Sports Law
Over the last several decades, there has been a transformation in Australia's sports laws. This was in response to the issues of racism and prejudice based on a number of factors (most notably: race or gender). As a result, these changes have made it easier for everyone to compete and have access to various sports. To fully understand what is taking place requires carefully examining these changes. This will be accomplished by focusing on: natural justice, the differences between the cases of Waverly Municipal Council v Swain with Neagle v ottnest Island Authority and how discrimination law is applied. Together, these elements will highlight the shifts that have occurred in this area of sports law.
Discuss the natural justice process in sport tribunals. Should athletes at domestic or professional level be able to have legal representation?
The process of natural justice is when a tribunal will render a decision and the…...
Topic 5, 2012.
Topic 6, 2012.
Topic 9, 2012
Waverly Municipal Council v Swain, 2003.
Title IX, as you must know, requires that universities provide as much funding and other forms of support to women's sports as to men's. President Allen announced in the same press conference that your firing was in all likelihood a precedent to the teams' being dissolved. Given this fact, it will certainly be arguable in court (as well as in the preliminary documents that we will file, which may well lead to a settlement from the university rather than having to proceed to court) that your firing was simply a pretext that would allow the university to cut funding to women's sports. Such a clear violation of federal law is definite grounds for a lawsuit.
We have additional support for such a lawsuit in that President Allen has make a number of statement supporting the importance of male teams and has consistently attended the games played by the male teams…...
Sports Law
Unlike was the case a few decades ago, sports has today become a multi-million dollar industry. It is this exponential growth in the 'business of sports' that has informed the growing interest in sports law. The legal issues that, in one way or another, relate to sports typically range from intellectual property to torts to contracts and many others. In seeking to explore the various legal issues in the sports industry, this text concerns itself with the legal environment of a typical sports organization. The organization of choice for purposes of this discussion is Octagon Sports/Octagon Football.
A sports marketing agency with global presence, Octagon could easily be one of the largest sponsorship consulting outfits in the world. Typically, sports marketing firms like Octagon Football concern themselves with not only the creation but also the maximization of commercial opportunities for clients. In addition to working with scores of athletes, Octagon…...
Blackshaw, I. (2010). Morality Clauses in Sports Merchandising Agreements. The International Sports Law Journal, 1-2.
Goins J.V. (2012). Jewel Food Stores, Inc.: Do the Shoes Make the Man? Sport Marketing Quarterly, 21(4).
Harris, E. (2012). Rings of Controversy: An Analysis of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games Logo Controversy. The International Sports Law Journal, 1-2.
Jones, K.L. (2011). Foundations of the United States Sports Law Model: Structure and Key Issues. The International Sports Law Journal, 3-4.
Australian Sports Law
Sports Law in Australia
The dictionary defines sports as a physical activity governed by rules or customs and which is often engaged in for competition. Every civilized activity has its ground rules and so does sports. The laws and legal systems of a particular country do not infringe on the rules of a given game or sport (In rief, 2011). The country's international governing body of the game or sport establishes and regulates laws for use in the game or sport. This governing body also decides on changes of the rules and details, such as the movement of players and disciplinary sanctions. One such body is the Federation International de Football Association or FIFA, which governs English football. Under it are other organizations, namely UEFA for European Football, the Football Association for England, and regional football associations and clubs in England, both amateur and professional (In rief).
Government Involvement
Donaldson, M. (2004). Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill. Bill Digest # 732004-05.
Parliamentary Library: Commonwealth of Australia. Retrieved on December 27, 2011
Farstad, S. (2004). Protecting children's rights in sport: the use of minimum age.
One of the most pressing problems with the doping incidents is that punishment is so lax in many arenas. The WADA recommends a two-year ban from the sport, but increasing the time could reduce the number of doping incidents. An athlete might be less likely to turn to performance enhancing drugs of any kind if they knew they could face a ban for life, or a five-year or more ban from their chosen sport. Laws regarding the use of banned substances should be reviewed and updated so they are the same for each sport, and so they increase the culpability of the players involved. Since many of these athletes serve as heroes and role models to the children of the world, they owe it to them to come clean, stay clean, and support stricter enforcement in their specific sports. Lance Armstrong, in his comeback maneuver, could serve as a…...
Editors. "Anti-Doping Expert Promises to Test Armstrong for 'Everything'." 2008. 26 Sept. 2008.
Murphy, Austin. "Armstrong Returns With a New Team and a Winning Cause." Sports Sept. 2008, 26 Sept. 2008.
In many cases, the sports that are largely ignored in the U.S. are equally deserving of national exposure and coverage, because they demand the same level of natural talent, skill, and expertise as those high-profile sports that enjoy extensive national coverage.
