Solar Power Essays (Examples)

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Solar Powered Juice Truck
Pages: 3 Words: 1145

Solar Powered Juice Truck Project
Comparison of your idea with everything else that

In an attempt to ensure that school children and the general public has access to healthy drinks that are free from the various chemicals, pesticides and the high amounts of calories, there have been attempts applied in the past. Professionals in the field of diet and great nutritionists have published articles and in them encouraged people to adopt the healthy alternatives. Some of the alternatives to soda that over time have been advocated for are smoothies made from low fat milk, skim milk or soymilk. The other alternative advocated for widely is the unsweetened or lightly sweetened tea (since these are caffeine free), 100% fruit juice, coffee and most of all and all time preferred is water (Alireza M., 2013).

On of the most significant attempts, apart from the professional articles and advice as depicted above is the deliberate campaign…...



Alireza M., (2013). Healthy Alternatives to Soda and Soft Drinks. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from 

Associated Press, (2013). Michelle Obama launches 'Drink up' effort to get Americans to drink more water. Retrieved November 4, 2013 from

Solar Powered Juice Truck Project Components of
Pages: 2 Words: 703

Solar Powered Juice Truck Project
Components of Strategic Management Process

Strategic management process entails goal-setting, analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and evaluation and control (Clayton, 2013).

The upper management engages in goal setting to enable them clarify the vision of the business. It involves defining short- and long-term objectives, identifying how these objectives are to be accomplished and customizing the process for the organization's staff so that each and every individual does the task he can succeed in (Clayton, 2013). The goals have to be detailed and realistic. They should also match the values of the organization's vision. The final step in this stage involves writing a mission statement that communicates an organization's goals to the shareholders and the staff.

Information gleaned from analysis shapes the next two stages of strategy management process. At the analysis stage much information and data relevant in accomplishing an organization's goal is gathered (Clayton, 2013). Analysis focuses on…...


References List

Clayton, J. (2013). The Five Stages of the Strategic Management Process. The Houston


Samsung (2012). Green Management Activities and Performance. Retrieved from 


Solar-Powered Water Heaters in Israel
Pages: 3 Words: 827

According to Stroud, "A roof can be a very easy place to hide a solar system" (35). Although there are other solar-powered projects underway across the country with the same goal of reducing Israel's dependence on foreign-imported energy sources, these rooftop units remain the most common. For example, Faiman reports that, "Perhaps the most common manifestation of putting the sun to work in Israel are the solar water heaters that cover roof-tops all over the country. Typical domestic units consist of a 150 liter insulated storage tank and a 2 sq.m. flat panel" (3). The units used for most residential applications are highly efficient, and operate using a gravity-driven loop that does not require a water pump; however, the solar-powered water heaters used for larger high-rise housing projects and in a number of kibbutzim are typically pump-driven (Faiman). The typical solar panel and water heating configuration of the residential…...


Works Cited

Abramowitz, Yosef I. And David Lehreer. 2008, October 31. "The solar vote."

[online] available: -


Faimer, David. 2010. "Solar Energy in Israel." Jewish Virtual Library. [online] available:

Solar Powered Attic Fan
Pages: 10 Words: 2857

attic fan is an essential part of a building in that it helps in the regulation of the temperature of a building by reducing the heat energy level in a building's attic. It does so by getting rid of the hot air that is accumulated in a building.
The attic fan helps in the regulation of temperature by the exhaustion of the hot air by through the blade action. Due to the fluctuating nature of the temperature, it is necessary for the fans system to be automated by employing thermostats. An attic fan even though is surrounded by a number of controversies as regards its effectiveness in energy conservation, still remains to be an integral part of a building's design as ventilation to every space in a building is of utmost importance.



History of the Photovoltaic cell (Solar Panel)

The construction of the solar panel

Photovoltaic systems in residential homes

Operation mechanism…...



ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-99, "Laboratory Methods Of Testing Fans for Aerodynamic Performance Rating"

Eckert, Michael, "The Dawn of Fluid Dynamics: A Discipline Between Science and Technology"

Frank Bleier, "Fan Handbook: Selection, Application, and Design"

Vermass, Wim. "An Introduction to Photosynthesis and Its Applications." Arizona State University

Government Policies and Solar Power
Pages: 8 Words: 2777

It now applies to a wide range of generation technologies, including but not limited to solar thermal electric, photovoltaics, wind, and geothermal electric (DSIRE). For solar systems, the credit is "equal to 30% of expenditures, with no maximum credit. Eligible solar energy property includes equipment that uses solar energy to generate electricity…" (DSIRE). For small wind turbines, the credit is "equal to 30% of expenditures, with no maximum credit" (DSIRE). Significantly, this also applies to investments supported by "subsidized energy financing" (DSIRE).
Alternatively, taxpayers could have chosen simply apply for and receive Renewable Energy Grants (REGs) under the 1603 program. These apply to a wide range of generation technologies, including but not limited to solar thermal electric, photovoltaics, wind, and geothermal electric (DSIRE). The grant is equal to "30% of property that is part of a qualified facility, qualified fuel cell property, solar property, or qualified small wind property; and…...


