For example, in the early days of the Russian Revolution there was a very high standard of democracy which those fighting the revolution created.
In the early days soviet democracy prevailed, land and factories were turned over to peasant and worker soviets, the debt was canceled, the banks, trusts and cartels were nationalized... [it was] democratic to the core, in which the police and standing army were to be replaced by the armed people." (weissman) This was changed not by an internal failure, but because European and American forces both sent armies and provided military and monetary support to counterrevolutionaries within Russia.
The Civil War, brought on by the world bourgeoisie... [with] fourteen invading armies and the White 'contras' of the day... brought the end to soviet democracy.... [partly because] the advanced revolutionary workers had been killed in the Civil War; olshevism now governed a mass of war-weary, semiliterate peasants in…...
Breuilly, John. Nationalism and the State. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. Archivedat:
Farlex. "Nationalism" FreeDictionary.
Hinckley, Gordon. "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled," BYU Speeches of the Year, October 29, 1974.
Holsinger, Tom. "The Bush Administration and American Nationalism." Strategy Page.
There also tends to be less bureaucracy and regulatory constraints for business growth. Businesses are often motivated, because of increased market competition, to serve the customer with expanded services and lower prices. The downside, of course, is that many individuals fall through the cracks of capitalist systems: people may work hard but not receive healthcare, private universities can charge very high tuitions, and elite universities only give scholarships if it suits their budgets. This can limit access to education and opportunities. There is less job security under capitalism, fewer benefits such as daycare to make life at home manageable for wives and husbands, and also less generous unemployment insurance. Finally, capitalist societies tend to be more reluctant to regulate entrepreneurial excesses, as was seen in the recent meltdown in the subprime mortgage industry.
Few systems operate purely on Marxist-controlled principles or Adam Smith 'invisible hand' ideals entirely, of course: the…...
Marxism and National Socialism
Lenin's version of socialism, which became the model for the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and other underdeveloped nations that underwent revolutions in the 20th Century, was highly centralized, hierarchical and authoritarian. It emphasized rapid industrialization and economic development under the direction of the Communist Party, although in all these semi-feudal societies this was carried out without the benefits of any type of liberal or democratic traditions. Lenin was a tyrant and mass murderer, whose authoritarian (or totalitarian) system became the model for other tyrants like Stalin, Hitler and Mao. Contrary to the original hopes of Karl Marx and even Lenin, no socialist revolution occurred in Germany, France or any estern nation, all of which remained dominated by governments hostile to the Soviet Union and Communism in general. Although Hitler led a National Socialist 'revolution' in Germany in 1933, this ideology was hostile to Marxism, Communism, democratic socialism…...
Bailey, John Paul. China in the Twentieth Century, 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishers, 2001.
Chabal, Patrick. Amilcar Cabral: Revolutionary Leadership and People's War. Cambridge University Press, 1983.
Hitchens, Christopher. Hitch-22: A Memoir. Twelve Publishers, 2010.
Kershaw, Ian. Hitler: A Biography. NY: Norton, 2008.
These commonalities encompass all aspects of the society, which includes the economy, the political structure, history and culture of the nation.
Modern nationalism traces one of its roots to the history of Germany, wherein, for as early as 1815, the pursuit for nationalism became evident through the student associations or "urschenschaften," which promoted and encouraged German nationalism through the circulation of the writings of Johann Fichte and Lutheranism. Strong antagonism against the rise of nationalism in Germany is reflected in the conceptualization of the Carlsbad Decrees, which censors publications and other secular forms of propaganda and writings from these student associations. The suppression of the civil society's assertion of their nationalism and liberalism broke out with the occurrence of an insurrection against the Frankfurt Parliament's discriminating legislation in 1848. However, unlike the revolutions that took place asserting nationalism in European countries during the same period, the attempt to liberate Germany…...
Kagan, a. And S. Ozment. (1995). Western Heritage. NJ: Prentice Hall.
Preston, P.W. (1996). Development theory: an introduction. MA: Blackwell Publishers.
