These include observable characteristics (Nathan, 1985, p.169) such as specific effects of drinking, quantities and lengths of time people drink, and environmental factors.
The article also emphasizes the degree in which this particular theory considers the very root cause of alcoholism. It discusses historical reasons attributed to the etiology of alcoholism, such as a stress reducer, and details some of the positive projections people associate alcohol consumption with. One of the most important points considered is the diagnosis of alcoholism, in which the author advocates a transactional diagnosis.
The article written by Kathryn Coronges et al., "Social network influences of alcohol and marijuana cognitive associations" discusses a research study designed to discern the influence of socialization on the consumption of mind altering substances. The study involved presenting a number of continuation high school students surveys to fill out during and upon the completion of a drug education program. The research study…...
Coronges, K., Stacy, a.W., Valente, T.W. (2011). "Social network influences of alcohol and marijuana cognitive associations." Addictive Behaviors. 36: 1305-1308.
Nathan, P.E. (1985). "Alcoholism: a cognitive social learning approach." Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2: 169-173.
Niaura, R. (2000). "Cognitive social learning and related perspectives on drug craving." Addiction. 95: S155-S163.
They do this without paying attention to the person that undergoes difficulties in their lives and are simply certain that religion is the only way through which one will no longer find life problematical. Religious tutors believe that religion is the best method of assisting adolescents who come across an impediment at a certain moment. Most are actually determined to force religion into teenagers, with the confidence that it is the only solution. As a result, numerous adolescents believe that religion is indeed the answer to their problems (Craigen & Foster, 2009).
Adolescence is a difficult period, with young people being confused with the purpose of life and with what options they have to make. Emotional experiences are more intense in adolescents and a large number of teenagers resort to attempting to commit suicide, considering that such an act would benefit them. Religion is used as a way to guide…...
mlaWorks cited:
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Terror Groups, Media, and Social Learning TheoryTable of ContentsAbstract 3Introduction 4Discussion 4Future Implications 7eferences 9AbstractTerror groups are thriving thanks in no small part to the rise of social media, which allows these groups to propagate their message instantly and universally. Impressionable young people are often recruited via social media because their own real-world society offers them nothing of any significance to believe in or to embrace. The radical ideologies of terror groups become far more attractive because they fill a hole in the lives of the young and because these groups are capable of forming relationships with them. This paper examines how social learning theory explains the issue of terrorisms spread in the modern world.Keywords: terror groups, social media, social learning theoryIntroductionThe main idea of social learning theory is that individuals or socialized to embrace or believe in the values and standards of their society (Grusec, 2006). As Bandura (2018)…...
mlaReferencesBandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.Chatfield, A. T., Reddick, C. G., & Brajawidagda, U. (2015, May). Tweeting propaganda, radicalization and recruitment: Islamic state supporters multi-sided twitter networks. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 239-249).Costello, M., & Hawdon, J. (2018). Who are the online extremists among us? Sociodemographic characteristics, social networking, and online experiences of those who produce online hate materials. Violence and gender, 5(1), 55-60.DeCook, J. R. (2018). Memes and symbolic violence:# proudboys and the use of memes for propaganda and the construction of collective identity. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(4), 485-504.Grusec, J. (2006). Social Learning Theory and Developmental Psychology: The Legacies of Robert Sears and Albert Bandura. Developmental Psychology 28(5): 776-786.Klein, A. (2019). From Twitter to Charlottesville: Analyzing the Fighting Words Between the Alt-Right and Antifa. International Journal of Communication, 13, 22.Mills, C. E., Freilich, J. D., Chermak, S. M., Holt, T. J., & LaFree, G. (2019). Social learning and social control in the off-and online pathways to hate crime and terrorist violence. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 1-29.Vitolo-Haddad, C. V. (2019). The Blood of Patriots: Symbolic Violence and “The West”. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 49(3), 280-296.
