Ethical Dilemma- Euthanasia
Euthanasia-literally meaning 'Eu' good, 'thanatos' death or assisted suicide has existed since long in human history. The current discussions arise out of improved medical claims about alleviating pain, changed societal norms, and 'open' religious thoughts.
"Assemblies of God" that professes religious view on the subject firmly believes in the sentiment that the sanctity of human life as ordained by God, cannot be taken away at will, either by the patient, through his own request or by anyone else (attending doctor, nurses, health giver, or relatives). The range of debate has surfaced recently, mainly due to the enhanced nature and assertion of medical sciences to provide relief from pain and suffering to terminally ill sufferers. Quite on the opposite, the religious view is that such contentions contradict the scope and importance of divine healing that God ordains for all mankind ("Assemblies of God," n.d.).
eligious View
"Assemblies of God" is opposed to…...
Humphry, Derek. (2010). Why I believe in Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Euthanasia Research & Guidance Organization (ERGO). Retrieved from
"Assemblies of God" (n.d.). Euthanasia, and Extraordinary Support to Sustain Life. Retrieved from
Research Paper: Leadership Skills Thesis Statement and Annotated BibliographyThesis statement: The biblical account of Moses represents a valuable case study in effective leadership, as he exhibited a transformational and servant leadership style that motivated and inspired his followers to achieve their full potential, while also adapting his approach to different situations; however, his failings, such as his lack of confidence and communication problems, serve as important reminders of the challenges leaders face in achieving their personal and professional goals.Annotated...
mlaWilson, S. M. (2020). Fear, Love, and Leadership: Posing a Machiavellian Question to the Hebrew Bible. Journal of Biblical Literature, 139(2), 233–253. The author presents an analysis of various narrative materials and identifies biblical leaders such as Moses who effectively used fear to strengthen their authority. The author references biblical stories to support the notion that people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s love alone can result in political chaos. While the idea of fearing a leader may seem contrary to the biblical notion of fearing only God, the author pragmatically concludes that a growing body of evidence supports the idea that the people’s fear of their leader is a crucial element in promoting national stability as well as affirming a leader\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s authority in both public and private sector settings.Zivotofsky, A. Z. (1994). The leadership qualities of Moses. Judaism, 43(3), 258.The author reports that the Torah and Midrash provide numerous accounts of Moses\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' leadership, but there is limited information on why he was chosen as a leader. The biblical accounts of Moses, however, provide some insights into these attributes. For instance, Moses was a man of action who took the initiative when others were unable or unwilling to do so. Likewise, Moses was also a man of justice who was unafraid to stand up for what he believed in, even in the face of violent threats. In fact, the author concludes that his readiness to act in the face of injustice was Moses’ finest leadership quality.
Spiritual Practices Beyond eligion
Spirituality in Modern Psychology
Spirituality has previously held a very limited role within psychological and counseling strategies within the context of the Western world. In psychology, more traditional methods revolve around more scientific methods. Thus, spirituality has often been overlooked within the mental health genre as a way to bring greater capabilities to patients. However, as more alternative strategies begin to further intrude onto traditional Western medicines, spirituality is becoming a new and innovative strategy for psychologists and counselors to adapt to their already established strategy methods.
The mythology of spirituality impacts different people in very different ways. It helps shape how we view spirituality, but also how we attain our own sense of spirituality. According to the research, "mythology is the oldest path to the sacred," (Elkins 1998 p 191). As human beings, mythology was our first understanding of the spiritual realm, and the practice of continuing various…...
Chandler, Cynthia K.; Holden, Janice Miner; & Kolander, Cheryl A. (2001). Counseling for spiritual wellness: Theory and practice. Journal of Counseling and Development, 71. 168-186. Web.
Elkins, David N. (1998). Beyond Religion: A Personal Program for Building a Spiritual Life Outside the Walls of Traditional Religion. Quest Books.
Murphy, Michael; Donovan, Steven; & Taylor, Eugene. (2011). The physical and psychological effects of meditation: A review of contemporary research. Wisdom Practices. Web.