Sociology: Capitalism and Socialism
Socialism and capitalism are fundamental schools of thought in the study of economics, with opposing views regarding the government's role in economic operations and economic equity. Socialism is against inequality, and holds that the government has a duty to reduce, or eliminate the said inequality through initiatives that are beneficial to the poor. Such initiatives could include subsidized or free social services such as healthcare and education, progressive taxation, etc. Capitalism, on the other hand, believes that the government, compared to the private sector, is an inefficient resource allocator. Due to this, its role should be limited; and the free forces of demand and supply left to allocate economic resources.
Similarity between Socialism and Capitalism
The most fundamental aspect of similarity between the two schools of thought is that; both recognize the concept of scarcity of economic resources (Lawson, Jones & Moores, 2000). Capitalism and socialism only offer…...
Lawson, T., Jones, M. & Moores, R. (2002). Advanced Sociology through Diagrams. Madison Avenue, NY: Oxford University Press.
Pettinger, T.R. (2013). Capitalism vs. Socialism. Economics Help. Retrieved from
This is evidenced in (Thessalonians 3:10) where it is written, "For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: 'If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.'" Ideally, each person contributes what they can to the well being of everyone else. This is further evidenced in (Ephesians 4:28), where it is written, "Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need."
Public ownership of certain means of production is supported in (Isaiah 65:21-22) where it is written, "They shall build houses and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit. They shall not build and another inhabit; they shall not plant and another eat; for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be, and my…...
There have been three main systems of government that have persisted from the beginning of the 20th century through the present. Of course, those three methods would be communism, socialism and capitalism. This report will address a number of pertinent questions when it comes to this topic. Answers will include why some systems are pilloried, why some systems are seen as superior and how both of these lead to the ebb and flow of how governments are structured and react given economic troubles, war and so forth. While no single system is perfect, there are those that tout the "best solution" based on a number of justifications and reasons.
As for why socialism is seen as discoursing individual initiative, the common reason for this belief is that people will be prone to being less engaged, less motivated and less self-sufficient if they are going to receive financial, healthcare and other…...
His proposition to adopt socialism as the social order was supported by the fact that in the socialist setting, the working class, which makes up the bulk of the population during his time, would benefit most as the 'riches' of the country will spread among the people rather than concentrated to the wealthy or elite class. However bleak the picture of industrialization was demonstrated in his discussion in the "The Social Gospel," Rauschenbusch still believed that perhaps, industrialization was the catalyst that would prompt the development and "beginning of a progress in the intellectual, social and moral life" -- ideally embodied by the socialist society.
In Rauschenbusch's discussion and analysis, the working class became significant because they were the direct 'oppressed' individuals in the industrialization happening in his society during the 19th century. Like Rauschenbusch, the increased development and shift in social structure of the society was what prompted Karl…...
Rauschenbusch, W. 1975. The Social Gospel. NY:MacMillan.
Marx, K. "Alienated labor." In Seeing Ourselves. NJ: Prentice Hall.
Also, these characters are clearly connected to a larger debate about guilt and punishment in a way that is meaningful and unforced and germane to all nations.
Susanne agues and eventually convinces Mertens that Bruckner should not be subject to private justice, but be punished publicly. The film deals with the real existence of former Nazi Captains like Bruckner, who were prospering after the war by keeping their former crimes a secret. Although the film is concerned specifically with orld ar II, it is still just as important for contemporary audiences to see as it deals with the ongoing debate of how war crimes should be handled after a nation has committed genocide.
The Murderers are Among Us" has a theme still as relevant today as it was to the Nuremberg trials. It is powerful testimony to the fact that film can still embrace and tell particular stories and give more…...
mlaWorks Cited
Germany, Pale Mother." Directed by Helma Sanders-Brahms. 1979.
Jakob the Liar." Directed by Peter Kassovitz. 1999.
The Murderers are Among Us." Directed by Wolfgang Staudte. 1946.
Reaction to Readings: The Rise of American Socialism and UnionizationAlthough America is often said to be founded upon the concept of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness being accorded to all citizens in its Declaration of Independence, it is important to remember that the formulation of that philosophy began as an endorsement of life, liberty, and property being the foundation of all human rights. In other words, the ideal of American prosperity has long been linked to property ownership and capitalism. However, as the increased wealth inequities of the late 19th and early 20th century increased, there was greater and greater resistance to the notion that it was possible to pull ones self up by ones own bootstraps and all persons who had accumulated great wealth had done so justly.It is important to remember that when the Preamble to the Constitution of the Knights of Labor (1881) was written…...
