nd are trying to make their own hallmark in the life of today. mericans are quiet eager to leave up their children as soon as they grow up and therefore they inculcate a sense of insecurity and loneliness in their children from the onset when they are too young and are still looking for someone to nurture them.
Friendships and close relationships suffer when increased amount of time is spent at work. Increased working hours translate into time away from friends and loved ones and this leads to social isolation, which is having a huge negative impact on mental and physical health of people in the U.S. ccording to a recent study, it was reported that 50% more than the figure that was attained in 1985 complained of having no one they could turn to when personal problems arise. Most people said that their spouses were the only persons they could…...
mlaAnd are trying to make their own hallmark in the life of today. Americans are quiet eager to leave up their children as soon as they grow up and therefore they inculcate a sense of insecurity and loneliness in their children from the onset when they are too young and are still looking for someone to nurture them.
Friendships and close relationships suffer when increased amount of time is spent at work. Increased working hours translate into time away from friends and loved ones and this leads to social isolation, which is having a huge negative impact on mental and physical health of people in the U.S. According to a recent study, it was reported that 50% more than the figure that was attained in 1985 complained of having no one they could turn to when personal problems arise. Most people said that their spouses were the only persons they could confide in but if that relationship dies or disintegrates, they are left with absolutely no one to talk to and share their problems with. Family structures have suffered a lot and close relationships have withered because of inflexible working hours. Everyone has the same 9 to 5 schedule, which is not the only time spent at work. Add the time spent in commuting and you will realize how little people have left to enjoy time with their families and parents. It is thus important that an alternative to this is sought. Either people should make a conscious effort to mingle with their neighbors, friends and family or they should be allowed to have flexible hours so they can fit in more time for those who really matter.
By going through the article, 'Social Isolation In U.S.' By Shankar Vedantam, one can conclude that it is certainly the time for the Americans to wake up and evaluate themselves. Striking a balance between personal and professional ambition adds value to ones existence. It is a time to look down with disdain on the ambitious streak of people because sooner or later this workaholic habit is likely to cause excessive loneliness that leads to variety of mental and emotional problems.
It is also referred to as luminal stimulus or limen. However the irritability of the population in our case is different, they will react to the slightest provocation of their egos. The isolation formats them to such a sensitive being that they react with very minimum provocation.
Effectiveness of management of excessive stimulus input- the population in study more often will not know the difference between the general pathogenic influences and the and adverse trauma, they may end up treating the two in similar manner since they are not in a position to manage or put under effective control the stimulus they react to nor the stimuli they send out. This is due to isolation which makes then non-interactive for a long time hence cannot use exposure to others to learn the trick.
Generally isolation due to disruption of the cultural system imposed on a population by poverty can have an…...
Bruce et.al, (2000). Neighborhood Poverty and the Social Isolation of Inner-City African
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Henderson David, (2010). Hispanic Poverty and Social Isolation Effects on Low-Income People.
Interventions to reduce social isolation and loneliness among older people: an integrative reviewIntroductionOlder adults tend to suffer loneliness and social isolation in the later years of life, affecting mental and physical health if unaddressed. A recent review on the impact of loneliness and social isolation on physical and mental health identified various negative consequences such as depression, cardiovascular disease, a decline in the quality of life, decline in cognitive function, and a higher mortality rate (Courtin & Knapp, 2017). Older people identified as chronically lonely are also evidenced to register fewer hours of exercise, possess a greater number of chronic illnesses, rely heavily on tobacco use, have higher depression scores, and require more nursing home stays than others not suffering from loneliness (Malcolm, Frost & Cowie, 2019).There is still very little knowledge on the mechanics of how loneliness and social isolation affect health. Still, the negative effects on health evidenced…...