Peck, M. Scott. (2002). The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth. Simon & Schuster.
Significant Discoveries
The discoveries I made about my friend were enlightening. I already knew she did not attend religious services and that she was agnostic, as this had been information that was the basis for many friendly debates in our social circle. I understood her sense of hope and her ability to find joy in her children's joy and learning. I was however not aware that all of her family was distant in either place or spirit and that she therefore had to rely heavily on her husband's family for support, and this she finds troubling as she does not wish to be a burden and she feels like a bit of an outsider. Her illness also seems to have added stress to the situation because she has had to rely heavily on her husband and his family to care for their young children. I also thought the information about earplugs…...
Edlin, G. Golanty, E. McCormack Brown, K. (2000) Essentials for health and wellness. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Joint Commission (2008) Standards FAQ details: spiritual assessment. Retrieved from
Phillip, R. (2006) Reflections on spirituality and health. By Stephen G. Wright. (book review) Occupational Medicine 56 (8): 585. doi: 10.1093/occmed/kql093
Leader's Self-Insight 1.1: Your Learning Style: Using Multiple Intelligences
I scored evenly on all of the types of intelligence measured by this self-assessment: logical-mathematical, verbal-linguistic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and musical. This indicates that I am a well-rounded person with the ability to work in multiple environments on different tasks.
Leader's Self-Insight 1.2: Your Leadership Potential
I scored slightly more (7) on the even-numbered indicators than on the odd ones (6), indicating I have leadership capabilities such as "vision and change." However, the scores were about even.
Leader's Self-Insight 1.3: Are You on a Fast Track to Nowhere?
On people skills, I scored 3 out of the 4 qualities. I believe I have solid interpersonal skills. On working with authority, I scored 2. I believe I need to work more on my assertiveness and courage when dealing with persons in positions of authority because I remain afraid to speak up and express my opinion when it differs…...
Daft, R.L. The Leadership Experience.
Coming to a tuly holistic undestanding of spiitual fomation would be essential to anyone titled "Diecto of Spiitual Fomation;" not simply being awae of but tuly encouaging the development of diffeent paths and appoaches to spiitual fomation would be an essential pat of the job desciption, and this will equie a geat deal of subsuming the ego and pesonal feelings. I would make a constant and ongoing attempt to see things fom the chuch membes' pespectives, tailoing my advice and guidance to allow thei development to continue along the lines of thei own pefeences and beliefs, athe than tying to dictate my own.
Spiitual fomation is an ongoing, life-long pocess. At one time, I envisioned a sot of plateau of leaning and undestanding; a point in my studies and pesonal development at which I could look aound me and detemine that I had come as fa as I was meant…...
mlareferences and beliefs, rather than trying to dictate my own.
Spiritual formation is an ongoing, life-long process. At one time, I envisioned a sort of plateau of learning and understanding; a point in my studies and personal development at which I could look around me and determine that I had come as far as I was meant to, and developed into the person I was meant to be. The understanding of spiritual formation that I have obtained from Kenneth Boa's Conformed to His Image has allowed me to see that the "person I was meant to be" is in constant development, refinement, and growth. Making my path towards spiritual formation a conscious, life-long pursuit is the only "point" I hope to reach any longer.
Spiritual Heroes
Mohandas Gandhi
"Knowing what you stand for limits what you fall for."
Gandhi stood for liberation through non-violence. Consequently, he could not be goaded into returning violence with violence and could not be dissuaded from his goal of India's freedom from British control (BBC, 2011).
hat contributed to the development of his focus?
The development of Gandhi's focus on liberation through non-violence was developed by being an East Indian lawyer who was still treated like a third-class citizen; also, his stress on non-violence was largely developed by his Hindu religious roots (BBC, 2011).
hat was his one thing?
Gandhi was the first to apply non-violence to large-scale politics, which led to the liberation of India from British rule (BBC, 2011) and inspired later leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:
a. "Knowing what you stand for limits what you fall for."
