Spatial View of Ireland
The work of William Pattison (1964) related the four traditions of geographical research including the "spatial view, the area study and the man-land relations." (Taaffe, 1974, p.1) According to the work of Taaffe (1974) each of the areas overlap one another and at times all three areas intersect one with the other reported to create the fourth in the traditions of geography. According to Taaffe (1974) where the focus is on spatial organization the topics of research will be on topics "with significant spatial components…such as those related to migration, transport networks of the analysis of settlement patterns." (p.2)
Taaffe relates that where such as recreation is examined there will be an examination "between selected environmental features and aesthetic satisfaction under the man-land view and comparative features of different recreational areas under the areal view and under the spatial view the differentials in accessibility and linkages of a…...
Spatial Strategies on the Island of Ireland Development of a Framework for Collaborative Action (nd) Intertrade Ireland.
Taaffe, EJ (1974) The Spatial View in Context. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vo. 64, No. 1. Mar 1974.
Dot Maps of Three Datasets
RedwoodFigure 1. Dot plot representations of the normalized datasets. Leftmost of the screen shows the sample sizes of the biological cell, pine tree and redwood seedling. The mean center was computed for each dataset (see the red dots). The figure on the lower right side is a comparative representation of three datasets along with respective mean centers (se the scatter dots in the respective colors)
The visual representation of three data sets provides information about the distributions. First of all, the average intensity of cell data is very homogenous whereas redwood and pine datasets are distributed inhomogeneous. Accordingly, figure 1 provides information about the stochastic dependence between the data points in a unit area. The neighboring data points of redwood dataset are clustered. Therefore, the data points constructing the same pattern interact with each other. On the other hand, the distribution of pine dataset is random; therefore,…...
This in fact creates spatial poverty traps where these previously did not exist. The areas no longer support the traditional businesses in which families engaged, and such families are obliged to become migrant laborers or to be away from their areas for extended periods of time. This in itself contributes to a lack of school attendance. Young children in a continual state of migration find it extremely hard to reach any consistency in terms of school attendance.
A lack of adequate parent supervision and motivation also play a large role in school attendance. Many educational publications and academics support the fact that the home environment plays a large role in the success or lack thereof in an educational career, especially at the primary school level. Where parents have stress factors such as extreme poverty, lack of education and lack of income, it is unlikely that school going children would be…...
Deaton, Angue and Dreze, Jean. 2002. "Poverty and Inequality in India: A Re
Examination" In Economic and Political Weekly, Sept. 7.
Media Capital: Towards the Study of Spatial Flows," author Michael Curtin asserts that academic study of media as it relates to Asian countries has been written with the archaic idea of these nations as developing countries. hile it is still certainly true that some Asian countries are technologically disadvantaged, many of them, particularly China and Japan are equal if not surpassing the media production of western countries. In addition, the preconceived notion of these countries as socially isolated from outside culture is equally outdated. Social media, internet usage, and telecommunications are more prevalent in Asia than a great deal of countries which are associated with a higher level of sophistication in this regard. Instead of focusing on media production within a single nation, the academic community is doing a disservice to the impact of globalization of media, particularly in major locals such as large cities in China and India…...
mlaWorks Cited
Curtin, Michael. "Media Capital: Towards the Study of Spatial Flows." International Journal of Cultural Studies, 2003. 6(2). 202-28. Print.
Psychology esearch
ahnev, D. A., Huang, E., Lau, H. (2012). Subliminal stimuli in the near absence of attention influence top-down cognitive control. Atten Percept Psychophys (2012) 74:521-532
This particular research article is purposed to show that there is the possibility of preparing cognitive control devoid of laying emphasis on top-down attention. This particular study undertook four different experiments, but the main hypothesis of the study is that subliminal stimuli outside of the focus of attention can influence higher-order cognitive functions.
The method of the research study included four different experiments. The participants of the first experiment included twenty one undergraduate students, all from the University of Columbia, aged between 18-30 years. Ten of them were men and the rest were women. The second experiment included 4 men and 6 women between 18 -27 years. For the third experiment, there were nine students; five of them women and the rest men aged between 18-30…...
Mulckhuyse, M., Talsma, D., Theeuwes, J. (2007). Grabbing attention without knowing: Automatic capture of attention by subliminal spatial cues. Visual Cognition, 15 (7), 779-788.