Works Cited

DSIRE. Solar Set-Asides in Renewables Portfolio Standards. 2011. North Carolina State University, under NREL Subcontract No. XEU-0-99515-01. 26 November 2011 .

Energy Policy Act of 2005. No. 119 STAT. 594. Pub. L. 109-58. 5 August 2005.

FERC. "Generator Interconnection." 6 August 2006. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. 26 November 2011 .

Kelly, Erin. Future of federal solar programs in doubt. 28 June 2011. 2011 26 November .

Spray on Solar Power Cells
Pages: 4 Words: 1630

Spray-On Solar Power Cells
A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is a semiconductor device consisting of a large-area p-n junction diode, which, in the presence of sunlight is capable of generating usable electrical energy. This conversion is called the photovoltaic effect. The field of research related to solar cells is known as photovoltaics.

Solar cells have many applications. They are particularly well suited to, and historically used in situations where electrical power from the grid is unavailable, such as in remote area power systems, Earth orbiting satellites, handheld calculators, remote radiotelephones, water pumping applications, etc. Solar cells, in the form of modules or solar panels, are appearing on building roofs where they are connected through an inverter to the electricity grid in a net metering arrangement.

Various materials have been investigated for solar cells. There are two main criteria - efficiency and cost. Efficiency is a ratio of the electric power output to…...



Brautigam, Tara. "Canadian Professor Develops Plastic that More Efficiently Converts Solar Energy." Canadian Press. January 10, 2005. July 1, 2005. <>.

Conan-Davies, Richard. "Spray on solar cells." January 12, 2005. July 1, 2005.

Hines, M.A. And G.D. Scholes. Advanced Materials (2003) 15, 1845.

Hutcheson, G. Dan. "The First Nanochips." Scientific American. April 2004. July 1, 2005. <   articleID=000CE8C4-DC31-1055-973683414B7F0000>. ;

Science - Solar Power 8TH
Pages: 3 Words: 939

Experts believe that it may take so long to develop solar energy systems that alternative energy sources like solar energy will still make up less than five percent of our energy needs by the year 2030 (Lavelle, 2007).
Another big problem with changing over to solar energy is that it is very expensive. That is because to collect solar energy, you need very large collectors and a lot of land to build them on. The way solar energy systems work is that the sun's rays are collected by photovoltaic panels and they are very expensive to make (Lavelle, 2007).

One solution to that problem is using specially built mirrors instead of photovoltaic panels. However, even that solution still means that large solar energy systems need extremely large arrays of solar panels that are hundred of square feet. ight now, American companies like Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) are working on developing…...



Bobick, J. (1997). The Handy Science Answer Book. Detroit, MI: Visible Ink.

Lavelle, M. (2007). Power Revolution. U.S. News & World Report, November 5, 2007.

Sachs, J. (2008). Ten Ideas That Are Changing the World. Time Magazine, March 24, 2008.

Walsh, B. (2008). Why Green Is the New Red, White and Blue. Time Magazine, April 28, 2008.

Project Management Brantas River Basin Development and Qurzazate Solar Power Station Projects
Pages: 6 Words: 2210

management for any project that is on a large scale is essential in being responsive to the stakeholder's needs and dealing with the main challenges (Hobday, 2000). The two large scale projects in this case which are the Qurzazate Solar Power Station and the Brantas iver Basin Development projects requires well-made strategies in order to avoid the overruns of cost and making sure that it fulfills the long-term requirements of their respective areas. In order to completely understand the activity, it is important to carefully study the demands of social/ecological, political/regulatory environment, control/execution, financing model, post-implementation assessments and security safety/challenges. Examining all these components will help in dealing with the complex challenges and also make sure that both the projects meet the requirements of the investors (Chuenpagdee & Jentoft, 2009).
Brantas iver Basin Development

Project Overview: effective management is an essential component is large scale projects in dealing with the main…...



