Social Networking Sites Essays (Examples)

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Social Networking Sites Have Grown
Pages: 2 Words: 645

Finally a major threat to Facebook is the government regulations that might inhibit the company from expanding in the manner that is wishes.
In order to be successful in the future Facebook has to develop a strategy that fully exploits the company's strengths and opportunities, while also minimizing the weaknesses and threats of the organization. To this end four strategic alternatives were developed for Facebook. Strive to increase the number of users over the age of 26, Ease of use and increased privacy settings, Foreign news source and collaboration. Each of these alternatives are feasible and need to be implemented in some form if Facebook is to be successful in the future. After careful evaluation it is apparent that increasing the ease of use and improving security and privacy settings is the most advantageous strategy that can be implemented by Facebook. At the current time Facebook is receiving a great…...

Social Networking Sites Began in
Pages: 1 Words: 493

The primary target market for Facebook is between the ages of 22-34. The secondary target market is between 35-54.
The strengths are that it is addictive, has a clean layout is open platform and is a real-world network (unlike Myspace). It has relatively few weaknesses, other than low revenue per user. Threats are other social networking sites, instant messenger services and photo sharing sites. There are opportunities in new markets and for a more fully-integrated platform.

Through our ads we want to efficiently reach our target market so they become more aware of Facebook. We want to build familiarity with the site in a market that has not traditionally understood the benefits of social networking sites. The goals are more sign-ups and an increase in the frequency of visits to the site.

We intend to do this by partnering with party-planning sites that organize reunions, to convince them to leverage the power…...

Online Social Networking Sites the Impacts of
Pages: 3 Words: 968

Online Social Networking Sites
The Impacts of Online Social Networking Sites on Self-Image and elationships

In the recent years, social networking sites have achieved great recognition in internationally. They have attracted a considerable fraction of the online community because of the opportunities they offer people to connect to each other in a simple and well-timed manner and to exchange and share a variety of information. On the other hand, these social networking also restrict users' mobility and eventually, their chances for finding and building new relationships and taking advantage from various networking services (Bortoli, Bouquet & Palpanas).

A social network can be simple defined as "a structure of individuals interdependent on each other based on one or more elements of commonality -- for instance, kinship, friendship, financial ties, hobbies, likes, dislikes, knowledge, work, career, and beliefs" (Simpson 2011). In the same connection, online social networking is the online contact and communication with…...



Bortoli, S., Bouquet, P., & Palpanas, T. (n.d.). Social Networking: Power to the People. Available from: . [Accessed June 23, 2012].

Cachia, R. (2008). Social Computing: Study on the Use and Impact of Online Social Networking. Available from: . [Accessed June 23, 2012]

Hampton, K.N., Goulet, L.S., Rainie, L., & Purcell, K. (2011, June 16). Social Networking Sites and Our Lives: How People's Trust, Personal Relationships, and Civic and Political Involvement are Connected to their Use of Social Networking Sites and Other Technologies. Available from: . [Accessed June 23, 2012].

Mitchell, K.J., Ybarra, M. (2009). Social Networking Sites: Finding a Balance between their Risks and Benefits. Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine [online]. 163 (1), p.87-89. Available from: . [Accessed June 23, 2012].

Social Networking Site
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Travel Social Networking Site and Implications for Business
The objective of this study is to examine the travel social networking site and its implications for business. This work will consider the target audience and methods to promote the site. Social Network Travel websites are expanding their offerings as this report will demonstrate.

mmMule Social Network Travel Website

It is reported that an Irish woman by the name of Avis Mulhall co-founded a new website based in Sydney for travelers to receive rewards for delivery of something local during their travels. This website intends to be "a social travel network that connects locals who want items with travelers who can deliver them during their voyages." (Silicon epublic, 2012, p.1) The website enables individuals to obtain anything they want from across the globe and the traveler who obtains the item is rewarded with an experience. Another part of this website is known as AngelMule which…...



