Sports Media Essays (Examples)

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Future of Sports Media
Pages: 8 Words: 2622

This implies that it will bridge the existing gap between practice and research and shift of sports activities from clinical models towards educational models. Apart from this, the sports media professionals will focus on important issues such as taking into consideration gender and social issues and interdisciplinary relationships to shape the face of the sports media in the future (yba, 2005).
It is postulated that the constantly changing needs of the fans, teams, marketing professionals and leagues will result in an increased formation of alliances with the media forced to operate, viewers have unprecedented access to numerous sports related distribution channels. This will be characterized by the need for adoption of sophisticated technology to reinvent the sports media. The technology will transform the landscape of the sports media. Most teams, stars, and leagues will develop and control their own companies (media) in the future as compared to the present where…...



Andrews, D.L. (2001). Michael Jordan, Inc.: Corporate sport, media culture, and late modern America. Albany: State Univ. Of New York Press.

Billings, a.C. (2009). Communicating about sports media: Culture collide. Lexington, Ky: Aresta

Ryba, T.V. (2005). Sport Psychology as Cultural Praxis?: Future Trajectories and Current Possibilities. Athletic Insight, 7 (4), 14 -- 22.

Schultz, B., & Sheffer, M. Lou. (2011). Factors Influencing Sports Consumption in the Era of New Media. Web Journal of Mass Communication Research, 37 (2), 1. Retrieved from

Media Has Taken on a
Pages: 1 Words: 312

For instance, team allegiances and celebrity athletes may affect personal identity construction. Fans of a team often organize their social lives around sporting events. The Olympics is a special example of how media-sport is used to promote cross-cultural awareness or in some cases as a political tool.
Almost ten years after Moragas (1996) wrote, the media-sport phenomenon has proliferated. Dedicated sports channels on cable have become highly specified so that one type of sport (such as hockey or soccer) can have its own network, and in some cases more than one. The plethora of programming available and the number of paying customers proves how integral sports media and media-sport has become for the culture, the individual, and the marketplace.


Moragas, Miquel de. (1996). The new role of the mass media in the construction of sport and Olympic values. etrieved Feb 1, 2010 from…...



Moragas, Miquel de. (1996). The new role of the mass media in the construction of sport and Olympic values. Retrieved Feb 1, 2010 from

Sport as a Vehicle for Change
Pages: 15 Words: 4806

Social Change Through omen's Sports
Promoting Social Change Through omen's Sports Leadership

The problems that cry out for social change solutions

No one who is intelligent, literate, and who is paying attention could avoid the fact that much of the world today is in need of fresh and creative ways to resolve cultural and social conflicts and to build better communities where families feel safe and futures seem secure. ar, bloodshed, racial rage, and mindless military carnage -- in addition to the disturbing, ongoing violence against women -- make up too much of the front pages of daily newspapers. Dramatic social changes are desperately needed, and the plans for those changes have yet to be drawn up by present political leadership in the United States and elsewhere.

Over the first week in October, for example: suicide bombers killed 19 innocent tourists in Bali; car bomb blasts killed numerous citizens and soldiers in Iraq; 6…...


Works Cited

American Association of University Women. (2004). Report Card on Gender Equity. Retrieved October 5, 2005, from .

Christofides, Nicola J.; Jewkes, Rachel K.; Webster, Naomi; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Abrahams,

Naeema & Martin, Lorna J. (2005). "Other patients are really in need of medical attention" the quality of health care services for rape survivors in South Africa. Bulletin of the World

Health Organization, 83(7), 495-502.

Sports Race and Gender Sports
Pages: 5 Words: 1706

But despite these strides, the negative as well as the positive legacy of sports in American culture cannot be ignored.

About Title IX. (2010). University of Iowa. etrieved September 20, 2010 at

Douglas, Scott. (2005). unning through Kenya. etrieved September 20, 2010 at

Gettleman, Elizabeth. (2006, July). eview of William C. hoden's Forty Million Dollar Slaves.