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..set of critical stages for normal psychologic development." (2001) Kandel relates that prior to formal studies being conducted on material deprivation: "...a few anecdotal examples of social isolation were collected by anthropologists and clinicians. From time to time children had been discovered living in an attic or a cellar, with minimal social contact, perhaps spending only a few minutes a day with a caretaker, a nurse or a parent. Children so deprived in early childhood are often later found to be speechless and lacking in social responsiveness." (Kandel, 2001) According to the National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities in the work entitled: "Issues in Learning Disabilities: Assessment and Diagnosis": Diagnosis, assessment and treatment must be in the nature of 'differential diagnosis' in making identification between varying disorders, syndromes and other factors that impact the acquisition of the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing reasoning or mathematical abilities." (National Joint Committee…...
Kamhi, a.G. (1984) Problem Solving in Child Language Disorders. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in School Journal. Volume 15. October 1984.
Federici, R.S. (1999) Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation of the Post-Institutionalized Child. Presented at the Conference for Children and Residential Care, Stockholm, Sweden May 3, 1999. Neuropsychological and Family Therapy Associated.
A de Valenzuela, JA (1999) the Social Construction of Language Competence: Language Socialization in Three Bilingual Kindergarten Classrooms. University of New Mexico. Dissertation Synopsis.
Thanasoulas, Dimitrios (2001) Language and Disadvantage - Article 70 - the Weekly Column. 2001 August.
One of the primary concerns was multicultural relationships -- the recognition that ethics were relative to specific cultures and that each culture had to be understood according to its own functions, has to be respected for what it is, and had to be addressed in light of its cultural history and practices so that its people could best be helped. Social work had come a long way from attempting to squeeze all citizens of America in the model of the 'perfect American' as it had done in the 1920s. Nowadays, it is well-recognized that immigrants have many problems that deter them from receiving the rights that all Americans should receive optimal beneficial medical care and healthy living accommodations. Suffering from handicapped language skills and ignorance about the ways of their new land, immigrants are often exploited by an unjust and insensitive system as well as by willful individuals. This is…...
Chesney, A.P., Chavira, J.A., Hall, R.P., & Gary, H.E. (1982). Barriers to medical care of Mexican-Americans: the role of social class, acculturation, and social isolation. Med. Care 20, 883 -- 91
Raemer, F. (1998) The evolution of social work ethics Nat. Assoc. Of Social Workers.
Board of Education of Topeka. This case represented a watershed for Civil ights and helped to signal an end to segregation because it determined that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal" (Warren, 1954). It is essential to note that federal support on this particular issue was only earned after African-Americans decided to use the legislative system to their advantage by taking the segregationist school system of Topeka, Kansas to task. This particular court case was a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of 13 parents whose children were enrolled in the city's school system. This action was highly influential in the African-American struggle for civil rights and to end discrimination because it demonstrated that they had learned the most effective means of fighting this systemic oppression -- by utilizing the system itself, in this instance, the legislative system that ran the country.
By doing so, African-Americans helped to end the…...
Du Bois, W.E.B. DuBois, W.E.B. 1903. "The Talented Tenth." Pp. 31-75 in the Negro Problem: A Series of Articles by Representative American Negroes of to-Day. Contributions by Booker T. Washington, Principal of Tuskegee Institute, W.E. Burghardt DuBois, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Charles W. Chesnutt, and others. (NY: James Pott & Co., 1903
Lincoln, a. "13th amendment to the U.S. constitution: abolition of slavery." Ourdocuments.gov. Retrieved from http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=40
Mack, K.W. (1999). "Law, Society, Identity and the Making of the Jim Crow South: Travel and Segregation on Tennessee Railroads, 1875-1905.," 24 L. & Soc. Inquiry 377 . http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/2790089/Law%2c%20Society%2c%20Identity%20and%20the%20Making%20of%20the%20Jim%20Crow%20South.pdf?sequence=2
Maidment, R.A. (1973). "Plessy v. Fergueson re-examined." Journal of American Studies. 7 (2): 125-132.
social science indentified as social psychology studies the influences that affect how individuals in a society interact with one another (Kenrick, 2006). In doing so, it applies scientific methods to measure how a variety of different factors such as group behavior, social perception, leadership, conformity, aggression and prejudice serve to affect how members of society relate to each other. In doing so, social psychologists examine the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of both the individuals and groups who incorporate society. They also measure the effect that culture factors such as advertising, television, literature, and the movies contribute to these interactions.
