humans experience several stages of development throughout the lifespan. Nearly all recognize clear differences between an infant, toddler, adolescent, and adult. Although many, throughout history and the world, allege theories of human development, this phenomenon currently falls mainly within the realm of psychology. Not surprisingly, there exist many psychological theories of development, each with defining and respectable characteristics. However, two of the most well-known are those of Erik Erikson and Lawrence Kohlberg. While a cursory discussion of their complete theories of development is necessary for contextual purposes, of particular interest are their concepts regarding early adolescence.
Erikson stated that humans develop through progressive psychosocial stages. Furthermore, he contended that each stage involves a conflict that one must resolve in order to proceed to the next level. In infancy, humans experience the trust vs. mistrust stage, during which time they form lasting impressions about the world; this naturally takes place through…...
Daeg de Mott, Diane K. (1998). Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Reasoning. Gale Encyclopedia
Of Childhood and Adolescence. Farmington Hills: Thomson-Gale Publishers.
Morris, Charles G. & Maisto, Albert A. (2002). Psychology: An Introduction. Upper Saddle
River: Prentice Hall.
Jean Piaget's 4 stages of development
Stages of Cognitive Development
According to Piaget, assimilation and accommodation processes go on all through life. He, nevertheless, believed that cognitive development took place sequentially, one stage after another, in all children at about the same age. At the different phases of cognitive development, the outlook and interactions of children with their environment tend to vary. Piaget had four phases of cognitive development. These were: the sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational and formal operational stages (Nevid, 2009).
Sensorimotor Stage: From Birth to 2 Years
With six sub-stages, this stage is characterized by considerable growth in the infant's cognitive development. A child at this stage develops more complex skill sets and ways of behavior. An infant at this stage makes use of its senses as well as developing motor skills to survey its environment. The infant's intelligence is shown in the way it…...
Nevid, J.S. (2009). Psychology: Concepts and applications. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
Boyd N. (n.d). Piaget's Preoperational Stage and Symbolic Thought. Retrieved 22 September 2014 from
Of course, not every individual resolves all of these conflicts successfully. "Erikson is not explicit but presumably assumes character types comprised of combinations of the sets of traits related to the eight stages of development. henever a fixation occurs, it is likely to jeopardize sound development in subsequent stages as well [Erikson said] -- 'failure is cumulative'" ("Erik Homburg Erikson,"2008).
The era when Erikson developed his theory of development was heavily influenced by the rise of "Ego Psychology," and the belief that the human ego exists from birth -- hence the fear amongst many parents that if they parented poorly, even in terms of the child's first feedings, they could cause psychological damage to their developing offspring's sense of self ("Erik Homburg Erikson," 2008). Erikson also came to his professional maturity during a time when the influence of culture and biology became important in psychology, as biological changes are a…...
mlaWorks Cited
Cramer, Craig, Bernadette Flynn, & Ann LaFave. (1997). "Erik Erikson."
SUNY Cortland. Retrieved 23 Apr 2008 at
Cramer, Craig, Bernadette Flynn, & Ann LaFave. (1997). "Introduction to Stages."
SUNY Cortland. Retrieved 23 Apr 2008 at
Levinson (1986) saw this phase as being marked by increasingly strong relationships with significant aspects of the external world. For many people (indeed perhaps most), these relationships are with other people. But Levinson believed that this did not need to be the case for a healthy development. Equally valid and fulfilling connections can be made at this stage of life with animal companions or with a relationship with nature or even with ideas as expressed in literature, music, or art (Levinson, 1986).
Levinson's model emphasizes both the stability and fluctuations of healthy development. Unlike previous analogous models, he stressed the importance of understanding how individuals moved from one life stage to another. While other psychologists and psychiatrists had neglected to explore the dynamics of the intertidal spaces between one stage and another, Levinson helped both scholars and individuals see how movement between stages provided a constant that extended over the…...
Capps, D. (2004). The decades of life: Relocating Erikson's stages. Pastoral Psychology 53(1): 3-32.
Kittrell, D. (1998). A comparison of the evolution of men's and women's dreams in Daniel Levinson's theory of adult development. Journal of Adult Development 1(3): 135-147.
Levinson, D.J., Darrow, C. N, Klein, E.B. & Levinson, M. (1978). Seasons of a man's life. New York: Random House.