Rahnev, D. A., Huang, E., Lau, H. (2012). Subliminal stimuli in the near absence of attention influence top-down cognitive control. Atten Percept Psychophys (2012) 74:521-532.
Wright indicated her dead husband was after being questioned by Mr. Hale. Notwithstanding the close spatial relationship of husband and wife sleeping in the same bed, the murder took place without Mrs. Wright's knowledge. The upstairs area is clearly delineated from the downstairs kitchen where women "ruled the roost" when the men laugh at the women for their interest in quilting styles rather than the crime at hand. In addition, Glaspell also draws on the spatial relationships that exist between women in terms of their geographic proximity as well as their natural camaraderie and fellowship. Indeed, Mrs. Hale admits, "I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be -- for women. I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things -- it's all just a different kind of the same thing."...
How Spatial Modeling Differs from Spatial AnalysisAlthough the two geographic information system terms are related, spatial modeling and spatial analysis are used for different purposes which must be understood to realize the maximum benefit of these technologies. For instance, spatial modeling is all about creating complex models that show how things happen in the real world across space and time. The spatial modeling process can be conceptualized as a virtual sandbox where engineers can test what if scenarios to see what will likely happen when different variables are adjusted. In fact, this analytical strategy is used for a wide array of other modeling purposes to determine how cities might grow or how environments could change over time. Because the processing capabilities that are needed to model data are more complex, spatial modeling applications require more advanced algorithms and data inputs (Longley et al., 2015).By sharp contrast, spatial analysis is used…...
mlaReferencesGoodchild, M. F. (2018). Spatial analysis and GIS. In The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Wiley.Longley, P. A., Goodchild, M. F., Maguire, D. J., & Rhind, D. W. (2015). Geographic information science and systems (4th ed.). Wiley.
Spatial hetoric
The complex ideas of space and time are more philosophical than anything, but are no doubt necessary when discussing the unique aspects of historical review. Azarhayu & Foote (2008) addressed this issue in their research as they offered models of how to interpret historical sites using the concepts of space and time. This essay will review this article and highlight the important aspects regarding spatial rhetoric and how certain spatial strategies can be applied to modify a historical narrative for academic purposes.
Spatial hetoric
The research article was premised on the idea that actual space may dictate the historical interpretation of any single historic event. The authors wrote "historical sites provide a tangible link to the past that they evoke. In this sense, the presentation of history on-site only makes explicit that which is implicit in the local landscape." This concretization of history has certain advantages and disadvantages, however this research…...
Azaryahu, M. & Foote, K. (2008). Historical space as narrative medium: on the configuration of spatial narratives of time at historical sites. GeoJournal, 24 Sep 2008, 73: 179-194
Spatial Cognition
People perceive and understand space differently depending on how it makes them feel, especially with regards to boundaries. Consequently, the definition of space changes across various individuals because every space has different meanings and feelings for every individual. In some situations where individuals may feel comfortable and at peace in one space, others may be very uncomfortable and irritated. For instance, social statues can change the feelings people obtain from the specific space. Based on this analysis, it is relatively clear that space affects people differently, which contributes to varying interpretations, definitions, and understanding of space. Therefore, when addressing spatial cognition, it is increasingly important to examine the different ways space is perceived and the varying feelings associated with it.
People's Perception of Space
As previously mentioned, people's perceptions and understanding of space differ significantly on the premise of how space affect them, especially their feelings. The difference in interpretation, understanding,…...
Dolins, FL & Mitchell, RW 2010, Spatial cognition, spatial perception: mapping the self and space, Cambridge University Press: New York, NY.
Golledge, RG 1999, Wayfinding behavior: cognitive mapping and other spatial processes, JHU
Press: Baltimore, MD.
Khan, MM & Lodhi, SA 2014, 'Spatial, Social Cognition and Team Performance', Pakistan
Spatial Cognition Skills
Psychosocial Profile
Gregory is a toddler. He is the subject of this observation. He is 3 feet 2 inches tall. He weighs 38 pounds. He has blonde hair and almond shaped green eyes. He is Caucasian with a pinky-pale complexion.
While performing the observation, Gregory wore jeans, a blue tank top, brown sandals, and a blue baseball cap.
