South Carolina Essays (Examples)

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South Carolina American Revolution
Pages: 10 Words: 3031

The colonists did not necessarily want independence from their mother country, but they wished for the British to return to the position they had before the 1763 war. Unintentionally, on the 10th of May 1775, the colonies had opened the road towards the war of independence instead of planning a simple rebellion.
As the war started, the British had been certain of obtaining victory in a short time. Clearly, all signs led people into thinking that it would not be long before the colonies would be defeated. However, after several clashes between the British small, yet professional, army and the untrained colonist group, fate appeared to have favored the Americans.

Next to the colonies which were desperate to escape from under the British government's command, there had also been colonies which truly enjoyed being part of the British Empire.

One of the colonies to benefit from her connection to Britain had been…...


John Richard Maas, "The Day it Rained Militia: Huck's Defeat and the Revolution in the South Carolina Backcountry, May-July 1780"

Janie B. Cheaney, "Charles Earl Cornwallis," available at accesed 8 December 2008.;Internet;

The War of the Revolution 1775 to 1783," available at   accesed 8 December 2008.;Internet ;

South Carolina Cuisine Lowcountry Cuisine
Pages: 4 Words: 1204

Sweeping generalizations about the South and southern food simply don't apply to this distinctive area. Lowcountry food is Creole cooking, but it is more heavily influenced by Africans than is the cuisine of Louisiana." (Taylor, p. 6)
In light of the wide range of influences that have entered into its creation, it is not surprising that a number of dishes central to lowcountry cuisine carry significant cultural importance to inhabitants of the region. Many dishes are considered staples of life in the region and are served to mark specific occasions. For instance, Taylor describes the importance of the "Hoppin' John" to cultural life in the lowcountry. This rice, bean and shrimp-based dish is simple, affordable and traditionally served on New Year's Day. It is intended to bring good financial fortune in the coming year to the individual consuming it. Taylor reports that the Hoppin' John is an excellent demonstration of…...


Works Cited:

Kirby, M. (2007). Carolina Road Trip: Friends in Low Places. National

Prather, R. (2012). Lowcountry Cuisine. Coastal Living.

Taylor, J.M. (2000). Hoppin' John's Lowcountry Cooking. Houghton Mifflin.

South Carolina and Rebellion
Pages: 2 Words: 721

South Carolina Slave Labor
The Stono Rebellion was able to alter race relations in South Carolina in a number of subtle ways. It resulted in a confluence of newly adopted laws and interracial relations among those supporting the state government, Native Americans, and even some slaves. The primary effect that this rebellion had on race relations was that it was able to formalize the nature of the relations among the different races previously named by establishing a precedent for future behavior.

The basis of the precedent established by these rebellions was essentially one of bribery. This fact is quite clear when one considers the effect that this rebellion had on the Native Americans involved. Several Native Americans helped to quell the rebellion by fighting against the revolting slaves. They were then rewarded by the government with weapons and clothes, which likely had a great amount of value at that time. Therefore, there…...


Works Cited

Bull, William. "Report from William Bull on the Stono Rebellion." 1739. Web. 

Commons House of Assembly. "A Commons House of Assembly Committee Report, in a Message to the Governor's Council." 1739. Web. 

South Carolina. "South Carolina Slave Code from 1740." 1740. Web. 

complete this assignment go to   and select "The Stono Rebellion" from under POLITICAL/ECONOMIC. Read the opening paragraph at the top of the page, paying special attention to the question in bold at the conclusion of the paragraph. Select SOURCE and read/engage all 6 units by clicking on each one. They can be found in the column on the left hand side of the page. Once you have studied all 6 units, answer the question that was in bold in the opening paragraph: "How did the uprising change race relations in South Carolina?" Answer this question in a formal 2-page essay (double-spaced, about 500 words total) with an introduction, thesis, points supporting that thesis and a conclusion. 

South Carolina More Affordable Getting a Job or Staying on Welfare
Pages: 7 Words: 2000

Getting a Job or Staying on Welfare-Which one is More Affordable in South Carolina? Introduction
Republicans and Democrats do not quite agree on a lot of things, but one of the points that they agree on is that welfare does not work. Democrats are worried that welfare reaches only a few families that need it, whereas the Republicans are concerned that the benefits of welfare create dependence. The truth is that both of them are right.
The main financial aid program in America, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, helped 86 percent of the low-income households back in 1996. Currently, only 23 percent of needy families get help (Hamilton). For the recipients of welfare, the road to self-dependence entails securing employment. In the last four years, several states have tried out work requirements and incentives for the recipients of welfare, under federal government waivers. This paper argues that an individual should concentrate on getting…...


