This way, it has become increasingly difficult to interrogate the characters of individuals one relates with. Indeed, in the words of Treadway and Smith (2012), "…it is very easy for people to set up a Facebook profile with any persona they would like." This creates fertile grounds for instances of dishonesty and deception which could end up straining interpersonal relations thus making them short-lived.
Some of the approaches we make use of to interact at a social level will also inevitably become phased out. For instance, according to Dalton, Hoyle, and Watts (2010), people are increasingly giving up voicemail which is in their opinion too time-consuming in this age of instant communication. For this reason, it is highly likely that going forward, some of the common forms of communication utilized in social interaction today will be eliminated to usher in other more convenient and efficient forms of communication. Towards that…...
Brym, R.J. & Lie, J. (2009). Sociology: Your Compass for a New World (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.
Dalton, M., Hoyle, D.G. & Watts, M.W. (2010). Human Relations (4th ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Treadway, C. & Smith, M. (2012). Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, Indiana: John Wiley & Sons.
There are a variety of approaches to diagnosis and treatment in American acupuncture that incorporates medical traditions from China, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Vietnam, and France. " (2002)
The American Medical Association additionally reports: "Acupuncture has been used by millions of American patients and performed by over 5,000 U.S. physicians, dentists, acupuncturists, and other practitioners for relief or prevention of pain and for a variety of health conditions. After reviewing the existing body of knowledge, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reclassified acupuncture needles from the category of "experimental medical devices" in 1996 and now regulates them just as it does other devices, such as surgical scalpels and hypodermic syringes, under good manufacturing practices and single-use standards of sterility." (2002) Stated in conclusion by the American Medical Association relating to acupuncture is: "In addition to a positive clinical-therapeutic outcome, reported benefits to patients include avoidance of toxic side effects of pharmaceutical…...
Astin, John a. (1998) Why Patients Use Alternative Medicine. Journal of American Medical association Vol. 279 No. 19. 20 May 1998. Online available at
Barnes, Linda L. (2008) the Acupuncture Wars: The Professionalizing of American Acupuncture - a view from Massachusetts. Acupuncture Schools U.S. Online available at
Dower, C. (2003) Acupuncture in California. Acupuncture Schools U.S. Online available at
Frank, Robert and Stolberg, Gunnar (nd) Doctor-Patient Interaction in Complementary Medicine: Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Auyrveda in Germany. Online available at ( (en)/soz/iw/pdf/stollberg_frank_docpat.pdf
Social Media and Technology - the Evolution of Social Interactions
Social Media and Technology
Technology has changed humanity and the whole concept of human interactions in dramatic ways over the last few decades. What we have now is an internet revolution; an era of superior digital connectivity, where the internet controls literally every aspect of human life, from the acquisition of social capital to the maintenance of well-being and social status. Gone are the days when time and space limitations forced people to choose their friends and partners from their immediate environment; today, people can share their interests in many different ways, and build relationships using many different online platforms. Thanks to the influx of social media platforms such as Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, etc., the development of relationships, both real-life and virtual, has become increasingly easy. Interpersonal and face-to-face interactions are not as significant as they were a few years back;…...
Bland, H.M. & Esmail, A. (2012). School Social Work Services in Federally-Funded Programs: An African-American Perspective. Lanham, MA: Rowman & Littlefield.
Franz, T.M. (2012). Group Dynamics and Team Interventions: Understanding and Improving Team Performance. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Glaser, B.G. (2004). Naturalist Inquiry and Grounded Theory. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5(1), Art 7. Retrieved 5 August 2014 from
Jones, S.R., Torres, V. & Arminio, J. (2013). Negotiating the Complexities of Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Fundamental Elements and Issues (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Children with disability can be made to feel part of the class through social interaction. This can make them know that even though they may seem different outside, they still share the interest, pleasures, concerns and the challenges of life. It is also through social interaction that children with disabilities can have true acceptance, appreciation and friendships that are developed between the children with disabilities and those without the disabilities.
Effective social interaction has been noted to be key to effective learning particularly among the young learners and children with disability. The people falling under this category have a lot to learn from each other and the society at large hence there is need to inculcate the culture of social interaction among them to ensure they get the maximum out of the environments that they are exposed to.
It is worth noting that social interaction does not happen on physics aspect only…...
Rumel R.J., (1976). The Conflict Helix. Vol.2. Retrieved December 5, 2011 from
Steve Barkan, (2011). Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Retrieved December 5, 2011 from
It is also possible to have professional networks of contacts and people with whom one has a relationship with. Again, there are web sites that specialize in this form of a network, such as Linked in.