Chuenpagdee, R, & Jentoft, S. (2009). Governability Assessment for Fisheries and Coastal Systems: A Reality Check. Human Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 37, 1, pp. 109-120, Environment Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 June 2014.

ESIA. (2011). Summary of the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment . Morocco: African Development Bank. Retrieved from: 

Hidayat, F. (2009). The planning Spiral of Brantas River Basin. Indonesia: Center for River Basin Organizations and Management. Retrieved from:

Hobday, MM. (2000). 'The project-based organisation: An ideal form for managing complex products and systems? Research Policy, 29, 7-8, p. 871-893, Scopus®, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 June 2014.

Wind vs Solar Power
Pages: 7 Words: 2427

Disruptive Technologies
Course, Section No.

Disruptive technologies are more than simple technological advances that might tweak or optimize an existing product. Disruptive technologies change "the status quo, alter the way people live and work, and rearrange value pools" (Manyika et al., 2013). In other words, disruptive technologies have the power to change the world. Of course, not all potentially disruptive technologies result in paradigm-shifting change. Some of them fail to become popular, despite seeming to have significant advantages, and they may even fall into disuse. The reasons behind disruptive technology failure are complex and may depend upon many factors. In this paper, the author will examine two potentially disruptive technologies: wind energy and solar energy. While the applications of solar energy, which utilizes a free, renewable, non-polluting resource to create electricity, seem tremendous, the reality is that solar technology has not yet become disruptive, and solar energy has not come close to…...



Carlyle, R. (2013, October 7). What is the holding capacity of the U.S. power grid? Retrieved

October 29, 2014 from Forbes website: 

Clean Technica. (2013). U.S. #1 wind power market (again), GE #1 wind turbine manufacturer, according to Navigant. Retrieved October 29, 2014 from 

Eisen, J. (2011). Can urban solar become a "disruptive" technology? The case for solar utilities. Notre Dame J.L. Ethics & Pub Pol'y, 24(1), 53-98.

Should the US Develop More Energy Sources Such as Solar Power and Wind Energy
Pages: 8 Words: 2406

Energy in the United States
In terms of total use in the year 2010, the United States was the second largest consumer of energy (arr, 2012). After Canada and a couple of small nations, the United States comes at the seventh position in the per capita energy consumption (World Resources Institute, 2001). In this energy consumption, the energy that is used overseas for the production of the retail goods used in the United States is not included.

Most of the energy that is consumed in the country is known to have come from fossil fuels as of the year 2010. According to the stats, 25% of this energy was derived from petroleum, 22% from coal and same amount from natural. Renewable energy sources provided 8% of this energy; meanwhile 8.4% came from nuclear power (United States Department of Energy, 2010). The renewable energy came mostly from the hydroelectric dams, geothermal, wind power…...



Anonymous (2001).World Energy Assessment.Renewable energy technologies, p. 221.

Anonymous (2001).World Resources Institute "Energy Consumption: Consumption per capita."

Anonymous (2009).U.S. Dept. Of Energy, "President Obama Touts Clean Energy on Earth Day."

Anonymous (2010).U.S. Dept. Of Energy, "Annual Energy Report."

Competitive Forces in the Solar Power Sector
Pages: 3 Words: 1076

ivalry in the Solar Panel Industry
The solar panel industry has experienced considerable growth in the recent past given the problem of global climate change, which has necessitated the need for alternative sources of energy. According to recent reports, this industry has experienced as annual growth rate of approximately 78% between 2006 and 2011. Moreover, the market value of this sector increased to $11.5 billion from $8.6 billion between 2011 and 2012 (Pritchard, n.d.). Given this recent growth, it is estimated that the solar panel industry will experience approximately 35% increase in electricity produced by this source of energy. Currently, solar panel industry is the rapid growing source of energy across the world as evidence in the increased installations of solar capacity since 2010.

The growth of the solar panel industry has also been characterized by increased competition between companies. Business organizations in this industry are increasingly developing and utilizing strategic plans…...