De Chardin was a paleontologist and geologist who stood for scientific truth…...
mlaWorks Cited
BBC. (2011). BBC - History - Historic Figures - Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948). Retrieved from
Forest, J. (n.d.). The Catholic Worker Movement: A Biography of Dorothy Day. Retrieved from
Grim, J., & Tucker, M.E. (2005). Teilhard de Chardin: A Short Biography. Retrieved from
U.S. Catholic. (2009). U.S. Catholic: In Conversation with American Catholics: Archbishop Oscar Romero. Retrieved from
I just wanted to be silent with you." Yet after that simple moment of stillness, silence, and mutual understanding, the young man and his spiritual mentor had a new bond of understanding and oneness in Christ, because of their mutual acknowledgement of need and fulfillment. This shows how the presence of God through the presence of another human being, or the stillness cultivated in one's own soul can be an effective form of self-teaching and teaching others, as effective as a more open and obvious discussion of doctrine. Westerhoff does not discount more conventional communal religious practice, but he regards such moments of silence that take place as essential in getting the maximum benefits from spiritual worship during a ceremony. In short, one cannot be a 'once a week' or 'once a year' Christian, the simplest, apparently secular acts of life must have a sense of connection to a…...
Ma Pastoral Theology -- Spiritual Abuse
Veenhuizen's dissertation explores spiritual abuse, using Relational Theology to understand a healthy spiritual relationship vs. spiritual abuse. In Relational Theology, God offers a bilateral covenant with Him and with others of unreserved love and commitment with the gifts of blessing to anyone accepting His offer. Spiritual abuse sharply contrasts with God's covenant. Spiritual abuse has existed for quite some time; consequently, theological writers such as Veenhuizen and mental health professionals have all addressed the causes, discernment and treatment of spiritual abuse.
Foundation of Relational Theology
Veenhuizen's dissertation correctly shows that there are various definitions of Spiritual Abuse (Veenhuizen, 2011). The most inclusive one found in my research is from Lisa Oakley's "Developing safeguarding policy and practice for Spiritual Abuse" (Oakley & Kinmond, 2014). After studies and interviews with numerous survivors of Spiritual Abuse, Oakley and her team concluded that Spiritual Abuse is…...
mlaWorks Cited
Anonymous, 2012. Spiritual abuse rising in many places, it seems. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 May 2016].
Berry, B. O., 2010. Spiritual abuse in the Christian community. Orlando, FL: Asbury Theological Seminary.
spiritual gifts that are presented in omans 12 These are: Prophecy, ministering (helps), teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling, mercy. By illustration of quotes from relevant passage so the Bible this paper shows how each Gift is used by God for a particular purpose within one of his servants and followers.
The Seven Non-Miraculous Gifts
God in his almighty wisdom has given those who follow and believe in him and therefore being blessed with the Holy Spirit, seven gifts discussed in omans: 12 6-8,. These gifts are prophecy, ministering (helping others), teaching, exhortation, giving, ruling and, mercy. In looking at these seven gifts in turn we will discuss how these gifts work and how they affect those who use these gifts.
The seven gifts of oman's 12 are known as the non-miraculous spiritual gifts, they are given by Gods grace to all Christians yet no one Christian will receive all seven gifts as stated…...
Anonymous, (2002), Spiritual Gifts, [online] accessed at
Ascough Richard S. (1999, Oct), The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts in the New Testament Church and Today, Interpretation, v53 i4 p428
The Bible (NIV), (accessed 2002), [online] accessed at
Stanley, C, (1999), Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts, Thomas Nelson Publishers
( Achterberg 21) The man then proceeds to chop up the rest of his shaman's body, which he then boils in a pot for three years. After three years the body is reassembled by the spirits and covered with flesh. This means that in effect the ordinary man is now, through the process of initiation and dismemberment, resurrected as a shaman who has the capability to communicate with the spiritual world and who can acquire the knowledge to help and heal numerous illnesses. As the research by Achterberg notes, he now has the ability to, "…read inside his head…" (Achterberg 22) In other words, he now has the ability to see in a mystical sense without the use of his ordinary vision. (Achterberg 22) The initiation process also refers to the view that the shaman acts and perceives in a way that is different to ordinary human beings.