Mother Jones. etrieved September 20, 2010 at

Johnson, Jenna. (2010). NCAA graduation rates. The Washington Post. etrieved September 20,

2010 at

Lehrer, Jonah. (2010, August 24). How to raise a superstar. Wired Science. etrieved September 20, 2010 at

Lovett, C. (1997). The fight to establish the women's Olympic marathon race. Olympic Marathon, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT. etrieved September 21,

2010 at

Williams, Kam. (2006). eview of William C. hoden's Forty Million Dollar Slaves. AALBC.

etrieved September 20, 2010 at

Witt, Jon. (2006). The big picture. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Youth sports pushing kids, parents too far. (2010,…...



About Title IX. (2010). University of Iowa. Retrieved September 20, 2010 at 

Douglas, Scott. (2005). Running through Kenya. Retrieved September 20, 2010 at 

Gettleman, Elizabeth. (2006, July). Review of William C. Rhoden's Forty Million Dollar Slaves.

Mother Jones. Retrieved September 20, 2010 at

Media Portrayal of Sexes Babies When Born
Pages: 3 Words: 1054

Media Portrayal of Sexes
abies, when born, have no inherent knowledge about how girls and boys, men and women, are "supposed to act." They learn their cultural roles from the culture around them -- their adult and older-child role models, and more and more, through the media. As one writer quoted lum, "Nothing in biology labels behaviors as right or wrong, normal or abnormal. Any stereotypes we impose on children -- and by extension, adults -- are purely cultural, not biological" (Abels, 2002). Depiction of males and females in popular media is in a constant change of flux, partly based on inaccurate stereotype but partly reflecting the very real diversity seen in both sexes.

Experts in the field believe that children begin to learn what gender role is expected of them early in childhood, and that these expectations are communicated to them both purposefully and in unintended lessons. Part of this influence…...



Abels, Lori. 2002. "Sex-role stereotypes in TV Programs aimed at the preschool audience: an analysis of Teletubbies and Barney & Friends." Women and Language, Sept. 22.

Giuliano, Traci A. 2003. "Blood, sweat, and jeers: the impact of the media's heterosexist portrayals on perceptions of male and female athletes." Journal of Sport Behavior, Sept. 1.

MacKenzie, Nancy R. 1998. "Effects of television viewing on children's development." Pediatric Nursing, Sept.

Shugart, Helene A. 2003. "She shoots, she scores: mediated constructions of contemporary female athletes in coverage of the 1999 U.S. women's soccer team." Western Journal of Communication, Jan.

Sports Have Become'so Well-Integrated
Pages: 1 Words: 336

Many will lose income as a result of the event, as will media corporations and sports sponsors. The consumers of sports -- the viewers -- receive information about a political issue rather than a broadcasted game play.
The power of sports to alter political landscapes should not be underestimated. As Spector (nd) points out, the Internet assists boycotts because of the rapid way information is disseminated. Interestingly, sports allows for a type of political protest that protects the actual state government. The vehicle for the dissent is part of popular culture rather than foreign policy. Even when a conscious coalition of nations join into a concerted boycott of a major international event such as Olympics, the boycott remains a peaceful and populist movement. Within a country too, sports boycotts can inspire political activism on domestic issues.


Spector, J.B. (nd). Non-traditional diplomacy: Cultural, academic and sports boycotts and change in South Africa.…...



Spector, J.B. (nd). Non-traditional diplomacy: Cultural, academic and sports boycotts and change in South Africa. Retrieved Feb 1, 2010 from

Sports Surfing and Other Underrated
Pages: 2 Words: 574

In many cases, the sports that are largely ignored in the U.S. are equally deserving of national exposure and coverage, because they demand the same level of natural talent, skill, and expertise as those high-profile sports that enjoy extensive national coverage.
Especially in the wake of recent revelations and scandals arising in the major American sports involving use of steroids, violent assaults on women, driving under the influence of alcohol, and federal convictions for those types of crimes as well as for cruelty to animals have undermined the traditional reputation of professional athletes as role models in modern American society. To date, no such controversies have plagued any of the lesser-appreciated sports in the U.S. In that regard, surfing in particular is associated with health, vitality, and natural physical fitness that is not at all likely to fall prey to illegal or performance-enhancing drug use in the sport. Furthermore, unlike…...