Works cited

“More “Incentive” for Welfare or Work in S.C.?” South Carolina Policy Council, 2013, August 21. Accessed 19 April 2019

“South Carolina TANF Spending.” Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Accessed 19 April 2019

“TANF,” South Carolina Department of Social Services. Accessed 19 April 2019

Dorfman, Jeffrey. “Welfare Offers Short-Term Help And Long-Term Poverty, Thanks To Asset Tests.” Forbes. 2016, Oct. 13. Accessed on 19 April 2019.

Hamilton, Leah. “Opinion: Why Welfare Doesn’t Work: And What We Should Do Instead.” Basic Income Earth Network, 2018, Jan 29. Accessed 19 April 2019.

MaNamara, Carter. “Employee Benefits and Compensation (Employee Pay).” Free Management Library. Accessed 19 April 2019.

Moffitt, A. Robert. “From Welfare to Work: What the Evidence Shows.” Brookings. The Brookings Institution. 2002, Jan. 2. Accessed 19 April 2019

ProPublica. “Rare Agreement: Obama, Romney, Ryan All Endorse Retraining for Jobless—But Are They Right?” ProPublica Inc. 2012, Oct. 10. Accessed 19 April 2019

Relocation to South Carolina the Best Advice
Pages: 3 Words: 912

Relocation to South Carolina
The best advice that can be given to the families who will relocate to South Carolina is this: Put aside your preconceptions and be open to new experiences. This brochure examines South Carolina and the South, and puts its history and its culture into context.

You will find the South to be an area with a rich and varied culture. One of the more interesting aspects of life in the South will be your exposure to what it means to be a Southerner. People demonstrate a sort of self-conscious pride in being Southern, even as they acknowledge receiving their fair share of ridicule. This complexity is reflected in the music as well.

The area enjoys a temperate climate with milder winters than what you've been accustomed to, with perhaps more humid summers. Proximity to beaches and mountains provide ample recreational opportunities.

Historically, South Carolina was settled primarily by people from…...


Because the South is a traditionally patriarchic society, southern states have been slow to give women equal opportunities and protections. Even with recent political gains, white Southern women continue to be held back. It should be noted that South Carolina has the lowest percentage of women in its legislature of any state in the union.

Religion is another subject of complexity for Southerners. The region was originally settled by Baptists and other Protestant groups. Like so many aspects of the Southern way of life, slavery and the Civil War were defining issues for religion as well. Fundamentalists came to be the dominant religious leaders. Women were relegated to second class citizenship by southern churches, although they do not necessarily see it that way. A 1998 SBC resolution declared that "wives must submit to their husbands," which statement generated some controversy. Women in conservative southern churches however seem satisfied with their roles.

As this brochure highlights, life in South Carolina will require some adjustments for the families that relocate to the area, particularly the minorities.

Battle of Charleston South Carolina
Pages: 3 Words: 1046

Tarleton and Ferguson had received orders from Clinton on the 12th of April to capture Monck's corner. Lincoln had thought in advance and stationed General Isaac Huger at the exact spot. After a chain of incidents in which the British found out Huger's position, Monck's corner had been captured and Charleston became isolated from the rest of the world.
Lincoln offered to surrender his forces on the 21st of April provided that the British would allow his men to leave the city. Clinton refused the proposal as he knew Lincoln's exact position.

Lord Cornwallis joined the war on the 23rd of April and assumed command of the British forces. The Americans had made desperate attempts to prevent the British from destroying the dam that they had, but it all proved to be in vain, as the British continuously advanced and destroyed it on the 29th of April. Fort Moultrie had surrendered…...


Works cited:

1. Benson, Lossing J. "Our Country: A household history for all readers, from the discovery of America to the one hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence."

2. Borick, Carl P. "A gallant defense: the Siege of Charleston, 1780." Univ of South Carolina Press, 2003.

3. Greene, Francis Vinton. "The Revolutionary War and the Military Policy of the United States." Charles Scribner's Sons, 1911.

4. "Siege of Charleston, 1 April-12 May 1780." Retrieved May, 13, 2009, from the History of War Web site:

Race and Community Anderson South Carolina Race
Pages: 5 Words: 1479

Race and Community
Anderson, South Carolina: Race and Community

A soft southern twang of the local server at the local cafe and the warmness of the air that envelopes me even into the fall months, the beauty of Anderson, South Carolina is something that I enjoy constantly. It is the environment of Anderson that I enjoy so much that also fosters the community and the human interactions that make it up. Human interactions have helped make Anderson, South Carolina the community that it is- the relationships between mother and daughter, teacher and student, between boy and girl and those of different ethnicities and backgrounds. The different races that are within the community are also interesting and provide a dynamic to our community unlike any other; but, regardless there are distinct differences amongst the different racial factions in our community.