Especially in the wake of recent revelations and scandals arising in the major American sports involving use of steroids, violent assaults on women, driving under the influence of alcohol, and federal convictions for those types of crimes as well as for cruelty to animals have undermined the traditional reputation of professional athletes as role models in modern American society. To date, no such controversies have plagued any of the lesser-appreciated sports in the U.S. In that regard, surfing in particular is associated with health, vitality, and natural physical fitness that is not at all likely to fall prey to illegal or performance-enhancing drug use in the sport. Furthermore, unlike…...
Sports & Nbsp;(general)
Fund raising Critque
Info: • the format will be according to APA style (typed double spaced) and in four
• parts. Written out as a paper.
is the identification of the article. What is important here is that you provide the reader with enough information about your article so that they will be able to locate the article.
• A Summary. List the main points that the author has tried to establish, i.e. 1, 2, 3 or first, second, third. There normally will be 3 to 5 main points. If you are summarizing a court case you should discuss: What provision of the law was at issue? Briefly state the facts of the case. What legal tests were applied? Were there any unusual elements in the case? Include all major key points of the author. If the author addressed any major concepts or methodology this should be explained.
• My critique - You…...
Staurowsky, Ellen J. (1996). Women and Athletic Fund Raising: Exploring the Connection
Between Gender and Giving. Journal of Sport Management,10, 401-416.
Law enforcement and corrections can be influenced by several external threats. These consist of external communication gaps and many environmental influences. One of the key external threats that impacts both corrections and law enforcement is politics. In delineation, politics is the art of wielding one's authority and power over the government or public affairs. In particular, political action can give rise to the imposition of one's interests within the government, in positions of leadership within the government, with regard to the control over resources, as well as in terms of holding government office. Politics influence law enforcement and corrections by impacting the individuals that will hold different positions in criminal justice, for instance the police, judges, prosecutors as well as correctional executives. Law enforcement, administration, and corrections are linked with politics on various extents and levels. Prevailing political philosophy and ideology influence the structure, organization, as well as anticipation of…...
Sports Bar
A partnership firm would be the best choice for Lou and Jose sports bar and restaurant business. To form a partnership, four criteria must be fulfilled: partnership must have two or more persons; the same persons must be caring the business, business must be for profit, and all persons must be co-owners. Lou, Jose, and Miriam will be co-owners for-profit business and Lou and Jose will be caring daily duties of a sports bar and restaurant. However, in a partnership control is shared by all the partners. Every decision is made on the understanding and agreement between all the partners. Lou and Jose will have general partnership while Miriam as an investor partner will not control business activities.
The reason a partnership firm would be the best choice is because neither of them have much money and Miriam is willing to be the investor who will not participate in the…...
Limited liability partnership. (n.d.). West's Encyclopedia of American Law. Retrieved June 16, 2012, from Web site:
Partnership. (n.d.). Encyclopedia of Small Business. Retrieved June 16, 2012, from Web site:
Cheeseman, H.R. (2010). The Legal Environment of Business and online Commerce: Business
Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues. 6th ed. Prentice Hall
Anti-discrimination laws are enforced and companies are rated by their policies of tolerance. Homophobia is gradually being extricated from the American consciousness and so is sexism. The media plays a major role in how the American consciousness changes and those changes have an indelible impact on the character of the American Dream.
Thomspon also notes that Thrice was well-loved by his teammates. The community rallied in support of Thrice and there was a general outcry after he died. Being American has always entailed appreciation for grassroots movements. The social and political realities that evolve depend on grassroots movements. Grassroots movements precede legislation and policy changes. America becomes more of a real democracy as grassroots movements offer a voice for the most disenfranchised elements of society. Grassroots movements prevent tyrannnies of the majority and enable minority opinions to make their way into public policy. The American government remains a government of…...
The Declaration of Independence." Indiana University School of Law. Retrieved April 1, 2007 at
Library of Congress (2002). What is the American Dream? Retrieved April 1, 2007 at
United States Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment. Retrieved April 1, 2007 at
If the owner agrees, it discharges the debt under accord and satisfaction, as long as he takes the funds (cashes the check) knowing or with reason to know that it's consideration for discharging the debt. Even though it seems there's no new consideration here, there actually is; because it's a new promise to pay, given the fact that the owner would probably not be able to collect any funds otherwise.
As for the interest, if Mrs. Green disagrees with the calculation, she can recover under contract theory if she is proven correct. Unilateral mistake can be corrected in this fashion. If however, she knew of the error, then she would not be able to collect after the fact. Of course, she has to prove in a court that the calculation was incorrect.
Mary had contracted away her right to sue. A contract must have offer, acceptance and consideration (i.e., some forebearance) and…...
