Social Impact of Gas Price on American Price in American Society
In the last few years, the price of gasoline has increased above average in the United States, and in many part of the United States, the price of gasoline is above $3 per gallon. The data from the Department of Energy reveals that price of gas was $1.05 in 1999, and ever since, the gas price continues to increase. In 2005, the gas price was $2.05 per gallon, and $3 in 2007 and in some part of the country, the price of gasoline has reached $4 per gallon. (Johnson 1). The increase in gasoline price has led to several social effects on the American society. The objective of this paper is to investigate the social impact of the increase in the price of gasoline on American society.
Impact of Gasoline Price Increase on American Society
There are several social impacts that the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Baker Lisa. The Social Impacts of Increased Fuel Prices. Sustainable Transport Coalition Conference. 2004.
CBO.Effects of Gasoline Prices on Driving Behavior and Vehicle Markets. Congressional Budget Office (CBO) study.2008.
U.S Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009.
International Center for Technology Assessment . The Real Price of Gasoline. REPORT NO. 3. 1998.
Social Impact of Cold War & Terrorism
The Cold War is often associated with the idea of making great and physical divides between the good and the bad of the world. It was a symbolic representation that extended for about 30 years on the expectation that the greatest powers of the world could, under the right circumstances, impose a sort of benign order on the planet by isolating the evil empires and showcasing how the non-evil ones could administer their own ideas of peace, justice and liberty .
In reality, what was happening was much different. The Cold War was about engagement, not separation (Tirman, 2006). No matter that the Berlin Wall was its most powerful symbols of division, the world as a whole was learning that military might was not all that it was made out to be (U.S. History, n.d.). Together and separately, the biggest countries across the planet were…...
Diamond, L. (n.d.). Winning the new cold war on terrorism. Hoover Institute. Stanford University. Retrievable from .
Levine, D. And Levine, R. (2006). Deterrence in the Cold War and the War on Terror. National Science Foundation Grant publication. Retrievable from .
Tirman, J. (2006). The War on Terror and the Cold War: They're not the same. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The Audit of Conventional Wisdom. Retrievable from .
US History (n.d). Berlin Wall. Viewable at .
Often times, the impact of social relationships begins to emerge in childhood, thus illustrating the importance of how familial structures set the tone for mental and physical health of children as they grow into adulthood. Children set a tone at a very young age based on the health and type of familial and social structures they have around them, Whether positive or negative, these relationships can set a lasting impact that will thus influence how the child reacts to social situations later in life. If a child experiences relative social isolation, or the absence of strong familial or social ties, this may have a negative impact on both his or her immediate and long-term mental and physical health. On the other hand, children with higher levels of social integration will have much stronger self-esteem and will often have a higher resistance to physical health issues. The support these children have…...
Umberson, D., & Montez, J.K. (2010). Social relationships and health: A flashpoint for health policy. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1 suppl), S54-S66.
At the same time, these people would need to have careers that they can go into after completing such training. (Marinellini, 2008)
The challenges of high unemployment facing the auto industry are having a ripple effect upon society. As far as threats are concerned, the changes that are occurring highlight how everyone must be prepared for sudden shifts in the marketplace. Where, many once thriving communities face the possibility of becoming ghost towns. A good example of this can be seen with Flint, Michigan. This was once a thriving middle class city of hard working General Motors employees. As the company slowly lost market share, the face of the town would change from middle class to one of cautionary tale. Where, homelessness and urban blight would become increasingly common. This is because the levels of unemployment would slowly eat away at the standard of living in the community, to the…...
Gerke, P. (2007). Flint Michigan. Associated Content. Retrieved from:
Jones, J. (2010). Impact of Unemployment on Our Society. Helium. Retrieved from:
Marinellini, O. (2008). From Humans to Robots. University of Maryland. Retrieved from:
Social Aspects and Impacts of the Arts
It is generally well-agreed that the arts are valuable to society, but their exact value is often debated upon. Having a better understanding of the exact social aspects of the arts, and the precise manner in which individuals in the arts are able to benefit from such participation is absolutely essential. This is the type of research which needs to be presented to policymakers and legislators so that the arts can be treated more seriously in society and in the community as well (eeves, 2009). The benefit of creative activity, along with the ability to explore one's motivations for engaging in creative activity is absolutely necessary for a well-rounded education. This type of discovery can assist in aiding in the entire personal development process, and in the entire voyage of fostering social skills along with art activities that give an adult education approach to…...
