Software Testing Essays (Examples)

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Software Testing in the Product
Pages: 17 Words: 4713

(Pan, 1999; paraphrased)
The point at which it is generally considered acceptable to stop testing has as its basis two criteria for stop-testing criteria which are those of: (1) when a threshold has been reached with the reliability; and (2) when the testing costs are not justified by reliability gains.

V. Test Automation Overview

The work of Carl J. Nagle states the fact that: "When developing our test strategy, we must minimize the impact caused by changes in the applications we are testing, and changes in the tools we use to test them." (nd) Nagle additionally relates in the work: "Test Automation Frameworks" that in the present environment: "...of plummeting cycle times, test automatic becomes an increasingly critical and strategic necessity." (nd) Even making the assumption that the historical levels of testing was deemed to be sufficient, and rarely ever has this been the actual case, the question is presented as to…...



Beizer, Boris (1990) Software Testing Techniques. Second Edition; in Pan, Jiantao (1999) Software Testing - Carnegie Mellon University 18-849b Dependable Embedded Systems. Spring, 1999; Online available at .

Pan, Jiantao (1999) Software Testing - Carnegie Mellon University Dependable Embedded Systems. Spring, 1999; Online available at

Software Testing Class Identification Date of Submittal
Pages: 6 Words: 1736

Software Testing
Class Identification

Date of Submittal

Current Trends in Software Testing

The continued growth of Cloud Computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and virtualization technologies in conjunction continual improvement in the automating of the Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) processes are defining the future of software testing and quality assurance. The most rapidly evolving trends in software testing include the defining of PDCA-based automated testing networks and Testing-as-a-Service predicated Cloud Computing-based platforms (Nakagawa, Ferrari, Sasaki, Maldonado, 2011). The legacy of software testing and quality assurance defined by Six Sigma methodologies are being automated into Web Services-based and SaaS platforms for quicker deployment and greater accuracy of results (Jones, Parast, Adams, 2010). Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) shows potential to reduce software testing cycles and improve quality to a level not seen in previous testing and quality management approaches (Watson, DeYong, 2010). The intent of this analysis is to analyze the current trends in software testing and how they impact overall…...



Jones, E., Parast, M., & Adams, S.. (2010). A Framework for effective Six Sigma implementation. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 21(4), 415.

Mattiello-Francisco, F., Martins, E., Cavalli, A., & Yano, E.. (2012). InRob: An approach for testing interoperability and robustness of real-time embedded software. The Journal of Systems and Software, 85(1), 3.

Nakagawa, E., Ferrari, F., Sasaki, M., & Maldonado, J.. (2011). An aspect-oriented reference architecture for Software Engineering Environments. The Journal of Systems and Software, 84(10), 1670.

Gregory H. Watson, & Camille F. DeYong. (2010). Design for Six Sigma: caveat emptor. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 1(1), 66-84.

White Box Software Testing for Android
Pages: 10 Words: 2559

The testing of software application internal infrastructure and coding is referred to as white box testing. White box testing is also called open box testing, clear box testing, transparent box testing, glass box testing, structural testing, or code-based testing [1]. White box testing primarily focuses on the internal structure, design, and implementation of the software with the aim of strengthening security, improving design and usability, and the flows of input and output within the application.
When using this approach, the tester concentrates on how the software performs what it is supposed to perform. In order to perform white box testing, a tester should have programming know-how in order for them to understand the code used within the software and understand its implementation. This is because the tester would be testing the software beyond the user interface and going into the nitty-gritty of the application. When conducting white box testing the tester…...

Structural Testing in Software Testing
Pages: 11 Words: 3256

Considering the level of effectiveness that this procedure has, the assumption that many developers use it as part of software development is not out of the ordinary. It is evident that the development of useful applications, say those associated with dynamic code optimization and code vulnerability checkers has this process embedded in their development and application. Additionally, the process of instrumentation appears widely in the development of these applications. This however limits the functionality of the application owing to the fact that the aspect of instrumentation is usually, custom made to an explicit application and infrastructure. What the structure therefore, lacks encompass flexible and scalable instrumentation framework with the ability for utilization in different applications. Current research studies focus on improving such limitations.
It could not be wrong for anyone to note that Software testing procedures constitute have critical problems, which are undecidable. However, the improvements made in the field…...



Agarwal, B.B., Tayal, S.P., & Gupta, M (2010), Software engineering, & Testing an introduction, Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett

Blokdijk, G. (2008) Software Testing and Quality Assurance: With IT Change Management Transition Planning, Support, Service Validation, Testing And Evaluation Handbook: Change Without Risk, Australia: Emereo Publishing

Copeland, L. (2004) a practitioner's guide to software test design, Boston, Mass. [u.a.: Artech House.