Media Law Argue Against Discuss 1st Amendment
Pages: 7 Words: 2137

MEDIA LA: Argue Against: Discuss 1st amendment implications Family Prevention Tobacco Act 2009. Are tobacco
The Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009 was one of the more controversial pieces of legislature passed in recent times, for the simple fact that it gave a great deal of authority to the Food and Drug Administration to limit the effectiveness of the tobacco industry and its various companies to sell its products. There are multiple components of this legislation, which encompass various aspects of sales, advertising, inspections and registration of new products on the part of manufacturers. Among the many points of dissension that individual and collective entities within this industry claim regarding this legislation is that it limits their First Amendment right of freedom of speech. A thorough examination of the spirit and the lettering of this act, however, reveals that of its many different components, only one (that pertaining to advertising) relates…...


Works Cited

No author. "Tobacco Controls Have Public Health Impact." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011. Web. 

Sifferland, Alexandria. "Colorful Ways Tobacco Industry May Be Skirting Labeling Rules." Time. 2013. Web. 

U.S. Food and Drug Administration. "Overview of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act: Consumer fact Sheet." U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2013. Web.

Media Consumption
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

In a one day diary of media consumption, it becomes evident that many of my interactions with the world are via media. I receive most of my information through media forms as well. Even when relaxing, media is something that drives the process. There is also a lot of passive consumption of media in my daily life. My media consumption will be analyzed through the lens of different media theories.


Turow argues that media and advertisers have become exceptionally adept since the 1970s at understanding audiences, their consumption patterns, and how to exploit these. For our part as audience, we have much less understanding of our own consumption patterns. This exercise was the first time that I had really given thought to my daily media exposure, only to realize that my use of media is constant, throughout the day, and sometimes very passive. I used media forms as intermediary between myself…...



Turow, J. (1997). Breaking up America University of Chicago Press: Chicago.

Fenton, N. (no date). The internet and social networking. In possession of the author.

Media Society Book Section Summary Croteau
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Vietnam films have rewritten the winners and the losers of that saga and action-adventure films reinforce cultural norms of violence and power (175). Despite the increased real presence of women in positions of power, often media representations of women and other formerly disenfranchised groups remain stereotyped or relegated to marginal or token roles, although this is changing. Still, certain outlets like women's magazines often function as advertisements that perpetuate corporate images that make women feel worse, rather than better about themselves (188). Furthermore, a hegemonic ideology is implied by supposedly mainstream news organizations. Consider the construct of 'economic news.' This implies that the 'economy' is in a neat little box, and that social issues of race and political disenfranchisement, limits on wealth and access to education and power, have no role in who possess wealth and who lacks wealth in society. Economics as separate from other issues is essentially…...

Sports Nutrition Proposal Contemporary Sports
Pages: 4 Words: 1154


Elliot, D.L., Moe, E.L., Goldberg, L., Defrancesco, C.A., Durham, M.B., & Hix-mall, H. (2006). Definition and Outcome of a Curriculum to Prevent Disordered Eating and Body haping Drug Use. Journal of chool Health, 76(2), 67+. Retrieved February 15, 2009, from Questia database:

Maletto, Pete. (2008, October 1). ports nutrition: past, present and future: in order to understand where this market is headed it's important to know where it's been. Nutraceuticals World. Rodman Publications, Inc. Retrieved February 14, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

Ray, Tracy R., & Fowler, Rachel. (2004, eptember 1). Current issues in sports nutrition in athletes. outhern Medical Journal. outhern Medical Association. 2004. Retrieved February 14, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

haw, Greg, Cox, Greg, & Barnard. Janelle. (2007). ports nutrition: case studies 2. Nutrition & Dietetics: The Journal of the DietitiansAssociation of Australia. Dietitians Association of Australia. Retrieved February 15, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

ports nutrition vital for athletes.(2005,…...


Sports nutrition vital for athletes.(2005, May 15). New Straits Times. Retrieved February 14, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

Tallon, Mark J. (2007, November 1). Enzymes' new potential in an emerging wellness market. Functional Ingredients. Penton Media OH & IL. Retrieved February 15, 2009 from HighBeam Research: 

2008, March 1). Sports nutrition goes natural. Functional Ingredients. Penton Media OH & IL. Retrieved February 14, 2009 from HighBeam Research:

Sport Promotion Mix Kotler's Promotion Mix Consists
Pages: 2 Words: 719

Sport Promotion Mix
Kotler's promotion mix consists of advertising, publicity, personal contact, incentives, and atmospherics as well as licensing, sponsorship, and community relations to represent the contemporary sport promotion mix (Irwin, 2008). The New York Yankees the contemporary promotion mix. They have advertising of ticket sales, news articles and videos as publicity, blogs for personal contact with fans, discounts on tickets as incentives, and atmospherics with a showcase of bleachers, licensing with team logo items, sponsorships with corporations, and community relations with donations and fund drives.