Sport Promotion Mix
Kotler's promotion mix consists of advertising, publicity, personal contact, incentives, and atmospherics as well as licensing, sponsorship, and community relations to represent the contemporary sport promotion mix (Irwin, 2008). The New York Yankees the contemporary promotion mix. They have advertising of ticket sales, news articles and videos as publicity, blogs for personal contact with fans, discounts on tickets as incentives, and atmospherics with a showcase of bleachers, licensing with team logo items, sponsorships with corporations, and community relations with donations and fund drives.
Advertising is done for ticket sales (Home Page) and team logo items (New York Yankees), such as t-shirts, hats, etc. The advertised items serve two fold in the promotion mix. Ticket sales contain incentives in 12-game and group packages that offer discounts to consumers. The team logo items are advertised for sale, but also contain the licensing of the team logo. The team logo also falls…...
New York Yankees. (2013). Retrieved from ESPN MLB:
Yankee Publications. (2013). Retrieved from Heros Remembered. Legends Born.:
Bryant, A. (1993, Apr 5). The Media Business: Advertising; For a Major League Baseball Team, the Season's First Pitch Comes Well Before Opening Up. Retrieved from New York Times:
Home Page. (n.d.). Retrieved from Heros Remembered. Legends Born.: jsp-c_id=nyy ,
Social Change Through omen's Sports
Promoting Social Change Through omen's Sports Leadership
The problems that cry out for social change solutions
No one who is intelligent, literate, and who is paying attention could avoid the fact that much of the world today is in need of fresh and creative ways to resolve cultural and social conflicts and to build better communities where families feel safe and futures seem secure. ar, bloodshed, racial rage, and mindless military carnage -- in addition to the disturbing, ongoing violence against women -- make up too much of the front pages of daily newspapers. Dramatic social changes are desperately needed, and the plans for those changes have yet to be drawn up by present political leadership in the United States and elsewhere.
Over the first week in October, for example: suicide bombers killed 19 innocent tourists in Bali; car bomb blasts killed numerous citizens and soldiers in Iraq; 6…...
mlaWorks Cited
American Association of University Women. (2004). Report Card on Gender Equity. Retrieved October 5, 2005, from .
Christofides, Nicola J.; Jewkes, Rachel K.; Webster, Naomi; Penn-Kekana, Loveday; Abrahams,
Naeema & Martin, Lorna J. (2005). "Other patients are really in need of medical attention" the quality of health care services for rape survivors in South Africa. Bulletin of the World
Health Organization, 83(7), 495-502.
In order to fully safeguard the country's borders, it is necessary to take into account that criminals tend to develop as fast as new technology can be implemented. Hence it is important to improve methods for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, analysis and training, and support efforts to deter not only illegal aliens, but also the substances some of them bring into the country. On the other hand, it is also important to recognize the human element inherent in the immigration problem. Some believe they have no choice but to risk their lives in order to have any quality of life at all.
Camarota, S.A. (2004). The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget. Center for Immigration Studies. etrieved from (2010). Obama orders 1,200 Guard troops to border. etrieved from
The White House (2010). emarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration eform. American University School of International…...
Camarota, S.A. (2004). The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget. Center for Immigration Studies. Retrieved from (2010). Obama orders 1,200 Guard troops to border. Retrieved from
The White House (2010). Remarks by the President on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. American University School of International Services, Washington, D.C
U.S. Immigration Support. (2010). Illegal Immigration from Mexico. Retrieved from
life we are always faced with situations where the rights on one individual overlap those of another, causing a legal conflict that is often decided upon in the court of law. In many cases, these are private rights, but we are sometimes in a situation when the rights delimitation is imposed by the government, as is the case with the tobacco industry and smoking regulations and delimitations.
The problem with smoking in public places bares much resemblance in Canada, Europe or the United States. The right of smoking individuals to smoke in public places was gradually and constantly diminished to the degree that nowadays smoking in restaurants, offices or any closed locations. The movement against smoking in public places seems to have started in Canada in the early 1990s, when the City of Toronto emitted a series of by-laws, referred to as The Workplace Smoking y-law. This law "requires all…...
1. H. Demsetz, "Toward a Theory of Property Rights," American Economic Review, Vol.57 (May, 1967).
2. R.Coase, "The Problem of Social Cost," Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.3 (October 1960).
3. Impact of Workplace Smoking Restriction - Compliance Issues. On the Internet at
Impact of Workplace Smoking Restriction - Compliance Issues. On the Internet at
1. Imagine a world where attending a sports event feels like entering a high-security zone. Is this the future we want for our fan experience?
2. When the roar of the crowd is drowned out by the sound of sirens, what does that say about our priorities in policing sports events?
3. Should fans be treated as potential threats or as the lifeblood of the sport?
4. In the balance between safety and enjoyment, where should the scales tip at sports events?
5. What if the next time you go to a game, the biggest....
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