Ultimately, people benefit from these networks by being able to take advantage of the opportunities and insights that they might not otherwise have been aware of if someone in their network had not told them about it (How Social Contagion, 2004). Social networks allow a person to vastly extend his or her resources.
What is deviant behavior? Deviant behavior is behavior that is considered the opposite of behavior that is characterized as conforming to some sort of a social norm. However, as there are many different social groups within society as a whole, the definition of what is considered deviant and what is considered normative or conforming behavior switches and may even conflict between groups.…...
Giddens, a. (2011). Essentials of sociology (3rd ed.). New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton.
"How social contagion affects consumers' willingness to try online retailers." (2004).
Retrieved from
Miller, D. (2007). "Dyad/Tryad." Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online. Retrieved from
Since we cannot easily overcome these obstacles we need to address the issues of popularity and unpopularity in the group and support the leaders of these groups in a way that there will be the necessary understanding of the discrepancies between group members and the action needed to ensure a continuously and uninterrupted performance at a high level.
People will see a leader as the person in charge and accept the position this person has in an organization. Popularity on the other hand will be needed to ensure that the majority of the group has a person to discuss issues not necessarily work related, yet important for the individual. Since we can see that these two activities do not necessarily have to be the same person we can accept the fact that group activity and performance will improve as long as the stability inside the group is ensured. Today it…...
Li Po's corpus of work reveals the poet's unabashed joie du vivre and celebration of sensory pleasures, particularly the pleasure found in drink. His lifestyle parallels the content of his poems, too, as Li PO was known not for being an elite or erudite poet but an eccentric and a wanderer. His role at court became that of poet-fool, and as Stephen Owen points out, "people in power in China liked to keep a couple of these around. It was considered sort of nice to have one. They entertained you. They were supposed to be wild and free." Most of Li Po's work have a "wild and free" quality. Li Po poems do not seem to make a point or generate deep philosophical meaning as they do capture the pure pleasure of living in the moment and enjoying the human experience, especially an intoxicating one. Nature also plays a strong…...
mlaWorks Cited
Li Po. "Bring in the Wine." Retrieved online:
Li Po. "Drinking Alone with the Moon." Retrieved online:
Owen, Stephen. "Great Tang Poets: Li Bo." Asian Topics, Columbia University. Retrieved online:
Social Interaction among Millennials and Baby BoomersIntroductionWhen it comes to social interaction differences among Millennials and Baby Boomers there is much to be said. Millennials are digital natives and have grown up with social media. Boomers have come to the technology late but have embraced it to some extent, though not quite to the same level as Millennials. In the workplace, among family and friends, and in terms of digital communication, Millennials and Baby Boomeers interact socially in ways that are similar and different and this paper will discuss and describe those ways.WorkplaceOne of the main points to remember with regard to Boomers is that they grew up with face to face interaction and they value being able to communicate in a face to face manner (Venter, 2017). Millennials are much more willing to engage in virtual communication or to work in virtue workplaces (Ngotngamwong, 2019). However, there is an…...
mlaReferencesAccius, J., & Yeh, J. C. (2016). America must invest in its next generations. Generations, Journal of the American Society on Aging, 40(4), 101–107.Allen, R. S., Allen, D. E., Karl, K., & White, C. S. (2015). Are Millennials Really an Entitled Generation? An Investigation into Generational Equity Sensitivity Differences. Journal Of Business Diversity, 15(2), 14–26.Bennett, J., Owers, M., Pitt, M. and Tucker, M. (2010). Workplace impact of social networking. Property Management, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 138-148. H. W., Melton, B. F., Welle, P., & Bigham, L. (2012). Stress tolerance: New challenges for millennial college students. College Student Journal, 46(2), 362-376Lee, H., Park, N., & Hwang, Y. (2015). A new dimension of the digital divide: Exploring the relationship between broadband connection, smartphone use and communication competence. Telematics & Informatics, 32(1), 45–56Licite, L., Janmere, L., & Auzina, A. (2018). Role of the social environment in the study process for millennials. Proceedings of the International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM, 18, 241–248. .5593/sgem2018/5.4Ngotngamwong, R. (2019). Working with Millennials: From the Perspective of Baby Boomers and Gen Xers. Human Behavior Development & Society, 20(2), 62–73.Stewart, J. S., Oliver, E. G., Cravens, K. S., & Oishi, S. (2017). Managing millennials: Embracing generational differences. Business Horizons, 60(1), 45–54., E. (2017). Bridging the communication gap between Generation Y and the Baby Boomer generation. International journal of Adolescence and Youth, 22(4), 497-507.,
Education: Impact of Screen Time on Self-egulation, Communication/ Social Interactions in ChildrenPart A: Table to Create Introduction to esearch InstrumentPurpose of the researchTo study/ understand why parents are using screen time at home with their childrenOverarching research questionWhat is the impact of screen time on self-regulation and communication/ social interaction in children?esearch sub-question 1What are parents perspectives on using screen time with their children at home?esearch sub-question 2How are parents using screen time with their children at home?Part B: Designing Data Collection InstrumentSample questionnaire protocolThe number of questions in the interview would be 20. The questions are as follows:i. Does your child use any technological devices like smartphones or tablets at home? Yes Noii. How much screen time does he use the device daily? 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours More than 3 hoursiii. Do you think the screen time affects his time limitations with other kids? Like in parks…...
