Building Adolescent Social Intelligence With a Dance
Physical Education
Final esearch Paper Outline
Adolescents in high school benefit from the planning and execution of a social event such as a dance or party physically, emotionally, and developmentally.
The high school students should help organize and throw a party for themselves.
The party should involve school staff, parents, and adult members of the community.
The planning of and the participation in dance/party combines many skills that adolescents need to develop into healthy adolescents and later into healthy adults.
The party gives the high school students opportunities to practice and hone skills that will improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, individual identity, social intelligence, and social reality construction.
Parties and Socialization
A. The party is a form of socialization that builds very important social skills.
B. The party is a demonstration of how to understand the importance of social skills for development.
C. The party is a formative experience, which illustrates importance of social skills…...
American Psychological Association. (2002). Developing Adolescents -- A Reference for Professionals. Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Carlo, G., Fabes, R.A., Laible, D., Kupanoff, K. (1999). Early Adolescence and Prosocial/Moral Behavior II: The Role of Social and Contextual Influences. Journal of Early Adolescence, 19(2), 133 -- 147.
Hartup, W.W. (1996). The Company They Keep: Friendships and Their Developmental Signifcance. Child Development, 67, 1 -- 13.
Peterson, G.W., & Peters, D.F. (1983). Adolescents' Construction of Social Reality. Youth & Society, 15(1), 67 -- 85.
Many cultures may not have the same ideas of law that is present within American society, and sometimes people may break American laws without truly understanding that they have even committed a crime. This can create a conflict between cultures, when a police officer of one culture is enforcing a law that may not be quite understood or respected from the perspective of another culture (Swanson 2012). Because of such cultural differences in diverse societies, like the one present in the United States, police officers need to immerse themselves in cultural knowledge and education. It is extremely important for police officers to learn the values and set of codes of particular cultures encounter in the field in order to better communicate and serve back particular community (Swanson 2012). Officers need to be perspective and understanding of cultural differences, potentially making decisions based on such cultural understandings.
Question 5
Police administration can…...
Ashley, Steve. (2004). Reducing the risks of police pursuit. The Police Policy Studies Council. Web.
Godown, Jeff. (2010). The CompStat process: Four principles for managing crime reduction. Police Chief Magazine. Web.
International Association of Chiefs of Police. (2006). Big ideas for smaller police departments. Bureau of Justice Assistance. Web.
Kennedy, David M. (1993). The strategic management of police resources. Perspectives on Policing, 14(1993). Web.
Human Resources Frame ResistanceIntroductionAs an external consultant, it is important to develop a comprehensive understanding of the client's Human Resources (HR) policies and philosophies in order to effectively advise them on issues related to interpersonal group dynamics and employees lacking satisfaction and meaning in the workplace.Finding AnswersTo begin, I would start by asking direct questions about the organizations HR philosophy, such as how they recruit, hire, and retain employees, how they foster a positive work environment, how they ensure fair compensation and performance review procedures are followed, etc. This helps to form the foundation for decision-making (Bolman & Deal, 2017).I would then seek out the internal staff responsible for HR and organizational development. These individuals should be able to provide valuable insight into the organization's HR processes, structure, and values. I would also seek out employees within the organization for their perspective, both current and former. Plus, I would seek…...
Block, P. (1999). Flawless consulting: A guide to getting your experience used. San Diego, CA.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.
El Khatib, M., Almteiri, M., & Al Qasemi, S. A. (2021). The Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Project Management Success. IBusiness, 13(01), 18.
5.10 Expected Findings
HA: There is a statistically significant correlation between leadership competencies (emotional, social, cognitive intelligence) and leadership effectiveness.
Ha1: There is a statistically significant correlation between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
Ha2: There is a statistically significant correlation between social intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
Ha2: There is a statistically significant correlation between cognitive intelligence and leadership effectiveness.
Regarding the first hypothesis (HA), that there is a statistically significant correlation between leadership competencies (emotional, social, cognitive intelligence) and leadership effectiveness, the expected finding is that this hypothesis will be confirmed. Based on the contingency theory underlying the research, Boyatzis, Good, and Massa (2012) have found that these traits have been significantly linked to leadership efficacy, given that they are essential factors that must be utilized when assessing what types of leadership techniques to apply in specific instances. Without understanding how to read people’s emotions, personality types, and responsiveness to different communication styles in an…...