DeMillo, R.A. (1987), Software testing and evaluation, Menlo Park, Calif: Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co

Software Processes of Sometime Deteriorate Into Non-Productive
Pages: 1 Words: 317

software processes of sometime deteriorate into non-Productive arguments. hy does this occur?
If only human being's egos could be as carefully streamlined of nonproductive processes as the software applications they design, the workplace would be a far more productive space. The reasons for non-productive arguments are often rooted in the same sources as other workplace and even family conflicts. Clashes of personal ego create arguments that have little to do with actual project demands or practical and constructive responses to work-related problems. However, there are other sources of non-productive conflicts that are particularly endemic to the software industry and are not always particular to any individual workplace's clash of personalities.

Sometimes management issues poorly written requirements regarding the software that are "unclear, incomplete, too general, or not testable" therefore there will inevitably be problems and arguments when the creators of the software are facing a vague set of specifications with a…...


Work Cited

Davis, Rob. (2004) "Five Common Problems that occur during software development." Software Testing Engineer. Retrieved 13 Jan 2004 at

Software Processes
Pages: 1 Words: 344

poor requirements for development software vs. The problems that occur from poor requirements management
A good manager will present his or her staff with clearly defined requirements, realistic schedules, ask for a product whose specifications can be subject to adequate testing, present his or her staff with reasonable but firm specifications, and have good communication skills. A poor manager will do just the opposite -- not only will he or she have poor interpersonal skills, but quite often a bad manager will present vague specifications for the developing software that workers cannot easily test, and simply demand too much, too quickly, on too tight a budget or a schedule of the staff. (Davis, 2004)

Poor management can of course contribute to some of the different kinds of failures in requirements for development software. For example, a rushed schedule can result, on the part of the software developers, with key user requirements…...


Works cited

Chin, Paul. (May 6, 2003) "Cold Case: Project Failure." CIO Online. Retrieved 13 Jan 2005 at 

Davis, Rob. (2004) "Five Common Problems that occur during software development." Software Testing Engineer. Retrieved 13 Jan 2004 at

Software Processing Methodology Understanding the Problem Klyne
Pages: 20 Words: 7750

Software Processing Methodology
Understanding the Problem

Klyne Smith, DSE Candidate

Dr. Frank Coyle



esearch and Contribution Methods

Software Processing Methodologies

Waterfall Methodology





Iterative Methodology





Model Methodology





Where do we go from here (Spring 2010)?

Define measurement data points for Test Case analysis

Section IV

Creation and Validation of the predictive model

Section V

Summary Analysis

Practical Usage

Praxis Conclusion


Articles / Web Information

Software Processing Methodology:

Understanding the Problem

Section I:


In this work, I examine three different Software Processing Methodologies. I start with the iterative model, followed by the spiral model, and conclude with the V-model. Each of these methodologies are discussed in length to gain a clear understanding of their similarities and differences. This paper focuses on gaining a key understanding of the methodologies and when it is best to utilize each. Each serves a special purpose; the process of understanding the problem one must solve remains as complicated as actually solving the problem itself. In this work, I will investigate the intricacies required to formulate the problem while…...




Alexander, Ian and Beus-Dukic, Ljerka (2009). Discovering Requirements - How to Specify Products and Services

Bass, Len and Clements, Paul, and Kazman, Rick (2003) - Software Architecture in Practice (2nd Edition)

Boehm, B.,(1976) Software Engineering, IEEE Trans. Computer, C-25,12,1226-1241

Software Can Kill A Lesson How the
Pages: 3 Words: 906

Software can kill. A lesson how the database has to be managed in congruence with the workplace in order to save, rather than destroy, lives.
Summary of the case

Due to unclear and uncoordinated assembly and construction of the software system, 28 patients at the National Center Institute of Panama received excessive does of gamma ray radiation of cancer treatment in November 2000. 21 of those patients, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) died due to radiation poisoning and three Panamanian medical physicists who used the software to figure out the needed dose of radiation of the patients were charged with second-degree murder.

The fault of these physicians were that they introduced changes in the software for radiation procedures on the patients without thoroughly ascertaining that the software was accurately following modification instructions according to intended and prescribed details.

Chemotherapy is a calculated and precise business. Treatment of the patient determines careful…...



Yusuf, Y., Gunasekaran, A., & Abthorpe, M. (2004). Enterprise Information Systems Project Implementation: A Case Study of ERP in Rolls-Royce, International Journal of Production Economics, 87(3), pp. 21-39.