mlaReferencesFinstad, K. (2010). Response interpolation and scale sensitivity: Evidence against 5-point scales. Journal of Usability Studies, 5(3), 104-110. In J. (2017). Introduction of a pilot study. Korean Journal of Anesthesiology, 70(6), 601–605. N.E., Taylor, H.A., Ali, J., Hallez, K. & Chaisson, L. (2014). A pilot study of simple interventions to improve informed consent in clinical research: Feasibility, approach, and results. Clinical Trials, 12(1), 54-66. Feedback Form STUDENT’S NAME WHO PILOT-TESTED MY INSTRUMENT: In your opinion, how effective were the questions in the interview/survey/questionnaire in gaining your perspectives? I think the questions are valid since they aim to question the parents about communication, self-regulation, emotional control, and social involvement with parents or siblings at home. These are the specific measures to be assessed in the current research. Were there any challenges you encountered in being a participant in this study? I don’t think this was the case since the questions had simple language and were clear to understand; hence, answering them was also straightforward. Can you offer any insights which would enable the student to improve their data collection method/instrument? The student can improve the data collection method by making it a 7-point Likert scale since having more scales would make the participant answer better and data analysis stronger (Finstad, 2010). Based on your experiences as a participant, what overall advice would you offer? This was my first experience as a participant; hence, I could suggest whatever I came across the first time in an interview. The 7-point Likert scale would remain helpful since an overall subjectivity in responses that need to be quantitatively assessed would become more reliable as the scale would provide the participants with more stimuli to choose their response from, prompting a more accurate response. The Revised Research Instrument/ Online Questionnaire1. Does your child use any technological devices like smartphones or tablets at home?· Yes · No2. How much screen time does he use the device daily?· 1 hour· 2 hours· 3 hours· More than 3 hours3. Do you think the screen time affects his time limitations spent with other kids? Like in parks or at home with siblings? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 4. Do you think screen time is affecting their ability to self-regulate? It could include finishing the food on the dinner table and outing dishes back in the kitchen, it could mean keeping the clothes back in the cupboard, or it could mean packing the bag up after finishing homework. Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 5. Do you think screen time is affecting your child’s emotions? It could mean being aggressive most of the day, it could mean low self-control when an issue arises and becoming irritated easily, or it could mean stress/depression. Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 6. Do you think your child shows frequent signs of fights or annoying behavior with parents at home? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 7. Does this behavior suddenly pacify if he is given a smartphone or tablet to play games? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 8. Do you give your child a phone/ tablet to calm him down and keep his emotions under control? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 9. Do you feel when you try to take his phone or tablet away, saying that the screen time is over, he reacts aggressively? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 10. Does the teacher at school also involve the use of screens in their curriculum or class activities? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 11. Has the teacher ever told you your child creates a fuss when the screens are taken away from children, and the child wants to play “5 more minutes”? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 12. Does this habit frequently occur? Asking the teacher to let him five more minutes? It could be more than two to three times. Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 13. Has the teacher complained about your child’s behavior regarding communicating or socializing with his classmates? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 14. Does the teacher indicate that he finds problems completing his tasks in the classroom? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 15. Does the teacher mention he finds difficulty in conducting group activities? Or asks his group members to complete the rest of the activity and would avoid completing his own? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 16. Does the teacher think he has focus problems? Such as completing a worksheet given to him in class? Does he keep looking outside the window? Or the fan or walls etc.? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 17. Do you find the same behavior at home with siblings? Such as not trying to compromise in fights and wanting a toy to himself only? Being aggressive or adamant about it? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 18. Do you feel he has problems sleeping? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 19. Has your child ever wanted a smartphone or tablet before going to sleep? Saying he wants to play a game or watch a video for 10 minutes before going to sleep? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes 20. Does he react at bedtime when you say ‘no’ to his request? Definitely not Maybe no No Neutral Yes Maybe Yes Definitely Yes Kass,
I have had friends that I've known since I was in grade school. Our initial interaction occurred because of our attraction toward one another. We had so many things in common, such as the same favorite television shows and the same favorite sports. Our proximity to one another also aided in the development of this attraction toward one another. We all lived on the same block and therefore had more opportunities to interact with one another outside of the school setting.