About (2012) Trip Colony. Retrieved from: 

Butcher, Mike (2010) Niche Travel Social Network WAYN Hits Profitability, Mobile Apps on the Way Tech Crunch. 3 May 2010. Retrieved from: 

Irish Woman Co-Founds Social Travel Network Site in Sydney (2012) Start-Ups. 15 May 2012. Silicon Republic. Retrieved from:

Social Networking for Marketing to
Pages: 10 Words: 2530

Not exactly the participation levels that would be hoped for.
esearch Question

The social networking phenomenon has had considerable impact on business in general and marketing in particular. With massive amounts of people flocking to social networking sites and staying there much longer than on other websites, businesses naturally want to leverage and monetize. However, the Facebook fiasco made it clear that people are not ready for Big Business to invade the "privacy" of their social networks. As a result, permission marketing has become a prominent issue -- marketers should allow customers to opt-in (i.e. consciously choose to participate) rather than only offering the choice of opting-out (i.e. including customers in a program until they indicate their disinterest). Therefore I propose to conduct a survey to identify behaviors, attitudes and trends of consumers using social networking websites. Findings will be accompanied by visual presentations as well as analysis of the data…...



Mayfield, Antony. What is social media? ( )

Goh, Rachelle & Silverman, Michael (2008). Business Person's Guide to Online Social Networking. ( )

Goh Rachelle (2008). Put Social Media to Work for You. (

Social Networking Websites
Pages: 2 Words: 596

Social Networking
An Examination of the Purpose and Utilization of Social Networking Websites

Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in the late 1800s revolutionized civilization.

t was not until 100 years later, in the late 1970s, that another such discovery was made. This latter discovery was that of the nternet. Many argue, furthermore, that the discovery of the nternet involves an even greater advancement in human history than Bell's telephone, for nothing has touched so many, so quickly, and so deeply as the advent of the nternet, and with it, within a relatively short time, the culmination of social networking in a variety of websites, utilize worldwide. This paper will offer a quick examination of how such websites, including Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Linkedn, have been utilized by individuals in the last decade to promote both personal and work-related interests.

People utilize social networking sites for many reasons but, as mentioned above,…...


It is thus difficult to single out the purpose for which a social networking site is being utilized. Though one can generalize, with different world events and a constant evolution of these sites, their purpose is constantly changing, and often times it includes the connection of more and more individuals worldwide, which is a phenomenon to be embraced.

Bellis, M. (2011). "The Invention of the Telephone." Retrieved December 24, 2011, from .

"LinkedIn: The World's Largest Professional Network." (2011). Retrieved December 24, 2011, from .

Social Networking Has in the Last Couple
Pages: 11 Words: 3108

social networking has in the last couple of years stirred a lot of debate among politician and scholars alike. The level of risks and benefits associated with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace especially to children and teenagers has elicited a mixed reaction among the debating parties. In this paper we present a systematic analysis of the implications of social networking sites for both children and teenagers with a sharp focus on Facebook. We also focus on the benefits as well as the issue surrounding the use of social networking sites by use of relevant illustrations. Overall, we evaluate how the use of computer technology has impacted the society in general and education in particular.
Definition of Social Networking

Several scholars have attempted to define the concept of social networking and its components. Boyd & Ellison (2007) define social networking sites as special web-based services that are developed…...



Berkshire District Attorney. Sexting. Pittsfield, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts; 2010.

Availableonline at: berterminal&L_3&L0_Home&L1_Crime_Awareness_%26_Prevention&L2_Parents_

%26_Youth&sid_Dber&b_terminalcontent&f_parents_youth_sexting&csid_Dber. Accessed onApril 5, 2011

Tynes, BM (2007),Internet Safety Gone Wild? Sacrificing the Educational and Psychosocial

Using Social Media and Networking to Address Productivity Issues Social Networking
Pages: 5 Words: 2795

Social Networking: Using Social Media and Networking to Address Productivity Issues
Using Social Media and Networking to Address Productivity Issues: Social Networking

Walmart is the world's largest retailer, and the world's largest company by revenues. Its success over the years draws largely from its mission of providing everyday low prices to enable consumer live better. Despite its inherent success, however, Walmart faces serious problems in regard to unfair labor practices and customer satisfaction in product offerings. This text demonstrates how social media and social networking technologies could be used to address these problems.

Using Social Media and Networking to Address Productivity Issues: A Case Study of Walmart

Walmart is the world's largest retailer, and the largest company by revenues. Starting off with Sam Walton's idea of offering everyday low prices in the 1960s, the company grew to become one of the world's most valuable brands, operating in over 27 countries, and employing over 2…...



Adler, N. & Gundersen, A. (2008). International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior (5th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson Learning Inc.

Brunn, S. D. (2006). Walmart World: The World's Biggest Corporation in the Global Economy. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J. & Ferrell, J. (2009). Business Ethics 2009 Update: Ethical Decision-Making and Cases (7th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Gandolfi, F. & Stratch, P. (2009). Retail Internalization: Gaining Insights from the Walmart Experience in South Korea. Review of International Comparative Management, 10(1), 187-199.

