Sri Lanka Essays (Examples)

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Sri Lanka's Openness to Future Business and Investments
Pages: 5 Words: 1628

Sri Lanka's Openness To Future Business And Investments
Give an overview of Sri-Lanka and then make a recommendation about it and conclusion.

The official name of the country is Democratic Socialist epublic of Sri Lanka. The capital is Colombo and the size of the island is about sixty five thousand three hundred and thirty two square kilometers. The country has a population of: 21.3 million. The ethnic groups consist of Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, and others. The major religions are Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. The democracy which attained independence on February 4, 1948 was a former colony of Britain. The country has a large tract of costal plains with mountain ranges in the southern end and its centre. With a tropical rainy climate with average rain fall of 50 in., to a maximum of 200 in., the country was found suitable by the colonial planters to grow cash crops like spices, tea,…...



Ahmad, Alia. Sri Lanka: Institutions, Economic Policies and Economic Growth. Swedish International Development Agency, 1999.

Caldwell, John Cope. Let's visit Sri Lanka.

Burke, 1984.

Sri Lanka Assuming a Competitive
Pages: 2 Words: 561

Under normal conditions, the ceiling will have no effect:
The price ceiling is above the equilibrium point, so there is no long-term change in the price or quantity of rice in the market. if, however, the price ceiling is set at a level lower than the equilibrium level, there will be a shortage of rice on the market:

Suppliers will be induced to violate the price ceiling because they know that there is demand in the market at a higher price point. At any point between the price ceiling and the equilibrium price the suppliers will still be able to sell rice:

The government likely implemented the price ceiling in order to ensure that the poorest people can afford to eat rice. The government would need to support this market distortion in two ways. The first is that the government would likely need to enforce the price ceiling strictly, as merchants would…...

Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka
Pages: 7 Words: 2194

The pogrom initiated a large exodus of refugees, who fled to India and estern countries, Rasllngam continues.
In concluding his narrative, Nadarajah asserts that the international community in large part identified the LTTE as a terrorist organization, but not because the LTTE represented a "…threat to their international interests," but rather because those nations (including the U.S.) disapproved of LTTE's "political objective of establishing a separate Tamil state" (Nadarajah, 99).

Five Reasons for the Ultimate Demise of the Tamil Tigers

Rajat Ganguly writes in the Third orld Quarterly that the first development that brought the LTTE to the negotiating table is that the Sri Lankan government showed that it was more willing to talk to the LTTE. The previous administrations had been very reluctant to have any conversations with the LTTE. Secondly, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), which was made up of four Tamil parties that in the past had been "…victims…...


Works Cited

BBC NEWS. (2013). Sri Lanka Profile. Retrieved July 14, 2013, from .

BBC NEWS (2003). Twenty years on -- riots that led to war. Retrieved July 14, 2013, from .

Canadian Broadcast Company. (2010). In Depth: The History of Sri Lanka. Retrieved July 8,

2013, from .

Tamil Tiger of Sri Lanka
Pages: 2 Words: 923

5. Problem statement

I. Through their history, the Tigers have financed their operations with bank robberies and drug smuggling, among other illegal acts.

II. They are also believed to get much of their support from ethnic Tamils living in Western Europe and Canada.

III. Some estimates say the LTTE raises more than $200 million a year.

IV. Hence, statement of the problem "the daily struggle that goes on between the Government of Sri and the Tamil Tigers" (De, 2012).

6. esearch hypothesis

Now, the country is overcoming a period of 30 years of war. Therefore, the hypothesis of this research will be "The Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka pose a great security threat to the post conflict government of Sri Lanka."

7. Justification

I. Justification of this study will be done by conducting a critical assessment of the facts gathered from people who have successfully migrated due to the threat posed by the tigers.

II. The hypothesis will be…...



Chandraprema, C.A. (2012). Go-ta's war: The crushing of Tamil Tiger Terrorism in Sri Lanka. Crow's Nest, N.S.W: Allen & Unwin.

De, S.N. (2012). Tamil tigress: My story as a child soldier in Sri Lanka's bloody civil war. Crow's Nest, N.S.W: Allen & Unwin.