Facial ecognition in Men and Women and Their DifferencesAbstractThis paper addresses the problem of difference in terms of how men and women recognize faces. The central question is whether this function of facial recognition is a biological phenomenon only or if it is something affected by cognitivism, which can in turn be influenced by sociocultural factors. The paper first examines what previous research has shown in terms of the biological differences in how men and women recognize faces. Then it addresses the evidence suggesting that sociocultural factors impact the cognitive processes involved in this function. It concludes that facial recognition is as much impacted by biology as it is by sociocultural phenomena.IntroductionDo men and women read faces differently? Current research suggests that when it comes to biological sex differences, women have an advantage in terms of having an ability to read emotion in the faces better than men (Wingenbach, Ashwin…...
mlaReferencesBandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.Hendon, M., Powell, L., & Wimmer, H. (2017). Emotional intelligence and communication levels in information technology professionals. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 165-171.Mishra, M. V., Likitlersuang, J., Wilmer, J. B., Cohan, S., Germine, L., & DeGutis, J. M. (2019). Gender differences in familiar face recognition and the influence of sociocultural gender inequality. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-12.Otgaar, H., & Baker, A. (2018). When lying changes memory for the truth. Memory, 26(1), 2-14.Rennels, J. L., & Cummings, A. J. (2013). Sex differences in facial scanning: Similarities and dissimilarities between infants and adults. International journal of behavioral development, 37(2), 111-117.Rosser-Majors, M. L. (2017). Theories of learning: An exploration. Bridgepoint Education.Scherf, K. S., Elbich, D. B., & Motta-Mena, N. V. (2017). Investigating the influence of biological sex on the behavioral and neural basis of face recognition. Eneuro, 4(3).Wingenbach, T. S., Ashwin, C., & Brosnan, M. (2018). Sex differences in facial emotion recognition across varying expression intensity levels from videos. PLoS one, 13(1), e0190634.
Social Psychology Concept Matrix
Social Psychology Concept
Application to Society
Provide Example
Criminal Justice
Provide Example
Application to the Individual
Provide Example
The researcher selects a certain number of people from the population that he/she wants to study and presents them with a list of questions on the topic asking them to respond in order to elicit their opinion.
The survey can be conducted in writing, over the phone, as face-to-face interview, or in a small-group oral format
The survey can be used to, for instance, discover the expectations that citizens wish from their new president.
The citizens of the country can be polled and asked what they wish the president to accomplish for them / their country in the new term. Results can tell the government what the citizens most wish to be implemented in their country.
Tjaden and Thoennes (2000) surveyed men and women to find their comparable experience with violence. Apparently more men than women (66.4% to 55.6%) had…...
mlaHindsight Bias
This is as also known as the knew-it-all-along effect or creeping determinism. It refers to the situation where the individual is inclined to see events that occurred as events that were predictable all along. This may result in memory distortion where a person's memory of the past is slanted by after-effects
Hindsight bias can interfere with the judicial system in that judges and jurors presented with the case a given often judge defendants as being capable of preventing the bad outcome (Starr & McCormick, 2001). This may be erroneous since many times defendant may not have known the outcome. This also extends tot the plaintiff, where, sometimes, jurors may determine that, based on the outcome, the plaintiff should have been more aware of the
Social Engineering Attacks Counter Intelligence
Social Engineering Counter Intelligence
Describe what social engineering and counterintelligence are and their potential implications to our national security in regard to the leaked Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs.
Social engineering is the theft of classified information. Then, using it to change everyone's opinions and perceptions about what is happening. Counter intelligence is preventing hostile enemies or organizations from obtaining access to sensitive material. These areas are viewed from two different perspectives. The first one is that of more liberal attitudes. They believe that any kind of secret files, are allowing the U.S. government to hide the truth. This is when it has no accountability for engaging in different actions. These voices, feel any kind of disclosures of classified information, is critical to understanding the larger issues and letting the public (i.e. world) know what they are up to. (Mulrine, 2013) (Harding, 2011) ("Wiki Leaks,"…...
Wiki Leaks. (2010). ABC News. Retrieved from:
Wiki Leaks Releases. (2010). VOA News. Retrieved from:
Fowler, A. (2011). The Most Dangerous Man in the World. Carlton: University of Melbourne Press.