Tail of Social Networking the
Pages: 2 Words: 546

As mentioned above, advertising is an excellent way to create revenue, and sites like myspace and Facebook have made great use of this revenue source. Many of the sites on the Internet, in fact -- perhaps even the majority, though this claim cannot be made with any certainty here -- rely solely on advertising revenue for their operation. Many sites and Internet services that have a tiered membership system like those mentioned in the article, with basic membership or services offered for free and more complete and/or extensive benefits offered for a fee, are often supplemented by advertising as well (with the lack of advertising offered as one of the perks for paying for membership). The email/search engine site Yahoo! Is a non-social networking site example of this type of tiered-membership/advertising supplemented system, with free Yahoo! Mail available but with the option to purchase upgraded email options from the company…...

Friendly Conversations or Social Networking in Their
Pages: 2 Words: 620

fiendly convesations o social netwoking in thei diction, tone, content, and style. The woding used in scholaly discussions will be moe fomal, and slang is to be avoided. Similaly, scholaly discussions do not include the use of common Intenet abbeviations like LOL o OMG. Anothe eason why scholaly discussions diffe fom fiendly convesations is the tone. Scholaly discussions ae moe sobe and to the point. Fiendly convesations can include sacasm and othe tones that ae inappopiate in scholaly discouse. Howeve, both scholaly and fiendly discussions ae simila in that they call fo politeness and tact. The content of scholaly discussions is likely to be diffeent fom that of fiendly discussions, which may be about mundane things like whee to eat fo dinne. When talking about common subjects like politics, though, scholaly discussions efe to extenal souces and use fomal language as pat of the oveall pesentation. We can ensue…...


references to other scholars or authors, cited appropriately. Then, I organize my thoughts and write a brief, clear, and coherent post relevant to the discussion. This is a process that is no different from the way I prepare other types of scholarly discourses for my work and school. The difference is that with a post, I will be briefer and slightly less formal. However, this process is much different in ways I will email friends or post to Facebook. I occasionally spend time crafting an email or a social media post, but rarely will I worry about an outline or organizing my thoughts. My choice of language is important in each forum, though, and I do understand that what I say in social media impacts my reputation even as a professional. Therefore, it is important to remain aware of how I present myself regardless of the forum.

Negative Effects of Social Networking
Pages: 4 Words: 1594

orks cited

Boyd, Danah M., and Nicole B. Ellison. "Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship (Excerpt)." Everything's an Argument with Readings. Eds. Lunsford, a.A., J.J. Ruszkiewicz and K. alters. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Print.

Calvo-Armengol, Antoni, Eleonora Patacchini, and Yves Zenou. "Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education." The Review of Economic Studies 76.4 (2009): 1239-67. Print.

Common Sense Media. Is Technology Networking Changing Childhood? A National Poll. San Francisco, CA: Common Sense Media, 2009. Print.

Conan, Neal, et al. "Is Creating a Fake Online Profile a Criminal Act?" Everything's an Argument with Readings. Eds. Lunsford, a.A., J.J. Ruszkiewicz and K. alters. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Print.

Cyberbullying Research Center. "Research: Summary of Our Cyberbullying Research from 2004-2010." 2011. December 5th 2012. .

Giles, G., and R. Price. "Adolescent Computer Use: Approach, Avoidance, and Parental Control." Australian Journal of Psychology 60.1 (2008): 63-71. Print.

i-SAFE America. "Cyber Bullying: Statistics and Tips." 2012. December 5th…...


Works cited

Boyd, Danah M., and Nicole B. Ellison. "Social Network Sites: Definition, History and Scholarship (Excerpt)." Everything's an Argument with Readings. Eds. Lunsford, a.A., J.J. Ruszkiewicz and K. Walters. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Print.

Calvo-Armengol, Antoni, Eleonora Patacchini, and Yves Zenou. "Peer Effects and Social Networks in Education." The Review of Economic Studies 76.4 (2009): 1239-67. Print.

Common Sense Media. Is Technology Networking Changing Childhood? A National Poll. San Francisco, CA: Common Sense Media, 2009. Print.

Conan, Neal, et al. "Is Creating a Fake Online Profile a Criminal Act?" Everything's an Argument with Readings. Eds. Lunsford, a.A., J.J. Ruszkiewicz and K. Walters. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Print.