Weiss, G. (2012). The cage: The fight for Sri Lanka and the last days of the Tamil Tigers. London: Vintage.

Training and Expansion Process for Starbucks
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Business Studies
Starbucks and the Potential Expansion into Sri Lanka

The expansion of any company will require careful consideration. The expansion plan will need to facilitate a number of factors, including allowances for the country into which expansion is taking place, as well as the needs of the company in terms of acquisition of resources and training of staff. The plan will need to build on the strengths of the organization, take advantage of opportunities, and minimize the potential dangers that exist as a result of weaknesses and threats. In order to assess the way in which Starbucks may expand into Sri Lanka, it is necessary to look at the company itself before looking at the way in which it may expand.

Company Background

Starbucks is a global brand of gourmet coffee shops. Starting from 1 shop located at Pike placed in Seattle in 1971, it the company has now grown to operations in…...

Tamil Tigers
Pages: 11 Words: 3366

Tamil Tigers
hen the word terrorism or terrorist is spoken, the immediate image for most people is the likes of Al Qaida and the bombings of the London Subway or the 9/11 attacks on American soil. This is a very limited understanding of terrorist groups. In almost every nation, religion, and ethnic group, there are factions of individuals who are dedicated to a political cause. They are so dedicated that they are willing to commit acts of violence on a large scale in order to make their point and force those in power to satisfy their demands. Most often, these groups have an agenda which is antithetical to the aims and best interests of the larger population; something that does not matter to them. Terrorists will do whatever it is they deem necessary in order to achieve their ends. The base word terror explains exactly how they choose to force change,…...


Works Cited:

Anderson, Jon Lee. "Death of the Tiger." The New Yorker. 2011. Print.

Bhattacharji, Preeti. "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (aka Tamil Tigers)." Council on Foreign

Relations. 2009.

Buerk, Roland. "Sri Lankan Families Count Cost of War." BBC News. 2008. Web. 2012.

Slum Upgrading Cross-Cutting Issues
Pages: 2 Words: 849

Cross-Cutting Issues egarding Slum Upgrading
Property ights and Security of Tenure

Secure of tenure, according to Cities Alliance (2014), "is at the very center of slum upgrading." As Cities Alliance further points out, lack of some kind of legal tenure security makes the circumstances of those who reside in slums highly uncertain. This is particularly the case given that evictions could be instituted at any moment. It is important to note that people are not likely to invest in permanent structures if they fear eviction -- meaning that the structures they put up will be largely shoddy and meant to serve temporary shelter needs. However, once people are assured of the right to keep their homes, they develop "a sense of permanence and realize that they can sell their house and recoup their investment" (Cities Alliance, 2014). Property rights also protect slum dwellers from extortion and exploitation (Cities Alliance, 2014).

End-User Finance for…...



Cities Alliance. (2014). About Slum Upgrading. Retrieved from 

Moser, C.O. & Dani, A.A. (Eds.). (2008). Assets. Livelihoods and Social Policy. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications.

1. Housing finance and financial inclusion

2. Housing microfinance the state of the practice

Suicide Bomber History of Suicide
Pages: 6 Words: 1749

The attack which claimed Tsar's life was by a member of Narodnaya Volya, ignacy Hryniewiecki, who died while consciously exploding the bomb during the attack. udolf Christoph Freiherr von Gersdorff projected to assassinate Adolf Hitler by suicide bomb in 1943, but was unable to complete the attack (oger Moorhouse 2006).

Once we start discussing suicide bombers, there emerge some religious units that are never far behind. esearchers have proposed several theories to elaborate on why others would give their lives to take those of others. A study by Ginges brings about a variety of religious people from different religion back grounds and it has come out that across the board, people's deportment on martyrdom had absolutely nothing or if there is very minimal to do with their religious attachment or a specific religious group.


Bloom, Mia. Dying to Kill. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005

Beevor, Antony. Berlin: The downfall 1945, Penguin…...