Guetzkow, J. (2002, June). How the Arts Impact Communities. Retrieved from
Matarasso, F. (2007). The Social Impact of the Arts. Retrieved from
This is because the majority will spend several hours a day watching these images through: various movie channels and those they can download from their cable / satellite TV provider. At the same time, the music is influencing them towards anti-social activity. This is based on the fact that 9 out of 10 individuals owns an I Pod or an MP3 player.
As a result, the various statistics are indicating that this is leading to a rise in disruptive behavior. The reason why, is because they are highlighting how the underlying trends are becoming worse with the changes in technology. This is leading to more incidents of criminal activity in relation to the rest of the population. Once this occurs, it means that society will have more issues to deal with: surrounding teenagers imitating what they are seeing and hearing. This is despite the claims that are made by: the…...
Statistics on Teens. (2011). Sound Vision. Retrieved from:
Holland, B. (1999). Government Reports on Drugs. Billboard, 73 -- 76.
Neale, T. (2009). Pediatricians Fault Media Violence. ABC News. Retrieved from:
Nichols, S. (2004). America's Teenagers. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Social Impact
I have always believed that my true purpose is to have a positive impact on the world. To that end, I ascribe to the notion that philanthropy is more than just giving money. I was raised with the belief that I need to help family, friends, and the community so we can all grow together, become successful together, and ultimately, rise together. I believe that this process is how we as a society can move forward and upwards, effecting social change for the betterment of our generation and for posterity.
I am currently in charge of O&M Media, a platform I launched soon after placing as first runner-up on The Apprentice Africa, during which time I met fascinating entrepreneurs, designers, writers, and politicians on a tour across Sub-Saharan and South Africa. I started this company as a way of sharing the unique stories of all of the fascinating individuals…...
history of unions in Western Pennsylvania is strong and rich. Factors including locality and population growth made western Pennsylvania, more specifically Pittsburgh, an ideal place for various industries. Sullivan (1955) asserts that Pennsylvania was ideal because it possessed many natural resources. The state possessed wooded mountains and fertile valleys. In addition, the state provided access to huge deposits of coal and iron ore. Sullivan (1955) the author also explains that the landscape was ideal because of the two waterways, the Delaware and Chesapeake ay, which provided access to world markets for Pennsylvania's various natural products (Sullivan 1955).
'This richly-endowed colony with its heterogeneous population was destined to assume a commanding position among the English settlements in North America. Throughout the eighteenth century, its commerce and industries held a preeminent position in ritish America, and Philadelphia, its capital, was unquestionably the cultural and intellectual center of the thirteen English colonies (Sullivan…...
Bricklayers in Western Pennsylvania, (2005). Retrieved March 18, 2005 from;
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The Early Days, 2004. (2005) .
Another writer notes, "It is important to point out that the marketing/merchandising effort is not a haphazard or casual affair. Not only are licensees carefully selected, but the Disney company insists on coordinating all aspects of the design and marketing of the products" (Wasko, 2001, p. 56). Most American children grow up on a diet of Disney films, and that has continued for generations, really showing that good, high-quality films really do stand up to time and generational change. Our culture would not be the same without Disney, because he is such an integral part of growing up, going to films, and creating family films that bring generations together. It is hard to imagine a world without Disney - it would be a world a little less enchanting and magical, and a world with far fewer entertainment choices.
Disney's work has permeated our culture in other ways, too. Most families…...
Brittain-Catlin, T. (2003, June). Walt Disney and the quest for community. The Architectural Review, 213, 97.
Bryman, a. (1995). Disney and his worlds. New York: Routledge.
Jackson, K.M. (1996). Introduction Walt Disney: Its persuasive products and cultural contexts. Journal of Popular Film and Television, 24(2), 50-52.
Steiner, M. (2003). The magic kingdom: Walt Disney and the American way of life. The Historian, 65(4), 1017+.