Negative Impact of Social Networking
Pages: 2 Words: 590

The much-promised value of social networks is then an illusion, with benefits that could easily be attained through other means.
A second aspect of why social networks have such a negative social impact is because it creates a fertile environment for cyber bullying and abuse that many are too cowardly to do in person (Meredith, 2010). Cyber-bulling is often anonymous, concerted across multiple people in a group targeting an outsider, and faceless, yet vicious in its verbal attacks and threats of violence (Meredith, 2010). The point of cyberbuylling is to ostracize someone and also make them feel terrible so they will leave a school, university or workplace permanently. What is very troubling about this type of behavior is the fact that spreads and becomes commonplace across groups; in effect there is a proliferation of hate that occurs because everyone can stay anonymous (Meredith, 2010). Cyberbullying is reason enough to not…...



James Bennett, Mark Owers, Michael Pitt, & Michael Tucker. (2010). Workplace impact of social networking. Property Management, 28(3), 138-148.

Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Di Cagno, D., & Sciubba, E.. (2010). Trust, trustworthiness and social networks: Playing a trust game when networks are formed in the lab. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 75(2), 156.

Hathi, S.. (2008). BILLIONS LOST FROM SOCIAL NETWORKING. Strategic Communication Management, 12(2), 9.

Attitudes Towards Social Networking Social
Pages: 2 Words: 974

All this factors were considered in making the final list of questions since this are the major issues that revolve around this sites. The privacy of those who access the sites is paramount that is why most of the questions were to be based on privacy.
The data was collected through distributing the questionnaires that were previously prepared and some were given to our class mates. The questionnaires were also given to our lectures that drive personal cars. Another batch of the questionnaires was distributed to working areas like offices within the school, and finally we gave some of the questionnaires to our friends who we do not school with. The filed in questionnaires then provided the information that we compiled into the report after thorough analysis of the data. There was a great internal consistency between the attitudinal dimensions and the attitudinal measure as a whole. This means that…...

The Effects of Online Social Networking
Pages: 5 Words: 1706

internet has brought to the forefront communication via social networking sites. College students in particular enjoy communicating with friends and relatives via websites like Facebook or Twitter. In fact, current literature suggests that several factors go into deciding to socialize online. For example, younger college students tend to frequent Facebook more than they tend to older college students. Females outnumber males in relation to having Facebook accounts and communicating on Facebook from around 4:1 (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith & Zickuhr, 2010). Furthermore, those that exhibit shyness tendencies are more than likely to use online social networks to interact with others whether they are in their community or long distance.
Online social networking sites have thus provided people from certain ages, gender, and proclivity, with the ability to engage with people of interest over a platform that is easy to access, the internet. However, can personal relationships grow online? Some literature suggests…...



Davies, H. (2015). Social media and personal relationships: online intimacies and networked friendship. Information, Communication & Society, 17(2), 279. Retrieved from 

Lenhart, A., Purcell, K., Smith, A., & Zickuhr, K. (2010). Social Media and Young Adults. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech. Retrieved 1 November 2015, from 

Manago, A., Taylor, T., & Greenfield, P. (2012). Me and my 400 friends: The anatomy of college students' Facebook networks, their communication patterns, and well-being. Developmental Psychology, 48(2), 369-380. 

Moreno, M., Jelenchick, L., Egan, K., Cox, E., Young, H., Gannon, K., & Becker, T. (2011). Feeling bad on Facebook: depression disclosures by college students on a social networking site. Depression And Anxiety, 28(6), 447-455.

Social Media in the Business Environment in
Pages: 7 Words: 2879

Social Media in the Business Environment
In the past few years, there has been a tremendous and dramatic increase in the use of social networking sites and social media such as Facebook and Twitter. This is particularly because of the low-cost, user-oriented, and highly collaborative means of communication that continues to evolve through its own impetus. Consequently, social networking sites or social media are based on certain principles that the corporate or business environment can learn from. There is an assumption that the widespread adoption of social media in people's personal lives can be moved to the professional environment where they can be used to develop unprecedented knowledge bases in which people, industries, and the society can be empowered. However, many businesses still consider social media and social networking sites tools as frivolous to an extent that they have prohibited their use in the working environment. Actually, these companies still frown…...



Coleman, A (2012), How Social Media can Benefit Small Businesses, The Guardian, viewed 6

November 2012,

Ernst & Young (2012), Protecting and Strengthening your Brand, Ernst & Young, viewed 6

November 2012,

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