Foremost, Anderson, South Carolina is a proud southern town with a middle-class economic foundation.…...



Anderson, South Carolina Board Member, 2011.

Liptak, K. (2011, October 09). Cain: racism not holding anyone back [Web log message]. Retrieved from 

Reeves, J. (2011, October 23). Alabama hispanics protest new law on immigration. The Independent Mail. Retrieved from

Judiciary Comparison South Carolina Florida and Rhode Island
Pages: 1 Words: 365

South Carolina, Florida, and Rhode Island: Judiciary ComparisonThe judiciary of my home state of South Carolina is structured on a hierarchical basis, with the Supreme Court at the top, and beneath the Supreme Court there lies the Court of Appeals, Circuit Courts, Family Courts, the Magisterial Courts, Municipal Courts, Probate Courts, and Master-in-Equity Courts (South Carolina, 2018, par.1). There are, however, separate family and probate courts. A unique feature of Carolina is the Masters-in-Equity, which are appointed positions by the state governor for the duration of six years who have jurisdiction over equity cases (South Carolina, 2018, par.2). In family and probate courts, there are no jury trials, but in the other branches of the judicial system, jury systems are used (State Court Structure Charts, 2018).The state of Florida likewise has a hierarchical system, with the Supreme Court presiding over the various lower courts: five district courts of appeal, 20…...



Florida courts. (2018). 

Rhode Island judiciary. (2018). Retrieved from: 

The South Carolina judicial system. (2019). SC Courts. Retrieved from:

Mixing it Up in South Carolina Lauds
Pages: 1 Words: 368

Mixing it Up in South Carolina" lauds the efforts of one small South Carolina school to eliminate foster an environment of tolerance and unity. Students of Chapin High School participate in the annual Unity Day, holding a variety of different workshops on diversity as well as a pep rally. Unity Day gave rise to a club called STOP, which has been helping students to speak out against intolerance. Students in STOP notice a marked reduction in offensive language and behavior, as more students in the predominantly white high school become more aware of prejudice and racism. Because of its success, the STOP club received the first $250 grant from's Mix It Up program. Mix It Up encourages students to sit next to someone new in the cafeteria for a day to eliminate social segregation. Mix It Up has been widely successful in the United States -- more than…...

South Carolina's Policymaking Process
Pages: 1 Words: 396

Policymaking in South CarolinaThe policymaking process is usually a relatively complex process that involves a series of steps and stakeholders with different responsibilities. In South Carolina, the policymaking process is the responsibility of the states legislature, which is divided into the House of epresentatives and the Senate. Any member of the two houses can provide policy proposals or suggestions based on issues affecting South Carolinas residents. The suggestions are commonly known as bills, which are first presented to the respective house where they are read for every member to hear. After reading, the bill is sent to a relevant Committee to study it and examine the issue it seeks to address. The Committee has the liberty to amend the bill, accept it or reject it. If amended or accepted, the bill is forwarded to the whole house for further discussions where its either accepted as it is, amended or rejected.…...


ReferencesTyer, C.B. & Young, R.D. (n.d.). The South Carolina Legislature. Retrieved from The University of South Carolina website:

Department of Corrections in South Carolina
Pages: 3 Words: 961

South Carolina Department of CorrectionsThe modern ideology of having inmates in prison is to help them develop a positive reinstitution of notions towards the society rather than inflicting more pain upon them through punitive charges, compromising human dignity. Reducing the chances of re-offending should be the prisons goal today instead of making prisons the vilest places to live since this would transform them into human beings with anti-social attitudes when released to society after completing their prison term. South Caroline Department of Corrections knew this would burden the economy and hence, changed its prison management philosophies with law-abiding programs.South Carolina Department of Corrections is the institute that is obligated to take corrective measures for the US State inmates. Twenty-one institutions for SCDC are distinguished into four levels of security: close security, medium security, minimum security, and community-based pre-release/work centers. Currently, there are more than 15,000 inmates accommodated within the facility.The…...


Works Cited“South Carolina Crime Victims Now Have Increased Access to Services and Information.” Appriss Insights, 2 Feb. 2021,   Accessed 28 June 2022.“Pre-trial Intervention Program.” Fifth Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office,,potentially%20deter%20future%20criminal%20behavior . Accessed 28 June 2022.Seymour, Anne K. “A Community Response Manual: The Victim’s Role in Offender Reentry.” American Probation and Parole Association, . Accessed 28 June 2022.“South Carolina Department of Corrections.” Official page,,pre%2Drelease%2Fwork%20centers%20. Accessed 28 June 2022. .