Harding, L. (2011). Wiki Leaks. New York, NY: Public Affairs.
Franks (along with the Bush war cabinet, including Vice President Dick Chaney) "met repeatedly" to plan the attack on Iraq. It was groupthink through and through. At the same time Bush was saying publicly he was "pursuing a diplomatic solution" (Hamilton, 2004), "intensive war planning" was going on during the whole year 2002. It "created its own momentum" in the administration, Hamilton wrote.
In oodward's book, which was recognized as conveying authentic details about the Bush war planning and strategies, he covers much of the pre-war discussions Bush had with top members of his administration, along with decisions Bush made on his own and with help from people like his Foreign Policy Advisor, Condoleezza Rice. But according to an excerpt from oodward's book, Bush waited until the last minute (among his top staff) to brief Secretary of State Colin Powell, who had not been an advocate of going to war,…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bar-Joseph, Uri, and Levy, Jack S. 2009, 'Conscious Action and Intelligence Failure', Political Science Quarterly, vol. 124, no. 3, pp. 461-489.
Bar-Joseph, Uri. 1995, Intelligence Intervention in the Politics of Democratic States: The United States, Israel, and Britain. The Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Gentry, John a. 2008, 'Intelligence Failure Reframed', Political Science Quarterly, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 247-260.
Hamilton, William. 2004. 'Bush Began to Plan War Three Months After 9/11.' Washington Post, April 17, 2004, p. A01.
" (Adams et al.)
hat the report went on to show was how a decades long deception was practiced on a race that was viewed primarily as a guinea pig for medical science.
The Tuskegee Institute had been established by Booker T. ashington. Claude McKay had passed through there in 1912 to study agriculture (under the patronage of alter Jekyll, a man who provided the basis for Robert Louis Stevenson's classic horror tale character). Around the same time that Eleanor Dwight Jones was striving to preserve the white race, the United States Public Health Service began the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. hat took place was a forty year analysis of the life of syphilis. The two hundred black men who had syphilis were "deliberately denied treatment" (Adams et al.) in what was just one more step in oppression and callous social engineering.
And at the same time the Tuskegee experiment was going on, .E.B.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Adams, Myrtle, et al. "Final Report of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study Legacy Committee."
1996. Web. 8 June 2011.
Cone, James. Risks of Faith. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1999. Print.
Dowlings, Keven, and Knightley, Philip. "The Spy Who Came Back from the Grave."
Social Web and Technology: Moving Humans Into Uncharted Territory
The internet has changed the way humans interact with each other in every way. It has helped shape an entire generation of social interactions as well as helped people learn in ways that were not possible before. Within these interactions, the very roots of society are created. S these interactions have changed media and shape, the preferences and habits of socialization have changed as well. As a technology, social web has given people the ability to connect with other people and places that were at one time inaccessible. It also gives people unfettered access to information through first hand reports and stories. This access to information on a global scale is also changing the way socialization occurs.
Human beings have always had a certain access to information, whether within a small group or over technologies like TV, radio, or printed media. The capacity…...
Blossom, J. (2009). Content nation: surviving and thriving as social media technology changes our lives and our future. Social Media: New York.
Dorfman, L., Martindale, C., Gassimova, V., & Vartanian, O. (2008). Creativity and speed of information processing: A double dissociation involving elementary vs. inhibitory cognitive tasks. Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 44, No. 6, April 2008, 1382-1390.
Postman, N. (2001). Deus Machina. Technos: Quarterly for Education and Technology, Vol.
10, No. 27. Retrieved February 22, 2011, from Questia database: .
Thus, many firms rely not on spam but on opt-in e-mail promotions. One of the primary ways of having customers volunteer their e-mail addresses is through mandatory registration on a Web site. Firms that rely on registrations can cull their customers' e-mail address and send direct promotional materials to them. Targeted to the customer's interests, the e-mail flyers and brochures have the potential to bring in consumer traffic to Web sites or in some cases to brick-and-mortar stores. The disadvantage with using e-mail as a means of direct promotion is that many consumers do not provide a valid e-mail address or reserve a spare, hardly used e-mail address specifically for Web site registrations.