Levinson, D.J., & Levinson, J.D. (1996). Seasons of a woman's life. New York: Alfred a. Knopf.
Mean Girls: Life StageMean Girls is a comedy film released in 2004 that tells the story of Cady Heron, a high school transfer student who becomes friends with a group of popular girls known as "the Plastics" but eventually turns on them. The film is primarily set in a high school environment, with a focus on the social dynamics among teenage girls.The life stage prominently featured in the film is adolescence, specifically the high school years. The film portrays various concepts related to this life stage, including social identity development, peer pressure, and social hierarchy. The core conflict in the film is related to the identity vs. role confusion conflict identified in Eriksons Stages of Development (Kitchens & Abell, 2020).Social identity development refers to the process of forming one's sense of self in relation to social groups. In the film, Cady struggles to find her place in the social hierarchy…...
Kitchens, R., & Abell, S. (2020). Ego Identity Versus Role Confusion. Encyclopedia of
Personality and Individual Differences, 1254-1257.
I have taken part in discussion groups in the first with people who are not my close friends. The communication is usually off at the start of the group meetings, but it soon picks up as the team gets to know each other. The team went through the forming, storming, norming and the forming stages of development. During the forming stage, everyone remains independent, and the objectives of the group are not understood. The scope of the task is the main discussion points during the stage. The team members also focused on getting to know one another and appreciating the differences between them. During the storming stage, the members of the group embarked on understanding the characters of the other members. I could see this development regarding forming opinions about one another and dealing with disagreements. In particular, each member was focused on having the group take his or her…...
The AA also provides a strong network of relationships that is important for the recovery and support process as pointed out by Khantzian & Mack, (1994, pp.348).
The steps are important since they assist the alcoholics in becoming patient. They also admit that they are reckless and out of control. They also give up the alcoholic struggle with self and the bottle in order to allow the higher power as well as assistance of other to emancipate them. In the recovery process, there are sponsors. A sponsor is an alcoholic who has fully recovered and the recovering alcoholic can reach them at any time.
Alcoholic Anonymous believes even the alcoholics are important help to others. The concept of AA is beneficial in getting rid of the incessant alienation as well as shame that the alcoholics feel. It then proceeds to instill a sense of hope, contact with other as well as…...
Alcoholic Anonymous (2002). Service Material from the General Service Office: THE TWELVE STEPS OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS
Browne, B.R. (1991). The selective adaption of the Alcoholics Anonymous program by Gamblers Anonymous. Journal of Gambling Studies, 7(3), 187206. Fagan, R.W. (1986). The use of volunteer sponsors in the rehabilitation of skid-row alcoholics. Journal of Drug Issues, 16(3), 321-337.
Doweiko, H.E. (2009). Concepts of chemical dependency (7th ed.). Pacifi c Grove, CA:
Old Boy at a Children's Museum Play Area
Soren is a 4-year-old boy. He has light blonde hair that is cut short on the sides and is longer on the top. He is a generally smiley child. He likes to interact with his surroundings and likes to run and hop, crouch and spring into action with a cry of delight as though he were taking great amusement in catching the world by surprise.
He is viewed at a play area in a children's museum. The observation begins just before noon and continues until a quarter past 1 pm.
The play area is very crowded and full of children around his own age, with parents standing nearby watching their children. Most of the children are playing on their own, looking at the environment around them, engaging with the activities (puzzles, blocks, interactive equipment, play sets, scooters, and jungle gym equipment). Soren's social competence…...
Early Childhood: Play Years
Early childhood is a time of rapid mental, physical and emotional growth. As children move past infancy, they begin to explore their surroundings and to build relationships with other children. Four areas of early childhood will be explored; the differences between male and female brain development, pretend play in early childhood, conflict negotiation, and the male and female approaches to relationships and problem solving.
Biology and Language
Scientists have been aware for many years that there are physical differences between the physiology of male and female brains, especially in the way that language is processed. Experts generally tend to agree that women are superior at language skills, while men are stronger in spatial skills. The reason women are better at language is because females have a larger and thicker corpus callosum, which is a bundle of neurons that connects the two hemispheres of the brain and allows them…...