Through the study of social psychology experts in the field use empirical methods in an attempt to explain why people organize themselves in groups, make decisions, behave in deviant ways, and form dating relationships. The field of social psychology has adopted a number of approaches to study in this area but…...
Abelson, R.P. (2003). Experiments with People: Revelations from Social Psychology. London: Psychology Press.
Kenrick, D.T. (2006). Social Psychology: Goals in Interaction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Ally & Bacon, Inc.
Oishi, S. (2009). Sociology: A Lost Connection in Social Psychology. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 334-353.
social psychology
The form of oppression and discrimination discussed in Unit 2 is mental health problems among veteran are further compounded by other problems such as financial difficulties, joblessness, marriage problems, social isolation, and homelessness (Smith et al., 2017). These problems are major risk factors for suicide and substance abuse. The federal policy from the Library of Congress that relates to this social justice is the Affordable Healthcare Act.
Include a description of the programs and services that are provided through the policy. What is the purpose of this policy? What problem does it seek to remedy?
The Affordable Care Act is also referred to as the health care law and was established with the main purpose of providing more Americans with greater accessibility to affordable health insurance, enhancing the quality of health care and health insurance, and also diminishing health care spending in the in the United States. Basically, its main purpose is…...
social networking has in the last couple of years stirred a lot of debate among politician and scholars alike. The level of risks and benefits associated with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace especially to children and teenagers has elicited a mixed reaction among the debating parties. In this paper we present a systematic analysis of the implications of social networking sites for both children and teenagers with a sharp focus on Facebook. We also focus on the benefits as well as the issue surrounding the use of social networking sites by use of relevant illustrations. Overall, we evaluate how the use of computer technology has impacted the society in general and education in particular.
Definition of Social Networking
Several scholars have attempted to define the concept of social networking and its components. Boyd & Ellison (2007) define social networking sites as special web-based services that are developed…...
Berkshire District Attorney. Sexting. Pittsfield, MA: Commonwealth of Massachusetts; 2010.
Availableonline at: www.mass.gov/?pageID_ berterminal&L_3&L0_Home&L1_Crime_Awareness_%26_Prevention&L2_Parents_
%26_Youth&sid_Dber&b_terminalcontent&f_parents_youth_sexting&csid_Dber. Accessed onApril 5, 2011
Tynes, BM (2007),Internet Safety Gone Wild? Sacrificing the Educational and Psychosocial
Essay Topic Examples
1. The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health: A Deep Dive into Anxiety and Depression
This essay will explore how the pervasive use of social media platforms correlates with rising rates of anxiety and depression, particularly among younger demographics. By examining studies and personal accounts, the discussion will focus on the mechanisms by which social media contributes to mental health issues, including the effects of comparison, cyberbullying, and the pressure to present a curated self-image.
2. The Erosions of rivacy: Surveillance and Data Mining in the Age of Social Media
This topic will address the side effects of reduced privacy and increased corporate and governmental surveillance facilitated by social media. The essay will investigate how personal data is harvested and used, sometimes without consent, and the effects this has on individual autonomy and freedom, as well as the societal implications of such practices.
3. The aradox of Connection: Social…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Primack, Brian A., et al. \"Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the U.S.\" American Journal of Preventive Medicine, vol. 53, no. 1, 2017, pp. 1-8.