Viral marketing has become a potentially robust form of Web-based promotion. Including cleverly placed press releases, articles, and blog entries, viral marketing allows customers to come to the company rather than vice-versa. Word-of-mouth marketing empowers the consumer,…...
video games in the life of the student. The problem with the Likert Scale is that
Thurstone Scale
I like video games.
I play video games everyday.
I play video games online
I play video games with friends online.
I play video games after school.
I play video games before doing homework.
I play video games while doing homework.
Guttman Scale
(Based on 7 Criteria Above)
Item 1
Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6
Item 7
The key to the Gutman scaling is the analysis. The table shows the respondents who Agree or Disagree, and we then use those percentages to make points about the criteria, and age vs. responsibility.
Essay Three
When conducting research with humans there are a number of ethical considerations that must be adhered to in order to protect the rights and safety of human participants. Institutional Review Boards and Research Ethics Boards review all proposed research at academic institutions to ensure that participants will be treated…...
Those who predict future behavior and demand for products and services correctly can profit tremendously from their planning; conversely, those who invest in technologies or applications based on assumptions or expectations that never materialize run the risk of losing their entire investment. In that respect, the computer realm is no different from the decisions and projections made in traditional types of businesses. It may just seem different by virtue of the accelerated rate of computer evolution and development and the fact that some of the specific new technologies and capabilities become so widely and rapidly adopted that they can change society practically overnight.
In all likelihood, computers today are similar to paper in the Middle Ages when producing paper was so labor intensive and expensive that very little was available and only to the wealthiest classes. Another analog might be dry cell battery technology around the turn of the 20th…...
As recent events in the Middle East have clearly demonstrated, Facebook is more on the side of the politically disadvantaged and the poor as they have increasingly embraced Facebook and other social media while the governments in the region tried to ban them. Many governments such as that of China do not allow Facebook primarily because they want to avert scenarios they have seen in the Middle East.
Facebook revolutions
It was in the wake of 2008 when Oscar Morales, a young man in Columbia, decided that he had had enough of FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), a Marxist group which routinely kidnaps people, keeping them as hostages for months or years, while many of the hostages die in captivity. Angry and depressed by the actions of FARC, one night he turned to Facebook which he had been using to connect with his friends and high school classmates. He used…...
mlaWorks Cited
Alexanian, Janet A.. "Eyewitness Accounts and Political Claims: Transnational Responses to the 2009 Postelection Protests in Iran." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East 31.2 (2011): 425-442. Project MUSE. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. .
Burns, Alex and Ben Eltham, "Twitter free Iran: an evaluation of twitter's role in public diplomacy and information operations in Iran's 2009 election crisis," in Papandrea, Franco & Armstrong, Mark (Eds.). Record of the Communications Policy & Research Forum 2009. Sydney: Network Insight Institute. Web. 26 Nov. 2011 .
China, Walid. "The Facebook Revolution." New African 503 (2011): 24. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 26 Nov. 2011.
Eltahawy, Mona. "The Middle East's Generation Facebook." World Policy Journal 25.3 (2008): 69-77. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Nov. 2011.
And we are no stranger to the fact that smart people do very well in the practical world.
In practical world, no one really cares about your GPA. It doesn't matter how much you got in Statistics or Math but they sure do care about application. In businesses around the globe, every single employer would want an employee who is a quick learner but who doesn't simply learn from books. He is a learner in the true sense and learns from observations, experiences, and other stimuli. This is a gift that all smart people possess. Intelligent people may or may not have this kind of learning habit since they are limited to books.
I consider myself smart and intelligent both. And being smart is a gift that I cherish. it's a gift I thank God for because not everyone in my class could be called smart. I generally love to learn.…...
IQ vs. EQ in Leadership Roles
In the realm of leadership, assessing both intellectual and emotional abilities is crucial for identifying effective leaders. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient) represent distinct but complementary aspects of human cognition and behavior that significantly influence leadership outcomes.
IQ: Cognitive Abilities for Problem-Solving and Analysis
IQ measures cognitive abilities, including:
Fluid intelligence: Ability to adapt to novel situations and solve problems creatively.
Crystallized intelligence: Knowledge and skills acquired through experience and education.
Working memory: Capacity to temporarily hold and manipulate information.
Leaders with high IQs excel in analytical thinking, strategic planning, and complex decision-making. They can identify....
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