"Introduction to Quantitative Research." (2010, August 25). SAGE Publications. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from 

Jenkins, J. (2013, October 2). Solar Energy Capacity Growth Rivals Wind as Manufacturer Outlook Strengthens. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from 

Pritchard, G. (n.d.). Market Analysis for Solar Panel Companies. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from 

Stone & Associates. (2011, January). Overview of the Solar Energy Industry and Supply Chain. Retrieved November 23, 2015, from

A Proposal on Solar Powered Wheelchair
Pages: 11 Words: 3226

Proposed Solar-powered Wheelchair Proposed Solar-Powered WheelchairIntroductionIn Africa, most elderly undergo myriad physical challenges like impaired mobility, muscular and nerve degeneration, and reduced balance and motor function. As a result, the wheelchair is considered a vital tool to enhance living quality, mobility, and dignity for the elderly (Chien, 2014). The current wheelchairs are either under the electric-powered category, manual, or power-assisted (Gurrama et al. 2012). The old manual wheelchairs usually bring about a higher respiratory exchange ratio and massive oxygen consumption, hence advantageous when used effectively for the users health (Yang et al. 2007). Nonetheless, such wheelchairs gross mechanical efficiency is only about 2-13.8 percent (the metabolic and external power ratio) based on the technology of propulsion, injury level, the intensity of undertaken exercise, and the adjustments made to the wheelchair interface (Wang & Chiang, 2012). The low mechanical efficiency and a more physical strain induced on the users movement can…...


ReferencesBhatnagar, A., Pancholi, S., & Janyani, V. (2022). Smart Solar Power?Assisted Wheelchairs For the Handicapped. Intelligent Systems for Rehabilitation Engineering, 175-196.Chien, C. S. (2014). Design and development of solar power-assisted manual/electric wheelchair. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 51(9), 1411.De Groot, S., De Bruin, M., Noomen, S. P., & Van der Woude, L. H. V. (2008). Mechanical efficiency and propulsion technique after 7 weeks of low-intensity wheelchair training. Clinical biomechanics, 23(4), Groot, S., Vegter, R. J., & van der Woude, L. H. (2013). Effect of wheelchair mass, tire type, and tire pressure on physical strain and wheelchair propulsion technique. Medical engineering & physics, 35(10), 1476-1482.Gurrama, A. M., Raoa, P. R., & Dontikurtia, R. (2012). Solar-powered wheelchair: Mobility for physically challenged. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2(1), 211-214.Liu, H. Y., Pearlman, J., Cooper, R., Hong, E. K., Wang, H., Salatin, B., & Cooper, R. A. (2010). Evaluation of aluminum ultralight rigid wheelchairs versus other ultralight wheelchairs using ANSI/RESNA standards. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 47(5).Pasion, C. K. (2019). Modeling Power Output of Horizontal Solar Panels Using Multivariate Linear Regression and Random Forest Machine Learning.Wang, F. C., & Chiang, Y. S. (2012). Design and control of a PEMFC-powered electric wheelchair. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37(15), 11299-11307.Yang, Y. P., Huang, W. C., & Lai, C. W. (2007). Optimal design of rim motor for electric-powered wheelchair. IET Electric Power Applications, 1(5), 825-832.

Solar Is the Solution Author Steve Heckeroth
Pages: 3 Words: 922

Solar is the Solution, author Steve Heckeroth argues that solar energy is the key to alleviating climate change. Heckeroth builds his argument on the statement that "Solar is a promising source of future energy supplies because not only is it clean, it's remarkably abundant." Another one of Heckeroth's claims is that "relying on coal, oil and natural gas threatens our future with toxic pollution, global climate change and social unrest caused by diminishing fuel supplies." These statements are internally valid; although Heckeroth does not provide quantitative data to back up these statements, they are easy to reference. Moreover, Heckeroth establishes his own credibility as an author qualified to write about environmental science by stating "I have been studying our energy options for more than 30 years." Of course, "studying" something for thirty years does not automatically make a person an expert. Heckeroth is admitting that he is a layperson who…...


Work Cited

Heckeroth, Steve. "Solar is the Solution." Dec-Jan 2008. Retrieved online:

Solar Thermal Systems According to
Pages: 15 Words: 4790

In this regard, some exceptions have been given to the insurance companies while the other companies should follow these principles.
In the year 2005, the commercial sector of the United Kingdom spent $16,500 million for fossil fuels of 350,000 GWh. On the other hand, researchers have reported that a decline of energy consumption has been observed in the tertiary sector of the United Kingdom (Probst & oecker, 2011, pg 109-124).

Hot water consumption

Probst (2011) stated that hot water is consumed around three percent in industries and fifteen percent I the fossil energy. This shows that a total of 22,000GWh of hot water is consumed each year.

The high and low temperature hot water from the hot water boilers is used in a number of things such as apace heating, washing and in some industrial processes. The direct and straight use of hot water is in washing. Modern hot water boilers are coming…...



Abbasi, T., & a., a.S. (2011). Renewable Energy Sources . New Delhi: PHI.