Bergen, D. (2002). The role of pretend play in children's cognitive development. Early Childhood Research and Practice, 4(1), 193-483.
Block, C. (2003). Literacy difficulties: diagnosis and instruction for reading specialists and classroom teachers. (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Church, E. (n.d.) The importance of pretend play. Scholastic Parents. Retrieved January 30, 2010 from
Slavin, R. (2009). Education psychology: theory and practice. New Jersey: Pearson.
preferences by countries can led to different forms of the challenges that they face and the strategies they choose to address these challenges. However, in an increasingly globalized world, many modern challenges are increasingly affecting the world's population as a whole; like climate change for example. Thus the next generations of challenges will require solutions that involve an unprecedented level of global collaboration. Furthermore, these challenges can be thought of in terms of social, economic, and environmental challenges. This paper will briefly outline three development challenges that are facing development in the 21st century.
Climate Change
Climate change, also known as global warming, is an environmental phenomenon that has attracted significant global attention in recent decades. This is arguably an issue that can be thought of as an existential issue. Climate change stands the potential not only to threaten many animal species around the world in a new global masses extinction…...
AFP. (2013, March 14). Chavez 'devil' speech recalled at UN tribute. Retrieved from Nation:
Hanna, S., & Osborne-Lee, I. (2011). Sustainable economy of the ecological footprint: economic analysis and impacts. In V. Esteve, Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VIII (pp. 313-342). Southampton: WIT Press.
Harris, G. (2014, March 25). Borrowed Time on Disappearing Land. Retrieved from The New York Times:
Kabir, A. (2015, May 14). Democracy Departs From Bangladesh. Retrieved from The Diplomat:
George's marriage to Ella is his second one; his first wife was from an arranged marriage in Pakistan that left him unhappy. Yet he was able to incorporate aspects of development theory within his own life to find a new wife who he is (mostly) pleased with in a Western environment, and even owns a successful fish and chips restaurant. In his romantic life and in his economic life, George is able to evince some of the best qualities of development theory and modernization by taking his best assets and (literally) marrying them with those from a Western society to update and contemporize his life and his source of income.
However, what George does not take account of is the fact that he must allow the same degree of leniency from his religion and tradition that he permitted himself in marrying Ella to his children. In this sense, East is…...
Piagetian, Ericksonian, And Freudian Stages of Development
Human beings progress gradually from childhood to adulthood, going through stages that are distinct, continuous, and improving. Developmental psychologists like Freud, Piaget, and Erickson came up with different theories concerning the stages that people often undergo as they grow from childhood. This study discusses the similarities and the differences between the three theories with examples of the stages mentioned by each given. The contrast and comparison will make people appreciate the importance of the three theories of human development
Erickson's theory had the highest number of stages of development compared to the other two. His theory covered eight main stages from birth to death of an individual. According to Erickson, the successful completion of a stage marked a good beginning of the next stage. Failure to fully exhibit and live a stage exhaustively will recur in the future through habits that will be undesirable at…...
younger brother's development since he was born in 1985, I would not have been able to until the beginning of this century. Until the early 1900s, no one was studying the changes that occurred in individuals from childhood to adulthood.
Now psychologists and other social scientists recognize that children go through similar behavioral, intellectual and mental, and physical steps while growing up. By using these theoretical steps as a guide, I can keep track of the development of my brother and any other child. It should always be remembered, however, that the time frames presented are averages and some children may achieve various developmental milestones earlier or later than the average but still be within the normal range. This information is presented to help interested parties understand what to expect from a child.
The idea that specific development stages exist for adults as well as children began with the initial concepts…...
Healy, Jane. Your child's growing mind. Galena, IL: Main Street Books, 1994.
Murray, Thomas. Human development theories. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999.
Singer, Dorothy. A Piaget primer: How a child thinks. New York: Plume, 1996.
" (Anderson, et al., 2003) The study reported by Roberts, Christenson and Gentile (2003) provided a summary of a study that is unpublished but that states findings of a "positive correlation between amount of MTV watching and physical fights among third- through fifth-grade children. In addition, children who watched a lot of MTV were rated by peers as more verbally aggressive, more relationally aggressive, and more physically aggressive than other children. Teachers rated them as more relationally aggressive, more physically aggressive, and less helpful." (Anderson, et al., 2003) Anderson et al. also reports the study of Rubin, West, and Mitchell (2001) who state findings that young people listening to heavy metal music "held more negative attitudes toward women." (Anderson et al., 2003)
The male child is more likely to view violence against females as well as sexual aggression against females to be acceptable if the male child is exposed…...