The world…...
mlaWorks Cited
Achterberg J. Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine. London:
Shambala Press. 1985.
Berlo J. And Phillips R. Native North American Art. New York: Oxfors University
Press. 1998.
Leaders Can Effectively Manage Change in an Organization
It has often been said that a manager is what one does and a leader is who one is. The differences between management and leadership transcend difference sin perception of how an organization and emanate from how a management professional chooses to gain support and cooperation in the attainment of objectives. Managers often are given the task of maintaining the status quo and minimizing variation in performance over time. Leaders are by definition the visionaries of an organization that set a compelling long-term goal or objective and then orchestrate an enterprise to their achievement. Implicit in this definition of a leader is also the ability to discern strategies issues, opportunities and risks, and also clearly communicate an organizations' strategy to the departmental or work unit level. Most of all, a leader can infuse any organization with a strong sense of purpose, energy…...
Antonakis, J., & House, R.J. (2002). The full-range leadership theory: The way forward. In B.J. Avolio & F.J. Yammarino (Eds.) Transformational and Charismatic Leadership, Volume 2, p. 3 -- 33. Boston: JAI Press.
Bromley, Howard R, M.D., M.B.A. & Kirschner-Bromley, V. 2007, "Are You a Transformational Leader?," Physician Executive, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 54-7.
Burke, C.S., Sims, D.E., Lazzara, E.H. & Salas, E. 2007, "Trust in leadership: A multi-level review and integration," Leadership Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 606.
Butler, C.J. 2005, The relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership behavior in construction industry leaders, University of Colorado at Boulder.
Luke 4:1-12
Spiritual summary
This passage depicts Jesus' famous temptation by the devil in the wilderness. Jesus fasts for forty days and forty nights during his trial. This passage is cited by Christians as proof of the fact that humans have free will. Jesus, despite being the Son of Man, is given a choice as to whether he is allowed to choose salvation or damnation, ruling over the kingdom of earth or heaven. Jesus chooses the path of God, of course, and is not deterred by the temptation to turn from the path of righteousness. He states that he needs spiritual rather than human bread for his primary sustenance.
This passage is a metaphor for the ability of the human mind to withstand suffering. Humans cannot live on 'bread alone' in the sense that they need more to 'feed' themselves than earthly food. Food merely nourishes the body, while spiritual truths nourish the…...
(Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 67) Staffing coodinatos, often nuse leades must seek to give pioity to educational needs as a eason fo adjusting and/o making schedules fo staff, including offeing incentives to staff not cuently seeking educational goals fo assisting in this pioity egadless of the implementation of a tuition eimbusement pogam. (Feldman & Geenbeg, 2005, p. 233)
Nuse Leades as Academic Theoists
The fact that many nuse leades seve as the fundamental souces fo new and emeging nusing paadigms and theoies cannot be ignoed in this eview. The theoies associated with nusing ae as divese as nuses themselves and seve seveal puposes. With egad to nuse ecuitment and the ole that nusing theoy and paadigm plays in it, nuse leades seve to espouse theoy though mentoship and taining that helps individuals see thei futue intinsic ole in nusing. To explain this ole a bief discussion of nusing theoy will…...
mlareferences and Affirmative Action in Making Admissions Decisions at a Predominantly White University. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(4), 269.
Burgener, S.C., & Moore S.J. (May-June, 2002) The role of advanced practice nurses in community settings. Nursing Economics 20 (3) 102-108.
Cimini, M.H., & Muhl, C.J. (1995). Twin Cities Nurses Reach Accord. Monthly Labor Review, 118(8), 74.
Cleary, B. & Rice, R. (Eds.). (2005). Nursing Workforce Development: Strategic State Initiatives. New York: Springer.
Daly, J., Speedy, S., Jackson, D., Lambert., V.A., & Lambert, C.E. (Eds.). (2005). Professional Nursing: Concepts, Issues, and Challenges. New York: Springer.