Gregory lives with his mother and father, a 4-year-old sister, a cat named Sprinkles, and a parrot named Bella. The parents have been married for five years and had their first child, Jackeline during their first year of marriage. His father is a high school teacher and is 36 years old. His mother is a housewife and is 30 years old. The mother earned her degree in English at the age of 22.
The primary care givers of Gregory are his parents with his mother taking care of him full time. When his father…...
Ornkloo, H. & von Hofsten, C. (2007). Fitting objects into holes: On the development of spatial cognition skills. Developmental Psychology, 43(2), 404-416.
Tom Shulich ("ColtishHum")
A comparative study on the theme of fascination with and repulsion from Otherness in Song of Kali by Dan Simmons and in the City of Joy by Dominique Lapierre
In this chapter, I examine similarities and differences between The City of Joy by Dominique Lapierre (1985) and Song of Kali by Dan Simmons (1985) with regard to the themes of the Western journalistic observer of the Oriental Other, and the fascination-repulsion that inspires the Occidental spatial imaginary of Calcutta. By comparing and contrasting these two popular novels, both describing white men's journey into the space of the Other, the chapter seeks to achieve a two-fold objective: (a) to provide insight into the authors with respect to alterity (otherness), and (b) to examine the discursive practices of these novels in terms of contrasting spatial metaphors of Calcutta as "The City of Dreadful Night" or "The City of Joy." The chapter…...
Barbiani, E. (2005). Kalighat, the home of goddess Kali: The place where Calcutta is imagined twice: A visual investigation into the dark metropolis. Sociological Research Online, 10 (1). Retrieved from
Barbiani, E. (2002). Kali e Calcutta: immagini della dea, immagini della metropoli. Urbino: University of Urbino.
Cameron, J. (1987). An Indian summer. New York, NY: Penguin Travel Library.
Douglas, M. (1966). Purity and danger: An analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo. New York, NY: Routledge & K. Paul.
Another important strategy is that of exploring spatial relations. In such activities, children gain a better visual and practical sense of the spatial relations within mathematics. Scholastic's article portrays two girls discussing the appropriate spatial placement of a couch in a dollhouse. Such thinking methods can be influenced utilizing activities asking the children to map their house, their school, or their neighborhood in proportions. This will help open the child's mind to a more organized way of approaching spatial relations.
Using such strategies help lay the foundations of mathematics essential for later higher levels of learning. It is important to introduce elementary topics and concepts as early as possible, without boring young children to loose their interest. Early math lessons should include engaging activities which help keep the child moving and the learning environment active....
Additionally, the creation of a trust fund for housing could help to alleviate some of the economic burden on developers in Los Angeles. As compared to other major metropolis' such as San Jose, New York, and Chicago, Los Angeles uses the least amount of federal block grant funds on affordable housing on a per person basis, with just $23 per resident (In Short Demand). In addition to adopting an inclusionary zoning ordinance, the city should also implement an in-lieu fee to help fund it. Such a fee could be an alternative method to the institution of including an affordable unit in new developments, and could be directly applied to a housing trust fund. Estimates indicate that a $7 per square foot in-lieu fee would produce a surplus of upwards of $20 million a year, and could be used to remedy the housing shortage that not only affects Latinos, but other…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kushner, James. Gov. Discrimination: Equal Protection Law & Litigation. Eagan: Clark Boardman Callaghan, 2008. Print
Los Angeles Housing Department, "Program Components -- City of Los Angeles Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. 2004. Web.
Los Angeles Housing Department. In Short Supply: Recommendations of the Los Angeles Housing Crisis task Force. 1999. Web.
Liu, Cathy. "Ethnic Enclave Residence and Employment Accessibility of Latino Workers in Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington D.C." University of Southern California, 2008. Web.
Cognitive Behavior Abilities in Men and Women
Three major differences cognitive behavior abilities men women: higher verbal abilities, higher spatial abilities, higher arithmetical abilities
Neuropsychologists and psychologists have widely analyzed the difference in cognitive abilities expressed by members of the male and female genders. The analysis of these professionals has revealed the existence of three major cognitive differences between the genders. The differences include higher verbal abilities in women; higher arithmetic abilities in males and higher spatial abilities in males. However, the possession of superior arithmetic abilities by males has been closely related their possession of top notch spatial abilities. This implies that the differences in cognitive abilities can be condensed or summarized into two.