Theoretical Analysis: Julian otter Social Learning Theory Including Locust ControlBackground: Historical OverviewJulian otter was born in 1916 in Brooklyn, New York as the third son of Jewish immigrant parents (Walker, 1991). otters father had a successful business that was negatively impacted by the great depression. It was due to the great depression that otter became aware of social injustice and the impact of the situation environment on individuals. otters interest in psychology started in high school when he began reading Adler and Freud books. While in Brooklyn College, otter attended seminars given by Adler and attended meetings of Adlers Society of Individual Psychology held in Adlers home. otter attended the University of Iowa after graduating from Brooklyn College. He took classes together with Kurt Lewin and minored in speech pathology. otter studied with the semanticist Wendell Johnson whose ideas had a lasting impact on otters thinking regarding the necessity for…...
mlaReferencesBandura, A., & Adams, N. E. (1977). Analysis of self-efficacy theory of behavioral change. Cognitive therapy and research, 1(4), 287-310.Battle, E. S., & Rotter, J. B. (1963). Children\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s feelings of personal control as related to social class and ethnic group. Journal of personality. Harmon-Jones, E., & Harmon-Jones, C. (2007). Cognitive dissonance theory after 50 years of development. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 38(1), 7-16.Harmon-Jones, E., & Harmon-Jones, C. (2012). Cognitive dissonance theory. Handbook of motivation science, 71.Jensen, G. (2018). Social learning theory. In The Routledge Companion to Criminological Theory and Concepts (pp. 115-119). Routledge.Maddux, J. E. (1995). Self-efficacy theory. In Self-efficacy, adaptation, and adjustment (pp. 3-33). Springer, Boston, MA.McCullough Chavis, A. (2011). Social learning theory and behavioral therapy: Considering human behaviors within the social and cultural context of individuals and families. Social Work in Public Health, 26(5), 471-481. McCullough Chavis, A. (2011). Social learning theory and behavioral therapy: Considering human behaviors within the social and cultural context of individuals and families. Social work in public health, 26(5), 471-481. Proctor, K. R., & Niemeyer, R. E. (2020). Retrofitting social learning theory with contemporary understandings of learning and memory derived from cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Journal of Criminal Justice, 66, 101655. Rotter, J. B. (1960). Some implications of a social learning theory for the prediction of goal directed behavior from testing procedures. Psychological review, 67(5), 301. Rotter, J. B. (1990). Internal versus external control of reinforcement: A case history of a variable. American Psychologist, 45(4), 489. Rotter, J. B., Fitzgerald, B. J., & Joyce, J. N. (1954). A comparison of some objective measures of expectancy. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49(1), 111. Sue, D. W. (1978). Eliminating cultural oppression in counseling: Toward a general theory. Journal of counseling psychology, 25(5), 419. Tsuda, A., Tanaka, Y., & Matsuda, E. (2020). Locus of Control, Personality Correlates of. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 281-285. Walker, C. (1991). The history of clinical psychology in autobiography, Vol. 1. Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Williams, D. M. (2010). Outcome expectancy and self-efficacy: Theoretical implications of an unresolved contradiction. Personality and social psychology review, 14(4), 417-425.
Julian otter, Social learning theoryBackgroundHistorical OverviewJulian otter was born in 1916 in Brooklyn, New York as the third son of Jewish immigrant parents (Walker, 1991). otters father had a successful business that was negatively impacted by the great depression. It was due to the great depression that otter became aware of social injustice and the impact of the situation environment on individuals. otters interest in psychology started when he was in high school, where he began reading books by Adler and Freud. While in Brooklyn College, otter attended seminars given by Adler and attended meetings of Adlers Society of Individual Psychology held in Adlers home. otter attended the University of Iowa after graduating from Brooklyn College. He took classes together with Kurt Lewin and minored in speech pathology. otter studied with the semanticist Wendell Johnson whose ideas had a lasting impact on otters thinking regarding the necessity for careful definitions…...
mlaReferencesMcCullough Chavis, A. (2011). Social learning theory and behavioral therapy: Considering human behaviors within the social and cultural context of individuals and families. Social work in public health, 26(5), 471-481. Proctor, K. R., & Niemeyer, R. E. (2020). Retrofitting social learning theory with contemporary understandings of learning and memory derived from cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Journal of Criminal Justice, 66, 101655. Rotter, J. B. (1960). Some implications of a social learning theory for the prediction of goal directed behavior from testing procedures. Psychological review, 67(5), 301. Rotter, J. B. (1990). Internal versus external control of reinforcement: A case history of a variable. American Psychologist, 45(4), 489. Rotter, J. B., Fitzgerald, B. J., & Joyce, J. N. (1954). A comparison of some objective measures of expectancy. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49(1), 111. Sue, D. W. (1978). Eliminating cultural oppression in counseling: Toward a general theory. Journal of counseling psychology, 25(5), 419. Walker, C. (1991). The history of clinical psychology in autobiography, Vol. 1. Thomson Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. Williams, D. M. (2010). Outcome expectancy and self-efficacy: Theoretical implications of an unresolved contradiction. Personality and social psychology review, 14(4), 417-425.