Advertising is done for ticket sales (Home Page) and team logo items (New York Yankees), such as t-shirts, hats, etc. The advertised items serve two fold in the promotion mix. Ticket sales contain incentives in 12-game and group packages that offer discounts to consumers. The team logo items are advertised for sale, but also contain the licensing of the team logo. The team logo also falls…...



New York Yankees. (2013). Retrieved from ESPN MLB: 

Yankee Publications. (2013). Retrieved from Heros Remembered. Legends Born.: 

Bryant, A. (1993, Apr 5). The Media Business: Advertising; For a Major League Baseball Team, the Season's First Pitch Comes Well Before Opening Up. Retrieved from New York Times: 

Home Page. (n.d.). Retrieved from Heros Remembered. Legends Born.:   jsp-c_id=nyy ,

Sports in Epic of America
Pages: 6 Words: 1929

Anti-discrimination laws are enforced and companies are rated by their policies of tolerance. Homophobia is gradually being extricated from the American consciousness and so is sexism. The media plays a major role in how the American consciousness changes and those changes have an indelible impact on the character of the American Dream.
Thomspon also notes that Thrice was well-loved by his teammates. The community rallied in support of Thrice and there was a general outcry after he died. Being American has always entailed appreciation for grassroots movements. The social and political realities that evolve depend on grassroots movements. Grassroots movements precede legislation and policy changes. America becomes more of a real democracy as grassroots movements offer a voice for the most disenfranchised elements of society. Grassroots movements prevent tyrannnies of the majority and enable minority opinions to make their way into public policy. The American government remains a government of…...



The Declaration of Independence." Indiana University School of Law. Retrieved April 1, 2007 at 

Library of Congress (2002). What is the American Dream? Retrieved April 1, 2007 at 

United States Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment. Retrieved April 1, 2007 at

Media Images and Eating Disorders
Pages: 3 Words: 958

These results are important, however, in understanding if and how media images may be related to eating disorders in women. Polivy and Herman (2004) ask the commonsense question: "Why do women and girls continue to buy fashion magazines featuring thin models that make them feel anxious, depressed, and generally miserable about their bodies?" Some women find them to be a relaxing way to spend time. This shows that it is much too simple-minded for people to say that media images make women feel bad about themselves. Wouldn't it be smart to consider that maybe these small populations of women who do develop eating disorders are already dissatisfied and the media images may reinforce their inherent paranoia about their bodies? Or, perhaps it is people who are critical of every aspect of media who feel like they need to criticize the media because they themselves are made to feel insecure about…...



Groesz, L.M., Levine, M.P., & Murnen, S.K. (2002). The effect of experimental presentation of thin media images on body satisfaction: A meta-analytic review.

International Journal of Eating Disorders, 31, 1-16.

Polivy, J. & Herman, P.C. (2004). Sociocultural idealization of thin female body shapes:

an introduction to the special issue on body image and eating disorders. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 23(1), 1-6.

Media Television Industry Narrowcasting Is
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Government officials and elected officers become unwilling to provide limited public funds to broadcasters whose audiences are becoming smaller, forcing public service programmers to reach for larger audiences with different types of program content. "While multiple program sources -- cable, home video -- make it unlikely that these systems will move toward "mass audience programming" it is the case that the face of broadcasting is changing in these contexts" (Narrowcasting, 2012).
Digital signage networks for narrowcast advertising are becoming part of the mainstream and not some sort of on the edge experimental medium reserved for the daring and advanced. ather than being seen as a risk in the eyes of media buyers, they are becoming a vital communications path for marketers and advertisers wishing to sway consumer spending decisions at the point of purchase. It isn't particularly surprising that narrowcast digital signage networks are entering the mainstream. Advertising buyers and…...



Little, D. (2007). Digital signage -- InfoTrends sees significant growth for narrowcasting.

Retrieved from -


Narrowcasting. (2012). Retrieved from

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