Close look at the differences in verbal abilities among males and females reveal that women perform best in verbal tests as compared to their male counterparts. Additionally, a woman's language development cycle is faster than that of a…...
Ackerman, P.L. (2006). Cognitive sex differences and mathematics and science achievement. American Psychologist, 61(7), 722-723.
Ballinger, T.P., Hudson, E., Karkoviata, L., & Wilcox, N.T. (2011). Saving behavior and cognitive abilities. Experimental Economics, 14 (3), 349-374.
As a result, the invited audience was essentially being asked to play the role of the person who is shocked by such a discovery -- and insofar as they knew they were being invited by Mendieta, and probably had basic knowledge of the crime that occurred, they were also being invited to imagine that the victim of such a crime might well have been Mendieta or any other female student on campus. This is interesting insofar as it relates to an observation made by Kwon about Mendieta's early work from this period: Kwon notes that "Mendieta's use of her/the body almost always approached erasure or negation: her 'body' consistently disappeared. This is striking given that most feminist artists during the 1970s vied for visibility and self-affirming expression through figurative, literal, sometimes 'in-your-face' presence. It is curious that Mendieta traced her absence instead."[footnoteRef:5] In "Rape Scene" this is paradoxically true:…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bowers, Nancy. "Spring Break Killer: Murder of Sarah Ann Ottens, 1973.", March 2010. Web. Retrieved 24 April 2014 at:
Butler, Cornelia and Mark, Lisa Gabrielle. WACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 2007. Print.
Chau, Monica, Feldman, Hannah J.L., Kabat, Jennifer, and Kruse, Hannah. The Subject of Rape: June 23-August 29, 1993. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1993. Print.
Deutsche, Rosalyn. "Breaking Ground: Barbara Kruger's Spatial Practice." In Kruger, Barbara. Thinking of You. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2000. 77-84. Print.
Technical and Aesthetic Considerations
The Mechanics of Photography: Exploring the principles of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and their impact on image quality.
Composition and Framing: Analyzing the techniques used to create balanced and visually pleasing compositions.
Light and Shadow in Photography: Examining the role of lighting in shaping the mood, atmosphere, and drama of an image.
Color Theory in Photography: Investigating the use of color harmonies, contrasts, and symbolism to evoke specific emotions and convey messages.
Digital vs. Analog Photography: Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of digital and analog photography in terms of image quality, workflow, and creative possibilities.
Social and....
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Music and Emotion: A Neuropsychological Exploration
Music has an unparalleled ability to evoke emotions, from elation to sorrow. This essay examines the complex interplay between music and emotion, exploring the neurological mechanisms that facilitate this connection and analyzing the psychological impact of music on human experience.
The Neural Architecture of Music and Emotion
Music activates specific neural pathways in the brain responsible for processing emotions. The amygdala and hippocampus, involved in emotional memory and association, are highly receptive to musical stimuli. Music can stimulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, which produce pleasure, relaxation, and....
Who Needs Writing Intervention?
Writing intervention is a specialized form of instruction designed to support individuals who experience significant difficulties with written expression. Identifying those who need such intervention requires a comprehensive evaluation of the individual's writing abilities, academic needs, and underlying factors contributing to their writing challenges.
Students with Specific Learning Disabilities
Individuals with specific learning disabilities (SLD) often struggle with writing due to deficits in one or more cognitive processes. These disabilities can manifest in various ways, including:
Dyslexia: Difficulties with reading, spelling, and written expression stemming from weaknesses in phonological processing.
Dysgraphia: Impaired writing skills characterized by poor handwriting, difficulty....
Evidence for the Thesis: Violent Video Games Do Not Lead to Aggression
The debate over the purported link between violent video games and aggression has persisted for decades. However, numerous studies have emerged to challenge the notion that exposure to violent video games inevitably leads to aggressive behavior. This essay explores the evidence supporting the thesis that violent video games do not induce aggression, highlighting key research findings and addressing counterarguments.
1. Lack of Correlation between Violent Video Game Exposure and Aggressive Behavior
Meta-analyses of numerous studies have consistently failed to establish a strong correlation between violent video game exposure and increased aggression.....
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