Although physical attractiveness did not necessarily influence our friendship, according to Myers (2012), it is usually the first step in any sort of relationship, even those that are platonic in nature. The theory of physical attractiveness is based on research conducted that tends to suggest that people who are viewed as being more physically attractive are seen as being more approachable (Myers, 2012). My relationship with my friends can…...
David, M. (2012). Social psychology. (11 ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Social Implications of Sexual Identity Formation and Coming Out Process
Chad Mosher's article, "The social implications of identity formation and the coming-out-process: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature" provides a fairly comprehensive look at the theories and realities of individuals asserting their homosexual tendencies to the world. The article is widely written as a source of material and instruction for psychologists who are employed in a therapeutic or counseling capacity with such individuals, as there are implications for them to incorporate into their practice in the article's conclusion. In addition to discussing the two principle theories regarding coming out, essentialism and social constructionism, the author discusses aspects of the theories that are integrated as well as the effect of coming out on both the audience and the homosexual perception. Audiences are stratified into three distinct categories: family members, heterosexuals, as well as homosexuals and those somewhere in between these…...
Mosher, C. (2001). The social implications of identity formation and the coming-out-process: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature. The Family Journal. 9 (2): 164-173.
Social trends in Education / the next 5 years
With societal establishments and school structures, we can carry the most important task of providing youths with the necessary education which will provide them opportunities to thrive in our community. A simple casual glance at the comparative mode of lifestyle in our country would make it obvious that these establishments performed in an excellent manner for the greater part of this century. But the universe is transforming in manners that radically remodels the suppositions, customs and guiding principles, which catered the American people earlier. Besides, the pace of transformation is gearing up at an amazing speed, requiring in many customs and establishments the need to progress in certain spheres. To look forward to modifications, to a certain extent than acting in response to it, schools are spotting developments and scrutinizing their probable connotations.
ather than guessing what the coming years has in store…...
Anglin, John. S. Educational Trends for the Future. Handbook of Theory and Research in Higher Education: Volume: 8; pp. 115-121. New York: Agathon, 2002
Carter, Holly. Implementation of International Competence Strategies: Faculty. In Bridges to the Future: Strategies for Internationalizing Higher Education, pp.191-203. Ed. Charles Klasek, Carbondale, Illinois: Association of International Education Administrators, 1992.
Corson, David. Language Diversity and Education. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.
Morrison, J.L. Higher-Education Trends and Indicators. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Volume: 46, No: 3; September 10, 1999; p. A54
Social Psychology
The Power of the Situation
Sam Sommers (2008) writes in an article entitled The Elusive Power of Daily Situations about an incident in which he broke a finger of each one of his hands and had to undergo a minor surgical operation that was necessary to ensure the healing process. He describes how this situation was altered for him by his anxiety over the various choices and complications that were part of this type of surgery, by the discomfort he felt wearing a flimsy hospital gown that he was unable to tie due to his broken fingers and being in an unfamiliar place, and by his embarrassment at the incident that resulted in the injury in the first place. Sommers relates this to the phenomena of the power of the daily situation as he writes "As we know from decades of research in social psychology, many of us are far…...
Berger, P.L. And Luckmann, T. (1966) The Social Construction of Reality.
Biali, S. (2007) Was Michael Jackson a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)? Are You? Retrieved on May 2, 2011 from / blog/prescriptions-life/200907/was-michael-jackson-highly-sensitive-personhsp-are-you.
Gleitman, Fridlund, and Reisberg. (2004) Personality. Psychology Today. 6th Ed. New York W.W. Norton and Co.