esearch Evaluationoad Conditionality and Personality: An Exploratory Study Among Young Male and Female French DriversSummary of ArticleThe article aims to increase the available knowledge of young drivers behavior to reduce accidents and improve road safety. The research study was conducted in France, and the authors focused on young drivers because they are more likely to be killed on the road than other drivers. The article authors have used the theory of conditionality and the concept of Locus of Control. The theory of conditionality posits that patterns are conditional, and a tool was invented to measure highway code transgressions in the traffic field. The locus of Control allows us to measure personality traits. The study was exploratory and comprised 29 young female and 21 young male drivers (Gaymard & Tiplica, 2018). All the study participants filled out both tools. Comparisons focused on age, gender, and education level for the two measurement…...
mlaReferencesGalvin, B. M., Randel, A. E., Collins, B. J., & Johnson, R. E. (2018). Changing the focus of locus (of control): A targeted review of the locus of control literature and agenda for future research. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(7), 820-833. Gaymard, S., & Tiplica, T. (2018). Road conditionality and personality: An exploratory study among young male and female French drivers. Safety and Reliability, 38(3), 182-199. Perme, M. P., & Manevski, D. (2019). Confidence intervals for the Mann–Whitney test. Statistical methods in medical research, 28(12), 3755-3768.
Social issue alcohol drugs consider a social issue interested. It human freedom, sexuality, deviance, crime, social mobility, poverty, education, aging, similar issues. Select a specific social issue investigate assignment.
Social issue: Drug abuse
The social problem of drug addiction is a long-standing one, yet the causes of addiction and the best way to treat addiction still remain difficult questions to answer. One contentious issue pertains to whether addiction is a 'crime' or an 'illness,' although an increasingly large body of medical research indicates long-term abuse fundamentally rewires addicts' brains and changes their perceptions of reward and punishment. Drugs stimulate dopamine receptors. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that generates a sense of positive well-being: "Just as we turn down the volume on a radio that is too loud, the brain adjusts to the overwhelming surges in dopamine (and other neurotransmitters) by producing less dopamine or by reducing the number of receptors…...
Cratty, Carol. (2011). New rules slashing crack cocaine sentences go into effect. CNN.
Retrieved at:
Drugs and the brain. (2012). National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Retrieved at:
Learning Reinforcement
For learning to effectively take place, a number of concepts must be brought together and these include but are not in any way limited to environmental, emotional as well as cognitive influences. One of the most prominent learning theories is the social learning theory whose fronting was most prominently done by Albert andura amongst others.
The Social Learning Theory
The social learning theory is founded on the view that most learning is undertaken within the social context. However, according to Ronald L. Akers, the social learning theory must not only be taken to be a theory of peer influence.
With that in mind, the key concepts in this case include; modeling, imitation as well as observational learning. The social learning theory has four basic principles with the first principle stating that most of the learning is informed by an observation of behavior. Here, the reasoning is that the learning process is triggered…...
Akers, Ronald. Social Learning and Social Structures: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance. Transaction Publishers, 2009
Griffin, Ricky Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations. Cengage Learning, 2009
Sarafino, Edward. Self-Management: Using Behavioral and Cognitive Principles to Manage Your Life. John Wiley and Sons, 2010
Ronald Akers, Social Learning and Social Structures: A General Theory of Crime and Deviance (Transaction Publishers, 2009), 25.
I have had friends that I've known since I was in grade school. Our initial interaction occurred because of our attraction toward one another. We had so many things in common, such as the same favorite television shows and the same favorite sports. Our proximity to one another also aided in the development of this attraction toward one another. We all lived on the same block and therefore had more opportunities to interact with one another outside of the school setting.
Although physical attractiveness did not necessarily influence our friendship, according to Myers (2012), it is usually the first step in any sort of relationship, even those that are platonic in nature. The theory of physical attractiveness is based on research conducted that tends to suggest that people who are viewed as being more physically attractive are seen as being more approachable (Myers, 2012). My relationship with my friends can…...