Gentile, D.A. And Sesma, A. (2003) Developmental Approaches to Understanding Media Effects on Individuals. Online available at
Nevins, Tara (2004) The Effects of Media Violence on Adolescent Health. Physicians for Global Survival, Canada, Summer 2004. Online available at
Anderson, C. et al. (2003) The Influence of Media Violence on Youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. VOL. 4, NO. 3, December 2003. Online available at
Piaget's Cognitive Development
The Webster Dictionary describes the word cognition as; the psychological means of distinguishing, including features such as consciousness, perception, reasoning and decision making (Cognition). Piaget's Cognitive Developmental theory was a novel idea at the time of its birth. In depth, this theory, was the first on the issue and continued the specification of the field for a while. All through this paper, Piaget's thesis will be torn down into its four phases and all will be methodically complete. It is the intention of this research study to see how well Piaget's ideas endured the test of time and see what developments made to the current theory.
Piaget makes the hypothesis that there were four main cognitive phases in practical development, agreeing to four consecutive methods of knowledge. All through each of these stages, children were theorized to ponder and reason in a way that was different. These stages, and…...
Cook-Cottone, C. (2004). Using piaget's theory of cognitive development to understand the construction of healing narratives. Journal of College Counseling, 7(2), 177-186.
Goswami, U. (2001). Cognitive development: No stages please -- we're british. British Journal of Psychology, 92(00071269), 257-77.
Hinde, E., & Perry, N. (2007). Elementary teachers' application of jean piaget's theories of cognitive development during social studies curriculum debates in arizona. The Elementary School Journal, 108(1), 63.
Leppo, M., Davis, D., & Crim, B. (2000). The basics of exercising the mind and body. Childhood Education, 76(3), 142-147.
1. Piaget and Vygotsky: A Comparative Analysis of Child Development Theories
2. The Impact of Freud's Psychosexual Development Theory on Understanding Children's Behavior
3. Erikson's Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development: How Children Form Their Identity
4. Bandura's Social Learning Theory: Exploring the Role of Observational Learning in Child Development
5. Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory: Understanding Children's Development within their Environmental Context
6. The Contribution of Gesell's Maturation Theory to Understanding Physical Development in Children
7. Attachment Theory: Bowlby's Perspective on Emotional Bonding and its Effect on Child Development
8. Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development: Analyzing Children's Ethical Reasoning and Decision-making
9. Skinner's Operant Conditioning Theory: Examining the Role....
A comprehensive outline of early childhood development provides important insights into the different stages of growth and development that children go through during their formative years. By understanding these stages, educators and caregivers can tailor their approaches to better support each child's individual needs and abilities. This, in turn, helps to build a strong foundation for future learning in several ways:
1. Early identification of developmental delays or difficulties: By being aware of the typical stages of development, early childhood professionals can recognize when a child is not meeting expected milestones. Early intervention is key in addressing any delays or difficulties,....
Essential Immunizations for Infants and Children
Immunization plays a crucial role in protecting infants and children from a wide range of potentially life-threatening diseases. The recommended immunization schedule is based on the best available scientific evidence and is designed to provide optimal protection at different stages of development.
Immunization Schedule
The following is the recommended immunization schedule for infants and children in the United States, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
0-6 months:
Hepatitis B (HepB)
Rotavirus (RV)
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP)
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV13)
6-18 months:
DTaP (2nd and 3rd doses)
Hib (2nd....
Key Components of Life Span Theory
Life Span Theory is a comprehensive theory of human development that encompasses the entire life span, from conception to death. It emphasizes the role of both biological and environmental factors in shaping development, and recognizes that individuals actively shape their own development through their interactions with the environment.
Key Components:
1. Biological Influences: Life Span Theory acknowledges the significant role of biological factors, such as genetics and physical health, in shaping development. Genes provide the blueprint for an individual's physical and psychological characteristics, while physical health can influence cognitive and emotional functioning.
2. Environmental Influences: The environment also....
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