Twenge, Jean M., and Keith Campbell. \"Associations between Screen Time and Lower Psychological Well-Being Among Children and Adolescents: Evidence from a Population-Based Study.\" Preventive Medicine Reports, vol. 12, 2018, pp. 271-283.Lin, Lydia Y., et al. \"Association Between Social Media Use and Depression Among U.S. Young Adults.\" Depression and Anxiety, vol. 33, no. 4, 2016, pp. 323-331.Woods, Heather C., and Scott M. Scott. \"#Sleepyteens: Social Media Use in Adolescence Is Associated with Poor Sleep Quality, Anxiety, Depression and Low Self-Esteem.\" Journal of Adolescence, vol. 51, 2016, pp. 41-49.Vannucci, Anna, et al. \"Social Media Use and Anxiety in Emerging Adults.\" Journal of Affective Disorders, vol. 207, 2017, pp. 163-166.
Essay Topic Examples
Exploring the Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Social Vulnerability: This essay topic would delve into how variations in income, education, and occupation can lead to differing levels of social vulnerability within communities. It would explore the systemic challenges that low socioeconomic status presents in the face of natural disasters, health crises, and socioeconomic shifts.
The Role of Social Networks in Mitigating Social Vulnerability: This topic would focus on the importance of social relationships and community connections in reducing the effects of social vulnerability. The essay would examine case studies where strong community ties have helped to provide resources, support, and resilience during times of crisis.
Age and Social Vulnerability: A Comparative Analysis: The essay would offer an analysis of how different age groups, particularly the elderly and children,…...
mlaPrimary Sources
Cutter, Susan L., Bryan J. Boruff, and W. Lynn Shirley. \"Social Vulnerability to Environmental Hazards.\" Social Science Quarterly, vol. 84, no. 2, 2003, pp. 242-261.
Flanagan, Barry E., et al. \"A Social Vulnerability Index for Disaster Management.\" Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, vol. 8, no. 1, 2011.Emrich, Christopher T., and Susan L. Cutter. \"Social Vulnerability to Climate-Sensitive Hazards in the Southern United States.\" Weather, Climate, and Society, vol. 3, no. 3, 2011, pp. 193-208.Pelling, Mark. \"Social Vulnerability in Disasters: The Role of Social Structures and Social Capital in Disaster Risk Management.\" Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Vulnerability, 2008, United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS).Wisner, Ben, et al. \"At Risk: Natural Hazards, People\'s Vulnerability and Disasters.\" 2nd ed., Routledge, 2004.
Kafka's Joseph K. goes through a confusing and bizarre experience over the course of the novel, learning more and more about the legal bureaucracy surrounding him without ever actually learning anything about it. In a sense, Joseph K.'s experience mirrors the human experience in any society, because it demonstrates how the justification for legal and political authority is ultimately an illusion; there is no inherent justification for human political power, but rather it depends either on the consent of the governed or coercive force, and both of these actually serve to isolate the individual (Panichas 86).
In the case of the former, consent of the governed, the individual is isolated due to the fact that he or she must give up some agency and power to the state, and thus lose some small bit of individuality. The individual essentially becomes a constituent element of the state, and thus, like the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Chekhov, Anton. "The Lady with the Lapdog." An Anthology of Russian Literature From
Earliest Writings to Modern Fiction. Ed. Nicholas Rzhevsky. M.E. Sharpe Inc.: New
York, 2004.
Chekhov, Anton. "The Man in a Case." Trans. Rosamund Bartlett About Love and Other Stories.
In Cuba's case, there has really been no real opening up from the United States to the Cuban cause and no acceptance of the Cuban 'wound'. The embargo still stands and is thoroughly imposed, there are no diplomatic relations and no direct flights between the two countries. There are no signs so far that the United States is willing to warm up to Cuba and allow it to come out of its isolation. In other words, there are really no elements to help us determine that the isolators would be willing to allow the isolated to be released.
Drawing again on the parallel, we should point out that this was the same in Philoctetes's case, at least for most of the play. The reason he is able to come out of his isolation is not necessarily because the isolators have realized they have made a mistake or because they are willing…...
1. Sophocles (translated by Carl Philips). Philoctetes. Oxford University Press U.S., 2003
Reasons for the isolation of employer and employee focus on class conflict, on the need for the employer to maintain at least the illusion of social superiority. The isolation of the employee can, however, serve the needs of the worker because only through unions can laborers unite together in their common cause of obtaining just wages and working conditions.
