from Literature Review on Risk Analysis of Infosys Investments
1. Geopolitical and Economic Risks
Infosys faces geopolitical risks associated with its global operations, particularly in politically unstable regions.
Economic downturns and currency fluctuations can impact its revenue and profitability.
2. Competition and Market Risks
Intense competition from both domestic and international IT service providers poses a threat to Infosys's market share.
Emergence of new technologies and disruptive business models can disrupt its traditional offerings.
3. Operational Risks
System failures, data breaches, and project delays can lead to reputational damage and financial losses.
Dependence on a narrow range of clients and industries....

What key recommendations for organizational change in Informational Systems will you propose?
Words: 594

Key Recommendations for Organizational Change in Informational Systems (IS)
Effective organizational change in IS is crucial for leveraging technology to improve business outcomes. Here are key recommendations to navigate this transformation successfully:
1. Establish a Clear Vision and Communication Plan
Define the desired future state of the IS function, articulating its role in supporting business objectives.
Develop a comprehensive communication plan to engage stakeholders throughout the change process.
Provide regular updates and feedback to maintain buy-in and address concerns.
2. Empower Change Agents and Leaders
Identify and cultivate a team of change agents within the IS function and the organization.

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