Markman, A. (2009) People, Situations, Attributions, and the Hollywood Movie. Retrieved on May 2, 2011 from
Social Web and Technology: Moving Humans Into Uncharted Territory
The internet has changed the way humans interact with each other in every way. It has helped shape an entire generation of social interactions as well as helped people learn in ways that were not possible before. Within these interactions, the very roots of society are created. S these interactions have changed media and shape, the preferences and habits of socialization have changed as well. As a technology, social web has given people the ability to connect with other people and places that were at one time inaccessible. It also gives people unfettered access to information through first hand reports and stories. This access to information on a global scale is also changing the way socialization occurs.
Human beings have always had a certain access to information, whether within a small group or over technologies like TV, radio, or printed media. The capacity…...
Blossom, J. (2009). Content nation: surviving and thriving as social media technology changes our lives and our future. Social Media: New York.
Dorfman, L., Martindale, C., Gassimova, V., & Vartanian, O. (2008). Creativity and speed of information processing: A double dissociation involving elementary vs. inhibitory cognitive tasks. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 44, No. 6, April 2008, 1382-1390.
Postman, N. (2001). Deus Machina. Technos: Quarterly for Education and Technology, Vol.
10, No. 27. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from Questia database: .
Thus, this aspect can multiply into many sub-genres that focus on one or more aspects of the social world as they contribute to influencing behaviors and innate thought processes. Focusing on the social means looking for more abstract concepts that relate to existence within a social world. Actually trying to predict later success in publication, "Predicting the future success of junior scholars is of great concern to academic hiring committees," (Haslam & Lamb 2009:144). Yet it is based within two correlating variables that can then be compared, "It is therefore reasonable to predict that publication success during graduate school may be associated with publication success later in people's academic careers," (Haslam & Lamb 2009:144). Although the subject is socially constructed, the method of analysis is still quantitatively measured. Even this study shows quantitative measurement use- using mathematical prediction models in analysis of data (Haslam & Lamb 2009). egression analysis,…...
Haslam, Nick & Laham, Simon M. (2009). Ten years on: does graduate student promise predict later scientific achievement? Current Research in Social Psychology. 14(10):143-147.
Kearl, Michael C. (2009). Social psychology. Trinity University. Retrieved 28, October 2009 at
New York University (2009). Infants able to identify humans as source of speech. Science Daily. Retrieved October 28, 2009 at
Smith, Eliot R. & Mackie, Diane M. (1999). Social Psychology. Routledge Press.
Certainly! Here are some science essay topic suggestions:
1. The impact of climate change on the environment.
2. The role of renewable energy sources in reducing carbon emissions.
3. Exploring the potential health benefits of genetic engineering.
4. The effects of plastic pollution on marine life and ecosystems.
5. The future of space exploration and its potential for human colonization.
6. The ethical considerations of using animal testing in medical research.
7. The development and implications of artificial intelligence in various fields.
8. The challenges and benefits of using nanotechnology in medicine.
9. Exploring the effects of deforestation on biodiversity and climate change.
10. The impact of technology on human....
Topic 1: The Social Exclusion of Marginalized Groups
Essay Title: Unveiling the Hidden Toll: The Profound Impact of Social Exclusion on Marginalized Communities
In contemporary society, the insidious forces of social exclusion continue to cast a long shadow on the lives of marginalized groups. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of social exclusion and its profound impact on these communities, shedding light on the systemic barriers, prejudices, and societal attitudes that perpetuate their marginalization. By exploring the lived experiences of those affected, we aim to unveil the hidden toll of exclusion and advocate for a more inclusive and equitable society.
1. Institutional....
Cosmetology: A Comprehensive Overview
Cosmetology is the art and science of enhancing the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails. It encompasses various treatments and techniques aimed at improving one's overall physical appearance. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of cosmetology, exploring its history, evolution, different branches, and significance in society.
The History of Cosmetology
Cosmetology has its roots in ancient civilizations, where people used natural ingredients like herbs, minerals, and oils to adorn themselves. In ancient Egypt, for example, women applied kohl to their eyes and wore elaborate wigs made from human hair or wool. In ancient Greece, men and women used....
Thesis Statement: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective therapeutic approach for facilitating group development and enhancing group dynamics, enabling individuals to modify maladaptive behaviors, transform dysfunctional thought patterns, and cultivate healthier interpersonal relationships within the group context.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has gained widespread recognition as a powerful psychotherapeutic intervention for addressing a diverse range of psychological concerns. Its effectiveness in individual therapy has been extensively documented, and recent research has highlighted its applicability and efficacy in group settings. This thesis delves into the intricate relationship between CBT and group development, exploring how CBT principles and techniques can be harnessed to foster....
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