Bloom, Mia. Dying to Kill. New York: Columbia University Press, 2005

Beevor, Antony. Berlin: The downfall 1945, Penguin Book, 2005

Evan Thomas, Newsweek 10/15/2001

Hafez, Mohammed. Suicide Bombers in Iraq. Washington: U.S. Institute of Peace Press.2007

Indian Art Reflection Activity Ashoka Why Is
Pages: 3 Words: 744

Indian Art
Reflection activity: Ashoka

hy is the reign of the third Mauryan emperor, Ashoka, important to the study of early Indian and Buddhist art?

Ashoka was one of India's greatest emperors whose reign covered a vast region. He conquered Kallinga which had not been done by any of his predecessors. However, this conquest claimed massive numbers of casualties and was destructive. He later converted to Buddhism after some of his experiences in the war which introduced Buddhism and its art to a vast population in India.

Discussion activity: Stupas

To what extent do these examples share the core characteristics of all stupas, and in what ways do they differ from each other? Bodhnath, Nepal (example 1) and Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (example 2)

The stupa generally has six parts that have symbolic meaning that the stupas share. The Bodhnath stupa appears to be more modern and contains cables that connect to the lotus. The Anuradhapura stupa…...


Works Cited

British Museum. (N.d.). Sandstone figure of the seated Buddha. Retrieved from British Museum: 

Dhejia, V. (1990). On Modes of Visual narration in Early Buddhist Art. The Art Bulletin, 374-392.

Smart History. (N.d.). The Stupa. Retrieved from Smart History:

Geopolitical Analysis of China From
Pages: 12 Words: 3969

America's engagement with China, with historic ice-breaking between the two countries carried out by Henry Kissinger, has been complicated. I would suggest that it were the U.S. domestic preoccupations and compulsions that did not allow me to take any bold stance on the issue of Dalai Lama. I disagree with notion that U.S. betrayed the cause of human rights while not choosing to visit Dalai Lama.
It must not be forgotten that unlike ussia, China's geography allows her to exert much more influence than the former. In the words of Kaplan (2010), China is both a land and a sea power. Thus, my foreign policy towards China has been reflective of this potential next power of the world. The U.S. has benefited from the Chinese market significantly in the wake of financial crisis. The author failed to acknowledge the huge compulsions that China faces in meeting its energy and other…...



Barber, BR 1992 "Jihad vs. McWorld," the Atlantic Monthly 269, no. 3 (March 1992): 53 -- 65.

Cohen, MA, 2011, 'Think Again: The Two State Solution', Foreign Policy, Viewed on 18 June 2013, [ ]

Gettleman, J 2010, 'Africa's Forever Wars,' Foreign Policy, 22 Feb 2010.

Gilboy, GJ and Read, BL 2008, 'Political and Social Reform in China,' Washington Quarterly, summer 2008, pg 143-164.

Anil's Ghost by Michael Ondaatje
Pages: 5 Words: 1461

nil's ghost," can be read as a war story or it can also be seen as a tale of young woman coming back to her native land to find that she can no longer relate to the land or its culture. However from both perspectives, the book lacks depth and purpose, which is unfortunate since the author was not writing about some far off land but about his own country and their people. The problem with the book lies in its ambiguously developed characters and a general lack of central theme.
The novel is about Tamil-government war in Sri Lanka that also brings in discussion on general political conditions in this part of the world. Sri Lanka is terrorized by decades of civil war, which has left an indelible mark on the country in terms of economic and political decline. The political infrastructure and various governmental institutions have collapsed under charges…...