Article Name: Health an InequalityAcritical Link: Describe the main social problem discussed in the articleThe article discusses the social problems related to health inequality, wage stagnation, and lower wealth. Here, the developed world is grappling with the nation of stagnating incomes and its impact on society overall. This has a direct impact on the health of individuals within the nation. As it relates to health inequality, experts have looked to address costs in a litany of ways. The first, and most high-profile method is through raising the minimum wage, tax breaks and more. However, event with these initiatives, income inequality remains the highest in nearly 4 decades. This is a social problem as it creates a higher likelihood of increased healthcare expenditures for middle- and lower-class citizens. From a healthcare perspective this impacts society as the social cost of higher crime will be paid by all of society in…...
They are in the process of transition from becoming children in the home to an equal partner in the world of equals. Some of the children get pleasure from the required intellectual stimulation, being productive and seeking success then they succeed in becoming competent. If they do not succeed, then they develop a sense that they are inferior. (Erikson's Eight Stages of Human Development) A similar type of development continues even in the next stage, and one of the main objectives is education at this stage. The present situation in the world is that there are a lot of disasters and there has to be more training given to students all over the world for this purpose. The method of teaching used should provide a lot of psycho-social impact as then only the students will be able to understand the need for controlling of disasters and try to take…...
Comparative Social Inclusion Policies and Citizenship in Europe" Retrieved from Accessed on 30 July, 2005
Eyre, Anne. (November, 2004) "Psychosocial aspects of recovery: Practical implications for disaster managers" The Australian Journal of Emergency Management. Vol. 19 No. 4. Retrieved at ( Accessed on 31 July, 2005$file/AJEMNovweb2-4.pdf.
Erikson's Eight Stages of Human Development" Retrieved at Accessed on 30 July, 2005 .
Functional Impact of Distraction Osteogenesis of the Midface on Expressive Language
Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia: How the Social Media Affect the E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia
Conceptual Framework Model
Social Media
Psychological Aspect and Theories
Digital Divide in Saudi Arabia
Ethos, eligious conviction, and Government in E-commerce Adoption
The ise of the P Industry in Saudi Arabia
Conceptual Model and esearch Hypothesis (Drawing)
esearch Contribution
Social Commerce in Saudi Arabia
Modern Saudi Arabia today actually represents an exceptional and convergent mixture of social conservatism and technological ability, a wonderful alteration from a remote, desert land that it was just something like 50 years ago. As social media is turning out to be increasingly prevalent in Saudi Arabia, online marketers are starting capitalizing in methods that service social media and include online customers. In Saudi Arabia Online marketers' adoption of new online marking trends is being prompted by discoveries that show individuals are spending great amounts of their time actually mixing online. Furthermore to advertising and endorsing on…...
Anderson, M. (2013). Turning "like" to "Buy" Social Media Emerges as a Commerce Channel. Booz & Company, 23-56.
Assad, S.W. (2009). The rise of consumerism in saudi arabian society. International Journal of Commerce & Management,, 73-104.
Bahaddad, A.A. (2013). Attracting customer in saudi arabia to buy from your business online. . International Journal of Business and Management, 65-81.
Brock, C. (2014). F-COMMERCE AND THE CRUCIAL ROLE OF TRUST. Online Communities and Digital Collaborations, 1-11.
Lack of rewards for individuals, unintended rewards for loafing: Having some individuals who are collectively-minded paired with workers with a 'what's in it for me' attitude can result in the more generously spirited workers' good will being relied up, while others take credit.
A five best practices
1. Create a common work culture: Friends are often less likely to 'socially loaf' on work teams (Kunishima & elte 2004).
2. Using dispersed teams with a lack of social facilitation factors can be undercut by increasing levels of difficulty and responsibility "As tasks become more difficult and participants perceive they can make a unique contribution to the task, social loafing decreases" (Kunishima & elte 2004).
3. Task uniqueness -- by ensuring members of the work teams have specifically defined roles, there is less of a chance to feel as if others can pick up the slack (Kunishima & elte 2004).