David, M. (2012). Social psychology. (11 ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Some jobs will require that a person continue his college education and some will require learning that can take place on the job in order to acquire the needed skills.
on-the-job training can take place in several forms. An outside training firm can be brought in to the company to hold seminars on a relevant topic for the employees. In this environment, the social nature of learning could be one of camaraderie or competitiveness among the adult employees. The adult employee wanted to get ahead may try to excel and outperform his coworkers to increase his chances of advancing. On the other hand, the environment could be more of a friendly social nature while everyone is learning. They may be asked to work in groups, much like in a college classroom setting. This will allow them to collaborate and perhaps learn about new skills they can acquire from their coworkers.…...
Cameron, David. (2010). Adult learning and the way it inspires people is crucially important. Adults Learning, 21(9), 16-17.
(Accessed on June 22, 2010).
(Accessed on June 22, 2010).
Schmidt, Laurel. (2008). How we don't learn. Leadership, 38(2), 10-14.
Learning Styles and Learning Practices
In general, psychological theorists and educators acknowledge that learning occurs quite differently in different individuals. Some people learn best by observing, whereas others learn best by listening, and still others learn best by participating or experiencing something more tangible in connection with the subject matter (Akkoyunlu, & Soylu, 2008). There are numerous theories about how people learn, and one of the most commonly used is Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI), that categorizes learning according to the following broad distinctions: Concrete Experience or considering things substantially the way they are presented; Abstract Conceptualization or considering things as ideas and theories that represent or incorporate what is represented; Active Experimentation or forming conclusions based on what is represented and conducting experiments to confirm those conclusions; and eflective Observation or determining…...
Akkoyunlu, B., & Soylu, M.Y. (2008). A Study of Student's Perceptions in a Blended
Learning Environment Based on Different Learning Styles. Educational Technology & Society, 11 (1), 183-193.
Chickering, A.W. & Gamson, Z.F. (1991). Applying the Seven Principles for Good
Practice in Undergraduate Education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 47.
n other words, it can be criticized for being somewhat discursive and for not providing any form of comparative analysis.
Alternatively, one could argue that methodologically the research falls into the category of a case study, a legitimate form of intensive qualitative research. n the final analysis the article does provide some illuminating insights into the possibilities of literature for social and emotional development in gifted students.
Article 3: The Connection between Social-Emotional Learning and Learning Disabilities: mplications for ntervention by Maurice J. Elias.
The author of this article identifies a number of problematic social and emotional areas for the learning disabled or special needs student. These include the recognition of emotions in self and others; the regulation and management of strong emotions and the recognition of strengths and areas of need ( Elias, 2004). The article also reviews the literature and theoretical positions on this topic. Furthermore, the author suggests a…...
mlaIn order to deal with these problems, the author suggests that in the first instance these inabilities and difficulties in the student must be recognized by the teacher or the therapist. Once they have been recognized, a responsive and caring approach should be taken. The teacher becomes involved in the process of articulating "... The strategies that students must use when they feel the strong feelings that are preventing them from learning effectively..."( Elias, 2004). Furthermore, the teacher should help the student to recognize his or her strengths. This can go a long way to reducing any sense of guilt or inadequacy.
While this study does not provide any quantitative methodology or strategy it does provide a comprehensive overview of the theoretical aspects of the problems and the way that these problems can be addressed by the teacher. What is clearly implied throughout is that the innate talents and abilities of the special needs student enhanced by the caring and responsive techniques and strategies on the part of the teacher.
It could be argued that this study is possibly not as rigorous and methodologically intensive as the first article discussed in the present paper. However, what is clear from an analysis of the study by Elias is that the author provides a comparatively comprehensive overview of the issues and problems at stake and also supports this with practical examples of methods
The GEMS effort was to create a social environment that encouraged healthy eating and exercise, and expanded health literacy in a fun manner, and was accessible to young girls.
It is easier to change health-related behaviors in the young, and the program tried to address the unique and often more acute problem of obesity in African-American young girls. The entire community and family units were incorporated into the program effort. Positive aspects of the African-American community, such as strong social support, were used by the study designers, also in line with social cognition theory. Existing support structures and social learning were combined: for example, the families in question were often not educated in how to properly read food labels, but once they were, the desire to help their daughters become healthier would hopefully reinforce the need to engage in proactive steps to improve dietary health. During Family Nights, families of…...
Marvella E. Ford, Barbara C. Tilley, & Patricia E. McDonald. (1998). Social support among
African- American adults with diabetes. Journal of American Medicine. 90 (6) 361-365.