Jewish Victim Primary Source:
Victor Klemperer's I Will Bear Witness
Victor Klemperer was in many ways atypical of many Jewish victims of the Holocaust. He had a relatively privileged position as an academic, writer, and journalist. His identification with the Jewish community was rather tenuous. As noted by Martin Chalmers "Preface" to Klemperer's journals of the period entitled I Will Bear Witness, "Observance and the Reform Synagogue" that Klemperer attended as a child "was extremely liberal" and entailed no dietary restrictions; no bar mitzvah, and in contrast to Reform Judaism today, it was regarded as a "halfway house" between conversion to Protestantism and Judaism.[footnoteRef:1] Klemperer's beloved wife of forty-five years was a Protestant and this gave him a somewhat protected status when the Nazis came to power. Klemperer's area of academic interest was Voltaire, not anything pertaining to Jewish theology. Thus, his life experience is particularly illustrative of the extent to which…...
The ole of Capitalism and Socialism in the US and ChinaCapitalism and socialism are political and economic systems used by nations across the globe to promote their interests. The United States and China are examples of two countries that use capitalism and socialism in the global arena. In the US, capitalism is an economic system that is centered on economic freedom and consumer choice while socialism is governmental control over natural resources and means of production. An example of capitalism in the US is the deregulation of the financial sector to promote economic freedom (Whitley, 2009). However, the weakening of US financial markets contributed to efforts to reregulate them, which is a reflection of socialism. On the contrary, Chinese financial markets have largely been based on socialism since the government controls the economy and serves as a central planning authority that offers greater social welfare while decreasing financial instability. China…...
mlaReferencesHarris, J. (2018). China’s road from socialism to global capitalism. Third World Quarterly, 39(9), 1711-1726.Whitley, R. (2009). U.S. capitalism: A tarnished model? Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(2), 11-22.
Written Assignment Capitalism is an economic system, also called free-market, laissez-faire capitalism, or market economy, defined by two main characteristics. First, it is characterized by private ownership and disregards any form of force that intends to affect human relationships. In capitalism, private citizens use their resources to produce beneficial wealth. The force from the government, such as strict regulations, taxations, safety regulations, and control of the business environment, is banned in a capitalistic structure. The use of force is considered criminal because it compromises people\\\'s freedom (pp. 5-6). Thus, capitalism advocates for the protection of individual and property rights. Here, rights refer to individual and not group rights. Besides, there are no rights to things like the right to a job (p. 8). It is important to note that government can use force not as initiation but as a retaliation. This is acceptable in circumstances where it does so…...
mlaReferencesReisman, G. (1998). Capitalism: A treatise on economics. TJS Books. Simpson, B. P. (2005). Capitalism, Socialism and the Mixed Economy. In Markets don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t fail! (pp. 5–29). essay, Lexington Books.
Karl Marx, the founder of modern socialism and communism and son of a lawyer was born on 5 May 1818 in Trier, and received his classical education. He studied jurisprudence at Bonn and later in Berlin, his obsession with philosophy turned him away from law. However, after spending five years in the "metropolis of intellectuals," he returned to Bonn aiming to habilitate in 1841 (The Life and ork of Karl Marx).
At the end of 1842 he took over the editorship and was received the honor of sending a censor ilhelm Saint-Paul from Berlin particularly to take care of the Rheinische Zeitung. However, this proved of no benefit since either the paper was made to undergo dual censorship, or additionally to the common procedure, every issue was subjected to a second stage of censorship by the office of Cologne's Regierungspr sident (The Life and ork of Karl Marx).
However, this measure was…...
mlaWorks Cited
The Life and Work of Karl Marx. Outstanding Dates.
Karl Marx, 1818-1883. History Guide.
Karl Marx, German social Philosopher and Revolutionary. The Windows Philosophers.
Engels Frederick. Bjorn's Guide To Philosophy - Marx. July 1868.
When Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution occurred, Russia was primarily an agricultural country with many of its people being little more than poor agricultural workers. There was little sign of an impending industrial revolution.