Anil has been assigned a masculine name and some so-called masculine attributes but they do not help in advancing the story or making it any better. The one reason why Anil's character has not been developed properly is because Ondaatje has left many details un-discussed while he focusing on unnecessary stories. For example, after her parents' death, Anil decided she would never return to her country. But why? The author never bothers to explain. This story would have been more meaningful and important than the story about her name. What was it about Sri Lanka that made her decide never to visit the place again? Did her parents paint a negative picture of their native land? We will never know since the author casually left out these details. Her name is masculine because Anil is supposedly portrayed as a rebel. But where the rebellion began and what was she rebelling against? Anil never actually had to do any real rebelling since her parents left the country when she was a young girl and there were no obstacles in her way of achieving her goals and dreams. So what kind of rebel was she? She appears to be a stereotypical feminist character that is presented as a rebel because that's how the world sees them. There is no specific cause for her becoming a rebel and even if she is one, her rebellious streak doesn't serve any real purpose in the book. There is a thick solipsistic fog surrounding all characters and is more pronounced in the case of Anil since she is playing the most important role in the novel. The foggy portrayal is what makes the characters appear shallow and disoriented. There is no real connection between them and between the characters and the story. All appear lost in their own world of confused perceptions to observe and judge the world around with accuracy and honesty.


Michael Ondaatje; Anil's Ghost, Alfred A. Knopf, 2000

Dilmah Tea Stakeholder Analysis Customer Segments There
Pages: 9 Words: 2604

Dilmah Tea
Stakeholder Analysis

Customer Segments

There are two ways of looking at Dilmah's customers. The buyers -- to whom Dilmah sells -- are the supermarkets and wholesalers that carry the tea. The other customer group is the end user. Tea is a mass market product that is consumed by a broad swath of the population, and to the extent that there is a definable "typical" demographic for tea consumption, this will vary by market. Initially, the company experienced difficulty in attracting interest from supermarket chains, which would then have had to utilize a push strategy to convince consumers to buy the tea. Over time, however, Dilmah was able to build its brand, making it more attractive to both supermarkets and consumers.

The global hot beverages market is worth $69.77 billion and the two major segments (coffee and tea) are both growing (PR eb, 2011). The growing demand, combined with constrained consumption, means that…...


Works Cited:

Bajaj, V. (2010) . A Sri Lankan underdog battles global tea giants. New York Times. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Datamonitor. (2010). Hot drinks in Australia to 2013. Datamonitor. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Dilmah Tea website. (2012). Retrieved May 11, 2012 from 

Ellis, E. (2007). A cup of tea like a fine wine. Fortune Magazine. Retrieved May 11, 2012 from

Stockholders in Comparison to Stakeholders
Pages: 4 Words: 1626

Stockholders vs. Stakeholders
United States HotFeet is an important manufacturer of footwear, with most of its manufacturing operations outsourced to various regions. One of its manufacturing subsidiaries is located in Sri Lanka, where is has successfully been operating for two decades now, having registered incontestable benefits for the local economy, the well-being of the Sri Lanka population as well as profits for the parent company.

During the past recent years however, several factors have come in play to jeopardize the profitability of Asia HotFeet. For instance, the wage rates in the island country have increased significantly, therefore increasing the cost of operations and decreasing overall profitability. Then, the interest rates in the country have also increased and the value of the U.S. dollar has weakened, all further contributing to a decreased profitability of AHF (Asia HotFeet).

In such a context, a question is being posed regarding the future of AHF. On the one…...



Deresky, H., "International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases," Prentice Hall, 8th edition

Buddhism the Foundations and Travels
Pages: 5 Words: 1437

(owland, 1953, p. 204) (Hallisey, 2003, p. 696)
The Ceylon [now Sri Lanka] Chronicle (Mah-mvam-sa)) is primarily a history of Buddhism in Ceylon though it gives reliable information on political history. It is perhaps unjust to maintain that India had no sense of history whatever, but what interest she had in her own past was generally concentrated on the fabulous kings of a legendary golden age, rather than the great empires which had risen and fallen in historical times. (Basham, 1954, p. 44)

Literature and art reflected the lives of the ruling class along side those historical narratives of Buddha, as can be seen in the first example. Medieval revivals also attempted to rejoin these depictions through restorative works that demanded the attention of many to the idea of a foreign king effectively expressing the Sinhalese culture. (Holt, 1996, p. 41) the tradition is long standing in the region and reflections…...



Basham, a.L. (1954). III History: Ancient and MedievalEmpires. In the Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the Coming of the Muslims (pp. 44-78). New York: Grove Press. Retrieved May 13, 2007, from Questia database: 

Basham, a.L. (1954). The Wonder That Was India: A Survey of the Culture of the Indian Sub-Continent before the Coming of the Muslims. New York: Grove Press.