5. Punishment for loafing may be effective…...
mlaWorks Cited
Bansal, Pratima & Sonia Kandola. (2004, March/April) Corporate social responsibility: why good people behave badly in organizations. Business Journal Online. Retrieved February 10, 2009 at
Big Brother eyes 'boost honesty' (2006, June 28). BBC News. Retrieved February 10, 2009 at
Coleman, Andrew. (2001). Social loafing. The Encyclopedia of Psychology. Retrieved February 10, 2009 at
Kunishima, Jill & Kasi Welte. (2004, March) Effects of punishment threats on social loafing
Social Media and the ed Shirt evolution
Most scholars are in conflict with regard to the subject of revolution in the age of social media. Until now, revolution has been considered a top-down process. In Thai situation, things might have been different. The ed Shirt evolution in Thailand was one of the first of the "Twitter" revolutions, that is one that was fueled by social media and Web 2.0 technology. Since then, other revolutions have come as well. The lone citizen is now no longer on their own. The dissident in Chiang Mai now can commiserate with their brother or sister in Tahrir Square and plan revolution on a country to country or even on a global basis. Even as this writer types up a dissertation proposal, demonstrators coordinate strategy on a global basis to protest corporate greed. It is with this in mind that this study looks back at the…...
Bailey, M and Labovitz C (2011). Censorship and Co-option of the Internet Infrastructure. Ann Arbor,
MI: University of Michigan. p1-14.
Bajpai, K and Jaiswal, A (2011). A Framework for Analyzing Collective Action Events on Twitter.
Lisbon, Portugal: Proceedings of the 8th International ISCRAM Conference. p1-10.
Social Entrepreneurship
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for life. How could you put this principle into practice through the development of a social entrepreneurship venture?
Development of Social Entrepreneurialism
Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Inequality
Social Entrepreneurship and Food
Social entrepreneurship was introduced in the 1970s to address the issue of social sustainably and the term "social entrepreneur." This analysis will begin by providing a brief history as well as a working definition for the concept of social entrepreneurialism. It will also discuss some of the related movements that have been working towards some of the same goals, albeit, from different directions to address various challenges in society and the environment. Furthermore, a more detailed overview of the exact challenges that are present in society that social entrepreneurialism can work to address will be outlined that include environmental problems and…...
mlaWorks Cited
Abu-Saifan, S., 2012. Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 April 2016].
Ashoka, N.d.. Vision and Mission. [Online]
How you write your outline for your essay on how online learning is impacting teens depends on the structure of your essay. Most academic essays are done in the same manner, with an introductory paragraph, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The default length for a basic academic essay is five paragraphs, but the outline we are providing is for a six-paragraph essay because we think you should define online learning and explain why people are using it and then look at the educational, social, and mental impacts of online learning.
Online Learning Essay Outline: Impact on....
Certainly! Here are some essay topics on Donald Trump:
1. Analyzing Donald Trump's presidency: Successes, failures, and controversies.
2. The impact of Donald Trump's immigration policies on the United States.
3. Donald Trump's approach to foreign relations: An examination of his diplomacy strategies.
4. The role of social media in Donald Trump's political communication.
5. Investigating the economic policies and their effects during Trump's presidency.
6. Donald Trump's impact on the Republican Party: Transformation or deviation?
7. The rise of populism and its connection to Donald Trump's presidential campaign.
8. Analyzing the media's portrayal of Donald Trump's administration: Bias and influence.
9. A comparative study: Donald Trump and previous....
Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics for a thesis on affordability of housing:
1. Examining the impact of tiny house communities on housing affordability and community development
2. Analyzing the role of co-housing and co-living models in addressing affordable housing challenges
3. Investigating the potential of modular and prefabricated housing as a solution for affordable housing shortages
4. Exploring the effectiveness of community land trusts in preserving affordable housing options in gentrifying neighborhoods
5. Evaluating the intersectionality of race, class, and housing affordability in urban planning and policy-making decisions.
6. Understanding the relationship between homelessness and affordable housing strategies in cities across the....
1. The potential impact of central bank digital currencies on the future of cryptocurrency
2. The role of blockchain technology in shaping the future of cryptocurrency
3. Regulatory challenges and opportunities in the development of cryptocurrency
4. The future of cryptocurrency adoption and integration into traditional financial systems
5. The evolving relationship between cryptocurrency and privacy concerns
6. The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining and sustainable solutions for the future
7. The future of cryptocurrency in global financial markets and economic systems
8. The potential for cryptocurrency to disrupt traditional industries and create new economic opportunities
9. The role of decentralized finance (DeFi) in shaping the future of....
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