The government camps play into the social stratification and systematic isolation of migrant workers, even if they were designed to help people. The Joads are only one example of a family being isolated from the community and from the outside work, forced to work for meager earnings and in poor conditions. Steinbeck depicts the camps as being prison-like, the camps' residents as being bereft of any political or economic power. Their disenfranchisement causes characters like Tom Joad to come into unfortunate and fatal conflict with authorities. The result is a cycle…...
Social integration is one of the most important factors influencing the decision of first year college students to continue studies into the next year. Although certainly not the only factor, social integration can make the difference between student retention and student drop out. Tinto's model of student retention shows that academic integration, goal commitment, individual attributes, family attributes, and a host of other issues will impact a student's decision to stay or leave an academic institution (Draper, 2008). Draper (2008) points out that of the factors that impact student retention, academic and social integration are the most important.
Empirical research highlights the importance of social integration on a student's collegiate experience during the first year of school. esearch shows "a student's sense of belonging is largely built upon feelings of acceptance as an individual and as part of a community," (Bagunu, 2009). A feeling of acceptance creates the sociological and psychological…...
Bagunu, G.A. (2009). Helping our students integrate into social life on campus. UC San Diego Student Affairs Impact Newsletter. Retrieved online: http://vcsa.ucsd.edu/Newsletter/issue4/integration.html
Draper, S.W. (2008). Tinto's model of student retention. Retrieved online: http://www.psy.gla.ac.uk/~steve/localed/tinto.html
Yes, there are several news topics related to adversity that would make for a compelling essay subject. Here are a few examples:
1. The COVID-19 pandemic: You can explore how people worldwide faced numerous adversities due to the pandemic, such as health challenges, economic struggles, mental health issues, and social isolation. You can discuss stories of resilience, innovative solutions, community support, and lessons learned.
2. Climate change and natural disasters: Write about the adversity faced by communities affected by natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, wildfires, or droughts. Discuss the challenges of rebuilding lives, adapting to new circumstances, and finding sustainable solutions to....
Essay Topics on the Recent Childhood Obesity Epidemic
In recent years, childhood obesity has emerged as a significant public health concern, affecting millions of children worldwide. The epidemic has far-reaching implications for both the physical and mental well-being of our children. This essay presents a comprehensive overview of the current childhood obesity epidemic, exploring its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
Causes of Childhood Obesity:
Dietary Factors: The consumption of processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats contributes significantly to childhood obesity.
Sedentary Lifestyle: Lack of physical activity and increased screen time have led to decreased energy expenditure and increased calorie intake.
Of course! Here are some essay topics that can help you practice writing an outline:
1. The effects of social media on modern society
2. The importance of mental health awareness
3. The impact of climate change on the environment
4. The role of technology in education
5. The benefits and drawbacks of remote work
6. The history of immigration in the United States
7. The significance of voting in a democracy
8. The rise of online shopping and its effects on traditional retail
9. The portrayal of women in the media
10. The challenges and opportunities of globalization
Feel free to choose any of these topics to create an outline....
1. Bronchiectasis: A Comprehensive Review of Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management
Introduction: Define bronchiectasis and highlight its prevalence, etiology, and risk factors.
Pathophysiology: Discuss the mechanisms leading to bronchiectasis, including impaired mucociliary clearance and chronic inflammation.
Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis: Describe the typical symptoms, physical exam findings, and diagnostic tests used to identify bronchiectasis.
Management: Review the current treatment options for bronchiectasis, including antibiotics, airway clearance techniques, bronchodilators, and surgical intervention.
Prognosis and Complications: Discuss the long-term outcomes and potential complications associated with bronchiectasis, such as respiratory failure and hemoptysis.
2. Role of Imaging in Bronchiectasis: CT, MRI, and Beyond
Introduction: Highlight....
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