This work demonstrates the historical context of the region, in relation to faith and art as well as the political. It demonstrates the modern emphasis on rediscovering treasures of ancient and modern faiths.

Tourism What Are the Many
Pages: 12 Words: 3877

The 2007 BCB survey averaged out to 7.5 out of a possible 10 "with regard to the perception of the services it offers." In the section dedicated to Barcelona's "worldwide image" the 2007 survey reached 8 out of ten from those visitors participating in the survey.
Spain isn't the only attractive meetings tourism destination by any means. There are countries all over the world seeking to attract business travelers that are part of conventions, conferences, seminars and other business-related gatherings. China is also an appealing destination for meetings tourism. The Jiangsu Tourism Company spells out some "useful tips for Meeting Planning in China" (

The old Japanese saying, "The protruding nail gets hammered down" is linked by the travel service to the possibility that some business travelers that are part of a meetings tourism group may commit a "major faux pas" during the business sessions. Hence, the ebsite explains, one should…...


Works Cited "What is Adventure Travel." Retrieved Nov. 16, 2010, from   (2010). .

Bawaba, Al. "Malaysia Still Has Room to Grow in Health Tourism, Says Liow." Malaysian

Government News. Retrieved Nov. 16, 2010, from GaleGroup.

Berger, Karen. "Types of Adventure Travel Tours: Challenges, Features of Soft, Medium, and Hard-Core Adventure Trips." Retrieved Nov. 16, 2010, from   (2009). 

What are the key findings and challenges identified in existing literature on cinnamon export management systems?
Words: 607

Cinnamon is a highly prized spice that has been used for centuries for its unique flavor and medicinal properties. In recent years, the demand for cinnamon has been steadily increasing due to its numerous health benefits and culinary versatility. As a result, many countries have started to invest in the production and export of cinnamon to meet this growing demand.

One important aspect of the cinnamon export industry is the management system that governs the production, processing, and export of cinnamon. Effective management of the cinnamon export process is crucial in ensuring that high-quality cinnamon reaches the global market and that....

What are the key findings and challenges identified in existing literature on cinnamon export management systems?
Words: 488

Key Findings

Cinnamon is a highly valuable spice with increasing global demand. Its versatility in culinary, medicinal, and aromatic applications has led to a growing export market.
Cinnamon production is concentrated in a few countries, with Sri Lanka and Indonesia being the ?????? exporters. Other producers include Vietnam, China, and India.
Cinnamon export management systems vary significantly between countries. Some countries have well-organized and efficient systems, while others face challenges in meeting international standards and ensuring traceability.
Key elements of successful cinnamon export management systems include:
Effective quality control and grading
Traceability systems to track cinnamon from farm to market

How do characters in \"Gamperaliya\" adapt to social change, reflecting author\'s perspective on progress?
Words: 652

In Martin Wickramasinghe's novel "Gamperaliya," the theme of social change is central to the plot and characters. Set in rural Sri Lanka during the early 20th century, the story revolves around the changes brought about by British colonial rule and the impact of modernization on traditional society.
One of the key aspects of social change in the novel is the clash between tradition and modernity. The characters, particularly the protagonist Piyal and his family, grapple with the changing social norms and values as they navigate their way through a rapidly evolving world. As the British colonial influence grows stronger and Western....

What makes Chandipura virus a significant threat to human health?
Words: 618

Chandipura Virus: A Significant Threat to Human Health
Chandipura virus (CHPV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus that belongs to the Togaviridae family. It was first isolated in 1965 from a deceased forest worker in Chandipura, India. CHPV has a wide geographic distribution, spanning from Southeast Asia to Africa. The virus causes a wide range of clinical manifestations, from mild fever to severe encephalitis. Due to its potential for causing neurological complications and its high mortality rate, CHPV poses a significant threat to human health.
Clinical Manifestations
CHPV infection typically presents with a febrile illness characterized by fever, malaise, headache, and muscle pain. In some....

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