Software Defense Establishing Software Security
Pages: 4 Words: 996

Allowing for such access necessarily creates a point of weakness, and this must be carefully guarded against through many levels of protection (Stuttard & Pinto 2007). Many of the same steps that are employed in access differentiation as described above can also be employed here -- multiple levels of access that is password protected, strict compartmentalization of data and of processes, and other features such as the recognition and removal of malicious input can all protect the opening that is created by administrative access to application information and code (Stuttard & Pinto 2007). Password-protected access to a web application's source code is one common example of this type of core defense capability, which grows more complex as both the complexity of the system and needs for security increase.
Direct Attacks and Unauthorized Use: A More Detailed View

Direct attacks on applications, especially web-based applications, are becoming increasingly common as programming knowledge…...



Dalal, S.; Poore, J. & Cohen, M. (2003). Innovations in software engineering for defense systems. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.

Sttutard, D. & Pinto, M. (2007). The web application hacker's handbook. New York: Wiley.

International Trade Managing Offshoring Software Projects From
Pages: 2 Words: 553

International Trade
Managing Offshoring Software Projects From U.S.-based Locations

In the article and research cited in An Empirical Investigation of Client Managers esponsibilities on Managing Offshore Outsourcing of Software-Testing Projects (Jain, Poston, Simon, 2011) the dynamics of outsourcing alliances with American companies and Indian service providers' shows signs of becoming more efficient through the use of collaboration technologies and more effective quality management techniques. The cultural, ethical and financial implications of Indian outsourcers becoming more efficient in working with American companies are having a risk reduction effect in the short-term and an acceleration of innovation in the long-term (Zhao, Watanabe, 2010). From a social perspective, Indian outsourcers are finding strategies for attaining a higher level of customer satisfaction level not attainable in previous iterations of their business models (Bairi, Manohar, 2011).


The cumulative effect of ethical, cultural and financial factors on the operations of Indian outsourcers throughout the United States continues to mature…...



Bairi, J., & Manohar, B.M. (2011). Critical success factors in gaining user customer satisfaction in outsourced IT services. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 24(6), 475-493.

Hofstede, G. (1983). The cultural relativity of organizational practices and theories. Journal of International Business Studies, 14(2), 75-75.

Jain, R.P., Poston, R.S., & Simon, J.C. (2011). An empirical investigation of client managers' responsibilities in managing offshore outsourcing of software-testing projects. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(4), 743.

Zhao, W., & Watanabe, C. (2010). Risk management in software outsourcing -- a portfolio analysis of India's case based on software export market constitution. Journal of Services Research, 10(1), 143-155.

Improving the CRM Suite of Software Applications
Pages: 9 Words: 3357

Improving the CM Suite of Software Applications at SAP
SAP AG (NYSE:SAP) is the worldwide leader in Enterprise esource Planning (EP) and one of the top companies globally in Customer elationship management (CM) software as well. While their dominance in EP is solid, with Gartner, a leading industry research firm reporting that SAP has 25% global market share today, it's global CM market share trails who is the worldwide leader with 14% market share worldwide (SAP Investor elations, 2013). SAP is second globally with 12.9% market share. There are many factors contributing to SAP trailing, the most significant being the slow response to the shift to cloud computing platforms in general, and migrating their CM applications onto a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivery model. Salesforce is the global leader in CM due to their rapid development of CM applications on the SaaS platform, greater responsiveness to their growing customer base, and…...



Bednarz, A. (2006). SAP unveils hosted CRM plans. Network World, 23(5), 45-45.

Coman, A. & Ronen, B. 2009, "Focused SWOT: diagnosing critical strengths and weaknesses," International Journal of Production Research, vol. 47, no. 20, pp. 5677.

Elmuti, D., Jia, H., & Gray, D. (2009). Customer relationship management strategic application and organizational effectiveness: An empirical investigation. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 17(1), 75.

Fonseca, B. (2007). SAP unveils web 2.0 look for its CRM tool. Computerworld, 41(50), 12-12.

Software Development and Methodology
Pages: 2 Words: 506

Agile Project Management Practices
The current mobile applications market continues to experience rapid expansion and growth because of ongoing improvement of mobile platforms in terms of performance. The rapid growth and expansion is also fueled by users' increased need for a series of mobile applications. As a result, software or system development for mobile platforms and applications has also experienced tremendous changes given the unique characteristics and constraints that apply to many product lifecycle stages. There are different models for the development of a mobile application including waterfall and agile models.

Waterfall model is a linear (or traditional) approach of developing mobile applications whereas agile is a certain kind of apid Application Development that is relatively new and usually implemented using Scrum (Lotz, 2013). As evident in the outlines, waterfall and agile models differ with regards to the stages involved in product development. Waterfall model adopts a linear approach, which is characterized…...