When Lenin came into power and held the position of head of government, he began to implement some of his socialist ideologies. In 1918, the Russian Constituent Assembly was dissolved and enabled the Bolsheviks to consolidate their political power. Prior to this consolidation, in 1917 the Cheka was formed. Created to defend the Russian Revolution, the Cheka began to clamp down on voices opposed to the Bolshevik party, taking control of newspaper content and ensuring no defamatory articles were written about the Cheka. As was always his intention, Lenin sought to introduce the world to his revolutionary ideas and in 1923 he looked to the Third World as the focus of his revolution. He praised China's socialist values…...
mlaQuestion 3:
As the planet's natural resources continue to be harvested at an alarming rate and climate change becomes a reality, countries are collaborating on a global scale to find ways to solve environmental problems. When natural disasters strike, as they did in Haiti in 2010, many first world countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom work together in organizing redevelopment, health care and emergency measures to enable the country to rebuild. However, in less urgent situations, collaborations can be fraught with tension and can often lose sight of their original goal. For example, in the United States and neighboring Mexico, environmental issues can take a while to be resolved as each step has to pass through governing bodies and relevant associations beforehand. However, through dialog and a continued development of the international relationship, Mexico and the United States are able to come up with working resolutions.
Incorporated into the 1983 La Paz agreement and the 1992 Rio Declaration is a principle that each nation has a responsibility to make certain that its activities do not cause environmental harm to the other country. Still in early days, the key to getting the principle to work is by governments actively campaigning for citizens to work together with their country in reducing environmental damage. Other agreements that have been signed in recent years include a 1996 air quality management agreement. Again, this was between the United States and Mexico. Due to the rapid industrial growth and expansion of Mexico and the Southwest of the United States, the agreement was put into place to reduce the amount of air pollution that is caused by this growth. Although each nation has its own statutes in place that monitor and police air quality, they do not take into consideration the shared air pollution of near border cities such as El Paso and Juarez. With the inception of this agreement, both nations can work together to reduce the pollution in these shared air basins.
Dueling Protagonists: Exploring the Roles of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm
Generally, the protagonist of a story is its main character and the center of the action. Many people think of protagonists as the heroes of the story, but that is not always the case. Villains can also be the protagonist of stories, and it is common for the protagonists of the story to view themselves very differently from how the story’s other characters would view them. In Animal Farm, it is difficult to identify a single protagonist because both Snowball and Napoleon play a protagonist....
Sure! Here are some essay topics that cover both capitalism and socialism:
1. Compare and contrast the fundamental principles of capitalism and socialism.
2. Analyze the impact of capitalism on income inequality and social mobility.
3. Critically examine the role of government regulation in a capitalist economy.
4. Evaluate the pros and cons of a socialist healthcare system compared to a capitalist healthcare system.
5. Discuss the relationship between capitalism and environmental sustainability.
6. Explore the concept of social democracy as a blend of capitalism and socialism.
7. Investigate the historical development of capitalism and socialism in different countries.
8. Debate the merits of a mixed economy that....
1. The Impact of Capitalism on Economic Growth: Analyze how capitalism, with its emphasis on private property, free markets, and competition, has contributed to economic growth and development.
2. The Inequality and Social Justice Implications of Capitalism: Discuss the potential drawbacks of capitalism, including the creation of wealth inequality, the exploitation of workers, and the erosion of social welfare programs.
3. Government Intervention in Capitalism: Is it Necessary or Detrimental? Evaluate the role of government intervention in capitalist economies, considering both its potential benefits (e.g., regulation, social safety nets) and its potential drawbacks (e.g., market distortions, reduced economic efficiency).
4. The Evolution of....
Mao Zedong's Rise to Power
Early Life and Ideology:
Born in 1893 to a peasant family in Hunan province
Studied at Beijing University, influenced by Marxism and socialism
Organized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1921
Guomindang-CCP Alliance (1923-1927):
CCP allied with the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) led by Chiang Kai-shek
Joined forces to defeat warlords and establish a unified China
Shanghai Massacre (1927):
Chiang Kai-shek turned against the CCP, leading to the Shanghai Massacre
CCP retreated to rural areas and began guerrilla warfare
Long March (1934-1936):
CCP forces led by Mao embarked on a 6,000-mile retreat from southern China to Shaanxi
Demonstrated the party's....
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