Council, E.R. (2004). Renewable Energy in Europe: Building Markets and Capacity. London: James & James.

DeWinter, F. (1990). Solar Collectors, Energy Storage, and Materials. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.]: MIT Press.

Herring, H., Hardcastle, R., Phillipson, R., & Energy, G.B. (1988). Energy use and energy efficiency in UK commercial and public buildings up to the year 2000. London: HMSO.

Solar Power Sales Pitch for Potential Consumers
Pages: 2 Words: 552

Sales Dialogue1. Prospect Information (Your Customer)A. Company Name: GreenTech Innovations Type of Business: Renewable Energy SolutionsAddress: 500 Solar Way, San Diego, CA 92121, HeadquartersB. Key-Person InformationName: Emily Johnson Job Title: Chief Operations OfficerRole in Purchase Decision: Final decision maker, evaluates operational efficiency and sustainability impactCommunication Style: Direct, prefers concise and data-driven communicationC. Other people involved in the purchase decision:Name: Alex Rivera Job Title: Head of ProcurementRole in Purchase Decision: Evaluates vendors, pricing, and contract termsCommunication Style: Analytical, values detailed product comparisons and ROI calculations2. Customer Value PropositionA. Product/Service that delivers value: High-efficiency solar panels with smart grid integration capabilities.B. Value Proposition Statement: \\\"GreenTech Innovations\\\' solar solutions not only reduce your energy costs by up to 40% but also support your commitment to sustainability by integrating seamlessly with smart grid technology, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing carbon footprint.\\\"3. Competition in the AccountCompetitorProductStrengthWeaknessSolarMaxSolar PanelsHigh brand recognitionHigher cost, less efficientEcoEnergySmart Grid SolutionsAdvanced technologyLimited…...

\"Shine On: How can a solar mobile charger save you from a dead battery?\"
Words: 314

1. "Harnessing Solar Power: A Review of Solar Mobile Chargers"

2. "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar-Powered Mobile Chargers"

3. "The Impact of Solar Mobile Chargers on Sustainable Energy Solutions"

4. "Exploring the Future Possibilities of Solar Mobile Charging Technology"

5. "Solar Mobile Chargers: A Step Towards Renewable Energy Adoption"

6. "Analyzing the Efficiency and Technical Specifications of Solar Mobile Chargers"

7. "How Solar Mobile Chargers Can Drive Environmental Conservation"

8. "Understanding the Economics of Solar Mobile Charging Technology"

9. "Solar Mobile Chargers: Empowering Individuals and Communities"

10. "The Role of Solar Mobile Chargers in Reducing Carbon Footprint and Energy Consumption"
Let's now dive into discussing the various ways in....

What are the current gaps in existing literature on air pollution policies?
Words: 669

Air pollution is a major environmental issue that poses significant health risks to populations worldwide. In response to this threat, governments have implemented various policies aimed at reducing air pollution and improving air quality. This literature review examines the effectiveness of these policies and their impact on public health.

One of the most common air pollution control measures is the implementation of emissions standards for industries and vehicles. Studies have shown that enforcing strict emission standards can lead to significant reductions in key pollutants such as particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide (WHO, 2019). For example, a study by Zhang....

\"What innovative technologies are petroleum engineers developing to make oil extraction more sustainable and efficient?\"
Words: 463

Petroleum engineers are constantly developing and implementing innovative technologies to make oil extraction more sustainable and efficient. Some of these technologies include:

1. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods: EOR techniques such as steam injection, waterflooding, and gas injection are used to increase the amount of oil that can be extracted from a reservoir. These methods help to reduce the environmental impact of oil extraction by maximizing the recovery of oil from existing wells and minimizing the need for new well drilling.

2. Horizontal drilling: Horizontal drilling technology allows engineers to access oil reserves that were previously inaccessible with vertical drilling methods. This....

I\'m interested in debating enviroment. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 212

Yes, there are several essay topics that present opposing viewpoints on environmental issues. Some examples include:

1. Should nuclear power be considered a renewable energy source?
2. Is genetically modified food beneficial or harmful to the environment?
3. Is fracking a necessary method for obtaining natural gas, or does it pose too many environmental risks?
4. Should wildlife conservation efforts prioritize protecting endangered species, or focus on preserving habitats and ecosystems?
5. Is climate change primarily caused by human activities, or is it a natural phenomenon that is beyond our control?
6. Should carbon taxes be implemented to combat climate change, or are there more effective....

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