Retrieved July 9, 2010 at
Story, Mary, et al. (2003, Winter). "An after-school obesity prevention program for African-
The stopping of treatment is the primary reason for this early intervention. This tactic has been extremely successful for many years and should be
Once the induction interviews are complete, the client and the social worker can move on to treating the patient. Once the treatment has started it is vitally important that the social worker pay careful attention to eliminating communication patterns that are counterproductive. Social workers have to be careful not to get stuck in unproductive type of communication that serve no purpose and do nothing to assist the client.
In addition if a social worker must examine the family functioning and diverse family and cultural contexts. This simply means that the social worker is responsible for examining the home situation of the client and assisting the client based on this environment. There are several different family structures that may be present including single family homes, blended families and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Glossary. Retrieved November 24, 2009 from: http: / / www. cmpmhmr. / glossary.html
Hardcastle, David A. (2004) Community Practice: Theories and Skills for Social Workers. Cary, NC: Oxford University Press
Hepworth, DH Rooney, R.H., Rooney, G.D., Strom-Gottfried K., Larsen J. (2009) Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills. Cengage Learning, 2009
Ogrodniczuk, J.S., Joyce, A.S., and Piper W.E. (2005) Strategies for Reducing Patient-Initiated Premature Termination of Psychotherapy. Harvard Review Psychiatry Vol. 13 Issue 2, p57-70, 14p. March/April 2005
I find this very surprising because I thought that social learning and incorporation of operant conditioning as part of the social learning theory plays a preeminent role in influencing criminality.
I think that the theories that explain best the findings of the articles are the sociological and theories. Psychological and biological theories are not suitable for support. I chose from the sociological theories the "Social Disorganization Theory" emanating from the Chicago School research of Shaw and McKay. According to this theory's general hypothesis "low economic status, ethnic heterogeneity, residential mobility, and family disruption lead to community social disintegration, which in turn increases crime and delinquency rates" (Sampson, .J. & Groves, W.B., Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory, p. 774.) The Social Disorganization Study is the theory that by virtue of the article's title actually underlies the research of Triplett & Gainey. But in large parts it also mirrors the…...
Monahan, J. (19 February 2010). The Causes of Violence. Derived 15 August 2011 from
Sampson, R.J. & Groves, W.B. (1989). Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory. AJS Volume 94 Number 4 (January 1989): 774-802, derived 15 August 2011 from RJ Sampson… - American Journal of Sociology, 1989 -- JSTOR.
The first step in writing about non-nursing theory as applied to nursing practice is deciding what theories you are going to use. Non-nursing theory refers to any theory that is not nursing-specific, which means that there are countless options you could choose to write your paper. These different theories can be applied, with varying degrees of success, to nursing. The theories we would choose include Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Erik Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development theory, and Bandura’s social learning theory. We picked these three because they are the three psychosocial theories....
1. The similarities and differences between primate social organization and humans
2. The role of play behavior in primate development
3. How primates communicate with each other and the significance of different forms of communication
4. The effects of captivity on primate behavior and welfare
5. The relationship between primate intelligence and problem-solving abilities
6. The impact of environmental factors on primate behavior, such as climate change or deforestation
7. The evolution of mating behaviors in primates and how they differ between species
8. The role of dominance hierarchies in primate societies and how they are established and maintained
9. The importance of grooming behavior in primate social....
Topic Idea 1: Primate Social Structure and Hierarchies
- Discuss the diverse social structures observed in primate species, ranging from egalitarian to strictly hierarchical systems.
- Analyze the factors contributing to the formation and maintenance of social hierarchies in primates, such as dominance, kinship, and alliances.
- Explore the mechanisms used by primates to communicate social status, such as vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions.
- Investigate the implications of social hierarchies on the behavior, mating strategies, and reproductive success of individual primates.
Topic Idea 2: Primate Communication and Language
- Discuss the various modes of communication employed by primates, including vocalizations, gestures, facial expressions, and....
Observational learning is a type of learning that occurs as a result of observing the behaviors of others. This process involves paying attention to the actions and outcomes of those around us, and then using those observations to guide our own behavior.
Observational learning can take place in a variety of contexts, such as in the classroom, at work, or even at home. It is often referred to as social learning, as it involves learning from the social interactions and experiences of others.
One of the key components of observational learning is the idea of modeling. This involves mimicking the....
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