Combating Childhood Obesity in South Carolina through Nursing Advocacy
Pages: 6 Words: 1929

Advocacy Through LegislationIdentify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. esearch the issue and complete the sections below. For each topic that requires the listing of criteria, a minimum of two criteria should be identified and discussed. Add more rows as is appropriate for the topic/proposal.ProblemIn no more than 250 words, describe the problem, who is affected, and the current ramifications. Explain the consequences if the issue continues.Childhood obesity in South Carolina is a pressing issue, with significant implications for the states youth and overall public health. A report from the obert Wood Johnson Foundation shows the statistics are alarming. Indeed, more than 15% of children aged 10 to 17 in South Carolina (about one in seven children just imagine!), are struggling with obesity. This places South Carolina as the state with the third-highest childhood obesity rate…...


ReferencesAbiola, S. E. & Mello, M. M. (2019). Multilevel legal approaches to obesity prevention: A conceptual and methodological toolkit. PloS one, 14(10), e0220971.Childhood Obesity. (2023). South Carolina Medicaid: Childhood obesity. Retrieved from   A. et al. (2021). Adolescent and Childhood Obesity and Excess Morbidity and Mortality in Young Adulthood—a Systematic Review. Current Obesity Reports, 10, 301–310.How a Bill Becomes Law. (2023). Office of the Clerk, U.S. Capitol. Retrieved from .Killian, C. M. et al. (2020, April). State Lawmaker\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Views on Childhood Obesity and Related School Wellness Legislation. Journal of School Health, 90(4), 257-263.,have%20obesity%20in%20South%20Carolina .Horesh,

South This Report Is About
Pages: 5 Words: 1398

Some of the biggest incentives for manufactures are the outrageously low tax bases in southern states. "When taxes are paid, southern levies are lower than most Northern states. GM's Hamtramck, MIG, plant, for instance, has one of the highest property tax mileages in the United States at 88 mills." (Corbett, 2002) Taxes are some much lower than in say Michigan or New Jersey and southern state officials are very open to negotiations to land the new factories and the plethora of jobs. In other words, land values are low and government incentives are extraordinary so the automobiles industry would be crazy to not migrate south for those reasons alone. "Furthermore, utilities costs are lower. After the products have been assembled, the South's location is superior to the Midwest or the East Coast for delivery." (Corbett, 2002) but there are other incentives.

Not only is the land for the new facilities cheaper…...



Corbett, Brian (2002). Southern hospitality. Ward's Auto World, August.


South and the North of the 19th Century
Pages: 3 Words: 1198

South and the North of the 19th Century
Dear Trevor,

As I write this, I can hear faint yells and cheers through my window. Somewhere, the city of Charleston still celebrates. You'll have heard why by the time my letter arrives. Secession. It was no secret that it would happen when Lincoln, that great ape, was elected. As many years as we've been on the receiving end of Yankee insults and "compromises," I wonder why we took so long.

You and I have talked about our peculiar institution, and I know you disapprove, but then, you have not been around Negroes. They are not our equals. They need us to care for them and direct them, and we need them to work the fields and keep our farms and plantations running. There is no immorality, no terrible sin. Merely an advantageous arrangement for both sides. But the Yankees don't see it that way.…...



Catton, B. (1961). The coming fury, volume one. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co.

Naden, C.J. & Blue, R. (2000). Why fight? The causes of the American Civil War. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn Publishers.

South Secede in 1861 Why Did the
Pages: 7 Words: 2558

South Secede in 1861?
Why did the South decide to secede from the Union? What were all the circumstances, political, social, economic and moral that led to the South's decision to slice the nation in half? This paper reviews those issues -- including all the political and economic issues leading up to the secession -- through the use of available scholarly literature.

The South -- Just Prior to the Civil War -- Prepares for Secession

Prior to the national presidential election of 1860, the South was in very good shape politically, in terms of the federal government. In the book Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877, the authors explain that through the Jacksonian Democratic coalition, Southern political leaders had "maintained effective control of the national government right up to 1860" (oyer, et al., 2010, p. 427). As long as the "pliant James uchanan occupied the…...



Bowman, Shearer Davis. 2010. At the Precipice: Americans North and South During the Secession Crisis. University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill, NC.

Boyer, Paul S., Clark, Clifford E., Kett, Joseph F., Halttunen, Karen, and Salisbury, Neal. 2010. The Enduring Vision 1877. Cengage Learning: Florence, KY.

Cooper, William J. 2010. The Critical signpost on the Journey Toward Secession. The Journal of Southern History, Vol. LXXVII.

Cooper, William J., and Terrill, Thomas E. 2009. The American South: A History, Volume 2. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

A title for an opinion essay on New England colonies, middle colonies, and Southern colonies?
Words: 386

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

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