Christian Spiritual Revival
From the time of creation rivals have been the greatest force in history. hrough revival human beings are brought out of darkness to live in the light. Revival in the Christian life is essentially a renewal of heart; a time of turning away from sin, which brings death, and a turning toward Jesus, who brings life. he word revival means to "live again," derived from two Latin roots re- (again), and vivere (to live). Just as an EM zaps the heart of his patient back to life with a surge of electricity, so to the Holy Spirit works in the life of individuals, and, at times, in whole Christian Communities to bring the back lost vitality; reawakening faith in God, and restores one's commitment to being His disciple. his paper will briefly explore four condition of an authentic spiritual revival found in II Chronicles 7:14, and comment on…...
mlaThe first two conditions for revival are humility and prayer. The word "humility" is derived from the Latin word humus, which means earth or ground. To be humble, then, suggest lowering oneself, toward the ground. It is necessary for revival because in making oneself, and one's opinions, lower or less important, one recognizes the One who is higher -- namely, Almighty God. After humility, prayer naturally follows. A great example of humility and prayer today comes from John Hamilton, a Texas Ranger outfielder, who recently admitted that his addiction to drugs and alcohol came about because he "took God out of first place."[footnoteRef:2] Now in recovery, Mr. Hamilton shares his story and tells people, "when you fail, God wants you to respond to it by coming to Him and asking for help."[footnoteRef:3] [2: Audrey Barrick, "Josh Hamilton Tells Megachurch 'God First,'" The Christian Post (November 8, 2008), (accessed November 2010).] [3: Ibid.]
The next two conditions for revival are seeking God and repentance. In order to live again, God says that one must seek his face and turn from their wicked ways. These two conditions show one motion, a turn, which has two effects. It calls the soul to turn away from evil and toward good. The revival of career criminal, Mark Rowan, sheds light on the awesome power of such a turn. According to his autobiography,[footnoteRef:4] Rowan led a dark life of crime and lawlessness until one day he came to Christ. He now leads hundreds of people to Christ through his dynamic testimony of faith. [4: Mark Rowan, Condemned: The Transformation of a Violent Gang Leader, (Monarch Books, 2008)]
As long as there is human frailty and weakness, there will be a need to heal, to be restored, and to live again. I experience this need for revival in my own life. I find myself being prideful, when I should be humble. At times, I pray only when I need things instead of out of love for the One who made me. I seek my own will instead of searching for God's face. And I do not always turn away from my wickedness. However, there are moments when the Holy Spirit's voice in my heart is discernable and I am able to be humble, prayerful, and close to God. I pray that these moments increase so that I can live again and again in the light of God's grace.
It can be difficult to distinguish between the different approaches taken by various philosophers. Plato and Aristotle were directly linked to each other and to Socrates in a student-teacher relationship. Socrates taught Plato, who taught Aristotle. However, Alfarabi was not part of this relationship. While he was very influenced by Plato’s philosophy, in many ways he took a very different approach to philosophy, particularly the understanding of the relationship between the body and the soul. The difference in philosophical approaches is very noticeable in how each of the three philosophers viewed the....
Native American women have traditionally held important roles within their communities, including:
1. Caretakers of the family: Native American women have traditionally been responsible for caring for and nurturing their families, including their children, elders, and extended family members. They are often the primary caregivers and play a crucial role in maintaining the overall well-being of their families.
2. Keepers of cultural traditions: Native American women have long been responsible for preserving and passing down their tribe's cultural traditions, including language, storytelling, ceremonies, and traditional practices. They play a key role in ensuring the continuation of their cultural heritage for future generations.
If I could be any character from the movie "Avatar," I would choose Neytiri. Neytiri is strong, brave, and connected to nature, which are qualities I admire. She is a skilled warrior and a passionate defender of her people and their way of life. I would love to experience the world of Pandora through her eyes and learn from her wisdom and connection to the land. Plus, I think it would be amazing to be able to ride on a banshee and interact with the exotic creatures and plants of Pandora.
If I could be any character from the movie "Avatar,"....
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