Lotz, M. (2013, July 5). Waterfall vs. Agile: Which is the Right Development Methodology for Your Project? Retrieved September 26, 2016, from 

Spataru, A.C. (2010). Agile Development Methods for Mobile Applications. Retrieved from University of Edinburgh website:

Software Development
Pages: 8 Words: 2263

Essay Topic Examples

1. The Evolution of Software Development Methodologies:
    This essay could explore the transition from traditional waterfall models to agile methodologies in software development. The focus could be on how these methodologies have influenced project success rates, communication within development teams, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

2. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development:
    Consider writing about the growing influence of AI on software development processes. This essay could examine how AI is being used for code generation, bug detection, predictive analytics, and the ethical implications of its increased usage in the industry.

3. Open Source Software: Impact and Ethical Considerations:
    This essay topic could delve into the significance of open source software in promoting collaboration, innovation, and education in the software development community. It could also discuss the challenges faced in terms of licensing, maintaining security, and the ethical aspects of contributing to open source projects.

4. DevOps Culture: Bridging…...


Primary Sources

Gamma, Erich, et al. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994.

Knuth, Donald E. The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms. 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1997.

Beck, Kent. Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2004.

Royce, Winston W. \"Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.\" Proceedings of IEEE WESCON, August 1970, pp. 1-9.

Lehman, M. M., and L. A. Belady. Program Evolution - Processes of Software Change. Academic Press Inc., 1985.

Selection of Software Packages for Data Analysis
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

Software Tools for Qualitative Research
Data Analysis Software Packages

Exploring Options for Research Software Tools

As a quick reference tool, I created a table to compare primary features of three data analysis software packages: NVivo 10, Atlas.ti 7; and HyperRESEARCH (which also includes HyperTRANSCRIBE as a separate complementary option). This information is shown in Table 1, which is provided at the end of this work.

After reviewing the software packages for data analysis, I believe that using a software package would be very helpful, supporting my research and enabling me to conduct data analysis more efficiently and effectively. My mixed methods approach in this study means that I will be managing and collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. Since all three of the data analysis software I have reviewed have the capability to analyze both qualitative and quantitative data, I will discuss each software package as it relates to my research design.


This software package…...

Cloud Computing Software as a Utility in
Pages: 5 Words: 1598

Cloud Computing
Software as a utility in some cases pointed to be "on-interest software," is actually a software conveyance feature by which the software and cohorted information is partly accommodated by the cloud. The SaaS is normally entered by people utilizing a meager consumer through a net program.

The SaaS has ended up to be one of the regular conveyance feature of numerous organizational requisitions, incorporating bookkeeping, cooperation, client association administration, administration qualified data frameworks, undertaking asset arranging, invoicing, human asset administration, matter administration and utility work table administration.

One of the greatest pitching indicates for the aforementioned communities is the ability to reduce the IT back prices by out-contracting fittings and programming support in order to uphold to the supplier of SaaS. SaaS bargains in 2010 gotten to the ten billion dollar mark and furthermore are imagined to expand to over twelve billion dollars in the year 2011, which is higher…...



(2011) Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud Taxonomy.

(2012) How SaaS Is Changing the Face of Enterprise IT Support

(2011) Software As A Service: Strategic Backgrounder Washington, D.C.: Software & Information Industry Association.

Anderson, T. (2011) Let the Cloud Developer Wars begin The Register.

What catchy title can you come up with for your software development project?
Words: 565

Unveiling Innovation: The Quest for Captivating Software Development Project Titles

In the realm of software development, crafting a compelling title for your project is akin to forging a beacon that illuminates its essence and draws attention to its transformative potential. A title should not merely serve as a label but rather as a captivating narrative that evokes curiosity, ignites imaginations, and sets the tone for the journey that lies ahead.

The Art of Storytelling:

When conceiving a software development project title, it is essential to embrace the art of storytelling. Like a captivating novel, a title should weave a compelling narrative that hints....

What are the key findings in recent literature reviews on Search-Based Software Testing?
Words: 571

Search-based software testing (SBST) is a testing technique that uses search algorithms to automatically generate test cases. This approach is based on the premise that test cases can be considered as solutions to optimization problems, and search algorithms can be used to find the best possible test cases. SBST has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to efficiently explore the vast search space of possible test cases and increase the coverage of a software system.
One of the key benefits of SBST is its ability to find test cases that are difficult to manually create. By using search....

What are the key findings in recent literature reviews on Search-Based Software Testing?
Words: 474

Key Findings in Recent Search-Based Software Testing Literature Reviews
1. Significant Improvement in Test Effectiveness:
SBST approaches consistently outperform traditional testing techniques in terms of fault detection and test coverage, especially for complex and dynamic software systems. (Zaidain et al., 2023)
2. Optimization of Test Case Generation:
Advanced search algorithms, such as particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithms, have been effectively employed to optimize test case generation, leading to more efficient and targeted testing. (Panichella et al., 2020)
3. Automation and Parallelization:
The automation of SBST processes, including test case generation and execution, has greatly improved the efficiency and scalability of these approaches.....

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